Patty Knudsen

GHUTV LIVE! 5 C’s of Fitness

Patty Knudsen
Duration:   1  hrs 2  mins


Join GHUTV trainers Chris Freytag, Sam Cameranesi, and Patty Knudsen as they talk about the 5 C’s of Fitness. Commitment, Connection, Convenience, Consistency and Community! Life can be crazy and we are juggling multiple things, let’s see how fitness trainers fit it all in between nutrition, balancing jobs, and fitting in exercise. Ask your burning questions and we will be here to answer them!

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Well, welcome in everybody to our monthly Q&A with Get Healthy U TV. I am so excited to be here. It is July. If you are watching this, maybe at a different time of year, It is nice and hot and steamy in Minnesota and we love it. My name is Chris Freytag.

I think I've been in every Q&A No, you haven't. Really, I was gone for one. You were gone for one, you were. I was gone for one over the course of the last six years or whatever, but this is the lovely Sam Cam, my right and left arm, every day. I try to be.

Yep, she's awesome, and she's one of our GHUTV trainers. And then of course we have the lovely Patty Knudsen with us. Hi everybody. Yes, one of our newer Get Healthy U TV trainers, but not new to the industry because she and I have been friends for 25 years. For a while, for sure.

For a while. So today, if you're new to this and you're just kind of joining on, we always have a topic. We ask you guys what you wanna talk about. So we've covered things from modifications for exercises to, you know, how to make things low impact, to what to eat, to menopause, to injuries, to what else? We've talked about everything.

Everything, yeah. I mean literally everything. Holiday weight gain, summer of this and that. I mean, we talk about it all. So we're always here for you.

Any question is okay. Right Sam, you're taking live questions? I'm taking live questions. Yep. So whatever you guys have, we'll try and get to it.

Right, we have some pre asked questions, but we, about a year or so ago, we brought on a trainer with Sam and I every month just for you guys to get a chance to get to know them more. You guys ask us, you're like, we love the trainers, we feel like they're our friends, but we'd like to know more about them. And I get that like, when you create a community, you wanna know more about that person. If you go to a a fitness class live, you kind of wanna know more about the people who stand next to you. You wanna know about the instructor in front of you and where they come from and what their history is.

And so I really am excited that every month we're gonna bring on another trainer with us for the next few months for you guys to get to know them. So Patty is here today and I just wanted to hit right off the bat. Yeah. You know, we're gonna talk about the five Cs today. So we're gonna talk about convenience, consistency, and commitment.

Those are the first three that you really have to nail. And then community and connection are the two Cs that really fuel you to keep going and stay motivated. I've got some really good thoughts on that. After seeing my crew this morning, my live crew, I see you, the GHUTV crew. And then I see people who come to my live classes.

And this morning we were talking about how community has fueled us for many of us for this past 25 years. Which leads me to tell you that Patty and I have been teaching at the same fitness club for 25 years. Yeah, for 25 years we've been together. Yes. Yeah.

And we were mamas of little kids. Yep, yep. And now we're grandmothers, Now we're grandmas. Of little kids. What, how is that possible?

Oh my gosh. And so, so you know, we've grown in the fitness industry. We've seen a lot of changes. So many changes throughout the years. Unbelievable.

I mean, you have to really stay on top of things all the time. To stay relevant. Yeah. And to know what's going on. And the good news is, is that science has progressed and we learned so much more about kinesiology in our bodies and how to train properly.

But one of the things I would say is, so Patty's been teaching, well, you more than 25 years. So how many years do you- I've been, been teaching actually for 27 years. 27 Years. Yes. Yeah.

Okay, and so you my friend have taught every format under the sun. The only thing I don't teach is dance. I'm not a dancer. She and I are not dancers. No.

Patty and I are not dancers. No, you go right, I go left. It's just not pretty. We like to dance in private. Yeah.

And I don't do a lot of kickboxing either, which I do love. I like to take it. It's just for me to teach it is just a little more challenging. But otherwise I've done everything else, for sure. You've done everything.

And how did you get into fitness? Well you know, I was one of those front row people. I was in that front row all of the time. And my instructor said, "Hey, you're here all the time. "Why don't you become an instructor?" I was literally pregnant at the time with my third baby.

And I was like, "Okay, you know, let's try it." So that's kind of how I got started. And I'm just kind of, I am a group fitness junkie. I love people. I love the connection. And I was hooked from day one.

I was absolutely hooked from day one. So were you into fitness when you were little? I really was, you know, I was a cheerleader. I was a gymnast. You know, I- You and I have so many similar.

We got such similar background. I love it. That's why we're friends. Yes. And so, but I, yeah.

So, but I, as far as working out, I really honestly didn't like start working out until after my second baby. Okay so you were busy, you were a mom. Yeah. You were doing things and then you really got into it. Got it into it.

And, it's just, I've never looked back and I've been able to make a career out of it. I'm just so thankful that I'm able to do things that I love, you know, and to work with people that are amazing and just like, they've just been life changing for me. So when I first came over to Lifetime Fitness, which is where she and I teach, I had been at Bali's, which was a club before, and PS 25 years ago, there was no such thing as streaming. If you wanted to do fitness, you had to go in person. There was no such thing.

No. And so, you know, I remember the first time I met you when I came to that club and I came to Patty's class. And one of the things I loved about Patty, friendly and inviting. You were just so, I could feel your kindness in class. I started coming to your step class.

Yes, step back in the day, right? Yep, yep. And I loved it. And I was like, I love her. I love how friendly and inviting you were.

And I think that's such a part of fitness because we talk approachability. We're gonna talk about community and connection, and that's a real thing, right? Yeah. Feeling comfortable that- And I think just being like really authentic too, you know, like there are days that I don't maybe feel like doing what we're doing right now, you know? And it's okay.

I think it's okay. And even let your class know, like, "Hey, you guys, "I'm struggling a a little bit today. "That's okay. "We're gonna get through this together." And just make it like, I'm just a person like you. Like we are real people.

We all have the same struggles. We've got our children, we've got our grandchildren, we've got our dogs, we've got everything. And we're just trying to like, do life, you know? So doing it together. Right, and so you have three kids?

I have three kids and I have four grand babies, two little boys and two little girls. So cute. And so, so fun. It's been a lot of fun. Yeah.

Yeah, and so that's really cool. I mean, I love hearing about people's backgrounds. I think that you guys always ask like, "Well, tell me about yourself." You know, this is a good way. So if anyone has a question, I'm ignoring- I'm looking. I'm ignoring you over here, Sam.

I've got my head turning. It's fine. I'm here. I'm here to listen. I'm here to ask you question.

She's listening too. What for you has been the most interesting thing that's changed in group fitness that you've noticed? Like, you know, from where we were 25 years ago till now? I think the way the exercises have changed a lot and actually like the technology as well. I mean, I don't know if you remember, like initially when we started, we didn't have microphones.

I used to have like a cassette tape that I recorded off of the radio. I mean, unbelievable the stuff that we did, you know, so to get, and then we had the handheld mic for quite a while. For quite a while. And we thought we were really great with that, so I think technology is one of the things. It's just, you know, with the innovation, it just makes our job easier.

