10 Minute Sculpted Shoulders Workout
Shannon TietzDescription
Level: All levels
Equipment: Medium and light dumbbells, mat
Instructor: Shannon Tietz
Hey, hey, get healthy U TV. My name is Shannon and I am bringing you through a 10 minute sculpted shoulders routine today. So we are going to be using a light set of weights, a medium set of weights, nothing super duper heavy. Today. We're going for some muscle endurance, but the biggest thing we're working on is just sculpting the shoulders.
All right. So we're going to warm it up quick 10 minutes. This is all it is one and done. All right. I want you to round your body, rolling your shoulders forward and back, do that again, forward and back, opening up your chest every time we're going to be going down onto your mat in just a few seconds to really work those shoulders a little bit more in this warm up three and two and one, we're gonna circle your shoulders back.
So pull it back, circle it back, big straight arms. You got it, give me two more each side, one more each side and we're coming all the way down. We're going to come down onto your mat into a prone position, meaning face down and we're going to go through a three part rotation for your shoulder. So I'm going to have you come face down and you're going to put your arms down by your sides. I'm going to have you put your palms up.
You're going to raise your arms up and down, up and down, up and down, up and down. Now hold them up. Three 21 good. Take them a little bit wider, palms down, raise them up and down, up and down, up and down. Hold them up.
321. Now you're going to bring them straight out to your side in that tee up and down, up and down, up and down. Hold them up. 321. Bring them all the way back down, palms towards the ceiling up and down to hold it up.
321, palms down, circle a little wider up and down, up and down. Hold 321. Bring it up to that t up and down, up and down, up and down. Hold it up. 321.
Bring your arms right by your side. We're going to press you all the way back up. That's just a great way to loosen everything up as we support your rotator cuff because of what we're about to do. You're gonna grab really light set of weights right now. Ok.
We're gonna do what's called a Tik Tok. You're gonna bring your arms straight out to the sides and we're gonna lower them one at a time. In little increments. It looks like this. I'm gonna go tick talk, tick, talk, tick talk and they stop here and then I raise them back up so they never come back down to my sides.
All right. Join me right here. Right on. First tick talk, tick talk, tick talk. That's their, stop.
Add up again. Tick talk, tick talk, tick talk there, stop there and up again, tick talk, tick talk and up three more like that. We've got a long lever here, which is why we're using really light weights because that puts more pressure on the joints when we're a longer lever. Last one right there and bring it up, bring it in front of your body. I want you to reach across your body.
We've got an underhand grip across your body straight up towards the corners. We're just alternating here. Right and left. There. It is.
Right and left. Keep going. Right and left. You got it feeling that burn starting to act up. Right.
Yes. Two more each way, one more each way. And we're gonna take these dumbbells around the world. We got a world tour right here right up on my side. Raise them all the way up, drawing a big circle all the way down to my hips, all the way up, all the way down.
Nice strong arms, perfect, shaping the shoulders again, you got it, keep it going and we're gonna be going back to those Tik Toks making them even better this time. Around four more right here. Three more, two more. And we've got our Tik Toks coming up right now. Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out.
Both arms are going out to the side and I'm gonna lower that right arm first. All right. Bring it up for me. Athletes right here. We're gonna go tick talk, tick, talk, tick talk.
They stop right there and up again, tick talk, tick talk, tick talk. They stop right there. Remember I'm out from my hips. They never get to come all the way back down. So they're under constant tension in that long lever.
Beautiful and up. You got it again. Tiktok. One more Tik Tok. And then we're going to that cross body race.
Beautiful. Bring it here, raise it up, raise it up, take it across, take it across there. It is. Serve it up. You got that underhand grip.
You know, feel that bicep maybe a teensy bit as you raise this up. Awesome. And we're gonna be going around the world soon. One more time. We've got four more each side.
Four and three. These are lightweights. Remember I, two, we've got one more each side and then we're taking it around the world, starting at our hips. Make that big circle here. It is nice and strong all the way up all the way down.
Yes, you got it. Perfect. Stay right with me. Come on. Come on.
