10-Minute Bicep, Tricep, and Shoulder Workout
Chris FreytagDescription
If you’ve been trying your best to figure out how to lose arm fat and aren’t getting anywhere, let Chris Freytag lead you through this basic bicep, tricep and shoulder workout. These are tried-and-true strength training moves that actually work! Cremes and lotions will not get rid of those crepey, saggy arms! And simply losing weight is not going to do it either. You need to strength train! Building the muscle below the skin is going to shape, tone and strengthen your arms and shoulders making them not only stronger, but super shapely! Don’t underestimate what a 10-Minute Upper Body Workout can do to help strengthen and tone those arms; especially this one!
Grab a couple sets of dumbbells and join Chris as she takes you through 12 repetitions of each exercise. You’ll move from one to another without stopping and you’ll cover the entire upper body using moves like an overhead press, tricep push-ups, shoulder T, rear delt fly and hammer curls. See if you can challenge yourself to use heavier dumbbells for this workout. This isn’t a fast, furious workout. This bicep, tricep and shoulder workout is designed to build the muscles in your arms and make you stronger. Not sure if you have enough weight? Finish your 12 repetitions and if you don’t feel fatigue that means you need heavier weights. Don’t be afraid! You are not going to bulk up! You are going to tone and shape! When you are done, we have more 10-minute workouts for you to try. For the days you have extra time you can pair a few up!
Welcome to get healthy UTV. I am Chris Freytag and I am so happy to be here with your shoulders, bicep, tricep workout. Now this workout maybe is great to add on at the end of a cardio workout, and you just wanna get a quick 10 minute upper body workout, or maybe you did one of our circuit workouts, where you used your whole body but you still want that extra upper body, I've got it for you today. Shoulders, thighs and traps. Now ladies, as you get older, and you complain about crepey skin, let me tell you, you can rub cream on all day long, but you got to start lifting some weights.
You want to get, you know, some sculpted arms, you want to feel stronger with your everyday movements, you gotta do a little extra. So today I'm gonna go a little heavier. We're gonna do four shoulder exercises, okay? Where the bi's and tri's will be helpers. Then we do two bicep to tricep, we're gonna repeat it once.
So stay with me team. Here we go. Ready? Big deep breath up. We'll just do a one minute warmup.
Again I talk all the time, about how warmups are about mobility. Mobility is about the joints. It's mobilizing those joints, getting some fluid, moving in your joints, to stay healthy. And when your joints are healthy, then you can work on those muscles. Right there.
They say that range of motion, is the fountain of youth. When you can move with big range of motion, you feel better. This is for your shoulders ball and socket joint, reverse circle right here. And then you're gonna take it the other direction, internal rotation. This way.
So we're just lubricating those shoulder joints right there. After all this is a shoulder bi and tri workout. And then we'll just flap our wings right here. Beautiful. I love it.
Let's just punch our arms out to the side right there. We're getting the upper body ready to move. Get some blood pumping, joints moving three, two, and that's ready now, okay. We're starting with overhead presses. Now.
I want you to go heavy. I'm grabbing 15. So you tell me what works for you. We're doing 12 repetitions of each exercise. You're gonna take those weights, and rack them up at the shoulders.
Keep your shoulders, away from your ears. Do not use your neck, or your traps. Are you ready? I'm staggering my stance, slightly soften your knees, and keep your abs tight, so you do not overarch your low back. One, two, press them up there.
Breathe each time. Five, come on, breathe. Seven, eight, are you with me? Nine, 10, We're doing a dozen of each one. 12, now if you feel zero fatigue, then that is your cue, to go a little heavier.
We're moving to lat raises, I'm dropping to my twelves. Lat raises are like you're taking two pitches of water, dumping them out, and then squeezing an orange, under your armpit. Very weird visual. I know. Here we go.
