GOLD LIVE Class: Cardio + Core Burner 3
Sam CameranesiDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Dumbbells (medium)
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi
All right, so we've got myself is Sam Cameron, easy if you have never taken a class with me before. And we have Mr JC with us in the house today. Hey, everybody. How are ya? So good.
We have cardio plus core burner number three. So the first two cardio plus core burners, one and two, were 45 minutes. We're gonna take it down to 30 minutes and that doesn't mean that it's gonna be less intense. It's gonna be a fun one. So we'll kind of give you the layout of the land.
The first exercise is gonna be more plank, or is more sit up base. So a little more Pilates. Some of it might not be Pilates based, but think of like crunches. Second movement in the circuit is going to be more plank based. So we'll be in a plank some way, maybe oblique, side plank, some of that stuff.
And then your third movement is going to be your- Just a little sprinkle. I know, just a little sprinkle. Cardio at the very end. So we're gonna get the core nice and fired up today. And then we're gonna burn a little bit extra of calories with the cardio burst at the end.
Maybe a little bonus at the end. We'll see what we have time for. Are we ready? Yeah, let's go. All right, let's start with that warmup.
So spread your feet apart. Over shoulder width apart. Take a deep breath down. Squat down, arms, reach overhead. Make sure you find that breath.
Oh, waking up that body. Good. Now we always like to take a few minutes in the warmup to get the muscles moving, joints lubricated, all that kind of fun stuff. So in core cardio, shoulders roll back. We're gonna use the entire body, especially in that plank work.
And then you'll see some of those cardio movements. Just kind of use the entire body as well. Good, swim one arm back, then the other. Let's reach. Reach.
Good. I don't know. This is like, we're filming this like right after the Olympics. So I'm just still thinking about all of the swimmers and like the cool things that they can do. I'm like, God, I wish I could do that.
Pedal the arms forward one at a time. Pedal forward, just like that. Good. Waking up the shoulders because yep, we're gonna do some planks today. Good, flap those wings a few times.
Oh, open up the back, the chest. How's that feel? Good. You know like we talk cardio and core, things that we're doing all the time, but how often do we just get to focus on the two of them together? Not very often.
Reach those arms overhead. Flat back forward, reach to the ground. Oh, hello hamstrings. Feeling it. Right.
Just rock yourself side to side. If you're feeling a little tight in those hamstrings, just take a moment here, okay? Just like we were saying, you know, cardio core, you're gonna use the entire body. So we really wanna wake up the entire body, Plant your right palm down to the ground, open up that other opposite hand to the sky. Just roll out your wrist a few times.
We're also gonna be using the wrist, right? So you gotta warm up the wrist joint. Plant that left palm down. Right arm goes to the sky. Roll that wrist out right here.
Good, feeling a little bit of that stretch of the hamstrings again. Good, hand plants down to the center. Take a few deep plies down. Two and up two. It's down for two.
Good, up for two. At the bottom, if you wanna lift that chest a little bit higher. There you go. Up for two. Two more, down for two.
Up two. Last one, plie and straighten. I want you to bring your heels in, toes out. Drop yourself down to a bottom of a yogi squat. Just walk side to side.
Now if this yogi squat is not an option for you, yep, come up a little bit higher. JC's gonna give you some modifications throughout class today. So find him if you're like, ah, this just doesn't feel good in my body. Rocking side to side. Good, now you're gonna plant those palms again.
Lift your hips, toes point forward. You're gonna walk your hands forward. Find a high plank position, all right? So this is your very first high plank of the day. I just want you to kind of rock it out, feel of what it feels like.
If you're like, okay, too much shoulders, drop your knees down. Just try and rock your weight forward and back. So rock forward, rock back, forward and back. You have 4, 3. You got it.
2, last one. Hold that high plank shoulder taps on deck. You tap it right, left, right, left. You got it. So try to keep those hips nice and stable so that they're not rocking side to side.
That means you're using your all obliques right here. Good, you have 4, 3 mountain climbers in the center. Here we go. You drive. You drive.