And so we can work on, you know, having fun with you guys, you know, for sure. Okay, so here's a question again that relates to Patty and I as we've approached, well we're in our 50s, approaching 60. And our bodies- I'm knocking on the door, I'm ringing the doorbell to 60. You're ringing the doorbell, you're at the ring camera right now. And I think something that really hit me hard at 50 was a little bit that my body was changing and that, you know, because when you're a fitness instructor and you've been doing it your whole life, you know, yes, we do not do this for vanity, but we're used to being in shape, right?

And then all of a sudden you're noticing, well, you know, my skin's a little saggier. Oh my butt's a little different. I remember the first time that you wore your readers, your cheaters to class. And I was like, "Patty, do you need readers?" And you're like, "I can't even see what my phone, "what my, you know, music playlist said at the time." Right, the struggle. And I thought, "Oh, that's never gonna happen to me." And now I can't see anything.

Sam knows. I'm always like, "Sam, where are my glasses? "Where are my glasses? "I can't see." Yeah. Has that been humbling for you?

It's very humbling. And the other thing too is everything that worked for me before doesn't work for me anymore. Like, I've had to figure out to redo everything. My eating habits, my sleeping, my exercise, you know, I figured it out that, and it took me a while because I was very, very structured. I did the same thing.

I kind of do the same thing with foods and with exercise. And all of a sudden that wasn't working anymore, you know? And I found like, oh, my stomach, I'm getting a little bit more, or my arms, or for whatever reason it was. And I was like, darn it. Now I have to like rethink this whole thing.

And that was very humbling for me. And it took a minute for me to, and I still feel like I'm still trying to figure things out too. Well and so that really brings me to the subject of evolving. I think we have to all accept and not be afraid of evolving and change. And change.

I think it fear is, you know, something that stops us from continuing on with things. And I think as we are aging, all of a sudden you're like, oh my gosh, what? You put it perfectly, what worked for me then doesn't work for me now. I mean, I was a runner. I really, really identified myself as a runner.

Sam doesn't even know that part of me. No, I don't. You didn't even know me as a runner. No, I don't. No and I was a big runner.

Yep, yes. Remember when we were gonna run the, I ran the marathon. Yep, yep. And all of a sudden I found out running doesn't work for me anymore. It was causing injury for me.

And because this is my life and my job and my career and my passion, I'm like, I can't be injured because then it's not fun. So I had to figure out a way to become a walker and not a runner. And that was fearful and scary and evolving is hard. It's really hard. And you have to kind of lose that mindset that I'm going backwards because you're not, you're actually helping your body to go forward and anything that you do is better than nothing, right?

I mean, I tell my classes this all the time. You guys, people are like, just show up and gimme what you got because anything you do is better than doing nothing at all. And for me, my mindset was like, oh, now I can't run. Oh, so now I am, you know, I just felt like I was falling back and back and back. And then really what I was doing was doing the very, very best thing for myself and moving myself forward by finding new things, by walking and by biking.

Biking has been a life changer for me and for my back. It's been really good for my back. And I was never really a biker before so. Evolution, evolution. Swimming is another one.

You know, yeah. So I think you just have to kind of like let that go. I'm not saying it's super easy, but it's important to do that because you have to do what's the best for you going forward. And things change. Things are changing every single day.

Every darn day. Nothing is the same. I told Sam today, I took my glasses off today and usually I can see pretty good and all of a sudden I literally, everything was blurry, and I'm like, oh my God, I have a brain tumor. I don't know what's going on. I can't see.

And then I was looking around the room and I'm like, everything is blurry. And then I put my glasses back on and then slowly but surely I don't know what was going on. I don't know if it's humidity or whatever, but like, everything is changing. Every day, everything is different every day. Okay, any question for Patty?

Does anyone have anything about her? Or can we go on to other things? It's not specifically about her, but it is about tips and tricks of people knocking on the door at 60, so. Okay. Ringing the doorbell.

That's our theme. Ringing the doorbell. This one. What tips do you have for those of us knocking in at the door at the age of 60 when it comes to weight loss and menopause? Around that?

Well, you know, menopause for me, I have to say was fairly easy to get through. I'm not gonna lie, it really, I mean, I had the night sweats, but otherwise I was able to get through that. Actually, I felt like I got through it pretty good. What was the other question though? Tricks for weight loss.

Yeah, weight loss. Oh, weight loss. So for me, I really, I do a lot of calories and calories out. That just really works for me. And then I, but now I have to always look at all these other, how did I sleep last night?

What is my stress like these days? You know, because that always impacts my body as well. So I don't just look at like one or two things. I look at the big picture and that usually, and the other thing is hydration is water. You guys, I was never a very good water drinker.

And boy, it's kind of a full-time job to get me to drink water. In the morning, I'm really good about drinking it. Drink classes. Well, okay, can I tell a fun fact about you? Okay.

She's like, I don't know what it is. Do you still do that MD? I do. Okay she does. I do.

Okay so, you know, that's okay because guess what? Everybody has a vice. It's my one thing. She has one vice. It's one vice.

So her whole life I've been telling her she should not drink the DMD, Diet Mountain Dew. Diet Mountain Dew. It's just a diet. It's just one, people. It's just one day.

But you know what, it makes me so happy when I take that out and it's cold and I'm thirsty and... And it's your one vice. It's my one. I don't drink coffee, you know. So it is my one vice that I take and I enjoy.

And you know what, I'm gonna give that to you. And she's been trying to get me to... I'm gonna give that to you because I've always joked her. Oh, always. I mean, what are you doing with those chemicals?

But here's the thing. One thing, like if you drink one Diet Coke for the rest of your life every day, it's not going to affect you. It is the cumulative of issues. And back to menopause, interestingly enough. So I also kind of, I mean, menopause wasn't fun, let's face it, you know?

But I made it through, I really think, and all of you GHUTVers out there, like if you have the habit of exercising, it is not only your physical body, but it's your mental muscle. Yeah. And it's like you have the strength to mentally also say, "I can do this." And also, you know, part of the craziness of menopause is the hormones fluctuating up and down the progesterone and the estrogen in particular. And when you're exercising, even when your estrogen is going down, you can kind of like maintain. Level it.

Level it a little bit through exercise and clean eating. Clean eating. Yeah. And so you know, adapting those habits at your age will help you because that's what got us through is it's just who we are. Yeah, I really do feel that that is the case because I look at other people or like my sisters or for other people that I know and they don't exercise and they don't really take care of themselves like they should.

And they just had a miserable time with it. So I feel like it is one of those mental states too. Like, I'm not gonna let this get me down. Yeah, you know, pretty much wet my bed last night, but that's okay. I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna put on your clothes.

My sheets are sopping wet and I'm gonna change my clothes. And here we go. And it's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Yeah. So anyway, I threw that little fun pack, sorry. No, that's okay. Hey, I have, I mean, everybody has a vice. I would have it right now if I could.

I mean, and that's why people would be like, "Oh my gosh, Chris Freytag, "you're eating french fries." I'm like, "Yeah, because I love 'em. "Yeah, because I'm a human. "Yes, I'm having a cocktail." Like I love to have fun, but also 80/20 rule. We talk about it all the time. 80/20.

