Sam Cameranesi

10-Minute Kettlebell Strength

Sam Cameranesi
Duration:   16  mins


If you are looking for a workout that digs deep into strength training with the kettlebell this workout is for you! Our 10-Minute Kettlebell strength workout is an empowering workout that focuses on form and movement while staying low impact on the joints. Don’t have a kettlebell? That’s okay – you can even try this with dumbbells if you so choose. Check out our Kettlebell Tutorial before you get started.

In this 10-Minute workout trainer Sam Cameranesi will give you an overview of the kettlebell and how you can hold this piece of equipment. Due to the weight distribution of kettlebells there are a few different ways to hold it throughout certain exercises. Unlike the dumbbell with equal weights on both sides – the kettlebell allows for a little more movement, bigger range of motion and activation of more muscle groups.

This kettlebell workout is a total body workout. Trainer Sam will start each series with a base movement and then you will add onto that movement, utilizing more muscle groups as you work towards a more advanced movement. You’ll perform movements such as the basic squat and advance to a squat with a bicep curl and overhead press to work every muscle group in the body. And of course, a kettlebell workout wouldn’t be complete without the kettlebell swing and kettlebell deadlift. With a lower body burn circuit, the back of your legs will be burning and your heart rate high with these two movements. This is truly a total body routine designed to work your muscles and torch calories.

Throughout this kettlebell strength workout, the goal is to focus on proper form and alignment to ensure proper engagement and use of the muscles. While staying low impact on the joints, this strength workout will still get your heart rate up, burning lots of calories and working up a good sweat. And just like that before you know it your 10-minutes will be up and you’ll be wondering where the time went!

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One Response to “10-Minute Kettlebell Strength”

  1. JOYCE

    perfect mini workout

Welcome Get Healthy UTV, my name is Sam Cam and I'm going to be your Get Healthy U trainer for the next 10 minutes. Today we have a 10 minute kettlebell workout. A lot of you have been asking for those kettlebell workouts, so here it is. I have two kettlebells with me today. I've got a 10 pound and a 15 pound kettlebell.

You choose what works best for you, I'm gonna be switching in between the two, depending on the movement that we're doing today. I just wanna go over some form stuff right before we get started. So there's a few different ways that you can grab a kettlebell. You can grab it by the horns, then the bell just holds underneath it. You can also grab the bell underneath, okay?

So depending on what movement we're gonna do, I'll tell you what way we're gonna be grabbing it. Second thing, form thing, squats. I'm gonna face this side to show you. So a squat, we confront racket up here, butt goes back chest stay lifted as you go down, okay? Whether you have it grabbing by the horns or the bell, same thing right here.

Now, when we add a deadlift, legs are gonna be slightly bent and you're gonna stick your butt out, spine stays long, so different than a squat. Stick your butt back, chest stays forward, coming back up. Adding onto that is a kettlebell swing. So I'll face a little bit toward the diagonal, a swing. You're gonna swing in between your crotch and you're gonna come on right up to shoulder height.

So the bell of the kettlebell should never go past your knees. I want it higher up into your legs as you sweating using the backside of those hamstrings. So that's just a few form things before we get started. We're gonna start with a one minute warmup. If you need more of a warmup, press pause, do a little bit more and come back to us for your 10 minute kettlebell workout.

Are you ready? Reach those hands overhead, squeezing through the backside of your glutes hamstrings, waking everything up, shoulders down, relax. Give me a few shoulder rolls, up down and back. Uh, that feels good. Right there, good.

So 10 minutes, we're gonna focus on that strength. Roll your shoulders forward, getting it a little bit bigger into those shoulders 'cause we're gonna need diesel shoulders. This is going to be a total body workout, 10 minutes, check it off the list and you will be done. Flat those arms a few more times, we're gonna start with a few squats down and back. Give me a few squats.

So weight is heavy through your heels. Notice how your form is right here in the warmup because we're gonna need it to use that form with that kettlebell, that's going to be a little bit heavier adding a little bit extra resistance right here. Give me three more, and two, and one, right here. Give me some hamstring curls, just waking upside, the backside of your glutes. We're not gonna do any jumping today, but that does not mean we're not gonna get that heart rate strong.

Right here for four, three, two. Knee front, right here, pull, pull, right here. Using that core pulling and resisting your arms down. Give me five, four, three, two and one. Getting that body ready to work.

Your 10 minute kettlebell is going to start now. So we're gonna grab either kettlebell, whatever works best for you. Preferably you're heavier kettlebell. We're gonna grab it by the horns. So right here, bell is down in the center, weight is down.

Keep it at heart center. We're gonna start with some squats in three, two, one. Butt goes back, find two counts down and two comes up right here. Just finding your heart rate starting to climb because we're adding resistance, right? Now, keep that heart, your hands on heart center, bell stays here.