Right there. You got it right towards the center. 3, 2, 1. Spiderman right here to the side. So drive your knee to the side, waking up the core right here.
Back to the center in 4, 3. A little faster this time. Right here, you drive it, drive it, drive it. Right in the center. Find your pace.
You can stay a little slower. Right here, warming up the shoulders. You got it. 4, 3, 2. High plank hold.
Bring your right foot to the outside of that hand. Find a runner's lunge position. Just rock it out from side to side. Woo, right there. Waking up the hips, quads, hamstring.
Bring that foot back to that high plank position. Left foot comes forward outside of the wrist. Good. If you need to come up a little bit higher, you need to drop that back knee, find what works best for you. Right there, back to your plank.
We're gonna do that one more time. Opposite comes forward. Good. Roll that wrist up. You got it right there.
Good. Plant that palm down. Back to that high plank. Switch opposite foot comes forward. Open up.
Chest opens up. So use that oblique. Feel the backside open up right there. You got it. 4, 3, 2, 1.
Find that high plank position. And we're gonna press back downward facing dog position. Heels plant all the way down to your mat. Now just puddle it out. We're gonna use the calves.
The backside of your entire body right there through the lower legs. Good. Now press both heels. Both palms into the ground. Feeling both of your backside of those Achilles maybe.
Good. Now walk your hands back towards your feet. Ragdoll position, just sway side to side. Last little stretch right here to get that body warm. We'll get a little cardio burst.
And then we're gonna start our block. Back to the center, plant your palms. Roll up one vertebrae at a time. Shoulders, head, and neck are the last things to reach to the top. Whew, feeling a little bit better?
Yeah, feeling warm. Then a few minutes ago. All right, we're gonna separate our feet. We're gonna start with our regular squats. Down and up.
It's down and up. Good. Squeezing your booty at the top. Good. So we're gonna start to get that heart rate up a little bit higher, using a little bit more of the lower body.
'Cause we got a lot of upper body today. Squeeze your booty at the top but don't over tuck, right? So JC's gonna keep going. You're not gonna squeeze your butt so much that you're arching your back, right? So just that squeeze lift.
There you go. 4, 3, hamstring curls in 2, 1. Kick it, bam, bam. There we go. So find that heel trying to squeeze you towards your booty.
Get a little bit lower. Use your arms to pull right there. Good. You have four jumping jacks in 2,1. Jack it out.
8, 7, 6, 5, 4, skips, 3, 2, 1. Skip in place. Right there, arm goes overhead. Arm stays a little bit closer to heart center if you would like to keep that hurried down a little bit. Yes, JC's got the low impact.
Not low intensity though, right? His heart rate's still coming up. 8, 7- Still huffing and puffing. 5, 4, jumping jacks again, 2, 1, jump it out. There we go.
Yes. Good, heart rate's coming up. You got it. 4, 3, just run it out, 1. Right here, just kick your butt, run it out.
Shuffle, good, squeeze. Core is tight, chest is lifted. Good. Core is tight, but it's not shrinking yourself, right? So I want you to still stay open right here.
Back to those hamstring curls in 3, 2, 1. Bam. There we go. Good. Use those arms.
8, 7, we've got fast feet to finish in 4, 3, 2, 1. Fast feet right here. Get those hands right in level with your shoulders. Or you can pump it out just a little bit. Right here you've got 8, 7, drive it, 6.
Soft on those toes. You got 4, 3, 2, 1, and done. That was a good workout. Great, you got a good workout, right? He makes a good point.
Sometimes our warmups are some people's workouts. So crushing it today. We are going to start with circuit number one. So I'm gonna get my timer to keep us nice and honest. 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest.
Also your transition time. So we give you 15 seconds, take that rest, but we gotta transition quickly. First one, are we ready? Let's go. We're gonna start with frog sit ups.
So you're gonna come down to your mat. You're gonna bring the soles of your feet together. Heels together. You're gonna drop all the way back. Hands behind your head.
You're just gonna lift and lower. Lift and lower, right? So hands behind your head. JC's gonna give you some options. I'm gonna start the timer.
