10 Minute Yoga
Chris FreytagDescription
Looking for a longer practice, check out our Beginner Easy Yoga Flow or our Feel Good Yoga Flow 1.
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Mat
Instructor: Chris Freytag
Hey, hey, get healthy, your TV squad. I'm Chris Freitag and this is your 10 minute yoga flow. Now, for me personally, I love a yoga flow to begin a workout as a warm up to get my joints and muscles nice and juicy. I also love it in the morning just as a wake me up. But some of you might prefer this at the end of a workout or as a stand alone or you gonna wind down at night.
So we're gonna start lying on our back. So go ahead at home and lay down on your back right now. We're gonna start with a little bit of breath like we always do. I'm gonna place the soles of your feet together so that you are in butterfly position as you are laying down. Now, I want you to deep in how and deep exhale, you're gonna be breathing at home.
I'm doing the talking. So you should hear yourself breathe. Now, for those of you like me, maybe you're not quite as flexible and you just feel that really big hip hip stretch maybe for some of you, your knees go all the way to the ground. If you're super flexible, just inhale and exhale here and just take those arms all the way up overhead and lay them to the ground stretching through your shoulders and your back. Keep those abs nice and tight.
Inhale and exhale. Maybe your eyes are closed, which would be awesome. Just breathe into it. Inhale and exhale and then sweep your arms around, bring your knees together and give them a hug. We're just gonna pull that tail bone off the mat.
Just feel that stretch in your sacrum, feel so good. And then I want you to roll side to side over your spine. Just roll side to side. Good. Beautiful place those heels to the ground.
You're gonna line your heels up with your glutes. Breathe belly pulls in and we're gonna inhale and exhale. Lift into a bridge. Lift that bridge up. Now in your bridge, you wanna pull your belly to your spine, so your core is connected.
You wanna take your knees and slightly pull them together. So your inner thighs are activated. You wanna squeeze your glutes and you wanna breathe and Helen exhale right here. And if you can, let's just inch our shoulder blades in and put your hands together. Clasp them together for chest expansion, inhale and exhale right here.
Breathe so good. Take one more deep breath right here and release just lower that bridge down carefully, beautiful knees to the chest and roll up. Let's flip right over into my favorite cat cow. We're going to articulate through all 24 vertebrae in the back of your body. So you're gonna inhale, prepare exhale around your body.
Go ahead and tuck that pelvis under and look for your belly button and then release exhale the crown of the head away from the tailbone. Inhale, cat exhale cow and just move through these two poses just toggle through these two poses at your pace. Inhale and exhale. I love it. Breathe.
Feels so good. Motion is lotion. I say it all the time. Get that back moving. We're gonna come back to neutral when you are ready.
So one long linear line in your spine and we're gonna take our opposite arm and our opposite leg and extend, keeping your hip, steady your back, steady your body, steady elbows near the ears, inhale and then exhale to switch and then inhale and exhale. This is our bird dog point that toe get it away from your fingertips. Inhale and exhale, pull your belly to your spine. Inhale and exhale. My favorite kind of saying funny saying is when in doubt, do birddog, it is such a great balance, exercise and core exercise.
Inhale and exhale and one more on each side, breathe and last one and release, we're gonna find our first down dog. You're gonna tuck your toes under, press your palms firmly into the mat and come into that down dog position. Shake your head. Yes. And no, press those palms, fan your fingers like starfish and press your open armpits towards your thighs to get that deep upside down.
Letter V. Take those heels, relova all the way up onto your toes and then press them down. Oh, feel that could stretch up the back of your legs. Do that a couple of times. I love it right there and breathe.
Let's go ahead and take our body to a plank So your shoulders are over your wrists and you're gonna take either leg. It doesn't matter which leg and bring it up into your runners. Lunch. Beautiful. All right, you're in that nice runners lunch.
Open up your wing span, roll your wrist feels so good and then push back to your pyramid pose or you can drop your knee. So in your pyramid modified pyramid, we're just gonna push back, open up that front hamstring, maybe even go ahead and flex your foot. So you feel that stretch, other modification would be to drop your knee and just press back. So you feel that ni nice stretch and let's toggle between those two poses. Runners lunge with an open wingspan, modified pyramid right there.
