Welcome to Get Healthy U TV. My name is Sam Cameranesi. I'm going to be your trainer for the next 10 minutes. Today we've got a 10 minute cardio, plus core workout. It is going to consist of 10 different exercises. It's gonna go cardio, core, cardio, core. and it's no repeater. So the working intervals are going to be 45 seconds on, with 15 seconds of rest. During those 45 seconds, I ask you to go as hard as you can, for those 45 seconds, knowing that you have 15 seconds to kinda get your breath and transition to the next exercise. So, we're gonna get ready with a quick warm up. It's 10 minutes. Again no repeater. And we're gonna get it done in 10 minutes. So a quick warm up. We're gonna start with that squat. Hands go overhead, reach those arms down. Just waking up that body again. So it's a quick warm up, to get our joints moving, cardio heart rate, working strong. Yes, flap those arms back and forth. Waking up those shoulders. We're gonna get a few circles forward, grabbing one arm, just waking up your shoulders, right? 'Cause we're gonna do a little bit of plank work today. Grab that other arm, swing it forward and back. So today 10 minutes, right? You can get a lot done in those 10 minutes. We're gonna reach our arms overhead. Reach your arms to the ground. So fall forward, hands go to the ground. We're gonna roll that body up, waking up the backside of hamstrings glutes. And slowly rolling back up. We're gonna do that one more time. Hold at the bottom, so hands go to the floor. I want you to walk it out to a high plank. So you're gonna hold yourself in a high plank. Now send your hips forward, find that, cobra position right? Now stretch back, downward facing dog flapping your heels side to side. Just waking up the backside of your calves. Right here, you've got three, two, one. Walk your hands back to your feet. Hollow hamstrings, walk your feet apart just a little bit. Find the bottom of your squat and just roll side to side, right? Waking up those hips. Good, maybe stretching out a little bit further, right? So quick warmup today, we gonna roll our bodies up. Few squats to get our lower body active here. Squat down, right? So even though it's cardio and core, we're not repeating any exercises, we gotta get that heart rate starting to warm up right here. You've got two more. Just like that, one jacket out, right here. So we're going to get that heart rate up, quick warm up again. And then you've got just 10 exercises. Here we go. You're going to bring it into a hamstring curl, in three, two and one. Step at side, pull it back, right there. Yeah, chest is tall, waking up that heart rate. Good, you have three, two, knees come to the front right here. Yes. Just waking up that heart rate, bounding off the ground, just a little bit. Belly button pulls through the spine. You've got four, three, two, and one. Good, so we need a little bit more of that warmup, by all means. Go do a few more minutes, come back. We're gonna get started. So, I'm getting, get my timer ready. We've got 45 seconds on 15 seconds off. I'm gonna give you that first exercise. So, you're gonna grab your weight, sit up with an overhead press. Arms are going to be long the entire time. You're gonna roll it up. Press those arms overhead, and roll it back down. So grab one weight, that's all you're going to need today. We've got 45 seconds and I'll cue you, for that next movement, right here. Getting that timer, grab your weight. And we're going to get ready in three, two and one. So you're going to roll on up, hands go overhead. Now, find a pace that works for you. The entire time arms are long. So that means backside of that core, backside of your kinetic chain is also working, because arms are long. Yes, squeeze your inner thighs together, where you can have your legs a little bit longer or you can bend them in just a little bit more. Always know that there are going to be modifications. So this weight is too much, right? Bring it a little bit closer to heart center. That's going to be a little bit less, on those shoulders, right? You can always ditch those weights together. Hands come to heart center and you're rolling. So that first 45 seconds, is all about using your core. Situps, arms long, right there. Just a few more seconds and rest. 15 seconds of rest. So we've got a mountain climber and you're going to press back. So it's gonna go one, two and press back. One, two and press back. Are you ready? You've got three, two, one, here we go. It's mountain climber, mountain climber and press back. Now if you wanna, speed it up, just a little bit, right? I was gonna get that cardio, up with that core. You can stick with me or find