GHUTV LIVE! How to Maintain your Progress During the Holidays
Chris FreytagDescription
“I don’t have time to work out.” – #1 excuse at the holidays! But here’s the deal, you DO have time. Just not maybe as much as usual, but still fit in a short workout when you can. As the holidays ramp up, along with work, friends and family obligations, movement can get pushed to the bottom of the priority list. But the truth is, movement is about helping YOU feel good. It doesn’t take much to keep moving. At the most? 10 minutes? 20 minutes? 30 minutes? We are here to give you tips and tricks to maintain all the hard work you’ve put in through the holidays!
Sign up for the 10 for 10 Challenge and get access to a free workout calendar. Plus, get new fitness tips and workout videos in your inbox with the weekly Get Healthy U TV newsletter.
Well, hello everybody. I'm Chris Freytag, you guys know that. I just saw banner come up. Oh, it says Shelley, they changed it. There I am, hi guys.
I love it. Surprise, surprise everybody. This is not Sam Camp sitting next to me today. Imagine that Sam Camp has a life. She had something to do today.
No. Sam Camp does not have have a life . And so we said let's have one of our other trainers, Shelley Hawkins, sit in with us today, which is a really fun, you know, I love to get time to talk with all the trainers. Yes. I think that our get Healthy U TV members really appreciate getting to know people beyond just, you know, the huffing and puffing behind the camera.
Right, and the squat and the lunch. I think it's important to get down deep. So thank you for joining today. Thank you for having me. So for those of you who might just have been scrolling Facebook and be like, wait, what is going on here?
So this is our live Q&A that we do monthly at Get Healthy U TV. We come live, we usually pick a subject that we talk about throughout the hour, but we're all questions are fair. You can ask anything you'd like. We spend an hour conversing with you guys, all of these Q&As are on the get website. You can find them under Free Videos Live Q&A.
So you can rewatch old ones. Yes. If there's a topic that interest you. A couple months ago we were talking about macronutrients. Right?
It was quite an intense conversation. Oh. And that's one that a lot of people have asked like, hey, I wanna rewatch that one 'cause it was full of info. And so at any rate, we come live, this is our last one for 2021. Don't even say it.
It's quite scary, isn't it? What a year. And it's gone so fast. It's gone so fast. The scary thing is it really does feel like it was New Year, two months ago.
Right. And thank goodness for home workouts. Yes. Because this has been an interesting two years of life and we've all learned to live a little differently. I'm playing the role of Sam Camp today.
I'm looking at all of the questions. Hence I have to have my glasses on so I can see what's happening. We'll get rolling into the questions. I also wanna spend a little time letting you know a little more about Shelley Hawkins and that lovely accent. Oh my, and a little more about Chris Freytag 'cause I need to know more.
Shelley and I've known each other for, how many years ago did you move to Minnesota? Four years. Four, it's been four? Actually yeah, four years. Wow.
And she'll tell you a little bit in a minute about, you know, where she's been in this world because it's been lots of continents in lots of countries. Lots of fun. You're South African by-- By birth. By birth. Yes.
Okay. American by choice. American by choice. I love it. How about that?
So we'll get into it. Our topic today is all about maintaining your health throughout the holidays. It is a big deal. There is one phrase that everybody uses. Well first of all, it's the biggest excuse for not taking care of yourself.
But during the holidays it is for sure the number one excuse. And you know what that phrase is? Tell me. I don't have time. Oh yeah, yeah.
I don't have time. I'm busy. I'm trying to do this. I'm trying to do that. I don't have time.
So I'm just gonna right off the bat mention for those of you who are joining us, we do have a challenge that I mentioned on Instagram yesterday. It's called the 10 for 10. It's free. So you do not have to be a member of Get Healthy U TV. Perfect.
It is 10 minute workouts for 10 straight days. So could you impress your own self? If you are somebody who's watching this and says, I'm not working out, could you do 10 minutes for 10 straight days before the Christmas holiday comes? Of course it's Hanukkah right now, so everybody's in the middle, Right. Of everything.
But 10 minutes for 10 days. Now when you sign up for this, you're gonna get the opportunity, there are two different calendars. There's a beginner and an intermediate. And I guarantee you at least one or two of the workouts, 10 minute workouts are with Miss Shelley. I think that's great.
I might do it. Yeah, and so all we're asking is 10 minutes. I don't care if it's 6:00 A.M., I don't care if it's 6:00 P.M. I don't care when you can fit it in, but just 10 minutes that you owe to yourself for 10 straight days. See if you like it, it's free.
Get some friends, get your family members and give it a try. I want to do it. And you know, 10 minutes is really quick. You think, well I don't have enough time. 10 minutes is literally walking to the mailbox, taking your mail out, having a look at it and walking back up the driveway.
Yeah. Well and I had an aha moment yesterday when someone said, when you say you don't have 10 minutes to work out, how long were you just scrolling, Yes. On your phone before you saw that post? Oops. Oops, probably was scrolling for 10 minutes.
Right? So if you really look on your screen, the amount of screen time you had, I could be working out all darn day. So . Right. Compared to my screen time.
Kidding, but you know, it's our job but-- Especially when you get at the end of the weekend, it says you've had so much screen time and it's up by 30 or 40%. There's your 10 minutes plus, you use it wisely. There's your 10 minute workout. I need to do that. So please do check that out and we'll tell you a little bit more about Get Healthy U TV as we move along here too for those of you who might not be members.
But let's just get into it. So on Instagram we've got people going, Chris and Shelley love you ladies. They're so excited to see Shelley on here. I love it. I love these guys.
We'll hit a couple of the pre asked questions 'cause some of you have already written in. We'll talk a little bit about Shelley and myself and our backgrounds and we'll come back to it. I think the big thing about maintaining during the holidays is you are not trying to earn yourself a medal during the holidays, it is not the time to start your new diet or start your new workout routine. It's about staying sane. It's about feeling good about yourself.
Yes. I mean, after a 10 minute workout you feel good about yourself. You feel great. The endorphins are going. And I think if you start a new regime before a holiday event or between two holiday events like Hanukkah and Christmas, you set yourself up for failure.
You really do. 'Cause it's too much. Right. And then you're like, I can't do it. I'm done, I can't do it, I'm out.
Don't set new deadlines now, roll with it maybe 10 minutes a day. Do what you can. Yes. And here's the thing, we're eating and drinking a little bit more during the holidays typically 'cause we've got more events. 2021 will bring more events, in 2020 basically there were no events.
But if you find yourself eating and drinking a little more, think about it. If you do a 10 minute workout and you used all your muscle groups so your muscles are active, muscle burns more calories every day than body fat. Yes. Even at a resting heart rate and you burn an extra hundred calories in that 10 minutes, that's 700 calories at the end of the week if you did 10 minutes a day. That's fabulous.
That's what a couple hors d'oeuvres, couple cocktails like. Yes. You know, and it's not always about calories counting, but when it comes to the holidays, let's face it, we're just eating and drinking a little more. Yeah. It can't hurt you.