You've got 45 seconds on. Are we ready, team? Let's get it going. Here we go, 3, 2, 1. JC's gonna start you off so that we can stay accountable to that timer.
Okay, so lifting your shoulder blades off the mat, right? So the goal is to try not to crank on your neck. But your soft with your hands behind your head. Great, I want you to try to slide your rib cage towards your hips. Option with JC to have both feet on the ground.
Great. When we bring our souls of our feet together in this like froggy position I like to call it, you use a little bit more of the low abs to squeeze up, right? The goal is not to crank on your neck. Use the core right here. You are down to seven more seconds.
You got it, stay with it. 3, 2, 1. 15 seconds of a transition. We're gonna come to that plank move. You might need those two dumbbells in your hands for this one.
We are gonna start in a plank. You're gonna tap your shin or your foot, ankle, and you're gonna come back to that high plank position. So press back, pull forward. You have 3, 2, 1. Find that plank position first.
You're gonna drive maybe one hand to your shin, right? Maybe you bring the weight with you every single time you are coming back to that plank position. Right, so you're squeezing your booty. Passing that weight option to not bring that weight with you. Yes.
Using your core, squeezing that entire central core, central body. Right here, 20 more seconds. That's halfway. So you got it. Even if you're not using the weight to to drag it back, it still provides that nice little foundation for you to maybe reach a little bit higher to lift your hips a little bit higher.
Absolutely. Keep going, y'all. You got it. Five more seconds. Stay with it.
You got it. Breathe, good, 2 and 1. You're gonna stand up. We got our little bit of cardio burst. One weight comes in your hands.
We are going to shuffle, shuffle. And you're gonna pivot and press. Hand comes back to heart center. Dumbbell comes back to heart center. Pivot and press.
In 3, 2, 1. Let's go this way. There we go. Shuffle, shuffle, pivot, press. Right, so you're using really your entire upper body, your entire core, lower body, getting that heart rate up.
So find your pace. You're gonna notice that JC and I might stay together and we might lose each other and that's okay, right? You gotta move at your own pace that you feel strong with. Pow. Right there.
Pivot and press. Breathe. Good. Press it out. Now try to stay a little lower in those legs.
Good. Staying lower may slow you down a little bit, that's gonna get that heart rate high. You got it, 10 more seconds. Breathe it out. I forgot to tell you that after we do these movements, they go away.
Woo. And they don't come back. 3, 2, 1, finish it. All right, weight comes down, you come back to the floor. We are in circuit number two.
You're gonna grab both sets of weights. You are going to be in a V-Up position. So legs long to start. If that's not an option, bend those knees. You're gonna just pulse it, woo.
Down, up, press overhead. Down, up, press. We're on, down, up, press. Okay, option to keep those legs on the ground using, woo, a lot of core no matter what. With those weights overhead.
Holy bananas. Okay, option to bend those knees. If that's too much, you're like, hey, my hip flexors don't do that. But I want my feet off the ground. Right there, option for feet on the ground.
You got it. You have eight seconds. Breathe. Yes you can. Down and up.
Last one. Ugh, plank. Are we ready? Let's go. I'm gonna have both sets of weights underneath my hands.
You do not have to. You are gonna launch back. Press forward to that plank. You're gonna open up to a T plank, side to side in 3, 2, 1. Let's go.
That 15 seconds of rest goes by so quick. So you launch off, press back like a bear position, and then you open to that side T plank. So now we're using core in the center for that launcher. And you're using the obliques as you open up to this side. Wonderful option with JC, staying on those knees.
Finding that open position through that side T plank. You got it. 15 seconds. Breathe. Ah, core heart rate coming up.
Especially moves like this. There's a lot of opportunities. Knees can come down for part of the time, for all of the time, what do you need? Where's your challenge? 3, 2, 1.
Ditch the weight. Stand up. Cardio burst coming at you. So we've got a skater. Skater to one side.
You jump over and back on that line. So the skater forward back, you've got 4, 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Skater, over, back. Skater, over, back.
