Chair Program - Chair Conditioning
Chris FreytagDescription
During this chair conditioning workout you will be challenged to move at your own pace. Go faster if you need to or slow it down if it moves too quickly. Our chair conditioning workout starts with some cardio moves to get your heart rate going and make you breath heavy. Then you will pick up your weights and strengthen your muscles for a set. After that it is back to cardio and then back to strength again. By the time the workout is finished you will cover all your major muscles, burn some fat and have a nice strong core! This awesome circuit-style format keeps your brain busy moving from one thing to another which makes the whole workout go fast! Not only that, you get everything done in one workout: cardio, strength AND core! Fantastic! One great thing you learn in this chair workout is that you can work hard doing everything low impact! In fact, our Low Impact AMRAPS class is another great example of that! Give is a try!
Level: Beginner
Equipment: Light to Medium Dumbbells, Chair
Instructor: Chris Freytag