Chris Freytag

GHUTV LIVE! Exercising As You Age

Chris Freytag
Duration:   1  hrs 2  mins


As we age, regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health! It helps your muscles to grow stronger so that you can continue doing your day-to-day activities! Let’s talk about the importance of exercising as you age and how to make it attainable to YOU!

Make sure to sign up for our 28-day Menopause Muscle Builder challenge to build strength, get your heart rate up, and feel great at any age! Sign up here!

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2 Responses to “GHUTV LIVE! Exercising As You Age”

  1. Marti

    I am 59 years old, we have a hobby farm that I work on every day and I also do your great workouts. I hate the fact that even working out hard and using weights, I still feel like I am having a harder time staying firm - especially my triceps. Any advice? Thank you!

  2. Cindy Semien

    What do you suggest one to eat for breakfast? I usually only have a coffee because it is easy.

Well, welcome in to our "Get Healthy U TV" monthly Q&A. I'm Chris Freytag and I'm here with Sam Cameranesi. Hello. How are ya? Good, how are you?

Staying warm? Trying. I'm shocked you don't have your vest on. I know, we didn't coordinate that part of it today. I am so cold.

I was like, I'm gonna take this vest off for the sake of camera. Forget it, I'm freezing. Oh, you guys, we're muddling through February. For those who don't know, we're in Minnesota. It's a balmy nine degrees today and I actually mean that.

That is balmy for February, so we're just freezing over here. Yeah, it's brutal. And we do these monthly Q&As, they're free. You don't have to be a member of Get Healthy U TV, but we appreciate all of our members, but we come live to answer questions. So many of you have questions about your health as you should because it is a journey.

It is something that you travel for your whole life. I was just on my soapbox, talking about my younger sister, saying, oh, my gosh, she has to do this and this and this and I'm trying to hold her accountable because sometimes it is overwhelming, your own health. But at the end of the day, you don't want just more years, you want good years and so today we're discussing how to age gracefully, how to take care of yourself through that aging process. And there's a lot to talk about. I know you guys have asked a lot of questions, so we're gonna get right into it.

I do wanna comment that those of you who are Get Healthy U TV members, we do have our Menopause Muscle Builder Challenge. We followed it as a group in October and it was wildly successful. It was. Because there are so many of you in those perimenopause years and post-menopause years that are feeling that your body is changing and it's not your imagination, it's the truth. So this calendar is 28 days of workouts that are geared towards giving you a really intense workout.

There's like high-intensity workouts and it gets you moving, but low impact in nature. So make sure you've heard what I said. Low impact does not mean low intensity. You can still get a really good workout, but skip all the impact on the joints. They're very mindful workouts, so it's 28 days of really fun stuff.

Are we gonna put a banner up or what? I believe so. Okay, maybe Jess is working on that. Oh, she said her ringer was off. What a day!

Okay, so Jess, when you get a chance, get that banner up so that everyone can see the menopause. I bet she didn't expect me to say it so early. She probably didn't. Our tech team is like, Chris, you never mention anything that early! We did put it in the comments in both Get Healthy U TV on that page and also on Facebook, so you can look in the comments as well.

Okay, so that's really good. All right you guys, let's dig into these questions 'cause I know you have a lot of 'em, and I'm with you. All right, well you kind of just talked about one of our calendars, but some people are asking, is there a calendar that does cover the weekly basis, such as cardio, strength, stretching, all that kind of stuff? That's a great question because the answer is all of them. Every single one.

All of our calendars are about giving you a mix of cardio, strength and some form of flexibility type training. Some of 'em have a different flare, a dance flare, a bar flare, a kickboxing flare, a split day training flare, whatever it might be, but we're always gonna give you a well-rounded calendar of 28 days. If it's a beginner calendar, it's gonna have a different set of workouts. So all of them and we're a big believer in, like I love a good mix of cardio and strength throughout the week, you need that. Throw a little bit of flexibility and you've got yourself a very healthy routine.

What is your favorite workout to do and has that changed over time as you've gotten a little older? It has, geez, why all my notifications making so much noise. I'm a mess, but I've been a mess for a couple of weeks. Okay, has it changed my favorite workout? Yeah, it has changed.

I was a runner, you guys, I was a big runner. Like running is what got me into fitness. It was my mental release. I didn't even know what endorphins were, but when I was back in grade school even, I would run when I was in seventh and eighth grade and realized that I felt really mentally good, and so it just traveled on for me. And I ran one marathon, I ran lots and lots of half marathons.

I did a triathlon. I was into it and then I started having back pain about eight years ago, maybe it was even a little bit more than that, I can't remember honestly. And some hip pain and some knee pain all on one side and was all being really aggravated from running and after lots of therapy on my own, knowing what to do. I've talked to you guys about this so many times. I have a 10 minute video on how to stretch your back.

I basically got my back pain under control. I really don't have any back pain. I jump, I lunge, I squat, I do it all, but running became something that just wasn't good for my body. So I became a power walker and I went through an identity crisis for, I don't know, literally probably a year of just not being a runner anymore and being a walker, but I'm so happy. I love walking.

It's something I can do into old age. I have so many girlfriends that love to walk. We have walking groups. We catch up on absolutely everything from our kids, to our TV shows, to menopause during our walks. I love to catch up on podcasts during a walk.

So that has become my favorite cardio beyond kickboxing. I love kickboxing. I love to bike, but for me, it's about music, and so outdoor biking, you don't really listen to or you shouldn't listen to music 'cause you don't wanna get in an accident, so that's maybe third on my rung and then strength training is my favorite. Now, in terms of how I strength train, I used to strength train like so, so intense when I was younger and I'm always telling Sam this, at age 30, I'm like, Sam, don't overdo it. Tailor it back because if you overdo it, your body is inflamed and the inflammation never goes away and you feel icky.

You just kind of feel tired, run down. You feel bloated, if that's the right word or puffy. You feel like you're not sleeping well, so there's that fine line. So one of the things that changed for me in age is I do a little less. So, I strength train probably three hard days a week, sometimes four and the other days is cardio.

So that has changed for me and it really works for me. Yeah, awesome. And a little lower impact, it depends. I can still do high impact. I'm kind of shocked.

I was gonna say, I think most people would say you still do high impact. But I don't run anymore. I could run if I wanted to, but I always end up with a little bit. I'll run a mile if I'm in a hotel and I go on a dumb treadmill. Your favorite.

Can you feel my passion? Outside is your day. No, I don't mind a treadmill. Okay, let's see, some of these are very specific, but let's start with this one. I would love some advice on where or how to get started after years without regular exercise, even as you're older.

You know what, baby steps. Baby steps, you're never too late, you're never too old. You cannot give up on yourself. I've seen people start fitness routines in their 70s and I mean that. It is something that you just have to accept.

