Chris Freytag

4,000 Step Walking Workout

Chris Freytag
Duration:   32  mins


Level: All Levels
Equipment: Bodyweight
Instructor: Chris Freytag

Get your daily steps in with this fun indoor step walking workout. You can take a walk anywhere, anytime, and have a whole lot of fun doing it! Join Chris Freytag for this fun, sweaty workout that will get you moving and energized. By taking the movement of indoor walking and adding a few more fun steps into the mix, you can get the steps you need along with the energy coaching of our GHU team!

During this 4,000-step workout, you’ll be walking at a 4-mile-per-hour pace and working for about 30 minutes. This means you are going to move approx. two miles or about 4,000 steps in 30 minutes. Amazing! Keep in mind this is only an estimate, so if your monitor or watch tracks a few more or less, that’s okay too! The point is to move your body! That’s exactly what our 4,000-step walking exercise is going to have you do!

Now, indoor walking or stepping is the base move for this workout—but be ready because there is so much more. You’ll step side to side, move forward and back and pump your arms overhead to raise your heart rate. The more you move, the more you burn! The best part about our 4,000-step workout is that while you move and sweat, everything is LOW IMPACT! There is no harsh pounding on your joints. So let’s get moving and walking together and have some fun along the way!

If you like these indoor walking workouts, check out our 3,000 Step Walking Workout and our 5,000 Step Walking Workout too!

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5 Responses to “4,000 Step Walking Workout”

  1. CONI

    I love the walking workouts, and this one was super fun with these three wonderful instructors. Thanks for another great workout and a wonderful mood lift!

  2. Heather

    Love this one! Perfect length and intensity.

  3. LISA

    Love this workout and walking with 3 beautiful ladies

  4. KATE

    So great! Thank you for a perfect 4,000 steps!

  5. Roberta Gilmour

    Such a great walking workout - so much fun! Thanks ladies 👏👏👏

Hey, hey, get healthy U TV. My name is Chris Frag. And this is your 4000 step walking workout. We are gonna have some fun today. I have Patty with me today.

Hello. Hi, everybody. And of course, Shelley, are you girls ready to take a walk? We are ready to take. It is gonna be so fun.

So I wanna just start walking from the get go and I'll tell you what we're gonna do. Does that work for everybody? Let's do it right here. It's right. LA.

So start nice and simple. We'll just start to move our feet. We're going to do a little warm up. But I want to talk about the workout we have coming at you. Now, this pace that we are walking at A K A marching, right?

It's about 2000 steps every 15 minutes. So this is going to take about 30 30 minutes. But now remember everybody's watch is different. Everybody's stride is different and we're doing some kind of funky things in here like knees and hamstrings. So it may not be perfect.

OK. Got it. Everybody got that right. OK. So approximately 4000 steps over the course of 30 minutes at this nice walking pace.

After we warm up, we'll start to pick those arms up a little bit and get a little more energy and there's a couple of ways to get your heart rate up, one of which is putting your hands overhead. So we're gonna do that quite a bit today. Ok? You guys ready? Let's take that walk.

All right. Roll those shoulders back and you know, a lot of people think well, walking, that means you have to go somewhere, you have to walk somewhere. Nope, no, you can walk right in your living room. I love it. Yeah, I love it.

All right. Here we go. It's right arm back and left arm back. Just open up the shoulders and the chest and heart right there. Just try to keep those feet to the beat.

Oh I should mention if you get off your right foot or you're on a different foot. We don't care. That's right. She's telling me that's OK. It doesn't matter.

Strive for progress. Not perfection. We don't care. OK? Hold it here.

Just release that upper body now. Round your back right here and open up through your chest. Oh Yes and round and open. I love it. Round and open.

You got it round and open one more time. Let's go just round it and open good now. Walk it out. All right. So a little more energy my friend right here.

Walk it out. We're gonna walk it wide. Are you ready? Just take it a little wider. I love it.

Give me four free hamstring curl. We just gotta stretch those quads feeling it. Ladies. It feels good. I love it.

