GOLD LIVE Class: Butt + Legs + Thighs 2
Shelley HawkinsDescription
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Equipment: Medium dumbbells, mini band
Instructor: Shelley Hawkins
Well, hello there, Get Healthy UTV squad, and welcome to Butt Legs and Thighs number two. BLT served to you, nice and warm this morning. My name is Shelly Hawkins. I'm one of your GHUTV trainers, and I'm here with the fabulous Leah. Oh, hello.
hello. Hello, honey. Are you ready to work your butt, thighs and your legs? Oh, I very much am. And you've promised me a good one.
I'm hoping I deliver. I'm hoping I deliver. Let me tell you, it's going to be a doozy. It really is, you're gonna feel it tomorrow in every section of that lower body. But remember you can modify, Leah will give you the modification, all right?
That does not mean that you're backing at all. It just means that you are changing it to suit your body. All right? It is not a . Don't you even think about that.
So 45 minutes on the clock, we can start with a warmup. We've got a few different progressions, we got a little extra cardio thrown in there. Oh yes, because we can. And as I said, 45 minutes on the clock, we may go a little longer. Not shorter, never shorter.
So let's start with a warmup, and let's get straight into it. We're gonna take our feet, hip width apart, please. Let's take a big breath in, and exhale. I'm already sweating. And a big breath in, and exhale.
My family laughs at me 'cause I always sweat. I dunno what it is, it must be menopause. One more. Big breath in. Now let's squat, start with single, down, down, up.
Now turn your toes out slightly, all right? And as you come up, I don't want you to fully extend the knees, keep them soft. And I wish that you ground your heels. Four more, Leah, let's go. Four, hold.
Three. Shoulders back, chin up. Now take it down and hold for three. Three, two, one. Gently up.
Three, two, one. Breath control, keep it nice and steady. Two, one, up. In three, you're gonna tap it. Right left.
Let's go. Tap. Right, left, right, left. I know that camera. We're gonna start on our left when it's your right.
Four more. Three more, two more. Let's warm up that upper body just because we can. Let's take the arms up, up, open into the lats, open into that rib cage. You've got four more.
Three more. In two, hands onto your quads. Cat cow stretch, down you go. And lift. And down you go.
Come on, feel that nice spine. Two more. This one's good. Oh yes. One more for me.
Step touch, right, left. Let's go team. You can add the lateral raises. This is a little old school I know, but I like that old school step touch. Oh yes.
Getting a little movement left and right. Lateral, now into hamstring curl, down. Kick, kick, kick. Now challenge yourself. Give me that little squat in between.
And get the heel to the glute. Yes, yes. Four, three, feet hit width apart. Deadlift, we go down two, up two, down two, up two. Two more, and up.
One more. Now we're gonna deadlift and walk it out to plank. So deadlift, walk it out to plank, and hold it there. Let's take that right foot on the right to outside of the right hand, open into that left or that right shoulder, and hold it there. Let's switch on three, two, one, let's go, Leah.
Open up, and close. One more time. Open up, and close. Single time. Let's go, hold it there.
Hold, two. Let's go right. Right, open, close, switch. Left, open, close, switch. Right, open, close.
One more. Nicely done. Now walk your hands to your feet. Shoot your glutes towards the ceiling. Come up slowly, round the shoulders back.
Narrow squat. Let's go, team. Down, push, pull, push. I want your shoulders back. I want a nice, long kinetic chain.
In four, in three, in two, you're gonna rear lunge. Right left. Let's do it. Right, left. Push, pull.
Nicely done. Now make sure your hip flexors are tucked, and you've got a nice, strong core. You're squeezing your glutes on that rear lunge. Four more. Four, three, in two you're gonna give me an adduction right, left.
So give me a hip rotation, right. Nice. Left. There's gonna be a lot involved in that lower body today, right? Oh yes.
Yes. Ball and pocket joints here. Three. Lots of movement. Two, and one.
Nicely done. I'm gonna start my timer, team. We're gonna pop our bands on. Remember, different levels of bands, you do you. We're gonna go with green today, you've got three options.
