Day 5: Mental Notes
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As we grow deeper into our meditation practice, we can see our mental fluctuations day today.
Some days, it’s easier than others, but no matter what, we stay committed to ourselves and check in every day, allowing wherever our mind is at that day to be enough.
Hi, my name is Chloe Freytag and welcome to day five of our 14-day meditation challenge here at Get Healthy U TV. Thank yourself for committing to this practice and being willing to show up every single day. And I hope that, as we go on, it's becoming easier and you're seeing that five, 10 minutes starts to kind of fly by yet has a profound effect on your day. So go ahead and find your way into whatever comfortable position you'd like to sit in today. Try a different hand position maybe if you'd like.
Get yourself with that pelvis in a neutral position, sitting up nice and tall through the chest, and then either make the decision to close your eyes or softly gaze down towards the floor. We'll start our meditation as we always do with our big three breaths in, exhaling out through the mouth, as we sort of clean the slate of our mind and get ourselves in that space of meditation. So take a big deep inhale in through the nose, exhale the air out the mouth. Two more times. Big, deep breath in, exhale, let everything go.
Last one, deepest inhale, and completely exhale. Bring your attention in to your breath, taking it longer and deeper. Staying present with that breath as you sit comfortably at ease. Start to do a mental check-in with yourself. So noticing how you're feeling today, where your energy levels are at in this moment.
Are you feeling a bit tired or maybe extra active? Just notice. And get deeper into your awareness of your mind as you start to notice your thoughts. And allow the thoughts to come. A lot of people find that meditation is supposed to be about clearing the thoughts.
But truly we never become thoughtless. We really lengthen the pause between the thoughts. So allow whatever thoughts are coming in to just come and go. Being gentle with yourself and knowing everything is okay. If a lot of thoughts are moving through, it's totally okay.
If the mind is slower today and there's less thoughts moving through, that's all right as well. Just notice and be present with where your mind is at today. Keeping that long, deep breath flowing through as you stay aware of your mental space. Noticing if you tend to grab onto the thoughts and keep them developing new thoughts, or if your thoughts are kind of flowing through and you stay detached from them, just letting them come, letting them happen. Not becoming worried or attaching in to the thoughts.
Just letting them be. Continuing with your long, deep breaths. Continuing to stay present with whatever mental activity is happening for you. Knowing that simply committing to sitting and breathing every day, will have an impact on your mental health. And not becoming too attached to the experience or how it is when you're actually sitting.
Just knowing that that effect happens on its own. And keeping yourself connected to this present moment through the breath. We'll close out our meditation with one deep breath together, pausing here at the top, and then once more exhaling out through the mouth. Take a deep inhale in, pause for a moment, keep the body relaxed, stay present with your mind, and big exhale out the mouth. Gently start to blink your eyes back open and forward.
Thank you so much for meditating. Have a great rest of your day and we'll see you tomorrow.
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