a slower pace, right? You can slow it down or you can speed it up. It is your 45 seconds, where I'm asking you, to get out of breath, right? To get uncomfortable, right here, press back. It's forward, forward. Now if you want to make it faster, you go in,in back and press right here. Yes, you can. You are strong. Know that you have 15 seconds, to recover, right after this cardio and core, right? Calorie burn. Getting that core. Nice and strong right here. Yes, press back. You have 15 more seconds. Good, breathe, in, in, step it back. Right here in, in and step it, back. Good you've got, three, two and one. Relax. All right. So we've got toe touches with the weight. Back onto your back. Arm's gonna be overhead. Feet are gonna be long and you're going to reach that weight up to your toes. Yes, you have three, two, one, roll back. So feet are going to stay long and you're just tapping the weight to your toes, right here. Trying to keep those shoulder blades, up and off, of the mat, right there . So again, if you need modification, take the weight to the ground. Reach, relax, reach, press up hands behind your head. If you want to get rid of that weight, staying strong right here. Good, squeeze, left. If you can keep those legs nice and long. Roll back to the ground. You have 10 more seconds to reach, up right there. You can do it, good, this is exercise number three, right here and rest, good. So now we're gonna stand on up, good right here. We're gonna stand on up. You're gonna a long jump forward and you're gonna jump back. So long lump forward and run back. Here we go, you've got three, two, one, let's go, long jump forward, run it back. This is where I ask you, to push your heart rate a little bit. Know, that you can take, that long jump forward. You can take one step forward, two step forward, take a squat, stand up and walk it back. So you can take it to a low impact option, right here. No shame in the modify game, but you push yourself for these 45 seconds. This is, your cardio burst. Going the length of your mat. Re-trying to touch the ground. Even if you take that low impact option, right? Touch the ground, staying up, walk back. That's it, 15 seconds of rest. So now we have, our dolphin pushback, with a cross-body mountain climber. So you're going to be, on your forearms. You're gonna go hips up, hips down, cross, cross. Are you ready? Here we go. Get that core, nice and strong. I'll give you modifications at three, two, one. You're in that plank, you're going to press back. Dolphin pushup and then cross it, over. Dolphin pushup, down, cross it, over. Now, if you need a little bit more of a longer lever, come up to your high plank. You press back, hold forward, you cross, you cross. You press back, down and in, in right here. So, do what works best for you. But I want you to find that plank position, before, you bring your knees across your body. So you're working, transverse abdominis. When you pull, your knee in to that opposite elbow. You've got three, two, and one, relax. Exercise number five done. You're halfway there. We've got burpees for your next 45 seconds. So I'm going to give you those modifications. We're going to start with that most challenging option. Hands to the ground, feet go back, you stand up. Are you ready? You've got three, two, one, 45 seconds on the clock right here. Jump at the top, good right here. Yes, bounding. Now, low impact option. Step it back, walk it back, walk it forward. Chest stays up, as you stand. Take the jump out of it, if you need. Yes, you decide, what works best for you. But know, again, 45 seconds is all you have right here. Take that option, maybe just take the jump out, at the top. You do that burpee back and you stand up, right? You have 12 more seconds. Yes, you can talk to yourself. way, to go team. You have five, four, yes you can, three, two, and one. That's done. Good, so grab your weight back to the ground. Back to core work. Exercises number seven. Weight comes to your heart center. Feet off, the ground. Russian twist, right here. Take a deep breath, you have three, two, one, lean it back. Legs off the ground, here you gonna twist side to side. So bring that weight to your opposite hip, side to side. Now, if it's too much, ditch the weight first. Keep those legs up. Keeps squeezing those inner thighs Too much on those hip flexors, heels come to the ground. You still have that slight lean back and you lean side to side. So working your side obliques here, we'd really want you to focus, on pulling your belly. But in an almost like a curved out spine, right here. Good, now bring those feet up if you can. But if you feel those hip flexors, drop them down. No matter where you are. It's exactly where you need to be, right here. Good, breathe, five, four, give me three, two, one. Right there. Drop the weight. We're standing back up. Cardio, right here. You're gonna do a run the tires. So it's one, two, knee left. One, two, knee left. Yes, 45 seconds to get that heart rate, up there. Here we go, three, two, one. It's one, two, pull, one, two, pull. Now once you get that patterning, can you bring it a little bit faster? Yes, how do you make this your workout? 