10-Minute Mobility Workout
Sam CameranesiDescription
You’ll start at the top of your body, moving at your neck and shoulders, then moving down the body to your back, hips, knees, and ankles. Sam will focus on rotating, flexing, and moving the joints to stimulate your body’s natural lubricant, synovial fluid. “Motion is lotion.” When you are stiff and sore, mobility is the key to feeling better. Do this workout whenever you feel like you need to release and move through your joints!
If getting down on the floor is too much, check out our Chair Mobility workout. If you are looking for a longer mobility workout, check out Yoga Basics: Mobility workout.
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Bodyweight
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi
Hey, hey, Get Healthy U TV squad. I'm Sam Cam and we are coming at you with your 10 minute mobility workout. Talk about mobility. Everyone has been asking for this workout so we're gonna give it to you. 10 minutes.
We're gonna do a nice little, like this whole thing, 10 minutes is going to be kind of a stretch mobility. So as we get in, you're gonna feel really good from head to toe, warming up the joints. You can do this before your workout. You can do it after your workout. We'll talk about the difference between mobility and flexibility throughout the workout.
So to get us started, we're gonna start standing up. We're gonna make our way down to our mats pretty quickly. Shoulders stacked on top of the hips, on top of the heels. I just want you to bring your head from side to side, just tipping that head, waking up the shoulders, the neck. As we start to do our 10 minute mobility, you're gonna notice that we're not really gonna hold stretches too much and we're gonna move through 'em, but you should feel really good loosening up the joints from side to side.
Let's go forward and back. So tip that head forward and then backwards. Just find a rhythm, find a pace that's working best for you. If anything feels a little bit sticky, move a little bit slower, engage your abs. Right there, we're gonna do a head tilt all the way to the left, around to the back, to the opposite shoulder and around.
Let's do that again. So a nice, big neck roll. Oh, feeling good. Come back to the center. Let's do that to the opposite side.
So drop the chin, roll it out. Opposite side, two rolls. Oh, I felt a few cracks there. Oh, one more, just like that. Come back to the center.
Roll the shoulders up, back, and down. Just a few shoulder rolls because we just did the neck. We're gonna do the shoulders. We're gonna come down to the mat right after this. Give me two more big rolls back.
Really long arms and let's go to the front. Roll your shoulders to the front. Okay, so I always like to start a little bit smaller in our range of motion. Give me two more, and then if it feels better, a little bit bigger. Ah, feeling good.
We're gonna make our way down to our mat. I'm gonna face the side. Shoulders stacked on top of the wrist. You're gonna find a forearm position. So both hands down, both knees down, knees are underneath your hips.
A few cat cows. You're gonna drop your belly, lift your gaze, feel the core stretch out a little bit, and then squeeze up 'round through your back. Let's do that again a couple of times. So notice how we're not gonna hold and we're just gonna kind of transition through all of our movements. Feeling the joints really loosen up here again.
So talking about flexibility, mobility, they are different. Okay, you do not have to be super flexible in order to do mobility. This is really just about getting the joints, all the tissue, moving in the body right there. Give me one more. Drop your belly, lift your gaze.
Round through that spine, pull up. Okay, I want you to come and find a neutral spine. I want you to press the palms down into the mat. You're gonna flip your fingertips back towards your knees and your forearms away. You're just gonna rock forward and back.
So you're gonna feel a nice stretch through the forearms, trying to keep all 10 fingers on the mat. So if you come to a point where your entire palm is off the mat, don't go so far. Decrease that range of motion. Good, right there. And come find that neutral spine.
I want you to press like you have a fist. Press your fist into the mat. Good, right here, we're gonna open up. So I'm gonna bring my right arm to the back of my head. I'm gonna open up, find a spinal twist, and then drop your elbow to opposite elbow.
Spinal twist right there. Open up. If this is too much on the palm or on the fist, plant and twist. Okay, so now I really want you to try and find elbow to elbow. Open up, relax your shoulders, and twist.
Can you find a deeper twist this time, right here? Ugh, are we still breathing, team? Give me one more. Open up, really find that twist, twist, twist. Open and close.
Elbow to elbow. Come back to the center. We gotta do it on the opposite side. So opposite hand comes to the back of your head, just resting there. And then elbow to elbow.
Twist and squeeze. Open up, spinal twist. Make sure you take those deep inhales and deep exhales. Open up, we've got two more just like this. This is one.
Come on down, engage the belly. Squeeze, open back up. And one more. Do we feel that twist in the body? Finding neutral position right here.
We're gonna do a few body rocks. So you're just gonna rock forward for a second and come back. So I'm not gonna do a huge range of motion quite yet. We will come back to our full range of motion in just a little bit, so start small. You're pressing forward and pressing back.
Give me two more and one, now I want you to drop all the way down. Lift up, press your feet down into the mat, and you're gonna press all the way back into child's pose. Press all the way forward, lift your belly, heart comes to the sky. Squeeze the backside of your glutes and rock it back. Okay, again, find your consistent pace.
