GOLD LIVE Class: Hatha Yoga 1
Sheila ChenierDescription
Join us for this Get Healthy U TV live workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Try this Hatha yoga practice led by Sheila Chenier, our newest GHUTV trainer. Hatha yoga is a practice full of static postures, mindful breathwork and at a manageable pace. Sheila will help you relax while stretching out your muscles. All levels are welcome. Come enjoy the Zen!
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Mat
Instructor: Sheila Chenier
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Hello everybody. I'm way back here, but I'm gonna come over here. This is a really, really special day today. You guys know I'm Chris Freytag, founder of get healthy UTV, and we are here today with a yoga practice. But I would like to introduce you to our newest trainer.
Her name is Sheila Chenier. Hi honey. Hi. I'm so excited to have you here. I'm so excited to be here.
Sheila and I go way back. We started our Pilates training together about 15 years ago. That's right we were 15. We were 15 when we started, hence we're 30. And Sheila has been an extraordinary yoga presence in our community.
She, I love her classes. I've been wanting to bring someone on board that had a little different yoga flare than just me. And Sheila just embodies everything we were looking for. She's a little quieter than me. I've got a very loud voice, but Sheila also, I know you don't mind, is now going to trump me in age.
I have always been the mother of this group, the oldest. I'm the grandmother. So, Sheila I have to tell you this only so that you can be so inspired. Sheila's turning 60 this year. Yes.
Girlfriend, you look like a fricking million bucks. I try. Yep, and it's all about up here, right? That's right. It's what we do to train our brain.
The mind first. The mind first. So, I think you guys are gonna really enjoy Sheila's yoga practices. We've been talking about this for awhile. Our members have been asking for more yoga, and you know we all know, I think you could survey a whole class.
I know, you know- Yes. like I do. And if you said, who needs more yoga 95% would raise their hand, because we aren't good about getting enough of that, but it's mindset and body. So, I'm going to step back and take my place on the mat. I'm gonna do the best I can.
We've got Sheila here with us for 45 minutes, approximately. So, welcome to the squad. Thank you, Chris. Thank you, Here we go. My name is Sheila, as Chris said.
We're gonna go through a little bit of a flow. Hatha just means sun and moon breath in motion. Have fun with it, make it your own. We're here just to have a good time, and you know, you'll get a soul- To let you know our little motto, out motto here is a no shame in the modified game. Oh yeah, I used to call no condo no bondo.
No combination, no bondage. Whatever you do, it's beautiful, you're beautiful as you are. So, let's get started. I love it. Let's take a nice inhale, arms reach up.
Exhale, hands to heart center. Taking that again, inhaling. Just your breath, so, inhale. Exhale, hands to heart center. This is called Samasthiti.
Equals standing pose. At any time you need to come to this pose, please welcome it. So, coming into our breath, our prana. Our pranayama. Take a deep inhale through the nose.
Open mouth exhale. Inhale through the nose. Open mouth exhale. One more time, please. Inhaling through the nose.
Open mouth exhale. And now start to seal the lips. Inhaling through the nose. Exhale, through the nose. You can close your eyes here.
Inhaling through the nose. Exhale through the nose. One more time. Let's inhale, and exhale. Let's come into common to this breath and as I said, this breath is called your Ujjayi Pranayama.
And you'll hear an audible sound by creating a restriction in the back of the throat. And it has the oceanic sound effect. So, any time you feel like your mind and your body goes somewhere else, go on back to the breath. Moving into chair pose, awkward pose. Arms rise up, reach up.
Exhale, bend the knees, send the weight back into the heels. Arms come forward. Wiggle all ten toes, and then relax the toes to the earth, and use the toes like little suction cups. And hands come to heart center. If you'd like to shorten your levers.
Breath here, rise up, reach up. Coming to a backbend, cactus arms and baby or today, a supportive back bend, lifting the heart. Two breaths, inhale and exhale. One more breathe inhale and exhale. And now arms rise reach Hands to heart center going into chair pose, awkward pose again.
Now I'm encouraging your left leg to step back. Step your left foot back From here biceps to ear, If you have your shoulders sliding back and down. I'm gonna take my hands to hips and still the straighten out that front leg and rotate that back heel down. Go ahead and bend that front knee. This is called warrior one, biceps come ear.