And one, two, do not use your neck. Three, four, Abs are tight, don't arch your back. Five, breathe each time. Six, come on baby, seven, you should start to feel some muscle fatigue. Eight, nine, 10, come on.
11, Fabulous. Moving to shoulder tease. We're gonna use, our front and back shoulder. Your shoulder has three heads. Media head, which is right here, the top of the shoulder, the deltoid, medial deltoid.
Then you have your anterior deltoid front shoulder, and posterior deltoid. The back. We're gonna do our shoulder tease. working all three heads. Here we go.
Breathe, up, out and down. That's one. Up, out, and down slow. That's two. Up, out, and down.
I've dropped to eight pounders, cause this gets harder for me, to keep from using my neck. This is five. Are you breathing? Six, It gets a little harder. Seven.
I'm starting to feel that muscle fatigue. Eight trying not to engage my traps. Nine, Oh baby. 10, should be getting more difficult. 11, last one, you got this, and, breathe.
Awesome. Now fatigue is starting to set in for me. Like I said to you, if you feel nothing, that means you can go heavier. Rear delts. We're gonna now focus more on the back of the shoulder.
This movement is front shoulder. We're gonna flap our wings, and engage our posterior deltoid. We don't use it that much during the day, and so it's a really good to strengthen it, so you don't end up with poor posture, but you can keep your body upright. Now I'm gonna stagger my stance. One foot forward to protect my low back abs are tight.
Pinch over from your hips. I'm staying with my eight pounders for this, and I'm gonna flap my wings to the side and back. So what I don't want you to do, is this, are you ready? That was one for me. Two, three, four, Five.
Now if you're going slower than me, that is fine. Six, try not to go faster, I want you to use heavier weights. Seven, eight, come on team. Nine, 10, 11, and 12. We're moving into our bicep curls.
Now I'm gonna go back to heavy. Your biceps can handle it. 12 bicep curls, Palm space in, here we go. One, slow on the way down. Two, slow on the way down.
Three, don't swing from your upper body, don't swing your elbows. Was that four? you got it. Five, slow on the lower, because that's the eccentric part of the muscle where you're lengthening it, you'll get more for your money. All right, that's six maybe, seven, I'm not a very good counter and talker, eight, come on biceps.
Nine, come on, 10, 11, are you going heavy enough where you feel fatigue. 12, we'll go right into a tricep exercise. I'm gonna stay with my 15. You tell me what you can do. Arms at overhead, shoulders in, elbows in.
Don't let your elbows fan to the side. I want you to bring it all the way down behind you, all the way down, all the way up. That's one. All the way down, all the way up, that's two. Elbow stay in.
Three we're using the long head of the tricep. Four, right there. Five, come on. Six, you got it. Seven, eight, are you breathing?
Fatigue should be setting in, we've got two more, you can do this. Come on, come on. Bam! Tricep pushups, I'm going on my knees, I want your elbows pointing directly behind you, hands on the floor, or on a chair< or right on the edge of your waist. Pull your hips in alignment, Keep those elbows in tight.
one, two, three. Keep them in, come on, four, five, six, seven, breathe, eight, nine. Bang them out, come on 10. Two more, 11, Those are the hardest pushups on the planet. And we'll do some hammer curls to finish it out with the biceps.
Here we go. One, just like you're hammering, you keep the weights facing this way, two, bring it down. Three, don't swing the arms. Four, five, come on. Six, seven, eight, nine, you got it.
10, let's go team. Okay, we're doing one more round, we're gonna go a little faster. I know I said I wanted you to go, not go too fast. I don't want you to use really lightweights and whip them, I want you to really focus on your muscle. Muscle fatigue is our goal.
So you're just taking that quick break, we start with overhead presses. We're gonna go right through all the exercises. Are you ready? 12 of them, Let's go. One, two, think about form.
Three, come on. Four, fatigue is really gonna set in, on this second set. That's six, seven, eight, nine, 10, you got it. 11, That was getting hard for me. Lat raises, dumped the water out of the pitcher, squeeze the orange, under your armpit.