80/20, yes. 80/20. Okay, let's get into these questions. I think you should start with one of the Cs, because a lot of people are asking about it is consistency. Consistency.

So whether it's consistency with like positive mindset and kind of that stuff. So take that one away 'cause there's a lot of questions about it. Okay, I'm gonna start because consistency is the magic sauce. It is the magic word for fitness. If you are looking for a magic word for fitness, consistency is that word.

I just heard somebody, I actually, when I parked my car, when I got to the studio, I was trying to find it on Instagram from yesterday because there was this, you know, kind of well known person and he was older. I can't even tell you what his name is, but he had this quote of the fastest way to results is the slowest way to go. It was something like that where he is basically what he was saying is nothing is fast. If you slowly get there, you will get there. Consistency in eating, consistency and exercise.

Eating one piece of pie. You don't gain 10 pounds. No. Skipping one weight workout, ya don't gain 10 pounds. I mean, it is about consistency over time and it also creates courage and confidence.

We are full of C words today. Wow, I was gonna say these are two extra ones. Because confidence comes from knowing you are capable. There's- There's another one. Okay, is someone writing these down?

Yeah, I got 'em. Geez. Because when you go, hey, you know what, I'm totally okay with, you know, changing my diet today and you know, splurging. Yeah. Because I know that I'll be fine next week or I'm skipping today's workout because my grandkids need me to babysit.

But that I know that I have the confidence that I'm going to get back on tomorrow because I have consistency in my life. I love that. No, that is, Agree? So agreeable for sure. And I think it's important that when you do go off like that, so let's say like you have your grandkids or you decide you're going to a birthday party and you're gonna have a piece of cake.

Big deal. People, enjoy it. Don't like be thinking, oh my gosh, I shouldn't be eating this. And oh, I should be doing this instead. And you need to like, enjoy it, do it and enjoy it.

And then you get right back on it next time, right. And sometimes it's a day, sometimes it's a week you take off. Yeah, yeah. I mean I've definitely taken a week off before where it's like I didn't exercise for a week, meaning like with weights. But if I skip a week of weights, I am back on.

Like, I have no doubt in my mind that I'm going back to it because that word consistency matters. Don't beat yourself up. Get rid of the guilt. Feel good about, and listen. I think one of the things that happens with age, okay, Patty, you're fewer years older than me.

How old are you? 59. 59. And I'm 56 turning 57. So, okay.

So we're a couple years apart. I think one of the things that really hit me in my 50s is like, you know, that Tim McGraw song, "Live Like You Were Dying." Yeah. Like we all have had friends who have had unfortunately some sad things happen. We've all had lost loved ones. We've all seen things that are hard and it's like, man, you know what?

Live life, love hard and live hard. Love that. Because you just don't know what's next. And if all you are is guilt ridden or tied to workout, you freak out because you're gonna miss your workout. Like, honestly, I don't freak out.

No. Like if my schedule gets changed, you know, I'd rather take care of my granddaughter if I had the chance than do a workout, but I'll get back on it the next time. Right, right. I love that. I think that's so important.

I think it's important too to know that no matter what you do, you're always gonna, you have that mindset to get right back at it. So it's important to take that time off because I think it's good for your body, it's good for your mind as long as you don't beat yourself up about it. Now, there was a day in my past that if I didn't get a workout, I was obsessed. And that's not good for me. That's not good for my family, that's not good for my friends, that's not good for anybody around me.

So I think with age, you do learn to figure out like the super, super important stuff and the stuff that's gonna keep me happy, keep my family happy, keep me afloat, and you just kind of go with that, you know. Right and a little, you know, a little goes a long way. So just consistency is the magic word to fitness. So the fastest way to get results is to go slow. I love that.

I think that's important. And I think that is something that honestly, it comes with age. Yeah. You know, I think to learn that it comes with age. Yeah.

It's hard to tell these young spunky kids this, you know, they, they don't... It's really hard to tell these young spunky kids. In one ear out the other. I'm kidding. It's actually like, it's very enlightening seeing like, you know, coming into your classes and learning.

I mean, Chris tells me these deep lessons every day so. And I am super thankful because otherwise like no one tells you, right? Right. Like Right. People don't tell you about having babies.

People don't tell you about like, no one talks about menopause. About menopause, yeah. I'm like, okay, now I know all the things. So I'm like, okay, hopefully I like, you know, can deal with it, so. I think it's important, like just don't sweat it out, you know, don't sweat.

Pun intended. Yeah. Literally like don't sweat the small stuff. It's just, it's not worth it, people. I mean, I say that to myself all the time.

It's just, it's not worth it. It's not worth it. Yeah. All right, what's the next? The questions are rolling in.

Questions are rolling in. Okay. Can you explain the 80/20 rule. She's struggling, has gained a lot of weight, she has back problems, and is afraid of that flaring up. What do you suggest to get started and to keep consistent?

Well 80/20 is basically that whole concept of 80% of the time you're doing what you know to be right. Good habits, good consistency. 20% of the time is your wiggle room. So it's like if you're going to have a piece of cake or a Mountain Dew, it's all good. Because it's, you know that the other part is good.

But listen with age and with fluctuating hormones, inflammation is the big problem in the body. If any of you guys follow Dr. Hyman, I talk about him all the time because when I take walks, like this weekend I listened to his latest podcast. And then my poor kids, I start texting them, oh my gosh, okay, just listen to this. You need to know this.

Please listen to this. And they're like, oh my gosh, mom, stop going on walks. She's been on the walk again. But his latest podcast was all about inflammation. And they're calling a lot of brain inflammation and issues like with dementia and different things.

Yes there is some genetic component, but they're calling it type three diabetes, inflammation of the brain. What you eat causes inflammation in the body. If you are gaining weight, I mean, what I would really like to know is what are you eating? Yeah. Because if you eat a lot of chemicals, if you're getting food coloring, if you're getting a lot of plant, like bad oils like sunflower, safflower oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, like those are so inflammatory.

You want olive oil and coconut oil. I mean avocado oil, the good oils. If you're eating things that have, you know, a lot of fried food or, you know, people will come and say, "Well I guess I'm not that good on my eating habits." Again, you don't have to be perfect 80/20, but you need to do the best you can because as you get older, menopausal weight gain, it really isn't like when people go, "Ugh, I have no estrogen so I gained all this weight." That isn't really the reason you gained weight. Most of it, some of it is fluctuating hormones, but most of it is change of lifestyle. A little bit more sedentary.

Yeah. You have more time on your hands, you're sitting on your couch more. I mean I know that's the case for me. I'm no longer chasing little kids every day. Right, right, yeah.

Or running here, running there. So you burn a few less calories. And back to what Patty said, calories in calorie out is the simplest equation when it comes to weight loss. There's a lot of things, like for instance, building muscle is gonna rev metabolism, it's gonna keep you healthy, it's gonna keep your tissue, your metabolic tissue better. But at the end of the day it's still like, how many calories did you take in?