I encourage that left shoulder to come forward breathe and maybe like a backbend. Breathing here you inhale and exhale coming back to center hands to heart center place Now take a tiny little twist to the right side. I'm tight today. That's okay. So open arms, how's that feel for you?
Let's try to move that back heel a little bit. That'll take a little bit out. There you go, your hip flexors feel a lot better. Awesome. Breathe inhale.
Come back to center. So option if warrior one, not working for you bring the heel up, remember it's your practice hands to our center, step to the top of your mat. Inhale, arms reach. Let's take that through the other side. Chair pose sink.
Breathe. Nice and comfortable here. We're gonna send that right leg back. Breathe, sink. We're going to start to straighten out that front leg.
We're going a little bit faster. Rotate that back heel down. Bend the front knee. So warrior one, so remember your options? Biceps here, breathe, keep sinking.
Are you smiling a little bit Chris? Awesome Yes, so yoga's not torture, it's fun honestly. I'm really focusing on my breath. That is the hardest part I think is keeping that funny on my breathing. You get so lost and what your, where your poses that you forget about the breathe, and the breathe is what takes you to the pose.
So lift the arms, front twist. Back heel lifts, sink. Breathe, hands to heart center, sink. Maybe a little bend in that back leg. So let's say we can add to that hands to heart center.
Pause, chair pose reach. Find your chair pose breathe, left foot now steps back. Sink. Straighten up front leg, rotate back heel down or warrior one bend front knee. Breathe.
Inhale. Chris can we add on? Twist. I'm ready Lift that back heel. Keep your twists, so this is called twist the chair pose, step into it.
Keep that twist. Maybe hands the heart side, and how does that feel? Good Lets see if those knees, if we can encourage them to just tip to the- Inner thigh baby Oh yeah! add doctors all the way. Come back to center.
Let's fold. Walk the hands over to the right side. Coming back to center. Walk the hands to the left side. Back to center place.
Bend the knees, drop to seat. So this is called half chair pose product of utkatasana. So maybe one bicep to ear, maybe the other bicep to ear. And your gaze goes down to the arm, lift the chest, find your chair pose rise reach, back bend. Breathe inhale, hands to heart center.
Clear your slate. Let's do that two more times. Inhale arms reach, exhale hands to heart center. One more time. Inhale, acknowledging your thoughts, turning those thoughts into words, words into actions.
Pause. Reset. Two open off breaths here as you inhale. Exhale. One more time.
Inhale. Exhale. Seal the lips, inhaling through your nose. Exhale through your nose. Blinking eyes open through close, arms reach.
Let's take it to the other side chair pose, sink. Breathe and tidy up, push back and sink. Now right leg steps back, breathe. Biceps to ear. Straighten out that front leg back heel drops down.
Breathe. Good and sink into that front leg, warrior one. Breathe. Open twist on the left side. Peel that back heel up.
Keep sinking. Breathe. Maybe stay here, our hands to heart center. There is, a twisted crescent step to the top of your mat. Twisted chair pose, sink.
Now maybe you go lower. Elbow, goes on the outside you drop the seat, a little bit of the head. Inhale to find center. This time you rise reach. Exhale, hands to heart center.
Bring hands to hips. Step the feet out wide. So moving into goddess pose. Oh! Love it!
Toes out, heels in. Now you're going, see look Chris. We've done this before, yes! You do this in your fitness classes all the time, just less strictly for the quads, hamstring, engage in the core. Get your shoulders roll back.
Sink that one more time, sink. So you might call it a sumo squat, rise up, you might call it a Buddha, squat whatever it is, bend your knees and enjoy it. Reach up. One more time, sink . Breathe.
How are we doing? Oh baby, I love this! Hmm yeah! I got to think about keeping my back long Yeah its cause always what you tend to do, I'm just gonna turn sideways for you. A lot of you want to arch out the back.
Right?. Just drop the seat. Oh, tuck it under. Yeah! Breathe.
Rise up lift up, hands to heart center. So we're going to, tiptop the feet over to the right side coming into warrior one facing the side. Beautiful. Keep sinking, rotate that right shoulder across a tiny little. There you go, you got it.