Bands can be above the knees, easiest of the three options. Bands can be around the gastrocs, around the calf muscles, medium intensity. Around the ankles, that's a little more intense, all right? So you do you, I'm gonna pop my band on. I'm gonna have a sip of water 'cause I need it.
And then, we're gonna start that first, that first block. You've got three exercises. Three exercises, and then we start to progress. All right? Exercise one, two, we add them together.
But don't you worry, we've got you. Yes. And you might notice that where you start with your band may not be where you end up with your band. And that might be because you need to back off a little bit, but it also might be 'cause your band rolls a little bit. So find where it fits.
You'll see. We know some tricks. I love that. Already, look at this. My band is saying, no, no, no, no, no.
I wanna be rolled up. And I'm not gonna let it roll up. All right, our first exercise, I'm gonna get you through this, and then I'm gonna start my timer. Your feet hip width apart. I want you all in line.
All right, so you tuck your glutes, shoulders back and down. You have got a good morning. So your hands are behind your head. Leah, if your hands are by your side, that's also okay in terms of modification, all right? You do you.
Feet are grounded, heels are heavy in the earth, toes are light in your shoes, all right? You've got 40 seconds on. In three, two, one. Two, two. Down.
Now I only want you to come parallel to the ground. All right? So many times in deadlifts Leah, don't you see after they're parallel, a lot of the time people start to lose their form. Yes. And as you know it's form, first and foremost, all right?
Down slow, up. We're gonna progress this or we're gonna add on, and then we're gonna put them together. So the next move is a basic squat. Your hands can be, once again, where they are, or you can drop them to the sides. Are you ready?
Four, three, two, and one. Let's go. Squat, pull, squat. Slow it down if you need, all right? Now Leah's gonna go a little less in terms of her range of motion.
She's got this. Still aiming my hips down and back. There you go. I'm not just dipping my knees. There you go.
Little bit of a sit. Yes. Like you have a chair, you wanna sit on it, right? Yeah. And then somebody takes it away from you.
That's so nice, right? We would never do that to each other. Oh I dunno, my sense of humor, I don't know. Six seconds. You've got a combination.
You've got a good morning, two by two, and a squat two by two. Let's go, down, down, two, up. Now slow that squat down, down, and up. Good morning, down. Push your glutes back, extend your spine.
Nice and long, nicely done. Good morning. I did this last week, and I tell you I felt my hamstrings for days. Uh huh. Push.
Remember you've got a soft knee, all right? You do not lock out your joints. Keep it coming, down, two, up slow. Push, and pull. One more.
Down, two, up, and squat for me. Nicely done, team, nicely done. All right. Woo! Our second move is a deadlift unstable.
So when we talk about unstable, it just means that you do not have both feet grounded at the same time, or you have a little more weight on the one side, all right? So what we're gonna do, when my band decides to behave, is we're gonna ground our right legs. We're gonna lift the heel of the left foot. So this is how I look from the side. And you have got a deadlift, all right?
So, same as good morning, but this time we're gonna reach, and we're gonna pull up, two by two. Are you ready? Right side to start, let's go. Down two, and up. Now you'll feel that weight, and you'll feel the hamstring on your right, obviously hamstring.
You'll feel the glute, and you will feel that connection between the hamstring and the glute. Down, slow, up, slow. Keep your chin up. Remember it's most important for that long kinetic change. Push, and pull.
Our add-on here is a narrow squat, all right? So you're firing up the glutes, and you're firing up the hamstrings and the quads. Come on, push. Can you give me one more? Yes.
Yes. Narrow squat. Two by two, let's go, Leah. Down, two. Now focus on pushing the glutes back.
Yes, up. Slow, down. My heels are heavy, my toes are waving at you. Come on. Now I'm not using my band here.
No. I'm gonna put it on for the second side. Perfect. But even without my band, I like to imagine it's there. Right.
So it's not actually tugging, it's on the ground. If you're working without a band for any reason, place an imaginary one above your knees, around your calves, or around your ankles. Beautiful. Beautiful. We can all make the leap, right?
Yes. You've got one more. Now, this is how you go. Deadlift with a squat, two by two, unstable. Let's go.
Down two, up two, place your feet. Down two, up two, lift the heel. Deadlift. Up, place your feet, down, and up, unstable. Down, and up.
