GHUTV LIVE! Heart Rate Zone Training
Chris FreytagDescription
Target Heart Rate Zone Calculator (Quick & Easy!)
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Well, hello everybody. Welcome to Q and A with me, Chris Fry Tag and my lovely friend, Sam Cameron. Hello. Hi, this is our Get Healthy U TV, Q and A monthly. Uh, get together.
It's been a couple of months. I know it's been a couple of months and August is a tough month. I know a lot of people are just family vacation time, kids back to school and college. And so we'll see if we get any of you to join in with us and have a little conversation with us today. Today, we had set a topic to talk about heart rate zones because I think a lot of people get confused and I've had a lot of people, um, ask me, should I be doing hit exercise and menopause or should I be exercising lower, you know, heart rate zones or, or, or whatever, am I doing enough to lose weight or whatever it might be?
So, um, we really wanted to talk about heart rate zones but like every Q and A that we do, it's for our members and non-members, we'll take any questions. So, anything that you have going on that you want to know. You're like, hey, I've got a question about the website or the app or Roku and Fire TV. You let us know, right. Any question is fair game.
That's what we usually say. There, there's no, I don't think there's ever been a question that we couldn't answer. No, I don't think so. Ok. So, um, let's get right into it.
We've got a lot of, a lot of time to talk about a lot of good stuff. Do you, um, wanna jump into like the heart rate stuff right away or just we've had some pre asked questions that do not have anything to do with the? Ok, let's talk a little bit about heart rate. Let's do that then and then we'll get into all of your pre ask questions and any questions on the fly too. Um, so heart rate training is interesting and it's actually a value if, if you learn a little bit about it.
So you probably, maybe, maybe not have heard of zone one, zone two, zone three, zone four and sometimes even zone five, like zone four, zone five training is like super intense and what those zones stand for is a percentage of your maximum heart rate. Basically, how hard are you working? Now? I've been in the fitness industry long enough that we never used to have these tracks. We never had a way of telling our heart rate.
So we went off of what we call perceived exertion. And actually, in every gym back in the eighties there would be perceived exertion charts and so those charts would be up on the wall and it would tell you, like, uh, on a scale of 1 to 10, where are you, where perceived exertion of like a two is kind of like a zone one. It's just, well, we're in zone one right now. It's just really simple, easy living, you know, and you, and you know, and you'd be like, oh perceived exertion of like a five or a six is like you're working and, and, but you're not like breathless and you're kind of in a good place when you get to seven or eight, you're really pushing it. Nine and 10, of course, is like extreme athletes or if your heart is super conditioned and you can push like that.
So that was perceived exertion. And I'm gonna tell you that that's still a great way to know how hard you're working. I mean, honestly, just take a look inside and say, how hard am I breathing? Am I breathless? Do I feel lightheaded?
And I, you know, it's all about how you feel and it will always be that till the end of time. But trackers came to play. Now we used to wear heart rate monitors where we'd put the monitor around our uh our chest and then you'd have your like polar is the one brand that comes to mind that you would wear and I loved those, but I hated strapping that thing on every day and we get all sweaty and blah, blah, blah. And then entered the Fitbit, the Apple, watch the aura ring, all the other, um, types of devices that can measure your heart rate and they really do a good job. So, one of the specific questions, I guess I get asked by menopause age, women, perimenopause and menopause.
So, forties, fifties, sixties plus is, um, is it ok for me to work at a heart rate? A high heart rate? I hear that it's not good for me to go that high or if I go too low, am I gonna burn enough calories, that kind of thing? So let's just get that out there. So there's a difference in terms of, uh, well, ok, a couple of people have heard and this is true because it kind of got out in the media that if you exercise at a lower heart rate, you burn more fat.
So people are like, well, I wanna lose weight. So I'm gonna exercise, I'm gonna go slower so that I burn more fat. It is true that at a lower heart rate, your body uses fat as fuel. At a higher heart rate, your body uses glucose as fuel, converted sugars. However, the type of fuel you're burning versus the type of training and if you were trying to lose weight that it really doesn't matter.
So don't worry. So let's just get that out of the way. There are two types of fuel fat and, and um, and uh glucose and yes, at a lower heart rate, you burn more fat overall than you do glucose converted sugars. However, at the end of the day, it's about how many calories you burn. So you're trying to create a calorie deficit if you're trying to lose weight.
A lot of menopausal women come to me and say trying to lose belly fat, I'm trying to take off 10 pounds gained unexpectedly or whatever it might be, then you need to act in a calorie deficit. And don't worry about what kind of fuel you're burning because body fat, not fat as a fuel, but body fat on your body comes off over time through calorie deficit, you lose weight, which basically means to reduce body fat. Um As long as you are still building muscles, so you're gonna burn more calories at a higher heart rate you're going to. So a lot of times people love hit for shorter, more intense workouts because you get more done in less time. And that whole concept of work to rest, work to rest.
High heart rate, take a couple of breaths, high heart rate, take a couple of breaths. Now, that's not for the faint of heart. If you aren't used to pushing your heart rate, don't do that. You have to work up to be able to do a A I workout, but I is absolutely fine for menopausal women. It is absolutely fine for any type of person.
If your heart rate is conditioned, you need to work up to it. Now. A AAA zone two workout, which is that more like 60% of your maximum heart rate? That is a great place to exercise on, um, you know, any given day of the week. As a matter of fact, I probably do zone two workouts like three days a week, like, um, for walking or I should even say five days a week, I walk at least five days a week.
So I get that zone zone two training. I do a hit workout like twice a week where I really push my heart rate up, down, up down and my heart is used to it. So I, I enjoy it. I'm, I'm always careful like everybody's heart rate is different. I'm gonna quickly get into that.
Um And so where you are in those heart rate training zones has a lot to do with what you like to do. How much time you have, how conditioned you are. You're not gonna come out of the gates. You're not gonna be a beginner and start doing high intensity interval training because you're gonna get discouraged quite quickly. Um So that comes into play.
Now, here's the next question really quickly. How do I determine my heart rate zones? I don't understand it. People ask me this all the time. Everybody is a little different.
Here's the thing is that your heart rate is dependent upon age, genetics, physical fitness level and in some cases, medications, it depends. So you can't, I can't compare my maximum heart rate to Sam's maximum heart rate because she's 30 years younger. She's got different genetics than I do. Uh, we do different, you know, so we're different. So I can't, like, we have a friend, we have a mutual friend that's a smaller framed person.