She's talking to me She's like who me? Now peel that back heel crescent. Opening up to warrior two. Beautiful. So that back toe tidy up.
Take care of you the toe goes out first try it out. Take your toe out. Can you feel the back of your knee? Yeah. Wow!
Turn in it. Gluteus medius, yeah much better. Yeah there you go. Oh baby. Let's work those muscles not joint.
Reverse your warrior, rock. Inhaling, and exhale. One more breath here. Inhale. Exhale side angle forearm maybe to thigh.
As you reach extend, or maybe tricep. Work on opening up that left shoulder. Breathe maybe gaze goes up, or gaze goes down. Sure to inhale, and exhale. One more breath, inhale.
Exhale, rise up to warrior two. Cactus arms, goddess pose, sink, rise and reach, let's play here. Stay low, maybe heels lift, maybe not. How about that? Let's see, we approach a practice with three things.
Yes, maybe , no thank you. I never shame. I like it. Heels out, rise up. Arms out to a T tiptop your feet to the left.
Find your warrior two. Now squeeze your shoulder blades. Do you know if you smile in your warrior It makes you stronger. I know this is hard one, smiling. Uh!
Sometimes you get that look on your face, where it's like, it's a pleasant warrior, reverse your warrior please. Breathing, sinking. Feel that weight rolling to the knife edge at that back left. Can you bend that front knee? So question.
Yes, maybe, no, thank you. Side angle reach extend, reach, reach, keep reaching keep reaching, keep reaching. I like that. Forearm. I'm gonna use that, yes, maybe, no thank you.
I know! You know, sometimes in yoga we can be so like, do this do that! About love, about peace. Breathe. I think that could work for all fitness.
Everything! Sheila at get healthy UTV will either say yes maybe or no thank you. Rise up, goddess pose sink. We've got our first Sheilaism Arms out to a T. Let's add to it.
Now turn that right toe a bit, and now peel up your left heel. So this is called three point star. You might stay here, you're still a star, or you might launch and lift opening the heart. Now fundamental finger mudra helps rebalance, self-discipline. Breathe.
So Sheila, should I point my toe or flexed? Whatever feels right. Find a focal point. Coming into your goddess pose sink and you see falling is okay. I do it a lot, but guess what?
You get back up, rise up breath, arms out to a T. Good lean over to the side, toe comes up. How you feel on this side? Each side is so, so different. So different.
I've got actually better balance strangely on my well on my right side, but I've better flexibility on my left. Yeah, see my left side. I'm opposite of you. Isn't that it, I mean, it is interesting. Everybody's body is different.
So when you look someone in a pose in a Asana, it's a different, goddess pose. We're all so different, everyone. So let's take that through one more time, are you ready? Rise up, arms up to a T. Thee point star lean over to that right side.
Lift! We're up. Keep opening the heart and reach out. One more breathe, inhale. Exhale to goddess pose, sink.
Oh, goddess pose is so useful. Rise up arms out to T let's take that out to that left side, lift three point star. Maybe keep the toe down this time. But feeling that left leg energy out is it that kneecap is pulling up to your hip bone. Find that strip engaging core.
Goddess pose. Right. Now hand to hips. Now you can step or jump the feet together. You decide.
Step or jump. Step There you go. Today was a step, tomorrow might be a jump. Inhale arms reach exhale fold. Inhale, half lift.
Exhale fold. Now we're going to step those feet out again. So step and step, toes turn in, heels kick out. So this is called wide leg straddle pose. If you've got an issue feeling right with this, maybe a block, maybe a water bottle that'll help out.
Yeah just to hold you up. Yeah! So now add a twist. So now that left hand goes down and hold and twist to the right side. Circle that wrist, keep both directions.
And hold steady. We're gonna lower the head down to the earth. Now, one little thing before we tighten it. Feel your hips coming forward as your toes turn in to get a little pigeon toed and kick the heels out. Let's take that over, right hand goes down flatting out the back and then twist the left.
Twist the wrist. Opposite direction. Do you notice how from side to side the twist is so different. So different. Oh yeah.
Find stillness, come on back down. Bring your heels in. So this is a little narrower, but drop the seat. An option. Prayer squat right here.
It feels good. Are you right here? I love this pose. This is an awesome hip opener. It's a beautiful stretch.