It's kind of one of those things where okay, you start with vulnerability like, hey, I haven't taken care of myself. It's been 20 years. My health numbers are not good. I'm overweight, I'm tired, I'm whatever. And then you start to say, I'm going to change things.

We just had a testimony in our Get Healthy U TV Facebook group, those of you who are in our group. One of the gals said, she said, hey, I just wanna share with you my journey since January of 2020 or March of 2020, I can't remember. You guys, that was two years ago. So she's been on this journey for two years. She realized that she was sick, she needed to make a change.

She was not happy mentally or physically. She started with baby steps, she got some eating under control. So I'm always like change one eating habit, add in more fruits and vegetables, drink more water, start looking at labels, and getting rid of processed food. Start cutting portions down a little bit, all those little things. And then she started adding in exercise.

And she was doing just a little bit of exercise to start. Don't come out of the gates with a 45 minute high intensity workout. That's not a good idea. Your joints are gonna hurt, your body's gonna hurt. Start with baby steps.

We have so many 10 minute workouts, we have beginner workouts, we have walking workouts, we have so many fun things and then slowly but surely add on and I tell you, like this gal said, over the course of two years, she lost, I don't remember what she said, some extraordinary amount of weight. She reshaped her body. Her mental health was so much better. You could just see from her smile, she was a whole different person. Her health numbers were in check.

Here's what I have to tell you. You have to change your mindset from, I'm gonna lose weight to get healthy to, I'm gonna get healthy to lose weight. Losing weight is the byproduct of healthy habits, so don't get so caught up on, I need to lose weight, I need to, forget that. You need to get healthy. And if you get healthy, I promise you, I can almost bet my money on it that you will lose some weight if you get healthy.

What are the best exercises to do when experiencing hip and knee pain? Yowza, mobility, mobility, motion is lotion. If you have hip and knee pain. Now of course, if it's extreme, you need to go to a doctor, get an MRI or an x-ray or something and make sure that nothing is physically wrong. Like no broken bones or torn ligaments or whatever it might be, but if you have like bursitis or tendonitis or something like that, it's gonna take rest, anti-inflammatory diet, lots of water and mobility.

So stretching and hip circles. So any of our workouts that we do. What do we do in the beginning of every workout? We warm up the ball and socket joints, shoulders and hips. We do circles, we do lunges, we do runners lunges, we rock back and forth.

We do all those things to get the hip and the shoulders warmed up. The knees, butt kickers, bend your knee, come down into a yogi squat. Do some different stretching things to warm them up. What was the rest of? I might be getting a little off.

Hip and knee pain. How to exercise through it? But if it's a really, really intense, I do suggest you go see a doctor and rule out any kind of structural problem. But if there isn't a structural problem, baby steps, I would look at my diet and be anti-inflammatory. I would do more mobility stretching in the beginning and at the end and I would avoid, like for me for instance, I had some new pain at one point.

Lunges hurt me, but squats didn't, so I did a whole bunch of squats and I skipped the lunges for a while until that knee pain went away. I mean, you have to also just listen. Absolutely, kind of off the same line of that one. Any specific exercises that can strengthen the lower back? This individual does your stretching video with the ball and says that it really helps that day, but she feels like she has to repeat it the next day.

Nothing is carrying over, like feeling better the next day. So are there any specific moves that you can build up the lower back muscles? Well, first of all, you should do it daily. That's the thing about any kind of personal physical therapy, it's a daily thing. It happens to people all the time and even my own kids who are in their twenties, they'll be like, oh my back hurts.

So, I did those stretches, mom, you told me to, I did it for one day. I'm like, okay, that's great, but one day does not change you, it has to be daily. So good for you for doing it daily. Now to strengthen your low back, supermans. You lay on the floor prone and you lift your arms and your legs and that low back, you feel it.

You do sit-ups, rollups, full body rollups, like we do in Pilates. We do them slow and controlled. That's gonna strengthen those back muscles, planks, high planks, forearm planks, where you keep your butt from raising way up. You get it down, you get in alignment, you squeeze your abdominals. Anything that uses your core in a good specific way.

When we do squats and we lift our arms up overhead and then we squat with our arms up, all those back extensors down your back are firing. But those low back muscles, planks are really great, supermans. I would say supermans is one. I feel like that's often missed a lot and so those are something that you can do every day before or after your workout. And bird dog, I think I do that in that one video where you're on all fours and you lift opposite arm to leg, and then you put it down and then you lift opposite arm to leg and then you put it down.

And I think the other thing too that you talk about a lot is, your back is also your core, so maybe even finding, again with planks and stuff, strengthening the front side is also gonna help that backside of the low back too. You got it, girl. You got it. Can you please talk about anti-inflammatory? What exactly does that mean?

So any kind of processed food is very inflammatory. Anything full of chemicals, food coloring, food preservatives, all that kind of stuff, causes your cells to inflame and inflamed cells cause pain. They also cause a lot of health problems. I have suggested to you guys so many times to follow Dr. Hyman, Dr.

Mark Hyman. He's a functional medicine doctor. He is an MD. He is part of the Cleveland Clinic. He also has his own practice out on the East Coast.

He is just super incredibly, well not only smart, but he puts it in ways that make sense on his Facebook and Instagram post and he has an amazing podcast called, "The Doctor's Pharmacy." And he talks a lot about what to eat. Foods that don't cause inflammation are pretty much all the foods that are real. So foods that don't come with a label. For instance, pineapple in particular is a very anti-inflammatory fruit. It has an enzyme called Bromelain.

Salmon is very anti-inflammatory. Nuts and seeds and MUFAs, which are monounsaturated fatty acids are very anti-inflammatory. So your olive oils, your avocados, your cacao, your nuts and seeds. But in general, it's getting away from food coloring, getting away from preservatives and here's another thing, I mean again, these are just suggestions, you take it with a grain of salt, but the Food Babe is this girl who was sick when she was like in her 20s. Sick, meaning she just had a lot of health issues, but she said, I grew up on Captain Crunch.

I ate Captain Crunch and Poptarts and chicken nuggets. And she said, I finally figured out that food could actually get rid of her health problems. And so, she posts every day on Instagram and Facebook, all these things about reading labels and she helps you learn to look for it. Like for instance, dyes. It doesn't always say red dye four or red dye 40 or whatever.

Sometimes it just says E307 and you're like, what's E? Your eyes just glaze over it because you don't know what it is. But that's a food coloring. And when my kids were little, I used to freak out about cereal. It got me so angry because every cereal had food coloring.

Red, blue and yellow and I was like, why does it have to have food coloring in it 'cause that is so inflammatory. Anyway, okay, I hope that helped. She is on soap boxes today. It sounds like I've had a lot of caffeine today. I love it.