Control that in and out, kind of be aware of it, but don't kind of overly, you know, monitor that calorie in, calorie out. I think just allow yourself some breathing room and then you know what, work it off but at the end and after Christmas and after everybody has left or after the holiday season, then reset your goals. Right. So during the holidays do the best you can. And even a 10 minute workout, even little bit of a movement here and there is going to help you de-stress.
Yes. Help you feel mentally more sane. I mean for me, a lot of times it's the mental side. Yeah, it is so much. Feeling strong, feeling confident, feeling good about myself when things are tough.
When you had a really good workout, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, the endorphins are really racing in your body and you can't help but be happy. So let's get into these quick little questions. Okay. So here's a question on Facebook and I gotta go back to some of the asked questions. But let's see.
How do you keep your head in the weight loss game when the scale hasn't moved in a couple of weeks? At what point do you change things up if you feel like you've been good about eating and exercise? That can be hard. This is Debbie. So Debbie, Good question.
Yeah, I get it, that is a good question. And sometimes it's like if you keep doing what you're doing, you're gonna keep getting what you're getting. Or it's like the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and hoping different results. For different results, right. So you definitely should change something up, of course it is the holidays so maybe even as the scale hasn't moved for a couple weeks, maybe now it's not gonna really move, depending on what your lifestyle's like but before the New Year.
But at least maintaining and getting enough water in. Water, water, water, water. Did I say that? Okay, I'm gonna say it again. Water, water, water.
It's free for most, I at least I don't buy water, I get it outta my tap. Our bodies are like 70% water, our brain is like 70% water, so drink as much water as you can, move your body when you can. But definitely if the scale's not moving, it's time to change something up. Try a new workout, eat something differently, reassess your macronutrients, you know? Totally agree, totally agree.
Change it up because we get stuck in that same routine, it's like, okay, I go and work out five days a week and I eat this and eat this and this. Also maybe keep a little diary or a little calendar of what you're eating because I know with myself a lot of the time I'm like, oh I'm great, you know, I only had this and this, but I don't count what I have in between. A handful of nuts. Now will you get busy at the holidays? Like do you do a lot of family stuff and your schedule will get a little off.
It does get off, it definitely does, but I do get crabby, extremely crabby and my family will attest to this. If I cannot work out at least every second day, then I'm a nightmare to be around. So I know I need to pick something up and I need to move, whether it's a weight, whether it's just a resistance band, whether it's just body weight, I need to move. All right? 10, 15, 20 minutes.
Do it. Get on with life and have that cocktail and enjoy it because you work hard for it. Yeah. And you know I'm a walker and I know you are too 'cause I see you walking, we walk by each other. We live in the same community.
We're like yohoo . Walk even if it's just a walk and you get a family member out there with you. It clears your head, it burns calories, it moves your leg muscles, it gets your breath cycle going. And by the way, I was just thinking about this. Do we have a lot of meditations on Get Healthy U TV?
We do? We do. Yes we do. Yes, she says that jokingly. I'm so bad with that.
They're actually my daughter. She is fabulous. Yeah, she is a major meditation person and so they're really fun. So like, again, that would be something else you could do. If you just have five minutes, pull up one of the five minute meditations, you will feel better just from the deep breathing.
Yeah, center yourself back again. Okay, here's a quick question, I'm just gonna go down these. A lot of people are saying, Shelley, we love your workouts. That's so cute. Thank you guys.
Okay, do you know if there's any truth that diet soda is worse than regular soda? I drink very little but curious if you know the science, this Carrie's asking. Okay, so here's the thing. Artificial sweeteners are as bad as sugar. Sugar we have come to find out is addictive, it causes a lot of problems when you overeat sugar.
Eating a little sugar here and there, I eat sugar every day. Right. I mean I do. So do I. Yeah and it's not like gobs of it, but I love sugar.
But in excess, it causes a lot of problems with your blood sugar, your A1C, obviously weight gain, energy levels, sleep patterns, everything. Well, everyone thought, well then I'll just eat artificial sweeteners because they don't affect your blood sugar supposedly. Well they're chemicals. Right. And so I actually just saw quickly on my phone, Dr.
Hyman, you guys hear me talk about him all the time. He posted something today about sucralose. Oh. Being something that is so chemically weird that it does weird things to your body. Artificial sweeteners don't register like sugar, like for the blood sugar.
Right. But they're all chemical and so chemicals cause inflammation in the body. So is it worse than regular soda? I'm not a scientist, I can't tell you which one's worse. I'd say they're both not good for you.
Right, and in terms of sugar, obviously it doesn't have the natural sugar but it has all the additives and really, do you wanna put something in your body that you really don't know much about? Now I'm a big soda water drinker and act-- You like Bubly? Bubly, And you'll see it all over the place. I'll have my cans of Bubly or whatever it is. I do, I see you drinking Bubly.
Yes. Sometimes I'm like, are you drinking Bubly water during a workout? I do and I don't have that kind of a repeat, you know, a little burp or what, I don't have it, I dunno why. But I love it. I wanted to ask you what you thought of that.
Bubly water is again, good. I mean, if that's a good alternative for you. I mean you should have regular water, like you don't wanna drink all Bubly, there is something about the carbonation. Yeah. People will talk about it with like the enamel on your teeth or whatever but I mean, honestly, again, go back to moderation.
Yes. Don't worry about Bubly water. Okay. But some of the weird cans of Bubly water have weird stuff in 'em, but again-- Yeah. like I'm not even gonna go there.
But I do, I like Bubly. I really like Pellegrino? Yes. Like that just, and I like putting fruit in it. Oh, even better, even better, yes.
Even add like lemon, lime, orange. Well I do a lot of that and do a lot of squeeze but I do drink during regular workouts I'll drink iced water. Yeah. Just as my go-to. And then I'll have after Bubly, but I'll have like a carbonated water and I could go through about six cans of carbonated.
Bubly, Bubly? Yeah, in the afternoon. Well, so then good thing you're not drinking diet soda. So like, let's say you have one diet soda, nothing's gonna happen to you . No.
It's everything, you know I've said this so many times when it comes to health, the magic word is consistency. It's what you do often. So if you consistently eat sucralse or artificial sweeteners every day, it's not good. If you one time had some sucralose nothing's gonna happen to you. It's about consistency.
If you work out once, not gonna change your life. If you work out consistently for a week, a month, a year, whatever, it's gonna change your life. So it's all about consistency when it comes to health. So, you know, don't sweat the small stuff as they always say. Yes, yes.
So anyway, interesting question. Okay, Melissa says, after being employed, unemployed, sorry, for over a year I'm developing some really great morning exercise habits. Yay. I just got a new job and I have to be to work at 8:00 A.M., I no longer have time to do weights, cardio and yoga before work. Do you have any recommendations for the best times to work in those types of exercises?
I go to bed at nine. Evening exercise doesn't sound like she loves it, it keeps her awake. Okay, here's my question Melissa, can you get up earlier? I know you have to be to work at eight, but, well, Shelley knows this about me, but I'm a 5:30 A.M. Early bird.
