GOLD LIVE Class: Flow & Yin Yoga 3

Sheila Chenier
Duration:   32  mins


Join us for this Get Healthy U TV live workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! If you liked Flow & Yin 1 and 2, you’ll love Flow & Yin 3. This format provides the perfect blend of Vinyasa Flow yoga with a Restorative Yin practice. We start the first half of class with an energizing vinyasa flow sequence to strengthen the muscular tissues and bring heat to the body. We will spend the second half of the class with a grounding Yin sequence where we hold the poses for a length of time to provide deep stretching in the muscles and connective tissue. This class led by Sheila is the ultimate balance of heat building flows with mindful holding of poses. Get ready to bliss out and feel great!

Level: All Levels
Equipment: Mat
Instructor: Sheila Chenier

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Welcome, squad. Welcome, Get Healthy U TV. We're here today giving you a combination of a Vinyasa Flow and a Yin class. The Yin, Shelley, is awesome. And guess who I have with me today?

My girl, Shelley Hawkins is here today. Good morning, sweetheart. It's so good to be with you. Thank you, thank you. And I am Sheila Chenier.

So we got the Ss going on here, the Shelleys and the Sheilas. With all of the asanas, all the poses, do you. Now remember some of the asanas, the names, don't worry about 'em, just breathe. Yin is about releasing and letting go, and I am a Type A personality, and I know my lady Shelly is too. Yes.

So I had to learn yin, I had to allow yin to give me that space of peace, and I encourage you to take that time, come out of the poses just like you would anything else. Breathe into it and come back. I'll guide you through. We'll be with you all the way. So let's go ahead and get started on the earth.

So, coming down to the earth, and go ahead and lie down. Just get a full body stretch. I know a lot of you are like, "I just woke up, Sheila. Why am I down here again?" Just don't fall asleep. Full body stretch.

Breathe here. So let's go into that wrap. This breath is called Ujjayi Ramayana. Victorious breath. Inhaling through the nose.

Exhale through the nose. Inhaling through the nose. Exhale through the nose. Continue with this breath. I invite you to close your eyes whenever you can.

Continue with that breath. One more breath here. Full inhale. And full exhale. Arms come down along the sides of the body.

Now go ahead and take a bend into the knees. Now feet are gonna go wide. So get your baby toes to the outside of your mat. Arms can come out to a T. We're gonna gently rock our knees over to the right side.

So these are called windshield wipers. So rock and hold with the feet wide, it gives you that moment to open up the hip flexor and quad from the thigh. Not so much a spine twist. Take another inhale. And exhale.

Inhale. Bring the legs back to center and I'll take that over to the other side. Rock those knees over. Now allow your head to stay center. I'm just looking at you, smiling at you.

So feel that opening out of that top hip. Oh, this feels good. Just waking up the body a little bit. So now let's add one breath, one motion. Inhale, come back to center.

Exhale, rock the knees over. Inhale to center. Exhale, rock the knees over to the other side. One more time. Inhale to center.

Exhale, rock the knees over. Inhale to center. Exhale, rock the knee over. Inhale, come back to center please. Now walk your feet in.

Let your big toes touch. And then now let the soles of the feet touch. So this is butterfly pose. So we're gonna add something to the butterfly pose. Bring your hands down about 45 degree angle from the hips.

From this point, you're gonna tuck the tailbone. Press your lower back into the earth. Now we're gonna stay right here. Take an inhale and then exhale. Find your neutral.

This is just a check in. One more time. Exhale, press the back down. Inhale. So now we're gonna turn this into a butterfly bridge.

Inhale. Exhale. Press into the feet. Lift, squeeze the glutes. Inhale, hold fine.

Lengthen through the neck. Exhale and lower yourself down. One vertebra at a time. Inhale. Let's get two more.

That felt so good. And exhale. And tuck. Peel and lift. Inhale, squeeze.

Exhale. Lower yourself down. One more time. Inhale. Exhale.

Tuck. Lift, squeeze. Hold here. Two more breaths. Inhale.

Exhale. One more breath please. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale and slowly, slowly, lower yourself down.