This is just how I am. This is everyday, people. Okay, we have somebody saying she's struggling to lose her five pound holiday weight gain. She eats healthy and works out regularly, but she's having trouble getting the scale to budge. So a little bit more about her.

She's 63 years old. Wondering if a 30 minute HITT workout with your modifications, combined with a 10 minute stretch is enough to burn the calories or is that not enough? Yeah, well remember, calories in, calories out, yes to lose weight. I mean we can't forget that because calories are a unit of energy and if you wanna lose weight, you have to expend more calories than you take in to a point, but of course the type of calories you take in really matters. So like in 30 to 40 minutes of exercise, let me tell you, that's more than probably 95% of America does, which is truly shocking.

But I'd say that's really good. Typically, if you can burn about 100 calories per 10 minutes, that's a decent calorie burn. Here's the thing you have to remember, it's not just about that 40 minute workout and I was just talking about this with a friend yesterday. As a matter of fact, in the afternoon, Sam and I, after work, I said, I'm going for a walk. I try to walk in the afternoons because we do our workouts in the mornings, but then I literally am sitting in a chair like this or on a couch or in my kitchen or in our office for eight, 10 hours working.

And it's like, that isn't healthy either. Just because I moved for 45 minutes, doesn't give me the right to sit for the next 10. So it's a lot about the that word NEAT, Which is non-exercise activity thermogenesis. So it's about get out and walk a mile. Do it once in the morning, once in the afternoon, once at night.

Get up and do a 10 minute stretch or one of our 10 minute cardio indoor walking things. Get up and do something. Move your body. You'll burn an extra 100 calories here, 100 calories there. You'll move, you'll keep your energy up.

So I would suggest if you can't get those five pounds out, check portions, see if you're, 'cause sometimes our eyes are bigger than a portion should be, myself included. There are times where I'm like, wow, I really ate a lot of that. So think about portions and then just add a little extra movement. It doesn't have to be an intense workout, but just get a little bit more in your day. And you do that too, I mean, because even at your age, still sitting for 10 hours isn't good.

Well, right, like I feel things just start to cramp up and everything. Yeah, so even 10 minutes or even if I can just get a 20 minute in, it's a walk. I wouldn't categorize it as like a HITT workout. I don't do a second workout, it's just body movement. And I've been trying to stretch more too, so if I do a 10 minute walk and a 10 minute stretch after that, then likely my body is also gonna feel a little bit better the next morning with that extra stretch that I didn't do in the morning.

And so my husband has been on this kick to lose weight and he's lost 17 pounds since Christmas. Good for him, that's awesome. But he's doing, after 32 years of marriage, he's following my advice. Finally, just eat a little healthier and just move a little more. Funny how that works.

And he is doing his cardio in the morning. He loves to bike, so he does a stationary bike and then in the evening or the afternoon he does yoga. And he keeps saying like, this yoga thing is really burning some calories and making me feel good and making my joints feel better. I'm like, I know. It isn't rocket science, you guys.

It's like, I didn't invent this. This is just the human body. And by the way, speaking of yoga, I just wanna point out, so we have a new Get Healthy U TV trainer, her name is Patty, a dear friend of mine for the last 23 plus years. She's truly amazing and she is the queen of yoga sculpt. She has a following of people that come to her live yoga sculpt, like a crazy cult-like following and she is starting her yoga sculpt classes for Get Healthy U TV in a just two weeks.

In like two or three weeks. So get ready you guys, those are gonna be fun. And those are awesome 'cause they combine lightweights with yoga all in 45 minutes, I love it. Speaking of workouts at Get Healthy U TV, do we have anything that specifically targets the pelvic floor? She's 51, fairly fit, 5'4, 135 pounds.

She'd love for you to have a specific program for this. You are very fit, that's awesome. Kate, our lovely Kate Lang has a pelvic floor workout. It's a 10 minute pelvic floor workout. It's a 10 minute, yes.

It's a really good one, so I would definitely check that one out. I would also say all of the Pilates. Kate has two new Pilates workouts, power Pilates one and two that we recorded in 2021 and they're very good, but we also have a whole bunch of other mat Pilates. Now, are those Gold workouts? Yeah, they're Gold workouts, but they're really good.

So the pelvic floor is like the major part of the philosophy of Pilates. So if you're doing Pilates, you are doing pelvic floor training. So check that out for sure. Some members are asking how often new programs are added to Get Healthy U TV? That's a really good question.

Okay, so for you premium members, we add two new workouts a month. So twice a month you get a new workout. So it's kind of fun, you get one kind of in the beginning of the month and the end of the month, so we're constantly filming those and getting those ready for you. And then Gold members, you have access to all the premium, but you also get two new workouts a week. So you get a Monday and a Friday workout.

So, the gold is wildly popular because we have a little more license to do more variety just 'cause they're more often, so we add in more equipment, maybe some different formats, but the premium workouts I'm telling you, they're awesome. Some of those are actually some of my favorite, I think. Right and for me I feel like okay, so Get Healthy U TV, we've been around for how many years now? I can't keep track. Five and slow but surely, we're filling our team with all of my dear friends from the Twin Cities.

All of these trainers that I've known forever that are so quality, that have been teaching forever, that have amazing talent. I'm such a stickler about form. Form is my thing because good form, good results, especially as we're getting older in age. We really need those cues and so I feel really, really proud of the team of trainers that we have and the programs that we add. We're on the cutting edge, people.

We are and somebody's saying, more boxing plus bar and kickboxing strength. Okay, kickboxing strength is Monday. Monday, yeah. That's Sam Cam, she's got a kickboxing strength workout for you, bar boxing, we're gonna add another one in April. So we'll add another one of those in April, so they're coming.

Anything you guys want, let us know and we'll add it to the list. Somebody just asked for core off the floor, Core off the floor. And we already have one, but I thought okay, we'll put that on a Gold in April or May. Yeah and there was just that 10 minute that Shelly just released. That six pack abs and I watched it.

There are actually a ton of core exercises at the very beginning that are standing and only like a few on the floor, so if you're looking for core off the floor, I would definitely check that one out 'cause it's new too. Let's see, how do you know if you're getting enough balance in your workouts? She loves cardio, but knows that she needs other workout suggestions. Well, you know, you need to get at least two full strength training sessions in a week. That's kind of the guidelines.

So whether you divide your body parts up and do split days, so then you maybe have to go three or four days to get all the muscle groups in or maybe if you're like me, I really like to do at least three full days of weights, so I do weights. And by the way, there's no special magic formula. Like some people say, well do you lift every other day, do you take a day rest? I'm like, no, it depends on my schedule. My schedule's been pretty much the same for like the last five years, but years ago it was different.