She's like 52 and her heart rate just beats really fast. Her entire family genetically, they all have super high heart rates. Her heart rate very often goes to like 170 if my heart rate was 170 call 911, I am definitely in zone five. So everybody is different. So don't compare your heart rate, zone to someone else.
Get to know your own. Now, there is a mathematical equation. You can say 220 minus your age. So for practical purposes, I'm gonna go 220 minus 60. I'm 50 turning 59 in another two months.
So, but 60 is easy for me to do the math. 220 minus 60 is 160 then they say plus or minus 10 minus 10. If you're very, very unfit for your maximum heart rate plus 10 if you're fit. So my, let's say 220 minus my age 160 plus I'm fit 170. So 170 would be like my max heart rate.
And I know that to be true for myself. I don't ever get to 170. Me personally, but I can get to 160. I do that every so often. But my 70 to 80% that zone three top of zone three for me is like 140.
And I know I'm working really hard at 140 that feels good to me. And I know through that mathematical equation that, that's where I am. I know my prestige exertion how I feel. I'm kind of breathless. I can talk, but I'm not able to speak long sentences like I am.
Now, there's a uh you know, you have to know the procedure exer and then you want to know your heart rate number and then you want to know this little math equation, which is definitely, I would say this math equation is just like, you know, an overall thing. It is definitely not the gospel. But um so that kind of helps you. I, I often exercise like when I'm lifting weights for me, I'm maybe in my one twenties. Um And that's like a really nice spot for me.
It's like low zone three, maybe top of zone two. I'm breathing. I'm really working my muscles when I'm walking. I'm like a zone two for sure. I am just, you know, 110 maybe when I'm walking.
So like I've gotten to know my zone. So my best advice to you is get a tracker. If you know nothing about heart rate zones, get a tracker, turn it on based on whatever form of exercise you're doing. If you're gonna go for an outdoor walk, push outdoor walk, if you're going to do a strength workout, push strength and then watch your heart rate over the next week, two weeks and a month if you're new to this and then you'll start to go when my heart rate hits 140. I can tell I'm really pushing it or when my heart rate hits, um, you know, 110, I'm just in a nice easy walking zone or whatever it might be.
So everybody is different. You just don't want to compare it. And I have noticed another question I get, I have noticed that as I've aged, my max heart rate has gone down a little, but I don't want to use that as an excuse because I hear it all the time. I'm getting old. My max heart rate is just no good anymore.
It's like, no, that's not true, but it does have a little effect on you. It does, it does. But I don't let that become my excuse. Does that make sense? Yeah.
So I hope that helps some people. We have a whole article about heart rate training that is extremely organized. Do you pay attention a lot to your heart rate zones? Not as much as I feel like most people do. I just kind of go based off of how I feel now.
I mean, if I'm taking a hit class and I'm like, oh, you know, then I kind of look down to see like, where am I at? Um, but I don't use it as like the end all be all right. Yeah. So, so we don't want people to get wrapped up in. What zone am I in?
Um, and I say that because I li literally get messages from women like I heard I'm supposed to only do zone two workouts or I heard I'm not supposed to do zone four workouts. It is too much. If you're 50 it's like, no, that's not true. Every heart rate zone has its reasons. Um But again, if you are brand new to exercise, you're definitely not going to try to hit those high zones.
You're not, you're gonna feel lightheaded and everybody is different also when it comes to weather. Like if you switch climates, so people will come to Minnesota. We have really hot, humid summers, right? All of a sudden, like I'm so lightheaded during my workouts. What's wrong?
Well, it's, it's the barometric pressure. It's the dew point. It's everything it can affect. You just don't hang your hat on everything always being the exact same. And by the way, we drink electrolytes.
Um also, which just helps with keeping you from getting lightheaded for me. It doesn't necessarily attract uh affect your heart rate zone, but it definitely helps me have stamina during my workouts. And I always do mine after just because I sweat so much. So, like, for me, I notice if I don't have them, like, after I feel a little more tired and if I have them, I'm like, ok, I'm replacing. And so what I've noticed is that I feel just better in the morning if I start drinking.
So I'll just start drinking them before my workout. Then I drink them during my workout and now I'm drinking them after my workout all day long. I do because I feel better. Yeah, I just, there's something like when I'm working out I only want like just water. It's like the taste of it to me is like, not great while I work out, but I sweat so much.
So we're just a little, she doesn't think I sweat. She glistens. Um The other question I feel like we get and I see a lot like often is, you know, zone two, a lot of people say is more of like fat burning versus what are you just talking about is that, don't worry about what kind of fuel you're burning. So, fuel is different than losing body fat. People get it all confused.
So there are two types of fuel in your body. You either burn fat or you burn converted sugars and it is true that you burn more fat as fuel when you are exercising at a lower rate and you burn more sugars at a higher heart rate. But here's the thing, you're burning calories so much slower that it's gonna take. You, you gotta walk around your neighborhood for eight hours to get the same amount of calories burned as you did in that 40 minute hit workout or whatever. So, like there's a place for both of them, but you don't worry about what kind of fuel you're burning.
It doesn't matter if you're burning sugar or if you're burning converted sugar or if you're burning, um, fat, just burn and get your calorie, uh, your heart rate in different zones and do the best that you can to get the most out of your time. For most Americans. We aren't walking for eight hours a day. We are, we have jobs, we have lives, we have families. So my kind of thing is I'm gonna do a workout where I push myself once a day and then I, and I usually do that five days a week and then I'm gonna walk every day and some days I walk two miles, some days.
I walk six miles. It just depends on my schedule and what I'm doing. That's my, like, lower intensity workout where I guess I am burning fat. But who cares? Don't worry about the type of fuel you're, you're burning if you wanna lose body fat, not the type of fuel, but body fat physically on your body.
You have to be in a calorie deficit. You have to burn more calories than you take in. And you have to strength train. We need to talk about strength training because it is where metabolism happens. It is where insulin and glucose are regulated.
It is everything for longevity, it is everything for getting through menopause muscle is the key to aging gracefully. Um There are some strength training questions, so we'll get into that. But um along the same lines, we have Kelly asking what type of exercises are the best for each heart rate zone. So again, it goes back to like when people go, oh, Chris, what's the best form of cardio where I'll burn the more calories? I'm like, I don't know, what do you like to do?
I mean, if I tell you, swimming is the best form of cardio for zone two and you hate to swim, guess what? It doesn't matter? You're not gonna do it. You hate it. You know, if someone told me the only way you can lose weight, Chris is to swim, I'd say no, thank you.
I hate swimming. So like you gotta pick what you like to do. So it's not so much about what type of cardio it is. It's how far you exert yourself. So to me, zone two, walking, I love to walk.
