5,000 Step Workout
Get Healthy U TV EditorsDescription
During this 5,000 Step workout you’ll be walking at a 4 mile per hour pace and working for about 40 minutes. This means you are going to move 2 ½ miles or about 5,000 steps in 40 minutes. Amazing! Keep in mind this is only an estimate so if your monitor or watch tracks a few more or less, that’s okay too! The point is to move your body! That’s exactly what our 5,000 step workout is going to have you do!
Now, indoor walking or stepping is the base move for this workout -but be ready because there is so much more. You’ll step side to side, kick the car door shut, glute squeezes and knee lifts You’ll even break out into a grapevine and might decide to add your own flare of arm movements along the way. The more you move, the more you burn! The best part about our 5,000 Step Workout is that while you move and sweat, everything is LOW IMPACT! There is no harsh pounding on your joints. So let’s get moving and stepping together and have some fun along the way!
Hey, hey, Get Healthy U TV Squad. I'm Chris Freytag, and I am here with you today for a 5,000 step walk. Indoor walk, yep, you got that right. And I have my friends with me today. JC, how are ya?
Good, how are you doing? Thanks for joining. Yeah, ready to walk. Girlfriend, Sheila. I know.
I love it. Thanks for coming. Thanks for having me. So indoor walking, my friends, it is so simple. It is marching.
That's all it is. We're gonna start on that right foot, how about right now? No time like the present, right? We'll warm up a little bit, but indoor walking is such a good way to get that heart rate up, to use those muscles, to build a little bone mass, to get your heart a little stronger. Now, today, we are walking at a four mile per hour pace.
That's what the beats per music are, so that's gonna give us about 5,000 steps in 40 minutes, okay? Actually, turning on my, are you guys turning on your watchers? I'm on. Okay. Now, it may not be exactly right because, you know, we're gonna do some knee lifts, we're gonna do some grape vining.
You know, who knows? We'll see what happens. A little dancing. We'll see what happens. But you're gonna be moving your feet and getting approximately 2 1/2 miles in today.
Who knew you could do that in the comfort of your own home, right? Now, if you're feeling really good, I want you to pick your knees up a little bit more. If you are a beginner, you keep track of how your body's feeling. You decide how big those steps get. All right?
And then of course, as I always tell you, if you get the upper body involved, you're gonna get a little higher heart rate, right? So, Sheila, look at you, girlfriend. I love it. I'm pumping it. She's right there.
I'm like- She's pumping. She's pumping. We'll actually get those arms above our heart a couple of times today too, which is great, right? So we'll get that heart rate up. Okay.
So let's have some fun today. Yeah, working out is fun, right? Yeah. Is it? Especially when you have somebody so they can invite somebody in.
I love it. Keep your distance and march. Get some friends to walk inside your house with you. Okay. Awesome.
All right, let's just start with a couple of really good deep breaths in. Here we go. We are grateful that we can move our bodies today. All the way out. You guys, take a deep inhale.
Go. Ah, exhale. Two more times. Oxygen is our friend. Oh, yeah.
I love it. Last one. Awesome. Okay, just roll those shoulders back. Get the tension out of your neck.
Maybe you slept funny. Maybe you've been looking at a computer all day, right? Awesome. Okay, last four. Three.
Two. Good. Keep walking. Let's walk and walk. Now take your feet wide.
So here we go. Right there. Yeah, a little wider stance. We're gonna go into a hamstring curl, which is going to stretch the quad. It's going to wake up the kneecap.
You ready? Four. Three. Two. Here we go.
Either leg. It doesn't matter which leg. Right there. By the way, if I call out the right leg, but you're on the left leg at home... I'm on the left leg in here.
It doesn't matter. Pull those arms. Let's get a little bit, let's get a little bit of heart rate going. Let's warm up those shoulders. Doesn't take long for the breath to start moving in support, right?
Right. All right, here we go. Here we go. It's four, three. Now let's go back to walking on the right.
Right. Right there. Walk it out. Come on, baby. Have to remember my right from my left every so often.
Exactly. All right, so we're starting to warm up. How about some knee lifts? Now that's gonna stretch the glutes. Hold on.
In four. Three. Two. Right and left, right here. So that's why I said approximately 5,000 steps.
Because your step counter doesn't necessarily count these correctly. All right, let's pull those arms. Getting a little heart rate right there. Breathe. Even contract your core muscles right here.
