10-Minute Abs and Glutes Workout
Lindsey BomgrenDescription
Each move in this abs and glutes workout is specific and targeted. Plus, you don’t need any special equipment. The entire workout is built around using your own bodyweight as the tool. Things like butt lifts, side crunches, single leg glute bridge and, best of all, the “hollow rock”, are part of a well-rounded and challenging workout that will leave you sweating and feeling amazing! Plus, it’s only 10 minutes! Just one of many more 10-minute workouts. Only 10 minutes? That leaves you time to check out this awesome butt and thigh workout too!
Finding time in a busy day for an hour workout or a trip to the gym is getting harder all the time. This amazing abs and glutes workout can all be done right there in your own home before work, on your lunch break at work, or maybe after a long day to add a little energy boost for the evening. It doesn’t take tons of time out of your schedule to get fit and strong. These 10 minutes are used to the max. You’ll discover that targeting specific muscles for short periods of time is exactly what you need.
There’s always a lot of chatter about creating a stronger core. Most people mistakenly think this is just your abdominals. It’s important to understand that your glutes and abs work TOGETHER as a strong core unit. This workout targets it all. For more on the core take the challenge of our ultimate abs calendar and see the results. So join us and get strong!
Hi, Get Healthy UTV. Welcome to 10 minute butt and abs. I'm Lindsay Bomgren, Get Healthy UTV trainer. And I'm going to walk you through this 10 minute butt and abs workout. Let's get started with a quick warmup.
We're gonna go ahead, start standing on your left leg, step your right leg back. You're going to lunge, drive forward, open the hip. Lunge, drive forward, open the hip. So good glutes and hips. We're going to get into our glutes today.
That's our butt. And then we're going to add some abs. Give me two more right here. Last one. Step at center, toy soldier.
So opposite hand, opposite toe front kick. You're really engaging the low abs here. Tap and tap. Feel those low abs. Ooh.
With each crunch. Give me an exhale. Give me four, three, you got it, two and one. Switching legs. This time, right leg forward, left leg goes back.
Give me that reverse lunge, lift up. Find that balance. Open, step it back. Drive it up. Open.
Step back. Whew. Balance gets tricky on this one. If you need to find a countertop a chair, I encourage you to do so. Two more right here.
Up open. One more right here. Up open. Nice, now you're gonna step to the back of your mat. You're going to hinge forward.
Open up those glutes and hamstrings walk right out to a high plank. Hold here, walk it back in warming up our core, our shoulders, hamstrings and glutes. Yes, right here. Go ahead and give me one more just like that. You're going to finish our warm up right here.
Hold your plank. Hold your plank and give me those slow knee drives. Hold that knee towards the chest. Squeeze that belly. Give me four, three, two, one.
All right. That's your warmup. Let's jump in, butt and abs! Let's do it together. 10 minutes.
How it's going to work? 30 seconds per move. 30 seconds on the butt, 30 seconds on the abs, moving on, repeat it. You got four circuits total. Okay.
Let's go ahead. Start standing on that left leg again. Right leg steps back. Find your lunge. I'm going to face this way so you can actually see me.
Okay. So we're going to go with this: lunge, reverse lift, lunge, tap in. Lunge, lift and squeeze lunge, tap. Lunge, squeeze, lunge , tap. Just like that.
30 seconds. Nice work. Keep going. You got it. So it's a lunge for that front glute, back glute, back to the front glute.
You got five, four, three, two, one. Take it right down to the mat. Find your plank position. Three count mountain climbers. Drive two, three and hold.
Drive two, three, and hold. Hold. Push, push, hold. 30 seconds per move. You got it.
Yes, you can. Drive, drive, hold. Drive, drive, hold. Stay with me. Come one.
10 seconds left right here. Yes, you can. Drive, drive. Feel those abs. Core is tight.
Five, four, three, two one. Nice work. You're going to stay right here on the mat. You're going to go into a bear position. So tabletop first and then go ahead, send one leg back right here.
You're just going to lift, tap, lift using those glutes to lift that rear leg. You want to intensify this? The knee that's on the ground, comes to a hover tabletop. Whew. You're going to feel your quads turn on.
Yes. Oh my goodness. Holy bananas. Yes, you can. Now you can always take it back down to the tabletop.
Yes, you can. Squeeze that glute. You're here for four, three, two, one. Roll it right over. Find a side plank.
You can stay here, you can always drop to the forearm right here. You're gonna crunch, float, crunch, float, crunch inside knee stays on the ground. Nice. Crunch, reach. Obliques, glutes obliques, glutes Think about those two muscles.
That's what we're working. Butt and abs. Push. In Out You got it. Five, four, three, two, one.
Nice work, roll right back over. Find that tabletop position. Fire hydrant kick. So right here, lift up fire hydrant. Kick out.
Bring it in. Lift and kick. Right here you're driving through the heel. Yes, drive through the heel. You're going to feel your glutes.
Yes. You're going to feel your oblique. You're getting a bonus move right here. Abs and butt, all in one. Whew!
30 seconds. Yes, you can. Nice work. Kick, drive through that heel. You're going to hold it high in four, three, two, hold it here.
Flex that foot. Tiny shift forward and back, forward and back. Holy bananas. Yes. Your glute should be so fired up right now.
