Shannon Tietz

10-Minute Full-Body Finisher

Shannon Tietz
Duration:   10  mins


Try this 10-minute dumbbell full-body workout with Trainer Shannon Tietz. It’s a great 10-minute strength workout to tack onto the end of another workout, a power walk, or any cardio workout.

This workout works all muscle groups in the body. Shannon leads you through compound exercises that use the upper and lower body at the same time, making this workout efficient and challenging. Most of the workout is standing, except for a few pushups and planks. Grab those dumbbells and work it out in just 10 minutes.

If you are looking for other quick-strength workouts, check out our 10-Minute Tank Top Arms workout or our 10-Minute Weighted Abs workout.

Level: All Levels
Equipments: Heavy and light dumbbells
Instructor: Shannon Tietz

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Hey, Get Healthy UTV. My name is Shannon Elise, and I'm gonna take you through a 10 minute full body finisher workout. So we're gonna use a medium to heavy weight dumbbells, and also a set of light dumbbells. Just grab a mat, and we're gonna get right to it. I'm gonna bring you through it real quick here with a quick warmup.

Squat it out for me. And from there, we're gonna be going into walk-out pushups, we've got jump squats. We're gonna hit your entire body here right quick in 10 minutes. Stay right with me here. Quick warmup.

Give me four more here. Four. Three. Two. We're gonna take it a little bit wider.

I want you to reach down from one side to the other. Right foot, left foot. Whichever foot is yours that you're reaching towards, that's what I want you to do. Keep going. Two more each way, and then we're gonna come center again.

I want you to bring your chest down center for me. Round your back up. Do that again. Bring your chest down center. Round it up.

Two more like that. One more. Fantastic. Big circles with your arms. While we're doing that, I'm gonna have you bring one leg up at a time, opening up your quads.

Like I said, our first exercise, we're gonna walk out, do a pushup, and then do two jump squats at the top of that. If you're not jumping today, that's all right. You can squat and go up into a calf raise, all right? Two more here. Each side.

One more each side. Fantastic. We're gonna get started. Walking out, one pushup, walk back up. Two jump squats.

All right, let's go. Right with me, athletes. Pushup. Come on back. Two jump squats.

And knowing that when we come back out of this, you can always squat and go up on your toesies, just like that. Here we go. Keep it going. Abs are tight. Everything is strong, engaged.

Come back out. Keep going. Big jumps. Landing down low, nice and soft. We're breathing on those pushups.

Those elbows are going back at an angle. Almost like six inches out from your ribs, okay? We're gonna do one more here, and then we're moving on with a lighter set of dumbbells. All right? Two of them here.

Fantastic. All right. Grab those lighter dumbbells. We're gonna take this to an underhand grip, and a reverse lunge at the same time. So here, I'm gonna do a front raise, and alternate, bringing one leg back at a time.

Just like that. Full body finisher in 10 minutes, all right? So we're hitting all of it. And as I lower these bells down, I've got good control the whole time. We're not swinging them.

Good control. Everything's engaged. Fantastic. Good, almost there. From here, we're going to a side lunge, with a curl and press.

Good. We've got one more each leg. Awesome job. All right. So adjust your weights.

I'm gonna hang onto these for me right now, but we're gonna go off the side, step out with your left, curl and press. Same side again. Step out with your left. Big bend in that knee. Curl and press.

All right? So we're hitting our legs right here, biceps, and then shoulders as we press overhead. Sink that glute right back. Fantastic. Again, and adjust your weights as you're doing this workout.

Keep going. One more on this side, and then we're gonna switch right the other way. Fabulous. Here we go. Step it out.

Curl and press. Awesome. Keep your chest nice and tall. From here, we're gonna be going down to the floor into tricep pushups. Keep going.

Almost there. We've got two more now. And then we're gonna take it down to the floor. We're gonna be doing tricep pushups on our dumbbells. Last one here.

Awesome. All right. Come on down with me, athletes. We're gonna come down. We've got tricep pushups here.