Sometimes I did have a day in between. Right now, I do weights on Mondays if I'm here at Get Healthy U TV recording. If I'm not here, it depends on whether I do weights on Mondays, pretty much typically I do, and then I do weights Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. I just front load my week. That's just the way it works.

Fridays I do kickboxing. Saturday, Sunday is power walking for me. I don't often do a full on workout on those days. Those are my days for my body to rest. I'll throw in some yoga stretching when I can.

I really wish I was doing more yoga and I try to fit that on Fridays, but with my cardio, it gets hard, yeah, but you definitely need to make sure if you like cardio, that's awesome. Cardio is so good for you mentally and physically, but just make sure you're getting two full days of strength training in. Absolutely, in trying to do full on pushups, is it better to stay on the knees or up on the toes and hands and go as far as you can until you get all the way down? Start on the knees. I am such a stickler for this one too.

A pushup is not just a little tiny movement, or a shrug of the shoulders or elbows going out here. You gotta keep those elbows behind you. You gotta activate those triceps. You wanna get your chest as close to the floor or the step, whatever you're using as possible. Go on your knees, I don't care, but get that range of motion because what's gonna happen when you get that range of motion is you're gonna stretch your pectoral muscles more and you're gonna stretch your triceps more, so you're gonna activate more muscle fibers and you're gonna get stronger.

So pretty soon you're gonna be like, okay, now I'll step on one knee and one toe. You put one toe out behind you, and then pretty soon, you get both feet behind you. But going on your toes and barely moving, it's going to be hard to make progress. Yeah, always go for a full range of motion in that one. Does collagen help with osteoarthritis?

I'm not a doctor so I can't really tell you that. I mean, osteoarthritis is regular wear and tear to the joints. It's pretty normal for all of us over 45, 50. You have some form of arthritis, but I mean not always. And you know, type two collagen is good for the joints.

Does it help with arthritis? I'm not sure of that. I don't really have the answer. I do know though inflammation flares up your arthritis, so an anti-inflammatory diet is very helpful. My muscles and joints definitely don't recover as quickly and it can be discouraging as I get older.

Do you have any tips? I always laugh because I always say to Sam, I'm like, you just wait, you just wait. Because at her age versus my age, I'm like, my recovery time has changed. That's why, like I said, I used to go hard five, six days a week and now I'm like I can't do that, and when I do do that, I can just tell that my joints, my muscles, everything's inflamed. I don't sleep well and I don't feel as well, so there is a fine line between over-training, I mean between over-training and not training enough.

So give yourself that little bit of of rest. Am I answering the question? Yeah, I mean her muscles and joints don't recover as quickly, so any tips on helping that. And how do you feel about recovery? Because I know you go hard.

Yeah, I go hard and I was actually just telling you yesterday, like I've kind of scaled back because life has just been crazy and I still get my workouts in, but definitely not as long as my brain tells me I need and I've actually felt my body slowly feeling better. I think I got to a point where I was definitely over training and for me, like it's a mental thing, but pulling back has definitely helped. Honestly, about a week and a half ago, I didn't wanna pick up a weight, 'cause I was like, my body is just feeling it. And now that I've scaled back, and like ready to go harder again, but I'm really trying to kind of take her advice or I try to of taking about two days, again, they're active days of rest, so I'm not just sitting on the couch all day, but I'm just going for walks and I'm not doing something high intensity. And something I really, really wanna start doing is more yoga.

I mean, I've been teaching yoga for so long. The only problem is really only time I ever do take yoga is when I teach it. I need to go to yoga because teaching yoga is the one class where you don't get as good of a workout when you're teaching the class as you do as taking the class. And so I really need to do that because I know how good that is for recovery. So, maybe throw something like that in because it can be a great calorie burn, but it's also a great mental and physical recovery tool.

And you know, like you said, there's just a fine line. I like about an hour of working out a day. But anything more than that for me is honestly, I would rather take a walk later in the day. I'd rather burn an extra few calories walking the dog or doing a yoga flow for 10 minutes or 20 minutes or something like that. Don't forget about that, what we call NEAT, non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

That is the time that you are moving beyond your workout. Yeah, there's a lot of people saying it's definitely hard to take rest days and I think for a lot of us, it's like that mental, that it does make it hard, so you just kind of gotta tell yourself it's good for you. Yeah and we are so impressed. I mean, I'm telling you, Sam and I sometimes sit and scroll the group together and we're like, holy moly, you people are motivated. I know you guys say we motivate you, you motivate us.

Like I watch and I'll be like, if they can do that, I can do that. I mean like, you guys are motivated and kudos to you because working out in general is just hard to get there and then you hit that point where you go, okay, I'm enjoying it, I like it. It's kind of a habit. I love reading when some of you guys are like, who am I? I'm actually enjoying picking out my workout.

And then it's like putting forth the effort, not just phoning it in, but actually doing the work. I mean I'm really proud of all of you who step up to the plate and understand the worth of strength training and cardio. Absolutely, going off of that, what advice would you give to a group of women that are looking for motivation, but want to start off slow so that they don't lose interest to keep going? Do not overdo it. Especially we're talking about aging today.

As we are aging, it's just, you have to be kinder to your joints. It's not like, oh gosh, woe is me. I'm old, I can't do this anymore. That's not it, but it's just like, I'm older than I was, so I need to listen to my body differently. So start with baby steps.

Indoor walking, which is another name from marching. And people go, what is that? And I'll tell, this is a true story. I was on a Zoom with a client, a corporation that I do some work with and I said, well we could do an indoor walking workout. And she goes, well what the heck is that?

What does that mean? And I say, okay. We were on a Zoom, I got outta my chair, I stepped back and I said, this is what indoor walking is. And I said, I'm just marching and then we're gonna do this, and then we're gonna step side to side, and then I'm gonna talk to you about your body, and then I'm gonna tell you you are awesome, and I'm doing this for like three minutes. She goes, oh my god, I wanna do that.

And I'm like, I know because it's fun. So start out with a one mile walk. We have a one mile walk, a two mile walk, a 1,500 step, a 3,000 step, a 5,000 step, then add in some strength. We have beginner strength, we have easier strength. We have off the floor core, we have a beginner bootcamp that Shay did that a lot of people like that one.

It's just the right amount. Kate, trainer Kate has so many good beginner strength workouts in Gold. Check them out and just start slowly and give yourself a pat on the back when you go, hey, a squat feels better. When you're new to exercise, you squat and you're like, ugh, this is so hard. Squat down and all of a sudden you realize, a squat isn't so bad, I can go a little deeper.

I can pick up some weights now. Low impact burn. That's a really fun. That's a good one. We love Low impact Burn.

