Sam Cameranesi

Dance Fit #1

Sam Cameranesi
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Duration:   30  mins

Looking for a fun cardio workout that will get your heart pumping and your hips shaking? Join Trainers Sam Cam and Tara Putz for a full-on dance party. Dance Fit 1 is a fast-paced 30-minute dance routine with fun choreography that provides an invigorating workout. Sam will build the choreography blocks as she goes along. These moves are simple but sassy, helping you burn calories and smile while getting a great cardio workout in.

All you need is a little bit of space, some comfy clothes, and your dancing shoes (sneakers). Sweat will be dripping for sure!

Looking for another 30 minute dance jam workout? Check out Shadow Dancing with Jennifer Galardi.

If you are a gold member, Low Impact Dance It Off #2 is another energizing, butt-shaking workout!

Levels: Intermediate, Advanced
Equipment: Bodyweight
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi

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