That's my favorite. Zone two. I just love to walk. My heart rate is typically in zone two, kickboxing. My heart rate's in high zone three.
I teeter at the top and it really, I think it really strengthens my heart because it's, you know, it's a little higher than, it's a lot. Like, if I'm walking at 100 for heartbeat I'm doing kickboxing at 140. So it's, it's a little more intense and I love that at least once a week when I'm lifting weights. I'm in the middle of, I'm really in the middle of zone two. Do you feel like you are like, you're breathless?
You're like, yeah. And so, um, there's no one right type of exercise for each heart rate zone. It's, it's, and it always is based on your attitude and your effort. I say that all the time in class, um, meaning get healthy U TV classes and we even say it in live classes that we teach. It's like I can have three of you all doing the same workout at home and one person is using heavier weights, one person's using bigger range of motion.
One person is drinking electrolytes and has more energy. You're all going to come out with different results based on your attitude and your effort and what like what type of weights you have depending on, you know, if it's a hit classic. Are you lifting heavier? Are you moving faster? Like there's a lot of different factors that definitely play into it.
Um There was one more question but I let me see. Well, we'll come back with that one. So, talking about strength training, we did have somebody pre ask a question when strength training, do I need to lift weight every day to see results? No, you don't have to lift every day. Most people don't have time for that.
Um, but you want to lift at least at the bare minimum two days a week, three would really be the threshold to meet. And if you can do four. Heck yeah. And it also depends on your fitness level. When I started lifting weights for the first time I started by lifting three days a week and I would spread them out because I would be sore all the time.
So I might lift on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday or a Monday, a Thursday and a Saturday, like I spread them out so that I had time to recover. Now that I've been lifting weights for 30 plus years. I do more total body workouts. I pick up weights four days a week for me. Pretty much four days for me.
Um, and I, um, do them day in same day, like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. I do them days in a row because I'm typically not super sore. Like I got sore this week. I'm a little sore but not bad. I did a few things that were a little different, so I just pay attention to my body if you are super sore.
If you do a work on. You're like, oh my gosh, my quads or my shoulders. I can definitely take a day off. That's delayed onset, muscle soreness, doms as we know it. And that would be a great time for you to take a day off, take two days off off.
And that sets in 24 to 48 hours after lifting. But I think the biggest thing about fitness is get rid of the rules because people get so bound by the rules that they give up because we have busy lives. So if you're tending to tasks at home and you've got a full time job and you, you're doing other things, it's like if someone sets these rigid rules for you and you can't meet them, what are you gonna do? You're not gonna do it. So, you know, you have to kind of give and take.
But, um, no, you don't need to lift every day. You actually need to achieve muscle fatigue to get any gains. So you have to feel that fatigue in the muscles and that fatigue is like, oh man, I can only do like two more reps and I feel like I'm gonna be at failure. Like I feel like I'll have to change the weights or I'll have to put them down, let's say you're going and that's usually about like 15 reps at the most. So by rep 15, you should be like holy bananas.
That's hard. Now, if you can go like this and like, I could have a pair of five pound weights in my hands right now and I could do it for the whole hour. I could go like this and it would definitely burn calories and it would definitely work the endurance of my muscle, but it would not challenge my strength. So there's a difference there. Endurance is.
How many times can you do something repetitively? And like in a bar class, you're doing repetition, repetition, repetition in a yoga sculp class, repetition, repetition, endurance is important in your muscle. Think of the things you do during the day that require endurance, wiping the counter, which actually takes muscle, uh raking your lawn. Is that what I thought you were gonna say that be your first example, um breaking the lawn in the fall or shoveling the snow in the winter or doing your gardening and constantly doing this motion or bending over and picking weeds, which I've done a lot of this summer, you know, so that kind of thing that's endurance strength is like, ok, I'm gonna pick up this super freaking heavy box and I'm gonna lift it up and put it on the shelf. So you wanna train both.
Um OK, we are having a conversation on Facebook um of how you people, the model of your vest that you have because you were talking about walking and some people have, you know, followed you. Um So can you talk about the vest and like does that change your heart rate? Because it does, it adds a little, it's not necessarily like pumping my heart rate from 110, It's not, it's not that kind of exertion. My vest is 12 pounds. We have a link.
Do you have it in there? Um, I like I picked that vest out because I didn't want an expensive one. I didn't want to put the investment into a super expensive one. I wanted one that, like, just went over my tank top. If you guys have been following me, you'd know that my husband has a different one.
My husband's people joke him. It looks like a bulletproof vest. Yeah, neighborhood neighbors are like, are you wearing a bulletproof vest on your walk or? He's like, no, but, um, his brand and it's also, we have a link for that. It's called Hyper Wear.
It's a lot more expensive. So mine is like $39. His is like 100 and $50 or something. But it's more of a, maybe a male, um, vest and looks more like a full on like down vest. You know what I mean?
You put it on. Um, and he can change the weight in his, his, you can buy different weights and you can add more to it. Mine is just 12 pounds, Neoprene. I've gotten it wet. I've walked in the rain, I've sweat it dries.
It's awesome. I notice a lot more, like I just feel like I'm putting forth a little more effort. So perhaps a little higher calorie burn. I personally wanted it for the bone mass building. So, you know, there's so much talk right now about osteopenia and osteoporosis and even those of us who work out a lot can get osteoporosis.
I have a lot of friends who are very small framed, so they're just petite people, you know, 52 and they've got little bones and they lift weights, but they go to their doctors in their fifties, sixties and they say you have osteopenia and osteopenia is the beginning of osteoporosis just because their bones are little to begin with. And so they have to work even that much harder. And when you put force through your bones, you build bone mass. So I really like it for that reason. And I started by wearing it only on short walks because quite honestly, it was kind of pulling on my shoulders and I was like, jeez, now I can wear it easily 56 miles.
And it's no problem for me. The other thing I do is instead of letting it sit here on my neck, you know, after like a mile, I kind of like spread the shoulders here. So they're more like here on my shoulders instead of here and then like my shoulders are super strong. I can't feel it. So I really, I really like it.
Awesome. Um we were talking about electrolytes. Can you drink too many, like too much electrolytes throughout the day would probably be pretty hard to do. I mean, because like the magnesium and the potassium in most electrolytes is not that high, like you're gonna get like 60 mg or something like that. Um which you're not going to overdose on that.
Now, sodium, the one that Sam and I drink element and we have a link for you and we talk about it all the time. Element is as a matter of fact, the first time you put in your water, you're gonna make a face. You're gonna be like what like what is this? It's like a salt lick. You know what I mean?
