10-Minute All About the Upper Body Workout
Lindsey BomgrenDescription
Join GHU trainer Lindsey Bomgren as she takes you through this upper body workout using simple moves that are put together to pack a punch. Bicep curls, tricep presses, chest flies and mid-back rows are just a few of the things you’ll do to see results! Check this out: you will do two amazing upper body moves back to back, and then combine those two moves as a “finisher”. Talk about feeling the burn! You are definitely going to feel this upper body workout when you are done. Think about it: take a bicep curl, follow with a shoulder press, then combine the two as a finisher. If “challenge means change” then you are going to see some change after this fantastic challenge. Want upper body with a little cardio too? Then check out this Upper Body Hiit Workout.
Strength training is a key factor in overall fitness and increasing your metabolism. Put simply: muscle matters. Muscle is active tissue at work in your body burning calories all day long so when you add to your strength, you add to your metabolism. This upper body workout will build on the muscle in your upper body not only for a better metabolism, but also for that lean, sculpted look you want. If you love it, make sure you also try to build upper body strength with yoga!
Hi Get Healthy U TV team! Welcome to your 10-minute all about the upper body workout. That's right, we're gonna work the shoulders, the bis, the tris, the chest, the back, we're gonna hit all those upper body moves in 10 minutes. So let's get started with a quick warmup, feet are shoulder with distance apart, and we're just going to roll those shoulders up, back and down. Take it up back and down.
Give me two more like it. You got it. Just breathing through those shoulder warm ups right here. Nice. Let's just reach it out side to side.
Just reach across the body. Reach open up the back. Nice, right here. Tap and reach. Awesome job.
Let's add both arms, swing them out. This always feels so good. Just open everything up, move and move that upper body because we're going to work it, strength. I got a set of dumbbells, mediums, 12 pounds. Grab yours.
Nice. Give me four, three, two, one. Bring it back to center. Roll those shoulders down and back. Reach up nice and tall.
Give me a baby back bend. Open the chest, center it out. Squeeze the glutes right here. You're going to go chest, back, chest, back. I want you to try and get those elbows to tap.
Yes. Chest, back. If you want to add a tap. Tap. Tempo it out.
Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze and tap. Yes, you got it. Squeeze and tap. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Drop them down.
Keep with it, out. Out, right here. Tap, back. Really dig into those back, back, back. Pinch those shoulder blades together for eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
Settle in, just pedal those shoulders back. Gonna finish right here. Start to feel those arms get nice and warm switch directions, come forward. Right at me. Pedal out those arms for four, three, two, one.
Shake it out. Shake, shake, shake. Give yourself a couple of huggers. Swing those arms. Grab your weights.
We're going to jump right in. We're going to start on biceps and shoulders. 30 seconds per move. I'll walk you through it as we go. So set it up.
Shoulders down and back. Good old bicep curl all the way up. All the way down. Curl it up and down. Nice tight core.
Softening those knees. 30 seconds of bicep curls right here. Big exhale at the top. Use that breath to get the weight up. Not your low back.
You're not swinging. Nope. You're controlling it. Nice and tight. 10 more seconds right here.
And then we're going to dig into those shoulders with an Arnold press. Stay with me for four, three, two, and one. Bring them right up here. Overhead reset weights in front of the face, overhead. So you're going to get all heads of the shoulder right here.
Holy bananas. Do I feel that. 30 seconds. Yep. I'm going to turn to the side so you can see how tight my core is staying.
Trying to keep that arch out of my back. Yes. Big push overhead. 30 seconds finish here, for four, three, two, one. Take it down.
Recover. Shake it out. We're going to put it together. Hammer curls, neutral press. Hammer curl up, press overhead down, down, hammer curl, punch.
So we're taking the two of the ones, we just did and we're putting them together for a big finisher move. We're going to do that for all the exercises. You guys, like, push overhead. Give me a curl, press. You got 10 more seconds here.
And then we go down to the ground for chest and triceps. Give me five, four, three, two, and one nice work. Take it down to the ground. Lying flat on your back. Weights go directly overhead chest fly, legs are bent at 90 degrees.
You open up softening those elbows, squeeze it together. Not a speed game, slow and controlled. Think about keeping that chest nice and puffed out. Big exhale to squeeze those weights together. Squeeze it in.
You got it. 30 seconds right here. And then we're on to triceps all about that upper body. You are hitting it all, yes? Stay with me for three, two, one right here.
Now we bend, extend right into those triceps. Weight's dropped down towards the forehead, push overhead just bending at the elbows. Big exhale to push those weights overhead. You got it. 30 seconds right here on the triceps.
And then we're going to put those two moves together. Chest fly with a skull crusher. It's going to be great. We're burning out that chest and triceps. You got it.
Stay with me here for three, two, one right here. Put them together. Chest fly, together. Triceps, open it up. Chest fly and tricep combo move right here.
Cause it is all about the upper body today. 10 minutes, you are going to knock it out of the park, open and close. You got it. Woo. Come on, burn them out.