Come on five more right here and then we're gonna switch. We're going to go a little bit heavier weights. All right. Three more, two more and last one right here. Fantastic.
All right. We're gonna grab a little bit heavy. We're gonna go into an Arnold Press, shake it out for just a second. So I'm gonna bring my dumbbells here in front of my body and I'm gonna turn, press them up. Fingertips are facing you all right up and back in nice.
Just like that. We're rounding out to that lateral head of your shoulder as we open up. Perfect. That's the outside of your shoulder again, you know it. So again, these are a little bit heavier weights, four more, three more, one more and we're taking this into a rear dealt raise.
All right. So you're going to hinge forward for me. Ok, I'm gonna show you from the side as well in just a second. So I'm gonna hinge forward. I'm gonna turn my dumbbells actually to the back wall behind me and I'm going to raise out like a scarecrow almost.
Ok? My elbows are going straight out to the side so they don't come behind me at all and my back is flat. Again, my fingertips are facing that wall behind me just like that good. You're staying hinge. You're trying to keep your chest parallel to the floor.
We've got six and five, four, three, two. You're going to feel that anterior doubt. That's the front of your shoulder. Working beautiful. Take it up, top, bring them over here to your left shoulder.
Squeeze them together for me. We're gonna go into an Atlas Press, ok? This is one of my favorite presses. We're going to take it up and over your head here. Now I'm going to take my outside arm, press it up.
A little cheers up towards the ceiling of the sky up. Squeeze them together up and over, just like that up and over making that Atlas press boom again for me. Up and over, outside arm comes up. Boom. You got it.
We gotta go two more yet. Each side starting right now. Here's one, 11 more each side yet. I know. I know it.
You're feeling strong though, right? I hope so. Yes, you are beautiful. All right. Shake it out for just a second.
Shake it out. Wipe off your hands if they're sweating. OK? We don't want you letting go of the dumbbells. That'd be bad.
News bears. All right, we're coming back up. We're going to our Arnold Press. All right. How strong are we feeling?
Super strong. Let's go up and down, up and down, you know the deal now. So keep it going, you know your weights, you know what you, what you're at, you know, your limits and you're strong. You've got this, come on, keep it going. We've got three more.
Three, 21 more. Awesome. All right. Let's hinge forward. We're going to go into that rear dealt raise.
We've got that form down. Super well, now we're hinged forward. Your chest is parallel to the floor, your back is flat and I'm raising my elbow straight out to the side. They do not go behind me in any way. My fingertips face the back wall, pull it up, pull it up.
This is a rear dealt race. You're working the back of your shoulder. That's what you want to be pulling up with. Keep it going. Give me four more right here.
Athletes, let's go. Four. Come on, team three, two and one. We're gonna finish you with that Atlas Press. We're going over here to the side up and over.
We're starting out on my left side. I'm gonna go up and over and take my outside arm. Here we go. Push it up. Outside arm.
Gives a little cheers up, top up and over there it is. Boom, up and over. Give them a little squeeze. If that outside arm is just too much, that's ok. Just give yourself a pause there and you don't have to do that single arm press.
It's all good. Keep it going. You got it. Boom again. Up and over again.
We got two more each side. Yes. One more each side. Come on now. Stay with me.
You're strong. Last one. Fantastic. Boom. There it is.
Set them down. Shake out your hands. All right, I'm gonna have you just circle your arms back here right quick one at a time, one at a time. And then we're going to bring our arms forward straight ahead. I want you to push them straight ahead.
Tuck your chin down all the way. Release that, open up through your chest. I'm going to take you right down to your mat here just for a quick little stretch again. All right. Set your hands down nice and wide for me.
And I want you to move through it one shoulder at a time, dropping that shoulder down, nice and easy side to side into this archer stretch. Yes. Give me one more each way and then hands on the floor, palms down, fingertips, face, you hold it there and go ahead and peel those hands back and that my friends is sculpted shoulders. I hope to see you again next time.
3lb for the first two moves- no joke! Have never done atlas presses before -loved it. This is in my "Favorites" now! Thanks Shannon!
How much do the green, blue and black wheights weigh?