10-Minute Legs and Glutes Workout 2
Lindsey BomgrenDescription
In this amazing 10-minute leg and glute workout, trainer Lindsey Bomgren takes you through 3 leg circuits that are going to tone and shape your entire lower body. Each lower body circuit consists 3 different moves meant to make those buns burn! These circuits are designed in “superset” fashion where all three exercises work the same muscles and there is no rest in between. Supersets are super effective! You’ll definitely “feel the burn” on this one. Toning your legs and glutes has never been so fun and so effective all in 10 minutes.
Too often you and I fall under the false notion that in order to improve our bodies we need to spend hours in the gym with complicated workouts or big barbells with trainers by our side. Nothing could be farther from the truth. During this leg and glute workout you will use specifically designed supersets that tackle your lower body muscles using weights or bodyweight if you choose. So grab some weights and a bottle of water and join us for this leg and glute workout! And for more 10-minute workouts make sure you check out our entire GHU TV library!
Hi, I'm Lindsey Bomgren, Get Healthy UTV trainer and I'm here with a 10 minute legs and glute workout. All you need is a set of dumbbells for this strength workout, low impact, 10 minutes. We're gonna get it done, all about that lower body. Let's start with a body weight warmup. So my feet are shoulder width distance and we're gonna go right into squats.
So just squat it out, down and up. We're gonna do a quick warm up here just to get that blood flowing. You can always take this into a longer warmup, if you need more time. We are cranking out 10 minutes of moving our body today, focusing on the lower body. So give me three, two, and one, hold that squat at the bottom, pulse it out for eight, seven, six.
Do you feel that burn? Come on three, two, one. Send those hip high and just shake it out. Shake up those hamstrings. Roll all the way up to the top, and now walk it a little bit wider.
Sumo squat, you need to go down and up squeeze those inner thighs. Bring them together down and up. There you go. Keep that chest up. Nice work, legs, legs, legs.
That is what this 10 minutes is about. You got four, three, two and one, stand tall toes to face me and just hamstring curl. Pull those heels towards those glutes. Warm it up. Open the quads.
Feel those hamstrings. Eight, seven, six. You got it. Five, four, three, two, and one, we're jumping right in. Let's get started.
This is how it's gonna work. I got three circuits for you. You grab your dumbbells starting on squats 30 seconds of a one and a half squat. So it looks like this, all the way down, halfway up, down, to the top. 30 seconds starts in three, two, let's go.
Down, halfway up, all the way down, to the top. So it's all the way down, halfway up, down, to the top. So now this, is a little bit different. Time under tension than you're used to with a standard squat, right? The time under tension is longer, down, halfway up, down, to the top.
Nice work, right here. Heart rate is starting to rise. You got two more, down, half, down, to the top. Last one, down, half, all the way up. And now we're gonna take one dumbbell, hold it low.
Hold that low squat. Can you lift those heels off the ground? Tiny calf raises. It's a lift, and a lower. Holding that squat as low as you can and those legs should be on fire.
Yes, you can. It's five, come on. Four, squat with a calf raise, three, combo move, in two and one, take it down. Calf raise, single tempo squats. This should feel good, shake it out.
Shake out those legs. You got it. You can always drop to one dumbbell like I am. Yes, you got it. Go heavy if you can, but one dumbbell is gonna be just as intense.
Nice work. You got four. Come on, three, nice, two and one, shake out those legs. Squats, squats, squats. Moving on to the lunges.
Three-way lunges, I'm gonna grab my other weight again. Three-way lunge. Right foot forward, left foot is gonna go back into a lunge. It's a reverse lunge, a lateral lunge, a front lunge. So it looks like this, 30 seconds in three, two let's go, reverse lunge, lateral lunge, front lunge.
So we're going three ways, staying, right foot forward left foot just moving, lateral front. So you're getting all three, heads of those legs. All three angles, all three angles. That's nice, right? All in one move, reverse, lateral, chest stays up, front, shoulder stay stacked over hips, core stays tight.
Reverse, lateral, we're gonna hold that lunge, and pulse so you got one more full set. One more, take a reverse. Woo, lateral legs are starting to burn. Take it to the front. Now find that reverse lunge, I'm going down to one dumbbell again.
Find the reverse lunge, hold it here and pause. Tiny pulses. Yes, pairing those big moves with these tiny moves. So we get the full range, big muscle groups. This is my small stabilizing muscles.
Lactic acid is building, it burns, woo. Come on, yes you can. You got five, four, three, two. Let's lunge it out, down and woo, find that balance. Tap it, tap it.
This is an option lunge, tap lunge, tap. This is option a, option B knee drive. That's what I was going for that first time. Lost my balance. Come on, hoop.
Engage that core. You got it. Inhale down, exhale, stand. That front leg is on fire, right? Mine is.
If you're not there yet, you've gotta be close. Come on, you got it. You got four and three and two last one, last one. Stand it all, shake, shake, shake. Beautiful part about two legs.
We get to repeat it, other side. So three way lunge, other side, left foot forward, right leg goes reverse, lateral, front. You're on in three, two, let's go, reverse lunge, lateral lunge and front lunge. So you can do all of this with one dumbbell, two dumbbells or actually, even just your body weight. That's a great option too.
Especially if you've got a baby on board like I do, I already got that extra weight, right? I'm feeling it. My legs, they are working, in just 10 minutes the goal of this workout is to show you, that you can fatigue muscle groups in 10 minutes. Yes, you can. Come on, hoop.