It's a really great series for those of you to get started, so my advice is don't overdo it. Start with baby steps, keep each other accountable. Create a calendar of your own. Maybe you even open up a notebook and you just keep track of what you're doing or a lot of our members who follow our calendars, they print them out and they X off the days. And then at the end of the month they're like, look at me.

I mean, I find that so rewarding. It's the same as looking at my watch and going, oh my gosh, look at how good I did this month. There are lots of questions rolling in. Okay, come on, come on. We're only halfway, I'm talking so fast today.

I know, we are hitting a lot of questions. I'm actually getting hot now. I might have to take this off. You just mentioned exercising about an hour a day. What is the minimum per day to get benefits?

There actually is no minimum. 10 minutes is better than zero, and if you've ever done one of our 10 minute workouts, you will shock yourself that it's like, holy crap, I'm breathing heavy. Now, okay, a minute? Like, is a minute enough? Probably not, I don't think you can really get yourself warmed up and into some sort of an activity level in one minute, so what is too little?

A minute, but I mean 10 minutes, great. 20 minutes, great. 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes at night, great. It's all cumulative. So the same calorie at 6:00 AM is the same calorie at 6:00 PM, so whether you do a 15 minute workout at 6:00 AM and take a walk at 6:00 PM, all good.

All goes into the same bucket. Absolutely, workouts make me more hungry. Is that normal and how can I control appetite besides increasing protein? So, it is normal. Do you feel like you get more hungry the more you work out?

Yes and no. I mean, but I definitely feel like my mom, when she gets in her workout kicks, she always says that. When she's starting to work out again, she's like, I'm so hungry. I feel like I have a good balance now. I mean, it depends on the day.

Some days yes and some days no. For me, it's just giving myself that snack before. So if I do an early morning workout and I eat breakfast at like 7:00 AM 'cause my workout's done at 6:30 and I'm waiting to eat lunch, sometimes in the morning I get a little hungry. So it's just having that portioned out snack that you aren't just eating from the bag or the box, but you go, okay, I'm gonna have some trail mix or I'm going to have a hard boiled egg or I'm going to have whatever it is, just to kind of tie you over. For me too, we talk about this is more liquid.

The more I drink water, the less hungry I am. And sometimes, we get bored with water, I know. So you guys hear me talk about, I'm drinking my Athletic Greens right here. I've become obsessed, thanks to Sam. I love them and they actually satisfy me, so it kind of curbs my hunger.

I love the reds from Organifi. Those are really good. I don't spend money on drinks. I don't buy iced tea or soda pop. I don't actually buy bottled water.

It's kind of my pet peeve. Yeah, I don't really either. If we go like at the airport, I will buy one bottle of water and then I always say to my husband, do not lose this bottle 'cause we are refilling it. As a matter of fact, if you notice, most airports are now putting in those water filling stations because people bring their own water. So it's kind of a game I play, like I'm not paying for water.

Paying $4 for a bottle of water is like, blows my mind. So I like to add things to my water with nutrients and then it just keeps me satisfied, keeps me going. But, yeah it is normal to feel a little more hungry, but you don't wanna eat all those calories back. Right, well and like I actually found last night, I had worked out in the morning and then I went for a walk later on, and I ate dinner and I was still kinda hungry after, and I'm like, no, you're not hungry. A, you're bored.

And so I just filled up my water and I drank it, and I'm like, now I'm good. Like I wanted chocolate and I'm like, no I don't need that. Well I did have some chocolate, but let me ask, did you walk indoor or outdoor yesterday? Oh, indoor, you know me, I don't walk outdoor in this. We were talking about it yesterday 'cause I'm like, I'm gonna go walk indoor yesterday after.

I was on a treadmill even. Okay, I feel guilty because my dog needs to get outside, but when it is literally feels like seven below... It's too cold. It's too cold. Some of you guys bundle up and you do it.

Kudos to you. I'm like, geez Louise. I feel like you used to. I used to, maybe that's aging. I'm irritated with the weather right now.

She is, but good thing she's... We're gonna miss you, but she's leaving. Yeah, I'm going to warm weather for five weeks, so I won't be live on a Get Healthy U TV workout. We've got eight trainers to do that for you. But we'll see her when she gets back.

Oh, but we'll be online. We'll be on Facebook and Instagram and all that good stuff. Okay, speaking of Athletic Greens, since you did kind of talk about it, a lot of people have been asking, what does it taste like? Okay, so I just had this conversation with my son last night 'cause I just sent it to my oldest son. And he goes, mom, why do you say it tastes like pineapple?" See, I don't agree with you.

Okay and I've seen like three people online talk about it. It has a little bit of a pineapple flavor if you ask me. Not me. I think it tastes really good. Most green drinks I think tastes like barf.

I mean honestly, I'm not a fan and I love vegetables. Like, you know, I eat broccoli, I eat brussel sprouts, I eat green vegetables, but drinking green vegetables is a whole nother thing for me. This to me has a little bit of a pineappley taste. What do you think it tastes like? Because you like it.

I do like it, but the toughest thing is I don't know what it tastes like. It does not taste like pineapple. It doesn't taste bad. It's not minty and I don't even wanna say it's vanilla protein 'cause it doesn't taste like that, but kind of. It has a little bit of vanilla protein.

So here's the deal- But it's not chalky. You guys know, I talk about Organifi and I don't like the Organifi greens because they're mint, and I honestly, I've been very vocal, I don't like 'em. I'll put 'em in a protein shake, but they're not something I would pick up, but Athletic Greens are delicious. They give me tons of energy. They've replaced my multivitamin.

I guess you just have to try them. I mean I'm sure they return it for you if you didn't like it. Yeah, I don't know. I like it. But I'm telling you, I think you're gonna like it.

It's the first green drink I can honestly say I like it. We have somebody asking that she needs to stay away from walking recently due to a foot injury. She misses walking. Any other exercises that work the same way as actually walking? Biking, can you bike?

A little less pressure on the leg. In terms of cardio, it typically is with your legs, but chair workouts. We have like how many, six chair workouts. And Sam and I will still go on record saying, we cannot believe how those chair workouts when we filmed them, we were like, are you kidding? We were sweating.

And we were sore the next day. We were sore the next day. I was like, how am I sore? And coming from somebody who just, it's been about a year now, but that did come from foot surgery and had to be off of it, like those saved me. I did do biking once I was able to do it, but sitting in a chair and lifting your arms, and lifting weights and quite frankly, even just lifting the leg, like I didn't put any pressure on my foot, but it felt so good to move your body.

So definitely try those out for a cardio. Low impact lower body is a workout that Sam filmed when she was wearing a boot. Yep and that one's all about the lower body without putting any pressure. It's kind of a butt kicker though. It kind of is.

Kinda like it though. It's a good workout. Okay, let's see, lots of questions. Is there any way to know or guess how many calories a workout will burn? It all has to do with your own body and effort.