So anytime you're lifting your knees up, you can track those core muscles. How's it feeling, team? So good. Good. Team GHU TV, baby.
We got you. Now take it a little wider just to wake up those hips. So you're gonna take it a little wider. Right there. I love it.
Good. Walking doesn't need a huge warmup, but it feels nice just to, especially with those ball and socket joints. Open 'em up right there. Good. Pick it up.
Oh, yeah. Gimme four more of these. Ooh, we're starting to breathe a little heavy here. Three. I know.
Two, and back to our walking step right here. So remember, this is your home base right here. Just, you know, for lack of better words, marching, right? You just do this. Come on.
Now pick those feet up. I love it. So we're gonna get a little creative today. Nothing too crazy. Okay, sounds good.
You guys ready? All right, here we go. Step touch right and left. Let's just go step touch, step touch. Second stepping move.
Truly, walking is just variations. Indoor walking is just variations of footwork. So we're just gonna change it up, okay? But our main goal is to get our steps in, sweat, get rid of the stress, feel good, get the heart pumping, work the muscles. Are we all in today?
We're here all in. We're all in. Okay, step touch to the right. Four, two. Go, one, two.
Now, bigger arms, higher heart rate. Right there. Come on. You got it. Right there.
And back to singles. Here we go. Right there. Okay. Now we're gonna take that foot and sweep it across.
Watch, I'll show you. Toe sweep. Toe sweep right there. Guess what's happening? Engage those inner thighs.
Move your arms the way that it feels good to you. Right there. A little abductor muscle. Oh, yeah. Come on.
Right there. Woo. The other thing about indoor walking, you can do it any time of the year. Absolutely. Any time of the day.
So you don't have to go outside if it's dark or cold or raining. Or icy. Or icy. Yeah. You know, we live in Minnesota, my friends.
Well, Texas had it too. Huh? So we send that love to Texas too. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. It's four, three, two, let's walk. Walk.
Right there. Good job, you guys. All right. We're going back to that step touch for two to the right. Let's go.
It's one, two. Right there. Let's go. It's one, two. I love it.
Right there. Now we're gonna go four. Hold tight. Hold tight. All right, now four.
Here we go. Go four and three and two. I know. It depends on how big your living room is. Yeah, right?
Or where you're walking. Right there. Four, three, two. One more time. We're going back to that double.
Here we go. It's one, two, and one, two. Listen up. We're gonna turn one shoulder to the front of the room. So if you're going with us to the right and then to the left, we're gonna turn that right shoulder to the front of the room.
Hold on. Hold tight. Hold tight. Here it comes. Here we go.
Now go to the side. Now turn your shoulder to the front. Right there. Huh? Right there.
Hello. Back to the right. Let's go. Right there. Shoulder to the front.
Let's go, right there. I love it. Breathing. Come on. You got it.
Go. Team walkers. We love it. Yeah. Come on.
Right there. Last time. Good. Now we're gonna march it out on the left foot. Try it out.
Right here. Left. Left. Yep. So we can do that other side.
Even our bodies out. So we're not walking in a circle. Right. Are you guys the same type? Are you the type that if you don't do it on the right and left, you feel unbalanced?
I get a headache every time. That's called fitness instructors. We have to do everything on both sides. But sometimes I'm so type A, sometimes I almost wanna only do one side just to, like, get my brain wrapped around the fact that it doesn't have to be. Well, sometimes I forget, and then I go home and think about it.
Yeah, that too. Sometimes we forget the other side. All right, we're gonna take two steps to this side, to the left. Let's go. It's two.
And bring it back. Now do that again. It's two. Come on. Use those arms.
So if you are trying to get a higher calorie burn, give me some arms, my friends. Give me any arms you want. Push 'em overhead. I don't care. Let's go.
Right here. Good. Okay. Now we will add the shoulder. First go to the side.
Right here. Now that other shoulder come, that shoulder. Whoops. The other shoulder. That other shoulder.
Right there. Okay. Bring it forward. Boom. Come on.
I love it. We're getting stronger. Oh, yeah. We're feeling better. Feels good.
Good. Here we go. Side. Now to the front. Let's go.
Actually, I really like this, because we're using two planes of motion. This is our lateral plane of motion called your frontal plane. This is your forward back called your sagittal plane. Education hour, my friends. That's right.
101. You can go try that on your friends. Oh, I was moving with my frontal and sagittal plane today. "Jeopardy" coming on. Yeah, see what they say.