You're right here. You might not feel as a stretch, but it is. Oh baby. Breathe here. Two more breaths here.
Your inhaling. Exhale. One more breath. Inhale. And exhale.
Take those hands down to the earth. Lift the seat up. Turn your toes in this time. Elbow to elbow ragdoll straight out. Oh, I love.
I know these are the favorites. So folding asanas. They're calling poles. Switch arms on top of it, then the bottom. Start to release the hand down to the earth.
Now go ahead and turn those toes out again. We're walking around to the right side. So that left the way back into a low lunge, drop. Now option, you can stay right here or straighten out your front leg. Wide leg pivot holds.
But the head go low. Send that right hip, twist it to the left. Let the head dropped down. Now this one is hard for me because my hamstrings are so tight. So here we go Chris.
Let's bring you up a little bit. Bring your hands right to your hips. Right there. There you go. How does that feel for you?
Much better. Excellent. Much better. So options, always options. Breathe here, hold inhale.
Thought I'd join you. Exhale. One more breathe, inhale. Exhale, go ahead and put a bend back into that front knee. Hand go down, spine to bounce, so this is called standing split.
So that left foot stay, the right foot stays. I have a challenge at my age, right and left. So you're going to keep that the right foot bend. Good, bring your left heel to seat, and keep those hands from walking forward, lock them close in. So keep the way to heel and lifting the toes.
So that leg might lift up, it might bend. Breathe. Inhaling, you might find balance and hold on. Good girl, that's hard, really hard. Oh it's a challenge, isn't life a challenge?
Hands come down, You got that. Come into a little lunge, be here. Breathe. Now rise up crescent pose. Now that's a challenge for me, rising up.
Sink. Breathe. Now knee can come down to earth. Uncurl the toe, another split. It's called half split.
Ardha hanumanasana, so push the seat back and lift the toe. Now this is more my speed for the hamstring. For those of you at home, that first pose is hard, but just like you said, I love this. There's an option. I like the yes, no.
What was it? Yes, maybe. Yes, no. Yes, maybe, no thank you. That's what we're learning today.
So here, you might have had that flex in your ankle. Your seat might go back that you honor your body. So again, different bodies. Doesn't matter your age. Just your body's different and it's okay to be different.
Chris do you like being different? Oh yeah, I love it. Age, with age brings wisdom and the, the joy of being different. Yes. Yeah.
Using that breathe, and some, if you'd like to fold. You fold. Yeah. I always get a toe crank when I flattened my foot all the way out. And I know why, because I wear tennis shoes too much.
Also by sliding your foot off to the side. Yup, that feels better. So you're on your heel instead of on that foot. Now Plantafay she doesn't like that extension out, of the body weight being pressed on it. Good raise and hold.
Oh! That feels so good. I know she doesn't want to come back low lunge. We gotta get the other side. Curl that toe and lift the knee up, now open yourself to goddess pose.
Breathe. Sink. And you'll rise and lets take that over. Let's cart those hands out. So why would pyramid?
Yes, maybe? Oh yeah. Here we go. I gotcha. I know- It's better, for some reason today, It's better on this side.
So you might be here. Remember soft on the knee. So we're never trying to harm a joint. So keeping a soft bend, if you can track the muscle. The knee will soft.
Breathe. Inhaling and exhale. Go ahead and frame that foot. Put a bend into that front knee and lift it for standing splits. So weights, holding that front leg.
Leg is extended. You can choose or bend holding on, but your finding your focal point. As you inhale. And exhale. Last breathe.
Hands go down, floor foot all the way down. Breathing. Now rise up, hands to thigh, and to sky. Sink. Breathe.
Inhale. You know, the fun thing about yoga. You do something on one side and not on the other it's okay. Lighten up. Exactly, life goes on.
That's right. Hands come down. Knee comes down. If you choose to uncurl the toes this equals back, pass way. So I used to be one of those people who would come to class and if the instructor messed up.
I'd be so critical. And then I went into my journey of my practice and I said, why am I here? What am I doing? I love it. Okay, so It doesn't matter.
Don't be hard on you. Same thing don't be hard on anyone else. what'd you give me, you get. Breathe. So go ahead and put a bend on that knee.