So I'd say this all the time. If 10 of you were following me in a workout, you would all burn different calories 'cause it's based on your range of motion. How big is your range of motion? How big is your effort? So, are you reaching your arms up like this overhead or are you going like this?

Because everybody kind of does it differently And so, your effort that you exude, I mean again, we are a machine, right? So the more energy we export, the more calories that are gonna be burned. A rule of thumb is about 100 calories per 10 minutes, but it's just a rule of thumb. Everybody is different and these watches, by the way, are not a hundred percent accurate either. Don't hang your hat on, oh my gosh, yesterday it burned 375 and today was only 360.

Like, who cares, that's 15 calories. It could be off, but you have a little bit of an idea where you're at. So I mean, I guess 100 calories per 10 minutes is kind of a guideline, but it also depends on the activity that you are actually doing. And I will also say, sometimes again, why I say take these watches with a grain of salt. Like I'll go for a a power walk and it will tell me I burn 500 calories.

And I think it's because that repetitive motion it sees, I'm like, hmm, really? Did I really burn 500 calories? I don't believe that. And then I'll do a hard hour long strength, Get Healthy U TV workout 45 minutes and it'll tell me I burned 300 and I'm like, I feel like I did a lot more in that 300 than I did in that 500. But the watch doesn't necessarily know everything.

Somebody who is just tuning in a little bit late, she says how to keep motivation going in this weather. Ugh, I know, it is really hard. I mean if you are a person who just likes the heat of the sun, the warmth of the sun or just getting outside or these gray days can be really hard, those of you who have formed a habit, congratulations. That is really a big deal. A habit is really something that motivation gets you started, habit keeps you going.

And by having that established habit, whether it's hailing, snowing, sunny, rainy, you just still get up and do your habit because it's what you know to be good for you. That's where you have to get to that point. And then you also have to look at, like they say the cart before the horse or the horse before the cart or whatever they say, because you have to say, I know workout makes me feel better, so if this weather is bringing me down, I know I have to work out because then that's gonna make me feel better. If I don't work out, I'm just gonna continue to drag in this depressing weather. So, it's a lot of mental.

But if you're an extrovert, get an accountability partner. In our Facebook group, we have a lot of accountability partners, where people will pair up with each other. Let's do this workout together tomorrow. You do it at your house, I'll do it at my house, then we'll talk about it. Or people just cheer each other on.

Someone comes online and says, guess what you guys? I got up this morning and I did Sam's tremendous 10 and then everyone goes, yay you! It's just like this built-in accountability group that really helps you stay up in this down weather. Yeah, absolutely, let's see. When using weights should I use heavy weights and not do as many reps or go lighter and do more reps?

She's 64 and really wants to retain the strength that she does already have. Okay, so yes, but I still don't know. Are you used to the heavyweights? Like I don't know what kind of strength you already have. At 64, never come out of the gates with huge heavy weights, 'cause it's just gonna be too much stress to your joints.

Your joints aren't ready for that, so ease into it. It just depends. Like you wanna feel some muscle fatigue, so if you're going like this with eight pound weights, and you really don't feel any fatigue, go a little heavier. You wanna have that feeling that after like 12 to 15 repetitions you're like, wow, this is a lot of work. But if you feel pain in the joints that day or the next day, it's like tailor it back a little bit and ease into it.

You can get amazing muscles with... When people come to us and say, well, how come you guys don't use 20 and 30 pound weights or 40 pound weights? And we're all like, what? No thank you. I mean, Tara, Sam, Shannon, you guys are all extremely muscular.

I've maintained my muscle over the years and the heaviest weight that I really used is a 15. Now I think that's heavy. I mean 15 to do squat thrusters and push those weights overhead or goblet squats or burpy curl press, I mean, that's intense. So we don't really go over that. I mean, I did a class the other night that did make me do heavier and did I enjoy it?

Yes because I don't normally, however, when you start picking up those heavier 20, 30 pound weights, I notice my form going. So, immediately I was like, somebody's pushing me right to do a 30 pound and I said I'm starting to feel my low back, so thank you, but I actually don't want to. And I think going off of that, what you do every single day, it's a lot, a lot of cardio, lot of strength and so we can maintain that every single day, based off of the workouts that you're doing. And at 64, you know, all of us like post-menopause, your hormones are lower, your estrogen, your progesterone, your testosterone, unless you are doing some sort of a replacement, which can help you a little bit if that works for you. But if you're like at that point where you're like, okay, my hormones a little lower, you need to listen to yourself, you need to eat really anti-inflammatory, you need to fuel your body properly.

You need to do a lot more mobility work to keep those joints healthy and just keep going. But I guess I would say just challenge yourself to fatigue. But don't overdo it. Heavy weights are good but the word heavy is so different to everybody. I mean what does heavy mean to you?

To me it means 15. Absolutely, I'm glad somebody mentioned this, but she said, Chloe's meditation videos have been super helpful during the cold weather and getting her motivated and centered. Yay, so my daughter has a whole bunch of five to 10 minute meditations on the free section of Get Healthy U TV. So that's a really awesome place for you guys to find those meditations. And then she also has a free, member or non-member, 14 day meditation challenge.

And what you do is you just go to free challenges on the Get Healthy U TV website, click on free challenges and click on the 14 day meditation, enter your email and you'll get immediately, just get this page that has all 14 days of the meditations and they start at five minutes and by day 14, you're doing 15 minutes. And they're really good. I mean she's kind of a meditation specialist. I know people are like, is she really your daughter? Because she's so chill.

And I'm so not. But yeah, they're really, really good. And meditation's one of those things where it's like, okay, what does it really mean? Meditation really means just slowing down your breathing, slowing down your mind, being super relaxed. Sometimes having a mantra or a focus on something and it's just amazing 'cause it's like that simple, but it can be a game changer for your body.

It's actually something that I started doing with my dancers at the end of the season. We just started like five, 10 minutes before competition and we did it the first time and I was like, oh we'll see if these high schoolers like it and they loved it. And I chose some that really had to do with like a competition day or something very specific or if it was during finals. But it was amazing how even high schoolers really loved that concept of like five, 10 minutes is all they needed to get their mind right. And then I got them up and we started dancing and they had some of their best competitions.

I mean, that's amazing and for some of our, as we get older, it's really great. But that's interesting you bring that up 'cause when Chloe was little, I would go to her dance intensive in the summer and I would teach yoga and meditation to these little kids and I mean little, like eight year olds. And we would do yoga more like statue making like, okay, let's all make a tree, let's all make a camel. We would do all the poses, but at the end, I would always do a meditation. And it was a week long intensive camp.