One more time. Let's go. I love it. Right there. Come on.
Now walk it out on that right leg. Get back to that right. Here's your home base. I love it. We're gonna push the arms out.
Here we go. And you push 'em, push 'em, push 'em, right there. Oh, get those arm muscles moving. Feels so good, right? Oh, yeah.
Woo. Fitness walking, my friends. It'll carry you through a lifetime of good health. Yes, absolutely. All right.
You just gotta get that heart pumping. And if you're a beginner and saying, you know, "I'm just never motivated to get started." How are you not motivated by this group right here? Get started. Just take your arms out. If you wanted to.
Arms are going overhead. Are you ready? Here we go. And you pump it, you pump it. You pump it right there.
You got it. It's easy to think of running just as lower body, but everything's moving today. Yeah, yeah. I like that. Here we go.
I'm starting to sweat a little, actually. All right. Here we go. Arms to the front and out. So front, up.
Out, up. Out, up. And then you gotta keep those feet moving at the same time. A little coordination. Yeah, it takes a little coordination for this one.
Come on, baby. You got it. Go. Boom. Go.
Awesome. All right. Four more. Here we go. Four.
Uh-huh. Three. Two. Walk it out, my friends, right here. Walk, walk, walk, walk.
I love it. All right. How about a few kicks? Why not? So here's what I want you to imagine.
So you're kicking your car door shut with your heel. Have you ever come in from your car and you have your arms full? Yep. Maybe groceries? Maybe, I don't know, what else?
Your dog. A big bag of your gym bag or I don't know. Whatever you have in your car. Your hands are full. You're gonna kick your door shut.
Are you ready in four? I was ready for it. Three, two. Here we go. And right, left, right, push through your heel.
So you've got that big basket of something. You're pushing it. Now, as those hamstrings feel good, if you are wanting to come a little higher, aim for maybe, like, midway almost to your belly button level. Feel that? I love it.
Mine is lower. That's good. Good, Sheila. This is the SUV kick right here. You're shutting the door on the SUV.
On the F-150 truck. You gotta get your foot way up high for that. All right. Four. Back to walking.
Here we go. All right, now don't get confused. Hold on. I'm gonna show you a pattern. It's nice and easy.
You kick and walk, you kick and walk. You kick and walk. It naturally switches feet for you. You kick and walk and kick and walk and kick and walk. I love it.
Come on. Eight. We got it. Seven. Six.
Yeah, count it down. Come on, team. Four. We've got it. Three.
Come on. Two. Huh. Walk wide. Here we go.
Here we go. Boom. Boom. Use those arms. Pull those feet up off the ground.
You do you. Maybe, you know, today you're just feeling it, like, right about here. Maybe you're like, "Hello, I got energy today." Whatever it is, do the best you can. Forget the rest. Here we go.
We're gonna go in, in, out, out. Here we go. It's in and out. Now try to sink into that little half squat right there. Right there.
I love it. Woo. We got it. Come on. Right there.
Let's go. Four more of these. Three more of these. Two. Awesome.
And walk it out. Right leg. Get back on that right leg if you can. Woo. Oh yeah.
I love it. You know, I'm an outdoor walker. Are you guys outdoor walkers? Yes. Yeah.
I love to get outside. I love to walk the dog. But I mean, some days, okay, I'll be honest, I don't like to walk alone. Yeah. Extrovert.
Extrovert. So I'm always looking for somebody to walk with me. And that's not always possible. But with your indoor walk, guess what? We're here.
Absolutely. We're here for you. So you don't have to be alone. We will walk with you in your home. I mean, come on.
What's better than that? Right? Three. Hey, you're getting not one, but three of us to walk. Right.
And sometimes people go, "Well, is this really gonna work?" Well, you tell me. You tell me. Is your heart rate up there? Oh, yeah. Are you feeling like you're sweating a little bit?
I'm like, the proof is right here. All the dots of sweat on the ground. JC's a sweater. We got sweat happening on this side of the room. I know, we glisten.
I love it. Okay, keep it going. Here's the key to this 5,000 step walk. We're not gonna stop, you guys. We're not gonna stop.
Now, if you need a drink of water, take a drink of water. You do you. But you come back to it. Are you ready? Step touch, right and left.
Here we go, here we go, here we go. Use those arms. Come on. Feeling strong. Ooh.