Here we go team. One, two, three, four, breathe. All right, here comes number seven for me. How about you? Count out loud if you need to, if you're going at a different time than I am, I've got two more.
Let's go baby. Right there. Shoulder tease. We're gonna drive it the other way this time. So we're gonna come this way Up, out, I'm Sorry.
Up, in and down. That's one. Up, in and down. That's two. Up, these are getting heavy.
Three, four. Now with that anterior deltoid front of the shoulder. It's a little smaller muscle group, so it makes sense that you lower down. I don't know, what's that six? I hope it was.
Seven, I'm focusing on not, scrunching my neck. Eight, If it gets to be too much, you can do one arm at a time. Nine, come on, You can see I'm struggling, I'm working hard. I might've dropped down to five, so if I had them at this point. That's 12.
Rear delts, shoulders up, back and down. Leave them a little relaxed. All right, here we go. Pinch forward from those hip flexors, abs are tight. One, two, three, four, you got it.
Five, Six, come on. Seven, eight, nine. Flap those wings, squeeze your shoulder blades. Two more. Bam.
Okay. Bi's and tri's. We're almost there team. Bicep curls. Slow on the eccentric part of the muscle, of the movement.
That's the lengthening, that's where you're gonna get that game. Don't swing the upper body. Here we go. One, two, three. I went back to heavy.
Four, I'm starting to shake a little bit. It's getting hard. Five, six, think about good form, don't swing your body. Seven, yes you can. Eight, Oh baby.
Nine, all right, let's go team. Give me two more. Squeeze those biceps. And you got it. Tricep overhead, extensions.
Relax those shoulders. Pull those weights up, tell me what you're gonna use. I'm sticking with my fifteens if I can. Here we go all the way down. One, two, try not to get the hair on your ponytail.
Three, all the way down. Four, you got it. Five, the sweat is now starting to drip down my back. Six, seven, eight, if I miscount, I'm apologizing right now. You do you.
I've got two more. Let's go. Bam! Tricep pushups. Whose idea was that?
Right? Okay. If you go on your toes, you might be going slower than me. If you have those fingertips facing away, elbows are touching the sides of the rib cage. Quite possibly.
Are we ready? Go, one, two, oh my goodness. Three, holy bananas. Four, five, six, come on. Seven, eight.
Holy cow we can do it, Nine, you keep going. 10, It's just to 12, come on team. All right. Big finish. Hammer curls.
Let's go, 12 of them. That's all we got left. You guys are awesome. One, pound a nail. Two, pound that nail.
Three, control it. Four. Come on baby. Five, six. Oh yeah.
Seven, are you breathing? Eight, big finish. Nine, All right, give me two more, two more for the win. Yes. And one more.
And, that just happened. Okay I'm not sure I can drive my car right now. Good job everyone at home. Remember muscle fatigue is your friend. When you are working out your muscles, you've gotta break them down to build them up.
And don't be afraid of getting bulky ladies, cause that's not gonna happen, with our hormone makeup even if you are post-menopausal like me. So don't worry about it, we're stretching our shoulder here, other side. That was awesome. Breathe, make sure you hydrate. 10 minutes does a lot.
Right there. All right. So check out another GH U TV. 10 minute workout, or perhaps you're a member and you try one of our longer workouts, and thank you as usual, for working out with me.
Great workout! I'm 60 and even though I'm in great shape I really felt this one! Just noticed one thing you said don't swing your upper body but you did several times maybe weights too heavy?
This exercise is so doable. I have bad back problems, so I sit in a chair. I hope that is ok.
Just what I needed. I used 7 lb weights this time but will try 10 next time. That 3 move combo with 7 lbs was difficult!
this was good
This was perfect after the 2 miles walk. I needed a booster, lol.
what is a good exercise for my back? I have fat under my bra. Thanks