I'm an 5:30 and nobody is born that way . No. It's habit. Could you not, I don't know your situation with your kids, if you have kids or anything, but you know, it takes some time to develop that really early morning habit but once you get there, the thing about early morning is there's no interruptions. Right?
Nobody typically is calling you at 5:30 A.M. So it's like you get that workout in, you clear your head and then whatever happens during the day, it doesn't derail you. So I'm that early morning person. But it doesn't matter what time of day you exercise you like more of a mid morning. Well I like an 8:00 A.M.
I'm kind of like, you know, I know you're starting working. First of all, congratulations on the new job. That's a great thing. But I think that is the most important thing, set yourself a target. Maybe if you start work at eight, maybe get up at six.
I know it's difficult and especially if you're in a place like ours, it gets cold and dark. Get up at six, do a 10, do a 15, do a 20 minute workout, right? And progress it maybe every two weeks, maybe every three weeks. And then just build from there. Your body will get used to it, it'll become a habit and that habit will kick in and you will feel so much better during the day.
It's all about habits, because she said I developed some really good habits during Covid. There you go. She said so. Now you know, I don't know but if you could get up just a little earlier and start with shorter workouts. Like it doesn't have to be the hour long workout at that time.
No. But maybe you start with that shorter workout. Maybe at the end of the day you add in like some 10 minute stretching and then there you go. Okay, someone says, what advice do you have if you're recovering from Covid? It's really hard to work out when you feel lousy.
Yes it does. Oof. I had Covid. You had Covid, did you or no? No.
No, you've never had it. Not yet. So I did feel lousy and for me, and this was a year ago, but I felt like, or 10 months ago, I was like, ugh, am I ever gonna be okay? 'cause you start to feel like you feel lousy. Let yourself get healthy, make sure you're taking care of your immunity.
Vitamin D, vitamin C, quercetin, you know, zinc, make sure you're getting all the right vitamins. Drink your water, give yourself sleep. Give yourself grace because it does knock you out. And slowly but surely, if you are not somebody who has a lot of symptoms, you will start to feel better. Don't force yourself to work out with Covid.
I didn't work out for two straight weeks 'cause I felt lousy and then all of a sudden started feeling better. So just be kind to yourself. And I could guarantee in those two weeks you were not happy. No, well yeah I was just like, oh this is not who I normally am. But you need to listen to your body.
And that's a thing, listen to your body because your respiratory system is basic, it compromised your cardiovascular system. So just take it easy. So we have some members that are chiming in and they're like, I get up for my 4:00 A.M. workout. I have to be to work at 6:45.
You can do it. People are like, I recovered from Covid, don't worry, you'll be good. So I love that you guys cheer each other on. Someone is also saying that they use the true lemon packets in their water. Have you ever seen those?
I have, yes. Yeah, I've heard from people that those are delicious. I haven't tried one. Okay, I will try everything. No, I seriously will.
I know. You know anything to increase the water intake. Okay, helpful snacks in evenings. Uh yes. She's saying that at night she's suddenly hungry.
Well that's pretty normal, and it's normal because our body's kind of like, we're more vulnerable, we just kind of let everything go at the end of the day, maybe you turn on your TV and you just kind of start to relax and the hunger hits in. Do you have any evening snacks that are good? That are healthy? Yeah. Okay, let me just hang on, dud, dud, dud, yes.
You know what I do go to almonds and raisins. Those are my go-to. It's the trail mix. But I just literally pull almonds and raisins and I snack on those because the rest of my family just eat their chocolates and that kind of thing. I would love to do that and sit there and snack on chocolates.
But almond and raisins, I love to do, dried fruits, apricot as well. I feel I don't tend to eat as much as if it was a chocolate I would just be eating. Well and dried fruit is actually, it's good as long as you make sure it doesn't have added sugar. A little tip. Trader Joe's has the cheapest nuts,-- Yeah, oh?
seeds and dried fruit. And most of their dried fruit you need to look, there are some that have added sugar, but most of their dried fruit has no added sugar. When they add that sugar that really catches you. Yeah, you don't want that. But like I'm obsessed with these apple rings.
Yeah. They have these New Zealand, I just looked at them yesterday 'cause I have 'em in my pantry. Dried apple. And they're dried apple, but they're chewy and there's no added sugar. I'm obsessed, but anyway.
Well, and if it's chewy as well, it allows you to feel like you're actually eating more. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Munching away. So we're getting some really good comments here. Hold tight.
Let's see. Why isn't it opening all of the comments for me? For some reason it's not opening all the comment. It was before, I'll refresh my screen. There were a couple asked questions.
Let me get to those really quick. Okay. So this Gale says, I love combo workouts with weights and cardio. I'm not a beginner, I've been exercising my whole life. I love these intense combo workouts.
But in my forties it seems that those workouts are causing a lot of inflammation in my body. It makes me feel terrible. Do you think I should split my days, only do cardio, only do weights? I will miss the combo workouts. She's kind of asking a question about like, should she do more?
Should she not? So I'm gonna make a comment then I wanna hear from you Shelley. Yeah. I personally, it's not the combo workout that's killing you, it's probably the intensity of it. So at my age, 56, I about four years ago started realizing that, and it wasn't be the combination, it was just the intensity of too much jumping and heavy weights in one week caused inflammation in my joints and my body and I literally felt worse than better.
Yeah. So I started noticing that I needed more rest days, I needed a stretch day in there, I needed to listen to my body. So I switched up my schedule to be, and you know maybe with age comes a little grace instead of being so hyper about, oh I've gotta work workout, I've gotta work out. I'm like, you know, if I walk two days and stretch one day, that's fine. So honestly, sometimes when I see Get Healthy U TV people who are doing like 80 workouts, I'm like, who are you?
But that being said, most of my workouts are about an hour long. I like a little longer workouts. So I do take a couple of grace days. So I don't think it's the combo workout that's overdoing it for you. I think it's more of, and again we don't know but it sounds like you're not a beginner, you're working hard.
Intensity, yeah. Then maybe it's too much. If I do heavy weights and jumping too many days a week at my age, I notice it. So I've just taken it back. I really enjoy a low impact workout.
Yes. I do do combos though I am more of a combo girl because I love that feeling of getting my heart rate up with circuits and intervals. Well it's one and done, right? And then also using my muscles. Yeah.
Now how about you? Have you changed your routine at all in your, well you're younger than me. Well no, not by much. But seriously, I never forget my father said to me, when you hit 50, things will change. I'm like uhuh.
When I hit 50, things changed. And your body no longer wants to do the things you wanna do. I felt that it is beneficial to me to do my split training days. So on a day maybe I'll do a lower body and then the next day I will do an upper body. Then I'll do maybe a little combination, light weights with a bit of cardio.
One thing that I've just discovered, not discovered because it's been around forever, I love to walk, but treadmill, now bear with me because I hate running, I will not be caught running unless somebody's chasing me, I'm not running. But interval training on the treadmill. And when I talk about interval we talk about like zone one, zone two, up, down, up, down. You're flushing the lactic acid. I think it's so important, especially as we get older, not to be lifting those huge weights and doing cardio at the same time.