I love it. I am a walker. I am actually I try to daily walk. I know you are. I've seen, you're a good walker this all over the place.

She's seen me walking but you know, some days you just can't get outside. Some days it's too dark or too cold or too hot or too something. And so this is your walking workout indoors and let me tell you it makes the difference. Yeah, walking is amazing for your heart. Amazing for your body.

Let's go 43. We're gonna take the knees to the front right here. Now, pull them up towards your belly button. Yeah, you got it. Pull down.

We're kind of morphing our warm up right into the workout. I love it. Rehearsing some of our moves. Give me four and three now, an easy kick right there. Push through your heel.

I want you to imagine that you're pushing your car door shut with your heel. Ok, here we go. We're gonna pull those arms, just pull them, pull them. Ok. Now, a little higher, if your hamstring is starting to feel it, you're like, ok, I'm feeling a little warmer.

Yeah, a little higher. 432, walk it out. My friends all right at any point during this workout that you're like, oh, I've had enough. Just walk it out when it's out. Walk it out.

Love it. All right. I feel good today. How about you guys? Feel good?

And it just like James Brown said, I feel good. All right. Right here. Pick those knees up. Come on, pick them up a little bit.

Let's go for four and three and two. Now. Walk it wide right here, walk it. Pick those legs up. Come on.

I love it. You do have to make a conscious effort of actually really working. You know, it'd be really easy to kind of slide down. So it's important to really keep your mind in the game. I'm glad that you just pointed that out because it's easy to be a little bit lax.

Yeah. But you guys have to give me that energy. That's what we count on you for is your energy and your attitude. Uh-huh. Right.

I thought that's gonna be easy. I grew it myself right now. I love it. Ok. Now we're gonna go in, in, out, out.

Are you ready? Here we go. It's in and out and in and out. Work it. Come on.

Let's go walk it, baby. Hello, Quads. Come on. And here's the thing about our indoor walking workouts consistency. We keep the same pace the whole time.

Huh? So, there's no slacking off. I love that. No slacking. I love it.

Come on. Team. It feels good. We're raising that heart rate a little bit. I'm hoping by this point now you're starting to breathe through your mouth.

Are you? Yes. Yeah. No longer through your nose. But you have to kind of open up those airways and breathe one more right here in, in, out, out now.

Just walk it out right here. Right here. We're going two steps to the right, two steps to the left like that. Let's go. 22.

Pull your arms. Now, get into like a quarter squat. Hello, quads. There we go. Love it.

Yes. Single, single it right here. Right. You got it. Come on when we move side to side like this.

First of all, it's good for your brain. Second of all, a little inner thigh action. Love that. I love that. I love it.

Awesome. Now, two steps to the right. Let's go now. Two steps to the left now. Give me single for four and three and two.

Like how we did that? Two us. Come on, let's go, baby. Four singles. Yeah.

To the right baby. Come on. Come on up up. Single. 43.

Yes, I like it. Clap it up. We love it. This is like your dance, right? Come on.

Join in on our platform. One right there. Two, 12. We're gonna do it one more time. One more time.

Come on. Who knew we'd have so much fun. All right. Walk it out. My friends right here.

Let's go. Right leg. Awesome. Keep up. Your heart is up.

Yeah, let's come in. Seriously. And I'm walking, people are always amazed at walking workouts and, you know, the walking workouts on our website are our most popular. Most, most, well, most, most so if you are, a lot of people turn their nose up like I'm walking. Let me tell you, you'll burn some calories and you'll sweat.

Now we're gonna take it forward and back. We're gonna walk right left, right left, right left, right left. So there's no tapping. It looks like this. It's up for four and back for four and up for four and back for four.

Let's go. Team. I love it. I'm like, I really, I used to that tap. Oh, come on, we got Shelly old school.

You got it. Yes. Ok. Now walk it out right here. Let's go for four and three out out in, in here.

We go an in Anna and in, you got it four and three and two. Walk forward. Hey, right here and in. Let's go. Let's go.

It's four and three and two. Walk forward. Come on, baby, we got it now out and in. Come on now, walk it forward. See how we put that together.

