10-Minute TRX Ab Workout
Kate LaingDescription
Join trainer Kate Laing as she guides you through each position showing you proper form and letting you know how to make any move a little easier or a little harder based on your own needs. This TRX ab workout is for all levels. All you need is a TRX-style strap with door attachment and a mat. Why spend tons of time in the gym or on the floor trying to flatten your belly when in just 10 minutes you will tone your midsection as well as all the muscles surrounding it. By now you know that core conditioning is essential for your overall fitness and general health. A strong core means a healthy back and a stronger person!
In this TRX ab workout you’ll start with a gentle warm-up to prepare your spine and get the body ready to work. Then you’ll use the straps and go through things like ab curls, full body roll-ups and seated twist all using the TRX straps for extra resistance. This is one of those workouts you’re going to feel the next day! This video is a great compliment to our 10-Minute Pilates Abs. Use them both!
Hi, I'm Kate Laing. Welcome to get healthy UTVs, 10 minute AB TRX workout. We're going to start out today with our TRX anchored to a door attachment. I want your handles about six, seven inches off the floor. You'll need a TRX of some sort and a mat for this workout.
So let's get started. So I'm going to start out today. Underneath my anchor point. My hands will be in the loops and we're going to start out nice and easy. Just some shoulder bridging.
So I want you to lift that tailbone up off the mat open up those hips a little bit for me and round them. Good. Two more times. Just opening up that back a little bit. This is a pretty intense AB workout in 10 minutes.
We want to make sure we're not starting on just like a cold spine, we warm it up a little bit. Okay. All right. One more time here. Then you with pelvic bone up towards that ceiling.
Nice pick bridge squeeze those glutes, inhale, exhale. Bring it down with control. Great job guys. All right. I want those inner thighs engaged hands firmly pressing into your handles from here.
We're going to roll halfway up. So those knees are hugging and we press into the handles. Bring your head, neck and shoulders off that mat, you feel that abdominal connection between the rib and the hips and we bring you back down. So each exercise will be done for about 50 seconds. And then we'll take a ten second break to restart reset, and keep you going.
I want to encourage you to really inhale as you're prepare for an exercise and exhale out through those purse lips, getting those bottom abdominals connected those transverse abdominal muscles. Good about 15 more seconds here. Deep breathing as we come up. Great job guys. Keep at it.
Remember, TRX stands for total resistance training. To work keeping those straps hot the entire time my belly is tightening like an internal corset breathing deep. Two more. Big breath, be obnoxious you're at home, no one we can hear you. And the last one, head, neck and shoulders come down.
Relax those arms. Those arms should be a little shaky even from that. Now press those straps out to the side. Our next exercise, we're setting up for us in alternating toe depth. I want you to find a nice tight belly.
So think about if I was going to poke you in the belly you'd tighten those abdominals. Hands out to the side, we bring our right leg to tabletop and our left leg will come up to meet it for alternating toe decks. So we're just going to reach out down to the floor and lift back up with that exhale breath, inhale out, exhale up. So I can feel this right between my hipbones, those transfers abdominals, that internal course that I'm always blabbing them out. So I want you to feel those low belly muscles moving here.
Really trying to connect that core, big breathing good press those handles. We have some fun stuff coming up for you in these next couple exercises. So we're starting out slow but we're going to build big. 20 more seconds, you got this. This is a nice one to just kind of wake up and get that body moving, wake up those abs and let them know what's coming down the pipeline.
We got five more. Woo. Four, three. You can do this. Don't give up now, two and last one.
Great job. Alright. So the next one is going to be a half roll up which is just reaching up to the top knees and rolling down. That's your modification. The whole exercise is going to be that full roll up.
So I'm starting with my arms and the straps progressing down into those TRX straps. Feet pulling back towards my chest and my legs are long. I inhale another 10 to the chest. Exhale, press, press, press up. And now scroop out those abs, fight it coming down.
Woo. Nice and slow and control. So this isn't fast, it's slow and you should be able to feel that burn on the way down. If you need to bend the knees a little bit because we feel this in your hip flexors that from part of your hip. No problem.
So a modification for that would be just a slight bend here and scooping out resists coming down, pull those abs down towards the mat. Great job. Stay with me. Exhale, use that breath. Inhale, belly to spine as you roll up back.
I like to think about my spine here like a long strand of pearls and each pearl making a connection to the mat on that way down, making an imprint into the mat, Exhale up. You've got about three more secs here. Let's go up strong. Okay, here we go. Two more, this is getting hurting for me I do this a lot and bring it back down.