So if you have a mat in front of you, try to use that entire width of the length of that mat. Woo. And then I want you to think that you've got a crease, all right, maybe in the concrete. Maybe you just think there's a line. I can't step on it.
Or you're what? You'll break your mother's back. Is that what it used to be? Yeah, now I think floors are lava. I think that's what the kids say nowadays.
Oh, lava. There we go. I love it. Stay light on your feet. Find your rhythm, find your pace.
So strong, team. You got it, 10 seconds. Woo. You got it. Forward, back, side.
Forward, back, last one right here. Give it to us. Breathe. Done. Woo.
Woo. Come down to the ground. 15 seconds is going to fly by. All right, grab one weight. Option, feet come off the ground right here.
You're gonna pass the weight over your feet to your ankles and back. So it's over and back. Option to maybe ditch the weight. Option to keep the feet on the ground. Here we go in 3, 2, 1.
You're on. Good, so we're just gonna pass it, crunch it in a little bit deeper. Squeeze, crunch. Yes. Okay, option if you need.
Keep those, yes, I love that walkout, JC. In and out. Whew. Squeeze. Maybe the crunch gets a little bit deeper 'cause those feet are on the ground.
Are you looking for the squeeze? Are you looking for the pace? What's filling you right now? Whew. Relax those shoulders.
You got it. I'm squeezing my inner thighs together, right? So zipping everything in towards that midline. Using a little bit more of those intercostal muscles in the core. You have 6, 5.
Try and pass it all the way to those feet, shins, ankles. You gotta find your range in 3, 2, 1. Ditch the weight. No weights for this one. We have shoulder taps.
So you're gonna find that plank position, high plank, shoulders on top. You're just gonna tap and tap. We start in 3, 2, 1. You're on. So it's tap, tap.
You can find your pace. So maybe slow it down a little bit so that we're not seeing the rock side to side with your hips, right? So I don't wanna see hips rocking side to side. It should stay in the center, you squeeze your booty. Press your heels back to the floor behind you so that your entire quads, your legs are working.
15 seconds, team. How are those shoulders? Hopping up to toes, maybe bring those feet a little bit wider for the last eight. Come on. You got it.
Breathe through it. Squeeze your booty. You have 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Just drop on down. Cardio burst coming at ya.
We've got your burpees. So option for full burpee, right? You come back, you jump in and you jump to the top. Option to walk it back, walk it in. I want want you to feel super strong about your variation right here in 3, 2, 1.
You're on. 45 seconds. Okay, on the jump, maybe you just stand up right there. Maybe you jump it back. But you take out the jump at the top, right?
This is your time to get a little bit stronger right here. You got it. Jump it in, walk it back. Slow down your pace, speed it up. This is you right here.
20 seconds on the clock. Holy bananas. Starting out your week. Maybe finishing out your week. Whenever you're watching this with us.
You got it. 8, 7, 6. Finish it. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. That was cardio, man.
Talking through it. You guys got it. Take a deep breath right here. We're gonna come back down to the mat. We're gonna lay on down.
If your heart rate is sky high, take a moment before you come back down to join us. No weights on this one. You're gonna lay down, scissor kicks. So I want your hands out to the side. Option for hands underneath your butt for a little bit of support.
You're gonna elongate those legs out and you're gonna scissor over under right there. We're gonna start in 3, 2, 1. So option, a little bit more advanced. You bring your hands out to the side. Okay, lay your head, neck, shoulders down.
Option to bring those hands underneath your butt for support. Bending those knees, whatever you find works best for you. Now I need your low back planted down on the ground the entire time. So maybe you need to lift those legs a little higher to keep that low back down. The lower your legs, the more core engagement you're going to feel.
Okay, but I want that low back protected. That's the most important part I want you thinking about right now. Good. Squeeze. Breathe.
8, 7, 6. You got it, 5, breathe, 4, 3, 2, 1. Pull your knees in your chest, sit on up. Grab one weight because we're on the clock, team. You're gonna come to forearm side plank.