Right, every day. And just mix it up. And I will say this, if you're 20, if you're 30, if you're 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, mix it up. So interesting that you say that about the treadmill. So we have two interval walking workouts, so we have like 10 treadmill workouts and the two interval walking workouts are the most viewed.
Right! When we look at the data, those are the two that are the most viewed. They're very fun but they involve walking, not running, and so many of us as we get in our 50s, 60s, and 70s I mean some of you are still running and that's awesome. Yeah. But most of us are changing it up to something that's a little more joint friendly.
And those interval walking workouts are great. As a matter of fact, we are filming two more of 'em on Thursday. I heard. Yeah. I heard and I'm not in them and I'm really sad.
But I will be in the next one. I'm gonna definitely put it out there in the universe. She's gonna make sure she's in it, okay. 'Cause I'm hooked. You can be the next one.
But on Thursday we're doing a whole production day of premium workouts. You're doing, what are you doing? Full insider info. I'm doing lower body. Are you doing lower body?
Yes. Okay. And it's a short one but don't be fooled. They're kind of a takeoff of the serious strength I think, right? Yes they are.
So it's like serious strength number two. So many of you love serious strength 'cause it is just weights, no cardio. There's nothing in no, no, no jumping. But we have two more interval workouts coming. So I like that.
And the other thing for myself too was I got a rid of all of the high impact and I don't tend to do the upper, than the lower, you do that, I do combos, but I just definitely take things lower impact on certain days and I do notice my body responds better. Yeah. I feel stronger and less inflamed. Right. So info for you.
Okay, one more question that came in on these pre asked, what is a great meal replacement that is non-dairy and natural. Sometimes we're on the go so much. She must mean her family. That good, healthy food is hard. I'd like to find a supplementary meal drink that gives me my RDAs for fruits, veggies, greens, protein, all that good stuff.
Okey dokey. I gotcha. So you guys hear me talk about Organifi all the time. It's a company that this gentleman Drew started, I don't know how long they've been around. Has it been a decade?
It's all super foods, it's all organic, it's all amazing ingredients. No weird chemicals, no weird food coloring. No weird anything. I'm obsessed. You guys hear me talk about it all the time.
The protein powder is plant-based from Organifi. So it's non-dairy 'cause the byproprotein that we also talk a lot about here at Get Healthy U TV that is the protein of my choice but it does have a whey encasing in it. Dairy, okay That's dairy. So it does say it's lactose intolerant, but if you truly have a dairy thing, I wouldn't go there. So it's a pea protein, it also involves some seeds and some other veggies and it's a great tasting protein.
They also make a green and a red drink. I used the reds. I was just telling you before we came up. Yeah. I used the reds as my daily energy.
Again, as I've aged, I've just figured out like I need something during the day that gives me some good energy. So the reds, I shake it up in a shaker bottle. It's got like raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, acai, pomegranate, and it's got reishi mushrooms and blah blah blah. Whoa. You can't taste that, it's delicious.
No added sugar, it's amazing. And the greens give you all of your greens for the day. So it is The 20% off coupon code is Chris Freytag, just my name. Put that in when you're checking out, you get 25% off amazing products.
Oh, I need to put that on my list. Well you know, funny that you say that. I'm giving my kids all Organifi for Christmas 'cause they all love it. Yeah. They're in their late 20s, they can't afford it.
They don't wanna spend the money on it. So I'm like, I'm gonna get everybody Organifi stick it in their stockings. Oh, are they gonna love you for that? I think that's a wonderful idea. I know, when your kids are asking for something healthy, why not?
Well mine don't. It's all electronics, but maybe I should surprise them, yes. Okay, I'm looking to see if I can see any more comments. This keeps closing on me. This one from Lauren.
Is it Chanel? Chanol? Okay, you go ahead, ask it. Hello. My menstrual cycle has changed after pregnancy.
Haha. Leading up to menses for a week. I'm very hungry during my menstrual cycle. I lose my appetite. Can you please provide simple meal options during this time?
I still work out, but it's hard because I cannot eat. So she loses her appetite during her menstrual cycle? Yes! Usually it's the opposite. I mean when the day was, I used to be really hungry.
Yes. Yeah. Interesting. So loosing her-- That's very different yeah. Leading up to it she said she's super hungry.
Yes. I would still say get in some protein shakes, get in, you know-- Right. You know things are easy on the stomach that you could, you know, like I love yogurt, again it depends on if you can eat dairy. Perfect, yes. But I'm a yogurt girl.
Yeah. The protein shakes always, beautiful. Protein shakes are a good way to get in. Nutritious and energy boosting and you know what if you are not able to eat during your menses cycle, not that hungry, that's okay, it's kind of swings and roundabouts, right? You know, pick up a little, lose a little, whatever it is, but just play with it.
Yeah, I agree. Okay, I am going to, so for some reason what's happening to me on Facebook right now is it will only open up like four questions. It says there's 50 comments but it won't show 'em to me. Jass, who's our gal behind the scenes here. If you would just text me these questions or email me them 'cause I can't see them.
I'm gonna have a look at my device and see if I can find this. Someone says more kickboxing bar classes. Those are coming. And people are asking a lot of questions saying, yay Shelley, we're so happy to see you. So let's just take a little interlude.
We're about halfway here. I want you guys to know a little bit more about Shelley because she is amazing. Like I've said, I met her four years ago. She moved to Minnesota after she's been to you tell them how many cities, how many continents or wherever you've lived. She's been teaching group fitness in many states.
You've been all over the place and countries. And just tell 'em a little bit about you. I know you have two grown kids and yada yada. Yeah, I have two babies, very small babies. My kids are 21 and 17.
Daughter and a son. I have, I started a qualified group fitness training in '96 before we left South Africa. Born there, went to school there, did everything there. That was my life. And suddenly my husband when I married him, decided we needed to go international.
So we were moved to Switzerland. I taught there. I've taught in Germany, we've lived in Mexico City for two years. I've lived in five states. We've lived in Dubai for four years where I taught as well.
And it's just been the one constant in my life, and I think I've spoken about this before, having dealt with an eating disorder it really allowed me kind of to focus and understand the balance between eating, working out and getting a good, you know, a healthier lifestyle 'cause I was not in a good place. Oh there we go. There we go. We're playing back on ourselves. Okay, go ahead.
So yeah, I've got two kids. Our most recent move obviously is in Minnesota where I did meet up with with Chris. And it has been a fabulous run and I wanna tell you something that it's very difficult and it's not a worries me kind of thing, but difficult to do what we do moving around because obviously I have no family, you know, immediate family. I might have my two kids and my husband, but no extended family. No immediate family in the state.
Exactly. Yeah. And what happens is you guys become my extended family. And it sounds corny, I know that. But I love to see what's going on, I love to hear what's going on in your lives and when we talk to you about you and when we're in front of a camera and we're training with you guys, know that I feel the love for all of us.
