10-Minute Jump Rope Workout
Sam CameranesiDescription
The beauty of training with a jump rope is that 10-minutes is truly all you need! This is a great way to challenge your intensity and push yourself to new limits. You can head out to any store and grab a decent jump rope for less than ten dollars. Using the actual rope promotes not only a great cardio challenge, but also some amazing agility and brain-body coordination. Even without a jump rope, this workout is totally legit!
In this 10-minute jump rope workout you’ll go through circuits of jump rope training moves for your heart, combined with various bodyweight strength moves that will tone and shape your muscles. You’ll start this awesome jump rope workout with some basic jump rope moves to get your system fired up, then transition to a set of leg squats to build strength in your lower body as well as toning and shaping those leg muscles. As soon as your squats are over, it’s time for another round using the jump rope. By this time you’ll know you’ve turned on the fat burn as your sweat starts to drip!
Next up is a set of lunges followed by more jumping and some push-ups, because, well, push-ups are awesome! The workout finishes off with a little core strength to seal the deal, and BOOM—you’ve killed it in just 10 minutes! Follow this workout with our 10-Minute Total Body Firm Up and you’ve done it all!
Hi, Get Healthy U TV fans. My name is Sam, and I'm gonna be your trainer for today. Your 10 minute workout is going to be with a jump rope. We're going to get our heart rate up there. If you have a jump rope, great.
If you don't, you don't need one, right? You can do this with your kids at home at the park in the summer, whatever works best for you. Let's go over the jump rope really quickly. You're gonna put it underneath your feet about hip width, distance apart. We'll put it right in the middle, there.
It should come up to about your armpits. You can lengthen it, shorten it, but right about there is kind of where you're going to want it. It doesn't need to be perfect. We're going to get 10 minutes in today. We're going to do a little bit of cardio with the jump rope.
We're going to use it in different variations. And we're also going to add a little bit of strength to your workout today. Before we get started we're just gonna warm up our body here just a little bit. We got to wake up our bodies today. So we're going to start with a few arms circles back.
Just one at a time, when you're using this jump rope you do use your upper body a little bit, and we'll go forward. Just lubricating your joints. Always remember to take that time to get your body warm. We'll do a few little Michael Phelps action here. Getting that upper body, nice and warmed up.
We're going to bring our hands to our thighs. You're going to bring yourself down into a squat and roll, arche your back all the way up. Rolling one vertebrae at the time. And then slowly, we're going to do one more, just like that. Working your back, squeezing up through that core all the way.
We'll start with a few hamstring curls. You're going to kick your butt, using your hamstring getting that lower body, ready to do some of that cardio. We've got four. You got at team three, last two, and one. We'll do a few more squats to get that lower body ready to go.
Slowly send it down, butt goes back using your core, squeezing your glutes at the top. We've got two more. You've got it. Last one. And I think we're ready to get started.
So grab your jump rope. A few options here, right? You can always just start using it to the side here. This is what we're going to call our skip your row. And then if you feel more comfortable, you can do double feet.
So those are just a few options. Again. If you don't have a jump rope, that's okay. Use your arms and we're going to get ready to go. We're going to start with the skipping of your rope.
You can already hear that my heart rate is up there. Take it as you need. It will be about 45 seconds. We'll take 15 seconds to transition and we're going to get ready to go. Here we go.
So we're going to start with that. Skipping your rope just slowly squeezing. You can start a little bit slower and if you feel comfortable, go a little bit faster. Keeping that heart rate nice and high. Again, this is going to be 10 minutes.
That's really going to get your heart rate up there. Cardio is Hardio. As we like to say at Get Healthy U TV. Keep it going. And then we're going to switch here and five seconds to that double half, in three, two, and one, two feet.
And if you mess up, that's okay. We're going to start again. Here we go. Two feet feeling a little bit of the calves. You also feel your arms here.
Your arms are rotating, the jump rope here. We have 10 more seconds, say with it. You've got it. You have six, five, four, stay with it for two and one. We've got about 15 seconds.
We're going to put this down and we're going to transition to a little bit of strength work. We're going to start with squat but it goes back just like you did in the very beginning. We've got three, two, and one, butt goes back. Again, take it slow. Get that heart rate under control.
I'm going to turn to this side so that you can see, weight is in my heels, butt goes back. Squeezing at the top, just stays lifted, right? So we're not dumping our weight forward. Chest stays back. You have 45 seconds here using a little bit of that strength work.
Focus on your breathing. Cause we're gonna to transition to a little bit more cardio right after this. So just compose yourself, getting a little bit that strength work into your lower body. We have 10 more seconds stay with me and you have six, five. Stay with it.
Weight is through your heels. You've got three, two, and one 15 seconds. Grab your jump rope. If you don't have it, that's okay. We're going to start in 10 seconds.
We're gonna do that same thing that we did the first time. So skipping your rope for 20, and then we have 20 seconds of the double hop, in three, two, one. Just start slow. Again, if you don't have that jump rope, maybe find a crack in the floor, and just tap your heels, getting your heart rate, nice and strong. A little bit of that higher intensity, right?