It's amazing what you can get from the glute when you really isolate it. Deadlift, pull, and down, you come into that squat nice and low, nice and steady. Deadlift, up, and narrow. Three, two, one, and out you come. All right, so that's your second round.
Leah's gonna pop her band back on. We're gonna do the other side now. And I'm gonna fix my band so that I don't have it rolling around my ankles. All right, so this time, left leg stable, right leg unstable. So just your toes are tapping, all right?
You've got a nice, strong glute, and a strong core. Now, I'm looking at Leah straight away, and I see it's beautiful. Her left knee is slightly softened. She is form first, right? Boom.
Give me eight seconds, team, and we're into it. Woo! All right. All right. Deadlift.
In four, three, two, unstable. Let's go, down two. Now if you want a little extra, you can use weights. Right? Always.
Always. Down, two. I'm gonna show you from this side, you're gonna push your glutes back without rounding out your lower back, all right? Down, two. Up, two.
Push, and pull. Soften your knees. Soften your knees. Be nice, push, and pull. The second progression is a narrow squat.
Now you will see I'm reaching for the floor, but as soon as I start to lose my form, I'm gonna back it up. I'm not gonna reach all the way down. It's not about how deep you go, it's about form. Let's go, let's go. Squat.
Three, two, narrow. Here we go, two, two. Down, two. Take your time. Take your time.
We're in a rush to do everything in this world, aren't we? Oh my goodness, yes. Yes? Sometimes you have to stop, and really get into the squat. And smell the roses, too.
Down, down, up, up. I love to squat, and you know that about me. I think you love to squat too, right? I love squats and deadlifts. Yes!
This workout I've been looking forward to. It's the best part of a workout. You've got six seconds. Four, three, two. Now the combination.
Let's go, team. Ground that leg, two, two, add on, let's go. Down, two, up. Heel down, push, and pull. Slow.
Down, two, up, stable. Into your squats. Yes. As you come up, squeeze the glutes. But remember, it's not a pelvic tilt, it is a glute squeeze on isolation.
Yeah. Come on, down. So often I see people thrusting or pelvic tilting in their squats. And I know as instructors, we do that just to emphasize that squeeze, but I do not want you to pull, push further than your natural alignment. You are out.
You are out. Woo! Sorry ! All right, so, that is your first round. Whoops!
You've now got a cardio burst. So for your cardio burst, you've got a scissor, a scissor, and a hold, all right? You can take the bands off, you can step them with Leah. You get to decide where you're going. We're gonna start in 15 seconds.
This band is not playing with me today. All right, team. Now remember as you come down, it's a tap. It's not this, we're not sitting into those backs, or into those glutes, in four- We've already done our hinges. Yes, we have.
Three, two, one, let's go. Down, push, hold. Down, push, hold. Down, push, hold. Get that heart rate up.
Scissor hold. Scissor, scissor, hold. Scissor, scissor, hold. Now Leah is stabilized, all right? She's still moving.
She's still moving, but there is no hard impact, right? No, just little taps. She's glowing. Yes! And you've got that little jump, I love that.
Just a little bounce- I like it. I call it a bounce. Yes. A pep in your step, right? Yes.
Eight seconds. Let's go. Four, three, two, one, out you come. Nice work! And I'm still sweating.
High five, baby girl. All right! Cheers. But she glows. I don't know about me, I don't think I ever glow.
I'm gross. All right, team, water, and we're moving on. Our next, our next progression is a bear, hold, tap out. Woo hoo! All right?
So you're gonna hold your bear hands, Leah's gonna be on her knees. On her knees. Cheers? I gotta have some water. Oh yes.
All right. Now this is another one you can do without your band, but since we're coming down to the floor, I don't wanna have to worry about mine. So I'm gonna do both sides with my band on, but you can always take it off. Love that, yes. All right, so your bear hold, you're here.
Knees are slightly above the floor, and all you're gonna do is tap out, and in. You're working into those laterals, those adductor, abductors. Are you ready? Let's go. Three, two, one, slow and sync.
Slow, and in, tap. I want you to hesitate. Hesitate, and keep your knees a few inches off the ground. Tap, pull. Now remember, as you're doing that, what are you doing with your navel?
