GOLD LIVE Class: Beginner GOLD Slow Flow Yoga 1

Sheila Chenier
Duration:   34  mins


Join us for this Get Healthy U TV live workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Sheila Chenier will lead us through a zenful, mindful, slow flow yoga workout. This workout focuses less on holding poses and more on slow flowing movements. This is a great cross-training workout for stretching your muscles and opening your joints. You will improve balance, strength and core control. We will end with some really great stretches too. All you need is a mat!

Level: All Levels
Equipment: Yoga Mat
Instructor: Sheila Chenier

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Hi, and welcome. My name is Sheila. Let's get started with "Get Healthy U TV." We have a yoga practice and our beautiful Sam is here. I'm grateful you came this forward. Yes.

How are you feeling today? Super excited. I'm like, ready to be a little bit zen. Focused on the breathing a little bit, so. Okay, okay.

And she'll give you a chance for that strengthening, and also we have a couple of vinyasas in here. And vinyasa, what does that mean? It means a tricep pushup. Lot of different variations. So let's come down to the earth, Okay.

and go into a couple of options. So we're gonna turn this way. Perfect. So a vinyasa, it's just a tricep push. So starting out from all fours, feel the fingers wide.

Go ahead and bend the elbows about two inches or so. So this is called cat-cow and then straighten the arms and come into calf stretch and then come into cat back. So now, let's incorporate breath rep.. Inhale to fine table top, exhale, bend the elbows into two, inhale, straighten the arms and come into calf stretch. Exhale to cat back.

Coming into table top. Let's come to a seated position here. So if that was just a little peak into what a vinyasa. So if you're nursing a wrists or shoulder, that might be a very good option for you. We'll show you a couple of different options, but let's get a set in our mindset for our practice.

So I showed you the physical aspect and the physical aspect, it's a part of it. But the mental and spiritual part, that's what makes the physical. Absolutely. Cohesive together. So let's come into that.

Find a comfortable position to be in. Shoulders are soft. Please close your eyes here for a second. Check into where you are mentally. Scan your body.

Thank your body. Acknowledge that you are wonderfully and beautifully made and honor your body as you move through these . Change what needs to be changed. Maybe you go to all fours, maybe you don't even do the pose, but take care of you. So to weaken the breath with upon our life force, try a little breath, take a deep inhale through the nose, open mouth, exhale.

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. One more time please. Inhale through the nose. Exhale through the mouth. Now seal the lips, inhaling through the nose.

Exhale through the nose. Inhale through the nose. Exhale through the nose. Continue with this breath, start to blink the eyes open. Create a slight restriction in the back of the throat.

And this gives this breath an audible sound. That oceanic sound effect. Starting with a twist, arms rise up, reach up, twist turn to the right side. Shoulders are soft. Arms reach.

Twist turn to the left side, other side. Let's take that one more time. Inhale, arms reach. Twist turn. Inhale, arms reach.

Exhale, twist turn. Inhale, arms reach has changes up, seated rear pose typically no over to the right side. Rolling that left shoulder back, gazing up to the heavens. Put yourself anchored to the earth. This is grounding.

Inhale, come back up to center. Good tip, lean over to the other side. You can tidy up. Open up the heart. Roll the shoulder back.

Last breath. Here's your inhale and exhale. Now, bring yourself all the way up and now, come back to that all fours position that we're in. An option, we'll take that one more time that exhale to bend the elbows, cat-cow. Inhale, straighten the arms.

Cow stretch, lift the seat. Exhale to cat back Inhale to table top. So remember this option. Another option, maybe you slide your knees back. A gentle plank.

Shoulders are right over wrist. Inhale, reach out from the crown of head. Exhale, lower down, squeeze arms into the body. Inhale, press the feet, drop the shoulders, lift the chest, gently not the chin. Exhale, press back to extended child's pose.

Knees separated and just meet. It cracks there. That's a beautiful option if you have a lower back issues and you wanna do the vinyasa so that might be an option. Let's try that one more time, Sam. Inhale, shift your shoulders over your wrist.

Exhale to lower, squeeze into the body. Inhale, drop the shoulders, press the feet, lift the chest. Exhale, press back. Now, going into our final option. Inhale, shift the body forward.