You should feel that fire. If you don't, you need to pick up heavier weights next time. Stay with me for five, four, three, two and one, awesome work. Bring it back up. We're moving on to that big old back.
Palms face me with me hinge over at the hips. Reverse grip row. Squeeze that back. So think about pulling those weights back towards your hip. Almost like you're putting on those leggings today.
Like you did this morning. Pull them up, pull your pants on, up, right there. You get to the top. You hold for a second and then you control it down. So you're not just swinging up and down.
You're controlling it. 30 seconds. Think about keeping that belly nice and tight to the spine. Big exhale. You got it.
Big exhale. Nice. Stay with me. You got it. Give me five, four, three, two, one.
Take it down this time. Palms face in, we're staying right here. Row, row, you can pick up the pace a little bit here. You got it. Just switching that grip direction.
Okay. Gives you a chance to dig into some different muscles your back, large muscle group. Lots of different ways to work it, and we're going to hit it right here. Okay. Now I'm going to give you a combo move we're going to go not wide and narrow rows in five, four, three, two, one.
Right here. Palms face you, you go wide row, narrow row. Wide row, narrow row. Whoa, there's that combo move. Hello?
Hello back. I hope you feel it. Come on. You got it. Stay with it.
Yes, you can. Come on. Give me five, four, three, two, and one. Nice work. We're repeating it.
20 seconds per move this time, dropping it down. 20 seconds. Bicep curls. You got it, all the way up. All the way down.
Dropping the time. We're going to repeat this whole sequence biceps and shoulders, right here. Give me those curls. You keep your elbows off your body. Really use those biceps, challenge yourself.
You got it. At 20 seconds goes fast, man. All you have is five, four, three, two and one. Take it right up to that Arnold press, weights in front of the face, up and push overhead. Core stays nice and tight, soft bend in those knees.
Big exhale, push overhead, sculpting all heads of the shoulder right here by bringing it down together. Open it up, down together. There's the front head of the shoulder. There's the top head of the shoulder. You got it.
Stay with it. Give me five, four, three, two. Combo move right into it. Hammer curl, neutral press, down, down, hammer curl, neutral press. Yes.
Finishing off. Last time you're doing bis and shoulders, right here. And we take it to the mat for chest and tris in five, four, three, two, one. Drop it down to that mat. Awesome work you guys.
Come on. Hang with me. Legs are bent at 90 degrees. Open up that chest, chest fly, squeeze it together. Open soft bend in those elbows.
Big exhale. Bring it together, open and close, you're working that chest. Strong, strong chest 20 seconds. And you're almost there. You have five, four, three, two.
Give me one more. Yes you can, triceps right into it, bend at those elbows, extend overhead. Now it's really easy to put the weights together, right? As you drop them down towards your head, put them together. I want you to try and separate them, separate them.
Cause that's going to add a little bit more stability and balance for each tricep to work individually. You got it. Give me five, four, three, two. Find that combo move. We go right into it.
Chest fly, together. Triceps, overhead, open, close, bend, extend. You got it. Chest and triceps. Burn it out, last set right here.
And we finish it off with back. Give me five, four, three, two, and one, nice work. Pop it back up. Last set right here. It's your back.
Your big, beautiful back. Hinge forward at the hips. Palms face me reverse grip row to start. Remember you're putting those pants on for the day. Pull those weights back towards your hips.
Up towards the sky go those elbows, belly is nice and tight. This is it. You finished right here. We go reverse grip. We go narrow grip and then we go wide and narrow together.
Yes you got it. Give me five, four, three, two, and one. Palms face in, give me that narrow row. Maybe you can pick up the tempo a little bit. Big pull.
Think about pulling those shoulder blades together. Squeeze that back. You got it, its five. Yes you can, four, stay with it. Three, combo move is where we go in two and one.
Show me that combo move. Palms face you to start, go wide Then narrow, go wide and narrow. This is where we finish our workout friends right here. Finish it off, you got it. Five, four, three, two, and one set those weights down.
Shake it out. Yes. Awesome. Awesome work. That is your 10 minute upper body workout.
Let's do a quick hug here. Clap out those wings. Your arms should be a little bit puffed up right now that blood is pumping into that upper body. Awesome work. All right, settle in right here.
Let's go back to the shoulder rolls. Just roll your shoulders back. Go together. Nice. Rolling back.
Oh, shoulders. Yes, because you get into those shoulders it's easy to get really tense. So we're going to go ahead. Take your right arm on top of your head and just let your neck fall over to the side. Stretch it out right here.
Get your fingertips towards the ground. Back to center. Switch sides. Nice little neck stretch. Right there.
Release that tension. Got it. Take a couple of neck rolls side to side, back to center shoulders down and back. Give me a big inhale, reach up nice and tall, big exhale. Push it away.
Awesome job. Thanks for joining me today. Come back. Do this 10 minutes, upper body workout again or find a lower body one on Get Healthy U, to pair it with. Have a great day.
Great quick upper body. I used 10#. Goal is to work up to 12#.
Love it