Oh, I think I'm pulling it right to my spine. You are! Her navel is so pulled to her spine, I can almost see it pop out her spine. That's where I want you. I want you to think about core engagement, all right?
Be in that glute. Push, pull, push, pull. Come on. Now our next progression, we're gonna hold that bear, we're gonna give a glute press. So you're gonna push your heel towards the sky.
Three, two, one, let's go. Right push, and hold. And left, and hold. I want it slow. I want it slow.
Ooh it burns! Right? And this is hard for me to go slow. Sometimes, I just wanna move through that range of motion. 'Cause it's easier to go fast, right?
Yes. Use a little momentum. Push. Flex your foot for me, flex your foot. Up, hold, down.
Hands are under the shoulders. Elbows are soft. You've got four seconds, and you're gonna combine the two moves. In two, and one. Let's go.
Right tap. Left, tap, right glute. Right glute, left glute. Tap right, tap right, tap left, right glute, left glute, tap right. Now, keep your shoulders back.
Make sure you're not rounding out. There's perfect form. Her shoulders are back, her chin is up, but it's not hyper-extended, all right? There's that nice, long kinetic chain, she's keeping the alignment on the spine. You've got six seconds.
Go, Leah! Yes! Four. Come on with me! Three!
Two, and one! Nicely done! Oh my. Why am I so sweaty? Whoa, 'cause I'm working hard!
I like, I like hard work, team. All right, we're gonna lay down. We're gonna lay down on our right sides, all right? Leah's gonna pop that band off because- Just for the first side. Yes.
And the second side, she comes on just to show you that you can still isolate without having that band. So you're gonna lay down, you're gonna band the, under the supporting leg on the floor. You're gonna flex your foot, you're gonna support yourself with your hand. And all you're gonna do is adduct, and bring it down. All right?
Three, two, one, let's go. Pull, push. Now as you come down, you're parallel to the other foot. Parallel, or parallel to the ground rather. And you're flexing your foot, all right?
That top leg is slightly to the front. And if you want a little more, turn your toe down slightly. So you really do target into that lateral. And I always think about this because my outer thighs would always be my point of where I kind of, don't get them where I want them to be, right? You know those jeans when you put them on, and they've been in the wash, or the dryer too long?
Oh yeah, and you do a little dance. Yes! Now you're gonna bring that knee to the elbow. So bring it in, hold, and extend like you're pushing against the wall. In hold, and extend.
Nice. Keep the knees separated. Keep those quads engaged. Pull, and push. Enjoy the journey.
Remember, it's not the destination. I gotta remind myself always. I don't need to get there. It's about how I get there. Oh, burn it up.
With breath, I hope. Yes! Burn it up. Come on. Keep it coming.
Are you feeling the burn yet, Leah? Oh my goodness, yes. Good girl. Three. I'm pretty sure a flame is going to start to come up outta my head.
Two, one, combination. Here we go. Up, and parallel, knee in, and out. Adduct, knee in, and out. Adduct, pull, push.
Beautiful, come on, you got this. Don't lose your core at home! Oh yes. Keep that navel tight, come on. Squeeze those abs.
Squeeze them. You don't wanna get to the end of the workout and go, what? I need to do 200 sit-ups? No! Right?
Or crunches. Or planks. You do not. Yes. I love that in group fitness, people are like, well I need to do my abs!
Well, you should have done your abs. Three, two, one. Nicely done! We're gonna switch sides, team, because we have two legs, and two glutes, right? Oh yes.
All right. Leah's gonna pop her band on. Slow and steady, all right? Now, what I'm gonna show this time is a bent knee. So I'm using the band- Perfect.
but if you're feeling like the band is a little bit intense for you, you wanna use it. I'm gonna keep my knee bent on the top on this side, just to show. Love that. Remember, there are so many modifications. If you don't see one, you know that you've got a lot of them that we've given you in the past classes, right?
For the past workouts. In three, you're gonna give me that adduction, slowly come up, and down. As you come down, don't rest the foot on that other supporting leg. Hold, and down. Now you're slightly forward, all right?