You're gonna open up to a side T plank and you're gonna rotate and reach underneath your armpit with that weight. Here we go in 3, 2, 1. So side plank, reach it under all the way past that dumbbell, underneath your armpit, and then open back up to the sky. So as you rotate, you're gonna feel your shoulders and your hips kind of square to the ground a little bit. Using that entire side body.
We're staying here on this side for the entire, woo, 45 seconds. Shoulders outta your ears. Rotate. Good. You got it.
Good. Lift up on that side as you reach that dumbbell under hand. Yes, nice option JC right there. How's that oblique? Ha, the sneaky part of this is you're just holding a side plank for 45 seconds along with everything else you're doing.
That's a lot. Rest. Ugh. All right, we have a walk the plank. So you're gonna start on your hands.
Down, down, up, up. Two plank jacks. On the next one, down, down, up, up. You're gonna stand, two jumping jacks right there. You're on in 3, 2, 1.
Let's go. Down, down, up, up. Two plank jacks out, in, out, in, down, down, up, up. You walk it in. You jump it into a stand with those jumping jacks.
Here we go. Ah, I feel my shoulders. I feel my core. You got it. Breathe, find your pace.
Get that hurried up right here. This is your opportunity to feel so dang proud of what you're doing. Breathe. Relax those shoulders. You got it.
That jumping jack at the top, you don't have to come up. Maybe you don't come down and you just stick with jumping jacks the entire time. Woo. You have 7. Keep going.
6, 5, all the way. Don't quit, 3, 2, 1. Done, ooh. The challenge in that is trying to remember what goes next, right? Even that focus is part of the challenge here.
Mind body connection, right? All right, coming back to our butts. You're gonna sit on down. We're already on circuit number five. Let's go.
Isn't that impressive? This is gonna fly by you guys. All right, weight in the center. Option for legs to come up, Russian twist. So I want you to twist the weight all the way down.
The goal here is to try to really find that twist. So ditch the weight if it ever becomes too much. Feet come to the ground. Lots of options. Here we go in 3, 2, 1, you're on.
So it's twist, side to side. Trying to zip those feet together. If you have your feet on the ground, off the ground, it doesn't matter. What I don't wanna see is your knees rocking from side to side. Okay, so we wanna try as best we can to keep it in the center.
So maybe right here, if you're feeling a lot of hip flexors, drop it down and lean your chest back. Shoulders are slightly behind your hips. Right there. Yes, JC. Good love that twisting.
You're rinsing out the inner core. You're gonna feel this a little bit in your back as you squeeze that weight, relax those shoulders. You got it. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Weight comes with you.
We've got that opposite side plank reach through. So one dumbbell comes to hand. Make sure you're doing the opposite oblique, so you don't do the same oblique twice. You have 3, 2, 1, you're on. So it's side plank reach.
Reach that dumbbell underneath your armpit and open back up. Option to be on one hand and one knee like JC. Good. And like he said in that last round, it's a lot of just holding that side plank. Okay, if you don't like being on your forearm, option to take this one just like JC.
If you wanna stay on those toes, you can also stay on those toes. Right there, a little bit more balance is required on that one. So I'm gonna come back down to my forearm. Nice, JC. Right there, team.
Open up. You have eight more seconds. Eight is my number today. Good. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Ditch the weight all together. Get your weight out of the way. You're gonna stand up for that cardio burst. We have hop, hop, squat. So we're gonna move laterally.
You go hop, hop, turn and squat. Towards the opposite side in 3, 2, 1. You're on. So it's hop, hop, squat, hop, hop, squat. Option to take the jump out and just walk.
Hi, Sam. Hi. There we go. Option hands overhead as you hop, hop or you walk it out. Right here, use your core to twist yourself from the front to the side.
Use your abs. Core's engaged. Using those legs in that squat. Breathe. If you have a neighbor friend with you, smile at them.
Smile at us on your TV, on your device. You have 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Nice. Right there to the end. All right, breathe.
Let that heart rate come back into control. Last block. We've got a little bonus round, a little cool down and we're outta here. All right, come back down to the mat. If that heart rate is still high, let it come down.
