10-Minute Push Pull Workout
Tara PutzDescription
Level: All levels
Equipment: Medium and heavy dumbbells, mat
Instructor: Tara Putz
Hey. Hey, good health to you TV squad. My name is Tara and I'm here with you for a 10 minute workout today. We've got push pull. We've got two circuits that are going to be there.
You're gonna have two exercises in each circuit. 45 seconds of work. 15 seconds to rest. We're going to do a quick, warm up, quick, cool down. Eight minutes total of work.
And we're going to have a lot of fun. All right, let's take a big inhale, exhale, roll those shoulders back and down. Big inhale, roll those shoulders back and down. Let's swim those arms back, opening up that chest, waking up those ball and socket joints. Oh, that feels so good.
Switch direction. Swim it forward. So push pull, we're going to be working the chest and the back. Your shoulders. Really?
Two opposing muscle groups. Give yourself a couple squeezes opening up chest. Let's take those arms to the top and we're going to do a side body stretch to the right. So we're working those two muscle groups or not just two muscle groups, but those opposing muscle groups. Excuse me, other side.
Oh, that feels good. One more to the other side again. Nice work other side. Let's take it all the way down. Let's open up those hamstrings real quick because we are gonna be using a little bit of our glutes and a glute bridge.
So you're gonna need medium to heavy set of weights, other direction and a mat because we are gonna go to the floor. All right. Let's drive those knees to the center just waking up that lower body, squeezing those glutes and those abs together. Come on. 43.
We're going to jack it out. 21. Let's go. Jack Jack, just get that heart rate up just slightly. Come on, let's go.
You've got 10, 9, and you're ready to work. All right, team. So you're going to grab your heaviest set of weights. We're going to lay down on the ground. We got 45 seconds of work.
15 seconds of rest. We're going to be in a group bridge. You've got a chest fly and a chest, a narrow chest press. It looks like this chest fly, narrow chest press. All right.
45 seconds on the clock and we are ready to rock and roll. Glue bridge is optional. You're gonna open up that chest. You're going to drop those levels around your rib cage. Press up high fly, narrow chest press option would be to keep your glutes on the ground if you don't like that.
Glute bridge. That's optional. We've got 45 seconds to your team. You got this, squeeze those glutes, squeeze the beach ball. We're working that chest.
Oh, it feels so good. Make sure you're going heavy. Come on, you've got this, you've got five. You've got four. We're flipping it over into a plank position.
Three, two, one. We're in a playing position. We're going to a push up position and we're going to reach our arm. So action, hands on weight, knees on the ground or your toes, you got a push up and a reach in a push up and a reach, you've got 10 seconds, actually, less than you got five. You got 4321.
Let's go, push up, reach that arm. Now we're working chest again as well as that back. Using those back a sensors as you reach and lift that arm in front of you. Come on. Option is to drop to your knees and maybe even come to your toes for the reach.
You've got 45 seconds. Come on team, let's go. Let's go. Oh Breathe. I know those push ups.
We're gonna burn out those chests and those back muscles. Less than 20 seconds. Come on. Squeeze those boots in your abs. Come on 876.
We flip it back over to go to that group bridge and the chest fly in 321 rest. All right. We go back to that first exercise and then we say goodbye to these two exercises. We do this twice. All right, here we go.
You've got five, four. I got our timer three. Get in that group bridge and set up 21. Open up that chest, press down and press up, push and pull. Come on.
You got this. Oh boy. You should be feeling that chest if you picked up appropriate weights. Come on. Team, squeeze those gluts.
Can you lift them one entire? Come on your pace, your tempo. Oh my. Come on. Come on.
You got this elbows fall right along those rib cage. Nice big squeeze. Opening up that big in that chess flyer opening up and squeezing that beach ball. Come on, you've got this. Give me five 43, two, one rest.
15 seconds, guys. All right, 15 seconds. Flip it over. We're going back to that push up. So again, like I said, option to have your hands on your weights.
Options to have your hands on the floor. Neutralizing those wrists is going to be when you put those hands on your waists. Ok. Were you ready to rock? Let's go in 4321.