This time knees can come up. So it's a plank. Exhale, shift your body forward, bend the elbows lower. Inhale, knees can come down. Toes out, shoulders out or maybe knees up.

Exhale, curl the toes, find your downward-facing dog. Now, hold your down dog and you're gonna feel your fingers spray out. So imagine someone's pulling on your wrist, but you're gonna feel yourself anchored down into those fingertips. Feel your hips reaching back. You just feel yourself released down, beautiful.

Two more rounds here to inhale and that's an option, exhale. One more breath, inhale, and exhale. Inhale, right leg comes up high. Exhale, step that foot through. Now, hands up high, rise up, eyes up to here.

Take an open twist to the right side. Hands still. Come back to crescent, please. So now, with your front leg, fold forward. Finally, pyramid pose.

Hello, hamstrings. Yup, Uh-huh. Warrior 1, bend your front knee. Rise up, so you can see we're flowing a tiny bit more. breath, hands come down.

Step back to whatever variation you have for your vinyasa. Knees, your toes, all fours, you lower. You lift. Find your down dog or all fours, you decide. Breathing here to inhale and exhale beautifully.

One more breath. Inhale, and exhale. Now, left leg goes high, beautiful. Left, it steps through, fixed up. So if your left foot doesn't go with you, give it a hand.

Guide it forward. Rise up, lift up, find your crescent pose. Now, drag it by a twist over to the left side. Hello, here we are. Breathe here to inhale.

Exhale, come back to center. Straight out that front leg, that heel goes down. Fall forward. Send that seat back. Wide leg pyramid pose.

Send your left hip back, right foot forward. Drop, bend into your front knee or your one rise up. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale, hands go down.

Step or float back. You decide. Lower, lift. Down dog. Extended child's pose.

Inhaling. Exhale, right leg high, please. Right footsteps through. Rise up, crescent pose. Twist right, you got it.

Come towards. Straighten out that front leg. Wide leg pyramid. Arms going to Warrior too soon. Breath, hands come down.

Breathe through, bend that front knee. Rise and lift. You know what I love about this is really just rooting into the ground. Yes. You just feel it yourself so connected.

Uh-huh. Breath, keep sinking. Breathe. Can we add on here? Absolutely.

So peel up that left heel. Now, left leg comes up. Move out. Move. Oh, speaking for a sink.

Now, just turn to give you an idea of where we are. That figure for flexing to the ankle. Hands to heart, sending you my fold through my sit. But really flex. Ooh.

Uh-huh. Feel that in the outer booty. Glute piriformis love this. We're not. And you know, if you fall out of it, you just get right back it, That's right, that's right.

right? Rise up. So now you're gonna cross that left leg in front. Right hand comes up, tiply. Oh, does that feel great on your right hip?

Yes. Bravo. Inhaling and exhale. So we'll be moving around on mat quite a bit. breath, releasing that.

Move your arms down. Gonna step with it. Inhale, arms reach. Exhale, hand to heart center. We're gonna check that arm to the other side.

So step with that right foot. I'll just think of the Beatles when I do this. I know I'm dating myself and they turn around. Breath here, inhale and exhale. Inhale, arms reach.

Exhale, swan diving bow. Inhale, half lift, flat back. Cores engaged, exhale, fold. Inhale, step your foot back. Remember your options.

Yes. Just exhale. Just inhale and then exhale. Save your two breaths. Full inhale.

Full exhale. One more breath. Inhale, and exhale. From down dog or all fours. Left leg comes high, left excepts right in between.

Rise up to your crescent pose, sink, breathe. Open twist. Hello. Breath. Come back to center.

Straight out that front leg. Wide leg pyramid pose, fold hinge. Breathe. Bend your knee to front knee or your one, wrap. Sam, this is where you sit, we can add on.

We can. Are you ready? Are we ready? Uh-huh. We gonna peel up that right leg whipped.

Oh, balance there up. Hey, ooh, you first. Find it first. We got it. And then sink.

So again, you decide you can stay. Beautiful, see if it flex that angle a little bit more. Beautiful. Beautiful. Yeah, you got it.

Using that breath. So here, the pose seems like it's very challenging. She's like, "Yes, it is." But you take what you need of it. Come in, come out of it. So we're gonna come up, come all the way up.