I love it. Bend your knees a little more. If you're feeling warmed up, engage that lower body a little more. Pull with those arms. Get the most out of it.
Come on. I love it. Let's go. As a matter of fact, we're gonna go into those hamstring curls again. Right here.
Gimme right, left. I threw you guys for a loop on that one. I know. We're ready. We're ready.
Right there. We got you. Literally. It doesn't matter what foot you're on. If you're on the other foot, no big deal.
We've got your back. Get it? But do your best. Ba dum bum. Let's add some big arms.
Are you ready? Oh, they're clapping. I love it. Hallelujah. Here we go.
Now swing the arms. Let's go. Big, big, big, big. The bigger the arm movement, higher the heart rate. Keep those arms moving.
I love it. Four, three, knees come front. Oh my goodness. Right there. Right there, right there.
Pull 'em in. I love it. Go. I wonder how many times I'm gonna say I love it today. That's okay.
We get it. We all love it. Here's the other thing. That's good. One of my favorite sayings, keep going.
Keep pulling your arms, you guys. One of my favorite sayings is motion is lotion. So your body is a series of joints. You got joints literally connecting every bone in your body. Keep going.
And they get stiff and sore and achy. And the best cure for that is movement. Because movement naturally lubricates your joints. Yes. So when you're feeling stiff and sore, get your body moving.
It can be as simple as an indoor walk. Back to your walk. Here we go. Yes, I love it. Awesome.
Pump those arms. So, you know, take care of your body. Do what works for you. And sometimes this is just my favorite type of workout. I'm not overstressing myself.
But I know that I'm burning calories. I know that I'm getting my heart moving. I know that I'm getting my muscles moving. It feels good. Four.
Come on. Three. We're gonna go to the old fashioned grapevine. Woo-hoo. Here we go.
I haven't done a grapevine since the '90s. Oh, come on. You gotta hustle with the grapevine. Come on. I love it.
We're right there. Come on. So grapevine puts that foot behind you. It's like a step touch, right? You just kind of dip into it.
Kind of dip into it right there. Okay, you guys, we're gonna get crazy. We're gonna add a step touch. Grapevine, now step touch right here. Oh, here we go.
Grapevine. Step touch. You got it. Oh, we're breaking loose. Grapevine.
Yeah. Watch out. We're getting nuts. Here we go. Come on.
Right there. And you grapevine. You step touch. You grapevine. You step touch.
I love it. You grapevine. You step touch. One more. Come on, team.
You got it. Now march it or walk it. Go right there. Awesome. Woo.
Low impact for the body. Low impact, right? Yes. But every variation you feel, it's not, like, we're not working legs. We're, like, we're working this, we're working that.
Like, we get to feel all these little differences, but you aren't always aware of those things when you're jumping around a lot. A lot more intensely. And I think it's really interesting. We get feedback on the walking workouts. People love them.
And every age group loves them. There is no, you know, first of all, I don't know about you, but I'm looking for not only more years, but good years. Yes, absolutely. I don't just want more years. I want good years.
And how are those years gonna be better? You gotta take care of your body. Walk on that right leg. I think I got off that right leg. See?
Happens to the best of us. But it's okay. As long as you're moving. Exactly. Now we're gonna sweep that toe across again.
Hello, inner thigh. In four, three, two. Here we go. And you sweep it across. Sweep it across.
Good. Sweep it across. And walk it out right here. Eight, seven, six. I love it.
Four. See, I said it again. Sweep. Here we go. Here we go.
Pop, pop. Four more. You got it. Walk it out, right here. Picking up those legs.
Pump in those arms. Four, three, two, toe sweep. Go for four and three and two and walk. For four and three and two. Toe sweep.
Here we go. Four, three, two, and walk. Four, three, two, one more set. Let's go. Boom, boom, boom, boom.
Right there. Back to those easy kicks. You know what to do. You kick it, you kick it, you kick it, you kick it. Nice.
Come on. Very good. Four more. Three more, friends. Two.
And you're gonna walk it out right here. Okay. Let's move forward and back again. But this time we're just gonna walk. So I'm gonna walk it forward for four, and walk it back for four.
You guys ready? Forward and back. Pump those arms. Forward and back. Clear out the space in your home.
Right there. You got it. Here we go. Four more times. Take it forward, take it back.
Let's go, three more. Bam. We got it. Two more. Doesn't matter which foot you're on.