It's so salty and if you're at home going, oh, that sounds disgusting. I've gotten to the point where like I crave it like I love it. But I've noticed such a difference in my energy level with more sodium in my body. Now each packet has 1000 mg and the recommended daily allowance for sodium is 2300, 23 to 2400 mg of sodium a day. So if you drink two packets, which would be a lot, I I usually just drink one.
it's uh 1000 mg. So you're really not going to go over it. However, that science has been debunked and there is so much out there that says 2400 mg of sodium is not enough. If you are a super active person, you need more sodium in your diet. It is.
And they've debunked all the high hypertension and the high blood pressure. Now, if you have family history or, or you're in the process of doing something with your doctor like that, I'm not a medical doctor. I'm just telling you that you can have more sodium in your body. And most of the bad low quality sodium comes from ultra processed foods. So you go out to eat and you eat fast food.
That probably is 5000 mg of sodium in it. But if I personally, I just don't eat a lot of sodium because I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and lean meats and I eat a lot of nuts and seeds, but most of them don't have, I get primarily unsalted and I eat yogurt and I eat, I eat chips, but all the chips I eat don't have a lot of salt. Like I just don't get a lot of salt and I just started realizing as my energy was waning that maybe I need more sodium. So I started drinking one packet. I do a half a pack in the morning, a half a packet in the afternoon and um I just feel so much better so she loves it.
Um We have actually uh Tara trainer Tara. So if you know her, her mother in law who's trainer Tara is trainer Tara her mother in law is watching, she said trying to work out five days a week. Um She is very motivated at her age. She's getting into lifting weight and really loving it. So I love it.
So fun to see her to tell her, I know Tara's rubbing off on you. That is so mom, that's what I mean. Yeah. Her mother and her mother in law, Tara gets gold stars for her motivation. I'm just so inspired when women in their forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, even eighties.
We were, we have some members who are in their eighties and they are kicking some butt. You can lift weights at any age, you can build muscle at any age. You can feel stronger, you can build bone mass. All of this is possible. Does it get a little harder perimenopause and for sure, postmenopause.
Yes, it does. Does that mean you're gonna quit? No, it doesn't keep that. My husband's favorite line. He's already said it to me like four times today.
I'm not gonna lie. Gap in the game, gap in the game. He always says you can either think with a gap mindset or a gain mindset, right? Positive mindset or negative woe is me. I'm already weak.
I never lifted weights. Screw it. I'm not gonna do anything or the gain mentality. You know what? I have time on my hands now, I'm getting older, I'm gonna get strong, I'm gonna start slow, you know, it's the whole, um, attitude is latitude people.
Look at you with all these sayings today. I love it. Um, we have a member saying I have a strong lower body but needs to work on arms. Um, so now she has egg weights, um, for her walks, I'm assuming just like small, tiny ones. Yep.
Um, she can do planks but push ups are still very hard. Would a cuddle bell be a good way to work on upper body? Yes, I, I like dumbbells. I mean, dumbbell is just a more straightforward piece of resistance. You can put one in each hand.
Um, I think it's better for beginners and if you can't do push ups, who cares? Guess what? Most of America cannot. You are not alone. Most people I talk to say I can't do a push up and I would say, ok, that's fine.
Guess what? Work up to it. Set a goal, say in six weeks, I want to do a push up. I know if you practice, you can, but it definitely will take practice. You'll need to do a couple every day and keep increasing.
You'll need to start on your knees and work your way up. Um, but the whole point is, yes, you can strength train. If you're holding weights while you're walking, that's great for resistance. It's the same concept of, of vest, it's helping to build bone mass. But if you want to work muscle, you gotta have the contraction happen, the eccentric and the concentric movement of the muscle.
So dumb bells are going to help you get there. We have some amazing beginner strength training. So most of them are, are they mostly premium because we have the beginner, um fat burning beginners? Yep, those are all premium. Those are all really great workouts.
They move a little slower. We do a little more description in those but we definitely have in the gold workouts. We definitely have a whole bunch of beginning. I want to point something out too. Um You and I have been talking about this so we have members who are like, oh but like I'm a gold member and it's so much work to see what's in gold and what's in premium.
You know, they they like try to figure out the difference between the two. To me, it's extremely straightforward, it shouldn't be difficult. So premium is our first level of membership and you have access to the premium library and when you go to get healthy U TV, you can click on premium or gold. If you're a premium member, click on premium and you can sort by type, you can see beginner, bar, walking, body weight, strength, cardio, strength hit, you know all of it, right. Chair workouts, yoga, whatever that's premium.
If you're a gold member, you get access to both libraries, gold and premium. So go in both libraries, go in the gold one and sort by whatever you're looking for and then go in the premium and sort and you can see, oh, I like the walking videos in the gold. I'm gonna check the walking videos in the premium. We keep them separate for a reason because otherwise you're just gonna have a mishmash everything and the premium members are going to get frustrated because if they, if all the walking was put together and we have a lot of gold walking because gold members get two new workouts a week. So all of a sudden you're a premium member and you're clicking on them and they're saying, cannot view, cannot view, cannot view.
Premium members are gonna get really frustrated. So we keep them separate. So just know if you're a gold member, you get access to both, which is, you know, awesome. And if you're a premium member, just hang out in the premium library. Um We have somebody saying I have pain in my knees and have a hard time doing lunges.
Can I uh what exercise can you do to get rid of the pain or is that just going to be the way it is? Depends on your health history, it depends on if you're overweight or not. I don't know if you're like have excess excess stress on your joints. I don't know if you were an athlete in your past life and could have perhaps had a lot of injuries. A lot of soccer players, a lot of tennis players, a lot of, you know, when you think men like football players and stuff that hockey players, they have a lot of knee issues.
Um, but if you just have knee pain from weakness of muscles, then yes, it can go away because knee pain in general, all of the muscles of the quad, the hamstring, the, you know, the shin, the cap, they all that come and attach in that knee joint. And so there can be a lot of soreness and stiffness and then joints are where two bones come together. And so wear and tear from age, wears down the cushioning in between the cartilage. So all of a sudden sometimes you can get to where there's very little cushioning, certain movements will hurt. So there's a lot going on in your knees.
It could be age and osteoarthritis is pretty normal for anybody. Over 50 you're probably gonna have a little bit of osteoarthritis, which is just wear and tear of the joints. And then are your muscles weak because if your muscles are weak, then you can definitely strengthen them. But I don't know all the variables we did just on Instagram, we did a how to get rid of knee pain. We did, we did on Instagram.