Now, go ahead and cross that left leg like right over. Beautiful. Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And now, go ahead and bring up your right arm to lean.

No need to balancing poses, I sometimes have to find a focal point. And if I lose this- Yes. That's kind of when the balance goes a little bit and then you just kind of come right back in. Absolutely, that's how we live life. You lose your balance, get focus and come back.

Yep, I love it. Come back to center. Arms out, footstep within. Inhale, and exhale. Adding on.

Okay. Here we go. Inhale, arms reach. Exhale, fold. Inhale, half lift.

We can stay this way. Yeah, okay. Exhale, fold. Step or float back. Lower to lift.

The heart, down dog or all fours, remember that. Right leg high. Right leg steps through. If it doesn't get there, help it out. Rise up.

Breathe, open twist to the right side. Oh, I love that twist. Come back to center. Straighten out front leg, Wide leg pyramid fold. Breath.

Sheila, in this pyramid poses a back heel supposed to be down? So your back heel can be down. Okay. If you need to slide the foot forward, so you can take it in and make it even as your base. Oh, I see.

Okay. Yeah. Beautiful question. Good I never know. And you know, here's the thing.

Nowadays rise up to where I want. There's really no right and no wrong. Mm-hmm. It's what do you feel like. How does it feel to you?

If it feels better to heel up, go ahead and do it. Years ago, I would go around and twist your foot for me. Best call a lawsuit. Inhaling and exhale. Gonna take those hands inside.

Gonna step. Foot forward. Drop the seat. Find your great spot. See, now, this is one of my top five.

Chris said the same thing. She did. Breath here. Feels good on the hips. Good, release and fold.

Walk your toes in. Walk your heels and walk your toes in. So single, like, balance pose. Left leg comes up. Yeah, let's not forget that.

Hands to heart center, figure four. Sink. Oh, there we go. That one's focal point. I know, I know.

You got it. And maybe a twist. Oop. Uh-huh. Maybe, and elbow Yeah like that?

comes in and you twist open. I know, or maybe a fold. Breath. Slowly come back to center. Rise up.

Crossing that leg in front. Arms reach. Pull me on to right wrist to lean. Breath. Let's play a little bit more.

Okay. Breathing here. Come back to center. Arms out to the side. Go ahead and take the hands down, leg comes back with the hard airplane pose dekasana.

Breath. Keep breathing. Keep bending into that front leg, send it back. Arms reach. Crescent javelin pose bow.

Stay here or Warrior 3. So Warrior 3 is a balance of the hips. I know she's like, "What?" Oh, you can see me shaking. Now, we can play with this Warrior 3 as we flow and turn to half moon. Hands come down and open.

Left hand comes high. Easier said than done. You open out the hips. Breathing here, coming into Warrior 2. Sink, breath.

Reverse your Warrior. Ready the flow. And I'm ready. Flow through. Here we go.

Yeah. We gotta do that all over again. We have two sides, right? We gotta do the other side. Even it out.

I know. Breath. Stay here for two breaths. Inhale with that hang low. Except slide your shoulders away from the ears.

Last breath, inhale. And exhale. So the left leg goes high, left footstep through. Help it out. Uh-huh, give it a hand.

Rise up to your crescent. Dragonfly twists. Breath. Inhale, come back to center. Straighten up front leg and maybe heel down.

Huh? Mm-hmm. Curl up, wide leg pyramid. Fold. So if this fold, make it shorter.

Maybe bend your knee. That might be conducive for you today. Again, come to your practice. Yes, maybe? No, thank you.

No thank you. I love it. Breathe. Go ahead and bend that front knee. Rise up to your Warrior 1.

Sink. See if that right shoulder can come forward a little bit more. Beautiful, breath. Hands go on the inside of that left foot. Step that right foot.

Toes out, heels in. Now, here's an awesome time for an arm balance. If that's in your practice, if you're going, "Arm balance is awesome," but if you don't know 'em, they're really not awesome, okay? You might try a crow or tripod. I know, tripod, fingers feel out wide.

The head goes down. See, it goes up. I know everything is upside down. Breath. You inhale and exhale.

If the feet have left the earth, bring it back down. Ooh, that's a rush. These are not in my practice. I've tried, but we'll get there. Breathing here.