Squeezing that standing leg, to the front. You got one more full set. One more full set, come on reverse, now we go to the side, lateral, last one, to the front dropping down to that one dumbbell again. Left foot forward, right foot back, find that lunge. You're pulsing it, pulse.
So we took those big muscles downwards, small stabilizing muscle groups right here, tiny pulses, stay low, I know it burns and that's the goal. Come on, you got eight, seven, six, hang it in, Yes, you can. Final four, three, two, shake it out. Give me that full range lunge and tap lunge and tap, went for the tap this time, 'cause I knew my balance, right? My legs were getting tired, if they can give me that knee drive, that's a good option lunge.
Knee drive, the feel, you can hear it in my breath, my heart rate's rising, right? Legs are a large muscle group. So when you had these full range movement, you had a heart rate. Woo, you had calorie burn. That's what this is.
I know it's strength, I know it's low impact. But your heart rate is still gonna get up. You can hear it in my breath. Come on, you got four, yes you can, three, stay with me, two and one, stand up, shake it out. Woo, okay, you guys one more set.
We're doing a staggered deadlift. Okay, so I'm grabbing both dumbbells again. Right leg goes back forward, left toe is popped behind me. It's a single leg deadlift, right here. So I hinge forward, hips go back.
Stand tall squeeze 30 seconds, in three, two, let's go. Hinge, hinge, hinge push those hips back, stand tall, squeeze. So the focus is my front right hamstring, stand tall squeeze. Hinge, hinge, hinge, squeeze. Now it's important to talk about range of motion.
Different for everybody. It could be the knee, up. It could be down to the ankle. Maybe you can even get those weights to the floor. High range of motion is a little bit cut in half because of my belly.
Now, if you're capable, you can always float that left leg. I'm keeping mine on the ground for balance and stability. So you can always float that back leg, nice work. You got five, four, three, two, and one. I'm gonna hinge forward, take the dumbbells to my chest, my back leg is gonna lift.
Lift and tap. Lift and tap, holy booty! Right squeeze your back with it, So we hit the front hamstring. Now we're hitting back hamstring backwards right here. Lift and tap.
Focus on that balance. Keep those hips square to the ground. Squeeze your booty. You got five more. Are you ready?
Five, come on, four. Stay with me. Three, two, and one I'm dropping to one dumbbell. We're gonna stay on the hamstrings and glutes but it's with a single dumbbell swing. Hinge, swing hinge, swing.
Option to alternate hands. Now, if you're feeling good, you can always grab two dumbbells and do a double bell swing, right? Squeezing the butt, squeezing the hamstring, 30 seconds, shaking that lactic acid out. Also raising the heart rate. Also using that power generators.
My hips, my glutes right here. Come on, hinge, swing. Send those hips back, stand tall, squeeze. You got it. Stay in it, finish it off.
One more leg in five, four, three, two, one. Grab that other dumbbell. Last set you guys, last time through, right here. This time, left leg forward, right leg back. Find that dumbbell, that deadlift dumbbell, right here.
Hinge, hinge, hinge, stand tall, squeeze the butt. Hinge, hinge, hinge, keep those weights close to the body. Stand tall, squeeze, Focusing on my front hamstring, my front glute. Range of motion is up to you. Dumbbell stay close to the body.
So isn't a speed game, slower and controlled. That's what we're going for here. Stand tall, squeeze. Start to feel that front hamstring? Really getting that stretch, that full range of motion.
Nice work you guys. Come on, you got five, four, three, two, last one, finish it up, stand tall, squeeze dumbbells to the chest, hinge forward, back leg right here, you gotta lift and lower, lift and lower. So we hit the front hamstring, the front glute. Now we're getting the back, just body weight right here, that's what this is, a good way to burn it out. A good way to challenge your balance, your core, your stability tap.
You wanted that challenge, you take that tap out and you go to a hover. Find that focal point on the floor. You got five. You're almost there. Four, finish, three and two and one swing in, one dumbbell, this is where we finish.
Hinge, swing last move 30 seconds right here, and you are done with this 10 minute legs and glutes workout. Nice work you guys. Mostly strength-based, all the impact, friendly for everybody, pregnant, not pregnant, coming back from injuries. You get to decide your weight, your pace. 10 minutes, you can do anything.
Come on, you got five, four, three, two and one. Dumbbells down, awesome job! You've knocked out that 10 minutes. Let's do a quick cool-down. We're gonna do some body rolls.
So, feet goes nice and wide, heels and toes up. Drop low, drop the belly and then pull up spine towards the ceiling. Roll it out, two more. Drop down, open up those hips, throw it out. Last one, drop low, pull it up, shake out those legs.
If you feel good about your heart rate give me a nice forward fold. Nice wide forward fold. Stretch two of those hamstrings, open up that low back, bend at the knees, drop it all the way nice and low if you can. Heels and toes out. Find that nice hip opening, yogi squat.
Hands to the ground, open up the hamstrings one final time. Pull it all the way to the top. If you need more time to stretch, you can always check out more stretching workouts on Get Healthy UTV as well. Otherwise come back, do this 10 minute leg and glutes workout. Love to see you again.
Have a great day.
Love this quick leg workout that gets your heart rate up too. When I have already done a workout or cardio during the day, I can do this one quickly after dinner. And love seeing Lindsey doing this with her baby!
My favorite 10 minute leg workout. I like doing this in the evening as part of my leg focused routine.