So go to Instagram and check out. I think it was like two days ago. I can't remember anymore. I I work like a week ahead. So I don't remember.
We put something up about like five exercises to do if you have knee pain and then on get healthy U TV, we definitely have workouts that are like no lunges. You know, of those that we have a couple of them leg, leg, that's a favorite. But, um, and for some people, just as we age, lunges don't feel good. And I always say if lunges are not going to be your friend, then go for squats, go for glute bridges. Um, but you can work up to lunges if you just take the time to kind of figure out where the problem is.
How many days a week should a 57 year old do weights? Cardio, um, to tone like weights and, or cardio to tone up the legs, arms and abs. So that's why we love total body workouts because you pretty much get arms, abs and lower body all in one. We love cardio strength workouts because you're getting your cardio in at the same time. So, like a hip workout where you are doing weights with your, um, with a rhythm, like with a pace at timed intervals.
So you're gonna go 30 seconds or 45 seconds of a certain exercise. You're gonna get a certain number of reps in. You're getting both strength and cardio in the same workout. So we call it like a multitasking workout. Um, because earlier, we were just talking about how our heart rate gets into like the 120 zone or or more when we're lifting weights.
So now we're in a nice low cardio zone while we're lifting weights two for one. Um, but how many days a week it all depends on the type of workouts you do the amount of time you have and your fitness levels. So, you know, I mentioned earlier, try, it would be great to lift weights three days a week. Like, find a way to get weight training in and use all those muscle groups. Three days a week, most uh multi muscle group workout compound movements incorporate the core because if you're gonna squat and you're gonna curl and your press, you're gonna use your abs.
If you're gonna do a deadlift and then stand up and l you gotta use your uh core. We do a lot of twisting motions. We use all three planes of motion. So you're gonna get more core strengthen. But we do have certain, like one of my favorite um formats is cardio core.
I love that one where it's just really focused on core, but then we throw in cardio moves and I just think that one is a fun format. So um there's a lot of different options and then some people just love straight up cardio days like I do one day of kickboxing and two days of pure walking. Those are my three cardio days and then the other days it's all strength cardio combos for me. Yep. How about you?
Uh very similar. Um I do probably 23 days of cardio um split throughout the week and then the rest are like hit combo strength and cardio and cardio. It will train your heart. So it's really good for heart health, which let me tell you, you need your heart. It's good for brain health.
It cleans, clears your head. It gives you mental clarity. It reduces stress for a lot of people and a lot of anxiety um and it burns calories. So if someone tells you, oh, you don't need cardio, skip the cardio, you need strength. I mean, cardio is awesome and, but it's, you know, it's a quick calorie burn.
Strength is your metabolism. Strength is your longevity. Strength is like I said earlier where metabolism happens, it's where insulin and glucose rate are regulated. It's, it's so important. So I can't tell you which one is more important.
You know, I guess strength is like that longevity piece, but cardio is the mental health piece like the physical piece, the calorie burn. So honestly, I don't know how you would pick one over the other. But what I will say is if you are not doing any strength training, you're doing yourself a disservice, start with that. Um Can you speak to the importance of creatine in building muscle? Yeah.
So creatine is um naturally made in our bodies. We all have a little bit of creatine. It's also readily available in red meat. Um it is known to give you more energy and it, it, it increase the pump of muscle so that you have more energy. Um, back 30 years ago when I started lifting weights, nobody used Creatine and people were afraid of it, to be quite honest.
And also, um, it was kind of deemed a men's uh a men's supplement if you will. And so women didn't use it. And honestly, just when I was younger, I didn't need it. I mean, I've just always had a lot of energy and I felt great. Now I will say as I'm approaching 60 I am gonna start taking creatine I, oh and the other thing is weight gain, a water gain.
So you gain a little water weight in the beginning. And often most people will tell you the first like three weeks, you're gonna feel a little bit of a water weight gain because it, it adds hydration to your muscles like it gives them a little pump. But then everything, all the signs, I've read all the people I've talked to it goes away. So I am going to start using it. I just, my son's getting married next week and I'm not doing anything new before that for the last month.
I'm like, I'm not taking new supplements. I'm not doing anything strange to my skin. I'm not because I just don't want to deal with that, but I am going to try it because so many people have been talking about it and I want to know if it'll give me more energy. So I am going to. So I will do you need more energy though?
You know, I do, I do I notice my workouts, you know, as you every year, it just gets a little harder and I'm not complaining. I'm not like saying it's super hard but I I do notice my age, you know how do I say it gracefully? But it's all OK. It's all fine. But like listen, if someone says, hey, this will give you a little more energy and you'll be able to lift a little longer.
Great. You know, that's why I'm doing the electrolytes. So back to electrolytes, we have some more comments and questions um are electrolytes safe to drink. If you have high blood pressure, I would consult your doctor because again, I have no idea when you say hi. I I it could be in a huge range.
Like if you have massive hypertension, you're on any blood pressure medications that is not for me to talk about, talk to your doctor. But um in most cases, most people do totally fine on electrolytes, which is typically sodium, potassium and magnesium. There are a lot of electrolyte drinks that have like 10 mg of sodium like no sodium and um you know, those are fine. Like if you're just looking for a little pick me up, but like element has 1000 mg that's a lot. It's like it literally the first time you taste it.
You're gonna be like, what is happening? You might question why we're, we're talking. So always start with a half packet. The full packet is meant for 40 ounces of water, 32 to 40 ounces of water. So you like, think about that.
It has reduced my cravings for chips in the afternoon that I will say like, I kind of sit on the computer all day and I'll be like, oh, I think I'll have some popcorn or chip. I will have like a handful and my electrolyte and I won't need to like have the whole day. I will say the same thing for me. Like chocolate is my thing. I'm more of a sweet tooth and since I've had more of it, I haven't needed that chocolate at night, like every single night because I drink mine a little bit later.
So I will say like I'm on board with you that it like takes the craving oil a little bit. Um I've just thought of something. Can we talk quickly about the fitness? We can talk about whatever you want to talk about because we're getting so many good questions. And so I want to talk about the fitness weekend, which is a weekend where you can ask us questions for two straight days.
So you're seeing a video from last year's fitness weekend. Um So this is a live in person event that we hold in Minneapolis. It's for members and non members. It's for anyone who's looking for that renewed motivation and inspiration. It's for anyone who says I want to meet new people and get inspired.
A lot of women came alone last year. They didn't come with a friend, they just came by themselves. We had 30 different states represented people came, we had six people from Canada last year. And what do we do? We work out.