One more. Just keep that body moving. Walk it out and right there. Awesome. There goes those arms again.
Out, up, out, up. All right, you guys, we're halfway. We're halfway. What do you think of that? Excellent.
Home stretch, y'all. We're hitting approximately 5,000 steps today, you guys. That's, like, 2 1/2 miles in your own home. You know, when people tell me they live in, like, a small apartment and it's, like, how in the world did you go 2 1/2 miles in that studio apartment, right? Yeah.
Right there. It's not about the space, it's about what you do with it. Exactly. Come on. Go four.
Bam, three, bam, two, cut. Walk it out, walk it out, walk it out. Strong. Proud. We got it.
Yeah, feel that music is really kind of picking up a little bit. Woo. Pick up those knees. All right, we're gonna go double right. Went a little faster.
Huh? It did go a little faster. Trying to challenge us. Now, right, double left. Double right, left, right, left, right, left.
Singles. Right there. You got it. Come on. Very nice.
Back to those doubles. Here we go. Four, three, two, walk it out. Four, three, two, here we go. Here we go.
Four, three, two, walk it out. Let's go. Up. Nice. Come on.
Four, three, two, up. We got it. One more set, friends. Right there. I love it.
Get ready to step touch to the right for two. Here we go. And right here. Now take that right shoulder forward. Here we go.
Here we go. Boom. Uh-huh. Bring it back. Do it again.
Come on. Go. And march it on the left leg right there. Get back to that left leg. Can you?
We're going two times to the left. Here we go. Here we go. Boom. Boom.
Now left shoulder comes forward. Right there. Good. Oh. Woo.
Feeling it. Getting hot in here. It's getting hot in here. Come on. You got it.
Walking on the right foot. Here we go. Aw, nice job, team. Nice job. Pump those knees.
Let's go. Pump 'em, pump 'em. I love it. Out, out, in, in, here we go. Out, in.
Nice. Feeling it today. Go. Go. Pump those arms.
I love it. Come on. Four more. Three more. Two.
Walk it out. Yes. Okay. We'll try a little something new. Are you guys game for that?
Oh, yeah. How's it going? Don't know what it is, but we're ready. How are you, Sheila? We'll try.
We'll do it. You're having too much fun over there. She's laughing with herself. I know, I thought I was gonna dance, but- Well, you could. Okay.
Because here's the thing, my friends. Marching, walking, dancing. It's all moving your feet. And there is no one right way to get your steps in for the day. There is no one right way to move your body.
It is about what your personality is. What your fitness level is, how you feel that day, right? Oh, yeah. There are days- Day by day. Day by day.
There are days when I say, today I feel like, you know, strength and cardio. Other days where I'm like, I need to take it a little easy. I'm gonna do something else. Right? Are you- Yes.
It's the same thing, right? It's what we give merit to, right? Do you believe that when you're out shoveling, when you're out walking, when you're out with the kids, when you're out with the dogs, does that count? The answer is yes. Absolutely.
You're the one who needs to buy into that. And by the way, there's no magic to 10,000 steps. Everybody likes that number. And it is a good, like, touch base, but it's all about getting in 150 minutes of heart pumping exercise a week divided up however you want. Now today, you're getting 40 minutes with us, so I love it.
Okay, are you guys back on that right leg? Let's go, right, right. You got it? Okay. All right.
I call these clock taps. Like, you're clocking it at, like, 12, 3, 6 or 9, whatever it is, you know? Here we go. Go slow, slow, slow, and together. Top, tap front, side, back.
So it's like the clock. You do the big number, the side number, back down. Okay, now double time. So do the best you can. One, two, three, four.
Boom, boom, boom, tap. You got it. Up, up, up. Up, up, up. Move those feet.
Little bit of a brain game on this one, huh? What do you think? Firing neuro receptors. Right here, you gotta really think about it. I like it.
Come on. Let's go. Let's go. I'm really proud of you guys for sticking with this. Four more.
Three more. Two more. Come on. Last one, walk it out. Right here.
We're walking, we're feeling good. Knee lifts coming at you. And 5, 6, 7, go. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Got it.
Okay. Four kicks right here. Gimme four, three, two, four, knees. Four, three, two, four kicks. Four, three, two, four knees.
All right, we're cutting in half, twos of each. Here we go. Two kicks. Come on, team. Two knees, two kicks.
Two knees. What do you think? We got it. Two kicks. Two knees.