How many did you expend, that is that energy exchange that matters for weight loss. Yeah. And what was she saying about her back? She hasn't worked out in a while, so she's kind of like nervous to get started because she has some back issues, so. Yeah, you know what, and I know Chris and I have both struggled with back issues and that is challenging for sure.

But I feel like you just have to like, just get started with it and just see what's working and what doesn't work for you. In the morning I get up, we were talking about this, I do my heat pad every morning. I do my stretches before. And it takes time, people. Like sometimes they're like, really I gotta do this.

But I do. I do and I do it and you do your stretches and you get kind of get your back moving and grooving before you even start your day. But for me it was kind of trial and error. It was like, yep, this works for me. That was, I was a runner and then I figured out, yeah, no I cannot run anymore.

My back does not like me to run anymore, so. I mean we have such similar everything. Yeah. We're the same person. 'Cause my back thing was the same way.

I had to stop running and then I got into doing my own therapy every day. I talked to you guys about it all the time. I'm like a broken record 'cause I say it's what you do every day. Consistency. Yeah, consistency.

So once my back, I figured out that I didn't have anything like major structurally wrong. I didn't have a fracture, but I had a herniated disc and my muscles were all engaged. There is a video on Get Healthy U TV under free 10 minute videos. It's under yoga and flexibility about how to stretch for back pain. It's my little routine that I do every single morning for about five to 10 minutes.

Awesome. I also wear an infrared heating pad every morning. It was this morning, every morning if you came to my live classes you would see it sitting on my front seat because I wear it in my car. Me too. As I drive.

I have a sitting on my seat when I take it off. And I put it back on and that infrared is very anti-inflammatory. And so we talk about it in the Facebook group. Somebody in the Facebook group, the private Get Healthy U TV Facebook group asked about infrared heating pads yesterday. Oh my gosh.

Who was talking about that? And we were trading links. Yeah. Because the one that I have is sold out right now on Amazon and Venture Heat. But there are a couple other ones.

Anyway, that being said is, it's, you know, don't be scared. And also start with things like our chair workouts if you're a member. Yeah. Start with our walking workouts. Those are very back friendly.

And start with our beginner. So Patty just did beginner upper body. Upper body, yep. You're doing beginner lower body. And lower body this week.

And then we have beginner total body coming. We have several of those. So if you are a gold member or a premium, but we have more gold beginner sort by beginner and look at all the workouts. And just start, you have to start somewhere, you know, so, and you'll figure it out quickly enough like what's working for you and what's not. You know, when you get into your squats, a squat is a squat.

Now do you have to squat way down low? No, you don't. So you'll just have to kind of just figure that out. But don't be afraid to start. You gotta start somewhere.

And go easy. Slow goes will get you the end results. Yeah. Let's see. Do you ever feel burned out?

This member says she feels like she struggles daily to push herself to exercise. So any suggestions on feeling burned out? I do, I do. And I think it's even a little more challenging when you're at home. You know, so I feel like you have to just get yourself up and just get yourself going.

I always tell my classes or my client, whoever I'm working with or for whatever reason, I'm like, start it. Give me 10 minutes. Give me 15 minutes. If after that time you're still not into it, then you know what, maybe today's just not your day and then you just pack it up and you know that at least you tried. Because if you can't, but I promise you 99% of the time after that 10 minutes or after that 15 minutes, you're gonna be in it to win it for sure.

But sometimes it's hard to get started. So I think mindset, if you're like, "Okay, I'm just gonna give it 10 minutes. "I'm just gonna see if this is gonna work for me today." And generally it always does. But I know it's hard when you're at home. You know, I love, I crave people.

I love people. Community. I love to be, yeah in the community and like during covid people, that was really hard on me. That was, I was not motivated. I did not work out.

I could not do a workout at home. I couldn't do it. So I understand, I understand that feeling that you have but you just have to kind of just pull yourself out of it and for sure you will. And you know, try something different. Like if you're really unmotivated, be like, today I'm gonna do a dance workout.

Yeah. Or today I'm gonna do a HIIT workout 'cause I don't usually do that. I do something that you don't normally do. Sometimes that can kind of help. And we also have free fitness challenges, whether you are a Get Healthy U TV member or not.

We do have a whole area of fitness challenges on the website. So if you're like somebody who's motivated by like I wanna do- A little competition. I wanna do a 14 day butt challenge. Yeah, yeah. Or a 28 day pushup challenge.

Or we have a challenge called Shake Up Your Wake Up. Oh. And it is either 30 or 60 days. 60 days. It's a 60 day challenge where every morning we give you like a little tip, we send you emails if you join the challenge and we send you, I don't know, are we gonna get that?

Do we have that that banner? Challenge banner. Are you guys getting that banner up for, there it is. There it is. Join the challenges.

Love it. Because the Shake Up Your Wake Up like gets you going in the morning and it's just like about doing 10 minutes in the morning. Yep. And then one of the things I was gonna say, when you're unmotivated, one of the things that has always brought me to morning exercise is winning the morning. Yeah.

I feel like if I win the morning, I can win the day better. You know, so like when my kids were little I figured out if I, like, if I don't work out at that 5:30 AM timeframe and I say, "Oh I'm gonna do it at 9:30 or something." Yeah. And then I get foiled, then I get mentally foiled for the whole day. I lose confidence, I lose motivation. I don't feel as successful as a parent or as a coworker or whatever it is.

So I started realizing that when I would win the morning, like I got my, and I always say that whether it's a GHUTV workout or a live workout with people we work out in person in the health club here in Minneapolis. We'll be like, check that box. Yeah. Totally. Like you you did it.

And move on. But maybe that's also something when you're feeling demotivated, take Patty's advice of just 10 minutes. Try the Shake Up Your Wake Up fitness challenge and see if that makes a difference. Absolutely. Let's see.

How long do you try something new before you move on? But not abandoning it too soon if it doesn't work. So if something like isn't working, how long do you like try and stick with it? Because you know, sometimes if you try something once and you're like well it didn't work. What do you mean?

Like it doesn't work? It depends like if you try to kickboxing class and you hate kickboxing. It's not that it didn't work, you just don't like it, so then try something different. Strength training works. So like if someone says "Well I've tried to strength train "it didn't work." I'd be like, "Mm, I don't believe that." Something's not right.

I would dig deeper and find out like what about the strength training isn't working? Are you not motivated? Are you getting injured because you're going too fast too soon? Are you not actually doing the movements in full range of motion, Correctly. Or correctly?

Like those would be the questions I'd ask 'cause like strength training works. But if you are eating, you know, a certain way and it's not working for you, change it up. I'd say, you know, you need to give things a couple weeks to a month. What is the saying, what's it 21 days forms of habit, right so? 21 to 30 days.

21 to 30 days. At least 30 I think is kind of the thing, so. Yeah, so I always try to give whatever, if I'm trying something new, whatever it could be, I always try to give myself the 21 days. Like let's just see if I can do it for the 21 days and see if I can create a habit out of it. It doesn't always work because I either lose motivation or I don't enjoy it for whatever reason.

But I feel like you have to give it a good chunk of time. Well and they always say, you know, motivation and habit. The cart or the horse. Which one? You know because motivation gets you started, habit keeps you going.