What I love about TRX is that you can bring this anywhere. So if I'm traveling or going for a girl's weekend like I am this weekend, I can pack my TRX, fit in a 10 minute workout and feel great. I'm ready to go, and control. Woo. Nice job guys.
Alright, next one. Hey, get those knees into the chest. Arms are going to press out to the side, toes apart heels together, and we're going to lift and lower. So it's inhale out exhale up. Now this again, low abs, lot of backward here you need a little bit of a slight bend in the knees because your hip flexors are tight again, no problem.
You go for it. We want you to be the best you so if you need to make modifications, that's totally fine. Big breathing. Wow. I can really feel this.
I hope you guys can too. Remember, conform is key here so I don't want tailbones reaching up yet. We're just going to go nice and slow. Good. We're about halfway done.
So I'm going to have you give me a little lift at the top. Control it down. Lift at the top. Control it down. Just that little tuck of the tailbone really makes a difference.
Use that breath. Go ahead about 15 seconds left. Use the variation you liked the best. We want you to feel this at your core. Keep it up.
Five seconds left, big breathing, finish strong three, two, one. Woo. I need a break. Alright, roll yourself up. Now I'm going to take my hands and put them into the bottom handles.
My knees are going to be bent and I'm going to come up right a little bit more reaching forward and pressing down in my straps and add a twist to this. So reach and twist, hugging my knees and nice and tight. Bring my hand back to center reach and twist and bring it back. So arms centerly long, little bend if you need to. And we're really going for those obliques here right?
So behind my sits bones, slight curve my low back or lumbar spine. I have to bend my elbow a little bit more to show you this one. Good, big breathing. Scoop out those abs and rock back feel that stretch. Big breath.
Stay with it. See that rotation. I'm sure you can see me shaking a little bit here, I am. This is hard. Great job guys.
Three more Three more only. You got this. Stay with me. Good. Two, two last set.
Reach for it and away we go. Nice job. Okay. Going into our full teaser. Back down to that mat.
Legs are going to be long hands back to the handles, okay. So hands are in those handles. We'll do a chin to chest. Roll up, lift those legs off the floor. Control back down.
Now this is a tough one. Options. Bend one knee, lift one leg at a time come halfway up. So that's your modified teaser for today? Rolling a halfway up to one leg and alternating, you got it.
So I'm to stick with that fall. We've got 40 seconds. You can do this. Remember total control the entire time. Good push into those straps.
Oh, I can really feel this working. I bet you started this workout thinking, huh? 10 minutes. How bad can it be? But it can be really good, can it?
We've got about 12 more seconds guys. Whoo. Make a good, Oh, T's gravity. Defy the laws of nature. Four, three, two and one.
Oh my gosh. I'm ready for a nap. Alright, here we go. We're going to put our feet in the straps now. So I'm turning towards my anchor point.
Then I find the easiest way to do this is to cross my straps, put my feet in the bottom loop. Okay. Then flip over and uncross. You can do this any way shape or form that works for you. Okay.
It's usually not very pretty but let's see if we can make it happen. Well, that's as pretty as it's going to get today. So I've got my forearms down on the mat. I'm going to find my plank. Okay.
And I want you to curl your lower back and pull one knee in. Alternating knee pull, really good for those lower abs and those obliques are really firing here. If you need a break. Come to the me and just reach back into a nice child's pose at home, okay? Take those breaks when you need them, but don't quit.
Pull that knee under. You're doing awesome. You got five more here? Woo. Three, two, one.
Oh my gosh. That was a hard one. Okay. We've got one more to finish it up. It's going to be a toughie.
You're going to come to your forearm, your top foot points forward. Okay. And the straps come to that nice hover, lifting your hips off the mat. This one by itself is a big workout. Now add a little rotation for me.
Twist. You got this. We're finishing strong. You only have three more laps here. This is your last minute.
We're going to switch sides. Okay. That's 30 seconds. Turn the other direction for me. I'm going to stay facing you.
I'm with you. You got this. Let's do it. We'll come back up to that forum. Get your balance.
Keep threading that needle. Your legs are swinging like mine are. Just adds a little bit more fun. You got it. Three, two and one.
Oh my gosh. You did awesome. That was great. Thanks for staying with me. That was your 10 minute TRX AB workout.
See you next time.
Very fantastic information can be found on blog.
Great workout. Can I purchase this one?
How many times a week can this be done?
Oh, WOW! I cannot wait to try this. It' looks awesome. Love the integration of Pilates!