10-Minute Stretch and Flexibility 1
Sam CameranesiDescription
Here is why stretching is so important:
- Injury prevention
- Increases range of motion
- Improves performance
While training and exercising is important for our bodies, stretching keeps our muscles flexible and helps prevent injury. As athletes (and yes, we are all athletes if we move our bodies) we need to recover as hard as we train. Join trainer Sam Cameranesi as she leads you through a new stretching routine with some exercises you may have never tried before. Tight hamstrings? She’s got you covered. Tight quads? Yup, we’ve got that covered too! In just 10 minutes, you will learn new stretching exercises and proper tips and tricks on how to perform each movement.
Remember, stretching at times can feel “uncomfortable,” however, it should never be painful. If you feel pain while stretching, pull back and decrease your range of motion. Over time, your muscles will adapt and increase your overall range of motion. So the next time you finish your workout, take the extra 10 minutes to properly cool down your muscles. The trainers at Get Healthy U TV are here not only to help you workout hard, but we are also here to help you recover so you can come back stronger tomorrow! Pair this with our Total Body Stretch 2 video for another way to stretch the body post-workout!
Hey, hey, Get Healthy UTV squad, my name is Sam Cameranesi, and I'm gonna be leading you through this next 10 minutes of stretching. Right, this can be tacked on to any workout that you do, whether it's a walk, a run, a jog, a strength, a hit class, whatever it is, at any age of life, right? You need this to cool down. This stretching is so good for your body. I know I used to be a dancer, I used to stretch all the time, and now I really know that I need to be incorporating this throughout my routine every single week.
So tack this on to any workout. Join me, I'll provide you modifications and we're just gonna cool down that body. So you're gonna bring your feet a little bit wider than shoulder with apart. You're just gonna roll your shoulders up, back and down. I like to cool down the upper body, right?
If your heart rate is still a little high, it's good to keep your head above your heart. Shoulders are gonna roll forward opposite direction, right? Again, just getting control of that heart rate. Maybe you're just looking for that 10 minute stretch today. And this is going to be so good for your body.
Arms are gonna reach up and over your head. Right here, I want you to drop a one arm down, reach the opposite arm all the way up to the ceiling. And you're gonna just tip it over. Okay, I'm gonna kind of bring you through, this 10 minutes stretch, you're gonna reach back up, opposite arm comes up. Drop the other arm down.
So this kind of what I used to do when I was a dancer. I'm gonna kind of lead you through 10 minutes of this typically. Opposite arm one more time, tip it up and over. As a dancer, we used to stretch for like 20, 30 minutes, right? So maybe you only have 10 minutes today, we're gonna get through every muscle group in this 10 minutes, reach up and over.
Remember that this isn't to kind of crunch, right? It's to elongate up and over. Squeeze maybe only go this far, right? Maybe you can squeeze a little bit further. Both arms reach up and over, good.
Right here, we're gonna bring the opposite arm, now we're gonna stretch here. And I want you to square your chest to the ground, right? So you're gonna start to feel a pull through the backside of the hamstring. You're in a flat back position right here, you're gonna reach all the way up and you're gonna reach all the way down to the ground. So right here, you can bring both arms to the opposite side of your shoe, right?
Maybe you don't have shoes on today, I'm gonna keep shoes on. You're gonna bring that opposite arm to stretch opposite side of your foot, reach your arm to the sky, and you're just gonna give me some wrist rolls. Maybe you're feeling a little bit of that cracking, that's okay. Reach that arm long. Bring both arms down, right?
I want you to try and keep both of your hips parallel to the front so we're not rocking one side of the other. Now you feel that stretch to both side of hamstrings. A little bit more towards that arm. Right here, you have four, breath through it, three, two and one. We're gonna swing all the way up and over, opposite arm comes, now you're gonna square yourself off, hinge forward flat back position, right here.
So you should feel flat back, right? We're not rounding, not tacking right here. Head line, you're gonna reach all the way up towards the ceiling and bring both arms down to the ground. Right, again you'll notice maybe your hip is doing some of this, I want you to try and keep both hips to be squared to the front. You're just reaching over, feeling the opposite side of that hamstring, right?
So maybe if you're reaching for that left leg, you're gonna feel left hamstring, right? If you're reaching on your right side, it's that right hamstring. Now you're gonna bring the arm all the way up to the ceiling, roll out your wrists, relax, breathe through it, right? I don't want you to feel pain but I do want you to feel a little bit of that stretch. Right here, both arms come back down, feel that hamstring.
Now we're gonna walk our hands towards the center, right here, if you can only come up this far, maybe you have a block underneath you. Okay if you can, palms down towards the floor and we're gonna bend our knees. Okay, squat it down and reach those hamstrings high, right here, so just getting the muscles moving, joint mobility, but hold your hips at the top, right there, breathe. Good, now I want you to come and stand all the way up. Toes out, heels in.
We're gonna drop it down to that Sumo squat position, and I want you to use your elbows to just kind of relax here, right? Again maybe you can't make it down this far, that's okay. Bring your hands to your quads. Get out of those shoulders, if you can walk it down, you feel a little bit more of that hip mobility, so just rock it side to side. Okay, opening up your hips.
Maybe you did a ton of squats today, right? Maybe you're just feeling like you need a little bit of that extra stretch, feel it side to side. Good, we're gonna hold it in the center, right here. And we're gonna switch to a runner's lunge, you decide what side works best for you. So you find that runner's lunge, right?
Maybe that back knee needs to come down, okay? You can stay here, pop up, breathe. Now feel the backside of that quad hip flexor. If you can, right? As straight as that back knee can be, your front knee is direct directly over that heel, so not too far over your toe.
