Day 10: I am Balance
Get Healthy U TV EditorsDescription
The mantra so hum translates to I am.
Hearing or speaking these sounds helps bring you back into a state of balance, realizing that all that you are is complete in and of itself.
Hi, I'm Chloe Freytag with Get Healthy U TV. Welcome to today's meditation. Today, we're including a mantra in our meditation and with mantra, I want you to keep in mind that you have choices of how you utilize this tool in your meditation practice. So an option is to chant out loud and I'll give you an explanation of that and an example of that. Another option is to chant it in your minds, you can take that mantra and just bring it inside and mentally recite it.
Another choice is if you choose not to attach on to the mantra today, you can always focus on your long deep breath. So, find your way in to a comfortable sit that works for you, sit up nice and tall, place your hands in the position that feels good for you today. And then, make the choice to either close your eyes down, or just softly gaze to the floor. Starting with our three deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth, and if you choose to include your arms as well, lifting them up on the inhale, and down on the exhale. You can do that with me.
So together we'll take a big inhale through the nose, reach the arms all the way up Exhale mouth. letting it go, clearing out. Again, inhale reach up. Exhale, move all stress away. Again, inhale arms lift, open the chest, exhale let it go.
Let the hands return back to their resting position. Connecting now into your natural breath but taking it a bit slower and longer. Being present with your breathing. Today, the mantra we're utilizing is Om Shanti. Om is the universal energy and Shanti means peace.
So cultivating more peace within our own hearts, within our own minds so that we can bring more peace out into the world. So you can choose to chant along with me or chant it in your minds but the words again are Om Shanti. You can also just stick with that long deep breath. Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti. Continuing to chant in your mind or aloud.
I'm going to start chanting mentally here. Utilize whatever works for you maybe just sticking with that long deep breath. If you mind does start to wonder, bring it back to that mantra, coming back to those sounds or coming back to your breath. It's normal that our thoughts start to feel a bit distracting when we sit down to notice them. So that's why we have our tools such as mantra or such as watching the breath.
To bring ourselves back into that present space. Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti. Continuing with this mantra, either chanting mentally or aloud, how you feel comfortable. Paying attention to the breath flowing in and out. Using the sound to create more peace in your own mind, in your own heart.
When we feel at peace with ourselves, it's much easier to feel at peace with others. To feel at peace with whatever difficulties or situations present in your life. Accepting them as they are. Continuing with your mantra either in your mind or aloud. Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti.
Allowing these sounds to bring you back in to the awareness of the moment. Creating peace in your body as you sit comfortably. Peace in your mind as you relax and find more space between your thoughts. Alleviating stress so that you can feel better, so that you can more healthy. Feel more like yourself.
Staying present with your long deep breath. If your chanting mentally or if you're just focusing on your breath, or continuing to chant aloud with me if you'd like. Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti. Noticing as the more that you connect to these sounds, the more you continue the repetition of them. Naturally, you start to feel a bit calmer.
That wave of peace just washes over you. Making you feel more at ease in your body, more at ease in your mind. Breathing long and deep, attentive with your breath. Using that as a tool to refocus yourself in to the moment. And chanting one more time, aloud with me if you'd like or listening or just staying with your breath.
Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti. Closing our meditation together with one big deep breath in that will pause at the top of, feeling free to utilize your arms or if you want, bringing them up and then, taking the palms to press together at heart's center as we finish. Let's breath together, inhale through the nose, arms maybe reaching up pause at the top here, exhaling mouth, hands coming to heart's center. Take a moment to connect with gratitude. Feeling grateful for this moment of peace, this moment that you've created, that you've put in the commitment and the time for your health, for your mind, your body.
Slowly you can allow the hands to fall back to the knees. Gently blinking the eyes back forward and open. Thank you so much and great job meditating today. We'll see you tomorrow.
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