10 minutes I'm sweating are you? Maybe hands go over head. Pull them down. More range of motion, hands go overhead, brings that cardio up a little bit higher. If you feel okay, too much right there. Bring your hands back here. But make sure they're still driving your legs. Yes, right here pull. Chest is still tall, right? So don't concave forward. Chest is lifted, right here. You have 10, nine, yes. Can you bring those hands back up? Four, five, four, three, two, one. Two more exercises, here we go. So we have, on our backs, laying down. Arms are gonna stay long. You're gonna curl. Crunch your knees in and then extend them out. Your arms are staying long. Here we go, press it up first. Knees are under your chest. Now leg will go out and then you're gonna crunch, knees in. As you crunch it in, arms stay exactly where it is. I want you just to lift your low belly, up and in, as you crunch your knees in. Those hips are gonna lift slightly off the ground. Again, weight too much, drop it, altogether. But I want you to focus, low back. As I extend my legs out, does not leave the ground. Good, right here. Yes, you can. You have 15 more seconds. This is your last core specific move. Yes, we're using our core, the entire time. Hips, slightly lift off the ground, you are strong. Three, two, and one, rest. Drop that weight. Last exercise. Exercise number 10, it's going to be a ski ski lunge. You're going switch, switch, lunge all the way down. 90-90 lunge. And you'll keep switching. We've got our last exercise in three, two, one. So it's ski ski, drop it low lunge. Ski ski to drop it low lunge, right here. 45 seconds, and this is it. This is where you finish up your 10 minute, cardio plus core. Can you move a little bit faster? Can you stick with me? Maybe you're a little bit slower. If you need, take the jump out of it and just step back, right? Modify when needed. No shame in that. You take what your body needs today, right? Ski, ski lunge. Here we go. Yes, again, if you need, take the jump out of it. This is your 10 minutes to crush it right here. Yes, you have 10 more seconds, breathe. Yes, you can team. You got four, three, two, one, and done. Awesome work, you guys. So we're gonna take a few seconds, we'll stop that timer there, for a little bit of a cool-down. Hands go overhead, but then heart rate come down. Press those arms, right back down. One more, just like that. Breathe in and breathe out. Awesome work today. You guys, 10 minutes, flap those arms. We wanna keep our heads above the heart, during this cool down. We're going to reach our arms, overhead. Grasp one wrist, does not matter which one. You're going to pull it over. Because we're gonna do both sides. So, because we got our heart rate up there a little bit. We're going to keep the head above the heart, for a little bit. Pull over, reach to the top. Opposite hand, grabs opposite wrist. Pulling on over, opening up that tight body. Because yes, we worked those obliques, right here. Good, hands come to the top. Roll your body down. Just a few, full body rolls, because our core, is the front, the back and the side. Yes, breath, right here. Shoulders up, back and down. Grab one of your legs, grab your feet and then really try and squeeze those inner thighs together. Right? Pulling on your quad hamstring. Feeling a little bit of a balance, yes, 'cause we worked that core. It might feel super good, but it's a little bit shaky. Drop your toe and bring it back up opposite side. Maybe hand goes out for a little bit of stability. 10 minutes cardio plus core, done right here. We've got a bunch of different 10 minute workouts. Go check them out. If you need a little bit of yoga, a little bit of Pilates, there's so many other ones that you can check out. Thanks for joining me today, for your 10 minute cardio plus core.
Loved it!!
Loved this! I love the way Sam motivates the viewers even from within a video! Yes I CAN! 💪🏼💪🏼
If all I did was this today, I've had a great workout! Amazing how much intensity can be fit into 10 minutes. Thanks Sam Cam!
Made it 30 seconds each! (but only through the first half...) Gonna make it the whole way soon!