Come on. You are not tired. You are inspired, my friends. Say that to yourself three times. I am not tired, I am inspired.
Look at these guys. And you're sweating. You're feeling it. The glow is on. The glow is on.
Knees, kicks. Last set. Gimme one more set of kicks. One more set of knees. Walking it out on that right leg.
Here we go. Bam. Oh, thank you, team. Thank you for working with us. Broke a little sweat out here.
About 15 minutes left. I mean, we're killing it. Wow. Excellent. We're crushing it.
We're moving and grooving. Time flies when you're having fun. Exactly. That's why I love walking with people, because I can talk nonstop. Are you shocked by that?
All right. Walk, walk. I can talk all day and put on the miles. And that's what we're here for today with you. To put on those miles.
Just pick those feet up. Get the circulation happening in the lower body, which is actually really hard. You know, your body can pump blood in the upper body pretty simply, but the lower body has to get it from the legs back up to the heart. I gotta get back on my right leg. So you gotta, you know, be really proud of yourself for doing this.
Pick those feet up. Move your body. Pump those arms, in four, three, step touch. Our favorite, here we go. Step touch to two.
Sorry, I didn't call out the two. I didn't call out the two. Now we're going to singles. Here we go. I was watching the sweat roll off of me.
We're all about not being perfect in here. Oh, yeah. That's it. Here we go. Four, three, two, now double up.
Gimme two here. Gimme two to the left. Now four singles. So let's go for four and three and two. Now double up to the right.
Hold those arms. Four singles. Here we go. For four, three, take it wide. You got it.
Come on, double. Let's go. Come on, singles. We're gonna do it one more time. Come on, team.
Let's go. Nice, singles. Hold it, singles. Now try a little wider. So you're thinking, like, I don't know, about three feet wide.
What do you guys think? Almost like you're skiing here, but you're not jumping. Or skating? The skaters. Yeah, that's what I meant.
You're skating. Move it. Bend your knees a little bit more. Get a little half squat in there. Feel those quads engaged.
Right there. I like it. Notice I said I like it this time. Oh, no. I like it and love it.
We'll count it. Here we go. Four sets, three sets, two sets. One. Walk it out.
All right, we're on the home stretch, friends. We are 2/3 of the way through this walk. Who knew? Yes. And honestly- Give yourself that little bit of props, y'all.
Yes, my heart is up there. I mean, my heart rate... Okay, now of course I'm leading the class, so whenever I'm leading, my heart rate gets a little higher. But I'm at a really good cardio pace right now. I'm not leading, and so am I.
Yeah, so when people say walking doesn't work, I'm like, "Have you tried it?" Because when you believe that you have to do high intensity to get in great shape, or you have to go hard to the point where you feel like you're gonna puke, that is not true. And as we get older, you need to listen to your body and you have to say, "This is what works for me." And even when you're at a high fitness level, like, we're all in shape because we've been doing this for a living, this still freaking works. Oh, yeah. And it feels good, right? How often do we go, "Okay, I have to kick, I have to die, I have to shake, I have to crumble." It's like, no, what brings you to life right here?
Right here, brings you to life. I like that. Yes, so I want you to own it. Feel good about it. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner and you're walking with us and you're, like, super proud of yourself right now.
Woo, we are proud of you, also. If you're like, "Hey, I work out all the time, but this just was calling my name today." Good. Yes. Good. Because it's all about consistency when it comes to fitness, friends.
It's not what you do once. It's what you do every day. Amen, right? Not how you start, how you finish. Woo.
We're full of good news today. Oh, yeah, look at these little slogans we have. All right, here we go. Hold on. Give me four, three, out, out, in, in.
Here we go. It's out and in. Right there. Now feeling maybe like you can go a little lower right there. Bam.
Come on, come on. Awesome. Woo. Way to go. Here we go.
Four, three, two, step touch again. Hold on. We'll just get that walking step back. Now here we go. It's step touch, step touch.
But this time we're gonna do a sky grab. Grab the sky, pull it down. Grab that sunshine, pull it into your heart. What do you think? Sounds good.
Sky grab. Pull it. Pull it right there. A little more intensity. Come on.
Get a little lower if it feels good to you. We're keeping that four mile pace right here. Let's go. Four miles per hour, I should say. Come on.
Four, three, two. Walk it out, my friends right here. Ah, yeah. I like it. Grapevine.
Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Grapevine. Boom.