You're moving through every single movement. Right there, you've got this, team. Press forward, mm, squeeze. Hopefully this feels good in the body right there. Give me one more.
Press it forward and press it back. Child's pose. Come forward into your table top position. We are going to flip our toes, press back. Downward facing dog.
We're just gonna pedal out the heels from side to side right here. Coming forward, find that high plank position. You're gonna drop down, lift that gaze again. Press back, downward facing dog. Come forward, high plank.
Drop your belly, lift your gaze. A little bit of yoga, feels like it. We're moving through every single position with that intention squeezing. Drop it down, relax your shoulders. Press it back, downward facing dog.
Press your heels into the mat, come forward, shift, high plank, drop your belly, lift your gaze. Come up. Last time right here. Press forward, high plank position, drop it down. Breathe and press back.
Downward facing dog, pedal at your heels for four. You've got three, two, and one. We're gonna drop our knees. I'm gonna face the front of the room. Okay, right here, I'm gonna have my knees.
I'm gonna sit down. Your palms are gonna face the floor. I want you to drop your shoulder, one shoulder to the mat. Come back to the center. Drop the opposite shoulder to the floor.
Now notice, if you're here and you feel a nice stretch through the shoulder, that's all you need to go. Again, flexibility plays a different part, but you do not have to be flexible in order to find mobility. It's different. Challenge yourself to just squeeze side to side. So we do a lot of like pushups with the shoulders.
Drop that shoulder, palms are on the floor. Ugh, right there, this feels so good. Good, right there. Ugh, give me a few more side to side. Okay, we've got shoulder mobility.
We've got hip mobility, all coming up right here. Last one. Come into the center, lift your chest. I'm gonna have you bring yourself to a yogi squat position. So heels in, toes out.
I want you to bring your hands to heart center. If this is too much for you right away, you're gonna start a little higher. So the palms come to your quads and you press here. If that yogi squat is accessible for you right here, just kind of rock your hips from side to side. So we did a lot of the spinal rotation a little earlier.
We've got a little bit of the shoulders. We did that downward facing dog. Now we've get into the lower body and the hip. Now from here, I want you to plant both palms to the mat. One knee drops down to the center.
Come back to that yogi squat position. You can have one hand on your thigh, the knee, the quad, right? So again, switching from side to side. You should drop that knee, open back up. Drop that knee, open back up.
Right there, good, squeeze. Two more just like that. Feel the hips drop, right there. Yogi squat, position, hold. Plant your palms, lift your hips to the sky.
Feel the hamstrings, lower yourself back down. Good, lift the hips to the sky and right back down. Again, flexibility, right? So it's a little bit different. We are becoming mobile in the joints.
If your hands cannot reach the floor, bring your hands to heart center. Lift the hips. All I want you to feel is that stretch through the backside of the hamstring. You've got it. Right here, lift.
Come back down, give me one more. Press up. Press back down. One more time, hips to the sky. Point your toes forward, heels to the back of the space.
I want you to come and find a runner's lunge on one side. Does not matter which side. Drop your back knee, lift your chest. From here, we're gonna press back, straighten out that front leg, and rock it forward. Runner's lunge with that back knee on the mat.
Come back, hinge forward, feel that stretch. Toes point up towards the ceiling. Stretch forward again, runner's lunge, with that back knee down, press your hips forward. Stretch back, toes point to this ceiling. Give me one more.
We're feeling that front hip, and then as we extend backwards, that hamstring. All right, runner's lunge, flip your back toes. Come to that runner's lunge position, facing the front of this space. Hands come to heart center. You're gonna come up to the center and down to the other side.
So this is a little bit of those Cossack squats from side to side. This takes a little balance, takes a lot of strength in the legs. Feeling the hip flexors coming side to side. Hold it on the other side, that opposite side. Turn and shift, runner's lunge position.
Drop that back knee, lift your chest, press your hip forward, press back. Toes to the sky, front leg goes straight. Press it forward. Find mobility. We are moving the joints, we're not holding.
I want you to really find that fluid motion here. Press your hips forward. Sink it back, butt to the heel. Press forward last time and sink back. Come forward, find that runner's lunge position.
Flip your back toes under, runner's lunge. Come back to the center. Lift your chest tall. Walk your heels in to the center. Deep breath, reach those arms overhead, press them back down, that was 10 minutes of mobility.
If you need a little bit more, hopefully we will bring you a mobility number two coming up real soon. Take some time to really mobilize the joints before you do your workout. Anytime you're finished with a workout, come and move those joints. You guys crushed your first 10 minute mobility workout. We'll see you next time.
Love it! Thanks!
Thank you, Sam, for bringing us this much-needed mobility workout. Yes please, I'd love to see this extended to a 30 minute workout. Perfect to do mid-day just to get the joints moving.