We're gonna do four of them. I want you to keep your elbows in like this. Rubbing right alongside your ribcage if you can, all right? From there, we're gonna bring one leg up, and we're gonna do four bicep curls here. Okay?

So whatever dumbbells we're up on top of, you're gonna curl those. So that's how you know what weights you wanna use, all right? You can take this tricep pushup to your knees or your toesies. Here we go. We've got four.

And three. Two. And one. Fabulous. Bring one leg up.

We're gonna curl here, four. Three. Two. And we're doing it again. Here it is.

Four pushups. Four. Three. Two. And one.

Awesome. Back to one knee. We're gonna do one more set yet, okay? We've got time. Triceps and biceps, baby.

All right, one more. Here it is. Four. Three. Two.

And one. Good job. Four. Three. We're gonna hold one dumbbell now, and stand up with it.

You choose your weights, okay? You might use a medium weight rather than a super light one right now. We're gonna take it around your head. Press it forward. Around the other way, press it forward.

So we're going around the world. You work through your core. And then you've got a shoulder or chest press as you bring it forward. There you go. Good.

Keep going. Stay with me. Make sure you're changing direction here as you take it around your head. All right? If you remember which way you're going.

There's always that. Good, just two more. Let's do one more, just for fun. Just for fun, one more. There it is.

All right. Going into corner squats. We're gonna bring these bells with. Now, you can bring your dumbbells up here like so. If you want, you can bring them down here.

I prefer mine up here. Everybody's different. We're gonna squat from one corner to the other. When I step out, I'm going to the corner. Not straight behind me, okay?

So we're hitting your legs a bit differently by stepping that way. Keep going. Getting into your adductors, your inner thighs, steel your quads and glutes. Yes. Perfect.

You got it. Keep that chest up. Nice and tall. Heart rate's climbing. Because we're using those legs a lot.

Yes. Two more each way. And then we're gonna switch this up. One more each way. Fabulous.

Okay, we're gonna go to a side raise. So I'm gonna switch out to a little bit lighter. We're gonna do a side raise also with the reverse lunge. Okay? I'm gonna alternate.

I'm gonna keep my arms quite bent. And lead up. Keeping my elbows, my wrists, all in the same line as my shoulders. Yes. Rounding out your shoulders here.

And I'm still controlling those bells as I lower them down, okay? I'm not using momentum and swinging them up. Okay? There we go. Fabulous.

Keep breathing. Legs are going, so your heart rate is climbing. Almost there now. All right? Almost means we've got four more.

That's what it means. Four. And three. Two. Last one.

Sweet. We're going down. Plank rows, with again, another tricep pushup, okay? So we're adding in our back. That's our finishing touch right there, okay?

Now we can do this here, with being on all fours, just like so. You can take yourself up, make sure you widen your stance to give yourself a better platform, okay? So the plank rows happen here, or on your toes like I just showed you, okay? So what we're gonna do is a tricep pushup. And then, two rows.

Tricep pushup. I'm showing you on my knees first. And then those rows. All right? Give it a shot, let's go.

And rows. We're gonna bring your wrists right towards your hip. Okay? Remember to keep your elbows in on that tricep pushup, okay? You're looking right over the tip of your nose.

Abs are tight. Keep breathing. You got it. We're almost there. Strong finish here, okay?

Don't forget to smile. Smiling makes everything better. Almost there. We've got two more of these, okay? You've got it.

One more. Perfect. Fabulous. All right. Set those aside.

Go ahead and bring your feet apart for me. We're gonna bring your chest back down center. A quick little finisher here, stretch it out. Make sure if you want to stretch out more, continue to do so, okay? Take another few minutes.

Do what you've got to do. We've just gotta get all those muscle groups. Two more like this. And then we'll make big circles with your arms. Fabulous.

Let's bring your legs up right with it, okay? Right and left. Perfect. We did it. A full body finisher in just 10 minutes with a couple of sets of dumbbells and a mat.

That's all you need. Good job, everybody. Thanks so much for joining me. I hope you like the workout. And I'll see you again soon.

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