10-Minute Lower Body Finisher
Shannon TietzDescription
If you’d like to add on a free upper body workout, check out the 10-Minute Dumbbell Upper Body Workout.
Interested in more lower body exercise? Take a look at Lower Body Burn.
Level: All levels
Equipment: Medium and heavy dumbbells, Mat
Instructor: Shannon Tietz
Hey, hey, Get Healthy U TV. My name is Shannon Elise, and I'm taking you through a 10-minute lower body finisher workout today. We're gonna use a heavy set of dumbbells and we're also gonna need a mat. This is a great 10-minute workout to hit everything from your hips down. So right away, I'm gonna have you go ahead and start kicking your heels up towards your glutes so that we open up your quads and we're gonna do a really quick warmup so that we can get right to it.
We've got eight or nine exercises to get through. We'll hold dumbbells for lots of them and no dumbbells for some of them, all right? Go ahead and squat down and up for me right here. Down and up, down and up. Press your hips straight back, sink into your heels.
Lift your chest up tall. I'm bringing my arms right with it because it's more fun that way. Keep going. We've got eight, seven, almost there. In four, three, two, we're gonna reach down for your toesies and then reach up towards the sky or the ceiling.
Reach down and back up. We're lengthening out, opening up your hamstrings, into your back, your glutes, all that good stuff. Keep it going. Give me a couple more here. One more.
Awesome. Take your left knee, bring it up and around. Make a circle with it. We're opening up through your hips. We're gonna be doing some split squats, some lunges.
It's gonna be really fun, so be excited. We've got two more on each side and then we're gonna plant our feet wide. Good, nice and wide. Right here, I'm gonna have you bring to your left, to your right, side to side, nice and easy. And our first exercise today is going to be reverse lunge with a pulse.
Okay? So we're gonna hold heavy dumbbells. You do what's heavy for you, all right? Every body is different. Some days our body will do more than others, all right?
So listen to your body, one more each side. Fantastic. All right. Pick up those bells. We're gonna take our left leg and lunge it back and add a pulse back there.
It's gonna go like this. Pulse, pulse, bring it back up. Now let's take the right leg back. Pulse, pulse, bring it back up. All right, join me.
Here we go. We've got two, chest is up nice and tall. Keep going. Don't forget to breathe. Breath is life.
Again. Chest is up. Really sink into that lunge. Again, you're choosing that workout by how heavy your dumbbells are, all right? What your body is doing today.
Listen to it and challenge it as much as you can. Keep it going. We're gonna be setting these down in just a few seconds here and we'll squat without the dumbbells. Good. And let's set 'em down right in front.
All right, we're gonna squat here. My feet are just about shoulder width apart, maybe a little bit wider. I'm gonna have you squat center, toes turn out, squat again. Turn 'em in front. Squat, turn 'em out.
Squat. Yes, just like that. All right, let's speed it up a little bit for me. Every time I sit down I'm pushing my hips straight back behind me, okay? Like I'm trying to tap my buns to a chair or a bench right behind me.
Yes, there it is. Keep it going. Feel those quads lightening up, right? Keep it going. Turn those toesies out.
Turn 'em straight ahead. You've got it. We're almost there. You've got about 10 seconds left now and then we're gonna pick up those weights again. One more each way.
Fantastic. All right, grab those dumbbells. We're gonna put 'em right here. Right up near our hips, and we're gonna squat nice and wide. Four times like this, straight down.
One, two, three, four. Stay down here for me. Now we're gonna lift one leg up. One, two, three, four. Let's go up and down again.
Oh yeah. One, two, three, four. You feel that? We're gonna stomp again. One, two, three, four.
Back up and down. One, two. Hold those weights there. Four. Keep it down.
Good. We're gonna do one more set like this. You decide what's good for your body, okay? Last one. One, two, three, four.
Fabulous. All right. Shake out your legs for a second. We're coming down onto your mat. Now I'm gonna put my right knee down here.
I'm gonna use my dumbbells still. If it's too much to use your dumbbells, that's all right. That's cool, all right? We're gonna come up here out of your split squat. Bring your knee to the floor, lift that front foot up.