You know, some days they're in mine and some days, you know, I go to do a tripod. Really not working for them. Use a breath. Hands go down. Seat goes high.

Walk your toes in. Walk your heels in, walk your toes in. Inhale half lift, exhale, fold. Use your legs. Rise up, push through.

Lift up, breath. Hands in the heart center. Are you ready for the I need to come up. So go ahead and lift it up. Right leg comes up.

Cross, sink. Breathe. Using that breath. What do you feel like doing here? Maybe toe down this time, huh?

Maybe a twist. Put the toe down. Awesome. Breath. Yes.

Maybe? No, thank you. No, thank you. Come on back to center. Rise up.

Couldn't cross that right leg in front. Arms reach. Holding on to left wrist, tiply. I just love that one for the outer glutes. I feel, like, I do so many squats that- Excellent.

It really feels good to stretch that out. You know Sam where I got the "No, thank you," from? No, and I absolutely love it. I was teaching a class and I said, "We're gonna do arm balances." Somebody said, "No, thank you." And I thought, "Awesome." Arms out to a T. Gonna send that foot around.

Hands come back. Airplane post, lift the heart. Breathe here, you inhale and exhale. Stay here or hinge. Breath.

Come to javelin pose. It comes down. Breathe. So javelin pose is just a sweeped forehand grip. Okay.

That's all it is. You're reaching from the crown of the head to the heel. And then when you're ready to launch and fly here, go ahead and do so. Drop. And now, if you'd like to go to half moon, lower it open.

So think of your ascent as like a flower. The bloom is slow and steady. Drop. Coming into Warrior 2, sink. Reverse your Warrior, please.

Don't bend that front knee, bend you outta that back leg. So let's stay here for a second, Sam. So is this a Warrior 3? I mean, Warrior 2. Is this a Warrior 2?

What am I saying? No matter how far you step out, it's the pose. It's your pose. It's up to you. Yes.

Good curl with both hands down. Flow through, maybe float the leg. Climb your arms out, breath. Do inhale and exhale. One more breath here as you inhale.

Exhale. Now, step and float to the top of your mat. Drop your seat. Drop. Have a seat.

Oh, that was awesome. There we go. Oh, this is the part I like. So Boat Pose Navasa. So let's start Boat Pose here.

Arms will come out. Rock off your six belts and then come back up. Now, go pose again those knees pull. Yeah, maybe toes come up. Maybe you extend.

Switch. Oh, come back. Beautiful, sit tall. Roll it out. Forward.

I know. A little bit of slash a lot. You're tricking us here. I know, so your options. So Sam, if you said, "You know what Sheila, I am so good here, I can feel my core." Mm-hmm.

Thumbs up. That's what I want you to get. But if you're like, "Maybe I can pull my knees up. Oh, wow. I feel my core again." Yeah.

But if you start lifting those feet up and you lost the core, put 'em back down. Okay. So that's the point. All about your core. Breath.

Uncross. Low boat, high boat, low boat. Ooh. High boat. Oh my goodness.

Low boat. You got it. High boat. Here's a low boat. Low boat, yeah.

High boat, yes. Low boat, high boat. Low boat, hold. Rise all the way up. Crisscross.

Settle in. Get a little circle in one direction. I always have to focus on my low core there. Yeah, so typically, what we do is we kind of lose it and we think about about, "Where are my legs going?" Yep. It's about where your back is going.

And as a dancer. Think of the reverse opposite side. As a dancer, I always use my hip flexors. Totally can't relate to her. But my hip flexors take over.

So I really have to think. Oh, yes. Those are super strong for me. Oh, absolutely. And my low core is not as much.

So I'm really hoping not to really focus on that, you know, mind, body connection. Yes, yes, yes. Coming back to center and settle in for your shoulders. Soften down. Take an inhale just as we start it.

Exhale, open twist to the right side. Shoulder soft, spine is long. One more breath. Here's you inhale, and exhale. Inhale, come back to center.

Exhale, open to us to the other side. Breath. One more breath here. Inhaling. And exhale.

Inhale, come back to center. Hands come down. We're gonna go ahead and turn and face the other direction here. So just to give you that awareness of where we're going with this. So fingertips are gonna face towards your seat.