Ah, good. Bring those thighs in towards each other. Draw knees in toward chest. Give 'em a hug. Gently rock yourself side to side.

Or maybe make a little circle. One direction. And then the other direction. So how do you come up off the earth? Option: you can roll to one side or roll yourself up.

Sitting up nice and tall. Arms rise up. Reach up, extend over the head. Shell, how you doing? I'm good.

Exhale, twist. Turn to the right side. Shoulders down, spine tall. Sitting up nice and tall. Inhale, arms reach.

Exhale, twist. Turn to the other side. Now press into the fingertip and lift the heart. Breath. Take that again.

Inhale. Arms reach. Exhale. Twist, turn. Inhale.

Arms reach. Exhale, twist, turn. One more time please. Inhale. Arms reach.

Exhale, twist, turn. Inhale. Exhale. Twist, turn. I think it's time to start moving.

Inhale. Exhale. Hands come down. Meet in all fours. Now option: you can stay cross or uncross and rock.

Honor your knees today. Find where you need to go. Come to all fours. Spew the fingers wide. Knees underneath the hips.

Exhale to cat back. Tuck, chin to chest. Round out. Oh yeah. Inhale the cow stretch.

Exhale, round the back. Inhale through the nose. Exhale through the nose. One more time please. Inhale to cow stretch.

Exhale to cat back. Inhale. Find tabletop. Spew the fingers wide, like little starfish. Send them out and send weight into the pointer and the thumb and really press through.

And then get the pinky down and just web the fingers out. Curl toes under downward facing dog. Walk it out. Oh, walking out feels so good. Nice.

So team, today I have a lot of footwork for you today. Just to release the soles of the feet. Our feet are like the forgotten ones. They get stuck in shoes all winter long. Keep walking it out.

This feels good. Oh, good. Two more breaths. Inhaling and exhale. One more breath.

Inhale and exhale. If you need to keep moving, keep moving. But then settle out and find your down dog. Push the seat back. Allow the chest to drop down.

Now feel as if you're trying to turn your elbows to your knees. As if, as if. So, feel that little rotation. Push back. More weight into the fingertips and lessen into the heels of the hands.

One more breath here. Keep sinking. Inhale. Exhale. You're gonna walk yourself to the top of your mat.

So walk it right underneath. Inhale for a half. Lift. Gaze goes high. Seat goes high.

Exhale, full tuck, chin to chest. Inhale, bend the knees. Rise, reach. Exhale. Find your back bend.

Now back bends, you decide. Do you need to support your back today? Breath. Moving into Sun A. Inhale.

Exhale. Swan dive. Fold. Hinge. Inhale, half lift, find length.

Exhale, fold. Inhale, step a foot back. Doesn't matter which one you've got two. Step the other back. So option here.

Hang here for a moment. In your plank, you can come down to your knees, but wherever you are, roll the shoulders back. Push away from the earth, take a breath and lower yourself all the way down to the earth. All the way down. On curled toes, squeeze arms into the body.

Now press the feet into the earth and let's lift the chest. A little nod in the chin. Breath. So get about 90% of your energy in your feet. Get about another 10 in your hands.

Press back. Down dog or extended child's post, you decide. Two breaths here to inhale and exhale. One more breath please. Inhaling and exhale, look between the hands.

Bring yourself to the top of your mat. Inhale, half lift. Lift through the spine. Exhale, fold. Inhale.

Bend the knees. Rise and reach. Arms reach, extend up overhead. Exhale. Swan dive.

Last time, sun A. A inhale half lift, gaze up. Exhale, fold. Chin to chest. Inhale, step or jump back, you decide.

Exhale. Lower. Chaturanga. Squeeze, lift the heart. Up dog, knees down or up.

Cobra low, high cobra. Down dog. Breath. Two breaths. Inhale.

Exhale. Oh, that felt so good, Shelly. I think we should do it again. One more time. Bring yourself to the top of your mat.

Big step, walk, fold. Inhale, half lift. Exhale, fold. Bend the knees. Rise, reach.

