10 Minute Daily 50
Sam CameranesiDescription
All you need is your bodyweight and some motivation! You will be surprised at what a workout this truly is. It’s a fun challenge to do as a standalone workout or tack on to any other workout as a “finisher.” Feel free to modify or slow the pace down if needed but get it done!! Yes You Can!
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Mat
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi
Hey, hey, get healthy. You TV squad. I'm Sam C and I'm going to be your trainer through these next 10 minutes. It's 10, your daily 50. So we're going to go through 50 reps of four different exercises.
We got a little bit of time at the end. We're going to tack on a little bit of core. So we've got four different exercises. We got what we got, got push ups and we've got set up, we're gonna do 50 total reps of everything, but we're gonna split it up a new ton of each. So let's start with a nice little warm up and get ready to rock and roll the squat down, Rachel's arms all the way overhead.
If you only have 10 minutes, this is where we're gonna just get in some good repetitions just using your body weight one more and take that right arm. Take eight forward and back. So if you need a little bit of extra warm up to just get your body and your blood pumping, right. Maybe you press pause and just kind of, you know, take another warm up, take that left arm, figure it forward and back we got a quick warm up because all we have is 10 minutes and remember 10 minutes is better than nothing. Right.
So, move your body in a way that feels good. Flap your wings a couple of times. Give yourself a nice big hug. Let it go. Good squeeze right there.
I want you to bring your heels in toes out. We're gonna slide into a Yogi squat position, getting those hips nice and loose, opening them up. Maybe you rock from side to side. You can maybe hold on one side. We're gonna come to the right side.
Left leg goes long point your toes up towards the sky. A little inner thigh stretch. So again, just wake up that lower body, walk yourself on over to the left, right leg goes long, you're pressing through that heel, lifting your chest, go right there. Breathe in, you're gonna come back towards the center from here. You're gonna lift your hips high your heels to the back, your toes to the front, wiggle your hips from side to side.
Maybe you nod your head. Yes, and shake your head. No good right there. Walk those feet in a little bit closer until they're about touching heel toe together. And you're going to roll yourself of one vertebra at a time, roll those shoulders to the back, but separating those feet nice and wide, we're going to bring those hands behind her head a couple good mornings and we're going to get ready to rock and roll.
So you're gonna hit and then you're gonna squeeze to the top. So elves are wide. Your gaze is neutral right there. So that fine is nice and long. You're squeezing your glutes to sand.
You're coming about to a flat back position. Gaze right in front of you. God. Give me one more just like that. And I think we're ready to do our 50 reps of four different exercises right there.
So our feet are about shoulder was a part. We're gonna start with our 10 air squats. You're gonna move at your own pace. You can stick with me. You can move a little bit faster.
We're gonna start standing and then we're gonna go to our two movements on the floor. So we've got 10 air squats in 321. Let's go. So take it at your own pace. But I want you to count your reps.
I'm gonna do my best to work, make it through and count my reps at the same time right there. So, booty back just as tall, squeeze your gluts at the top. We've got four more. If you're still with me. Three, wait through the heels.
Two, one, you're going to step back with that right foot, left foot presses into the floor alternating lunges. We're doing 10 total because otherwise that's going to be a lot of lunges right there. Got the switching body weight. Maybe you pick up your tempo as much as you can, as slow as you want, just deep into that lot right there. We've got two more.
This is nine. We're coming to the floor for our push ups and one right. If you're not done with those 10, finish your 10 and we're gonna come down to the mat, elbows, pin into that side body. We've got 10 push ups. Let's go sneeze your toes right there.
So I'm gonna try for my toes. But knowing that I want full range of motion in the upper body right there. Chest, the floor elbows back to that 45 degree angle. If you need knees right here. Good.
Squeeze your butt. Three more. Three, do you and one right there. Finish those reps. 10.
You count them, then we're gonna spin around onto our back for 10 full sit ups. Here we go. We're coming all the way up to the top elbows, a wide hands behind your head. That's gonna be the hardest option. We're coming all the way up, all the way back down, roll through that vertebrae.
If you need hands at heart center right here at the chest. Good squeeze. We've got four more. Maybe those hands go out in front of you. Squeeze a little bit longer of a lever.
Last two and one. Nice work. That was round number one. Let's go on to round number two. We've got more air squats.
10 of them. Let's go. So you caught your refs. Breathe, waits heavy through the heels. Maybe you start to move a little bit faster again.
I would rather you slow it down and find that full range of motion. So you're coming all the way down in that deep squat halfway right there. This is seven. Breathe, wiggle those toes. Last two and one, alternating lunges side to side.
10 total. Remember? You don't have to do 10 each side. Alternate. Relax your shoulders.
If it's too much with those hands overhead your hands. Stay right here. Good. Lift the chest. 99 in those legs.