Your toe slightly pointed towards the earth. Up, and hold. Look at that bend in Leah's leg. She has still got those adductors, abductors working. Oh yes.
And I can even do that little turn in, too. If you're here, it just means your ankle goes higher than your knee. There you go. Like a little dip, right? Yeah.
Perfect. Pull, and push. Now in five seconds, we bring in that knee into the, towards the elbow. Three, two, one, let's go. Slow and steady, and hesitate, and pull, and hesitate.
Think about coming through really, really thick kind of mud. You're dragging your foot, and then you're extending. Pull, and push. So your obliques are working as well, right? Oh yes.
Come on. Pull to the elbow, push. Nice. Pull, oh! Push.
Keep it coming, team. You've still got this, you've got five seconds. And then we've got the combination. Three, two, one. Let's go.
Let's lift, lift, parallel, pull out. Small range of motion, it doesn't have to be big, all right? A lot of the time, people think that the bigger the range of motion, the more effective it is. No. Not always.
Right! Muscle engagement. Come on. You think about that muscle, you work that muscle. Let's go.
Push, pull into that elbow. Oh yes. Come on, you've got eight seconds, team. Ooh, yes you can! Yes you can.
And our cardio burst, we're gonna come up for that, all right? We have got jacks. Three, two, and one. And out you come. Woo, boy!
All right, let's go. We're gonna stand it up, we're gonna adjust our bands, and we're gonna jack it out. Leah's gonna take hers on or off? I'm gonna leave 'em off for this one, but you promise me we're coming back to this one later. Of course.
Aha! Of course. So I'm gonna do the second time through with the bands on. Don't you love that? And that's a beautiful, beautiful option.
Take it off, put it on, play with it. Second time you come around, do it with our without a band. Oh, we got 10 seconds. Jack. So Leah is going to tap it up.
She's still got a little pep in her step, but she's not going to give me that full force in three, two, one. So here it is. Arms or no arms, all right? You decide. As soon as you add the arms, hot rate comes up.
Now challenge the band. I always say to my friends, if you break the band, that first drink is on me. Ooh! That first smoothie! Come on, push, pull.
Push, yes. Arms above the head, your heart rate's gonna come up immediately. Come on, come on. You've got 12 seconds, Leah. Woo!
Oh yes. That flew by, let's do it! Pull, push. Oh yes. Eight, six, five, four, three, two, one!
Love it, love it! Yes! Have some water. Catch your breath. We're moving on.
Our next block, we're gonna stand, all right? Your supporting leg is gonna be soft, and all you're gonna do is tap like the floor is hot. It is hot, so I don't wanna see this. Because if you put your foot down- Oh no. It's gonna get burned, right?
Okay baby, let's do this. Adjust the band. Adjust the band. Make sure the supporting leg, which is your left leg to start, is soft. All right, shoulders back.
Two, one, let's go. Push, pull. Push, pull. Love it. And even as a modification, you could slow it down, right?
Mmhm. What else do you think, Leah? You could make it a little bit smaller. There you go. But you wanna think, reach.
Yes. Reach, return. Little resistance on the return, so the band is not snapping you back. Right. And don't snap those legs together.
People like me don't have an option. My legs like to come together. They love to meet in that inner inner thigh. But you know what? You need to challenge that leg.
Challenge it, always. Life should not be easy, let's make it work. Come on. Three, two, one. Are you ready to switch sides?
Ooh, let's go. Let's go. Push, push, push. Like you're trying to lengthen into your leg, all right? You can feel that external, or that lateral working.
It in itself is like an elastic band. Come on. Supporting leg is working. Yes it is! Against, against it, right?
I love that concentration, Leah, I love it. Slow and steady. Slow and steady. Come on. You wanna add some sass, you do so.
Yes. Our combination is right, left. In three, two, one, let's go. Right, left. My feet are hip width apart, or hip flexor width apart, all right?
And I'm not here. I'm hips forward, hips forward, both knees are soft. Come on. Push, push, pull, push. Hot floor, hot floor.
Come on. Come on, woo! Yes, even if you're without a band- Got this. imagine it! Feel it, pull through the squeeze.
Oh yeah, oh yeah. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, out. Ooh! Okay. Now of course, if your bands are tighter, that's gonna be a lot harder.
