10-Minute Kickboxing
Sam CameranesiDescription
Whether you’re traveling and don’t have access to equipment, or you just want to get a good cardio workout done with just your own bodyweight, trainer Sam Cameranesi will lead you through this quick and invigorating workout. Sam will lead you through a very quick warm-up before diving into this cardio kickboxing workout. Whether you want high or low-impact, Sam will provide both modifications for each move so that no matter your fitness level you can get a great cardio workout done with little time.
You will punch, kick, jab, and shuffle your way through this 10-Minute kickboxing workout, so be ready to work up a sweat! Looking for other cardio workouts using just your bodyweight try this 10-Minute Power Walking Workout!
Hey, hey, get healthy. You TV squad. I'm Sam. I'm gonna lead you through these next 10 minutes of a kick boxing workout. Kick boxing is one of our favorite ways to get the cardio up.
All you need is 10 minutes. So join me for these next 10 minutes of kickboxing. We're gonna start with the night's warm up, quick, warm up deep, squat down, reach's arms all the way up. Overhead, exhale. Let it all go.
Let's do it again all the way down. Reach exhale. Let it all go one more because that feels good in the body exhale, roll the shoulders to the back. So in kick boxing, everything is nice and tight and everything is gonna stay in front of us one arm circles to the back at a time. We gotta wake up those shoulders to get ready to punch right there.
Now, roll the shoulders to the front, both of them at the same time to the front, soft, bend through the knees, one arm at a time, you can forward it forward right there. Good. Those ball and socket joints are ready to work. Give yourself a couple of hugs right there. Flap those wings, couple of hip circles up and over to the right up and over to the left.
Right. So if these are the only 10 minutes that you have today, hopefully this gets that body nice and right. Don't work. We're gonna stay forward in that body today. Last one right there.
No internal go out to come in. Squeeze those inner sides. Oh If you're adding this on to another, maybe the end of a workout. If you just need a couple extra 10 minutes, you do your right here. Last one good right here.
We're gonna plant those feet. We're ready for that kickboxing. So hands are in front of you. We always punch with the thumb to the side right here. So a punch right and left.
We're gonna warm up all of our punches today. So this is what you call a jab. We're right there. We got hooks, we got upper cuts. They're coming in next four more.
Three more. Come on two. We're gonna warm up the hooks. It looks like this hook hook right there. So everything stays nice and tight to that body right there.
So I'm not flailing right. I'm keeping my core tight, soft in the knees. Now, let's speed it up right here. A little faster with those hooks. OK?
We're gonna add on the jabs with this speed. Let's go. Four of them now, four hooks. There we go. Four jabs, four hooks.
We're still warming up those hooks and those jabs come on right there. Jab it out now. Hook for as tight as your obliques, apples and tight. Last one right here now. So upper cuts, upper cut, upper cut right there.
Show us your biceps right there. Body language leans forward. You're stop in the feet, show them those biceps. Let's speed it up right here. Go speed, speed right there.
With those upper cuts, you're tight. Your rib cage is wrapping right there. Good. Show them those biceps. All right, we've got four of our jabs, four of them.
Now, four hooks, eight upward cuts go right there. Yes, you can. Come on four of them now. Four hooks. Good.
Boom right there. 222. It's 1212. Not four up for cut, cutting everything and how you got it. Boom, boom right there.
Last one. OK. We're gonna warm up right here. A block. OK?
So it feels very similar to our hooks. But now the elbow comes around, I'm eating my hair right there. Come on elbow. Now we go high elbow block. Looks like this high, high right there.
Warm it up. You've got it. Come on, give me 43 jabs to the front. So right there. No hook.
You got it jabs go, hook it all around next pattern. You've got it. Last hook go. We're gonna shuffle with an inside jab. Shuffle to the right inside jab right there.
Boom. Hey, so you shuffle low impact side by side drive jab, you can say low impact. Otherwise you shuffle jab right there, move laterally with that body. Now, we're gonna take it to a cross body punch right here. Cross, cross that body, then your knees.
It's a little lunch as you punch to the sides of the room right there. Come on, we're gonna stay over on this side, just punch it out right there. Come on, boom. OK. So you've got that left arm crossing across that body.
Now, double time. What? Go punch as fast as you can right there. Now, right hand lead to jab cross jab cross right there. Come on, jab cross right left, right and left.
You got it. Hold that shoulder through. So both shoulders are squared. Now, let's add the duck. Jab cross, duck their punch right there.
Come on, you gotta get low in that squad. It's a jab cross duck there punch. You can also consider that Bob and weave. Come on. Give me one more right here.