Add your own little funky flair. Right there. Go. Grapevine. Do you remember this, Sheila?
Oh, I remember this. This was the '90s, girlfriend. All you need to do is throw The Hustle in and we got it. Yeah, I love it. Some people are like, "What's The Hustle?" I know.
What's The Hustle? What's the Cha Cha? Google it, Google it. Like my kids tells me, Google it. Right?
Okay, keep going. All right, now let's add on a step touch right here. Step touch. Grapevine. Here we go.
Right there. Woo. I love it. Right there. Come on, baby.
Awesome. Let's go. Yes. You got it. Right there.
Come on. Awesome. Last one right here. Good. And walk it out.
Walk it. Pick those knees up. Believe in yourself. Woo. Picking those feet up.
I gotta say, I am warm. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I normally don't sweat, but I'm, like, having a moment. Girlfriend, you're glowing.
You're glowing. Awesome. And you know what? You're feeling those core muscles too. After this much time, pay attention.
I want you to put your brain and see, are you engaging those core muscles? Do you feel it? Because to lift those legs up, you engage through your hip flexors and into your core. So pull those abs in and breathe deep and pump those arms. So good, my friends.
We're getting ready to walk forward and back again. Remember? In five, six, step forward. Here we go for four. It's 1, 2, 3, 4.
And bring it back. Come on. It's 1, 2, 3, 4. And bring it back. Let's go.
1, 2, 3, 4. Bring it back. Woo. Yeah, baby. Come on.
1, 2, 3, 4. Let's go. All right, four more times. You ready? I'm ready.
Four. Come on. Come on. Three. Step to it.
And two. Let's do it. And one more. One. We got it.
I was dancing. Okay, let's go, walking. Sheila's over there dancing. I know. I was, like, boogying down there.
I like it. When Chris isn't looking, we're like- I know. There we go. I like it. All right.
Now watch this. Boom, boom, boom. Oh my gosh. How good does that feel after walking in place for 35 minutes, huh? There's always something else I can use.
A little bit of stretch, a little bit of work right here. Your outside hip, your abductors, your medial glutes. They're talking to you right here, huh? Woo. Let's go.
Gimme four, three. Just go to your toe sweep right here. Toe sweep. Inner thigh. I love it.
Right here. Four, three. Now reach for the inside, two. Let's go for four. Three, two.
Toe sweep. Four, three, two, do it again. Inner thigh. Right here. Outside hip.
Let's go. Four, three, two, come on. Now, just to make sure you're paying attention, we're going to twos. Here we go. One, two, up, up.
One, two. You guys are with me. I love it. Got it. Come on.
I like big arms right there. Why not? Move those arms. It's gonna help with that calorie burn. It's gonna help with that heart rate.
Come on. Nice. Keep it coming, team. Woo. Let's go.
Right there. All right, one more set. Here we go. Here we go. We're gonna walk it out right here and walk, walk, walk.
Yes. Pick up those knees. I love that walk. Oh my gosh, you guys. We have been walking for about 36 minutes.
Somewhere in there. Depends on where the timer is right now. But friends, it's doable. We are almost done. It's doable.
And see, you can do it. You can. Absolutely. You can. And you know what?
You will. And you know what? You are. And you just did. There you go.
So it's so good. Keep it coming. We are not quite done. We wanna get to that approximate 2 1/2 mile mark. It's approximate, like I said, because nothing's perfect.
You know, my watch is at about 2, 2.25 right now. You know, and I started it a few seconds late. But again, it doesn't record the knee lifts and everything properly. So that's okay. I mean, who knew that in this three feet of space we would put on miles?
Exactly. I love it. You guys are so awesome. Now, if this is new to you, I have a feeling you're gonna feel this in your hips tomorrow. 'Cause this is what we're doing.
We're shortening the hip flexor with every step. And we're keeping a pretty spunky pace right here. So yay, you. Let's go to those hamstring curls. So let's just take our feet wide right here.
Nice and wide. It's gonna feel good to stretch through the front of the leg right here. Are you ready? Hamstring curl. Here we go.
Now gimme that big pull. Gimme that big pull. Glory, hallelujah. Feels good on the quad in the hip. Right there.
Thank you. I like it. Almost there, friends. Almost there. We're gonna pull that knee forward again with that opposite elbow to knee.
We did that, like, a half hour ago. Can you remember? Let's go. We're right here. Right here.