Come on up. Coming back to center, wide leg straddle walk the hands in. All the way over to the right side. Turn your toes in and maybe you ragdoll. Or big toe grip.
Oh, I like that. You have two pieces or overlap that big toe. Thumb overlaps. Breathing here. You want to relax in here.
and exhale. Hands come to the earth, come into a flat back. Heels come in, toes come in, heels come in, toes come in. Beautiful. Inhale half lift.
Now use your legs to come up. Like you're going into chair pose. Use those legs, push through rise all the way up. Find your backbend. Inhale reach clear slate.
Two more times. Inhale. Exhale. One more time. Inhale.
Exhale. So pause reset here. This is a great time if you have water, towel off. Two open mouth breaths together inhale through the nose. All open mouth exhale.
Inhale through the nose. Open mouth exhale. Seal the lips, inhaling through your nose. Exhale through your nose. Inhale arms reach, exhale, hands to heart.
Hands onto hips. Step push up. I gotcha. Using that's bothers your knee. Now pivot, crescent pose.
Breathe. Inhaling. And exhale. Keep breathing. Inhale.
Exhale, hands come to heart center. So feel your body tip forward. Like you're looking over a cliff. Look over that, right toe. Bring your shoulders squared back.
And maybe you start to lift up that left toe. You float or toe can stay down. Flex, find your warrior three, now feel that left big toe trade to the midline of your body. So beautiful way. I gotcha Breathe Using that ground line.
So this is a great way to have a partner with you and just hold onto your hip. There you go, I gotcha. Flex on that ankle, curl that toe up towards your shin. Turn your big toe towards me. Beautiful, she's flying.
Sink into that front leg. Rise up to crescent pose. Beautiful. Inhaling. And that's it.
Goddess pose. Sink. My favorite pose rise, crescent pose turn. Breathe. Hands to heart center.
Look over that toe. And then point in your right toe. Now find your balance first. So balance is from your core. In yoga practice called uriyapanda mulapanda pelvic floor and use that connection to press drop the hip, maybe bicep to ear.
Two more breathes. Inhale. Exhale. One more breath. Inhale.
Exhale, rise up onto crescent pose. Breathe. Goddess pose. Rock, so a little dance with our goddess pose. So right leg will come up just like a three point star.
Remember? Now take a courtesy behind and bow. Goddess pose. We'll take that again, other side. Left leg lifts.
Cross and bow. We've got this, lets do it again. Sink. Lift. Cross.
Again. Sink. Lift. Courtesy. One more time.
Yeah. Third time is churn. You got that right Give yourself some time to be in the pose, reach and extend. Cross. Goddess pose.
Sink. Hands to hip. Stepper jump. Inhale arms reach. Exhale clean your slate.
Two more times. Inhaling. Exhale. One more time. Inhaling.
Exhale, pause, reset. Do you notice how your heart rate accelerated balancing oxygen is like a cardiovascular heart rate excels. Lets bring it down. Two open mouth breaths. Inhale through the nose.
Hold and mouth exhale. One more time Inhaling. Exhale. Start to seal the lips, inhale through the nose and exhale through the nose. Inhale arms reach.
Exhale swan dive fold. Inhale half lift. Exhale fold. So we're going to walk those heads around to the right and turn our toes. So we're going to be facing sideways.
Go ahead and step back, one foot at a time. Spread the fingers you might be in a plank. You might be in a plank, you might be in a plank. Get it? So many different planks.
Exactly pick your pleasure. What feels right So for me, this plank is so much harder, than for me up here. Just different bodies Right. Feel your shoulders rolling back. Look out over your mat.
Breathe here. As you inhale, exhale. one more breathe, inhale, exhale press back to extended child's pose, knees down. Now you might separate your knees groove your toes might meet.. Arms extend out.
Let's put the palms up. Just a little release. Inhaling. And exhale. Inhale.
And exhale. Flipping your palms back down, shifting your body forward to all fours. Child's poses in my top five, its in my top. This is in my top five right here round the back to cat back. Oh yeah.
Uh huh. And finding cow stretch. Reverse that as you inhale. Exhale and round, but Sheila I mess up the breath. It's okay.
Just breathe and move. If you feel better than exhale you'll do it. One more time. Coming into the flat tabletop. So moving into something called gate pose, but this come up for a kneeling position for a second.