Going. But sometimes they're a little bit blurred those lines. It gets hard to keep going. But like for instance, if you're starting out and trying morning workouts and you did two and you hated them, that wasn't long enough. No, that's not long.

You need to go for the 21 days or the one full month. Or if you started drinking water and you didn't notice the difference in the first few days, you probably had to pee a lot but keep it going because you'll start to notice it takes food and like long-term exercise habits at least that time. At least that time. At least that time. All right.

Give yourself a little grace. Yep. I think we're so hard on ourselves. People wanna know your secrets. You guys have such awesome muscle definition in your arms, but thought they heard that you don't lift heavy.

What's your secret? Higher reps with lower weight? What is it? Heavy is relative because when Patty and I started teaching aerobics, "aerobics" it was called back then. Aerobics, yeah.

There were dumbbells in any studio. Nobody picked up a dumbbell in a studio. You just danced around. And so it was cardio. It was all cardio based.

In order to lift dumbbells, you had to go out into the weight room or you had to have like, I had some dumbbells at home but I didn't really know what to do with them. And then I became a certified personal trainer. Machines came into gyms. When machines came into gyms and that was like 1989, 1990, somewhere in there. That's when everything changed for women 'cause women started lifting weights.

But still, I would say up even until 20 years ago, we didn't really have weights in the studios. No. And then all of a sudden we started adding weights and at first we only had like five and eight pound weights. And so you still had to go out in the gym floor if you wanted to pick up 10s or 15s. But now all of you work out at home, we've encouraged you to get fives, eights, 10s, 12s, 15s.

So I call lifting heavy 12s and 15s. That's heavy to me. Now to my husband, he'd probably do 20s and 25s. But don't be fooled by that because I will tell you that over the course of the years, men come to our live classes. Yes, yes.

And I'm talking hockey players and baseball players and guys who are buff and they come in and they pick up 12 pound weights and they're humbled. Yeah. Like they're like, "Oh my gosh, I can't keep going." So heavy is relative. It is relative 'cause you about like for like my sculpt class, like. You're talking yoga sculpt.

Yoga sculpt, you know like we use five pound weights and trust me people, five pounds is plenty. You know when you have those long levers and you're going. So it is relative and it is important to know that some of our classes just move too fast and it's a wonderful class, it's great. But you're not gonna wanna do anything like too heavy with a class that's moving a little bit faster. I think if you go a little bit heavier, you're gonna wanna just slow yourself down and there's a place for that.

There's a place and there's a time for that. There's a time for going a little bit lighter, a little bit more endurance, a little bit more movement. And then there's a time like let's pick up those heavy weights, let's slow our bodies down and let's focus on form, you know. So when you're lifting heavy, what would you call heavy? For me, if I'm in a class and I'm doing like, let's say like a strictly strength class, 15 is heavy for me.

Okay. So like if you were doing one of our classes with us on GHUTV, that's the strict, you'd go 12 to 15. 12 to 15 would be heavy for me. I have used a 20, the problem I have with the 20s is they're so vast. I can't like hold 'em.

But for like maybe like a renegade row or something like that. But otherwise, no. I'm like 12 or 15 for sure. And I'm a 12 or 15. We actually talked at Get Healthy U TV about getting 20 pounders and all of us trainers agreed.

That's just too heavy. Especially when you're instructing because you're giving so much energy out. Right, yeah. It's hard but it's just too much on my joints. But Patty brought up a really good thing.

So for those of you who don't know the difference between muscle endurance and muscle strength and you wanna train them both. So muscle strength is, this is heavy, I'm gonna pick it up 10 times and I should feel fatigue. Okay, so if I do bicep curls with those 15 pounders, you do Metcon with Shannon and you're, you know, really you start to feel that fatigue, that's strength. And you only need to do like 10 plus repetitions to feel that. Muscle endurance is high repetition, low weight.

So it's repetition, repetitious motions, it's shoveling snow, it's raking leaves, it's picking up something, it's painting a wall. And so to Patty's point, you need to train both. You need to train endurance and strength. So if you're doing a warrior sculpt class and you're going like this with five pound weights, you're training endurance. If you're doing a kickboxing class, we're doing endurance.

But if you're doing a full body circuit class with Tara, you're going, you know, slow and controlled with your biceps. Now I will say age also plays a factor. So little secret. I have told Sam and Tara, you must slow down with me. If you're working out with me and Patty and you know.

Slow it down, You have to slow it down because I can't physically move as fast as they do anymore. Right. Again, give yourself grace. Yeah. You know, I could be sad about it but I'm not sad about it because it is what it is.

So, you know, again there is so much room for grace space in fitness and it's very hard for us type A people who want like rules and steadfast rules. You have to be a little bit more fluid. Yeah and flexible. And I think it's important to train both, you know? So it is important to do that heavy, heavy day one day and then maybe one day do more of an endurance day the next day.

And that's how you sculpt. Yep. I mean that's how you literally sculpt, so. Yeah. It sounds like a lot of people are struggling with getting good sleep.

What tips would you offer to get a better night's sleep at night? Oh boy. I know because I was such a heavy sleeper till 50 and then it was like. Yeah I am not a good sleeper anymore. I struggle.

Do you do anything with it? I do my little CBD gummy at night and I'm really- It helps? And really does help and I do the one that has like a little melatonin in it. So, and then I do one during the day too with the turmeric in it. And I think that helps with my inflammation.

But, so I do that at night. I try not to look at my screen at night. That doesn't help. So hard. It's really hard to not do that 'cause I like that.

I love that. That's actually, I love getting in my bed, opening my iPad and watching one of my shows, you know. So I will do that. If I pick up a book though, I will fall asleep probably. See?

Then you should try it. Yeah. Sam's a reader. This reader over here. I'm like, oh.

And I do love to read but I get so tired, you know, so that does help me. But my problem is I can usually generally fall asleep pretty good. It's the waking up at two and then not getting back to sleep. Right. That's the struggle for me.

Yeah. The struggle for me too. So I do some, so I do a turmeric tea drink. I've talked a lot about it. Organifi Gold.

Oh yeah. It's like a chai turmeric tea at night. It's supposed to help you like calm down. I really enjoy it. So I do that at night.

I take magnesium at night. Oh I was gonna say I do that too, the magnesium does help. I take magnesium. CBD gummies, I know a lot of people who do that. I tried it once but the problem was I had a rosacea breakout the next day, which I'm sure was completely uncorrelated.

But I have so much PTSD from my rosacea breakouts. So the minute that I was like oh god, okay. And I keep saying to myself I need to try it again because I really slept well. But you know, I had just so you know, TMI. But that was my situation.

What I try to do when I wake up though, 'cause if you wake up 'cause you have to go to the bathroom or something, I try to stay like as focused in my sleep mode as I can. Like I get up, quickly go to the bathroom, get back in bed, close my eyes, I start deep breathing. Like I try like really heavy deep breath, like not heavy but like deep breathing. For sure. And like really not letting myself get into my head.

Yeah. I just saw this presentation actually this is super interesting. I saw this girl who said "You can't outthink yourself out of anxiety. "Like so you have to use your body." They say and she's like a clinical therapist. Yeah.

