10 Minute Tabata Bodyweight Workout
Chris FreytagDescription
This tabata Bodyweight Workout uses interval training to push you, challenge you, yet help you be efficient with you time. In just 10 minutes you will be sweating and challenging both muscles and heart rate for an amazing workout that you can do in no time at all! Seriously – EVERYONE has 10 minutes to commit to his or her health! You might be asking if 10 minute workouts are really enough to matter. They absolutely are! For 10 years studies have continued to show that working short, intense intervals is as effective or even more effective than going for longer periods at a more moderate intensity. Bottom line: this works!
There are many ways to perform high intensity interval training (“HIIT”), but this tabata bodyweight workout uses the tabata interval theory of working hard for 20 seconds, then resting for 10. This happens eight times in a row leaving you with one tabata and a huge heart rate! Keep in mind that the harder you push during those 20 seconds the more results you achieve.
During this tabata bodyweight workout Chris Freytag will guide you through some simple but effective moves that will leave you feeling energized and ready for the day. In just 10 minutes you will do unique versions of the basic lunges and squats as well as giving you some options for plyometrics to boost the heart rate even higher. As always, low impact is encouraged at any time if needed. If you enjoyed this workout, try our bodyweight workout program or another 10 minute tabata interval.
Hi everybody. I'm Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U TV. And I have a 10-minute, high-intensity interval training workout for you. It's just body weights, so no excuses, you can do it anywhere, anytime. We're going to do TABATA style.
TABATA style means, 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Eight cycles in a row, that equals four minutes. We're going to do two TABATAs back-to-back. That's eight minutes with a little warm up, a little cool down and you have yourself a great 10-minute workout. So let's get started with a quick warm up.
We're just going to do some deep breathing, inhale, exhale, nice deep knee bend and release. Roll those shoulders back. Just release your neck and then give me some big arm pedals right here. Good job. And then we'll go ahead and do some squats.
Down and up waking up that lower body. So you can do a TABATA workout anywhere, any time. And it's a great way to get the heart rate up, work hard. And like I said you don't even need a . All the way down, all the way up.
We're going to hold this down right here. Hold it. And squat and hold. Just wake up those glutes. Right here.
Come on five, four, three, two, one. Roll it up. So you stretch out that back. Let's do a couple of hip circles right here, right there. Just a wake up your hips.
This is external rotation in that ball and socket joint. And then we'll go ahead and bring it around right here. The other way, internal rotation. Very good. And I kid you not, 10-minutes can make a big difference.
So I hope you have some water with you. Release those arms. We're ready to go. I'm going to turn on the timer. First exercise is alternating lunges with overhead presses.
I will show you. Turning on my timer. And ready. Let's go! So, alternating lunges, opposite arm pulls up here into a nice deep lunge.
Now, if you prefer a reverse lunge, go for it. No problem. You're going to keep working for 20 seconds, breathe and then we'll take 10 seconds rest. Now, if you want to take this up a notch, you would take it to jump lunges, which could be a plyometrics. All right, I'll show you on the next round.
Here we go. Keep it going. Rest. You got 10 seconds rest. Great.
The next exercise is jack. Jumping jacks with the knee lift. Ready and go! Jumping jack, knee lift, alternate your knee lift. Right there.
Again, you could keep this low impact, right there, if you would like or add that jump and we're going to get that heart rate up. Breathe, pick up your pace a little bit. The harder you work, the better and more intense it will get. Okay. 10 seconds rest, breathe.
We're going back to those lunges. So we're doing alternating of those two exercises for the first TABATA. In three, two, and here we go. Right there. Now, like I mentioned, you could take these to jump lunges if you prefer.
I'm pulling my arm up overhead to get that heart rate up, but you could do jump lunges right here. That's up to you. So you pick which exercise is better for you. If you prefer the low impact, right here. And done.
10 seconds rest. Now you can hear your heart rate, getting up. Take a nice deep breath. Going back to those jumping jack knee lift. Here we go.
And begin! Right here. I'm watching that timer. So all you need is a timer, some water and your body. Right there.
Jumping jack, knee lift. Remember, this is your low impact, right there. You got it. Come on! Almost there!
And done. Great job! 10 seconds rest. We go back into those alternating lunges with an arm press. Ready?
Take a nice deep breath. Get ready go! 20 seconds. Do your jump lunges. If you're trying to take this up a notch, do your jump lunges.
Right there. Come on! Nice deep range of motion. Arm up overhead. If you master the form then you pick your speed up a little bit.