And in the beginning of the week, they would all giggle, you know, giggle, giggle, giggle when we did the meditation. But by like day three, they would walk in and they'd be like, Mrs. Freytag, how long are we gonna do the meditation today? And they would beg me for longer because their bodies loved it and they got into that really quiet place where they would just lay on the floor. And I would always do a guided meditation 'cause they were little.

We'd like think about the beach and stuff like that, but unbelievable that they're, again, they didn't even know why they craved it, but they really liked it. What kind of workouts would you recommend when women are on their monthly... Cycle? Present, whatever you wanna call it. Punching.

Kickboxing, punch something. Oh my gosh, I don't know 'cause I have not had a monthly cycle in four years. But gosh, I would say, to me, I know there are some like workout programs that say I have a program based on your cycle, do this on day one through 14, do this... Like to me it was like, just do whatever you want, when you want, just work hard and if you have a established routine, just stay with your routine. However, how do you feel about it?

I stick with my usual routine. There are times when I do have the lovely cramps, but I feel like when I move my body, it kind of goes away. So I mean, if it's really bad, like I probably am not gonna do a high intensity workout or something, but typically, mine doesn't change. Well, and if you're feeling really dragging or really irritable, I mean give yourself grace, like it's fine. You know, we all go through one day or two days where things aren't perfect.

That's always the thing I say about fitness that has really humbled me, it's really humbled me, is that you can't be perfect. You have to allow some rough edges, some soft spots and don't expect yourself to be perfect. And by the way, I don't know know if Jess, you can put that banner up now. I mentioned the menopause muscle builders so early on in our little hour. Do we actually have a banner or no?

So we do, it's at the closing of this. So, it'll be at the very end. Listen to me not following rules. Okay, we'll get that up for you guys at the end. Those of you who are asking about it.

Okay, fashion question. What brand and I'm actually curious, I don't know what these are, the yoga pants with a belt and I'm almost wondering if she's talking about our tune belt. I bet she's talking about our tune belt. And then fun nosy question on how many athletic shoes you have. Okay, so we don't have any pants with the belt We wear a tune belt when we teach.

It's a belt that holds our microphone. It's a neoprene belt and that way the belt isn't touching our skin and getting all sweaty. They're very expensive pieces of apparatus as the production guys here know. We try to handle them with kick gloves. So, we are wearing what we call a tune belt.

So, it's really not a belt. So we don't wear those on a daily basis. Although I have been known to keep it on and then go, wait, why do I have my mic belt on? Athletic shoes, you know what's so funny is I used to have so many. I used to have like 50 pair and then I started giving them away because a little fact about me is I am the opposite of a hoarder.

I get rid of everything, like to a fault, where my husband will be like, don't tell me you gave that away. And I'm like, I did. Like if I don't need something, bye-bye. And I have a couple friends who have feet that are the same size. I have this good girlfriend who also cleans my house.

She's like amazing, it's therapeutic for her. And she like has my entire wardrobe of shoes. I'm like, here, have some tennis shoes. Have some tennis shoes. So now I probably have like 20 pair.

Listen to me, 10 pair, maybe 10 I have at home right now. Yeah, I mean... How many do you have? Ooh... She has more than me.

I probably do have more than you. I probably have somewhere between 10 and 22, but like I stick to the same probably three pair. Yeah and as I've gotten older, here's the other thing is I'm not willing to try new things. I mean I know what shoes work good for me. I know I want arch support.

I know that I want a certain shoe for working out, a certain shoe for walking, a certain shoe for hiking. And I am not gonna deviate from the brands I know work for me because you know, your feet are like literally the pillars of everything. We have somebody, she is 62. Some days after her workout, she feels muscle fatigued and lack of better words, pooped, after her workouts. I usually drink a protein smoothie afterwards.

Is it her age or is she lacking something? She's looking for a faster recovery. She said since joining Get Healthy UTV a year ago, she has adapted healthy eating, probably 85 to 15. The 85 to 15%. But is she lacking something or could it be her age?

Oh my gosh, my friend and I were talking about this yesterday, she's 62 and I'm 56 and we were talking about, she goes, gosh, I just need a little more recovery now. I mean she's working out really hard, like Get Healthy U TV hard. And I'm like, well that's normal. I also need a little extra recovery. But in terms of nutrients, what could you be missing?

Vitamin D, Vitamin D amazingly changes your energy levels. I know that in Minnesota, if I don't take vitamin D daily in the winter, I totally notice the difference. We have zero sunshine hitting our skin. Electrolytes, magnesium, sodium, potassium. I went through a period when I was just in those perimenopausal, like right before I went through menopause, I had like a two year period where I literally would get up in the morning and I'd be like, are you kidding me?

I could barely drag my butt up for a workout. And I was like, what is wrong with me? So I started using electrolytes in my water when I would work out because I thought maybe that would help me and it could have been a little placebo effect. But when I have sodium, potassium, magnesium in my water, I just put a Noon tablet. We talk a lot about, they look like Alka-Seltzer, .

you just throw 'em in your water and wow, I've noticed that that has made a difference for me. You could try that. Would you consider a house cleaning movement? Heck yes, oh my gosh, so my friend, who also helps clean my house, she had some issues happening with her mother right now. And so there it has been on or off for the last six months and I've been cleaning my own house a lot.

And I literally said to her, I'm like, girlfriend, I appreciate you more than you ever know because like to clean my house takes me hours and hours. And you're squatting and you're on your hands and knees and you're wiping and house cleaning is freaking work. It absolutely is. Let's see, I often get cramps in the quads, calves and toes when working out. Is there anything I can do to stop this?

Magnesium is a big help for any kind of muscle cramps. I take magnesium at night, I take it every night because I never had any sleep problems till after 50. And then I started having some issues sleeping. And so I had take magnesium at night, which seems to have helped, but it's also good for muscle cramping. And also, if you're like getting charlie horses in your feet and you're calves, it's probably a lot of working out.

I mean, you are constantly engaging your feet and your calves. I do a lot of foam rolling or the Theragun and you love your or whatever you have, the Hypervolt. Actually just the other day, 'cause remember how I said that I didn't wanna pick up a weight for a while, I didn't. And the first day I did, I did a leg workout and my quads were on fire and so, that night I was just like, I know this is gonna help me tomorrow. So the Hypervolt, Theragun, whatever you have, foam rolling, it all helps.

I've been doing that a lot to my calves. I've been using that. So it's that automated product where it's like a little massage gun, where you turn it on and I've been doing it on my calves all the time 'cause my calves do get tight also just from all the squatting and stuff. And if some of that doesn't work, the one thing that I have found too is I had some severe like cramping in my feet, it was my shoes. I had to change brands.

So I mean definitely something to consider if it's continuing. All right, let's see. Why does the heat and humidity bother me the older I get when working out? That's interesting, I don't know. I've heard that from a lot of people.