I'm not feeling it too badly today, but I know tomorrow it's gonna come up and bite me in the booty. All right, so what we're gonna do now is a rear lunge. Right, with a tap up. So big range, no big range of motion, sorry. I don't want that huge lunge.
I want you here, you're down, you're tucked, and you're down into that lunge with a tap, all right? You need more, you can lift the leg as well. Right leg to lead. In eight seconds, feet are hip width apart. Shoulders back, glutes are tight.
Here we go. Three, two, one, slow and steady. Lunge hold, tap hold. Lunge hold, tap hold. I want you to give me that nice big motion in terms of getting down.
All right, your stance is not very big, but I want that knee as low as you can go without losing form. Keep it coming, come on. Lunge, and push, and lunge, and push. Both legs are working. Both legs are working, both glutes, got both the hamstrings.
Come on, team, let's go. Three, we're gonna switch legs in, two, in one, left leg back. Let's do it. Lunge hold, and up. And lunge, and up.
Come on. Push, here's the the bottom. I really need you to wait, engage, and then I want you to accelerate down, and up. Down, and up. Woo!
I feel those hiking muscles. I did so much hiking last week, my booty was on fire. You've got six seconds. And then you're gonna alternate right to left. Three, two, one, let's go.
Right hold, and up. Now stay with it, as Leah's going to do, or you can move with me, all right? Right, up, left, up, right. Come on. Push, pull, down.
Shoulders back. Be careful of this. It's not a fall forward. I want those shoulders back. I want those hips square.
Down, up, down, up. 12 seconds, come on. You can do it! And then you've got the cardio, baby! What is the cardio, Leah?
Tell me. What? What are we gonna do next? Three! Oh, we're gonna do a little cardio!
Two! And one, nicely done. Adjust the band if you need. You have got, as we did in the first round, scissor, scissor, hold. Scissor, scissor, hold.
All right. I'm just taking my band a little lower. Beautiful. I'm keeping it on for this one, but I'm keeping it a little lower below my knees. Hashtag, overachiever.
I love that about you. That's what I want. 'Cause I'm keeping it slow. Yes. And you can still intensify, but take the impact out.
Perfect. Let's go sweetheart, slow and steady, go. Scissor, scissor, hold. I'm gonna move away from that music. It takes every ounce of energy in me to not be on that beat.
Come on, I'm old school like that. Come on, scissor, hold. Scissor, hold. Come on. By lowering her band, Leah's got a little more tension, right?
Yes. Come on. Woo! Feeling those hamstrings. Feeling those quads.
Those glutes. Come on. Four, three- Oh my band's rolling. two, one. Yes!
Done. Third block done. Have a break, grab some water. We are moving into our fourth block. We're gonna be laying down.
We've got a glute bridge, and I'm gonna ask you to put your feet together, and I'm gonna ask you to separate your knees, all right? So you've got a V in that, in that lower body. We're working hamstring glutes. All right, team. Woo!
I gotta have some water now. Cheers. Cheers to you. Grab a little sip yourself. Woo!
I know that's the thing when you leave, don't you find, it's like between talking and everything else- Uh huh. it's hard just to get your water break. All right, lay it down for me, please. Feet together. Knees are separated.
All you're gonna do is bridge. Up two, and down two. I'm starting my timer, push, and pull. Feet together. And as you come down, just hover above your mat.
Hover, and down. Slow. Push, and pull. Now second progression, we're gonna take our feet, and we're gonna hip width them apart. So we're gonna open up that stance, and we're gonna walk.
Let's go single glute press, Leah, let's go. Push, hover, push, hover. Up, down, up, down. Come on, squeeze your booty, squeeze your booty. I'm counting, I'm watching.
Four, three, two, feet hip width apart. Drive those glutes up, let's go. Walk right, walk left, walk right, walk left. Now as you see, Leah is lifting those heels. She's still pushing into the hamstring glute.
Oh yeah. But the range of motion isn't that big, right? It's a little stable. The key is to, instead of drive into my tippy toe, the foot that's lifting the heel, I try to put all my weight in my flat foot, and make my foot really light to lift the heel. Then I can feel that hamstring light up.