I love that. Fancy. So fancy. Come on, we got it right there. We're gonna do one more time.

OK, let's do it awesome out out and, and go. I love it. Walk it out, walk it out right here for four and 32 steps to the right. Yes, you can. Let's go up up, come on now.

Singles for 44322 to the right. Let's go. Come on. Team, come on, go four and three and 21 more. Second.

Awesome. I love it. Here we go for four and three and two. Walk it out. Walk it out.

All right. Hey, I thought you were, I was ready to go. You thought that would have been fun? I was ready to go. Well, I just, I'm enjoying this walk with my friends.

How about you guys at home? Do not stop moving. That is the key to this. Are you guys listen a little bit. That's all good.

Right? Use those arms. Speaking of getting the heart rate up. So we're gonna pump the arms overhead. All right.

Praise the Lord. We're gonna get it. We are live one more day. I love it. Are you ready?

Here we go in four and three knees and arms. Here we go. You push it up up. Praise it and raise it. Let's go.

Let's go, baby. I love it. Come on, come on, go, go. Yes, you can. 43.

Now we're gonna double up. Say what? 22 like this two like that. Two like this two like that one more set of twos. Give me single knee lips.

Here we go. 876. Yes. You can 43, walk it out. Let's go.

Let's go. That'll get that hurried up a little bit. Starting Sweaty Betty mode. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

We brought Sweaty Betty with us today. We brought, we brought Sweaty Betty four. Come on, three. Come on easy kicks. Remember those from 10 minutes ago?

Here we go right there. Right there. Pull those arms right there. Kick the kick the co the door open with your heel. So keep going girls.

So I don't want you to flick with your knee cap. I want you to push through your heel. Push. Yes, you can feel that hamstring and feel strong. A little higher.

A little higher. Yes, you can. I stop now and kick a door. Come on. How many times have you come home with like your arms filled and you kick the door shut with your a every time.

Let's go. 432. Walk it out. My friends. Let's go.

I love it. Give me that energy. Move those arms in four. We're moving forward. Remember?

Here we go. Let's go. 123. Fuck. Pop up.

Do it again. I love it. Who? Come on, maybe you're in your living room. Maybe you're in your bedroom.

Oh, maybe you're in your basement. Whatever works. Come on again. Let's go forward and back. Pick up those feet, come on forward and back one more.

Yes, you can walk it wide. Here we go. Right left. Nice. All right.

Going back to those hamstring curls. I love those. Ok. They stretch the front of your leg. Yes, they feel good.

Here we go. That's how I see them. I feel good. I gotta say it. James Brown 43.

Here we go. Here we go. Right there. Right there. I love it.

Ok, listen up because we're doubling up. Oh boy. Oh hold on. Here we go. 221212.

Yeah. Oh yeah. Ok. Listen up. Single, single, double, hey, single, single, double up on the right, single, single, double up on the left, single, single, double.

Got the big baby. I love it. I got a feeling I had to walk it off today. Come on, you got it. Keep it coming.

Single, single, double one more singles only. Here we go. Right. And let's kick that deal to the foot. Bend your knees, bend your knees.

Yes, you can. Yes, you can. 8765. Get ready. We're walking forward.

Ok, here we go. We got it. Oh, come on so good. You guys so good at home. I love it and walking it out right here.

Walk it out. Love the way I think. I think it's good. I'll tell you what I am in my fat burning zone right now. This is perfect.

This is so good. It is so good. We talk a lot about it. You don't have to, every workout does not need to crush you. Right?

That is not the purpose of working out. Some workouts are harder than others, but it's ok to have that day where you, yes, you're sweating but you're in that zone where it's not horrible. Right. It's actually a little euphoric. It is.

It feels good. Back to our theme today. I feel good. I wish we could play that song by James Brown. But we can't, we don't have the light on.

Keep on walking friends. Let's go. Let's go. Knee list. Here we go in four and three and two.

Praise it up. Here we go. Praise and raise who, who go go. Come on. He said race.

