10 Minute Cardio Core Workout
Jodi SussnerDescription
You’ll start your cardio core workout with a quick warm-up before getting right into the exercises. Remember that your core is everything from your ribs to your hips: your abs, obliques, and low back are all technically part of your core! Keep that area engaged the whole time. Jodi will start by leading you through a move that engages your abs: a knee lift coupled with a side kick. Then, you’ll transition to boxer shuffle to get your heart pumping. You’ll alternate a core move with a cardio move like this back and forth throughout the workout. Jodi will also have you perform moves like oblique burners, squats, scissors, plank jacks, and plank thrusters.
In just 10 minutes, you’ll get an amazing cardio core workout that will leave your core strengthened and your heart healthier! Jodi will provide plenty of encouragement throughout this quick workout, before showing you a quick cooldown to bring your heart rate back down. Even if you only have ten minutes, you have time to work your body, build strength, and burn calories. Bodyweight workouts like this are especially great when you’re short on time, because you just need a little space and ten minutes to get a solid workout in. If you liked this workout, you can also try this kettlebell cardio core conditioning workout or this calorie burning cardio workout!
Hi, I'm Jodie, Get Healthy U TV trainer. And I've got a cardio core workout for you. It's just 10 minutes. We're gonna get your heart rate up. We're gonna work your whole core.
You don't need any equipment. All you need is your energy, your attitude. Bring yourself to it. So let's do this. Let's get a little warm up going.
March right and left. High knees up. Pump those arms. You'd be amazed at how much you can accomplish in 10 minutes. Four more, three more, two.
Wide march. Go. Bring it into narrow. In. Back out wide.
We're just warming things up. Getting that heart rate up. Narrow march. Back to wide. March.
Now hold and tap, right to left. Up and down. Nice. Pull your arms back, open up your chest. Four more.
Reach your arms side to side. Up and down. Yes. Full body warmup. If you've got 10 minutes, commit to this.
Right here, right now. Four more. Center it up and squat. Down and up. We work the core, remember it's everything.
From your ribs to your hips. Your abs, your obliques, your low back, everything. Four more squats. Press through your heels. Two and one.
Now knees up right and left. Now remember, you can go any pace that you want. Just stay with it. Keep trying. That's all we ask.
Four more here. Perfect. Two more. And one. Now hold and bounce and shuffle, nice and easy.
Okay, here we go. We'll get right into this. Here's what I wanna see. Cardio movement, right to a core movement. Challenge yourself to stay with it.
Four more, three. One knee up, one side kick. Up, kick. Do two more. Up, kick.
Now boxer shuffle, left and right. Single, single, double. Single, single. Go again. Yes.
Knee in. Side kick. Do two more. Knee kick. Single, single, boxer shuffle.
Double. Do two more. Now cut that in half. Knee side kick, boxer shuffle, go. Single, single, double.
Sidekick. Up. Heart rate going up. Boxer. Yep.
Do it again. Knee up. Side kick. Boxer, shuffle, go. Nice work.
One more. Knee up. Kick. Boxer, shuffle, go. You got it.
And hold. I just want you to twist. Bend your knees and twist. Side to side. Speed this up.
Left and right. Twist. Take that down to a squat. Twist and lift. Go again.
Twist, lift. Hold your squat down. Four, three, two, center pulse. Four, three, lean left and right. Reach.
These are a burner for your thighs. Right through your obliques, reach and get your ankle every single time. Nice. Can you do it? Yes you can.
Four more. Three, two, and one. Bring it into center. Roll yourself out and march left and right. You got the same thing on the other side.
Are you ready? You with me? Right knee in and kick. Up, kick. Do two more.
Boxer shuffle, right and left. Single, single, double. Do it again. Right kick. Knee up.
Kick. Two more like that. Yes. Boxer shuffle, go. Perfect.
Two more like that. Now cut that in half. Knee up, side kick. Boxer shuffle, side to side. You got it.
Do it again. Knee up. Boxer shuffle, go. Heart rate coming up again. Knee, kick.
Knee, boxer shuffle. One more set like that. In. Yes you can. Go.
Boxer shuffle. Feet wide. Twist, right, left. Come on, sink as low as you can. Hold.
You just rotate at your ribs. Four more. Three, two, take it down. Twist and lift. Again.