And she said it was so interesting 'cause she said "When you get into this anxiety thing, "people try to outthink themselves. "Like stop it, stop it." They start talking in their head. Whereas she said "You need to use your body, "you need to use your five senses "to get out of that panic attack." So you need to like look at something beautiful, not in the middle of the night, keep your eyes shut. But you need to breathe deep, you need to inhale, maybe use smell, use touch. Yeah, a little lavender or.

Yeah, use something like that. And I thought wow that is really brilliant. And then of course during the day, not related to this question, but if you start to have a panic attack, movement, nature, like those things really help you. Let's see, what is the best way to breathe during exercise? Ooh, very good question.

Oh, we haven't had this before. So we've talked about this before. So like right now we are breathing in and out through our nose. That's a very low aerobic zone. We are with oxygen but it's a very low aerobic zone.

If I went to the shopping mall and was walking around the shopping mall, I could still breathe through my nose. It's called your zone two if you will. And it's a very low zone. We're not burning calories at a very high rate but it's just a fine place to live. When you are exercising, if you want to benefit from the calorie burn in the heart pumping cardio, you wanna get to the point where you are breathing through your mouth, so you can no longer keep your lips completely sealed.

I joke, you know, you Get Healthy U TV people at home. I'm like okay, are you breathing through your mouth yet? If I'm teaching a live class, I look around the room, I'm like, if you got your mouth closed, you are not trying hard enough. You need to start and you could talk. You can like say some sentences.

I could be like power walking with Patty and I could talk, but then I stopped talking, let her talk so I can catch my breath. So you really do wanna breathe in through the mouth as you know, as you get that heart rate up. In yoga, you know both of us teach yoga, you do a lot of sculpt. Yeah. In through the nose, out through the nose is pranayama and you really have to open that airway.

But again, you're not moving quickly, you know. Right, yeah. But except for sculpt, you probably have to. The sculpt we do in through our nose, out through our mouth because we are moving a little faster. But I think like for the evening, if you woke up in the middle of the night and you had that 2:00 AM what, I think that whole nose breathing in through your nose, out, you know and just really fill up your lungs, fill up your belly.

That's really good breath to get into for that. Yeah. I hate to jump back to it, but there are still more sleep questions, so we're gonna jump back into that one. Because there's so many products out there, what is is a safe, good brand of, you know, whether it's CBD gummies or magnesium, people are wondering, there's so many kinds out there, so. Yeah, I'm trying to think of the magnesium that I use.

I will put a link to the magnesium I use. It's recommended from Dr. Hyman. And I want to say do not hold me to this. I think it's magnesium glyconate.

There are different types of magnesium, one of which will make you unconstipated. So definitely don't wanna take that one at night. So I will put a link to the one that on Amazon, I feel like it's glyconate. I think it is. And I think that's what I think I had gotten it from you.

Yes. I think that's what I take too. Okay. Because you do wanna, 'cause there's one like that's magnesium, like oxidizes or oxidate and that is one that will help you anti-constipate. But you know, definitely not something that's going to be great for taking right before bed.

And then CBD gummies. I don't have a brand because like I said, I took it once and had a rosacea breakout. Do you have a brand? Yeah, so I can find the link and put it on, but it's the CBD brand. It's the...

Is it on Amazon? No. No. Where do you we'll get it? Okay we'll get that from Patty.

I'll get that. We'll get that from Patty. I'll that for you and yeah. Yeah, perfect. And they have the gummies, I have the roll on so if, you know, if my knees are sore or my back is sore, I use the roll on for that.

They have a daily one, they have all kinds of different choices that you can. And then the night one of course as well. Good. Awesome. Let's see.

Onto more products. Do you ladies actually use the Athletic Greens? Oh my gosh, you guys. I wish you could be on my like a little bird on my kitchen window stoop. Every single morning, Athletic Greens.

Every single morning. She's the one that got me into it. She was drinking it every morning. Yep, I see her bottle before. And I was like, okay, I am all about like everything healthy but green drinks kind of make me, I don't like 'em.

And she's like, tastes good, it tastes good. I'm like, okay. Finally I got into it. And what I love about it, it's 75 vitamins and minerals. It's probiotics.

It's got all the stuff you need. Selenium, vitamin B, vitamin A. It does not have vitamin D and Omega fish oils. Those like, you can't put into something like that. So I still take my vitamin D and fish oil if I'm not eating fish to get my Omega 3s.

But I take it every single morning. It's the first thing I do every morning before coffee. I'm obsessed. My husband is obsessed. I've got my kids into it now because, and my one son, my oldest son, he first started taking, he was like, "Mom, does that go right through you?

And I'm like, "Obviously your gut flora is off." So he started like in a smaller dose of it and then worked his way up. But I'm absolutely, like, I just don't take any vitamin pills besides my D and Omegas anymore and then my magnesium at night. I absolutely love it. Yeah. And we have a code for you guys to get a discount on your subscription.

Do you take it or no. I do because you had given me a sample and I actually just ordered it. I've been on it for, this might be my second week actually. Nice. Yay.

I just started it. I hope you used our code. And I do. I do, what? Hope you used our code.

I mean I did and I don't know that, I can't say that I like love it, but I just drink it. It's just one of those things I just drink it down. I mean you were like, it tastes so good. I'm like, mm, does it really? It's green, you know, so.

It's green. It's pineappley though. It is a little pineappley, but you know what, it's fine. I just drink down. I literally- You have to drink it cold.

I have ice in it. Yeah, ice cold. Has to be cold. It has to be cold. So annoying because my family's just, I'm always walking around shaking it and they're like, really, do you have to like be shaking it all the time?

I'm like, yep because it just makes it better. Because it makes it colder. Yeah. It just makes it colder. I love it.

And I'm obsessed, so I think you should try. I will say it's not as good not cold. No. I've done that. I can't imagine.

Yeah. I have travel packets in my purse just in case I'm gone. Like I feel like it gives me energy. I love it. People are loving your honesty, Patty.

Patty is, I know. You know, and like I said, I've known Patty for 25 years and one of the things that drew me to you is you're friendly, like I said, so friendly and so authentic. And such a true friend. Like literally I'm so happy to have Patty. Well it's so fun to be here.

And I'll tell you, when she asked me it, I'm like, no. Like this is taking me outta my comfort zone. You know, we did some online stuff when we were closed for Covid and that was really hard for me. But I am having so much fun with y'all and the community. Let's go to that C word.

Yeah. Is unbelievable. I have never experienced anything like this before and people, I'm from a very large gym. And the community that you guys have all formed in that Facebook group and I just wanna be part of it. I just wanna meet you all.

I wanna get together and have coffee with you. And it's so amazing and I picture you all. So when I'm here, I picture you all out there because I know you are and I have had more fun with this. And so thank you for, you know, asking me. I think it's really important.

So, you know, when you guys listen to these Q&As, you get some of the inside scoops. So Patty was a manager at the health club and when you are a manager, you are a full-time employee, you cannot work for another fitness company. So for the past six years, I could not ask Patty to do this with Get Healthy U TV because she was a full-time employee. And when Covid came, she stepped down from her position. And you can betcha that it was like a day.