It just is the most amazing experience. So Shelley. Okay, so Shelley, how many continents have you taught on? Five, four, five, five . That's amazing, that's a super interesting facts.
Many different states. Yeah. You've been doing this for a long time. Shelley moves to Minneapolis. You know, you can't help but love to listen to her talk.
I'm just like, could you keep talking? I just love your accent. Yeah, I don't know anything about anything, but when I told people go, what? And they listen, I found that was quite advantageous. So I love her personality, I discovered her.
We worked at the same health club and I'm like, she is so much fun. I love to take her classes. And so I said, Shelley. I did yours a lot, remember? Right, and I said, would you like to be on camera?
And you know what she said right away. Sure. Sure, I'd love to. I mean for many of you being on camera, just FYI, it's not easy and it doesn't come natural to some people, it is a big deal learning how to be on camera. And I've been doing this now literally on camera for 30 years.
I've worked on TV, I've worked, I've done so many things so it's just second nature. So I said, girlfriend, you can do it. She was like, gungho came in, guns a blazing. Remember your first-- And froze. And she's the smiliest ever and her first workout, she was like stone-faced.
And I'm behind the camera going smile, smile. Well just within a couple weeks you were just like a breath of fresh air. You are so encouraging. It's intimidating. It's intimidating.
But Look at how you're amazing and people love you because you're so kind. Right, but it's because of our squad and because of you and the community that is created. It really does. It feels like everyone is our friend or my friend and I get to hang out with you guys. And so when I don't film on a given day and I'm like, oh I want my GHUTV squad.
Yeah, and it gets really sad and my husband's like, stop, you're fine . So you've become such a pro. It's so awesome. It took a while. Well she is a pro.
She already was a pro. But I mean behind the camera. Camera's a different thing. It is a different thing. A totally different thing.
Yeah, I can do in front of people, but camera. Look at how our lives changed when the pandemic hit. Yes. Because I have, so me personally, I've been doing at-home workouts forever. I started in the VHS tape world.
I was recording for Rodeo Publishing, which owned Women's Health and Prevention Magazine, I was recording for Anchor Bay, which did all these series. I was recording for Exercise TV and I was always like, everything had to be recorded in LA. That's the only place they did it. They spent tens of thousands of dollars flying us out there. Like so crazy.
Now everyone just picks up their iPhone. But I remember when I first got on camera and it is different, but okay, fast forward to pandemic, so many people are so used to Live everything. All of a sudden we all started realizing we can do a lot of things in our home. Yes. We can cut costs in a lot of ways.
Yes. And it kind of became a new way of life. Even us who taught at fitness clubs forever realize that at home workouts are a very doable way. Definitely, it changed the face of working out I think. And you know there's been a lot of pros and a lot of cons I think for, people will have my back about the, not have my back but it's taught us a lot, that we can do a lot and we can do a lot for a lot cheaper.
To your point, we don't have to be spending thousands and thousands of dollars going somewhere and doing something. You can do it in the comfort of your home, in your pajamas without a sports bra on. That's always fun for me, right? Unless it's cardio. I love it.
It's hilarious. But that Chris hang on. You get to ask me. I mean we-- Wait, wait, wait, but we haven't finished. Okay, well go back to me but we have to finish.
So you moved to Minnesota, you've got these two kids, one's in college. Yes. Okay. So what year is she? She'll graduate in May.
Awesome and you still have a high schooler. Yeah, and my baby boy, he is, he'll be graduating high school in May as well. So you will be an empty nester. I will be. So Shelley will be coming into the empty nesting world and -- It's gonna be so exciting.
And you know, you said earlier you were talking a little bit about you had an eating disorder, it kind of got you going, thinking about taking better care of your health. Health. Yeah. What country did you start group fitness in? Where were you when you started that?
Did you say that? Yeah, I started in South Africa. South Africa. Yeah, it literally became, it's such a cliche but it became a lifesaver for me working out because you know, when you get to high school and it's all about image and you know, I'm hoping even nowadays you see there's some really sad stories out there. But it becomes a thing that you've gotta look a certain way and act a certain way and what have you.
And this is, I fell into that trap and it was in my senior year at school, I decided I was hanging and carrying a little too much, which is fine, I always felt strong. And I just went the other way and I got to a point where the doctor had said to me, that's it, you're gonna be hospitalized. And he's like, if you don't put on half a pound in the next week, you're gonna be in hospital. Well I didn't wanna go to hospital so I put on half a pound. But then I realized that I could exercise and still eat and it was a journey.
It really was a journey. It took me a good two, two and a half years to get to the realization that I was able to eat decently and I didn't have to starve myself and work out 'cause obviously-- And you liked yourself. Right. For you. And I think-- I had a hard time with that too.
You know how it is. We are so hard as a woman, so hard on ourselves. For those of you that are younger, I think with decades comes grace. I will say that. Seriously it does.
I mean, I'm a different person in my 50s than I even was in my 40s. Right. I'm sure you've figured out I'm fairly intense . Um, yes. You know, like working out and schedules and everything, you know, and with age has come grace I am just not as hyper about any of, no, I really am not.
She's still intense, but she's not as hyped. But I'm not hyped or as concerned with a lot of things. I'm happier with myself. Does that make sense? I totally agree.
It was always probably in the last five years, I've always been like, oh of course you can be thinner, you can be stronger, you can be this, you can be, I wanna be this, I wanna be that. But in the last five years, and it's taken me a while, I've got to a point where like, you know what? I'm strong. I'm strong and I can squat the living daylights out of anything. And that makes you feel confident.
And I don't care. Yeah. Yeah. I don't care, maybe I'll look better in a dress, maybe I'll look better in a pair of jeans if I, but you know what, no, that's not where my body is. We're so glad you joined our Get Healthy U TV trainer squad.
Hey baby. She's so fun and one of the things I would say is that, you know all of our trainers care so much about other people that's what I love. You know, and helping other people so. Yeah to be the best version of ourselves, yourselves. So having fitness as your career was really helpful with a husband who has to keep moving all over the place for work.
Yeah, because I was in corporate, I was public relations trained. So, you know, I'm public relations, I'm communications, I'm doing my thing and then suddenly he's like, well let's move overseas. And I said what? Where's Switzerland? Because I'd always been in South Africa.
But it is been the best thing. It's been the constant throughout my last whatever it is. We left when I was 24, you know what I mean? 25 Years ago? Yes, thank you.
Took a while . But I think that's cool. Like, you know, your husband having a job that takes you all over the world. Yes. And you and go with the flow.
And you know what? Fitness is world, it's worldwide. It is. You can do your fitness wherever you go, I love that. In every language and every kind.
Everybody needs to be healthy. Let me throw a few more questions in here quick because we are getting them. Nicole, I'm so glad you're here with us. Nicole is always with us, she's just amazing. She's been a true GHUTV fan since the the beginning.
Oh wow. She's one of our very first. Hey Nicole. And she says I can only lift five pounds or I lose form because she has cerebral palsy but she's doing great. And she said, am I still getting bone building benefits?