We've got four more. This is three nice work team. You're gonna get 50 reps in of these four exercises down to the floor for your push ups. This is good quality body work right here. Go breathe, take it at your pace, knees or toes if you need good.
Squeeze your butt. Nice work. Holy body weight. You've got it. Maybe the knees come down right there.
Squeeze. Who? Squeeze if you're starting to feel it. That's a good thing. This is only round two.
We've got three more rounds last one, but it's been around. We've got those sit ups. Get that core, nice and strong elbows wide. Go. You are in charge of your pace.
You are in charge of your reps, right? I've got you. If you're sticking with me, that was three. This is four. Remember your options?
Hands at heart center, you've got it. Maybe harms. Go long right there. That's why we're halfway squeeze breathe. Yes, I can.
Oh, right there. Give me one more. Give me one more. You got it. Oh, right there.
Nice work. All right. Round number three. This is just good legs. A little bit of shoulders, chest and court.
Let's go squat lift. Go breathe. So, if you're moving at a faster pace than me, go for it. Right. You can just get 50 reps in of these four exercises in about 10 minutes, right?
If that's all you got good body weight. Last one right there, lunges alternate. Squeeze. Little lower body again. Find the depth of your range of motion, right?
So I don't want you just to go like this. We don't want you all the way down in that lung last to moving on to those push ups. Hello, upper body. Thank goodness for breaking this up. Here we go.
Knees are to start on your toes if you can. And maybe at that halfway point, if you need, you drop to your knees. Come on. That's halfway. Go.
Oh, knees or toes. Come on. You've got two last one. If you're with me, count those reps. Spin it over.
Nice quick, easy transition. Go lift elbows wide. If you can use that core, roll up one vertebra at a time. Oh Squeeze. That's war five.
If you can't come up all the way, you're right here. Squeeze. Lift seven. Are we still breathing eight 09. Yes, you can.
10. All right. Back to those squats. Holy bananas. This is working that body body weight.
Let's go. 10 squats. Yes. Wait through the heels, booty back, chest, top five. We got this eight.
I skipped the numbers now that was 89 and alternating lunges go back. He drops to that floor. Lift your chest. You've got this breathe. Find your pace.
Maybe you start to pick up the pace knowing that you have one more round after this to get those 50 total. In last two, we got this one down to the floor for the push ups. I think this is the worst part, but we got it all together. Go. This core is tight.
Guts are squeezed. You've got this. OK. This is halfway. Oh I'm starting to feel like come on, breathe all the way down.
Touch the floor. Squeeze last two in the set. Last one but spin all the way around. We are moving. We are grooving.
Here we go core tight right here. Roll up, roll back. Take your time. Remember your options right here. Maybe it's hands across your chest.
That's hard. Oh Because you're not really using any other momentum, you're just using your core to lift. We have five more four. Come on, use it, dig your heels to the floor. Maybe you're only lifting here.
That's OK. Last two and one last set. Best set right here. Moving on to our number 50 so 40 to 50. Let's go.
Here we go. 10, nine. Are you somebody that counts down or somebody that counts up? Right? You've got it.
35 more four. Can you maybe pick up that pace? Last round? Three, two and one? Here we go.
Lunges. 10, nine. Maybe those hands come up here. Maybe they say right here. Maybe hands go behind your head.
What does that look like today? If you want to take it up? Not jump lunges might be your friend today. Come on. This is your 10 minutes.
Maybe it's all you have today. Maybe this is your finisher. 321 down to the floor. Last 10 push ups. Let's go freeze.
We got this. Can you find maybe one more from your toes than you did last time? Five more. Oh I'm falling down if you are too. We're finding it.
Last you. Oh one butts. Men sit ups last set. Let's go breathe elbows wide right there. Nine.
Come on. 10 minutes is what we have today. Nice work team. You are so dang strong. All right.
Five more. Five, four. Let's go. Relax your shoulders. Three, two and one rest.
Holy bananas. All right. Do not underestimate 50 reps for different exercises. You're welcome for only doing 10 total lunges instead of 10 each side, pull one across your chest. Those push ups though, man, at the end, if you're like, I wanna do 100 repeat this workout and do it one more time.
Holy bananas. You guys are warriors. Bring the opposite arm, pull it out in front of you. Good. Relax your shoulders.
Find your breath. You can do just 10 minutes. If that's all you have in your day, it is better than not moving your body at all. If you're like, I like to tack on a little bit of extra after my 30 or 20 minute workout. These 10 minute workouts are awesome.
Good squeeze. Finding that Yogi squat position last little stretch. If you need a little bit more stretching in your body because things are feeling tight. We've got more 10 minute workouts on demand. So fine, our 10 minute stretch and mobility, we've got a couple of those.
Find them, take the time to breathe and cool your bodies down. But that was 10 minutes of your daily 50. Thanks for joining us and we'll see you next time.
Perfect thing to add on to a workout when I just want a bit more. Thanks!
Loved this! Thanks Sam!