Now we're gonna stretch it on up, so the goal is to try and get your back heel down. Now notice how my hips aren't open, right? I want our hips squared. So maybe you walk those hands up to your thigh, your quad, right? Maybe you can walk it down.
Never place your hands on top of your knees. So maybe it's at the shin or maybe you walk it down, Okay, right here. If you can stretch your spine long, so we're not rounding up and bring it back down to that runner lunge, good right here. Now, I want everyone to drop that back knee down, lift your chest, roll those shoulders back, push in to your hip flexor, right here, breathing. Good, now I want you to drop your hand on the inside of your heel, we're gonna reach back, find that quad stretch.
So if you can grab on to that back , right? Maybe it's the arch of your back big foot, you could be feeling this in that front hip flexor. Squeezing, right here, drop it down, back to your runner's lunge. We're gonna open it up to the front. Okay, squeeze, right.
So maybe you're here, maybe you're up a little bit higher, right, find it, and we're gonna switch to the other sides. We're gonna go up and over, right through that middle Sumo squat up and over. Yeah, seamless transitions. I got both hands come down, flip it over, find your runners lunge on the opposite sides, good right here. So again, remember, knee track directly over that heel.
Not too far forward over your toe. Back leg is as straight as you can get it, if you need, back knee comes down, that's okay. If you need to, hands come up here, find it. But you wanna feel that stretch through the back hip flexor, right here. Now we're gonna press up, both legs go straight back heel.
The goal is to get that back heel to the ground. If you can't and you're up here, that's okay. Drop it down. Again, you can walk your hands up a little bit higher, find balance. Maybe you come back down here.
Maybe hands are all the way down to the ground. You feel, what it is, I don't want you to feel but I want it to feel like you're stretching. Come back down to your runners lunge. Drop your back knee down. Inside palm, comes on the inside of your foot, you're gonna reach, open up to the back, feel the back quad, back hip flexor feeling a little bit more of that stretch.
Maybe you can't grab it, that's okay. Just squeeze right there. Come back down, press back up. Runner's lunge one more time. You're gonna open up to the front, right here.
Got to flex that big toe, all the way up. We're gonna walk it over to the other side, one more time, even it out. Good, squeeze right here, chest stays lifted. Come back to that Sumo squat position, so you might have to bring those feet in, squat it all the way down, right here, rock it side to side. We're gonna make our way all the way down to the ground, right here.
So we're gonna bring the soles of our feet together, mat might move a little bit. Soles of your feet together. You're gonna lift your spine long, shoulders relaxed back, hinge your upper body forward. So I don't care how far down you go but I want you to keep that spine long. So maybe you're here, use your elbows to press your knees wide, right?
Maybe you walk those hands in front of you. What I don't wanna see is you rounding forward, right? That's not really stretching our back or hip flexor, so if you only tip forward here, that's great. Okay, hold it for three, two and one. Bring your feet out, stretch them out in front of you.
Arms go long overhead, reach forward, right? So if you can only make it here, great, you're gonna feel the backside of your hamstrings, all the way up through the calves. If you can bring those hands down, stretch it forward, right? Maybe hands come to the ground. If you can go all the way down, right?
Maybe you point those toes down and you just hinge forward. Okay, again, now rounding forward, keeping that spine long. If you want flex those feet back, that's gonna really feel the backside of those hamstrings glutes. Okay, sit on up, we're gonna bring both knees in our chest, we're gonna cross one foot over to the other side seated, twist right here, squeeze up and over. Breathe into it, right?
So if you can twist a little bit further, take it one step further, breath all the way in, switch sides. Opposite knee comes across, opposite hand reaches up and over, squeeze right here, twist right? So feel your insides rinsing out. If you can look back behind that opposite shoulder, do so. All right, we're almost there.
We're gonna bring both legs out. Okay, so you can bring your feet to the corners of the room, you have a little bit more hip flexibility, all the way out, right? You do not have to be here, hey, you can be here but we're gonna take it to one side up and over, just stretch, right, maybe you make it here, that's okay. If you can tip over a little bit further, breathe, shoulders stay forward, come all the way up. Again, remember you can be here, reach up and over.
Find the stretch, try and keep both butt cheeks on the floor. You're gonna tip over to the other side one more time. Open, all the butt cheeks down, stretch. Come back through the center, last time. Overhead, all the way over.
Breathe into it, all the way back up right here. Last stretch, you're gonna walk your hands forward, maybe you stop here. Okay, stay here for a little bit. Feel what this feels like. If you're like, yeah, it feels pretty good, walk it forward just a little bit more.
Okay, keep your neck long in position, right? If you can walk yourself, maybe you drop your elbows down right here, okay? Maybe you lean all the way forward, it is totally up to you, find what works best for you, you can stay here, walk it all the way down. Everyone has different flexibility. I know what I'm doing right now is not normal, okay, that's okay.
Stay right here. Maybe you find a pillow underneath you. You have five more seconds, stay with it, four, three, two and one, bring your feet together, awesome work. That was 10 minutes right? 10 minutes in the box, you got a full body stretch.
You can do this again, right? Maybe add on an extra yoga class or a Pilates stretching after this, if you would like a little bit more. Thanks for joining and we will see you next time.
THanks, this was amazing in the morning to start the day.
Thanks for all the stretch videos!! Is it possible to create a complete body stretch video that actually holds each stretch for at least 30 seconds? 45 to 60 would be great too :) Thanks for your consideration.
This was a great stretch after a challenging hike. Thank you!!
I did Serious Strength Total Body yesterday, and I can barely move today, so someone suggested this video. For side stretch, I could only go as far as my knees :D By the time I finished though, I felt a little more flexible and in a little less pain! For customer service, I want to let you know that on the Description page, there is a link for Total Body Stretch 2, but it brings us to the "How to do a Double Leg Stretch" video instead!