Ooh, yes. Perfect queuing. Yeah, because you think you're gonna push into your heel, right? Three, two, combination. Drop your glutes.
Up, right, and hover. Up, left, and hover. Up, right, and hover. Up, left. Come on, bend that knee, glute press or bridge, and walk it, down.
Up, pull, and push. Up, pull, and push, you've got this. Come on, come on. Flex your foot. Really drive into the heel, or into the floor with the heel.
You've got it. Pull, push, pull. And, three, two, one, nicely done, team! All right. We're gonna switch positions.
And we're gonna lay down. On our forearms. But not quite lay down. No, no, 'cause we don't like to lay down too much. All right, so you're gonna be on your forearms, you're here.
Now your feet are gonna be hip width apart. You can also as a modification, bring the feet, and we're just gonna use that right adduction. Then the left adduction, and then two together, all right? So here, if you don't love it on your forearms, you could also kind of hang out. Maybe hold the head.
You get to choose, all right? Let's go, right side, right. Come on, push, pull, push, pull. Keep it coming, keep it coming, keep it coming. Come on.
Just that right leg is moving. Just that right. I will say this is a little bit of a modification, but it's also pretty intense if you keep your chin up towards your chest, and your gaze high. There you go. those abs.
But if your shoulder gives you trouble, this, or that little crunch will do a lot of good for your shoulder. Listen to my girl. I love that. Yes. Beautiful.
I need that after my weekend, I had a pita yesterday. I need those abs. Abs of steel, come on. Three, two, one. Switch sides, left.
Come on. That range of motion, I just want you to concentrate on that outer thigh. Pull, push, pull, push, pull. Come on. Oh!
Oh, yes. That band wants to break, I'm sure. Oh yeah. I am sure. Come on, you've got 20 seconds, and then you're gonna do both legs.
Sit into those forearms. Shoulders back, your chin is slightly tucked, all right? Keep that nice, long, long upper body. Eight seconds. Come on, pull.
Four, three, two, double leg, let's go. Pull, push, pull, push. Now you want more? Maybe put your feet together. Put your feet together, and then butterfly those knees.
Butterfly those knees. Come on, out, in, out, in. You've got this. You've got this. Come on, team.
Come on, team. Keep it coming. Keep it coming. Tension. This is when I wish I'd taken a little harder of a band, right?
Oh, just for now. I could always switch. Just for now. Just for now! Come on, four, three, two, and one!
Nicely done! We're gonna come up, and we're gonna squat. Ooh! So, what we're gonna do is, we're actually gonna switch it up. 'Cause I've written something else down, but we're gonna down four, and then four single squats, and then up four counts, and four single squats.
Oh! How is that for being a rebel? Oh, I know. Shelly's trying to make my brain work, too. Well, I'm gonna get it wrong the first time, so you keep me in check, all right?
Are you ready, team? In six seconds. Four, three, two, feet hip width apart slight turnout, down four. Let's go. Four, three, two, four singles.
Four, three two, four up. Four, three, two, four singles. Woo! Four, three, two, and down for four. Four, three, two, and up.
Four, three, two, and up for four. Four, three, two- This one's hard, yes! Four singles! I know, it really makes you think. Come on, down four.
Four, three, two, four singles. Four, three, two, four up. Four, three, two, singles. Four, three, down two, up two, squat. Down, two, up, two.
Down, two, up, two. Squeeze your glutes. Squeeze you glutes. Remember you can stay a little higher with me. Yes.
Still get that work. Oh yeah. Good point. You know we have a lot of people that come, and they're like, we can't squat. I know I do.
I think you must see it a lot. Oh, always, yes. I can't squat, I can't lunge, I've got bad knees. Yes you can. You don't have to go with bigger range of motion.
Right? You can modify. All right? I want it all in , all incorporated. Three, two, single squat, hit it!
Down, up. Knees are soft, come on. Push, pull, push, pull, push, pull. Do not stop, come on. Down, up, down, up.
Our next progression. Oh, you know what it is, it is a cardio burst, and it is a jack. Leah's gonna keep her bands on, right? Ooh yes! I am.