I'm gonna tie my shoe before I hurt myself. And we're gonna lay all the way down. Dead bug position. So your knees are gonna be at 90 degrees. Hands reach towards the ceiling.
You drop your right leg down to the ground as the left arm goes overhead. And you come back to that dead bug position. Reaching side to side. Here we go in 3, 2, 1. So starting that 90 degrees dead bug position.
Same as that last movement that we did. Low back has got to stay planted down towards the ground. So maybe you don't straighten out those knees. If that's too much on the low back, but you keep your knees bent the entire time. Option to bring your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat for a little bit of advancement right there.
Good. You find it. Breathe, shoulders outta your ears. Come back to that 90 degrees. Now I want you to make sure your knees are not coming in towards you.
They stay right over your hips. Nice, JC, back. Right there, reach that arm long. Leg goes long. You got it.
Relax your neck. You have 4, 3, 2, 1. Flip it over. We've got twisted mountain climbers. So twisted means that we are bringing that knee right into the opposite elbow.
I'm like, what is this body part? Your elbow and knee goes to opposite elbow. 3, 2, 1. You're on. So it's drive it, find your pace.
It's twisted. So knee comes at a opposite elbow. Find your pace. If you wanna speed it up, you've got 45 seconds. This is not your cardio movement.
Now yes, it's gonna get that cardio up a little bit higher, but I want you to focus on twisting. Now, if you would like to slow it down, use that oblique to really, ugh, find that knee to elbow. 15 seconds. Breathe. Is anyone else feeling their obliques right here?
Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You have 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Rest. Stand it on up.
Last cardio push right here. You're gonna find a low squat. You're gonna tap it out, tap it in, jump. Tap it out, tap it in, jump. 3, 2, 1, you're on.
Tap it out, tap it in. This is your last cardio burst right here. You got a core burner finisher. So I want you to finish nice and strong. Option to follow JC, woo.
What's next? Great, tap out, tap in. No jump, calf raise. So you're still using the backside of those calves. Stay low, right here.
Breathe. Push it, push it. You have 20. That's halfway. You're almost there.
Breathe, relax your shoulders. Everything's burning. Keep it going, y'all come on. 10, stay with us. You got it.
Don't quit. Don't quit. Breathe. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Holy bananas.
We didn't do a lot of legs today, but man, I feel my legs. All right. All the things. Roll those shoulders. Two more minutes.
Give us two more minutes with a cool down. Two minutes to core burn it out. Okay, here's what's gonna happen. You have, your number today is six. Six V-Ups, looks like this.
Reach and I'm not great at these, so I'm gonna work on them with you. V-Up, you bring your hands towards your shin. Option for the legs to be bent and you just come here, okay? Six is your magic number. When you get to six, you lay down six leg razors, 1, hands out, hands behind your booty.
Okay, bend those knees. We'll give you options. Six shoulder blades come up. You're gonna tap your heel from side to side. So it's 1, 1, 2, 2.
You move at your own pace for two minutes and then we're done. So six, six and six. Are we ready? Let's go. We got the timer in 3, 2, 1, you're on.
See how many rounds you can get in. Hello, start with those V-Ups. You count your reps. Okay, we got the time for you. 4, if you're with me.
Woo. Find your rhythm. Once you finish that, arms go down to the ground. Six leg razors. You might already be done with those.
So if you're already done with those, great try. So maybe slow down and find that consistent speed right there. Breath, good. Right after these leg razors are those side heel taps. You got it.
Head, neck, and shoulders, relax down. Good, lift those shoulder blades up. It's 1, 1, 2, 2. We gotta even out the side bodies. Breathe, you got it.
Right there. Shoulder blades off the mat. Good. So again, you can do snow angels, snowballs. If you wanna hug it in, you can take that out.
We got one minute left. Where are you at? Ah, these V-Ups our killer. No matter what you're doing right here, find it. Breathe.
Ugh. Leg razors after those V-Ups. Lower and lift. Back stays on the mat right there. Good.
