10-Minute Bodyweight HIIT Cardio
Tara PutzDescription
If you are ready to keep going, tack on this free 10-minute weighted abs workout. If you’d like more focused stretching to end your workout, check out this free 10 minute stretching routine.
Level: All levels
Equipments: none
Instructor: Tara Putz
Hey, hey, good, healthy, you TV. My name is Tara and I am coming at you with a 10 minute body weight hit cardio class. So all you need is your body weight, no equipment necessary unless you want a mask for some push ups that we are gonna go down to the ground floor. So you pick and choose. I've got our timer, we've got a Tabata style.
We got 20 seconds to work, 10 seconds to rest. Four exercises with two Tabata. We repeat those exercises twice and we're out of here. Let's get a quick worm up in and we're going to get moving right big in hell. Exhale, roll those shoulders back and down.
Big, inhale, exhale, roll those shoulders back and now let's roll those shoulders to our ears and back there we go. Now take a big circle back. There we go. Awesome work. Now, let's take it the other way, bring those shoulders up and down and bring your shoulders forward, roll those shoulders forward, all that you feel so good release and that tension now make the circle bigger awesome work.
Now let's keep our hands to our thighs. We're gonna cut out, round out that spine flatten it out. We're gonna round up through those boys because it's gonna feel also good. Round it out, flatten it one more, round it out and flatten it. Now, roll it all the way back up.
We're gonna step and reach, step and reach. Let's work out those lads because often times I feel a lot of tension there so it feels good. Huh? Reach overhead. Nice work.
Give me four more. We're gonna continue our warm up a little bit in that. Give me 321. Let's go. I'm gonna start my time where we got Jack on the clock to start for 20 seconds.
Here we go in 321. Check it out. Here's your top option. If you have the high impact option, you're here. If you're low impact, you're here.
Step in tap. You've got 11 seconds left. Come on, let's go check it out for five more seconds warming up. That body taking it easy if you need to. 321 rest.
Now we've got two quick squats and a reach at the top coming to our toes. Ok? We got 321. Let's go. Two quick squats scan and reach two quick squats stand and reach two kicks, quick squats.
Say that fast, huh? Two squats stand and reach your pace, your tempo. You move at the range of motion that you can come on. Now rest. We go to alternating knee poles.
We're gonna pull to the right 4321 then switch to the other side on in 321 that start to the right 4321 and switch 4321 and switch 43. Drive that knee to that chest eight seconds left. Come on, let's go switch 432. Switch the other side last time. 43 one in rest two kicks.
Sorry, I keep putting up one finger, two kicks, two jacks 321. Let's kick front, front jack it two times in kick kick kick, Jack Jack kick him, pull those arms down. Jack. Jack kick kick Jack Jack give me one more kick kick jack jack, one more eye line. Jack Jack and rest.
We go back to those jacks again. Low impact or high impact one more time through those four a side. Here we go. You're on in 321. Let's go check it out.
Jack, you should be breathing out of that mouth in a nice aerobic space. If you're not high impact, you're here tapping it out to this side. You've got the six. Come on, breathe 32. I'm watching that clock and rest.
All right, two quick squats and the stand and reach two quick slots stand and reach, well, that's a lot of in one sentence. Here we go. 321, come on two quick slots stand and reach option to come to those calves or I'm sorry, come to those tippy toes and use those tabs. Come on, you wanna take it up a notch. Add a jump.
Two quick squats squat jump. Come on two quick squats squat jump and rest. Ok. Here we go. Alternating knee poles.
We're starting on the right four and 4321. Let's go 4321 and switch 4321 and switch 432. Drive that knee to your chest. Come on, you got this and switch 4321 and switch last 123. And we're out who?
That was? One to? We got one more to go. Four new exercises. 20 seconds of work.
10 seconds rest. We've got a two pulse lunge right. Like it's gonna go forward two pulse plunge and kick. That's our first move. Ok.
Second time here we'll do the last side. Ok? You got a few seconds to rest here. We're on in 321. Let's go to Paul Sponge Stand and kit two pulse lunge standing kick.
If you need 22, pulse lunge tap and kick two pulse lunge tap and kick or you keep that balance and work on stability. You got this kick a couple more. Let's go pulse, pulse kick one more. Pulse, pulse kick and rest. Now we've got three twists.
321 knee, 321 knee. So on that third twist, we knee, you're on in 321. Let's go 321 K me Me, you wanna keep up that tempo. If you can keep that heart rate up there. Come on, if you need to slow it down, that's ok too.
You've got 321 and rest. Now we're gonna take it to the floor knees or toes. You've got to push up, push up and we're gonna walk 12, push up, join me on 12. Option. Knees, push up, you walk your hands over and push up, walk your hands over, push up on my knees, walk my hands over or you're on your toes with a push up.
You walk and walk, push up, walk, walk and rest. All right. Last exercise you've got a burpy with two jacks you're on in 321. Let's go bury squat it down. Jump it out, stand it up, two jacks squat it down, jump or walk your feet out, jump or walk them in two jacks at the top squat.
Jump out or walk out, stand it up. Two jacks. Come on four seconds left, jack it out. Squat down, jump or walk it out. Jump in black time right here.
Rest. All right. Two pulse lines on the left side, you've got 321 left leg forward, two pulses, one kick, two pulses, one kick. If you're breathing heavy, use it as your active recovery and kicks come on two pulses. One kick.
If you need to tap that tone in the middle, I'll go for it. Come on one more time. Two pulse and kick and rest. We've got the three twists and a knee. So we're gonna start on the left side this time.
Twp, left, right, left knee. Last, right, last knee. Join me. Now, come on, let's go. Use that core.
Use those a week. Yes, you can. Come on. Eight, seven. Get low.
654321 done. All right. Push up, block the plane. 10 minutes goes by fast. Get down on the ground.
You need that minute. Go for it. I challenge you to be on your toes though. If you can, it's only 20 seconds and our timer is on push ups. Two walks.
If you're on your toes, if you're on your knees, you're on your knees, you push up, cross that hand over, step to the side, push up, cross that hand over, push up and you're resting. We got one final exercise and we're out of here. Team you're on in three. We got burpees with two jacks, your pace, your temple, walk it or jump it. Let's go because everybody loves to do buries together.
No one would choose to do them all alone. I'm with you guys. Come on the, a little tidbit. I really do love buries even if I have to do them alone. Come on, give me two more down out in two jacks.
Come on down out in two jacks and you're done who? 10 minute body weight hit cardio. That was awesome. Team. Let's take a big inhale.
Let the heart rate come down. Exhale, roll those shoulders back and down. Give me one more big inhale, exhale, roll those shoulders back down. Let's take those hands actually and bring them above your head. What's side, Bob?
It's body tilt right through those obliques. Feel so good. Center it up, switch your grips other side. I'm so proud of you. We have some more stretching video Sams and a lot of those this forward to pick at the back of those legs.
You need a longer stretch. Go check them out. Let's shake your head. No. Shake your head.
Yes. Soften those knees. Roll your body up one vertebra at a time and that is your 10 minute body weight hit. Thank you guys for joining me. My name is Tara and we'll see you next time.
oh i liked this one. thank you!