Hands to hips and we're going to turn it back around. So it's always fun on your mat. You can save your mat, you could say your mat right where you need to be. And if your foot goes off, off the earth. It's okay.
Right? So take an inhale hands come back down. Now, take your right foot off to the side. Walk the hands in towards your knee. Coming to kneeling.
Single kneeling pose. Inhale arms reach. Good tip lean off to your right side. You start to feel pulling your hip flexor, bend the knee. It's about the lifting out of that left side thigh.
Breathe, inhale. I really imagined coming out of my waist. like a piece of taffy. Yes, yes, yes. You know, stretching.
Well, don't say taffy Do you have any? Oh, no I don't. Chocolate taffy? No. One more breathe inhale and exhale bring this all the way up.
Go and tip lean over to the other side. Breathe. Now if your fingertips touch the earth. Great. If it doesn't awesome.
So take this pose where you need to go and fill that opening up. Just like Chris said. Think about that taffy from the toe to the fingertip. And breathe. One more breath, inhale exhale.
Bring this up, all the way up. Arms reach, hands come down to the earth. Now where going to take that right foot. We're gonna cross it over, toe goes onto the earth and look over to your left shoulder. Inhaling.
This is a nice stretch. Especially when you curl the toe underneath you. You can stand . Feels good. I don't know, you know.
Maybe you wear stilettos? No high heels are, um. You do?! Twice a year maybe. Yeah if you do, this as awesome.
Twice a year though Come on back to center. Come on my favorite cat back, round out. Inhale to cow stretch. One more time, round. Then cow stretch.
Finding a flat back. Now that left leg goes off to the side. Walk the hands in. Come up to the kneeling position. Arms reach.
Tip lean over to the right side. So why should we go to the right in yoga? You know, we talk about doors and we open the door to the right side and we close to the left side. You, if you went to the left side first, its okay. That's the reason, we, typically yoga teachers- We're going to go both sides.
So it doesn't matter which way It doesn't matter. So will your fingertips touch down on this side? Mine is. Do you feel that extension out, that taffy? I love that analogy Do you know what's easy to happen in this pose?
Is this Sheila. Where you drop here to in your hand down. Yes when you start to roll forward. So I really think about being against that sheet of glass. That's right, that's right.
Cause then Your body. I'm gonna kind of turn sideways and just so you can see that extension out, that reach out. Yeah. So I'm not rolling back, or rolling forward into this. Just finding that really about extent.
It's going to take it up, over to the other side. Using that back, inhaling, indexing. Beautiful. Inhale, how does that feel for your hip there Chris? Amazing.
This, all this right here. It's like undo, undo open. Rather than I've got a little bit more for our shoulders and neck, because I don't know about you. I get cold in the winter, I start doing that. One more breath, inhale beautiful, and exhale.
Inhale come back to center, Hands come down to the earth and now we take that left, but we're going to cross it over. We'll look over our right shoulder. Breathing in. Inhale. So here what you can typically do as you rock your body.
See if you can find symmetry. Just press on that foot. Last breathe. Here's your inhale. And exhale.
You could bring a gaze back to center coming to all fours. Now walk your hips off to the left side. Start to extend the legs forward. So flexing to the ankle, seated forward fold. Here's another mystery yoga.
Everybody wants to touch their toes. So here's a great way to touch your toes. Bend your knees. Right? It's such a revelation.
So let's bend your knees. You're sitting up nice and tall arms reach up, extend up and fold forward. Curl your toes up towards your nose. Breathing here. Now start to roll your shoulders back and lead with your heart center.
So you can hold on to your feet there. Give me two more breathes here, and add it to your stretch. You can bring your toes with increase and press. One more breathe as you inhale. And exhale.
Slow and gently. So to bring yourself up. We're making our way down to our mat. So roll yourself down. You can use your arms, other way.
And make your way all the way down. I know this is what happens. You might have to find as your mat. Roll yourself down. Extend the arms of the head by do a full body stretch.
Hmmm. I know it gets even better. It gets even better. So breathe. Go ahead and place a bend into your right knee.
There you go. Open that knee out to the side. Oh my goodness. See pine tree pose. Oh.