I don't honestly have an answer for that. I know that I just think of my dad. He likes the dry heat because it's better for his arthritis. The humidity tends to create more inflammation. So, I don't really know because the older I get, the more I love warmth.

I don't have a scientific answer for that though. A food question. Many people think it's healthier not to eat red meat or any meat, especially as you age, due to cholesterol. Others think red meat is fine for protein and your muscles. What are your thoughts on this?

Yeah, so Dr. Hyman talks a lot about this and he talks about the fact that it's the quality of the red meat, it's the quality of the chicken, it's the quality of the eggs you buy. It's the quality of everything you buy. It's the quality of the fruit and vegetables you buy. What's on 'em, what's been sprayed on 'em, what's been fed to that animal?

So that's the choices to me that you need to make. Red meat has been proven a lot that it is not the major killer of people. I mean, a lot of people do well with red meat. Back in the day, they used to talk about the cholesterol in red meat, but they've since kind of proven that that's not the problem, that red meat is not what's causing people's high cholesterol, unless of course it's genetic in your family, then there's a lot that you need to discuss with your doctor. But the animal fat isn't really the issue.

But what has been fed to that animal? Is it grass fed, is it organic, is it free range? Like that to me is what matters. I like a good steak every so often. I don't really crave steak.

I've never been a big red meat eater. Do I like a hamburger? Yes, I love a good hamburger. I like a good steak. How often do I eat red meat?

Once a month maybe, it's just not that much. But I like in the summertime, probably a little more 'cause we grill a little more. But my kids love red meat. My daughter is vegetarian so she doesn't eat any red meat. But when she was a kid, she loved meat.

I mean, a lot of it is like your own decision of what you decide, but I don't think it's evil. I think everybody needs to make their own decision and Dr. Hyman has a lot of really good arguments about it for and against and also gives some good advice as to how to choose good meat. We have somebody saying, I hear that women in their sixties don't need so much straight up cardio as they do HITT and strength training. What are your thoughts and if applicable, how long per session and how many times a week?

Well I think a lot of that is said because most women in their sixties stop strength training. People just start to drop off after 40 of doing any kind of strength training. And I talk to a lot of women who are like, well I do go out for a walk. I walk three miles a day. Okay, well good for you, that's awesome.

I mean that, I'm not being sarcastic, that is awesome. But you have to strength train. Strength training is the key to aging. It is the key to metabolism. It is the key to being mobile as we get older.

It is the key to joint health because your joints connect your muscles. So all of that stuff, it's like this major snowball effect. It's the key to like everything happening, bodily processes. So the problem with a lot of 60 year old women is they only do some walking or some biking and they don't do any strength trainings. So you've got to get that in, but you don't need less cardio.

I mean, cardio is awesome till you can do it no longer. You know what I mean? I love it when I see somebody out there walking. I think it's fantastic. But that being said, at least I said this earlier, at least two strength training sessions a week where you use all your different muscle groups is really your go-to.

If you can get three in, you're doing great. If you feel good and do four, I say great, I don't really think you need more than four. It all depends though. We have like a bar workout, let's say. A bar workout is like really good.

It's like muscle endurance, you're squatting, you're plieing, you're using three pound and five pound weights and going like this and that. To me, you could do that more than three times a week if you're not too sore. Okay, so we have somebody who is now 69. She is really trying to move every day with as many Get Healthy U TV workouts even on her ADR. Her question is, how important is it to get 10,000 steps in a day?

If I do a workout where I fall short of 10,000 steps a day, is she hurting her weight loss efforts? She's trying to lose 15 pounds. No, I mean, at the end of the day, it's all about that non exercise activity thermagenesis. So beyond your workout, move your body and stuff. But whether you hit 10,000 or not, I mean it's an arbitrary number that has zero science behind it.

It was, and why am I thinking it was some Japanese study, I can't remember. But it literally just was like somebody going, hey, what should we tell people? This was before trackers, it was like, let's talk about walking, taking steps. Let's tell people 10,000 a day, that sounds great. Literally, it was like people in a room going, okay, that sounds good.

There is zero science behind the 10,000 number. So whether you walk 8,000 or 12,000, good for you. It's about getting your body moving throughout the day and not just sitting in a chair for 12 hours a day. So you know, that being said, you're not hurting your weight loss efforts, but as long as you're keeping track of, okay, I'm doing this workout, I'm moving my body at other times throughout the day, I'm eating healthy and avoiding processed food, I'm drinking water, I'm trying to get some sleep. Those are the things they're gonna help you.

Remember, getting healthy, a byproduct of getting healthy is typically weight loss. And typically because people clean up their diet. You cannot out-train a bad diet. You can't just go walk another five miles because you eat poorly. I mean you need to get the diet under control.

I actually saw something today, randomly came across my Instagram and somebody who did a post about how she started exercising and was like, I didn't see the scale move. And she's like, until I finally put food effort behind what she was eating, then she saw a difference. She was like, I was crushing my workouts, but still didn't see anything move, so that is definitely gonna be your secret sauce if you will say. Oh my gosh, are we already at? Okay, that hour flew by.

Did we have a ton more questions or are we okay? We answered, I hope majority of the questions that like were incoming from people who are watching. There's definitely some that we didn't get to that asked ahead of time, but... Okay, well here's the deal guys, we love it. We thank you so much for tuning in.

We can now put up our muscle menopause, right? I believe it'll be coming. So it'll be coming here at the end if you are interested in trying out that calendar, definitely do. If you do want a code for Athletic Greens or Organifi, do let us know and we'll put it into the comments. We'll be back again.

We're not live in March, but we will be alive again in April. We're gonna try to be a little bit more consistent with the third Thursday of every month, right? So that you guys can plan. So, kind of put that on your calendar. You can always go back and watch old ones.

And then of course, Sam and I are in the Facebook group if you are a member of Get Healthy U TV. And we try to attend to as many questions as we can. And you guys do such a nice job of answering each other's questions. I love that. I mean it takes a village, right, like they say.

So if you can help somebody else out in the group, listen, do it, I love it. Okay, that being said, we appreciate you! Get Healthy U TV, you guys are the best. We have a fun Monday workout. What is it?

Kickboxing strength. Kickboxing strength from Sam and tomorrow's workout is. Who is it? Nothing because we were off this Monday. I keep saying that.

That's why we are off for President Day week. We do not have a workout tomorrow, but Monday is Sam and then who's Friday? Let's give him that. Shannon. Shannon, oh, it's gonna be Shannon's first workout that she's leading, you guys.

She's a beast. Join in with Shannon. She's funny and she's strong. It's a good combo. Okay, have a great day, you guys.

Stay warm and take care of yourselves. You guys, age is just a number. We can do this, yes we can. We can.

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