We do a whole bunch of different workouts. Our trainers are all there. You're going to meet everybody in person. We do workshops, we talk about nutrition and menopause and heart rate. Everything we're talking about today, we get more personal because we're sitting there right there with you in the room and we have hours to talk about, we have healthy meals.
It's a, it's a Saturday and a Sunday. Come in on a Friday night. If you don't live in Minnesota, it's all day Saturday and most of Sunday. Well, half a lot of people flew out and it was just a really good connection time. So if you are looking for that type of an event where you're like, I would love something that just gave me that inspiration, I will say.
So my husband joined this men's group and it's kind of similar to what we do, it's community, they had a live event together. Um and he came home and he's like, I'm so inspired I'm like, ok, I've been doing this. I like I've been telling you that for 30 years, live events are inspiring, do more, do more offering. So we'd love to have you. Um We have a smaller group signed up this year than we did the first year.
I think it was like really exciting. The first year people are like, I'm coming. Um we hold it at the mall of America in Minneapolis, which is super convenient. It is a five minute Uber ride or a light rail train ride from the airport. Um Beautiful accommodations so much happening in the mall, uh retail food.
Some people brought their families. That's why I said that. Um you know, they maybe stayed the whole day Sunday and they went to Nickelodeon Universe which is the amusement park. Um And just I have, I have to mention this because I'm a shopper. Um We have no taxes on necessities in Minnesota.
So no tax on shoes, handbags, clothing, anything like that. So a lot of uh tourists come into Minnesota, they come to the mall America to get back to school shopping because you know, the amount of money you save on sales tax is your hotel room actually, no, actually I really, I literally cannot stand to shop in other states when I see, you know, I was just in Chicago and I swear to God, I don't know, don't hold me but I swear it was like 10.5 or 11%. So, I'm like, what? Like that. That's just so crazy to me the last time I thought it was a good idea to go shopping in Arizona.
And I was like, why did I do that? Like, I could have got this stuff at home for no tax, just a little tidbit. So, if you have any questions about the fitness weekend, you can always DM. Sam and I, and if any of you are in the private Facebook group, there has been a lot of talk about the fitness weekends. We're excited.
Um, back to Creatine. Somebody's asking when should you take Creatine really quickly? It's October 18th and 19th. The dates would be important. Do you think we should tell them when it is secret?
Are you free on October 18th and 19th? Please come. Ok. When should you take it, Creatine before or after a workout? There used to be rules about Creatine and there are no rules anymore.
People are like you used to have to cycle up, like start with just this much and cycle up and then cycle down and blah, blah, no more. Um, for women, they're suggesting 3 to 5 mg a day. You can drink in the morning, you can drink at night. My plan is I'm gonna put it in my water with my electrolytes and I'm just going to sip on it before my workout during and after. And I am going to talk about it once I do it.
Yeah, I still, like, try things out and if I blow up like a balloon, I'll tell you I'll be like, I got washed. She's like, I'm not doing it anymore. No, I mean, even a hot summer day, your rings get tight. You know, because you're the humidity. So I'm not worried about that.
I am really interested to see if I notice a difference or not. Um, We have a 52 year old vegetarian peri menopausal woman. Um She always feels like she is struggling to get enough protein. And how much should she have a day? And what's the best way to get it in on a plant based diet?
So, plant based, which is awesome as long as you're eating real plants and not eating a lot of packaged food. Um because there is so much ultra processed vegetarian food, you have to be really careful. My daughter was vegan for a while and then she was vegetarian and now she's a carnivore. I love that. I did not know that.
Oh, yeah. She was a huge carnivore when she was a kid and I, she was like my meat eater and she's a dancer. So she, you know, dancing hours and hours a day and then she went to this vegan and I was like, oh boy, girl, you have got to really, but she was young and so she was not eating, in my opinion, the best choices for like getting enough protein. And then she went vegetarian. She was doing eggs and um, a little bit of dairy and now she is back to eating meat because she feels better.
It, it happened after pregnancy. She was just like, I need meat. But ok, that was not the question. Um So how many grams of protein a day? They say about a half a pound to a pound of, uh, a gram per pound of body weight.
So let's just use a round number. That's easy. 140 pounds. So if you take a half a gram, that would be 70 g, right? You, you cut your body weight in half like a half a gram of protein per pound of body weight.
So that would be 70 g. If you go for the full gram, that would be 100 and 40 g. So somewhere between 100 70 100 and 40 if you weigh 100 and 40 pounds would be adequate, the more active you are the higher you want to get on that side of the 1 g. Now, I've had people come back at me and say 1 g is too much Chris, but I have spoken to so many nutritionists and they all wholeheartedly agree that 1 g is not too much. Um And especially as you hit menopause and post menopause, you need more protein because everything in our body, it's just harder to maintain muscle, it's harder to use protein or to, you know, digest and actually absorb all the protein.
So it's really important that you stick with that. Now, plant base nuts, seeds, beans, like put black beans on everything, put garbanzo beans on everything. Quinoa is a perfect protein that is um uh grain, grain and protein. So, but it's not a, it's not a meat. Um, so quinoa is, is a wonderful food to ingest.
Um And you know, I go back to beans, seeds, nuts. Um There's a little bit of protein in, well, is she vegetarian vegetarian? So I don't know if you eat eggs um because some vegetarians do eat eggs and eggs are great protein source along with so many other things. Um Do you have any other suggestions? Because you're a vegetarian, aren't you Michael is now eating meat?
So I always did. I just tried not to make two meals. Um So yeah, we're back to eating meat. Ok. And do you have any other protein ideas?
Protein powder? I mean, if you're having trouble supplementing with protein powder, they're amazing plant based. Our favorite protein powder. Plant-based is Truva. Um It only has five ingredients, all natural, no bad anything.
And um Truva is a really, really healthy brand. So we love that for plant based protein. I use whey protein powder mostly II, I do like Chovan though. I love, it's my favorite. It is just so delicious.
Um But I like to get the whey protein in because it has higher um leucine content, a higher amino acid content of leucine, which is good for muscle synthesis. That's a whole another conversation. If you come to the fitness weekend, we can talk all about all about it. But um, those are all suggestions, I would say eat it throughout the day. You know, they're saying now for women, you gotta get, I mean, you literally have to get about 30 g of protein in each meal if you're eating three meals in order to get that protein in.
So and I'm a yogurt person. I love yogurt. So like I use Greek yogurt and my Greek yogurt has between 15 and 18 g of protein. So boom right there. Easy.
