10-Minute Barre Workout
Shannon TietzDescription
Level: All levels
Equipment: light dumbbells, mat
Instructor: Shannon Tietz
Hey, hey, get healthy U TV. My name is Shannon and I am taking you through a 10 minute bar workout today. If you're brand new to bar, this is a great way to experience it. It gives you a little bit of a taste and then you can go back into our videos and find those longer workouts where they're 45 minutes. So that means that we're going to use really, really lightweights for this.
I've got a couple of towels that are going to go on my feet. You could also use gliding disks. If you have those, we will end up laying down on a mat, but we're also going to be doing a wall set as well. Ok. So this is 10 minutes real quick.
We're going to do a warm up and then we'll start out with those weights and get going. Ok. I am barefoot. It's up to you how you want to be, but we are going to do this barefoot here. All right, here we go.
Let's take a deep breath in and up, exhale out again, deep breath in and up nicely. A squat every time. Two more like that. Deep breath, exhale one more. Deep breath, exhale.
Perfect. I'm just gonna have you sit squat in that plea and bring those arms forward and open forward and open chest is up nice and tall. Your spine is long. You've got eight and 76 Reach those arms all the way up. I'm gonna have you tilt your body to the right side.
Nice side stretch here through your side body. Beautiful. Come up back up, center for me and we're going to the left, nice side body stretch there. Beautiful. Come back up, center.
Now we're going to make a big circle. I'm gonna have you pivot over to your right. You're going to drop your whole body down all the way around, come back up and now we're going to go the other direction all the way down and around. Let's repeat it on the right, all the way down and around again. On the left.
We're going to do one more each way. This is just a quick little warm up. Probably an add on. Work out here for you anyways. All the way up.
Good right here. Bring your chest down, center for me. Round your spine up again, just down, round it up one more, just down and rounded up. Beautiful. All right, I'm going to have you pick up your light dumbbells here and I'm going to take both my towels back.
I've got my feces right on top of them and I'm going to start out with a bicep curl here. I'm making a circle here with my dumbbells here. Nice little circle just saying hello. Just like that. We've got eight of them right here.
87 six. We're gonna be pushing our dumbbells straight back behind us. All right. In 32. I'm gonna have you take your left leg and push back right along with your dumbbells.
I want your fingertips facing that wall behind you. Or straightening back up your bicep curl. Let's make that circle. Hello. There it is.
Nice. Smile with it again. Four more right here. Then we're gonna take your right leg back. 32 and we're pressing back your right leg is going back right along with your dumbbells.
Keep going five more. 5432, straighten up. We've got four curls right here. Circle them around four, three, two, left leg back, straight arms back with it 432 and bring it up circle again for me. Press it back.
43. We've got two reps now. Two and two. Let's do it two. Kick it back to switch around biceps, kick it back one more time.
Two and two for me. All right, your chest is up tall. Last one here and press back. Beautiful. We're going to go into a hinge forward.
I'm going to turn to the side. I'm gonna have you hinge forward, curl your biceps up, serve it straight ahead. Come on back and down. Now I want you to row kick back, come out of that row and down. Flip your arms curl, serve it back in and down.
Turn those fingertips in row kick back and down. Turn those hands curl, serve back in. Down, flip those hands row kick back in and down. Turn it, oops curl, sorry and there and down, turn them row kick back and down. Flip it again.
Curl serve in and down. Flip it. You got it. We're going for two more reps. Curl serve in down row kick back in downward curling again.
Curl in and down. Flip it back in and down. Beautiful. All right. Turn to the front.
Let's face each other again and say hello again. We're going into a wide clear squat. I've got my palms up and I'm going to punch my arms up and down just like that. We're just going to keep moving while staying in this low squat. Ok.
I know this is bar, right? And we're punching it. We're punching it out in bar. That's ok though. Keep it going.
Now on this next one when we come down right here, let's stay low. Stay low right here. 432, chest up bicep curl, bicep curl. Now we're gonna take these full range of motion three to stop at halfway right here. Now, every time you lower your dumb bells down from that half rep.
I want you to lift your heels up. Look at, we're saying in this wide Sumo squat, right. We got a lot happening right now and you're doing great. Four more. 432.