You're gonna lift your heart. And this is a beautiful pose right here. You might start to lift the hips and that's right there. Lift the heart. You might start to bring those knees in and reverse table top.

So you decide. This is one of Chris's favorites. So this is not on my top five. I don't know if it's my top five. I know, I know.

It definitely stretches like that. I like it better this way. This is one of my best ones. So wherever you are, seat goes down if it's up. Arms reach.

Now, rock back again. Yeah, that's that Boat Pose. Rock back up. Rock back. Come on, back up.

Rock back. Maybe legs, maybe not. Back up. So that's your high boat. This is your low boat.

High boat. Low boat. High boat, low boat. High boat, low boat. High boat.

Oh, it's a boat. Switch. Come on, back up. circle it out. Opposite direction.

Let's make our way down to our mats. Bend uncross, lower yourself down. So draw knees in towards your chest and you can cross your right ankle over your left. It's just a little cross just like we were before. Good, then bend the knees and opposite hand to feet or shins.

Get a little hope. Mind you, if you have a gentle neck and your neck is being a little bit more low, you're just gonna hold with the extending out the legs. So you're gonna pull on those feet. So your thumbs are right underneath that arch of the foot you're gonna pull. So this might be where you end.

You might pull. Breathe. Inhaling and exhale. Two more breaths here as you inhale and exhale. One more breath.

Inhale and exhale. So to lure yourself down, bend the knees, please. Gently rock. So option might be staying right here and you'll pull down on those feet. Or you might draw those feet down to the earth.

Bend your knees out, release your arms towards your head. Again, check in and then tuck in. Breath as you inhale and exhale. One more breath here, please. Inhaling and exhale.

Go ahead and take the hands to the feet. Oh, I can only find one. I was like, "Where are they?" Where is the other one? Good, pull it in. Lost them.

I lost them for a second there. Go ahead and release that and cross. Again, stick that to the other side, please. So now, crossing left over right. Remember, this is awesome right here.

You're just pulling those legs in. This feels really good right here. Or you might decide to hold on opposite hand and feet and pull down. Breath with the back. Or maybe you pull up using breath, and you feel like you wanna pull your feet off and you keep going, you keep pulling using that breath, you inhale and exhale.

Inhale and exhale. One more breath, please. Inhaling and exhale. So to lower the hips down, the knees again, chip and rock. Find stillness, please.

And then draw the heels to seat. Stay here. You know each side is so different, Sam. It really is. And you might be able to get the feet down on one side and not the other.

So what do you do? Let it go. Just let it go. Let it be, right? That's right's.

Use that breath. So the feet might go down, they might not. Breath, breath. That's the key, inhaling through the nose. Exhale through the nose.

One more breath. Good, and bring the legs back up. Gonna release. Full body stretch, please. We should extend.

So I know we did boat pose, but I always feel the core gets missed out. Do you feel that way, Sam? She's like, "No, I don't, no." No, I do, I do. Now raise your hands on to that one. Couldn't take a bend of the knees.

So this is called Eagle Pose and you may have seen it with people standing up, but the best Eagle Pose when you're lying down. So right leg goes up, we're gonna cross that right leg on top and maybe you can cross that foot behind that left cap. And then you bring the knees in toward the chest. Now, right arm slip it underneath. Give yourself a hug and then let the fingers go free and support the head.

So inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Crunch up freely, elbows close to the thigh. Inhale, exhale. Not your right thigh, your left thigh. Inhale, Uh-huh.

Exhale, lift. Inhale, two more, please. Exhale. Inhale, last one. Exhale, crunch.

Inhale. Oh, let's get one more. Hold it up. Release the arms, release the legs. Head goes out.

Oh, that felt so good. That does. Oh, man. Kind of feel like a pretzel in that one. I know, I know.

It feels so good we need to do it on the other side. So feet down again, couldn't bring that left leg up cross. And if you twizzle the feet behind, great. If you don't, grate, all right? The main thing, pressure back into the earth first.

And then, bring the legs up. Arms come shoulder height. Now, left arm slides underneath. And you're gonna use those fingers to support the head. Not chin gently as you inhale, except crunch to little ball.

Inhale, try to touch that thigh. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale, see if you lift the seat a little bit more.