Yes, we got it. Yeah. Blow it up. Raise the roof. My friends, we've got it.

87654. Now we're gonna pull the right knee across the body. Say what? Like this like that? Oh I love it.

Oh pull those arms chop it. Come on, chop it. 876543. Switching sides. Here you go.

Boom, boom. Stay right here. I keep backing up. Here's the thing. Use your space, use your space in your house.

Right, right, right here. Right here. Now switch sides. Here we go. Listen up.

It's 432. Switch it up. Switch it up. Let's go. Whoa, 32.

Switch it up. 4320 rich it up. Let's go. Four now. Two now twos go 12 up.

You got it. 12. Come on. Nice. Who?

We got it one more set and you walk it out? 00, all right. You guys, so we're about high fives, girls, high fives. I love that. High five, high five, high 52.

We're about halfway. Ok. So my watch says I've gone a mile. You know what I expected. Right on.

Right on track. I can't see what mine says. Sweaty eyes, eye, that's what happens when your eyes get old. I need to have that. Come on.

I love it. Right. Keep moving. So who knew that you could walk a mile in your kitchen or your family like that? Never say never.

We are here for you. Ok. All right. In the second half. Let's do a little shaking and bacon shake.

That's my favorite. All right. Right. Like look at a mambo. It looks like this.

It's forward and back. Give me a little hit back. Hey, hey, right there. You got it. Come on, come on.

It's four and three. We're going to switch legs and it's left foot forward. Give me a little bit of a hello, baby. Oh, yeah. Little booty.

A little glut, booty, a booty booty to switch sides. Give me two on the right and sweat shirt up. Give me two on the left and spread dirt up. Give me two on the right and switch it up. Yeah, baby.

Nice. Let's do one more step. How about it? Come on. Good.

Walk it out right here. Right leg. When in doubt, just get back on that right leg. That's how it works. So, find your beach, find your beach.

I feel good. Uh-huh. That's what it's all about today and, and fitness should be about feeling good. Yeah, it's not all about beating yourself up. We wanna stay strong.

We need muscle as we age everybody. You know, that strength training is the key to aging, gracefully, more muscle on your body, better metabolism, better sleep, better energy, better daily movements. So it's important. But you also need to exercise your heart. Uh-huh, if you have a heart, that's a trick question because of course you do, you need to exercise it.

Feel good. Give me four and three. We're gonna tap back on that right leg. It's just a tap pack. Got it.

Add those arms. I like your Shelly. I like, I like your push right there. I like it. I love it.

Tap it back. All right. Knees to the front. Here we go right there right there. Pull those arms down.

You got it four and three and two. Now, tap it back right there right there. You've got it four and three and two. Now to the front. Just four knees now, tap back four times 4324 knees, I love it.

Come on. I want some more of it now. Twos A 02. Tap it back. You got it right there.

Come on right there. Twos right there. Good. Keep breathing. We got it last set right here.

Awesome. Walk it out right here. Let's go. Yes, I love it. Oh, you have to think about that one.

That's good. That's good. Looking forward. Let's go. Girls, let's go.

Girls. You know, that just reminded me of going. No, it reminded me of maybe it reminded me of Shanaya twang. What's up? Oh, let's go, girl.

Come on right there. Come on. She pack with you always to go shopping, right? Oh yeah, of course. We love to grow shop.

I do my favorite kind. So this my friends is mall walking. This is not window shopping. Window shopping is not fast enough, right? This is your mall walking pace, right?

This is walking. People come on now, walk it out right here. So just to remind you this pace is about 2000 steps every 15 minutes. If you translate that it's approximately four MPH. Yes.

Four MPH is hard to keep outside with terrain and right. But when you're just doing this in your house, we can keep that little faster pace. It gets our heart rate up, right? 876543 heel digs to the front heel digs, push. Oh Look at you guys.

You automatically did your arm the other way. Uh-huh, they did what most of our trainers do. She's trusting us. We're little creatures. But what I was thinking is I wanted arms above the head for heart rate, heart rate any time you want that heart rate up.