Did we do this earlier? I think so. I don't know. It's been 30 minutes. We're adding a twist.
A little different. A little different? Okay. I can't even remember what we've done. Let's go, team.
Doesn't matter. We're moving. Awesome. Here we go. Four.
Yes. Three. Yes. Two. Walk it out, friends.
Walk it out. Holy moly. Holy bananas. We've come so far literally. Literally.
Clock taps up to tempo. Ready? Here we go. It's 1, 2, 3, in. Right there.
Forward, side, back. Forward, side, back. come on. You said clock and I took it literally. I'm like, where's the clock?
Where's the clock? Right there. Oh my goodness, friends. What a day. I love it.
Think about all the things you are grateful for. One of which is, that you just walked for 40 minutes. But you can do this. There's people who can't. Right.
This is a blessing. Just being here. One more set right here. Good job. Now walk it out.
Yeah, and by the way, we have a whole bunch of chair workouts on Get Healthy U TV. So for those of you who need maybe to take it down a notch for a day or two, go to the chair workout. Maybe when you get injured, we have people. I mean, it's just the way life is. You get injured.
And so we have people who like those chair workouts. So here's the deal, you guys. No excuses. We've got you covered on every format. That's right.
On every type of movement. And we wanna be there with you every step of the way. Pun intended. Pun intended. Awesome.
Well, we are coming on that 40 minute mark. I mean, I'm shocked. 40 minutes of walking in your home. Looking at that clock, I'm at 2:24, my friends. So I don't know where you are.
Do you have your watch on? My GPS decided not to go and count in place steps right now. Well, I'm reporting in from my fitness watch. So we're hitting that 2 1/2 miles, because literally I turned it on just a few steps behind and it doesn't count the knee lifts completely. Yeah, because of the count.
I'm proud of us. Did you get yours counting today? Well, mine is having an issue. I have a grandma technical issue. Thanks, Apple.
Thank you, Apple. Yeah, right? Constant glitches. I know. All right, here we go.
We are ending that fitness walk. So we're gonna slow it down in just a second. Give me 8, 7, 6. Here we go, team. It's four, three.
We're gonna do that one more time. We're gonna do that one more time, 'cause I'm gonna get them to count with me. All right, here we go. The entire eight. We gotta make this finale good, friends.
Are you ready? Ready. Here we go. It's 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Woo-hoo.
Nice. All right, now- That was awesome. Let's stretch those hip flexors, 'cause baby, baby, I feel it. All right, take one leg back. That was awesome, team.
Wow. Who knew? Indoor walking is literally variations of footwork. That's what it is. Our main goal is to, you know, get our steps in, but to sweat, to feel good, to increase our energy, to work our muscles, to build a little bone mass, to increase our heart rate.
Oh man, feel that? Oh, yeah. Come down as low as you can right there. Ah. You can always even drop that back knee if that feels good to you.
All right, switch sides. Right there. So hip flexor is the main thing we wanna stretch out after this indoor walking. Woo. That was good.
Way to go. If you're ever stuck, you know, if you're traveling and you're in a hotel room, what a great workout. You know? What a great workout. Right there.
Open up that hip flexor. Don't be afraid to hold your stretches for 20 to 40 seconds, friends. And if you need more stretching, we have several, several, I might even use the word many, let's do a side stretch, come up and outta your waistband, 10 minute stretches in our 10 minute area. You go to free videos, you click on 10 minute videos, sort by type. Go to yoga flexibility, and you're gonna see a whole bunch of 10 minute stretches and mobility workouts.
So that'd be great after this, wouldn't it? Oh, yeah. Beautiful. Now when you walk, sometimes you feel this in your back. One of the things that I wanna make sure that you're thinking about when you're walking is tucking that pelvis slightly under.
But let's just end with a little cat cow right here. Flexion and extension through the spine. So round that back. Oh, whoa. Does that feel good, huh?
Oh, that feels good. And then extend right there. Let's do that two more times. Round it up. And then flex.
Or I should say extend, right there. One more time, round. Oh, right there. Oh, that's great. Release.
Excellent job. Stand up, my friends. Big hug to you, because that was awesome. You completed 5,000 indoor steps. Wow.
Way to go. We did it. We hope that we'll see you in one of our other walks. We have a one mile walk, a two mile walk, walk and sculpt, power walking. There's so many options for you as well as everything else on Get Healthy U TV.
So we will see you in the next workout.
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