So try to use the low abs as you lower and as you lift. Now, if you find yourself rushing through one portion of this, right? Maybe try to make them even. So lower and lift at those same counts right there. Side heel taps.
You're almost done right here. Keep it up, y'all. Remember there's people doing this with you right here, right now. Come on. The struggle is real.
Now if you come back to this workout, you have 15 seconds, go. If you come back to this workout and you do it again and you're like, I remember there is a core finisher. Maybe you remember how many sets you got in. You challenge your pace every time. Ah, 3, 2, 1.
Ah, roll back, roll up, roll your shoulders outta your ears. We're gonna stay seated for a moment. We're gonna face you just so we are all together. Bring the soles of your feet together. Coming back to where we started, right in that little position.
All right, now just- It feels a little bit, feels a little bit more open now than it did last time. A little bit more supportive. Right, just lean forward. Now, if you kind of would like use your knees to press or use your knees, use your elbows to press your knees open. So it's really gonna be a little bit more in the hip flexor joint.
And again, everyone's flexibility is totally different. So find where you are right here. If your hips are super tight, maybe it just means we need to spend a little bit more time. Now, I used to be like really open in those hips and as I sit all day long, right? They kind of just cramp up a little bit.
So spend some time here, stretch out those legs long towards the front, reach those arms overhead and reach forward. Feeling those hamstrings again, just like you did at the very beginning of class. A lot of plank work, right, uses the lower body. So you might feel, you know, your quads a little bit. You might feel a lot more than just your upper body in plank work.
It is a total body move and it's just, it's so awesome. Well, when your core gets tired, you become aware of of what's willing to volunteer to do the work. Belly gets tired, your quads take over, your shoulders take over. Know yourself, right? Reach one arm across your chest, right.
A lot of shoulders when we're using the plank work right there. Relax your shoulder away from your ear. So as you pull it across, make sure you also pull your shoulder down. Reach that opposite arm across. Good, feeling that stretch through the shoulder, through the chest.
Good. Bring your left foot into your chest. Sit up tall. Find that twist, right? So opening up through the spine, the back, the obliques.
You guys, awesome work. Cardio plus core burner number three. 30 minutes of a little bit of extra core with that cardio burst, because why not? Yeah. Switch that opposite knee comes into your chest, pull it across.
Lift up tall feeling a little bit maybe in the outer glute. Good. Coming to all fours, I want you to find that quadruped position. So hands right underneath your shoulders, knee stacked underneath your hips. We're just gonna do a few cat cow.
Drop your belly, lift your gaze. Ugh. Feel the core. And then press down into the mat. As you lift your back all the way up to the sky.
Few cat cow down. Good. Lift your gaze. And then press your palms through the mat. Lift that belly button high.
One more just like that. Breathe. Good. Press through those palms one more time. Lift that back all the way up to the ceiling.
Find a neutral position. I want you to reach your left arm to the sky. Open up and you're gonna thread that needle all the way down. Good option right here. If you would like to lift that hand off the mat, reach it behind you, option to stay exactly where you are.
Good. Feeling the side body opening up just a little bit deeper. Good. If you took that wrap position, plant your palm to the ground, reach that right left arm high and plant it back down. Opposite arm comes up to the sky.
Open. Good. Thread that needle. You're almost done with your workout, with your stretch today. Ah, if you took that half bind on the other side, take it here.
Open up a little bit deeper. Stay where you're at. Good. If you took that half bind position, plant that palm back down to the ground. Reach that opposite arm to the sky.
Open up one last time. Good. Plant it. Find that high plank position. Press back.
Now downward facing dog, press your heels towards the mat. Pedal it out one more time today. Feel how this should feel a little bit different than the first pedal out you had earlier today. Good. Walk your feet towards your hands.
And roll up one vertebrae at a time. So good, team, 30 minutes. Cardio core burner number three, you're done. Check. Done.
That is off the list. Thanks for joining us. We'll bring another cardio plus core burner number four in the future. Check out some more stretching. Anything else you need, we have it.
Check it out in your library. And we hope to see you next time. Have a good one.
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