10-Minute Breathing Meditation for Motivation
Chloe FreytagDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: No Equipment
Instructor: Chloe Freytag
Hi, my name is Chloe Freytag, and welcome to Get Healthy U TV meditations. Today we're doing a 10-minute breathing meditation for motivation. So this breath pattern that we're going to do is called Breath of Fire, you may have heard of it, you may not. Basically, it's even inhales and exhalations through the nose that will pump your belly naturally at the same time. Now, why does this create motivation?
Our core, our navel center is our body part that produces sensations of motivation, that keeps us really connected to our determination, our willpower, our strength, all of that comes from your core. You think about it in a way of working out, like that's your stability point, right? When your core is engaged, your whole body is safe. Kind of the same way energetically, when your navel is activated, you have the energy to go out and do whatever it is that you're inspired to do, you have that motivation. So this breath pattern will increase that and produce sensations of motivation in our body physically, but also energetically.
Your hands will be resting on your knees. Sit in a position that's comfortable. So if you do this cross-legged like me, that works. If you prefer to sit in a chair, anything where you can lift up nice and tall through your spine, you might even sit on a blanket or a bolster or a block, something that you can kinda elevate your hips a little bit. And before we begin, I'll teach you how this breath pattern works 'cause we'll do it in intervals.
So basically, it's kind of like just this short exhalation, you really only focus on the exhalation, the inhale kind of comes naturally, and your belly will just react and pump on its own, you don't have to think about it. So it looks something like this. You see how my belly's going in and out as I breathe there? So do your best, if this is a new breath to you, it will feel kind of weird, but just do your best to keep that inhalation and exhalation really steady, really the same, and let your belly pump. We'll do a few different intervals, so by the end of it, maybe you feel a little bit more comfortable with it than you did in the first interval, okay?
So get yourself in your comfortable seats. Go ahead and lift up the spine, open your shoulders a little so that they relax down the back. And then you have the choice to either close your eyes or just gaze softly towards the floor. Start here with long, deep breaths through your nose. So big, full inhales in.
Big, deep exhales out. Just breathe like that, a few breaths at your own pace. When we connect into our breath in this way, we start to connect in to our body more, we connect into the present moment. We get centered and ready to meditate, ready to get into that internal space, so just take a few more breaths as we prepare for our first round of Breath of Fire. And we'll take our first round for just 30 seconds.
So again, remember it's that short, little exhalation out through the nose, the belly will react on its own. Take a deep inhale into begin. Exhale out. And begin 30 seconds of Breath of Fire. Just 15 more seconds, keep that breath really steady.
And a big deep inhale in. Exhale the air out. Once more, just continue with that regular breath pattern, in and out through the nose, very slowly. Keep your eyes closed, keep your spine nice and tall. Just breathe.
Notice if you feel any sensations from that first little round of Breath of Fire. Long, deep breaths in and out through the nose. Take about three more breaths here. Big inhales, big exhales out. And inhale deeply.
Exhale the air out. We're preparing for another round of 30 seconds. Go ahead and inhale to begin. And start your Breath of Fire. You can even put your hand on your belly if you wanna feel that activation.
Do your best, if this is a new breath for you, just really focus on those exhalations. You've got 15 more seconds. And inhale deeply. Again, exhale the air all the way out. Breathing normally in and out through your nose, keep your eyes either closed or softly gazing down.
And notice how your breath maybe feels different after that interval of Breath of Fire. Maybe it feels fuller, more enjoyable, you really notice that oxygen coming in. Maybe you feel a little bit more energized. Take a few more deep breaths in and out. Take another deep inhale in.
Exhale out. Preparing for another round of 30 seconds. This will be our last 30-second round, so hopefully it's becoming more comfortable each time. Even if it's new, do your best, take an inhale to prepare. And begin 30 seconds.
Really let that navel move around as you breathe, focus just on the exhalations. You can do this slow or fast, it doesn't have to be very quick, what's important is the movement of the navel. Keep going, last 10 seconds. And inhale deeply. Exhale the air out.
Keep your eyes closed, we'll take two minutes of just long, deep breath, absorbing the effects of that powerful Breath of Fire on our body, on our minds. So just take your entire awareness into breathing nice and slow through the nose, big inhales in, big exhales out, remembering to keep your spine lifted tall, your eyes softly closed or gazing down. And just enjoy this breath in and out, enjoy these nice, big inhalations. These nice, full exhalations. Let that work we just did with our Breath of Fire sort of settle into your body, into your entire system.
And just enjoy the effects of that breath. Really make these breaths very conscious, so really focus on that inhale, make it as deep and full as you can. Really let the exhale go all the way out every time. 30 more seconds of this long, deep breath. Letting that inspiration, that motivation naturally fill your body as a result of our Breath of Fire.
And take a nice deep inhale in . Exhale the air all the way out. We're going to prepare for a full minute of Breath of Fire. So do your best here, if you need to stop in between and take a couple breaths and start again, that's totally fine, but do your best to keep as steady as you can for this full minute. If that means taking a slower Breath of Fire, that's totally fine.
Do it at a pace that's manageable for you, but let's aim to keep it active for a full minute. Take a nice inhale to start. And begin. Do your best to keep that breath going, eyes are closed. Let the navel move around and pump as you breathe.
You got 30 more seconds, you're almost there, try to keep going. Keep the breath really steady, just those exhalations, exhalations, exhalations, focusing just on that, letting the in breath come naturally. Last 10 seconds, you're almost there. And big, deep inhale. Exhale, let it all the way out.
Beautiful, once more, just stay with the eyes closed, breathe naturally, and enjoy the effects of that activation of our core, of our navel through this breath. Enjoy this energizing, motivating feeling that comes through as a result of that breath, just breathe. Let all of that integrate in. Slowly, you can to open your eyes back up, gazing forward. Thank you so much for meditating with us today at Get Healthy U TV.
Please be sure to check out all of our other meditations as well and notice that this is something that can have a really profound effect on your life, on your day, and it only takes a couple minutes, you know? It's not so long, so do join us here again some time and enjoy this motivation that you've got with you for the rest of your day. Thank you.
Yup - just what I needed today too. Barely able to exhale Breath of Fire for 15 seconds though but hopefully, it's something that improves over time.
Thank you so much for this relaxation! Just what I needed today!