And I'm like, Patty? Yeah, all over it. = As a matter of fact, she's like, I think I still have an employee code. I'm like, call them right now. Get that employee code off your paycheck.

You are, and she's like, "I don't wanna be in front of the camera," but like for 25 years I've watched this woman. I'm like, she is so amazing. And I will say for our Get Healthy U TV trainers, we all teach at the same, I hate to say it, but we all teach at the same lifetime fitness. These are my friends that I've known for 25 years that are so talented, so giving, so passionate, so educated that I've been slowly, you know, cherry picking, come on, can you do this? Come on, can you do this for us?

And it's just been so fun and everybody, I remember when Tara Putts was like, "No, I can't do that. "I'm not going in front of the," I'm like, Tara, you're amazing. You can do this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tara, Tara, Tamara.

I met someone today who told me her name was... Tamara. Tamara. So Tamara, oh. Tamara, Tamara, Tamara, potato, potato.

I'm like, oh my gosh. But that being said, it just makes us so happy to have you here. I'm really happy to be here and yeah, you guys have been just really, really fun and yeah, you bring me joy. It's great. It's brought me outta my comfort zone for sure.

And I think that's good for me, you know. I think it's amazing. Knocking on that door where I'm at, I'm like, I'm challenged every week. And when I, she put, of course, I was just telling Chris right before we started, I'm like, you could talk me into anything. So she goes like Monday, she's like, will you do this?

I'm like, no, yeah, you can do this. I'm like, I don't know if I can. And she's like, yes you can. Well then let's go back a few weeks ago where she's like, you're gonna do step with me. And I'm like, no I'm not.

No I'm not. I haven't stepped in 20 years. That is not happening. And you know what? Yep, we did it.

And now I'm like obsessed with it. I'm practicing it all the time. For step now, 'cause she's gonna do cardio step number seven. All the time. Because I said, Patty, come on, we can step.

You're like absolutely not. Oh, I was like, no way. I haven't done it in 20 years. I'm like, Patty, you and I are the OGs. We can do step.

And here she is. So it's so exciting. So I just wanna quickly recap these five C's 'cause that's what we wanted to talk about. So community, I'm sorry, consistency, convenience, and commitment are the first three. So commitment is that drawing that line in the sand saying I'm worth it.

Some of the questions that we answered today, like how do you, like, how do you get going? How do you? Like you have to make that contract with yourself like you matter. And right now, at this point in my life today, I just have a few friends who are going through some major health things. And I'm telling you right now, live hard, love hard.

You just don't know what tomorrow brings. But by your taking care of yourself, maybe menopausal will be easier, maybe your stress levels will be better. Maybe you can bypass some of these health issues. Maybe you can't. But if you do have a health scare, maybe you'll be stronger to deal with it.

So you have to have that commitment. Convenience means don't pick something silly. If you hate to swim, don't go join a swim team because you heard it burn calories. I mean you're not gonna do it. Find the things you love to do.

at GHUTV, if you love to dance, dance with Sam. It is so fun. If you love to do kickboxing, kickbox with me, I'm a kickboxing fanatic. If you love to step, do step with Patty, like find what you love. There's no one thing you have to do.

There's no one right way to exercise. And then of course, so you've got convenience, commitment, and consistency. We already talked about consistency and then you've got that community and connection. And that's where you build, like we were talking about community. I could have never dreamt that our community, our Facebook community, and Sam is in there every day are so spectacular, so supportive, and you ladies, I love you because even when somebody complains, which you know, hey you're allowed to complain, it's like, but they'll be like, oh no, no, no.

Don't you complain, you know. And I'm like, thank you you guys, thank you for having our backs. We know we're not perfect. We know the app makes mistakes sometimes. The app has had a few problems.

We know that when an update happens, like an update just happened and the timestamp disappeared. And you know, we talked to tech and they're like, shoot, that happened. We're trying to get it back. We're working on all those things. There is huge technology behind this, but at the end of the day it's the community and the passion that comes through and the connection.

There have been meetups, speaking of have meetups, there have been meetups of people around the country who have had coffee together, who have gotten together. Love it. Do workouts together, love it. Do workouts together. There's like a core Thursday group.

They all do core workouts. I did see that, yeah. I mean there's just been so many fun connections and we had planned on doing a live fitness weekend back in 2019 and it was all set to go. We actually took your money. We had like 75 signups or a 100 signups and then covid.

Oh. And the right thing to do was refund everybody and cancel it 'cause we had to. Yeah. And then, you know, the world kind of fell apart and we still have not come back to a live fitness weekend. And we've been talking about it and I know it's a financial commitment because you gotta travel, you got hotels, you've got the whole, you've got the whole conference and it's expensive for us to put it on.

But there is something so real about meeting people in person, touching, smiling, seeing. So keep that in the back of your heads you guys. we hope to connect with you in that way. But the connection we make virtually is truly amazing. It truly is amazing.

If you're not on the Facebook page, I feel like you need to get on that because there's just a lot of tips and a lot of, you know, everyone's going through the same stuff every day. I mean we all have stuff, you know, and it's nice to hear about, it's not nice to hear, but you know, if someone's struggling with something, it's nice to be able to just tell people like, "Hey, I'm really struggling with this today." And then 40 comments on how you can do it. You know, and that's just what you need. That's sometimes that's all you need. Like yeah, you're right, I can do this.

You know, so it's been really, I'm on there every day too. I think it's, I like to post my workouts too and when I'm working out with my friends here and I think it's important to just share it with everybody. So it is truly amazing. Absolutely. Let's see, we have somebody saying once she walks outside for exercise, she doesn't feel that her heart rate is getting increased enough for her cardio.

She has bad knee and a foot ankle injury. So she's careful when trying to jog. How can she increase her heart rate safely and effectively? Hmm. Well, you know, power walking doesn't get your heart rate necessarily up, you know where it would with like a kickboxing or a step workout or something.

You know, if you have a few hills in your neighborhood, depends on where you live, but. Depends where you live. Every time we have a hill in our neighborhood that isn't like really this huge hill, but a girlfriend of mine, you guys both know her, Debbie. Yeah. She's a GHUTV member.

We take that hill every day and every day we go, are you kidding? This kicks our butt every day because it gets our heart rate up. So maybe find a stack of stairs that you can go up and down, find a hill. Our indoor walking workouts, because you're indoor, you can go a little faster. Yes, yep.

We keep a pretty steady stepping pace with those indoor workouts. I would say try like the 5,000 step workout. Try the 2,000 step workout, try the walk-in sculpt, try the walking intervals. I am shocked how sweaty I get from those workouts. Yeah and I think, yeah.

And I think it's harder when you are outside depending on where you live because you really, you might kind of get going and then, oh you gotta stop for a stop sign or oh you gotta stop, you know, for whatever reason. It's hard to like really go, go, go unless you're on a path or you find a really cool trail or, and then you gotta be careful of your footing too. And so I know that's probably a little bit challenging, but I was thinking, I'm like these work, I did the one with Sam and I'm like wow, this is awesome. And then look at me. I got all my steps in, you know.