You're going to feel this in the leg that's on the ground too. And as you pull that toe towards your face, you're going to feel all of these abs. Ooh, they turn on. Yes, I know I feel it and I hope you do too. Five, four, three, two, one.
Awesome job. Go over to your back. You get to go to your back, finally. Hollow rock. Nice full extension right here.
And you lift your neck and shoulders up, hold here. Okay. Squeeze that core set around you. Option A: you stay right here. Option B: lift those legs up too.
Whew! Now it's all engaged. You're holding here. Yes. 30 seconds.
You can stay right here or add a little shift forward, back, forward. Ooh. Rocking hollow rock, yes. One of my favorites, man, you should feel that core. Push that low back into the mat.
Keep breathing. Use your breath to lift you up for five, four, three, two, one. Finally. Get a lay on that back. This should feel good.
All right. Send one leg into the air. You can point the toe. You can flex the foot. Single leg glute bridge right here.
Nice. Hover, lift. If this is too much intensity, put both legs on the ground. Standard glute bridge right here. Squeezing those glutes at the top.
Low back, glutes, hamstrings, all engaged option single leg or double leg. This is how we finish it off. And we repeat it. Five, four, three, two, one. Nice work.
Bring yourself up to a standing position. And we repeated other side. So switch up both legs. Give me a lunge, a rear lift, a lunge, tap in. 30 seconds right here, other side.
So you're gonna perform this entire sequence on the other side. Nice. Right here. Front glute, back glute, back to that front glute. You're hitting them all.
Yeah. Squeeze. Again, you need balance right here. No shame in grabbing a chair, grabbing a countertop. You're still working, yes.
Five, four, three, two. Take it down. Find your plank. Three count mountain climbers. One, two, three and hold.
One, two, three and hold. switch, switch, hold, switch, switch, hold. My gaze is in front of me. Straight line from head to toe, using low abs to pull those knees in. Come on.
Nice. Give me four, you got it, three, stay with it, two, last one. Drop it down. Whew! Okay.
All right. We're going to switch legs. So I'm going to switch sides so you can still see me. Okay. Back leg should straight back, lift, and squeeze.
Lift, rear glutes right here. You know what I showed you before you want to intensify it. Tuck the toe of that front leg. Holy bananas, does that really intensify things. Yes.
Squeeze. You're going to feel that front quad a fire up, that front glutes fire up, those shoulders fire up. Now you can always take it back to tabletop. You got five, four, three, two, one. Roll it over.
Find that modified plank right here. You're going to pull, push, pull, push, oblique crunches. 30 seconds and bonus round, you get glutes in there too. Keep that leg lifted nice and high the entire time. Pull, push.
Abs, butt, abs, butt. You're working it, yes. You're going to feel this in the glute of that standing leg too, yeah. In, out Come on five yes, four finish, three, you got it, two, and one. Roll it back over.
Fire hydrant kicks, other side. I'm staying right here. Lift and kick. Lift and kick. Kicking that heel straight at me.
Kick that heel right towards me. You got it. Lift and kick. Use those glutes, drive through the leg. It's normal to feel this in the leg that's on the ground as well.
Cause you already worked that glute. It's fatigued. So you're going to feel it. Come on, stay with me for four, three, two, last one. Hold it high, hold it here.
Just hold and squeeze. Tiny shift forward and back. Holy bananas. Glutes on fire. Feel those abs right here.
Ahh! Can't find my balance. Yes, I know. I feel it. Yes you can.
Keep that foot flexed. Tiny shift forward back. Give me five, you're almost done four, hang with me three, yes, you can, two, and one. Oh, shake it out. Shake, shake, shake.
You're going to feel that in that booty yes. Okay. Last move. Roll it over. Hallow rock.
You're on your back. Lift your neck and shoulders up. Hold here. Option: add those legs. Hold here.
Just hold for 30 seconds. Or add your rock. Hollow rock with a rock. Whew! Sit it back.
Reach forward. Chin stays off the chest. Use your breath. Exhale on the lift. Push.
Yes. This and glute bridge and then you're done. Five, four, three, two, one. Laying flat on your back, option to send the opposite leg long, lift and bridge. Lift, hover.
Squeeze the glutes again. You know the drill. You can always have two feet on the ground or finish it right here. Single leg. You got it.
Last move together. I know you can do it. Stay with me. Don't quit yet. We're in it together.
Give me five yes, four, feel that booty, three, and two, and one. You're done. Hold those knees in, roll that low backside, decide that you feel good yes. Roll yourself up to a seated position. We're going to stay right here.
Cross one leg over, one leg under, one leg over, Slightly pull that knee towards your chest. This is going to feel so good for that big outer glute that we just worked. Yes. Switch it out. Other side.
Awesome job, you guys! Butt and abs 10 minutes, that's solid. That, I felt that booty burn and I hope you did too. And I hope you come back and join us for more, Get Healthy UTD workouts. Thanks for joining me.
Have a great day.
So I am hanging out in a park waiting for some people. Decided to make good use of my time and pressed play on this. How fun!!! Thank you!
Wow! Such a great workout. Lindsay is an excellent instructor - possibly my favourite! Her calling is clear and her movements are precise and great to follow. Love it! Thank you
Did the Cardio + Core Burner and decided to add this. So glad I did!