Let's punch it out again. Remember this up, 234 and down 234. Back up 234 and down by curl full range of motion, full range of motion. Beautiful two more. Hold it halfway for me right here.
Halfway every time you lower them, lift your heels up. Every time I lower those D bells, I'm lifting my heels. You got it. Come on. 876 5432.
Punch it out one more time for me. Ok. Punch it up 234 and down 234. Back up 234 down to bicep curl. There it is.
There it is two more. We're holding it right in the middle. You already know what's happening. We lower those weights down every time I lift my heels. When I lower.
Come on, you got it almost there. 5432 and one. Beautiful. You should feel that burn in your abductors. That's your inner thighs there.
Plus your biceps are getting a little pump. Right. All right. We're going to hinge again. All right, I'm gonna have you hinge.
I'm turning to the side again for you. I've got completely straight arms. My pinkies are going straight back behind me, straight back just like this. A nice controlled movement. My abs are engaged.
My spine is long two more. There it is excellent. Lift those elbows up. I'm gonna kick left right. Squeeze, squeeze.
Bring it back in and down. Ok. Bring it up. Kick back, squeeze two times. Bring it in and let's take them both down.
Bring them up. Kick back left. Right. Squeeze. Squeeze.
Bring him in. Bring them in back down, back up, kick back, back, squeeze, squeeze back back, bring them both down. Take them back up one at a time. The left right. Squeeze, squeeze.
Bring it in. Bring it in down again. One more time. Back back. Squeeze.
Squeeze in, in and down. Straight your body up. OK? We're gonna go to the wall. We're going to go to that wall set that I said right at the beginning.
OK. So when we start this wall set, I've got my towels with me. I'm gonna set up, set you up. So my pizzas are on the towels. OK?
We're gonna start out in a regular wall suit. So get yourself down. All right. Get yourself down. So that you're in a full wall set.
Raise your dumbbells up, out, in and down, up, out, in and down. So this is the movement. We're going to continue with your arms. We're going to continue this. All right.
And we're gonna come up a little bit higher out of this wall, sit in two more reps. So that we can add our legs right in with this one more. That's tough on those legs right now. Right. Shift it up just a tiny bit.
Now, I'm gonna take my left leg and it's gonna go forward, out, forward, down, just my left leg forward and down, again, forward, out and down, again, forward, out one more. Then we switch around right to the other side. You can do it. Remember we're in a quarter wall. Sit here, it goes right into it, up, out, in and down, forward, out in, down.
You've got it forward, out in, down again. You've got it. I know there's so much pressure, but remember you can come up out of that wall. So, just slightly two more. One more.
Yes. Excellent. Great job athletes. All right. Come on back.
We're gonna lay this mat down. We're gonna be finishing up down here on the floor. Ok? You'll still need your towels. You'll still need those lightweights.
I'm gonna have one towel on each side of me and as well as one wet, they're gonna park them right there. Ok. So we're gonna think about swimming or going right through wet cement or some thick mud. Ok? I'm gonna have you tuck your knees into your chest, tap your toes and back to the floor.
So every time I tuck my knees in, I'm gonna push down on my dumbbells so that I trigger my lats, that's your back. I trigger those laps. To fire as well as my triceps, the back of my shoulders. And now I've got my core involved as I tuck my knees in. Really focus on pushing down on those weights as you move through that mud.
Come on, push them down five more right here. Five and for push down three, two and one. Beautiful bend those elbows, bend those legs. I want you to tuck everything in and put it back, tuck it in, put it back again, tuck in, put it back, tuck in. Put it back.
We're gonna do eight more and seven. Come on, you can do it. Let's go. Team six, five, four, three. We got two more and we're going to stretch it out real quick and one.
Yes, that's it. Stretch it out. Nice and tall. Reach with your finger tips, reach with those toesies. Nice long spine.
10 minutes of bar. Bring one leg in at a time. I've got my right leg coming in first. Go ahead and rotate that ankle out. Nice and switch.
Take that other leg, rotate that ankle out and bring both knees in. I'm going to have you rock yourself all the way up to a seated position and cross those legs. Take it over to your left side. Nice big side body stretch and to your right. And this, my friends was 10 minutes of bar.
My name is Shannon and I hope to see you all again soon. Great job.
nice! quick and effective. thank you!