Yes, you are Nicole. And Nicole works out like an animal. Like she attempts every workout. You do not let your disability get in the way. I'm always so proud of you Nicole.
And it's not only five pounds. It's five pounds. Exactly, there you go. It's five pounds so. Beth says, I have a sedentary job, I'm going to school, I'm obese, I need help.
This semester is over so I'm gonna try to settle into a better routine. I don't have terrible eating habits, but I got a desk job. What should I do? Well it kind of goes back to what we were talking about with the holidays too. It's just like, start with baby steps.
Don't overdo it, especially if you say you are obese it's gonna be hard on your joints. You wanna take the time to let your body acclimate to more activity. Start with 10 minute workouts. We have chair workouts. Beautiful.
That are amazing. Yes. We're gonna have you be in the chair workouts next too. We'll get you in the chair and the treadmill. I am so excited.
Yo, you're gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. It's gonna be great. I'm sure . We have, you know, start with things that are low impact.
Start with baby steps and see how your body feels. And really that 10 for 10 that we were talking about earlier. 10 minutes a day for 10 days. I mean, try something like that and let yourself acclimate and then when you feel good, when you're like, okay, this feels good, then maybe, how about a couple 20 minute days? Yes.
Let your body acclimate though, because if you have been sedentary and she says she has a desk job, take 10 minutes somewhere in your day and move you will feel better, even stretching. Oh gosh yes. Even stretching. Get out of your chair, walk around, go to the bathroom even if you don't have to go to the bathroom. Go to the bathroom and come back again.
But do it often. You know, just get your body moving, get the blood flowing. If you're in a warm state as well, get outdoors. Maybe walk around the block, start slowly. And I always use the analogy and it's probably so old, but you know, how do you eat an elephant?
It literally is one bite at a time. Small steps and you'll get progress. I promise you that. I love it. Jennifer's asking.
She says, Chris, I know you eat half a banana prior to a workout. Okay, you guys are like half a banana? Well usually because you know, it depends. Bananas come in different, you know,-- Of course. Sizes.
Sizes. I just don't like to eat a ton before my workout and so usually in the morning I'll just like slice it in half 'cause I usually eat it in the car if I'm going to an early morning workout. Right. If I'm teaching a class. Shelley and I do teach live workouts still, but we love our get healthy UTV home workouts.
It's my favorite. But anyway, so the point is I like to have a little natural sugar to top off my glucose tank. Especially because it's only five in the morning and I have been sleeping so my tank is empty. You need a little boost. She says, I'm in my head though I'm having a hard time thinking having nothing or just a top off prior to a workout wouldn't really help fuel you through a workout.
Obviously I'm wrong. So yeah, I mean like a half banana, a small banana that's gonna up your glucose that's like a hundred calories that's got all the natural sugars and some vitamins and potassium in it. And it's a simple sugar so it's easily used in your body. You digest quick yeah. Like if you have a bowl of oatmeal at five and then you work out at 5:30, it hasn't digested completely.
Or something that's more of a complex carbohydrate. So you're not working on that energy that's fueled by the yeah, by the oatmeal. But the banana is quick. Right. And something like that, like a piece of fruit that is quick where it's readily available in your system.
Or even, I've talked a lot about these noon tablets that I have. Yeah. They're look like Alka-Seltzer you drop 'em in your water and they're sodium, potassium, magnesium, a little bit of carbohydrates. So you're getting your electrolytes like something like that to top off your tank. Now I will say though, to those of you who work out later in the day, let's say you're working out at 5:00 P.M.
you don't really need to eat before you work out 'cause you've probably been eating throughout the day. Yeah. I'm really speaking more to that person like myself who's been not eating for 12 hours because let's just say I finished dinner and then I didn't eat and now I've been sleeping and all of a sudden I'm going for a workout and I have no fuel in my system. A little something matters. Yeah.
But if you are an evening workout person, I'm sure you have something in your system so it doesn't apply in that case, hopefully that helps. Someone's saying, where do I find these workouts? I'm not sure-- Which ones? Are you talking about the 10 for 10. If you're talking about 10 for 10, we'll put the banner up again.
These are the free 10 minute workouts. You just drop your email in and then you'll get an email back with the ability to download these calendars. The calendars have clickable links. Oh. So you download the calendar, you get it on your phone or your device and you click on the link and it takes you to your workout.
Even I could do that. And you know, I am really not great with technology, so thank you for that. So you just click on the link and it goes straight in. Right. Ha.
And all of our calendars, I think we have been working, Sam Camp has, been working very hard on making sure that all of our calendars are clickable so that people don't have to search for the workout, but on the website they can just find it. Perfect. Someone says, I have to say you're on-demand classes were a god send last year when rehabbing a torn achilles. That is a big rehab. Oh.
Good for you. I would love to see more sit or mobility impaired classes. Thank you Lashanna or LaShon. That's an awesome comment. And that's coming.
We'll continually do more of that, more chair workouts. We have about six or eight of 'em now. Yeah. And we also have a couple, like lower body, low impact workouts where they're mostly on the floor or like Pilates where they're mostly on the floor. Love you Shelley, I hope you stick around for a long time.
Thank you sweetheart. I plan on sticking around . That's awesome. I don't know if my husband does, but I am . They're all complimenting you.
This is your day to get to build your-- My confidence, yey. Self-confidence because-- Thank you guys. It's awesome. I absolutely love it. Such nice people.
You guys are the best. Honestly, you're the best. Seriously. They are so, so nice. Okay so Charmin, we see her all the time in the group.
She posts like a picture of herself every day. She's freaking awesome. She says, I've been with this program for two years. I'm down 60 pounds starting to tone more and more. What?
60 pounds. That is a lot. Congratulations to you. But sometimes I still see the overweight body I saw when I started. Very interesting.
Like you were saying, when you, like were talking about yourself image. Not as much when I'm dressed, but when I see myself in a sports bar and capris. How do I change this? Don't look at yourself in a sports bar and Capris . Right, right.
Just don don't, why do it. I'm kidding. Keep that picture of you 60 pounds ago right on your mirror and then look at yourself and say hello, I've done it. I say to people all the time, like, they'll be like, how do you get a six pack? Like, how do I get a six pack?
And I'm like, okay, well if I'm speaking to like a 50 year old woman, I'll say, huh, okay, so why do you want a six pack? Right. You know, and they'll be like, well I don't know it just sounds good. I go, well is it gonna change your life? Well, pretty much no.
Okay, well then forget about the six pack. Who cares? Just get toned, get feeling good, get stronger, be more capable, have better health markers and numbers. Get your hormones back in balance so you feel good every day. I mean, those are the things that matters.
Yes. A six pack. Functional. Okay, whatever it is great. If you have one in okay normal, natural for you.
Like for me, my abs have never been my problem. I have had good abs my whole life. That's like, been my asset. Well that that means your core is on fire. But I don't have to work at that maybe like other people do.
And I have friends, like I'll use a friend that had five kids and she's like, I have like extra skin. Okay of course you have extra skin, you had five kids. You had five babies. Like no problem you don't need to show anybody your abs at all. Like dress for success.