Come up, down. Lift that front foot up. So what I'm doing is when I lift that front foot up it makes sure that I put all the weight in my back leg and it's forcing me to use this front quad and make that engage to come back up and not relying just on my back leg. Yes. Perfect.
You're gonna do one more rep, and then we got a switcheroo. All right, take it to the other side. Come on down. We're gonna come up out of it. Back down.
Lift that front foot up and down. Ooh. We'll feel this in our quads, right? You should be feeling it by now. Almost there.
We gotta do at least five more on this leg, all right? You got time for that. Yes. Then we're gonna take this up to side lunges. Good.
Bring it all the way up for me. Fantastic. All right. We're gonna go off to the side. We are gonna alternate, so we're gonna step to your left first, bringing your weights with you.
Go over to the side, center. We're gonna step your right and center. Fabulous. Press your hips, straight back, really sink into that heel on that stepping leg. You feel that, right?
Keep it going. Push through it, feeling that resistance, right? Heart rate might be climbing. All the good things. Again, stay with me.
Press it straight back. We're gonna go two more each side. Good. One more each side. Fabulous.
We're gonna change this up now, okay? I'm gonna just scooch my mat over just a bit. Now what we're gonna do is we're gonna swing our bell. Okay, maybe you have a kettlebell too. But we're gonna swing it two times here.
Okay? Bring it up. Two goblet squats, and then two lunges forward. Okay? We got a lot happening right now.
So we got two swings. All right? Two goblets, so my elbows are coming towards my knees and then we're gonna lunge forward too. Now, if it bothers you to hold it right here, that's okay. You can hold it down a little if you need to, okay?
But bring it up as you come forward. Two swings. Yes. Two squats, two lunges forward. There it is.
Awesome. Let's do it again. We've got a three-part exercise here. Perfect. Give me one more, okay?
One more time through it. Yes. Excellent. Fabulous. All right, we're gonna take this to a single leg deadlift.
We're gonna alternate this, okay? So we're gonna stay on one leg, actually. We'll start here. Then we will switch the other, but we can do this two ways. You're gonna hinge forward and my back leg is lifting up, okay?
Or you can kickstand that foot and hinge. All right? You want your back nice and flat either way. Lead with your chest. Here we go.
Perfect. Find that center. Find that balance. Remember, you can always kickstand that leg. Perfect.
We've got two more here, and then we're switching. We're going right to the other side. Here we go, right to it. And again, I'm showing you in this kickstand here, okay? You're leading with that chest.
Perfect. Or you're taking that back leg up. Whatever is best for you, okay? We have a better and a best side. We don't have a bad side.
Better and a best, right? Keep it going. We have three more on this leg and then we're gonna go into our squats to finish this out. All right? Okay.
We're gonna squat here. Toesies straight ahead, shoulder width. We're gonna come down and pulse, pulse, then stand back up. Here we go. Pulse, pulse, and up.
Right there. Good. Sink into your heel. Remember what I said about sinking down, pushing your hips straight back. Imagine now tapping your buns to a chair or bench right behind you, okay?
Maybe it's even like a really, really small chair like your toddler sits in. You have to get really low to tap it, right? Keep going. There we go. Pulse, pulse.
Bring it up, again. We've got four more like this. Come on. This is it. You gotta finish strong.
Smile. Two more. One more. Fantastic. All right, set those down for me, okay?
We are gonna stretch out quick. Your quads, right quick. Bring your knees towards each other, hips forward. Stretching out your quads. Hold it there.
Nice job, everybody. Remember, if you like this workout, you can go ahead, push Play, do it again. You can pause it, add more sets, do it again and add heavier weights. Whatever works for you, all right? Switcheroo.
Grab that other heel there. Again, try to keep your knees towards each other, hips forward. We're stretching out that quad. Hold it there. Hold it there.
Knees towards each other, hips forward. One more. Set it down. All right, reach down and up. Open up your hamstrings.
Please continue to stretch more if you need to. Take another few minutes yet. I wanted to bring you 10 minutes and I hope you got everything you wanted. One more. Fantastic.
That's a wrap. Thank you so much for joining me. I'll see you next time.
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