10-Minute Six-Pack Abs
Shelley HawkinsDescription
This workout will have you doing 1 minute of work with 15 seconds of transition time to move to the next exercise. That is enough time to catch your breath and get in position for the next exercise. You’ll need to stay focused mentally and physically. Shelley starts with some less-traditional core moves such as standing wood chop squats and standing crunches. Shelley will then take you down to the mat for reverse curls, leg drops, and sit-up variations.
The core is made up not only of your transversus abdominis, your rectus abdominis, and your obliques (which are your twisting muscles), but also all of your back extensors. It’s important to train your core muscles in all planes of motion, and this quick 10-minute workout does that for you.
This can be used as a standalone 10-minute workout to energize your core, or you can tack this workout onto the end of a strength or cardio session too. Core strength is so important for most daily movements and super important for better posture and balance as we age.
If you are looking for other ab-focused workouts, try our 10-Minute Feel Your Core workout or add on a little extra cardio with some core with this Cardio + Core Workout!
Hey there, Get Healthy U TV squad. Welcome to six pack ab. This is a 10-minute workout. So we get in, we get out and we get it done efficiently, all right? My name is Shelley Hawkins.
I'm one of your trainers and I am ready to kick some abs today. You're going to need one or two weights. In fact,, I'm gonna use one weight most of the time, but the two weights when I'm grounding myself, that's when I'm going to use the other one. You can always just kind of hang out on the floor, your choice. We're gonna start with a quick, warm up, get straight into the workout, and then we're gonna cool it down.
Remember, as always, modify where needed slow it down where needed. Your workout your choice, all right? So let's get started. Let's take a big breath in, knees are soft, and I want you to pull your navel into your ribcage. Big breath in and out.
Give me one more big breath in and out, nicely done. Now I want you to start with just a little gentle walk. I know, I know, we're going to get that blood moving. We're going to get the blood flowing. If you're attacking this onto to another workout, obviously your heart rate is up and you are warmed up, but I want you to kind of get that blood moving, all right?
Let's go, we're going to crunch it. Right knee, left knee. Now, this is all about a crunch, all right? So often times I see this and people are kind of flailing their arms. I want you to tighten the core.
You've got four more. Pull, up and two more. Up, squat for me. Now, squat and open wide. Remember, the biggest muscle group in that core is your glutes, all right?
So you got to work at, you got to turn it on. in four, pull, three, pull, two, pull. One, hands to quads. Let's take it right left into that lunge. Now take your shoulder with you.
Feel that rotation on the spine. Keep it coming. You've got four, pull, three, squeeze, two and one. You are so ready to get going. All right, pick up the weights.
I'm going to start my timer one minute on. 15 second transition for me to show you what's going on next. And then we just keep it going, all right? So, one weight. You're going to give me a narrow squat.
You're going to lift that weight. You're going to come down and you're gonna reach for the outside of the ankles, all right? So your obliques are working. You're working that rectus abdominis. You've got the whole shebang, including, the glutes.
All right, team let's go. One minute, let's go, whoa! Pull and up, pull and up. Now your elbows are soft and I want you sitting back in the glutes, all right? So I'm going to show you from the side here.
Give me that little rotation and as you come down, we are so often inclined just to let that belly hang out. I want you to squeeze the belly and I want to make sure that your core is engaged at all times, all right? Let's go, keep it coming. Pull and push, drive it. It's not about speed.
I want the form. Outside of the ankle and up. Outside, up, pull and squeeze. Come on team. You've got 10 seconds on the clock.
Keep it going. Laterally moving, right side and left side. Go, keep it coming. three, two, one. There it is.
There it is. All right, second move. You have got a squat. You are then gonna swivel into a lunge. Extend, pull, and back to the squat.
Are you ready? Here we go. Squat, turn, push, pull. Squat, turn, push, pull. Hold, turn, push, pull.
Hold, turn, coming back to that squat. Down, turn, extend the weight. Squat, lunge, extend the weight. Shoulders back, chin off the chest, elbows soft. Come on, push, pull, down, swivel.
Push, pull, down, swivel. Push, come on, keep it coming. My legs are talking to me. That means my glutes are turned down, right? Keep it going team.
Down, turn, tuck that glute. Do not be booty popping, all right? Keep that glue tucked. Down, turn, push, pull. Down, turn, push, pull.
You got five, four, three, two, one. Out you come, nicely done. Weight extended, weight extended. Now, option one is here. Option two is here.
You're going to lift those knees and I want you to take the knees towards the elbows, all right? Two, let's go team. Pull, pull, pull, pull, pull. And it's a concentrated pull. Your option is drop the weight.
Have those arms out. Here, here, here. Second modification, bend the elbows, bring it up, bring it up, up! So you're including that lower belly, you're including the two sets. Two sets of obliques, let's go!
