Day 3: Notice Your Energy Levels
Get Healthy U TV EditorsDescription
Each day your meditation practice may feel different and that’s okay.
Taking time to notice where you’re at and adjust your hands and body to support yourself will be key in finding balance over these next 2 weeks.
Hi, my name is Chloe Freytag and welcome to day three of our 14 day meditation challenge, here at Get Healthy U TV. I'm so proud of you for making it to your third day and I hope your meditation practice is becoming a bit more of a habit already, in your life. So, find your way into whatever comfortable seat that you'd like to choose, sitting up nice and tall, finding that neutral pelvis, lengthen the spine and then from here, you can either choose to close your eyes down or just softly gaze towards the floor. We'll begin with three deep breaths together as we set the tone and the space for our meditation through our breath. So take a big deep inhale through the nose, exhale all the air out through the mouth.
Again, big deep inhale in, exhaling mouth. Last time, really fill up the lungs inhale, and exhale, let it all go. Keeping yourself with that nice tall spine and bring all your attention to your breath. Remembering that the essence of meditation is breathing, is that simpLe activity of being conscious with your breath. So continue to bring your breath into a deeper place, maybe seeing if you can even have the breath come all the way down into your belly on that inhale.
Really using the full capacity of your lungs to breath. And as you breath long and deep, I invite you to explore some different positions, you can take the hands into, to help with your meditation. So if you're finding that you're feeling a little distracted or a little wandering in your thoughts in meditation, a great option is to place them on your knees face down, this helps you to ground your energy, focusing into the present moment. If you're noticing that today that you feel a little bit kind of tired or your meditation starts to make you feel sleepy, I invite you to switch the hands to face them up. Facing the palms, face up, resting the back of the hands on the knees and even taking the first finger and thumb together to touch.
This helps us stimulate focus. Keeps us able to stay very present and awake even as we are relaxed in this position. Let those long deep breaths continue, staying deeply connected to your breathing. Keep the eyes closed or softly gazing down and notice how this breath has had an affect on you for these last three days. Have you found that it's become easier for you to show up?
Are you looking forward to your meditations each day? Are you feeling that calm energy that comes from simply breathing long and deep? Take a couple more breaths at your pace. And as we close out our meditation together, we'll take one deep breath that we'll pause at the top of and then exhale out the mouth. Deeply inhale in through your nose.
Slowly start to blink your eyes back open to gaze forward. See how easy it is to just take five minutes of your day and develop a meditation habit? Stick with me, we've got 11 more days here so, see you tomorrow.
I liked the suggestions for different hand positions. I often feel a bit sleepy during meditation!