So, good form plus a little speed equals power and increased heart rate. Here we go. And rest. Woo! Getting that heart rate up.
Nice job. I'm sorry, jack knee lift. Here we go. And begin. Right there.
20 seconds of work. Push it. Remember, pick up that pace if you can. Right there. Good.
Come on. Breathe. Nice job. Low-impact option. I've showed it to you.
If you prefer... Rest. All right, we have one more cycle to complete our TABATA. Alternating lunges, jack knee lift. Three, two, and here we go.
Three, come on! You got it. Awesome work. It doesn't take much to get that heart rate up. You just got to move your body.
No excuses. Keep it coming. Lunges are great for the legs, in particular, the inner thighs, the glutes. Come on baby. And rest.
One more set of jacks with the knee lift. Are you ready? And breathe. Let's go! Right there.
Come on. Work for 20, rest for 10. Pick. Awesome. Picking up that pace if it feels good.
Come on! You got it! Go! Almost there. And done.
That was our first TABATA. I'm gonna do one more. Nice job. Grab a quick drink of water. Eight cycles.
And here we go. Are you ready? Next two exercises, we're going to do squat with an opposite knee lift and a punch, and we're going to do skaters. Starting. Are you ready?
In three, two, one. Let's go! Squat, opposite knee punch. Nice deep squat. All the way down.
Punch through. Breathe. Come on! Big range of motion. Go!
Woo! Work. This is our second TABATA. Each TABATA is eight cycles. Four minutes long.
Done. 10 seconds of rest. Moving into our skaters. Are you ready? Breathe.
Ready? And begin. I'm watching that timer. Now, get low in those skaters. Nice big skaters.
You're working those glutes. It's like a single leg squat and you push off. Big. You want to keep it low impact? Right here.
You want to make it more intense? Push off. Get lower. Come on! You got it.
Awesome. Rest. 10 seconds. That was our first cycle. So, here we go.
Are you ready? And, ready, begin. I'm even starting to sweat. 10 minutes is no joke. Let's go!
Right here. Come on. Squat, punch, and that knee lift. Bam. Bam.
You got it. Done. 10 seconds rest. Skaters are up next. It doesn't have to be complicated.
We just doing two exercises for TABATA. Are you ready? Get ready skaters. And let's go. Let's go!
You got it. Breathe. Push off. Use those legs. Use those glutes.
You want to be more intense? You pick up your pace. You pick it up. Come on, work hard. That's what high intensity intervals are about.
Getting your heart rate up. Done. 10 seconds rest. We go back to the squat punch. Nice work, everybody.
Here we go. Feet are about shoulder width apart and begin. Good work. You got it. Come on!
Very nice. Keep it coming. Right there. And done. 10 seconds rest.
We go back to the skaters. Nice job. Ready? And begin. Push it.
Push it. Oh yeah, you got it. Use your body. Be thankful for what you can do. Breathe through your mouth.
Push your heart rate up. Remember, intensity is a combination of big range of motion plus speed. Go, go! Done. We have one more full set of those two exercises and we'll cool it down.
Good job. Are you ready? Squat punch. Let's go! Right there.
20 seconds of work. Woo! Come on! Do it. Good job.
When you squat, sit back in an imaginary chair. Eyes up, chest up. Keep your knees tracking over your toes. Good work. Done.
One more set of skaters. You got it. Breathe. Here it comes. Get ready?
Alright. And go! Woo! Man! It feels good.
Right to the home stretch. Right here. Bring it on. Come on! Nice job.
Go! Go! Almost there. And you did it! Woo, man!
Huh? Took your body as your own. Four minutes each, little warm up, little cool down and you have yourself a 10-minute workout. Take a nice big, deep breath. Inhale up.
Exhale down. Do it again. Beautiful. All right, let's go ahead and hold one leg up behind us. Stretch that quad and flexor.
Nice job. Other leg. Keep breathing. If your heart rate got elevated, you've proven to yourself that 10 minutes really works. Right there.
And the runner's lunge right here. Open up that hip flexor, breathe. You can lift your arm. Very nice. Switch sides.
Right there. Awesome. Come down. Touch your toes. Oh, feel those hamstrings.
Way to go. I'm super proud of you. Now, remember, fit those workouts in when you can and remember to snack healthy.
I would like to see a time in the corner and a bit more motivational music but really good 10minute workout. thank you
Great 10 min workout
Great add-on
hello I have not worked out like to get into shape but I need to have a total knee replacement what would be the best exercise to strengthen my thighs& tone belly and buttocks?