Uh huh. Just laying, try to get that now. Yes, feel that opening. Now interesting. On my right side, I can lay my knee down but I know on my left side, it's going to be tight.
But that's okay, we respect that. Right. Arms come shoulder high. So bring your arms, shoulder height. And now hold on to your right wrist with that left hand and guide that arm across the chest.
Oh. HmHmm. Good shoulder stretch. And you look over to the left side. I promise you will structure your neck.
There you go. Wrap. Bring yourself back to center, arms over the head. Come to a full body stretch. Now we'll take the other leg, so the other leg bends.
And knee opens out. Check and see what happens. If you start to arc out, just keep tuck the tailbone under. or maybe shorten the levers of the arms. You might just be tight on your left.
Upper back. Breathe. Arms in your shoulder height. Gonna hold on to that left wrist, guide across the chest. here.
Oh, I could stay here all day. Yummy, yummy, it feels so good. Inhaling and exhale. Bring yourself back to center arms extend over the head. Find a full body stretch.
Breathing here. How about a move a quote. Love it. Yeah. Going to be flex the ankles, arms come right by your earlobes.
Leave the fingers wide. Inhale to gently rub the chin, exhale through the mouth and look to your toes. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through the mouth. Keep at it.
Lift up Since I can't see you, I'm really going with your cues here. Great cues, Sheila. I think I'm doing it right. You've got it! Exhale.
Inhale to lower. Exhale all the way up. Inhale to lower. One more time. Exhale way.
Inhale lower all the way down. Find that full body stretch. Draw your knees into towards the chest. Give a hug to those legs, start rock yourself right to left. Left to right.
Another thing to circle. We're going to turn this around, so Chris can see us. Reverse it. I'm following I'm following. I love it.
I know your doing great I keep watching it. Coming back to center, breathe. Palms down, but we'll stay here. Let's go up. Now when those legs come up You might need your thumbs underneath that lower back.
Just to keep that a little imprint. So your going to lower your legs down. Lower one away and one way towards. Take one leg down, doesn't matter which way. As you exhale through the mouth bring it back up.
Take the other leg down, inhale. Exhale. Keep alternating your legs Notice your back is down to keeping that level just fine. Beautiful breathe. Now, option might be, you might take both legs down but your back stays down.
Exhale lift So everybody's height will be different. This is great and then bring it back up. Inhale. Very intense core. If you're bringing legs all the way down you've got to really grip abdominals.
Those thumbs underneath the seat. Does it help you out? Do you have- I have my hands on the sides, but I really have to do, as you said imprint, like really think about keeping my back down. So easy to go into that, arcing out. Oh your back doesn't want that at all.
One more time. And then draw your knees in toward your chest. Rock here. Taking one more core work. So go and bring your legs to tabletop position and again feel your tailbone lifting up, thumbs by the earlobe.
As you inhale, exhale to the mountain. I know you've done bicycles before, we're gonna twist to the right side. Stay here over the elbows and extend out your left leg. Stay here, were gonna lower lift that left leg. Up and down.
Like just I know she was ready for bicycle. Just your left leg goes. I know your ready for it. Oh woops, am I doing it wrong? So just lower down, just on one leg.
Oh baby. Oh yeah, little bit different. Last one, hold it there. Come back to center crunch. Now good twist turn to other side, open the elbows.
Extend out that right leg. And then only leg comes up and down. Open those elbows out, beautiful. Using that breathe. One more.
Bring it in. Oh yeah, lower head, neck, and shoulders. Give yourself a hug. You're so amazing. Full body stretch.
Inhale it one more time. And exhale. Two more breathes here. Open mouth exhale One more time inhale, and exhale. Coming back to your inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose.
Arms come out to a T please. Gonna place a bend to your knees. Well, you know when you touch somebody and they'll be you send them a blessing. I love it. I just sent you a blessing.
Awesome, awesome Walk the feet out wide, so your feet are gonna come about as wide as your mat and rock your knees over to the right side. So this is called windshield wiper. After all of this abdominal work nice hip flexor stretch into that left side. Beautiful stretch to the quad. So really different from our spine twist.
Turn your head if you'd like, head back to center. One more breathe, inhale. Exhale. Start bringing your legs back to center. We'll take it to the other side.