Find your back bend. Inhale, high mountain. Exhale. Swan dive. Fold.

Inhale, half lift. Exhale, fold. Inhale, step it back or float it back. Exhale, lower. Squeeze everything into the body.

Inhale. Lift. Exhale. Down dog. Breathing here.

Inhale. And exhale. One more breath with that head hang. Inhale. Exhale.

Look right between the hands. Bring yourself to the top of your mat. Inhale, half lift. Exhale and fold. Listen up.

Cheer pose. Drop the seat. Sit low into your chair. Now biceps can be to ear. Arms can come shoulder height, or hands to heart center.

Breath here. Inhale. Arms up. Exhale. Hands to heart center, and fold.

Inhale, half lift. Sorry. Namaskara B. Exhale. Fold.

Sun salutation B. Step or float back. Lower. A lot of tricep pushups today. Oh!

Downward facing dog. Breath. Right leg goes high. Send it high to the sky. Exhale, step it through.

Rotate back, heel down. Find your warrior one. Sink. Breath. And maybe you get that little back bend.

But honor that knee. Notice that knee is not back. We're extended to forward. So right between. Breath here.

Inhale. Exhale. Hands come down to the earth. Ready for your Chaturanga, your option. Float that leg.

Down dog. Breath. Inhale. We're gonna take it right away over to the other side. Inhale, left leg high.

Exhale, step it through. Inhale. Rotate. Back foot down. Rise up.

Sink. Breathe. You've been here before. Breath. Inhale.

Exhale. Hands come down to the earth. Listen up. Step to the top of your mat. Inhale, half lift.

Gaze up, seat up. Exhale. Fold. Chin to chest. Inhale, chair pose.

Exhale, hands to heart center. Rise, reach, find your back bend. And hands to heart center. Round two. Shelly?

Inhale. Arms reach. She's like, yeah, whatever. Exhale, tramples. Inhale.

Hands to heart center. Exhale, fold. Inhale, half lift. Exhale, fold. Inhale.

Step or jump back. Exhale to lower. Inhale to lift. Exhale. Down dog.

One breath, one motion. Inhale. Right leg high. Exhale. Step it through.

Inhale warrior one. Exhale. Hands down to the earth. Inhale. High plank.

Exhale. Chaturanga, then Dandasana. Inhale. And ramuka. Upward facing dog.

Exhale. Downward facing dog. Inhale. Whew! I know, cardio!

Exhale. Step that left it through. Inhale. Warrior one. Exhale.

Hands come down to the earth. Inhale. Find your plank. Exhale. Lower.

Inhale. Lift. Exhale. Did you notice I gave you an extra vinyasa? You're welcome.

Oh, my! I know! Breathe here. Inhale and exhale. How you doing Shelly?

I think I'm good. Wow! One more breath here. Are we ready to play? Of course we are.

Yes! Inhale. Right leg goes high. Exhale, right knee to nose. Inhale.

Right leg high. Exhale, right knee, right armpit. Inhale. Right leg high. Exhale, right knee, left armpit.

Inhale. Right leg high. Exhale, right footsteps through. Open up to warrior two. Now Shelly, can you stay where you are?

Yes! Good. I'm gonna turn and face you for a second. So you get two sides of the corner. So you're gonna have that back toe, that left toe turned in, that right knee is bent.

Breathing here. Reverse your warrior. Breath. We'll inhale. Exhale.

Side angle. Reach your armpit over knee. Keep reaching, keep going, keep going, keep going. And then open up. Breath.

Inhale. Exhale. So now lower down that left hand. Twist. See?

Hello! Now ready for a side plank? I think so. So now, you think so? So now that right foot, step it back.

Side plank. Whew! That's sneaky. Yes. Find a plank.

Chaturanga. Lower. Lift. Down dog. Breathe here.

Full inhale. Feel that seat going high. Stay there. Feel as if I'm pressing right between your shoulder blades and I'm pushing your seat way back. Heels down or up?

One more breath here. Inhale. Exhale. Ready for the other side? Of course we are.

