10-Minute Back, Bicep, Tricep Workout 2
Lindsey BomgrenDescription
Trainer Lindsey Bomgren leads you through this workout with her killer smile and killer energy. Grab a set of weights or two and a stability ball and get ready to work. Right off the bat she will take you through some supersets. That means you will take one muscle group and perform two exercises for that same group. This gets all the different angles of each muscle and works them to fatigue! Starting with your back you do a double arm row followed immediately by a single arm row. Then you’ll move on to work two bicep exercises in a row and two tricep exercises in a row. By this point you will notice the fatigue setting in!
Next up, grab your stability ball and be ready to work your weights with the ball. Of course, if for any reason you don’t want to use the stability ball or do not own one, you can perform the moves on the floor just as well. Strengthening your upper body muscles if important for your overall strength, your posture and your everyday living. Keep working and keep getting strong! If you love this back, bicep, tricep workout you will also love our Gold Live Split Training Day 1. Grab some dumbbells and check that one out on your next try!
Hi, I'm Lindsey Bomgren, Get Healthy U TV trainer, here with a 10 minute back, bicep, and tricep workout. We are going to hit all three of those muscle groups in the upper body in just 10 minutes. All you need is a set of dumbbells. I have two sets with me here, 10 pounds and 8 pounds. I also have a stability ball, as we're going to do a burnout finisher.
Now you can always do that from the ground. You don't need a stability ball. It just makes getting to the ground a little bit easier for me with my belly. So let's get started with a warmup, a brief warm up here. We're going to start feet shoulder width distance apart.
Reach up nice and tall. Give me a baby back bend. Squeeze the glutes, open the chest, the shoulders. squeeze down through those lats. Reach up tall, right wrist grabs left, up and over, side body stretch.
It's going to open up those laterals, that back, back to center. Switch it out, up and over, other side. Nice, drop those arms and just flap your wings. Give yourself a couple hugs. Get that blood pumping through that upper body, and give me a little step touch, step to the side, step to the side.
We're going to step it, and you're going to pull it, and you're going to pull it. You're gonna squeeze that back. Step side to side, squeeze through the back. Just pull and pull. Start to raise that heart rate a little bit.
Get moving. You got eight, seven, six, five, four three, two, oh, one. Reach up tall, pedal back for four, three, two, to front pedal forward for four, three, two, one, one final flap of the wings, right here, and you are done with your warmup. We are going to jump in, and we are going to hit back, biceps, triceps, two moves per body part. And actually you're going to do three, because you're going to alternate sides on that last move.
So I'm going to start heavy with my 10 pound dumbbells, starting on back. That's where we start, okay? I'm going to take a staggered stance. I have my right foot forward, left foot slightly back. You can always do this parallel.
This just helps even out the weight for my low back. And we're gonna do a reverse grip row. So I'm hinged over, pull my belly tight, palms face me, and you're going to pull elbows high to the sky and down, high to the sky back towards my hips, down. Pull, hold for a second, lower down. Exhale.
Inhale down, we're focusing on the back. We're getting into the back right away. That's our first muscle group right here, up and down. Nice, flat back, tight core, holding at the top for a second, controlling the weights up and controlling them down. This is strength, we're digging in.
Go heavy if you can. Another tip, you want to challenge yourself. Don't let those dumbbells tap at the bottom because that takes away a little bit of tension when you tap them. And set up, phew, keep tension on that back. Up.
Keep tension on that back. You got it, give me four. Nice work. Three. Awesome job, two, and one.
Now you can double up your dumbbells here, or go to single. I'm gonna go down to one. You can always double them up if you want more weight, or grab a heavier dumbbell. I'm keeping that right foot forward, left foot back, single arm row. Row.
right here. Pull high to the sky, back towards your hip. Keeping that belly nice and tight. It's easy to let it drop when you're in this single row position. Row.
Again, just pulling straight up. This is a good opportunity if you can, grab a heavier dumbbell, go a little heavier 'cause you're going to a single side, right? Focusing all on that left arm. Hup! You got it.
Nice, right here. Give me four. Nice work. Three, two, and one. You're gonna switch sides.
I'm gonna switch that staggered stance, single arm row, other side. Let's go, pull right here. Pull, elbow high to the sky, back towards the hip. Nice work down and up. You got it.
Use that breath. Exhale, pull high, down low. Hup! Nice. Digging into that back, two back exercises back to back, literally back to back right here.
You got four more. Come on, four. Then we're onto biceps in three. Stay with it, two, and one. Grab that other heavy dumbbell, onto bicep.
Stand up tall, shoulders down and back right here. We're going to do a standard curl with a hammer curl. Soft bend in my knees. Core is tight, palms face me, for the standard curl. Standard curl, down.
Flip your grip. Hammer curl down, palms up, palms in. So it's a standard and a hammer curl, palms up. Palms in. You're hitting different heads of the bicep, bicep, two headed muscle group.
So I hit a different head with a standard curl, hup, and a little bit of a different angle with the hammer curl. It's a good mix. Standard curl, hammer curl. Keep a nice soft bend in those knees. Core stays tight.
Control those weights. Up, and down. You got it. Curl, and curl, four more total. Let's go.