I guess that's where or else I'm going. You don't have to have anybody see you in a sports bra or Capri. Charmin, you're amazing. You post every day in our group. You are incredibly capable.
Yeah. 60 pounds down. 60 Pounds is a child. That is. It's a child.
It's like a person. Right? That's amazing. I'm proud of you. And that is huge weight.
So do not take a-- Wow, I need to talk to you girl. Yeah . Yeah and Nicole says, she's laughing because Chris always says fruit doesn't make you fat. Yeah, if anyone who's afraid to eat fruit, DM me. Let me just tell you that is my nemesis.
Yes. Like, I don't know anybody who said, I really became obese because I was eating apples and blueberry. Like what? Like that's not possible. Natural sugar that occurs in fruits and vegetables is absolutely fine in your body.
That is not your problem. Let me tell you, that is not your problem. Now added sugars, chemicals, food coloring, processed food-like substances, not good. Yeah. Okay.
Let's see. Any other questions? Can the calendars be bookmarked to the home screen on your phone? I've tried, but the next day I go back and it's unavailable. Huh?
That's a question Teresa, I'm gonna have to take to the tech people. Yeah. Whether you can bookmark your calendar 'cause actually I've never done that. I haven't done, no, I haven't done that. I think we're gonna have to ask our tech team.
Yeah. 'Cause that sounds like something that very actually, that would be most helpful, right? Right. Yes. Right.
Let's see. Other people are just making really nice comments. I'm now finally able to see all of these questions that are coming in. I know it's scary. People are asking about where you find the live workouts.
So if you wanna see like Shelley doing a live workout myself, I did a live workout this morning. You got one on Friday. I've got one on Friday. We do those at 9:00 A.M. Right on
You log in, you go to the gold workouts. Yes. Click on all videos and it'll be the top video is the live video that's gonna go live. You will also see it on YouTube, I believe, at the same time. But it's easiest just to view it on the website.
Yes. At 9:00 A.M. You've got your link, get in there. Now for those of you who love Roku and FireTV I love Roku. Do you use?
No, I don't. You don't? No. What do you use? Do you have cable?
Yes. Who are you? You know, I'm old school like that Cable TV . We cut the cord 'ause it's so expensive. No, I don't have cable TV.
I use, what's that thing called? Dish? No, it's even worse . What do you use? Help me.
Okay. Let me think about it. AvidTv? No, we've got that. YouTube TV.
YouTube TV. Thank you YouTube TV, okay. Well YouTube TV is just very similar to like a Roku. To Roku. Exactly.
So Roku, you guys, it's 25 bucks or something for a Roku stick. You stick it in the back of your TV. New TVs come equipped with Roku, many of the Samsung do. But stick in the back of your TV and pull it up. And we have a channel on Roku and Fire TV.
So you just go to the channels, type in the whole word, gethealthyutv, don't just put, get healthy 'cause it'll come up and say Chris Freytag tag is not, it says something weird about me on it. But type the whole name in and you'll find our channel, then you bookmark it. It's just on my home screen of all my TVs. And then when you go, you have this on YouTube TV. It's also on YouTube TV.
Okay. So you can then just go and click on the Get Healthy U TV. I open up my app on my Roku and I work out with the big TV instead of a computer. She can work out with herself. I love .
Isn't that great when Chris Freytag-- I don't like to work out with myself. But I mean it's so easy. I need to try that. Why I was telling you that is on Get Healthy U TV the live workouts are not up there for like a day or two. What happens is they're live on the website and then we have to get the HD version of the workout and then it goes live.
Yeah. On Roku and Fire TV. But it makes it so, uh I keep touching this I'm sorry. The tech people are gonna be mad at me. So if they wanna work out with us at 8:00-9:00 A.M.
Central, On the website? What is the best-- On the website. Perfect, there you go. It won't be live on Roku and Fire TV. But I will tell you, get a Roku stick.
It is the greatest thing ever. So you use YouTube TV, I use Hulu. It's the same thing. Yeah. I mean it doesn't matter if you have a Roku stick, the Roku gets you to those channels.
Right. But you work out a lot at home. Yeah, I love it. I don't, but I'm thinking when I travel, that would be great to have too. I love it.
And even my sisters who, they're not listening right now, but I always, whenever we are like family, so Christmas, I'm always like, okay, we're working out. And I get in my niece, shout out to my niece Megan. She always works out with me. She always works out yes. And I'm like, come on you guys, we're gonna do Get Healthy U TV.
And we turn it on and now that we have the Roku, we get up there and we put it on the big screen TV and we can all do it together and it's so fun. And they love it when she comes around. Yeah . 'Cause she just wants to work out every day. Isn't that great?
I need you at my house. And I'm like, come on you guys let's do it. Okay, I'm 68. I struggle with image. I know I'm strong, but I'm obsessed with the scale even though I wear a size eight.
So Pam, you know, thank you for putting that in this group. Yeah. I mean it is hard, it is. And you're 68. You're doing amazing, Right.
You're doing amazing. Good for you. I mean we need to start high fiving ourselves. I have to laugh if any of you follow Mel Robbins. I love Mel Robbins.
Yeah. She is like, I loved her for, before Mel Robbins was Mel Robbins, I was following her and I've been telling people to high five each other for like the last 10 years. Now she just made a million dollars telling people, why didn't I do that? You should do five high, high six maybe. She talks all the time about high five your friends.
Yes! And high five yourself in the mirror. That's her new book, is all about give yourself a high five. But you have been doing that for ages. When I started-- I just didn't write a book about it.
Oh Chris, lost opportunity. But the whole point is you deserve a high five every day from yourself. Like you're 68, you're a size eight, you're taking care of yourself, you're strong and healthy. Like congrats to you, high five to you Pam. You're amazing.
Give yourself grace too. Oh my gosh, we are so hard. Don't be hard on yourself. You'll look back in 10 years time and go, what was I thinking? I rocked it.
Right, right. Okay, I'm just looking at some of the, I mean, oh my gosh, the questions are coming in fierce and fabulous. I love it. A couple of you are like, yes, I read Mel's book. I just ordered her book.
I was so excited about it. I also ordered Brene Brown's new book, "Atlas of the Heart". It just came out last week. I'm like so excited. I can't stand it.
Oh. You got a lot to get caught up on. So, okay. People are asking about Roku and Fire TV. So you need a Roku or a Fire TV stick to get to those channels.
Yes, to the channel. Little insider info also, this is just between us who are live right now. We have like a little surprise coming in 2022. It's an app. Oh my goodness.
Deal breaker, game changer, done. Anyone hear me? We have a little app coming you guys, so just hold tight. Get Healthy U TV. Chris, this will be a game changer.
This is gonna be huge. Especially for people like me who really are not great. I'm probably gonna get in trouble after this 'cause they're gonna like, why did you say that? It's not coming. She was only, she's joking.
It's coming. Lots of Shelley is amazing. So Shelley, I hope you're getting like lots-- It's chest pump baby. Yeah, chest pumping girl. Okay, back to, yeah, a couple more questions about like how do I, you know, the holidays are always so hard for me.