Inhale, go and take that left leg high. Left knee to nose. Come on. Pull it in. Send it back.

Left knee, left armpit. Look over the shoulder. Left leg high. Left knee, right armpit. Cross.

Smile. Woo! Send it back. Send it through. Next step.

Open up. Warrior two. Stay here. Sink here. Open here.

Using that breath full inhale. And exhale. Reverse your warrior. Breathe. Side angle, reach.

Extend. Oh, man. Whew! Sun is getting hot. Twist it right hand down.

Left up. Step back side plank. Sneaky one. I know! Find your plank.

Chaturanga. Up dog or cobra, knees down. Down dog. Oh, I know, I hear you, team. Can help you.

I hear you. You're saying, "One more time." Okay. Inhale. Right leg high. Right knee to nose.

Right leg high. Right knee, right armpit. Right leg high. Right knee, left armpit. Right leg high.

Step it through as you exhale. Inhale. Open up to warrior two. Exhale. Inhale, reverse your warrior.

Exhale. Side angle. Inhale. Left hand down. Twist.

Exhale, side plank. Breathe. Play here if you like. Breath. Find your plank.

Whew! Lower. Lift. Down dog. Whoa.

Good news. One more leg. Yay. Breath! Left leg high.

Left knee to nose. Left leg high. Left knee, left armpit. Left leg high. Left knee, right armpit.

Left leg high. Left foot steps through. Warrior 1. Two. One or two.

Pick one. Reverse your warrior. Exhale, side angle. Reach. Breathe.

Inhale. Lower twists. Peel up that back heel. Side plank. Now this time maybe two peace fingers.

Hold onto that toe. And you lift, you kick. Wow. Okay. Find your plank.

Chaturanga. So yoga's about exploring. Down dog. Breathe here. Full inhale.

And exhale. Come on team, come down to your knees. Whew! How you feeling? Are you ready for more?

I feel awake. So our feet, like I said, they're the forgotten ones. So if you need something under your knees, you're gonna go ahead and fold a couple of towels, or if you have a blanket, and that can go under your knees. I'm not gonna use that, I'm gonna use it for a second just to show you where I'm going here. And then from there, come to all fours.

Now that right foot, it's gonna go right into the arch. So I'm gonna turn, this is gonna give you a lovely view. So it goes right into the arch. Like you're holding feet. There you go.

Wow. So holding from there. Now, if you need your block, maybe bring it with you and you walk back. If you're going, "Sheila, I do not have a block." So now the top of your right foot is pressing into the arch of the left. Now that's getting deep into the fascia.

I know you're going, "Sheila, how long?" This one we're gonna try to see here for about 30 seconds. 15 are down. Another 15 to go. Team, yes we can. Breath here.

This is healing for the soles of the feet. A lot of people who run, they complain about, oh my feet, I'm getting cramping, stiffness in my feet. Take this a couple of times. Two more breaths. We'll sun.

Inhale. Exhale. One more breath. Inhale. Exhale.

Press yourself forward. If you have a block, move it outta the way. Uncross, curl those toes under. Down dog. Oh, now how-- That was not comfortable.

How does your left foot feel? You should feel like, wow, I got a little bit of energy going through it. The right foot is going. I don't get it. Breath here.

Fan out those toes. Now come back to kneeling. So now, same thing. Left side, left foot. Get right top of the foot, right into that arch.

Once you're there, sit back. So here's something beautiful about the body. Each side is not created equal. Yes, it is your body, but we have a dominant and recessive side. And you'll be able to feel something a little bit more.

When you're in these yen poses, if you start to feel a sharp pain, pull out of it, come out of it. Re shift. You might be hitting on a tendon or nerve - not so much tendon - a nerve, and that might give you a little zing feeling. Breathe here. Ah, Let the shoulders roll back.

Sit back. Breath. So my left foot was going, "Oh, how much longer?" My right foot said, "Can we stay here forever?" I know, I know. Breath. Team, three more breaths.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. One more breath.

Inhale. Soften those shoulders. Exhale. Inhale, shift yourself forward. Woo!