Pull, squeeze, hup, hup. Come on by extending that long lever. You're working into the upper abdominal wall. Keep it coming. Keep it coming.
I got ya. I got ya. Come on, hup! Crunch it with intention. Don't be flaying in the leg, all right?
Keep it coming. Go, you've got 10 seconds. Come on, hup, hup! I'm going to bend the elbows because my upper body is screaming at me. Come on four, three, two, one.
Drop the weight. All right, you're going to run the tires and you're going to chop down. You're going to run the tires and you're gonna chop down, all right? So it's one, two, three, chop and pull. Here we go.
Take it away. One, two, three, pull, push. One, two, three, pull, push. Hup, hup, hup, down, up. Hup, hup, hup, down, hup.
One, two, three, down, up. One, two, three, down. Now keep coming. Here is your modification, high knees with that cross throw down. It's the throw down, bam that I want.
As you throw down, tight in the core, tight in the core, let's go! Pull, one, two, three. Hup, one, two, three. Hup, one, two, three. Down, come on!
Drag them down by the pigtails, right? Pull them down, down. Come on, no violence. Let's think about this. Down, come on, hup, push, pull.
Hup, one, two, three. Hup, five, four, three, two, one. Nice, you're going to hit the mat. You're going to hit the mat, team. You've got butterfly knees with a pelvic tilt, all right?
So this is where I'm going to take my weight out to the side. I'm going to show you head-on. So you've got a butterfly tilt and then extension. Butterfly tilt and now I'm going to turn sidewards. So push, pull, hover.
Push, pull, hover. Push, butterfly knees. I want you working into those hip flexors. Come on, hup, lift the glutes and extend. And lift and extend.
Keep your lower back into that mat, all right? I want it glued to the mat. Come on, hup, down, push, pull. Up, down, extend. As you extend, squeeze the inner thighs.
Hup, push, pull, extend. Whoo, longest minutes in the history of minutes. Come on, hup, three, two, one. I got to grab a sip of water, team. You do the same if you wish, all right?
Our next progression, hands behind your head, sit up. We gonna sit up. We gonna extend and I'm gonna show you from the front and then I'm going to turn. So it is set up. It's an extension.
It's pull and down. Sit up, extension. Hup, yes, so as you come up, you get a fright and you pull it in. You come down, tuck your chin, squeeze, in, down, hup. In and down, hup, think star, pull it in and down.
Hup, star, come on. I hope you're looking as surprised as I am, as you come up, keep it coming. Down, hup, oh, I need a little help coming up off the floor. Hup, push, pull, down. Now, remember, I'm going to show you side on, keep going.
Your chin is tucked. You're rounded out. Rounded out, so as you come up, you're lifting, you're extending. You're pulling and you release. Let's go up, push, pull.
You've got three, two, one. Out you come, nice work. One more exercise for me. You've got this, all right? It's an eight action to a leg drop.
So, I'm going to show you right here. Hands under glutes to protect your lower back, all right? So adduct, parallel, lower, and up. Adduct, parallel, lower, and up. Now, as you lower your feet, flex them, flex them.
Keep your knees soft, push your lower back into that mat, all right? I don't want any arching. There should be no sunlight coming underneath that back, all right? Keep that core ignited. Come on, open, adductor, abductor.
Go, pull, push. You need a little more, you can always use a booty band for this as well, right? Come on, team, hup! Open, close, lower, up. I feel those abs.
I feel those abs and they are not happy with me. Come on, push and pull. Try not to use momentum, all right? Lower, and pull. I so often see momentum used in a group fitness class or a workout.
And really, if you use the momentum, you need to start that again, all right? Three, two, one, nicely done. And that my friend is the core. Let's stretch it out real quick, all right? Seated, looking at your computer, at your phone, whichever one you're looking at, at the moment.
Let me just stop this. We're going to sit on our sits bones, shoulders are back. I'm going to ask you for a nice rotation, we can make it the right shoulder. So drive your right hand into the floor so you've got a nice long spine kinetic chain. Keep it here.
Nice, whoo, and switch sides for me. Rotate, on your sits bones. Remember, you're not here. You're not here. I want you up on those sits bones, nice long lever and rotate.
Drive your left hand into the floor or your mat and push yourself out of your hips. Hold it there for me, nicely done. All right, I'm going to swing it around. We're going to go into reverse tabletop. Take your hands, fingertips are facing your glutes.
Heels heavy, you're going to drive the glutes up and you're just gonna let your head fall, all right? Elbows are slightly softened. So there's not a lockout in the elbows. And you're holding. Holding, four, three, two, one.
Drop the glutes. One more time. Come back to the front. I'm going to ask you just to put your hands onto your quads or your knees, drop your chin and bring it back. One more time.
Round it out and bring it back. And that my friends, is your 10-minutes six pack ab workout. Thank you so much, have a great one.
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