Yeah. Love it. Um Kind of going back to the electrolyte comment but a little different. Um she recently moved to Wisconsin go badgers for you. I, I grew up in Wisconsin now um where they have a water softener system that uses salt pellets.
Does that provide sodium towards energy levels or is that completely different? Oh my gosh, I have no idea. So that was research I've never done because I don't, we have a water softener, but we have a water filter. So I don't drink, I don't drink water from my water softener. Um Everything is filtered.
So we have an osmosis system so that Google Google, that GTs as they say Google that stuff because I wouldn't know that. But if you're drinking really softened water, typically they can, like, um, cut out your kitchen faucet, you know, like they'll soften your showers and they'll soften your, uh, your clothing or whatever, but your laundry. But I don't know about the, I've never been asked that. I'm going to find that out. I'm gonna look at that.
I'm gonna look that up. Right. I wouldn't think that's the kind of sodium either that you want to drink. Yeah. Not for me, but maybe a little off topic.
But can you talk about your back problems that you had? Um why don't we start there? And then there's a question to go along with it. OK. So it was about, I keep saying 10 years ago, but it might have been 15 years ago.
Time flies and I just was having typical, let's see, I'm 58. So, yeah, I think I was in my mid forties. So I um started having horrible back pain and it was just, it started with like an incident where I kind of threw my back out if you will during a kickboxing class. And I was like, oh man, that really hurts. I cannot believe it.
I can't stand up. Right. And I was using electro stem, you know, that those little electrodes that kind of like just pull the muscle to try to release tension and blah, blah, blah and it went away. But then all of a sudden it just started coming back, coming back, coming back. And it was at a point where a forward bend to do a Burpee to do a forward fold, to do a deadlift.
No way I couldn't do it. It hurt so much. And I was like, all right, you know, I think I should get my back. MRI. Well, now I know so much more.
I wouldn't panic, but I was at that point panicking and it is my line of work. So I got my back, MRI and they said, you know, you look like any woman in her, like 45 year old woman who has, who is active a lot, you will always have a little deterioration. But um I'm trying to swallow, sorry, hold on water. But um, I had some like, degenerate, degenerative or you could call it herniated or you could say, um, there's all different words for like a disc that is slightly smushed, right? So, between L four and L five, it was just slightly smushed and irritated.
Now, I was lucky enough that I did not have sciatica. So if you have sciatica where it's pressing on the nerve and it's going down to your foot and you're getting like a uh uh uh what do you call it? Numb, numb limb or you're getting drop foot where you can't feel your foot or something like that, you need to talk to your doctor. That's serious when it's pushing on the nerve and you may have to do some sort of, I know some people have gone in and had to do a little surgical something to get rid of sciatica. But there are ways to get rid of sciatica yourself.
But that being said, I did not have that. So I knew that I had all this pressure on my back and the doctor said, you know, you could go to some physical therapy and at the time I agreed to it and I went to this physical therapy. And I'm like, this is such a waste of my time for me personally because it was mostly Pilates based. I am a certified Pilates instructor. I, a lot of the stuff we were doing.
I'm like, I know how to do all this. So a light bulb went on in my head and I was like back to what I always say and what I said earlier, gap in the game, I can either complain about my back pain or I need to do therapeutic work every single day. Not just once a week at a physical therapist. I know what to do. I need to do it.
So I started um using infrared heat. So infrared light and heat combine infrared light is a deeper light wave that penetrates into soft tissue to help relieve inflammation. So I was wearing my infrared, I started using massage ball, that's like the size of a tennis ball, but it's a little harder than a tennis ball and really getting into those trigger points where because what the pain was coming from the muscles around my back because it my back knew that there was like a little something happening in the disc. And so all these muscles were just like gripping all the time. So I started doing all this laying on the floor and we have a whole video of me showing how to use the massage ball and over time.
And then I was doing like legs stretches and different things and my back pain went away as I was doing daily therapy. And so to this day, I do it every single day, every morning. This morning, I had my infrared light pet on. I have it on every morning, 350 days a year probably. And then I do my massage ball.
And again this morning before I worked out, I did my massage ball for like, now I only do it for like five minutes. I used to do it for like 10 minutes or so 1015 minutes. But it has made all the difference in the world for me. So it goes back to consistency on everything you do. People tell me they have back pain and I'll go OK, do this, do this and then they do it and their back pain goes away.
And then, and then about two months later, like, oh my back pain came back and I say, are you still doing those stretches? And they'll go? No, no, it's, it's consistency. I had a slipped disc when I was in eighth grade. So the whole, like, bottom part of my leg went numb.
Um, and mine was exercises. I did, um, like the stem and foam rolling and stuff like that to, to not do surgery because I was like, I would like not to. Um, and I haven't had any problems since and a lot of times you can relieve sciatica and nerve issues through chiropractic, through foam, rolling through all that. That can be. But it depends on your age.
It depends on the severity of it. If you're having nerve pain, that is totally different. Then just a sore low back, sore, low back is super normal. You just have to work for that and painful and painful. And now I do, like, if we, we tend to do a lot of like desk work during the day, I stand up, I move, I twist, I cat cow throughout the day.
Like, I'm really conscious about being smart about moving my back. Well, and I think sometimes like you and I always talk about, but even like me and my fiance Michael, like he for the longest time was a runner and I was like, you gotta start stretching because he's so tight and he went to a chiropractor for a couple of months. And then ever since he got like, exercises from the chiropractor. He isn't bent. We were just talking about the other night.
I'm like, you haven't been to the Chiro in like a year and he goes, because he gave me the exercises. I don't need him anymore and he does them and now he can like, squat better his range of motion. And so it's like, even we talk about it, we should probably do a little more mobility. Now, she does her like back stuff every day, but it's like, OK, my hips are feeling it like you got to do the mobility to, to stay, you know, flexible motion is lotion is lotion. And you will notice in our get healthy U TV, workouts that we always start with mobility.
It's the first thing we do and we're really passionate about it is that work mobility is where two joints come together. It's range of motion and joints. So it's not where two joints come together. It's where two bones come together that creates a joint. This is a hinge joint, this is a hinge joint, this is a ball and socket joint.
So you have bone socket in the shoulder and the hip. So you gotta move around motion is lotion, you gotta get that range of motion, you gotta keep fluid moving in there. It's super important. You got it. Um Let's see.
OK, top two exercises if you had top two exercises, but I have a feeling you'll say otherwise. Um for getting a flatter stomach. She's 36 and has three kids also has diastasis recti um, getting rid of extra belly after three kids. She's seeing results, but it's taking a long time. Does she need to up her intensity?