Shoot those arms above the head. Let's go. 8765. We're gonna grab that jump rope. Are you ready?

Ok. Grab it. Here we go right there. Come on. Hello.

Biceps. Let's go now, heel digs with your jump rope right there. Ok. What do you guys think you can stay here? We're just gonna do a little burst of energy.

Oh Come on team. We're gonna go a little faster. What do you think? Do it? Give it a try in 43.

This is just for fun. You don't have to do this right here. Go, go. Come on. Hello, biceps.

Don't forget about that rope. Don't forget about that. Come on, go. Go. Do not stop.

10, 9876, 4433224. Ok. Right there. You know I stopped but the beat got funky. It did and I was like, huh?

Are we gonna stick with 10 or are we gonna do? 12? Thanks to Shelley. You did 10. She's pushing you.

I hold her account of a little time. All right. Two steps. Right and left. Let's go.

Let's go. Come on. Remember this now. Four singles. Come on.

Get down there. 432. Move it to the right. Come on, baby. Oh I love it.

Four and three knees to the front. Pull down. Four. Fact let's go. Four two needs to the front.

Four. I love it. Tap here we go for four. Walk it to the right, here we go. Here we go.

Here we go. Whoop. Whoop. Come on. Single.

You got it. Double up. Go. It doesn't have to be complicated. Right?

Four singles. But you still have to think about it. Knees to the front. Let's go. Let's go.

4321. Push it up. Come on, team, you got it. I love it. Fun right there right now.

March it out. Walk it out. Come on. Good mambo. Right foot.

Come on. Hey, yo, right there. Two on the left. Let's go. Boom.

Two on the right, right there. Two on the left. Let's go. Come on, walk it out. My friends.

All right. Look at us, look at that. Look at us. Fancy, like fancy life. Yeah, I love it.

Ok. 1.5 miles on my watch. Now that doesn't mean that your watch says the same thing because everyone's stride is different. But I'm telling you we're doing some good stuff here. We're doing some good stuff here.

Seriously. It's great. Right. What I thought we would hang out. I should have a little, she, have you been in our other walking workout?

This is Shelley's first walking workout. Are you kidding me? High five. Here we go. I wanna do one again.

I love these walking workouts. You've done, I've done a couple walking forward. So here we go. Here we go. Hey, come on.

People don't think you can cover mileage in your house. Well, guess what? You can. Come on. Yeah, I'm definitely sweaty.

Come on two more right here. Take it forward. Yes, we can take it back. Take it forward now. Walk it out.

All right. We're gonna add a little core in here. Hey, crunches right here. We're gonna take those arms up, opposite elbow to knee, like this opposite elbow to knee right there. Right there.

Standing crunches. Come on. Do not stop. Go, go, go, go. Come on.

All right. This time will count from 10. Ok. That was good. It was a good little interlude.

That was good. Keep those feet moving. Walk it. Give me that energy. I'm so proud of you.

We are like literally more than three quarters of the way done. We have about five minutes to walk. You got that. You got that. Keep that in your hand.

Come on, go. Come on. Three. Right. Knee pulls across.

Let's go for 432. Other side. Other side, let's go 432 and switch. Let's go 432 and switch, let's go 432 and switch. Come on.

Ok. Now choose choose, choose 12, switch it up 12, switch it up 12, switch it up 1212. OK? You are awesome. Walk it out.

Walk it out right foot. When end out back on that right foot. All right. Heel digs with the arms up. Ok, let's go.

Want those heart rates on the rise. He, so you just kind of sink into your legs right there. Feeling it on the back side. Yeah. Right there.

Let's go. 8765. We're going to grab that jump rope. Here we go. Here it goes.

Oh, you can march or you can heal. Dig with me. I like to dig this. Ok, Patty, let's dig right here. All right, dig.

We're doing one more burst of energy. Ok? So this is just for those of you who are like, I'm, I'm here for it. I'm up for it. It's a baby plyometric.

Are you ready? Let's go up feeling good. Keep those arms, turning biceps. Yes, we can. Yes, we will.