Four. Come on, three. You got it. Two, and one. Hold those arms halfway, palms are up.
Half curls. Alternating drops, right arm drops, center, left arm drops, center, all the way down, halfway up, down, halfway up. There's constant tension on that one bicep that's staying halfway, constant tension. You should feel those biceps. Do you feel them?
I know I do. If you don't, grab heavier dumbbells. Come on, right here. You got four. Then we're gonna switch directions.
Three. Yes you can. Two, and switch directions. All the way up, halfway down. All the way up, halfway down.
Again, getting those different angles of that bicep, working it to fatigue to exhaust it. Yes you can, you can exhaust those muscle groups in 10 minutes, I promise. That's what we're doing right here. Breaking it down, back, biceps and triceps. I know I feel my biceps.
Get those elbows off that body, all the way up, halfway down. You got four, stay with me, three. Yes you can, two, and one. Nice work. Set it down, shake it out.
I'm moving to my eight pound dumbbells for the triceps. I'm gonna to go back to that staggered stance again, to take that weight, even it up, and we're going overhead. I got both weights put together. You can always do this with one dumbbell, behind the head, push, down and up. Think hide them, show them.
So if I was looking at a mirror, I'd be hiding the dumbbells behind my head. Then showing them. hide them, then show them. Down and up. You got it.
Use that breath. Let's go. All the way down, all the way up, down and up. Stay with me. Yes, you can.
Right here. You got five. Come on. Four. You're almost there.
Three, and two, and one. You're going to drop down to one dumbbell, doing a single arm kickback. Keep the dumbbell in my left hand. Right foot forward, staggard stance, elbow high to the sky, shoulder back right here. Kick out and in.
It's a single arm kickback, so maybe you can go a little bit heavier than you normally do on kickbacks, because you're just isolating that one arm. Right here. Nice. Kick it back. Just isolating this one arm.
And we're gonna isolate the other side, and then I got a finisher for you. Give me five. You got it. Four. Do you feel those triceps?
Three, two, and one. Gonna switch sides. Other side, so stagger that stance again. Soft bended knee, shoulder down and back. Elbow high to the sky, hold it there.
Just kick out and in so that my elbow stays in that same spot. It just bends, extends. Kick out to the hip, straight back to the hip. Feeling those triceps. They are on fire.
You're going to finish this strong. Yes. Nice work. You got five. Let's go, five.
Come on. Four, finish. Three Woo! Two, and one. Nice work.
That dumbbell goes down. You're gonna pick up your 10 pounds again. That's what I'm going for. Now I'm bringing my stability ball in for the finisher. This is our big finish, okay?
We're going to do 10 overhead pulls for our back. 10 skull crushers for our triceps, 10 seated bicep curls. So I'm rolling out onto my stability ball, neck and shoulders are on the ball. Now you could always do this from the ground. My hips are lifted and engaged right here.
My arms are fully extended, soft bend. I'm gonna take both weights and I'm going to send them overhead and pull up. That's one. We got 10. Kay?
This is for my laterals. That's two, that's my back. So this is my back right here. Three, a different angle. We don't often work that lateral flexion, four, in group fitness.
So this is a great way to get that lateral flexion outside of pull-ups. Nice work, that's five, we're halfway. Come on. Five. You got four more, four more.
Come on. Four, stay with it. Using that strong back. Pull those arms straight up. Three.
You got it. Come on, stay with me. Two. Last one right here. Last one.
Down, and up. Now you're going to take those weights. Split them apart, tricep skull crushers, then extend. That's 10 total. Two.
Let's go. Three, you're finishing this workout strong. Come on, four, burning it out. 10 of each. Five.
Woo, stay with me. Six, come on, you're almost there. Final four. Finish strong. Three, and two.
Last one, last one. Kick it up, nice. You're going to come up to a seated position on the ball. Or you can do this from your knees or from a standing position. So I'm going to stay seated on the ball.
You could always do this standing or on your knees on the ground. Finishing with curls, right here, 10 curls. All the way up, all the way down. Come on, that's two, let's go. Three, you're finishing this 10 minute workout.
This is it. Four. Woo! Five, keep those elbows off that body. Six, use that breath to pull them up.
Come on last four, three, nice work. Two, and one. You are done with this 10 minute upper body workout, hitting our back, biceps, and triceps. Set that stability ball off to the side, and give yourself a couple, a couple of those big flaps again, shake it out. Hope you felt that in the back, the biceps, and the triceps.
Right? Give me that big inhale. Reach up again. And this time, right wrist grabs left, up and over, right side body stretch. Open up those laterals you hit with those overhead pulls, back to center, switch it out, other side.
Big overhead stretch. Here's where you go into that baby back bend again. Open up the chest, the shoulders, squeeze through that back. Ooh, that feels good. Drop those arms.
Flap them out. Awesome job. Thanks so much for joining me for this 10 minute back, bicep, and tricep strength workout. Hope you come back and do it again. Grab some heavier dumbbells next time and challenge yourself.
Have a great day.
Play Video 10-Minute Back, Bicep, Tricep Workout 2 - I am going to try this one for my back.
That felt great! Good to do a little something different.
Wow, that made me really feel 55. This will be a regular daily for me until I can advance. :)