Are you enjoying this stretch? Hmmm. Good. Love it. Once your here, inhale.
And exhale. Last breathe. Please inhale. And exhale your knees come back to center. And if you walk the feet a tiny bit and now let the knees turn in towards each other.
Feel the lower back, press down into the earth, then arch the back. Press it back down into the earth. Arch the back. Find a comfortable space for your back, moving into butterfly pose. Baddha konasana, so walk your feet in.
Toes touch, soles of your touch, knees fall out. Gently rock your butterfly. Arms can go to goal pose or stay in the T. So just settle in, to stillness here. Inhale.
And exhale. Great time to revisit our tree pose. Left leg goes straight. Blessing you again. Blessings, blessings.
Arms extended over our head. Breathe. Arms go shoulder height. Right hand hold onto left wrist. Open twist, breathing here as you inhale.
And exhale. Fast breathe here, inhaling. And exhale. Bring yourself back to center. Go into your full body stretch.
Extend the legs out. Set into the other side. Bend the knee, knee opens out to the side. Arms come shoulder height, wrap holding onto your wrist. Yeah, I swapped it out, wrong side.
There we go. Its all good. Go across the body and twist. Going back to center, arms extended over head. Go and bend the knees, soles of feet to the earth.
So going into a super high in pigeon pose, so extend out. Holding behind that right leg and then cross that ankle over thigh. Open that knee out, onto the hips. Open the knee out is relative, okay. Feel all lower back, press down into the earth.
The thread the hands right between the thighs. And draw that left up and holding behind the thigh or the shin. Body tip gently over to the left side. Hmmm. Uh huh.
That is intense for me. I feel it. All of those goddess pose or buddha squats whatever you like to call them, they were there. Breathe One more breath here. Remember you can hold these as long as you'd like to.
But we're going to end here and lower the foot down to the earth. Uncross. Left leg, other leg comes up. Holding up the calf or behind the thigh or the toe, but if your back starts to change too much from holding onto the toe. Release that.
Go ahead and bend into that left knee. Cross that ankle over thigh, open out and left hip. Back rest down to the earth, throw the hands right in between. Legs hold on. Now this is my tight side that have been the knee.
So I have trouble gripping all the way under. So you know what's awesome. If you had your wish strap you can take that strap on your thigh and hang onto it or a towel. Right. Cause we all have towel don't we?
We do. Straps maybe not so much. We all have some dish towel. Absolutely. You know, or ties.
You can get them. My husband never wears his ties anymore. I should. Absolutely there you go. I'll just use that, thank you Sheila.
Good to release that. Feel the back resting down. Uncrossing the legs. I know it feels good. You want to stay there a little longer.
Throw both knees in towards your chest. Give em a hug. Breath here. Our final moving pose. Arms out to a T, rotate the legs over to the right side.
Breathe. You might gaze down your left side, gaze is the center. Not here long. Two breathes. Inhaling.
And exhale. One more breath as you inhale. And exhale. And gaze comes back to center the change. Legs come to center.
Use your core for that and then rock the legs over to the other side. And yes we get to look at you as we turn the opposite direction of our knees. Inhaling. And exhale. One more breathe.
Full inhale. And exhale. Gaze comes back to center, legs come to center. Give your legs a big hug or maybe happy baby, holding inside or outside the feet, you keep em out. This is nice.
This is also in the top five. So now you go after happy baby with every baby, what do we want them to do? Go to sleep. Go night, night. Level those feet down to the earth.
Palms come up. Allow your feet to fall out. Breathing here as you inhale and exhale. Now your subastana, it's best to be held anywhere from two to five minutes. And all you have to do here is let go.
And you thank yourself for amazing workout that you took yourself through. You did it. This is your workout. Thank you so very much. Do you want me to sit up?
No, you can sleep. But you gotta go to work. Yeah, it's awesome. Oh wow. Thank you.
That was wonderful. Namaste to everybody at home That was fabulous. Thank you Sheila, for sharing with us today. Thank you so much for joining us today on this practice. We'll see you again real soon, right Sheila?
Yes may God bless you with love, peace and compassion. Namaste. Namaste.
a good practice but it was very hard to hear Sheila. spent a lot of time looking up to see what she was doing.