So you don't want the weight to escape in front of you, right? Keep it as close to your body as you can. Good. We're going to be adding onto this one. So keep working on getting your butt as far backing down as you can.

And at the bottom, we're gonna add on. So we're gonna go down, stay there, find all bicep curl, pull it back to the top. So it's down. You stay low in that bicep curl, elbows stay in and then you press to the top. Good.

So we have a boatload of squats for that lower body. And then you add on that bicep curl. So we've got total body, upper body, lower body together. Guess what? We're gonna add on to this one.

So give me that bicep curl at the bottom. You're gonna press up, stand up, overhead, press back down. Squat, bicep curl, pull to the top overhead press. Now I want you to use your glutes as you explode to the top. So it's an overhead press, getting that weight above your head, but it is not all shoulders, right?

Yes, you're using that upper body left through the back side of your kinetic chain as you pull that weight overhead. But I want spine staying lunge, so I'm gonna show you from the side. It's down, bicep curl, stand up. Cores stays tight, so you're not arching your back at the top. You're squeezing, pulling that weight over head.

Can you give me two more? Say it with me, yes, you can. Right here. Squeeze your core, engage those glutes, right here. Press up, you are done with that one.

So now, place the weight right in front of you. I want you to have a stagger stance. I want you to find the very bottom. You're gonna find a 90-90 lunge. So, heel directly stacked under that knee.

Right here, I want you to just practice right here. You're gonna lift off and kick back, that back leg is going to straighten as you're gonna roll that arm back and then set it back down. Now the goal here is to not to ever let that back leg touch the ground. We're gonna grab that weight and you're gonna row. Keep that weight, forward.

Chest stays slightly forward so you're hinged at the hips. You're using your back to pull in row, right? You don't want you to open up your shoulder, so I don't want you to do this. Shoulder stay to the front as you pull back, you press down, right here. Give me five, breathe, four.

We're gonna squeeze out the top, three. You've got two more. Two. Hold it at the top right here, just stick with that row. It's up, down.

Nine. Yes. Eight. Find that row for seven. Breathe, six.

Yes you can, five more shoulders down. It's four, breathe. Three. Two more, two, last one. Press that way down.

Good. Shake out those arms, shake out those legs. We're gonna do that same thing, opposite leg comes forward. So find the weight on the other side. Opposite foot comes forward 90-90 lunge, I want you to start at the bottom.

So set up that foundation, set up your form right here. So, moving your chest forward, as you press back, that back leg is gonna straighten, you're gonna still have a bend in that front knee, and then you're gonna come down. So you're rowing using an upper back. You're squeezing your shoulder blades together. Now grab that weight, press it back and pull your way back.

Remember, shoulders stay square to the front. You're not opening up your hips. Everything stays towards me at home. Yes. Pressing and rolling, shoulders stay out your ears, but opposite hand comes out for a little bit of balance.

Yes. What do you say about five more? Yes, you can. Four. You're gonna hold at the top because you are strong.

Three more. Weight is heavy through that front heel. You have two more. One more. Hold it at the top, good.

Just row. You have 10 of them. Ten. Find your pace, stay with it. Good, breathe, eight.

Oh my gosh, upper body, so strong. Stay with it. Five more. You've got it. Find your pace.

Three. Yes, you can. Two, and one. Set is down. Shake out those arms really quickly.

We're gonna move on for a little bit more of the upper body. Grab that kettlebell by the horns. You're gonna reach over at head. Tricep, overhead extension. So you're gonna drop, hands behind your head, elbows squeeze next ears, back up.

Find a pace that works best for you. So right here, I want spine long, don't over tuck your chin, look at your strong body right in front of you. Now, if you feel a lot of sway through that low back, stagger stance, pull your belly button in, so we're not arching our back here, right? Tuck it under as you drop it back, right here. Are you feeling your triceps?

Right? If you need, maybe you take a step forward and then you switch legs, because triceps are really firing up right here. What do you say? About four more. Four.

Yes. Three, fatigue settling in. Two. You got it. Weight comes back to heart center right here.

Hold on to that kettlebell, we've got five around the row. So, goal here is to not arch your back. I want you to keep your core engaged. Arms are gonna go around your head and come back on. You're gonna stay the same way for five reps, here we go.

You have five, core stays tight, I want you to try to think about not moving your upper body except for your hands going over your head. We have two more like that, core stays tight. Yes, utilize your heels pressing to the ground. That's it right there, good. Now, we're gonna start kettlebell deadlift.

So again like we did at the beginning, butt goes back, spine stays long. If you feel hamstrings right there, you stop and you pull it back up. Here we go. Join me right here. Now if you have a little bit more of flexibility in your hamstrings, AOK, go down a little bit further.

But, we do not want to pull from our back. So, I want it all through your heels as you press back. You've gotta soft-bend through those knees, good. Right there, we're working on reps, we're working on strength. So strong right here.

