10-Minute Resistance Band Tone-Up
Sheila ChenierDescription
In this 10-minute resistance band workout, Sheila will take you through lower-body exercises such as resistance band steps, banded leg lifts, and squats to tone up your glutes, hamstrings, and quads. Each lower-body exercise done throughout this resistance workout will remain low-impact on the joints. Perfect for beginners and regulars, this routine will have you feeling strong and lean. It’s all about picking a colored band that challenges you.
Transitioning from the lower body to the upper body, Sheila will motivate you through resistance banded rows, front raises, tennis pulls, and tricep overhead extensions. Burning out each muscle group using holds and pulses to activate deeper into the muscle, Sheila will give you modifications and amplifications to make it your own workout! Throughout this low-impact resistance band training, the goal is to focus on proper alignment and utilize extra core strength throughout movements. While staying low impact on the joints, you will be surprised to feel every muscle group.
In this video trainer Sheila will give you cues on form. She will instruct you how to hold the band throughout movements to make it easier or harder just by where you grab the band. You will stay low impact on the joints and your muscles will sure be feeling strong and toned. Just like that, in just 10-minute you are going to work up a good sweat and challenge yourself with some new moves using just the resistance from the band.
Put down the dumbbells and switch it up with this 10-minute resistance band workout to tone your entire body!
Hi, Get Healthy UTV team. My name is Sheila Chenier. Today we're going to be doing a band workout. This is a great workout. 10 minutes, you can take this, easy travel.
Take it with you wherever you go. And just get a nice, quick, full body workout. So let's get started. I'll hold on to my band. You can put yours down if you'd like to.
We'll just start out with just warming up the body. Let's start with the toe tap. So going right and left in three, two, one. Start tapping out. Right, left, tap, tap.
Now as you tap, engage your core. Squeeze the glutes. So you can get a little push up. Now bend the knees. So we're going to go in for, full heating up the full body.
Take three more, two, one. Let's add a little arms to it. If that band gets in your way, put it out. So if it hits me then it's okay. It won't hit you.
Keep it going. Pressing up and down. Taking five more. Four, those arms going to come across the body. Three, two more and one.
Take it across the body. Press. Press. Now you can add a little more to that, a little rotation. Eight, seven, six, five, four more, three, yours and mine favorite, two.
A sumo squat, let's do it. Down and up, down and up. Keep it going. Four more, just four. Three, I want you to strike your best pose.
Two, strike it, hold it. I know you feel good here. So hang on. Keep that thought, you feel amazing. Now grab your band.
You're going to open it out and try to wrap it around a bit. So it's not tightening up on you. So this is called a distraction. So pull. Pull across the chest.
Shoulders nice and soft. So shoulders up, drop them down, pull across. Seven, six, five, four. I know you're down here. Three, two, sit a little lower.
Oh yeah. Arms up, here we go. It's like romper room. Okay. You don't know what I'm talking about, that's okay.
Hold them up and down. Some of you know. If you do keep it going, up and down. Three, two, one, hold it in front. Bring it around the front, take it down.
Shake those legs out a bit. Good news. We're going to do it again. Here we go. Toe taps.
Take that band, either hand. Tap it up, tap it up, reach it. Now bring those arms around in front. Four, three, two. Here we go.
I know your legs are going, "Please." Four more. Here's four, three, two, one. Hold it here. Go down nice and low, sink down into that. And maybe your heels come up this time.
So I have a little balance challenge. You've been here before, so we're going to come back to that. So you can tighten this up a little bit more or loosen it up. Shoulders soft. Sink down into it.
Yes, you can go a little lower. It's okay, here we go, pull. Pull. Using breath, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. If your legs are shaking, your room is not.
It's okay. You'll be fine. Keep it going. Eight more. Seven, six, five more, four, three, two, one.
Elevator up. Six, five, four, three, two, romper room here we go. Up and down. Up and down. So watching as those arms go up, watching that you don't lose your arms from your field of vision.
So keep them so you can always see them, there you go. Squeeze. Only five more. Four, are your legs warmed up? Yes they are.
Three, two and one. Come on up. Shake it out. So now going into a little bit more lower body, shake your arms out a bit. So you should feel warm.
So go ahead and step on your band. And options, you can cross to make your band a little bit more intense, or right where it is, okay. We're going to take a little step over to our right side. So step one, two. Now take it over to the left side, one, two.
Do that again. One, two, one, two. Now hold it here and start lifting that right leg. For eight, seven, core's engaged, six, five, four, three, two. And switch over the other side.
Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Now come through and now cross, and just see, so again, option is go back right where we were. Or you can bring those weights right to the waistline. Here we go. Take it one, two.