Yeah. Curl the toes under. Down dog. Walk it out. Oh man, does that feel amazing.

Mm. Find your stillness, and maybe your heels touch the earth. Maybe they don't. Okay? And that's the beauty in your body.

You look different. Come to all fours. Here's another nice little zinger. And I'll turn so you can see this one again. So now I'm gonna take my shin and I'm gonna rub it along my gastric, my calf.

And I'm gonna find a spot that might be a little bit more tender and then sit back on it. Whew. Yep, that's it. So this one, yeah, you grin and bear. So here's where you are in this.

Now in your yen pose, it might be a part where you feel like it catches your breath, it snaps it away from you. Here's where you come back to that space of settling in, where you come back to that space of release and you inhale into the chest. You exhale into the area that might hold that tightness. Inhale it. Exhale.

One more breath as you inhale. Exhale. Now pressing yourself forward. Oh, take that out. Tap out those feet.

We're gonna go right away over to the other side. So cross, you know, find that spot for you. Everybody's spot is different. Might be higher up on the gastric. And once you're there, you breathe here.

Now if you need to bend or flex the ankle on the other side to pop your butt up a bit. Or if you have a block or something and you wanna put it right underneath that hip, you go ahead and do so. It's like, "Now you tell me?" I know because at first if I had to told you that you would've went and done it. So breathing here, hang in there. Inhaling.

And exhale. Sheila, is that top foot flat, or are you on your toes? It can be flat or it can be flexed. Okay. Whichever one feels right.

So this side is, like I said, it's a little tighter on this side for me. So I flex and I'm like, oh, try not to let my muscles take over. I'm gonna encourage my muscles to sink and release. One more breath. Inhale.

Exhale. Oh, bring yourself forward. Oh man. Shake 'em out. Final piece for her feet.

Now press back just a little bit. Push the seat back and then come back. Center. Keep the toes curled under. Press back.

So this is option one. Come forward. Option two, press back, walk back, sit back and breathe. So finding that length from the crowd of the head. Get a little tuck and if you like a little bit more, lean back.

Breath. So you can feel that deep stretch into the sole of the foot. See if you can take that baby toe and pull it out. My legs to curl under. So we get every toe active in this.

Yeah, my baby toe's like, "No! Don't touch me! I wanna stay there." Breath here. Inhaling. Exhale.

I promise you the next piece of our yen, you're gonna be ready to fall asleep, okay? These not so much, okay? Breath. But if you're a runner, if you're doing our total body conditioner, any of Shelly's classes, you're gonna love these. Beautiful, Sheila.

It's archie too. I know, I know. It's one of those where you go, oh! Right. Two more breaths please, team.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Bring yourself forward.

Oh! Oh yes. Uncurl 'em. Shake 'em out. Final down dog.

Seat goes high. If you have something under your knees, you can move it out of the way. Walk those legs out just as as we did before. Your block can come up to the top of the mat if you have a block. So notice if you don't have a block at home, any hard surface.

So if you have a book, what I've done is I've taped up a book so that the book doesn't open up and I use that as my block. Perfect. One more breath. Find stillness. Ah, sink here.

Breath. Shift the body forward. Come down, let the knees come down. Let the forearms come down. Find you sphinx pose and lift the chest.

So, here for a little bit longer. Breathe here. So this should feel really good. Give a little space in those legs. Lift the chest.

Well Shelly, can you stay here in this option? Yep. Another option. You're like, "Oh of course I can." Another option is to straighten out those arms. Shoulders go back and down.

You lift the heart, send the heart through. So we went through into the feet. Now the back. So feeling that strength and that opening through the front of the body. We did a lot of chatarungas, otherwise known as tricep pushups.

Breath here. Inhale. Exhale. Two more breaths. Inhale.

And exhale. One more breath. Inhale. And exhale. Lower yourself down.

So if you have anything that could be in your way, put it out in front of you. So going into now, take a bend into your left knee. So this is gonna be a prone tree pose. So face down tree pose. So tree pose, left foot is in.