Twist. Stay down here. Hold as low as you can. Stay with me, four. Three, two, flex right and left.
Lean and lean. How do your legs feel? How about those obliques? You got it. Ribs to hips.
Nice and strong. You've got four more. Three more, two and one. Hands to the thighs. Roll it up.
Shoulders back, march, right, left. All right. Whole new combo for me. Knee goes up. Leg taps back.
Here it is. Up, tap foot, back. Now your option. How far can you go? Can you get to the ground?
Yes, you can. Try it. Up and in. If you wanna make it a kick. Front lunge, front lunge.
Two more. Perfect. Now scissors with me. Reach it up. Feet go front and back.
Four more, three more. Knee up and tap back. Up, tap. Up, tap. Two more.
Perfect. Scissor legs, front and back. Four more like this. Let's cut that in half. Knee up.
In, tap. Eight scissors, go. Knee up and tap. Up. Scissors, go.
One more time. Knee up. Tap. Scissors. Eight.
Reach. Perfect. Now you go wide twist, right, left. Knee goes up. Again.
Twist. Knee up. Pull. Here's your core. Twist, twist.
Knee up. Perfect. Twist, twist, knee. You hear my heart rates staying up there? Yes, you can.
One more time. Knee up. Pull now, stay here. Give me eight. Up, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Shake it out. You've got the other side. Come on. Let's do this. Let me tap back.
In, back. How low can you go? Right through those taps. Two like this. Can you get a little lower?
Okay. Down to the ground. Try it. Four like this. Three strong.
Two. Add a kick, if you can. For four, tap. Three, tap. Two.
Scissors. Reach. One foot forward. One foot back. Perfect.
Eight, seven, six, five. Feet go apart big. Two. From the top. Knee kick.
Scissors right away. Reach up. Do it again. Knee up. Pull.
Scissors, go. Two more just like that. Knee, tap. Scissors, go. Oh, you're almost there.
One more time. Up. Scissors. Come on. Perfect.
We twist now. Knee up. Right side, come on. Twist. Knee.
Heart rates up. Oh, yes you can. Four twists, two knees. One, two, three, knee. Two more.
Knee. One more. Now just the knee. Hold and pull. Eight, seven, six, big reach.
Four, three, two, back to the shuffle. Right, how are we doing? You're almost there. One more movement. Give it all you got.
We're gonna get to a plank. Four, three, two, one. Get to a plank. Tap your feet behind you and tap right and left. Out.
Out. Out and in. Oh, this is core. Yes, it is. This is cardio.
We're getting that heart rate up. Option to stay tapping or plank jack out and in. Both feet. Out, in. Try to keep your hips low.
Your abs nice and tight. Do four more here. Four, three, two, one. Walker jump your feet in. Lift your chest.
Do it again. Back and in. I call these plank thrusters. Two more. And one.
Get back to our plank jacks. Eight, seven, six, five. Yes, you can. Three, two. Four plank thrusters.
Up and back. Up. Two more. Nice work. Plank jacks, last time.
Eight, you can tap. That's four, come on. Four, three, two, and one. Bring your feet forward. Roll yourself up.
Give me a little boxer shuffle. Shake it out. How do you feel? Heart rate up. We're glowy, we're glistening, we're sweating.
And we worked our heart. We worked our core. Everything in between. Little shuffle to bring that heart rate down. A squat to the center.
Feel accomplished. Feel proud of yourself. Two more. Nice work. Hands to your thighs.
Press right and left shoulder. Walk your feet a little wider. Perfect. Hold the right side. Hold.
Breathe. Be proud of what you've done. You're awesome. Last side press. Hold.
Stretch for your rib cage, your obliques. Back to the center, arch down. Roll up. Big, deep breath. Relax and down.
Big, deep breath. Step together. I'm Jody. Get Healthy U TV. That was cardio core.
Thank you. I hope to see you again soon.
Little to fast for my body - but nice workout.
I miss Jodi! I love her workouts.
I enjoyed it and thought it was challenging enough in the 10 mins. I had to adjust my pace to keep up which was fine. but great workout.
Too fast without direction. And for people like me with absolutely no rhythm the boxer shuffle is useless. Sorry but I'm thumbs down in this one.
Love this one! Short on time this morning. Thanks!