And over one, two. I'm going to keep going to the edge of my mat and then back. Back. So you made it a little bit bigger. So you could be in your hotel room and go from the top of the bed all the way to the foot of the bed.
Or you stay right at the foot of bed and you just step it out. Whichever works. Feels right for you. Oh yeah, I'm starting to feel them. I know you are too.
Over one, two and hold. Now let's start lifting that left leg. For eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and switch. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and take it down, release. Let those legs, just shake them out a bit.
Upright rows. Pull them up. So coming into shoulders. Now we're going to move up the upper body. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
Core's engaged. So core engage. I know you hear that a lot. You know, what does that mean? Navel to spine, pelvic floor internal connection.
And you lift the chest up. Just two more. Here's two and one. Take that down uncross. So going into a little pectoral work.
One foot will be in, we're gonna take those arms around in front. If you need it to loosen your band come down, Or even better yet, you can take single arm. So let's start this out. Just take an eight. Eight.
And want you to really squeezed the chest as you lift. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. Take it down. Roll those shoulders out. Let's come back into that.
We're gonna go a single arm. Let's start out in the right side. Go ahead and put my right foot in. Right up in front. Just four, three, two, one.
So now it's being I'm on my right side, I'll stay there, release that band a bit. Anybody for tennis? Here we go. Take and pull. Squeeze the glute, come down and pull.
Four more. Here's four, three, two, and one. Come back to center. Go ahead and take that arm right around. Here I'll turn sideways for you.
Stepping forward, core's engaged that little tuck. Elbow forward. Lifting up and down. Last one. Hold, little tiny pulse.
So if you go with Sheila, you do an eight. Maybe you repeat it. You do 16. Two, one, hold and release. Bring that around.
Let's take that over to the other side. So again, with our band, you can have one foot on bringing those arms around in front. Sit down into that. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, last one. Oh boy.
Slide it over a bit. Tennis anybody? I know. Come on, sit into it. Core engaged, pull across.
Seven, one more, eight and come back to center. Coming into that tricep again. If you want more tricep, step it in. The closer you get toward the handle you're holding, the tighter the band will get, the further away, the lighter. Onto your shoulder.
Bring that band up. Core's engaged. Five, four, three, two, one, hold. Little pulse, little pulse. Five more, four, three, two, one, take it down and around.
Now we've done pecs. We've done outer hips, abductors. Let's see. I think we need to do some biceps, yes? So here's a combo.
So taking your bicep, hold, bring it around and press. Then come back in. Little complimentary move. Bicep, press, in and down. If you're going, "Sheila, come on." Here we go, press.
So you decide if you feel alternating those arms feel better, you do that. So shoulder press with your bicep curl. Just like five more, five. Four more, four. Whew.
Three. I hope you're smiling with me. Two. Hope you're sweating with me. One.
Stay for some biceps, right here. Little concentrated bicep. Bicep. Biceps we love you, biceps. Five more.
Four, four, three, two, and yeah. Shake it out. One more exercise, and guess what, you are so out of here. So you're going to come down into a kneeling position and you gonna hook it on your foot. Hands will come down.
Oh yeah, easier said than done. So if you're having that problem, like I'm having, you can crisscross it. So your band, your thumbs come down, handles on top. Core's engaged and press back. Oh, everybody likes a little booty work out.
Five more. Five, four, three, two, one. Hold, hold, hold. Little press. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
Bring it in. Yep. If you'd like to do that again, do it. Take it over to the other side, other leg. But if you're in between and you're going, "Man, I wish I could do something else." You just hold it here.
And just go. "Yes. I'm so almost done with my workout." Here's five. Oops, make sure those handles on you. Five, four, three, two, hold, bring it in, bring it out, and then turn around, other side.
So now that foot goes in. So is there an easier way to do it? Send us a note and let us know. Okay, no. So here we go.
Coming back center core is engaged, press back. Four more, four, three, two, strike your best pose. Here it is. Oh, I can feel it. Feel your core engage, and then press.
Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Bring it in. Releasing that. Coming back around. And we're going to finish this way because we can.
Go ahead, kneel on it. If kneeling doesn't work, go back to standing, but you want to have something grounded. Open it up, close. Bring it in. Thank you so much.
Enjoy your workout and we'll see you again soon. Bye.
What a great 10-minute workout! Putting it in with my favorites! Thank you, Sheila!
I have the wrong type of band but I did what I could with it. I’ll buy one like yours because I like what these exercises do!
First time ever trying a resistance band workout. I broke the band about nine minutes into it! Maybe I’m just not cut out for this particular thing...