Using breath, holding right here. You're gonna go ahead and thread the needle. So now this right leg, right arm slides right underneath. And you're gonna thread it and move to that right shoulder. Right ear might touch the earth.

Or you might make a fist with that left. Oh! So coming into what looks like a tree pose, but getting a little opening into the groin area on that right leg, getting a beautiful stretch, upper body, through your posterior delt and part of the traps. Oh, this feels so good. It does.

Breath here. So breathe here for a bit. Allow the body just to sink down. So imagine your body is like a brick, and you're gonna allow the brick to go down through the earth. And shaking isn't required.

And it's okay. Breathing here, finding that softness. Finding that release. Two more breaths. I want you to inhale.

And exhale. One more breath, inhaling. And exhale. Now using that left hand, press yourself up. Now take the arms out to a T.

Now turn your left ear to the earth. Now slide right hand in and push yourself over. So now you're gonna stack the legs. So now getting a beautiful stretch and pectoral of that left side. Now maybe that right leg goes behind and you open up a little bit more.

Maybe you take that right hand and it goes behind. And you hold on to that left tricep. I know. Ah! Inhaling.

And exhale, close your eyes. Two more breaths. Inhale. And exhale. Final breath please.

Inhale. And exhale. Releasing that right arm forward, stacking the legs. Use that hand to press yourself back over to your belly. Breath.

You'll set one hand top the other, separate the legs. Just rock the hips just a bit. We're gonna go right away over to the other side. So find stillness. Arms come out to a T.

Now we're gonna take that left leg. So you can't that much see us where we are. But that left leg is out to the side. So now that left arm, same side, left arm is gonna slide right underneath, left ear comes to the earth. You can stack like this and rest here.

Think quietly tipping over to the left side. Breathe here. Inhaling. And exhale. Whoops, I'm sorry.

So Shelly, you said you find what? A little more difficult. Why is that more difficult on different sides of the body? Oh yeah. But, why?

It's just... And you know the beauty about yoga, well the beauty about anything, but yoga teaches us this. That we make no judgements. We don't criticize ourselves or others. We just accept it and respect the differences.

And we move on. Exactly. We're almost done, team. Breathing here. Inhaling.

And exhale. Inhale. And exhale. Two more breaths. Inhale.

And exhale. Final breath here. Inhale. And exhale. Now start to use that right hand.

Press yourself up. Release the arm. And now letting that right arm stay out, you're gonna slide that left hand in and you're gonna stack the legs. So getting that arm, press the shoulder down to the earth. This is what you couldn't see from the other side.

So bend the knees, and then open yourself up. And then maybe left arm comes behind and holds on to that right arm. I know it's there somewhere. Anyway. It's like I left home today with it.

Where did it go? Breath, inhaling and exhale. So if you're here, you're going calling uncle. Then take that leg back center and bring that arm around in front. So what we're trying to do in yen is release the muscles.

Inhaling. And exhale. Inhale. And exhale. Two more breaths.

Inhale. And exhale. One more breath. Inhale. And exhale.

So if that left arm is behind, bring it around in front. Press through the hand, stack the legs. Push yourself up, walk the hands in, press yourself back. Find yourself on all fours. Walk the hands forward.

So heart melting pose or puppy, whatever you'd like to call it. Allow yourself to sink here. So final poses right here. Breathing here. So yen poses are typically held anywhere from five to actually 10 minutes.

So in a yen class, you might go through maybe four poses in an hour class. I know seems like an eternity. A lot of holding. I know a lot of holding cuz we're going deep into the fascia. So yen is about healing.

Breath here. Unlike like your vinyasa is healing too, but it's strengthening, it's vigorous. One more breath here please, team. Inhaling. And exhale.

Please know you can stay in this puppy dog as long as you'd like or maybe bring yourself onto your back and rest in savasana for a bit. But we're gonna come up. Come to the seated position. So yoga's about you doing you, it's about you taking what you need. My prayer is that this practice moves you further than just your physical, but your mind and your spirit.

Thank you so much for being here with us at Get Healthy U TV. God bless you with love, peace, and compassion. Namaste.

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