Go girl. Come on, 10 seconds. Up, push, hold, squats get me every time. You've got four, three, two, come out of it. You're gonna give me that jack, all right?
I'm gonna do the same thing with my band! Try it lower. She's amazing. She's amazing. And that's why we love her.
Are you ready? In four, three, two, one, let's go, Leah, come on. Come on. Modify where you need. Tap it, walk it, jack it, you decide.
Go, go. Come on, come on. Push, pull. Push, pull. Nice, long upper body.
Keep those lines extended. Pull, come on, you've got this. Come on, you got it, Leah. Ooh! I see you.
I'm feeling those bands. They're wonderful, I love them. As a piece of equipment, they're some of my favorites. They get such good feedback. Right.
They do! Woo! Three, two, one, done. Yes. All right, I'm gonna say the words you've longed to hear from the very beginning.
Take your bands off. We're gonna stretch it out, ladies. All right. And gents, friends, and family. Woo!
All right. I think what we're gonna do, is we're gonna take a seat, because I like to sit down sometimes to stretch, right? Oh yeah. All right, team. Let's take those feet, extend them in front of you.
Now, come up on your sits bones. And we joke about this a lot. There are bones in your glutes. Skeleton, right? Come up on those sits bones.
Now flex your feet for me, take your right foot. I want you to stack it on top of that left. Keep the feet flexed. Now palms up, shoulders back, and I want you to pass me a tray of whatever you've got. So it's not a big range of motion, because as soon as I come a little further, I start to lose my form.
All right? I want those hamstrings stretching. Hold it there for four, for three, two, and one. We're gonna take that right leg, we're gonna sit over onto our left glute, and we're gonna pull the right heel into the right glute. And give you a slight pelvic tilt forward.
Ooh, that pelvic tilt is where the stretch is. That's it. You just have a slight adjustment, and suddenly it's like, woohoo! Oh dear. And sometimes you become an opera singer.
Exactly. You don't know. You know this is a absolute full service. You get to workout and be entertained. All right, let's switch sides.
Once again, lift. Sit onto those sits bones. Take your left leg, and stack it on top of the right. Flex your feet, come up out of your hip flexors, and reach. That invisible tray towards us.
Now you can get a similar thing by just crossing your legs, right? Yes, yes. If this is feeling a little too much, maybe your knee is talking to you, cross your legs instead. Cross your legs, there's your modification. No shame in that game.
Four, three, in two, you're gonna come onto that right glute. Gently come down, pull the heel of the left foot into the left glute, and don't forget that pelvic tilt, all right? So I'm gonna stand and just show you something. Leah's gonna stay where she is. Here is a quadricep extension or stretch.
Here is a little extra opening up of that hip flexor, and further stretching into that quad. Hold for four, Leah. Let's go. Four, three, two, and one. We're gonna take the left foot, we're gonna switch it over, we're gonna cross it.
You're gonna take your right arm, you're gonna wrap it around, and then you're gonna look over your shoulder to see what your friend's doing behind you, and get that beautiful torso rotation. Come up on the sits bones. Remember, you are long and lean. Oh yeah. We feel that stretch in that glute.
Oh, it's beautiful. Some of my favorite things. These glute stretches. Let's switch sides, team. So take the other leg, just give me a little twisted pretzel, and then wrap that arm around.
Come up on your sits bones, looking over the shoulder. I'm thinking of every time you had us pushing out against the band. Right? That's what I'm stretching right now. Yes, yes!
And the beauty of the band is it both works concentric, eccentric, it is that whole kind of, the whole time you're working against the band, right? Yes. Slow and steady. All right, let's come back to the front. Cross your legs over for me, please.
Holding onto your knees, I want you to touch your chin, and we're gonna round out the lower back. So just drop yourselves back, and drop the chin. Now come back into that center. Nice long, kinetic chin. One more time, please.
Round it up, drop your chin. Oh, got all those back muscles working. Oh, yes. And up you come. All right, so you're gonna take a big breath in.
Always have to end with this big breath in, and exhale. And you, my friends, are done. BLT number two. Leah, you're amazing. High five baby!
High five, guys! Thank you GHUTV squad, as always, for being a part of our family, and we hope to see you real soon. Have a great one.
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