Uh I feel that stretch and here we go. Runner's lunge modified pyramid right there. Ha feels so good and release and come back to that plank. Let's hold that plank. Abs are tight shoulders over the wrist.
One long linear line, you're firing up those quads. All right. Other side, pull that foot up. So you're bringing the heel of the foot all the way to the heel of the hand and really stretching that hip flexor, roll your wrist on this first one. All right.
So we from our runners lunch to our modified pyramid. Now again, if this doesn't feel good, this side is a little tighter for me. I might come down on my knee on this side, everybody's body is different. So give yourself grace. We're gonna do this three times modified pyramid, whatever that means for you on both sides right there, breathe inhale through your nose, exhale through your nose or your mouth.
Whatever is more comfortable. Typically, we try to keep it through our nose and yoga, but it's no problem to breathe through your mouth right there. Awesome. And then come back to that plank. You're doing a great job.
Shoulders over the wrists, abs are tight. We're gonna go into our first down dog flow. Charanga, which is a tricep, push up, elbows are in tight, drop your knees as a modification if you need to roll through to up dog or Cobra. Oh Great spinal extension, abs are tight, tuck, those toes under down dog. Beautiful.
Let's do a couple down dog flows. So inhale high plank. Aha Charanga, inhale up dog or Cobra axel down dog. I'll show you the updog this time in help prepare exhale Charanga roll through. Here's your up dog, keeping the thighs off the mat.
Exhale down dog. Let's do one more good yoga flow, deep breath, just creating heat inside the body. Beautiful and release this time. Let's take either leg. It doesn't matter.
We're gonna do both sides. Hide to the sky, open up from big toe to big toe. Beautiful. Then bring that nita nose three times right there need a nose three times. Here comes that third one.
Beautiful. And then we bring it all the way forward to that runner's lunch. Come up, Warrior one right here. I'm sorry. Crescent lunch right here.
Here's our crescent lunge. Awesome Warrior one puts the heel down. Crescent lunge keeps the heel up beautiful just deep into that stretch. So maybe you go from here all the way down a little bit lower. Feel that heat building Warrior two now drop that heel and open up, flip down those fingertips and breathe creating heat.
Reverse that Warrior. So take that back hand and let it just drape or put it behind your back, big big stretch and then extended angle, elbow to knee or pinky to big toe all the way down. Moving my microphone right there and release that hand. Come into your down dog flow plank to Charanga. Roll through and back.
Beautiful other leg flies high to the sky. Open up from big toe to big toe, three knee to nose breathe, creating heat, good job stretch right there. Take your time. Big range of motion. Come to your runners lunge, crescent lunge lift all the way up right there.
Awesome. Hold your balance. Get down as low as you can extend through the spine. Warrior two, drop that back heel open up right there. Awesome in hell and exhale.
Reverse. Warrior hand comes here or all the way behind you big stretch and extended angle, elbow to knee or pinky to big toe open all the way up. Good job release and give me that down dog flow. Beautiful. Awesome.
This time we'll do it one more time each side without the need to nose. So lift up high and come right to your crescent lunge. Lift up beautiful sink in Helen X hell Warrior two in Helen X hell, reverse good bigger stretch right there, extended angle right there all the way down. If it feels OK. Release and go ahead and flow, feeling warm, feeling good.
Other leg flies high to the sky right there. Let's go all the way up. Big range of motion. Crescent lunge. Here we go.
Breathe right there. Awesome. Reverse. Excellent breath is a big part of yoga. So make sure you are inhaling and exhaling our last down dog flow right here.
You got it right there, right. Excellent. And drop your knees to the mat. Splay your knees a little wider, drop your heel, your glutes to your heels and come into that child's pose, extended child's pose all the way down, drop your forehead to the floor. And just reach those fingertips out.
Feel that whole stretch down the side body through your sacrum as you press down, take two more big breaths right here. So good. Just a great way to get that body ready for anything that's to come during the day. Sit up nice and tall in Helen exhale. Like I said, traditionally you breathe through the nose in yoga, but if you do exhale through the mouth, it is no problem.
It's not about being perfect, it's about being proud. Let's just take those arms together. Nama, stay my friends. Thank you for joining me for this 10 minute yoga flow.
This looks like a great 10 minute fast moving warmup I could do before going to the gym in the mornings!