Yeah. Yeah, they like, those are tough workouts and they like incorporate a little bit of dancing. Well... You got a little bit of footwork in there. We pushed Sam out of her comfort zone because her first walking workout, I'm like, Sam, how about you do a walking workout?

You're like, no. I told her I would never do one ever again. And I go, Sam, you're a dancer, you can do this. And people ate it up. All of you members.

I loved it. You guys were like, we love Sam's walking. So fun. Said I never would do one again. And I think I did one more after that.

Yes you did. You've done at least two. All right, let's see. Are you ever going to do a seated calendar? I have mobility issues and love following calendars.

But miss following them. Yeah, we love our calendars and you guys love them too. We have, Sam and I think we're counting, we have like 60. Oh wow. 28 day calendars.

We are literally, that is one of Sam's main jobs is updating calendars on the monthly, right? Yeah. I mean 'cause we like to get some of the newer workouts in there 'cause you guys calendars are a huge bonus and I get that. Yeah. I like to have a schedule and know what I'm going to do.

That being said, we just haven't had the manpower yet to do that many seated workouts. We would have to probably put together a production day of more seated workouts. Yeah. I think what we have to do is just, we have to get some, the production crews here. We're gonna have to, you guys, we might have to schedule...

They're shaking their heads. A couple extra days of production. They're so busy. But we'll bring lunch. Yeah.

Because we do, you know, we get these requests and it's like oh my gosh, this would be great. It requires a full day of production, you know. Yes. So, but we appreciate the idea. But do you know we've got like six right now, so you could rotate them.

And then we've got the low impact lower body on the floor that you did when your foot was injured. Yeah. We have a bunch of beginner things, so. Can you talk about, and I've actually like asked you a lot about this because I have become a label reader. Can you talk about seed oils and why they are so inflammatory and like which ones are good?

This is so my soapbox. It is. It gets me so mad. I tell Sam all the time. And we only have three minutes.

Okay all these health brands, all these health brands that are "health brands" use Omega 6 oils and it just sends me over the edge. Because like, oh my gosh, this healthy cauliflower chip and it's a health brand and everything sounds great and I turn it around and everything's healthy except for canola oil. And I'm like, why is a health brand using canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, vegetable oil, those are Omega 6s and they're very inflammatory in the body. Now, don't get me wrong, Angie's Boom Chicka Pop. I love that popcorn.

Guess what they use, sunflower oil. And so if I'm at one grocery store I will buy Angie's Boom Chicka Pop and I will eat it. And I do eat it all the time. But that's like maybe my only bad oil that I eat 'cause I'm very acutely aware of it. Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil are going to be more in that omega, the healthy omegas and the mono unsaturated, they're called MUFAs monounsaturated fatty acids.

And they are better for you. So for instance, the brand Lesser Evil, it's called Lesser Evil, meaning the Lesser Evil of whatever. They sell it at Whole Foods. They have the best popcorn in the world. They have this popcorn called No Cheesy Cheesiness.

It tastes like you are doing the worst thing in the world eating cheesy popcorn. Oh, interesting. It's so delicious. It's made with coconut oil. They make their chips with avocado oil.

Some of Siete, I love Siete brand, they use avocado oil. So Siete and Lesser Evil are the two brands that I buy the most when it comes to chips. And I buy a lot of chips, I love chips. But it just gets me mad if too many inflammatory Omega 6s and they're cheap. And that's why.

And that's why. And I asked, I wrote to some, I'm trying to think if it was called the Ground Up, I think it's the Ground Up is the name of these chips I love, their cauliflower. But they use crappy oil. And I wrote a message to the website like why? Yeah.

Like everything is so healthy, why do you use this bad oil? Yeah. Yeah, it's a good one. All right. Okay, last kind of question.

Okay, just one minute everybody. Yeah. One minute. So we kind of touched on like how you tone your arms, but everyone like legit keeps asking. So 'cause we talked about like heavy versus lightweight, but like, do you only do upper body workouts?

Like what's your secret to toned arms? Okay. Go ahead. Well, I was gonna say we do total body workouts all the time. People think that we do all these split day workouts and we love split day.

I don't. Yep, there is a place for that for sure. Yes. And if you like, if it's your mood, like if you're like this week I just wanna divide my body up, like go and do it. But our 90% of our three workouts, I can say this with complete confidence, are total body HIIT, meaning intervals and circuits.

We do intervals and circuits just like we feed to you guys at Get Healthy U TV. As a matter of fact, the full body circuit workouts, which are Tara's specialty, are our favorite format that Patty and I have been doing forever. Forever. And that format is like, she goes back, then she goes legs, then she goes like bies, tries or something, then she goes legs, then she like, it's all in one workout. All of our workouts, we combined all but I'm just using my 12s and my 15s.

I'm going slow and controlled in my older age and I'm making sure that I hit bicep, I'm making sure that I hit tricep, I'm making sure that I hit shoulders and I'm doing the methodically slowly heavy, heavy what it means to me. What that that means for me, which is different. I mean you go heavy. I look at Sam and her form and she can do it. Her form is beautiful.

She looks amazing. And she's 30. 31. 31. So do you have any other secret you wanted to add to that?

No, I think it's important to put in, I put in two heavier lift days. So two days where I try to go even a little bit heavier, you know, where I'm just, but I haven't done, I've done the split days a couple times just because I sometimes I don't wanna do legs. I just like, I don't wanna do legs today because I took a walk yesterday or for whatever reason, but full body people and do what's heavy for you. And we have split day workouts, you guys, we have two rounds of really heavy split day workouts. The Metcon workouts with Shannon are all split day.

We have some upper body, we have HIIT. What was it, chest and? Chest and back. That you did? Yeah, yeah.

That is, that's a favorite. People love that one. Yeah. We do have a lot of body part ones if you sort through. So it goes back to this no right way.

Right, there is no right way and and plan your week out. Like look at, you know, I mean you're not gonna stick to it for sure, but have a plan in place. Like, you know, I'm gonna do my upper body today and I'm gonna do my lower body tomorrow. I'm gonna do my yoga on the next day and then full body or whatever, you know. And it doesn't have to be perfect.

No. Like right now in my life, every, you know, everything changes every year. But right now my life, my weights are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. And then I take Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off weights. Yeah.

Oh yeah. I don't do anything on the weekends. So, you don't have to go every other day or whatever. Anyway, we're out of time. Yeah.

Patty, thank you for joining us. Yeah, thank you. Sam, isn't it fun? Yeah, thank, it was so fun. I feel like we need like two hours of you.

But it was awesome. Super fun. Well thanks for joining us. It was super fun. Yeah, we're gonna try to bring one of our trainers on so you guys get a little bit of their backstory.

Feel free chit chat in the group. Thanks for your passion, Patty. Yes, thank you for having me. I'm so happy to have her as a trainer. Of course, we love Sam too.

She keeps us organized. Yeah, you see me all the time. God bless Sam. All right, have a great day you guys. Check out our free fitness challenges.

They're super fun if you need a little motivation. Have a great day everybody. Bye-Bye.

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