Molly. Yes, we are. Oh yes, we are. Do not stop. Do not stop.

Come on, stay with us. How many if you wanna march it out? Well, I'm thinking about a Shelly. She chatty, but I need the number. You don't need a number.

Ok. Well, I was gonna say if you want to march you can. Ok. Otherwise keep doing this and I'm thinking about how many more I'm thinking really hard, Shelley. Ok.

Think harder. Ok, sir. 15 seconds. Ok. 15 seconds we can do it.

Come on. I know this is more than you expected. Probably. Oh, a lot of a walking workout. Come on.

432. Walk it out. Oh, I like that. I need the end point. You know, me, I'll always need the Yes, I love it.

We got jelly over here keeping us on. Come on, I feel good. We got it. Four three two. We've kept a really basic today.

Front kicks. Uh huh. Right here. Right there. Push with your heel, pull with the arms pull, pull.

Awesome team. I'm so proud of you. We just have a couple of minutes who stay with it. Come on your breath. Standing crunches second round in 432.

Here they come right there. Elbow wrap your rib cage. Beautiful, beautiful. Yeah. Come on.

What do we think guys? Who? 00 please come on. Ok, let's go. Let's go.

I think we need to Mambo again though. I like OK, one more Mambo for the win for the win. Walk it out right here. Go. Thank you Chris Shelley's request.

Here it goes. Two on the right. Here we go. Here we go. Give me a little flair right there.

02 on the left. Come on, two on the right. Hey, we got it. Boom. I'm not as as I get right here.

Look at me, look at me, look at us. You're saying to yourself at home. Look at me so fun. If only move, you know, do it every day. I love it one more set.

Yes, we can one more. Right. Here, we're gonna walk it out right here. Let's go. Oh, ok.

So I had my watch sent to indoor walk on the Apple watch again. Everybody is different. We are about to cross the two mile mark. Yes. So just keep on moving team.

I can taste the finish line. I can taste it. I can taste it. But if you don't know. So two mile says, get in the car and drive it.

It's long, it's long. It is. We are at 1.99 on my I love it so much people. That's what we're using today. I love it.

Keep, keep going, keep going, keep, keep going. Come on, you've got it. Oh my gosh, we did it arms up, hold up, arms up come on we did in 10 9876543218, double three. Yes, I love that. That was two miles.

Ok. Take a deep breath. If you will, if you feel euphoric, you should. Seriously. That felt great.

Here we go. Big stretch right there. Now. Something that is personal for me is that I'm a big walker, but I don't stretch after my walks, I'll come home from walking the dog and I just forget to stretch and it's so bad because that's a workout and just like our regular get healthy TV, workouts, we've gotta stretch, we've got a stretch so open up that hip flexor and hamstring. Alright.

We are gonna gently drop that back knee and then open up that front leg. Oh, really? Hey, ladies, thanks for walking with me. It was so much fun. Just call us next time.

You will. We wanna come too. I'll give you each a call next time. Get healthy. You see on the other side?

Oh, that feels so nice. It does right there. Oh, just stretch it out. So good team. You're gonna gently drop that back knee and open that front leg and just sink into it.

Oh, great job. Everybody in. Oh man, I feel it. Ok. We're gonna touch our toes.

Really lengthen those hamstrings right here. Drop your head all the way down. Oh man. Well, go ahead. Give yourself a little booty shake side to side.

Yeah, just move side to side. Good work team. Ok? We're gonna roll out one vertebra at a time and we're just gonna cat cow it out right here. Just cat cow right there.

Just a couple of times. Loosen up your back. Well, that my friends was super fun. Now, if you enjoyed that one more of these all the way up, let's just do a side stretch. We have a 2000 walking workout, a 3000, a 4000, a 5000.

There's a lot of them. Look at jelly. She's like, hey, hang on. I've just heard a new thing. I need to look into this.

That was so much fun, Chris, I'm so glad that you were able to walk with us today. All right, ladies, you're the best. Thank you for joining me. Thank you. Thank you at home.

We'll see you on the next walking workout. Bye bye bye guys.

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