5-Minute Guided Meditation to be Calm and Relaxed
Chloe FreytagDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: No Equipment
Instructor: Chloe Freytag
Hi, my name is Chloe Freytag and welcome to "Get Healthy U TV Meditations". Today we're doing a five minute guided meditation to become more calm and relaxed. This is a meditation you can do at any time during your day just to find a little bit more peace and relaxation in your body and mind. Go ahead and find your way into a comfortable seat. If you wanna sit cross-legged like I am, on the floor or put a pillow or blanket under your hips to elevate your seat.
Maybe you even do this sitting down in a chair. However, it feels good for you to get your spine lifted as much as possible and just let your arms relax. They can rest on your knees or in your lap. Again, however is comfortable for your body to become rested and still. And from here you can either choose to close your eyes or softly gaze down towards the floor.
Start by taking awareness into your breath. So just allow your breathing to become deeper inhaling in nice and full and then exhaling all the air out completely each time. Let's take a few slow breaths at your own pace. Using this breath to already produce a state of being calm, of being relaxed just through this simple activity in awareness. And keeping your breath very slow, very fluid in and out.
We'll start to work our way through our body becoming completely connected and aware of each part of our body. So start by bringing your awareness to the crown of your head, feeling your hair, your scalp, working down toward your ears and your forehead just letting your awareness flow to these body parts, your eyes, your eyelids allowing them to be relaxed, your cheeks, your jaw totally relaxed and calm, resting your lips, saw bringing your awareness down through your neck and your shoulders relaxing any tension you have in that part of the body just to allow your shoulders to fall closer to the earth letting your arms relax as well. Your elbows and forearms all the way down through your hands and allowing each finger here to relax finger thumb, your pointer, your middle finger, your ring finger and your pinky all of your fingers relaxed, arms totally relaxed. We're getting to work into your chest and your rib cage. Noticing that calm breath still flowing in and out as you relax this part of your body, your belly starts to relax as well.
You can feel your hips, your sitting bones relaxed on whatever it is that you're sitting on. Feel them nice and heavy and grounded. Your thighs also relaxed, calm just resting as they are allowing your knees and lower legs to relax as well. Finishing traveling your awareness all the way down through to your feet, to your ankles, all the way towards your toes and allow each toe to relax. Big toe, second toe, third toe, fourth toe, little pinky toe all relaxed.
And take a few deep breaths in and out just letting your whole body enjoy the state of peace, of relaxation as you've consciously worked through and relaxed each part of your body. Take a deep inhale in, exhale the air out. Slowly you can start to blink your eyes back open and that concludes our meditation for today. Thank you so much for meditating with us here at "Get Healthy UTV". I hope this brought you a bit more relaxation and a bit more calm energy into your body, into your mind.
Be sure to check out all of our other meditations as well. And remember this only takes a few minutes of your day but can have a huge effect on your health, on your mind, on your body. Thank you so much and we'll see you next time.
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