Um, well, of course, after three babies give yourself grace. I don't think anyone's stomach is 100% flat after you have babies. I mean, um, but if you have excess body fat and excess skin, um you know, you, you can bounce back when you say up your intensity. I just don't know what you're doing. So I don't know how intense you are working, but to lose body fat, it comes off all over your whole body.
So you can't just go, oh I just want to lose body fat right here in this one finger. Like you can't do that. It just is gonna come off all over your body and women always complain that it comes off, you know, the, the boobs and butt first and not the places that they want into. Um So, but you know, if you lose weight overall and get more fit and get more toned, you're gonna notice that your stomach flattens a little bit and that you feel like that excess fat, belly fat goes away, but it is really hard and diastasis recti if you have a severe case. Like I have always had a uh I have three kids and I can put my hand down between my abs, I can like, put a deck of cards down but it doesn't, it's not like a severe, uh, di, it's not considered diastasis recti where it's pulling so far that you could have a hernia or any of those other problems.
So, some women, if it gets to that point where your diastasis recti is so bad that you need to see a doctor, sometimes they will do a repair. Um, we do have some diastasis recti. We have a 10 minute dias stasis recti uh workout. Um You can also DM US and we'll direct you to some other workouts that could be helpful for you with diastasis recti, there are some exercises that could be helpful but overall intensity, I my, my just reaction would be like, yes, pick up your intensity. Work harder, do more weights, burn more calories, you know.
Yes, you're gonna notice difference, eat healthy, get rid of inflammation in your body. I don't know what you eat. No ultra processed food. Uh, no food coloring. No weird, you know, additives like plants, fruits, veggies, all the good stuff, all the good stuff and like picking up weights, just strength training in general.
I think the more that I've just picked up heavier weights and stuff, I'm like, I don't even do core anymore because I'm like your core is activated through every, you know, upper body, lower body. Like I don't really do core anymore. I don't do a whole lot of core, I don't ever do core. It's like our, but we do have core based workout and I do love Pilates. I mean, and for a lot of women who have diastasis recti Pilates can be extremely helpful too.
You have to learn how to breathe and how to pull it in. Going back to our topic that we started this conversation with the heart rate training. Can you talk about how either like your sleep? Will that affect your heart rate when you, you know, work out the next day, sleep, lack of sleep and overtraining affect your heart rate. So I always used to know when I was over training, I don't have that problem anymore.
But when I was Sam's age, I would overtrain and then I would notice it, I'd be like, for instance, doing spinning or doing some side of a cardio workout and my heart rate would not go up. It just would not. And I was like, that is just a sign from my body that says you are inflamed, stop it, you know, rest also with sleep. If you have lack of sleep, it can be very hard to get the heart rate up. Sleep is so important.
Um And you burn a lot of calorie sleeping. People just don't realize it. You burn a lot of calorie sleeping. So if you are like lacking sleep, prioritize that first, that's your first mode of uh operation. And again, if you have little kids like you have to give yourself grace.
You know, I know people like, I have two kids under the age of two and one that's four. I'm like, what? Like you need sleep, you're busy, you are busy, do the best you can. That's why at home workouts are so great. It was not an option.
When my kids were little, there was no such thing as an at home workout, there was no streaming, there was no internet. Um You had to come up with your own thing. But nowadays I see these moms where you can have your kid in the room and you can do a workout like that is so freaking awesome. It makes a world of a difference and the internet changed everything and I think that there's talk now and you always say it 10 minutes is better than nothing. 20 minutes.
Like it doesn't always have to be, I think there was a mindset of it has to be 45 minutes to an hour. Like, yes, we love those. But if you only have 20 to 30 minutes do it, do it. Yeah, I mean, I made fitness DVD S and VHS tapes for a really long time and we would release like three a year like, oh yay, we have a new release and people would just do those three for the whole year now. Like we have over 800 workouts and get healthy U TV.
We're dropping two new gold ones every week. Like, what a change it has been. It has been. So, you talked about sleep where a lot of people, their heart rate doesn't get up like high. If you're, if you are lack of sleep, is there the alternative where it, like skyrockets so high if you don't sleep very well?
Could be. I, again, I, I don't know that, um, I don't know that, like, it seems strange to me that your heart rate would be 200 without, uh, you know, doing. Are you exerting yourself really hard? There are a lot like my husband had a FB where his heart rate would just go to 200 like that. And it was really irritating, like he would be doing nothing and it would go to 200 or like 180 or something.
And so, um, he dealt with a FB for like a decade. Um, and which is, it's just a, a rhythmic, um, issue in your heart and he ended up with an ablation and now he never has that, but I don't know why your heart rate would just shoot up for no reason. Um, talking about your husband. Is there a difference between heart rates with men and women? Yes, and weight and exertion and everything.
Like, usually when I'm walking with my husband, his heart rate's always higher. His calorie burn is always higher, higher. Now, I always joke him and say, well, my heart rate, your heart rate's higher because, and mine's lower because I'm more fit than you. So I don't, I'm sure he loves that, but yeah, it can be different and it varies from person to person. The person you are walking with will have something different than you do.
Um We have somebody mentioning that um, two people loved your, um DVD S so people still have them, do? People still have DVD players? And you know what? Ok, this is a horrible thing about me. You're not going to believe it.
I had buckets of DVD s in my basement, like buckets of my DVD S and you know what I did with them, I dumped them all. You're good. I'm a thrower. My mother cannot, she can't and I just was like, I'll save one of each DVD and dumped them all. Well, my mother, hopefully she's not watching this.
Um, when we moved in the house, she goes, here's your bucket of all of my dance videos. I'm like, what are my DVD S? Like, what am I going to do with that? I don't have, I still have a DVD player, Iavhs and watch them at your house. I don't have it plugged in.
I'd have to plug it in. But anyway, well, ok, any more questions or we're done at the end of the hour? All right. You guys, thanks for joining us. We love this.
We didn't know in August. August is a hard month because everyone's just kind of winding down somehow, but we try to come live like 10 months out of the year, once a month. So be looking if you're get healthy U TV member, we send out an email, we talk about it in the Facebook group. Um If you're on my Facebook page, we'll talk about it there too. So we hope to see you guys next month.
If you're interested in the live weekend. Do you wanna come and meet us and work out with us? October 18th and 19th? We'll be there with you guys. We're super excited for it.
It won't be snowing yet in Minnesota. So it'll, it'll be lovely fall weather. We'd love to see you anyway, for those of you who are members. We so appreciate your membership. Thank you so much and we so appreciate all your feedback all the time.
We love working out with you and we'll see you next time.
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