Inhale, exhale. Inhale. Oh, here's that extra one. Hold it up. Unwind, uncrossed, lower your head, neck and shoulders down.

Oh, give yourself a hug. That was amazing. Breathing as you inhale and exhale coming to your full body stretch. Inhaling and exhale. Kicking two more breaths here.

Inhaling, Exhale. One more breath. Inhale, and exhale. Good to place to bend you knees again. Sole arms come down.

Now, crossing that right leg over again. Arms come out to the T, breath and gently rock the legs gently over to that right side. And then start to look down the left. So you might keep that leg cross, you might rock, you might ruin yourself all the way to that spine twist. But it feels awkward for your back with that cross uncrossed.

Is that the legs? It's a spine twist. That's all. Breath. I just feel like I'm out.

Oh yeah. And it's a such a detox. A twist detox that firming asanas. Yeah, they're all you need. And then some breath.

I know years ago my kids, I think that's what they say. That, plus a bag O'chip something like, how does that go Sam? I don't know. Something about a bag O' chips. I just got lost with the chips.

But yeah. I'm like, I dunno . I dunno if I heard that one before. I know, bring the legs back to center. Bring your gaze back to center put it there, then put it down and cross, crossing the other one over.

And I know somebody's watches going, "Oh, she's got it wrong." Absolutely. I sure do. Press your lower head back down. They might message us and tell us what it is. I know.

Please do. Rock the knees over to one side. Well, let's take it over to the left side this time. Is it a gaze over to your right side? Breath.

So again, rock those knees as much or as little as your body needs to. Breathing here. Inhaling and exhale. We worked a lot on stretching out these muscles calf through abductors and also the thighs and tension locked. So when we had that leg behind, we were doing that side flexion that was getting that as well.

Mm-hmm. So this is another one that helps and just a little bit of the hip bring the legs back to center, and cross, front knees and towards your chest. Then we rock side to side. Now, let's put to a space of stilts. And here's that fun time if there's a pose you'd like, maybe you might like 12 post or feet up the wall and you're going, "Oh Sheila, this is awesome here." I'm saying.

Oh, I love this one. I know. So feet up the wall is an awesome one. You stay there. If you might like a Plough pose, start to lift the hips.

Toes go overhead, but your chin is free. So you see how I'm able to look at you? Oh, the chin. Everything is open. Breath.

Then hands to lower back. If you're in your Plough pose, maybe into your shoulder stand. Pressing up onto the forearms. Then ear pinning. You butterfly those legs.

And then bring those knees close to your ears. Arms come down. Hips come down. Slow control. If you rock out, it's okay.

Every and I do that. Yep. Put the knees in toward the chest. Run the legs out. So counter pose for Plough pose is called Fish Pose.

Doesn't this sound weird? So palms are down. Slide your thumbs underneath your hips. And I remember years ago watching Patti Duke, I know, again, aging it. Hands up onto the elbows and she would sit and watch TV like this.

So this is getting into your Fish Pose. Then lift the heart. I know some of you're gonna Google Patti Duke. It's okay. I might have to.

I know. And then rock your seat over your thumbs. And maybe the crown of your head comes with your heart lifts. So you went into a closing pose of your Plough pose. Now, it's an opening.

Every asana or pose has an open and a close. A balance. One more round. Inhaling, Exhale. As the chin to chin to the chest, lower the shoulders down, release the hands from underneath.

Rock the hip side to side allow the legs just to beat. Now, Shavasana might be... You might like to lie on your side and that might be your Shavasana, or you might come to your belly. So wherever you go, allow that pose to be yours. And settle in here.

You will do a beautiful body scan. Start to feel your legs become heavy to the earth. Soft, release. So to feel the hips open, notice the belly gently rising and fall in beautiful wave. So to open the heart, rolling the shoulders back, allowing space for the arms.

Allow the head to rest, to release. And please, place a gentle smile underneath your skin. Soften eyes, Thank you so much for joining. Sam, come here. You stay there darling and rest.

Oh, come on. I tried to put you to sleep. I know anything you did, but- You know if you fall asleep in that pose, that's a score. That's a win-win. Yes.

So thank you so much for being here. Until we meet again. Namaste. Namaste.

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