10-Minute Upper Body HIIT Workout
Lindsey BomgrenDescription
Want a killer workout? Got 10 minutes? This upper body HIIT workout is the perfect solution. Grab a pair of dumbbells and get ready to sweat. In just 10 minutes you will strengthen and sculpt your arms while torching calories with some killer cardio intervals! High intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to be the most effective way to improve your cardiovascular system, increase your metabolism and burn both fat and calories. The good news is that hiit can be done in many different ways. This time you get the double benefit of training and upper body strength too! Once you’ve had success with this check out our Total Body HIIT Workout and get the full results!
Grab a pair of dumbbells and follow Lindsey Bomgren as she takes you through this series of HIIT interval bursts designed to get you breathing heavy followed by an upper body strength move to tone your shoulders, biceps, triceps and more. Each move will last 45 seconds with 15 seconds to rest in between. In this upper body HIIT workout you will experience moves like single and double shoulder presses, around-the-world bicep curls and some great tricep work. Jumping jack dumbbell presses start you off for cardio with other equally creative moves to come later! 8-10 pound dumbbells are great choices for starting out.
HIIT is the ultimate gift to the multi-tasker. You get more done in less time by getting your heart rate pumping and torching calories while you simultaneously build muscle and sculpt your entire upper body.
This HIIT and upper body workout is a no-nonsense, down-to-business workout that will leave you feeling completely accomplished in just 10 minutes. Get your cardio, get your strength, and get on with life. Our upper body HIIT workout uses upper body focused exercises that will challenge your muscles to fatigue and effectively shape your shoulders and arms. Lindsey will provide plenty of motivation and modifications as she encourages you to stay upbeat until the very end. Want more? Explore even more HIIT videos on Get Healthy U TV.
Hi, I'm Lindsey Bomgren, Get Healthy U TV trainer, and this is your 10 minute upper body HIIT workout. We're gonna hit it all from shoulders, bis, tris, chest, back, you name it. Strength intervals paired with cardio intervals. I'll explain it when we get started, but let's start with a quick warm-up. So start with those feet shoulder width distance apart, big inhale, roll the shoulders up, open mouth exhale, take them down.
Nice work! Arms go overhead. Pull that belly button nice and tight. And just start with alternating arm pedals. So it's right and left, just tunneling forward.
Thumbs drop down towards the thighs. Big sweeps here, core stays tight. Nice work. Give me four, three, two, and reverse it. Last one, take 'em back.
Big circles back. Got a warm up the ball and socket joints, those shoulders. Core stays nice and tight. Big pedals for four, three, two, and one. Nice work.
Feet go shoulder width distance apart, arms go in front. We're gonna drop it to a squat. At the top you're gonna give me a back pull. So reach forward. Pull back.
Reach forward. Pull back. Nice work. Take it forward, and back. Squeezing that back.
Driving those hips back and forward. Nice work. You're here for four. Yes, you can, come on. Three.
Give me two more right here, down. And squeeze. Last one. Drop back. Squeeze.
Bring those feet to touch. You can tap. Tap. or take it to a jack. Jack.
Tapping or jacking right here. I'll give you options for low-impact or high-impact. This is where we finish the warm-up. If you want to make it big, big arms, Give me a big arms. Yes.
Give me eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. Nice work. I have a set of eight pound dumbbells with me. They're medium dumbbells. Keeping it simple with one set, but you can always grab a lighter set and a heavier set if you prefer.
So let's get started. Pick up those weights. We're starting on shoulders. I'm hitting my timer. 45 seconds per move.
15 seconds rest. Here we go. One weight in each hand, bring 'em up to shoulder height. Feet are shoulder width distance, core is tight. You're gonna to punch right, then left, then together.
Both arms. Nice. Give me a right, a left. Now both arms. Really important as we punch overhead, we keep the core tight, the glutes engaged.
So it's right. Left. Both together now, push. So there's constant tension on the shoulders as you're always holding them at that halfway point. Right.
Left. Gimme both together. Push. 45 seconds here, and we're switching to cardio. After this, dropping down to one dumbbell.
Right here, last one. Give me a right. Give me a left. Both arms together. Push.
Bring it down. Recover, 15 seconds. Dropping down to one hand weight. We're doing a tap as we punch overhead, or a jack, it's up to you. 45 seconds.
I'll show you low-impact and move to high-impact. Right here, dumbbell at the chest. Here we go. Tap. Tap.
You can stay right here or take it to a jack. Jack and punch. Woo! Punching overhead. As you push overhead, those arms go high above the heart.
The heart rate rises. Jack or tap, it's up to you. Land softly on those toes. Yes, you can. Let's go.
45 seconds, right here. This is where we get that HIIT part of the workout. High-Intensity Interval Training. Strength, cardio. Name it all.
10 minutes. You got this. Let's go. Push. Push.
This is efficiency right here. You're working and sweating, working just as hard if you're right here with the tap. You got 10 seconds. Let's go! Push, finish strong.
Yes you can. You're almost there. In four, three, two, one. 15 second recovery. Pick up those dumbbells.
You're back on strength. Feet are shoulder width distance apart. Shoulders down and back. Palms face forward. Bicep curl with a twist around the world.
So we're going to go like this: up and over to the right, and around. So it's an around-the-world curl. Switch direction, to the left. Woo! This is a great chance to catch heart rate right here.
Let the breath come down to you. Nice work. You got to give yourself a little bit of recovery, and we're doing that with strength, because your heart rate has to have somewhere to go. So, around the world bicep curl. A little bit more challenging than your standard bicep curl.
