Chloe Freytag

5-Minute Guided Meditation for Gratitude

Chloe Freytag
Duration:   6  mins


Gratitude is one of the most elevated emotions we can feel in our bodies. Enjoy this five-minute guided meditation to bring you into a place of gratitude and invite in more space for things to be grateful for.

Level: All Levels
Equipment: No Equipement
Instructor: Chloe Freytag

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Hi, I'm Chloe Freytag and welcome to Get Healthy U TV meditations. Today, we're doing a five-minute guided meditation for gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions we can feel in our bodies, and it has a very positive effect on both our physical and mental health. So find your way into a comfortable seat if you wanna sit cross-legged like me on the floor or maybe utilizing a pillow or blanket under your hips to elevate your seat a little bit. You can even sit comfortably in a chair, however works for you and your body.

Find a way to lift up your spine as much as it can lift, open your chest a little, relax your shoulders down, arms are comfortable, either on your knees or in your lap. And from here, you can allow your eyes to either close down or just softly gaze towards the floor. Start by taking some awareness into your breath. So let your breath become a little bit deeper and fuller, lengthening those inhales out, completely letting the exhales go. Breathing through your nose, just take a few more long, deep breaths at your own pace, using this simple long breath just to calm your mind and body down.

Getting you into that inner space as we dive into this emotion of gratitude. And start to explore where do you feel gratitude in your body? When you hear that word, when the emotion starts to come in, where in your body can you feel it? Maybe you feel it in your heart, a little sensation. Maybe you feel warmth in your belly.

Maybe a combination of the two or any other sensations, just feel this emotion express in your body, notice where it expresses for you. We'll start to take that emotion and discover what it is that brings it about, what it is that makes us feel grateful. Keep your breath long and deep. Keep that attention there as you breathe slowly and start to make a simple gratitude list of three things. They can be people, places, memories, experiences, physical items.

It can be anything. But let yourself find at least three things that you're grateful for today. Breathing long and deep as you make that little list. And noticing how as you bring those things into your awareness, into your mind, that emotion starts to grow. So maybe that little sensation you had at the beginning has become bigger.

Maybe you feel more sensations in your body, more of that uplifting emotion spreading through your entire being. Take a few more full breaths. And if you get through all three of those things and you'd like to add more to the list, maybe you add about two more, let them come naturally. If three was the perfect number, just stick with those three, feeling that gratitude for those things in your life. Those people, those experiences, whatever they are.

And with this emotion really filling our entire bodies and minds, we'll take three deep breaths together just to seal that emotion in to our day, to our evening, to our life. For these breaths, if you'd like to take your hands on your heart, one on top of the other, you can. Otherwise, keep them resting in your lap or on your knees. Together we'll take a deep inhale in through your nose, suspend the breath for just a moment, filling up with that emotion, and exhale the air out. Two more times.

Inhale deeply, hold the breath, pause with that sensation of gratitude in your heart, in your mind, in your awareness, and then exhale the air out. One last time. Deeply inhale, pause, notice how maybe naturally you've got a little smile on your lips now as you really embrace this emotion of gratitude. And then smoothly exhale the air out. If your hands are on your heart, you can release them back onto your knees or into your lap.

Take a couple breaths on your own. Softly you can start to blink your eyes back open, and that concludes our meditation for today. Thank you so much for meditating with us here at Get Healthy U TV. Be sure to check out our other meditations as well. And remember, this is something super simple that only takes a few minutes of your day but can have a profound effect on your health and on your life.

See you around next time. Thank you so much.

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