You've got a push up, reach that arm, push up. So using that chest muscle and that push up and you're using your back. Well, as you extend that arm in front of your head. Come on, you got this 45 seconds you should be wanting out. Oh, my goodness.
Hello. Team. Those push ups. It's getting real in here. Let's go.
Let's go 45 seconds. Oh, we get two new exercises after this. Let's go. You've got 20 seconds left on the clock. Come on, arms are shaking.
Let's go. Elbows. Ain't falling along that rib cage. You've got 10, Push back to child's pose, stretch out those back extensors. That should feel good.
Oh, my goodness. All right, nice job team. Now we've got two new exercises. You've got two reverse grip rows, you're gonna stand it up. You got two crossbody chest presses.
Ok. So these two, we're gonna stay. Well, sorry, I shouldn't say that we're gonna stand for the first exercise. We're gonna go back down for Renegade roll for the second exercise. Ok?
I'm gonna take a quick sip of water and you got this. All right. Let's start my timer. You got 45 seconds of that reverse grip row, palms forward, hinging at the hips. 321.
So two reverse grip rows. Stand it tall, cross body chest press. Oh boy. Yeah, these fifteens they feel good. Come on, squeeze those shoulder blades working that back, cross body chest, opposite shoulder hinging forward in those hips.
So you're really targeting that back. You got this team. Come on, let's go hinge forward to reverse group roses. Palm, stay for the whole entire time and you're using your back and that chest. You've got nine seconds.
Squeeze those shoulder blades. Come on. You got this 432 and one. All right. Now we're going down to the ground.
You're gonna put a, watch your weights on your hand, your hands on your weights. Excuse me? And you're going to do a Renegade roll. Walk your feet in, walk it back out. Renegade roll.
We're gonna stay on the right side, walk it in, walk it back out. All right. You ready? Ok. Come on, let me start that timer over 4321.
Renegade row weight goes to your hips. Walk your feet forward. Walk back, Renegade row on the right side. We'll do the left side the second time through. Come on row to your hip.
Walk forward. Welcome back. Option to be on your knees row. Maybe you come to your toes, set those knees back down, row. Come to your toes, set those knees back down.
That would be your modification. Come on. You got 20 seconds option. If you're going to stay at the top, you could, even if you wanted to row, jump your toes in, jump them out row, that's gonna raise your heart rate. Come on, you've got nine seconds row.
Walk them in. Walk them out or jump 4321 rest. All right. Nice job. Team.
15 seconds. Stand it back up one more time through that reverse grip row. Cross body. Chess press. Ok, let's go.
Let's go. You've got three H forward to put a smile on your face. You're having fun. Let's go to reverse groups. Stand it up, cross body.
Chess press. Nice job. Oh, boy. Come on. I hope you're challenging yourself at home.
I know I am with these 15, they're getting heavy as they should push, pull, pull and now you're pushing. Come on, use those push muscles right here. You got this, you've got 20 seconds over halfway done right here. Squeeze those shoulder blades when you hinge forward in that row position here. Now, squeeze, squeeze.
You're using back a little shoulder bicep and chest. Let's go five seconds. One more rep right here. Cross that body and you're out. All right.
Take it to the floor. We got the Renegade roll on the left side this time. Option, walk your feet in option. Jump your feet in option, knees on the floor for the row and then you come to that playing position and set them back down. Right ready.
We got 321. Let's go left weight to your hip, walk them in, walk it back out. Working that backside. Really thinking about that shoulder blade and squeezing as you bring that weight to your hip. Come on, using that chest being in this position.
You've got this shoulders hips square to the floor. We don't want anyone opening up to the side. Keep them nice and square. Come on, you've got this. You want a little more like I said, jump them in, jump them out row, jump them in.
Jump them out again though. If you want modification row to your hip, come to your knees or be on your knees, come to your toes row on your knees, come to your toes. Go back to your knees. You got six seconds. Come on team.
You got this four, three, two and one. Sit back, child pose. Yes. Stretch out that back. You guys did an amazing job.
I am so proud of you. Clap those hands in the front round out through that spine. That upper back should feel nice and good. Amazing work today. Team that was push pull 10 minutes way to go to burn out that upper body.
I'm so proud of you. I hope to see you again soon on some other videos. All right, have a good day.
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