Which means you can go a little bit lighter on the weights. Up and around, so you're getting that full range of motion. The bicep, the two headed muscle. We're gonna bring both heads right here. So take it up and around, and down.
Those elbows still stay tight at the side. You wanna make sure this is a slow and controlled motion right here. Okay, so try and go lighter on the weights if you're feeling out of control. Gimme one more. Finish right here at the bottom.
Nice work. We're going back to cardio. And this time, it's just a good squat curl, but a plie squat, so nice and wide. We're going to squat curl. I'll show you an option to take it to high-impact.
Weights face in. It's a hammer curl. We're gonna to squat, hammer curl. Set the weights down. Jump.
Pick 'em back up. Curl. Set 'em down. Jump. Pick 'em up.
Woo! It's the combination of setting those weights down, picking 'em up, alternating a curl with a squat jump at the top. This is still going to get that heart rate up. Your option is always to omit the hop. Going all the way down just at those weights makes it really challenging in that range of motion.
If you don't have that range of motion, it's okay. Just stick with the curl right here. Go to where you can go. All right. Otherwise you're with me.
Set 'em down, make that jump! Pick 'em up. Curl. Set 'em down. Jump.
Yes. Keep those heels and toes out nice and wide for three, two, and one. Woo! Recover. You guys are doing great!
All right, we are moving on to a row with a tricep kick. So weights, one in each hand, split 'em. Bent over in just the waist, core stays tight. Back row tricep kick, looks like this: Row, and kick. Bring it back down, right here.
Elbows to the sky. Kick 'em back. Really important here, you keep that core really tight. Elbows high. Nice.
It's back, and triceps. Combo move! Multiple muscle groups right here. Woo! I know I'm breathing heavy.
My heart rate is high, but this is my chance to let that that heart rate recover a little bit with strength. Strength and cardio. Two of my favorite ways to move my body. Pair 'em together, and man, that is a powerful workout. And you guys can do this in 10 minutes.
That's it. Come on, for three, two, and one. Recover. All right, you guys, we're taking us down to the ground. We are doing a burpee, a half burpee, with a row.
I'll show you what it looks like. You can do a step back or a jump. So the weights plant to the ground. You can step back. Step back.
Step in. Step in. Halfway up. Row. Or you can hop it.
You're on in three, two, here we go. So I'm hopping. Hop back. Hop in. Up.
Row. Elbows high. Hop back. Hop in. Up.
Row. Elbows high. Right here. Hop back. Hop in.
Up. Elbows high. Your option. Step back. Step back.
Step in. Up halfway. Row. So your back stays flat the entire time. Your gaze stays in front of you.
It's 45 seconds. Yes, you can keep that core tight. Pull. Squeeze and pull those elbows high. You guys are doing so good.
Yes you can. We're almost there. Woo! Keep breathing. Gaze in front of you.
Yes. A couple more moves. You guys are almost there. Let's go. You got this.
Stick with me for the final five seconds. Hop back or step back. Up and row. Give me three, two, and break. Woo!
Nice work. 15 seconds recovery. Are you ready for your final strength move? We're taking it down to the ground. Final strength move.
Lie on the ground. One dumbbell. Set one off to the side. Chest fly option to add a sit-up. So starting with the chest fly, right here, alternating.
I fly, bring together, switch the weight. Fly. Bring it together. You can stay right here, or add a sit-up at the top. Switch the weight.
Fly on the way down. Sit-up at the top. So I'm giving you a little bit of option to add the core in here with the chest. Chest and core. Yep.
A little bonus for you. Bonus by adding those sit-ups, if you want 'em. You got this. 15 more seconds right here. Woo!
Feel that core. Feel that chest. Really control the weight on the way up and the way down. It's slow and controlled right here, not a speed game. You got this.
Gimme five, four, three, two, and one. Drop the weight. Final cardio move. It is a Turkish get-up with two jacks. I'll show you what it looks like.
When you start lying on your back, roll up to standing. Ready? You're on in three, two, one. Roll yourself up, Pop up, give me a jack, jack. Roll it back down.
Woo! Pour. We roll up. We jack. We jack.
You roll it down. Turkish get-up, okay? I'm gonna show you a modification right here. You tap. You tap.
You squat. Stand up. Tap. Tap. Squat.
Stand up. Or add the full roll-up if you're with me. You're taking it down, rolling up, heel to the booty. Jack. Jack.
Slow and controlled, roll it down, engage that core. Roll it up. Pop it in. Jack. Jack.
Woo! This is a new one for me, and I'm really liking it, you guys. Jack. Jack. Come on, 10 more seconds.
Yes, you can finish this 10 minute workout. Jack. Jack. One more and you're done. You got this.
Up! Jack. Jack. Woo! 10 minutes.
Knocked it out, we hit it all. Cardio and strength. Let's do a quick cool down to catch our breath. Feet go shoulder width distance apart. Drop it down.
Big reach overhead. Big inhale on the way down. Big exhale at the top. Woo! Catch that breath.
All the way down. All the way up. One more time. Sit it back. Stand it tall.
Hold those arms overhead. Drop your right arm. Reach for the middle of the back. Tricep stretch. Woo!
Yes, nice work you guys. Back up. Switch arms. Reach for the middle of the back. Quick tricep stretch.
Reach real tall, drop the arms, and just flap 'em. Flap it out. Shake out that upper body. I hope you enjoyed this 10 minute High-Intensity Interval Training upper body focused workout. You can repeat it.
Do it again. If you need some more time to stretch it out, do so. Or if you want, repeat this workout for a total 20 minute workout. Nice work, you guys. We'll see you soon.
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