We’re so inspired by our Get Healthy U TV members, and love when we hear from them with stories about their fitness journeys. If you have a story you’d like to share about how GHUTV has helped you stay fit, healthy, and motivated to work out, be sure to reach out and let us know!
I have thank Chris Freytag for her amazing inspiration, energy and workouts. I’m 52 years old and three years ago I became a grandmother. I decided then to really work on being healthy and getting fit so I could keep up with my grandchildren. Last January 2017, I started doing your Get Healthy U TV workouts after a recommendation from my girlfriend. I’ve been pretty consistent 5 days a week and I am so happy with my results – down 10 pounds and reshaped my body! There are so many things I love about GHUTV. I love being able work out any time, anywhere… not having to worry about getting ready to go to the gym. I love that I am challenged every day and Chris and her team push me to do more! I love the support that I get from the GHUTV community! I love that I am never bored… there are so many workouts!! But, what I love most is that I see results and I feel amazing and can keep up with my 3 year old grandbaby and look my best ever at 52!!
(Your results may vary.)
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