Give me two more. We're gonna bringing into that kettlebell swing. Last one, right here. So bring that weight into the center and you swing to shoulder height. So I want this to be driving from your glutes.

You keep going. I'm gonna talk about it right here. So it's not about the shoulders, right? It's all about from here, you hinge and you squeeze your glutes at the top. What do you say if you give me five?

Frontward back to that deadlift in three, give me two more, two. Yes, you can. And one, drop that weight. Stand, back up, shoulders up back and down and give me 10 deadlifts, here we go. Find your pace.

You don't have to go with me, right? If you can go a little bit faster, by all means. But I want you to work on strength and form. So we work on form first, speed second so that we can really make sure that we're using the proper muscle groups. You stop when you feel those hamstrings and you pull back up.

I've got five more, how about you? Go to right here, you've got four. Yes, it's so strong, stay with it. Three more. We're back to those kettlebell swings in two, yes, one more, just like that.

All new 10 kettlebell swings. You're on your own, you find your pace. You can stick with me, you can go slower, right? But I want you to utilize the backside of your glutes as you swing your hips forward, as you your glutes. Right here, just to shoulder height and you come back down.

Feel those hamstrings, you've got four more. Four, yes. Three, back to our upper body, in two and last one right here. Drop it down. Grab that kettlebell, We're back to those overhead tricep extensions because we are strong right here.

I'm gonna stay here, stance my feet, you're back to those triceps, yes? Total body strength work right here. Pull your belly button in tight. No arch through your upper back. If you need dropped down, grab a different set of kettlebell, right?

If you don't have kettlebells, grab dumbbells, it all works right here. Switching those feet, yes, finding that balance, good. Core stays tight. Yes, are you feeling those triceps? Second time around a little bit more fatigue settling in.

What do you say about four more? Yes. Three more. Good, elbows are tight to your head too. Last one, weight comes to heart center.

Now we've got five around the worlds, we're gonna go the opposite way this time, five of them, core stays tight. So, I want nothing to move except for your hands going over your head, right? Do not let that back arch, yes? You're using shoulders, you're using lats, you're using a lot of core. Give me one more right there just like that.

Down to the ground. We have one pushup and one row. So, I want it to be on one side of you, toes or knees, whatever works best for you. You give me one pushup. Down, pull up, you're gonna grab that weight, and you're gonna row.

You're gonna do ten of them on each side. Now, if you need, you come down, you find your knees. Give me one up from your knees. You can stay on your knees and row back. If you need, one push up from your knees, you pop up to your toes and you row back, whatever works for you.

You are strong, know that there is no shame in the modified game. Yes, give me two more right here. It's row and back. One more. This side, right here, good.

Press back for a quick second. Shake out those arms. Good, good, good. And bringing that weight to the other side of your mat. Toes or knees, we got that other side row, here we go in three, two, one.

It's down. If you want your toes, you're up, you row, your back down. Right now if you wanna stay on your knees, again, make sure that those hips stay forward and they're not back here as you row. Hips are forward, shoulders squared, squeeze your glutes. It's down and up, pull back.

Give me two more like that right here. You are strong, yes. Both sides, right here. Last one, up. kind of plank comes in the center, find your high plank, right here.

You're gonna pull your knee into that kettlebell using a little bit of core work right here. Yes, core stay strong, finishing off your 10 minutes with some core, good. Pull that knee into the center, towards that kettlebell. You have two more, one, yes and two. Now hold it right there, you're gonna pull from behind that wrist, kettlebell to the opposite side of your mat.

Hips, stay level. Pull, reach, pull, reach. Yes, you're pulling it across your mat. If you need, knees come down. I want you to pull from underneath, pull it to the opposite side of your mat.

Switch, back up. We have five more because you can. Five, 10 strong minutes. Where did the time go? You have three, yes.

Two and one, done. 10 minutes kettlebell workout. We're gonna take a seat, stretch it out for just a few minutes. I want you to cross one knee into your chest. Reach that opposite arm in, pull that knee into your chest, a little spinal twist right there.

Oh, I can feel those glutes from those lunges as well as those kettlebell swings. Open up the backside of your back, we did upper body, total body workout with that kettlebell. So kettlebell just adds a little bit different of weight distribution with that weight. There are a few more movements that are a little bit different than you might see in the eight dumbbell workout. But if you don't have kettlebells, dumbbells work just fine.

So again, do what works best for you. Make sure you're challenging your body. We've got just a few minutes to cool down. Arms reach forward, and know that in just 10 minutes you got an awesome, sweaty calorie burn, strength burn. Cardio came up without even jumping.

So, awesome work today, team, that was your 10 minute kettlebell workout. Join me for more, Get Healthy UTV, 10 minute workouts. Find a bunch of different variations, other instructors. And we'll see you back here next time.

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