One more. Dump your rope in this center. Yes, you can. OK. So we're jumping that rope, low impact heels right here.
You can jack it out. Boom. We're right there keeping that heart rate up and elevated. We're back to our shuffle cross punches. Are we ready?
We gotta do that other side. 43 shuffle, let's go. Shuffle cross body punch. You've got it. Ok?
On this next one, we sit on the other side, other side, let's go punch it out, hit, hit out, relax those shoulders, pull both shoulders going to the side. Now, can we hammer it out right here? Go punch, punch as fast as you can. Now grab that left arm. You jab cross, go jab cross right there and your light on your feet.
Can we add the jab jab cross and the duck? Here we go. A 4321, jab cross duck their punch. You got it and then squat it out. Dare good.
Last 11 more. Jump through a rope right here. That was your first little combo. How we doing? Check it out right here.
Jacket. Boom. Boom. Right here. We cross high.
We cross low, high, low right there. High, low, we speed it up right here. It's high, low, high, low right there. Punch that Amazon box. Now you got two knees with a hook and it looks like this high, low knee pulls across.
High, low boom. Me pulls across as you've put that elbow back right there. Elbow block, high, low boom. You've got it right there. Come on other side.
Yes, you can. Hi, low. Hi. Hello. Hi.
Hello. Just practice a high, low for a second. You've got to come on free. High, low punch that box. What's inside of it?
Intention behind your movements today at the We go. Hi Lo now, knees with the block. Hi, lo bend your knees. It's a luge. You got it.
Let's do two more because we can feel good today. Team Jack ain't out right here. You're crushing it. Time's gonna fly right shoulder or left shoulder to the front punch, punch, ok? Find one side.
We'll do both. Jab cross. Jab cross, pull that second shoulder forward, second pattern. Jab jab cross. So it's syncopated.
Jab same arm, jab cross dry it. Jab jab cross now, let's meet up on the next one. Jab Cross. Here we go. Jab jab cross.
Jab jab cross, get it tight. You've got it. Now give me four jab crosses, four sets, three sets, two, not a Syncopation. Two of them, two of them, Jab Jab cross. Jab jab cross.
Let's go eight cross right here now with a double jab jab jab cross, jab jab cross do it again. 12345678, double jab jab cross. You got it one more time. You got it. Double jab jab jab cross.
Now we move to the front shuffle 1234, shuffle to the back four times at the cross party punch and the hook at the back right there, punch now, hook it go, punch and hook it go. Can we add the upper body right here? Let's try it. Now jab jab cross, Jeff jab cross, you shuffle to the front, you cross body punch, punch it and hook it one more time with the feet. Now add the arm.
Sculpt, Jeff cross eight count. Now, Jab jab cross, jab, jab, cross shuffle the feet four and back. Open, punch and hook, jump your rope right here. Jump to the other side. Jab it out in front and hand goes.
Let's go. Jab Jab. OK. This is all you're learning today. We just gotta do it on the other side.
Jab cross, let's go. Jab cross, back heel is off the floor. Shoulders, relax. You've got this four more. Three more.
Come on two. Jab jab cross. Jab jab cross. You've got it. We don't need to go slow because you know what to do.
Boom right there. You got it. Boom. OK. We're gonna combine these two upper body blocks together after this one right here.
Jab cross 87654. Now, Jab jab cross boom right there. One more time. You've got this Jab Jab now shovel the feet, get the feet to start. Boom right there.
Now, back it up, boom. Now add that punch in the front block of a block or that hook right there. You've got the pattern. Let's try it after this one right here. Now add the upper body 876 Jab Jab Cross.
Let's try it. Jab jab cross it again. Now shuffle the feet four times. This is 21 more at the upper body. Come on Jab jab cross jab jab cross do it again right there.
Smile. Are we having fun? We're gonna do that one more time because you can, then we're done. Eight. Let's go.
Jab jab jab Cross. Put your effort into it. Shuffle your feet. Lunch and retreat. Last one right here.
Move his heat, drop it, move the feet, drop its spot it. You've got 4321. Boom. Crush it. 10 minutes.
Cardio kick boxing in the box. Separate those feet. Take a deep spot down. Retail arms over head, inhale, exhale. Let it all go.
Pull one arm across your body, relax your shoulder. So we got a very quick cool down in the 10 minute workout. Switch arms, pull the opposite arm across your chest. If you need more time to let that heart rate come down. Check out all of our 10 minute stretching, mobility yoga.
Any of that good stuff. Give the body what it needs. But the wings give yourself a nice pat on the back. That was your 10 minute cardio kick boxing workout. We'll see you next time.
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