So, when we do this cardio you can slow it down or you can speed it up right here. You have 15 more seconds here. Good squeeze. Core stays tight, chest stays lifted. If you need to take that break maybe grab some water towel off, and come back and join us.
Double feet hop, here we go. Feeling a little bit of your calves, staying on the balls of your feet. Again, if you want to do those double unders, go ahead, go for it. I don't know if we can do it. Here we go.
You have five, four, stay with me for three, two and one getting that heart rate strong. We're gonna drop that way, we're gonna do lunges. You're going to step back. Chest stays lifted. You have 10 more seconds.
Take a deep breath and we'll transition to those. London's, in five four, I'm going to face this side in three, two, one, chest stays lifted. Knee goes to the back. Noticing how your chest stays tall. Weight is in your heels, right?
If that doesn't feel good for you maybe you step forward like that. It feels a little bit different. You can decrease that range of motion. Don't go down as far weight through your heels slowly pressing all the way back. Right?
So strength and cardio together burning all those calories and getting nice and strong. So good team. You've made it this far. You're just about halfway through your 10 minute jump rope Workout. Staying with me, right there chest stays tall.
Good, Right there. You have 10 more seconds of your lunges. Then we're back to your cardio. We're going to switch it up a little bit. Using the jump rope in a little bit of different way.
You have three, two, and one nice work. You got 15 seconds. Towel off. Grab your water, this time we're going to lay our jump rope on the ground. Lay it down.
We're going to jump over and back again. Find a crack. You're going to go over and back. Working on staying on the balls of your feet. We've got three, two, one over and back.
Doesn't have to be a huge range of motion, right? So stay on your toes, light. There we go. Getting your heart rate strong. We've got 20 seconds here and then we're going to switch it up a little bit more.
You can feel your heart rate boosting through this ceiling. Stay with me, you have three, we're going to do fast speed over in back into, one forward and back rate. Keeping your heart, your hands above your heart. Seen on your toes. You've got it right?
Taking the look down every so often. Good right there. You have 10 more seconds. You got it. Team four, three, two, and one.
Good, we're going to pull that aside, one more time. Back to our strength work, with a little bit of pushups. So a few options here. You can do it from your toes, from your knees, slow it down. We'll start in that high plank.
Join me in three, two, one, slowly drop yourself down. Elbows, go back to about a 45 degree. bend, squeezing your core, squeezing your glutes, right? You can always drop down to your knees. Seeing there do what works best for your body.
Maybe you pick up the pace a little bit and you stay on your knees. Maybe you slow it down. Good squeezing your core. Glutes are tight. No matter where you are, right?
Maybe even finishing just with a few back on your toes. Good squeezing. You have 10, nine, eight. Stay with me you're strong today. You have three, two and a one.
We're going to bring that yoga mat out of the way. One more cardio verse right here. Again, laying your rope down on the ground right here. Maybe find that crack again. There we go.
And we're going to go side to side this time. So laterally moving. You're going to jump over and under in three, two one, jumping side to side. So we always move in that frontal plane, right? It's good to switch it up.
Finding your balance, staying on your toes, right? Feeling a little bit of my calves here. This is your last cardio burst. Good, breathing, in through the nose. Out through the mouth.
You have 15 more seconds. Keep pushing it. For Nine, eight, seven, breathe, three, two, one. Awesome job. One last strength work and your 10 minutes.
And then we are going to cool it down. Grabbing your yoga mat. One more time. We're going to find a side plank on the first side in three, two, one, just squeezing and holding. You can bring your hand to the ceiling.
Hand behind your head, maybe down to the ground for a little bit of support. Now, if you'd like a little bit more, squeezing your side body lifting and lowering right here we have 20 seconds on this side. You're already halfway through. We're going to switch to the other side. 'Cause we got to even out our bodies.
You have five, keep squeezing, even if you're just holding three, to quickly transition one to the other side right here as quickly as you can squeeze, find that form. First hand here, maybe behind your head or down to the floor. Maybe you add on and add those little side lifts right here. Stay with me. This is your last strength work you are done with that.
Cardio heart is still high squeezing. You have 10, nine. Maybe you just hold in. Squeeze for a six, five. You got a team three, two, and one come on down.
We're just going to cool our bodies down a little bit. Shake it out. Get your heart rate back to a normal position. Bring your right foot, cross it on over. Squeeze it and lift your chest.
Maybe a little bit of that rotation. As you can tell, I'm still breathing hard. Take a few seconds to focus on that breath, as you cool your body down. Switching your feet so that we even out our body on the other side. Lift your chest hall.
Nice rotation. Awesome work. Thank you for joining us on our 10 minutes jump rope session. We hope that you had an awesome time and we'll see you next time for some more 10 minute workouts.
Thank you 🙏 this was nice, short and fun!
I cannot get the videos to play