Holidays are hard because as fun as the holidays are, they can be very stressful. Yes. I mean you're dealing with family, you're trying to buy gifts. You're dealing with schedules. You are-- Menus, travel.
Right. Auntie and uncle coming into town. And now we've got even the idea of like, okay, how many people Covid, you know, we have my whole family coming together last year nobody did. And my family-- Oh that's gonna be wonderful. It's a big family but now it's all about managing expectations.
Right. And all that stuff, so it is really tough. Again, we said this earlier, don't start new habits right now. Do the best you can to stay, think stay healthy. Like what do you need from mental health and physical health to get you through the next month.
January, we'll be here for you. Yeah. We have challenges, we have a live virtual event coming. We have a whole bunch of fun stuff. But right now through December, try to get your sleep, drink water, water, water, water.
Exercise for 10 minutes when you can, do some deep breathing and meditation. Do the things that will help fill your soul and your body with good health. If you're going out, eat some of the Hors D'oeuvres. Eat some of the Christmas cookies. Like it's fun, it is what it is.
Have a drink, that's fine. But just try to use some moderation. Yes, everything in moderation. And get through this month maintaining rather than losing. I think what happens is a lot of people have the all or nothing attitude.
It's like I'm either gonna stay with my usual schedule, I'm gonna fall completely off the wagon and gain five pounds. To your point, don't fall off the wagon and don't use it as an on the 1st of January, I'm going to do this. Start now. Don't set yourself up for failure because you know what, it's so easy in the next few weeks you go, it's Christmas, I'm gonna have a great time, I'm gonna eat, drink, and be merry. And then over-indulge and put on those 10 pounds and then be back again for another 10 pound excess.
Just live your life, have a few extra bits and pieces, but enjoy it too. You know the average weight gain at Christmas is five pounds. At the holidays, the average American gains five pounds at the holidays. It's weird 'cause I don't have a big Christmas lunch in that. But it's all those, the cookies and the more socializing and the drink and the, oh I think I'll have two drinks tonight you know, at a dinner party or a Christmas party.
That's the way it falls for me. And if you do gain a couple pounds 'cause you enjoyed the holidays, what's wrong with that? Like get back on this in the saddle on January. That's the thing about consistency and that's the thing about a health mindset is that once you conquer that mindset where you're less of the all or nothing it's like, I wanna be overall healthy this is a journey then come January you're like, all right, I'm getting back in the saddle. I'm gonna stop the sweets.
I'm not gonna have, you know, typically in January too, I do the whole like I'm done with the sweets. Reset. Just reset. Yes, maybe no alcohol for a month. That is, and not that I, I mean I don't drink a heck of a lot, but when we go out, I'll have my margarita or whatever I use the month of January to reset and kind of just cut back, start my system and and get it clean.
Yeah, and it's a good way to do it. You do what you've gotta do as well. If you decide I'm not gonna have this and this for the month of January or for a week or whatever, be accountable and hold yourself accountable to those goals. Right, right? That's what you gotta do.
I cannot believe this hour is flying by. No. Is it nearly over? I wanna sit and talk some more. Well I hope you guys learned a little bit more about Shelley today because it is really fun for people to get to know the trainers we're gonna try at our virtual event so.
Oh yes. Our virtual event is coming up in January. You guys mark your calendars if you want to attend. It will be the weekend of, I'm opening my calendar, the 22nd and 23rd of January, 2022. So put it on your calendar, the 22nd and the 23rd.
We're gonna have an early bird special coming up. So excited. So If people sign up early bird, they will get a discount. So you know, definitely if I were you I'd do the early bird, 'cause last year what happened was we did an early bird and then after the early bird expired people were like, oh shoot. Everybody wanted to join.
I really meant to do it. Well-- It's done. Yeah. It's done. Do it.
This year do it, don't wait. And it's four hours on Saturday morning, four hours on Sunday morning of just fun. We do workouts, we do Q&As, we do information sessions. Get to know trainer. We're gonna have at least seven of the trainers I think involved this time.
And we'll take a little bit of time for you to kind of get a chance to say hello to all of them. We have a happy hour on Friday night before the event that we're hoping Shelley will-- Oh I'm so there. Last year it was Sam and I-- Will you allow-- At my house. Did the wheels come off the bus? No, we didn't overdo it 'cause we had to get up early.
Oh dear I'll be behaving. But we had fun and at least a hundred people joined us. Oh more than that maybe on that happy hour. There will be a pre-game. So yeah, it was super fun.
Then we had the two days and then we have a little extra bonus this year compared to last year. When do you think we're gonna be able to do it in person? You know, people have asked that. Yeah. 'Cause we did plan to have a GHVTV in-person weekend here in Minneapolis.
I was so excited. I know and then we just, for obvious reasons we couldn't. But thinking ahead, I'm hoping that-- I'm hoping end of 2022 or early 2023. I mean if it were up to me and things go the right way, potentially fall of 2022. Fabulous.
We could do an event. You know the thing about Minnesota is you don't invite people here in January and February. No, nobody wants to, in fact, nobody really wants to live here in January and February. nobody Wants to come here in January but-- Nobody wants to come here in January, we would never ask you to come here. Attendance would be low.
Although flight will be really cheap. Yeah, right? 20 dollars. But our Fall is beautiful. So hopefully one of these days we will do an in-person 'cause that is, I taught at fitness conventions for over 10 years.
That was a really big piece of my early career and I was gone one week and a month every month of the year literally for for 10 years. And it was such a fun time. I met so many really good people. I grew so much as a trainer. I met some really amazing people and I really got to meet a lot of people all over the United States.
It was very cool. And now, you know, the one thing about the last two years is that we just haven't had that. Yeah, but we've had some good things come over too. But then-- That connection, we really, I love to get back into it to have that connection with you guys. We see you on Facebook, we see you on social media and it's like, I wanna be with them.
Right. I wanna be in the same room as them. And I was gonna say that was prior to like people having computers. Like I remember when I first started doing that, I didn't even bring a computer with me. Like I didn't have a computer.
And I guess we did have cell phones but like we didn't have social media. So I mean it was a different world then. That was the only way you would connect. And now we have Zoom and now we have Facebook. Imagine.
And now we have YouTube, and now we have like all these amazing things. So I'm really grateful that we get to connect. Let's see, one more question. I love you gals. Merry Christmas to all.
Is there a way to see which calendars are the newest? She said she finished the menopause muscle builder and wants to include some of the newest gold workouts. That's also a really good question. We don't indicate which are the newer calendars. That would be a good option.
That would be, oh how would we do that? Well-- Thinking caps on. One of the best ways Olivia, is are you in the Facebook group? The private group? Because that's a place where we talk about stuff like that.
Okay. Like people will say, what are the newest calendars? And then Sam Camp she'll go in there 'cause she's amazing and she'll put like, here are the 10 newest calendars or whatever. She'll let you guys know. Yeah, yeah.
Because there are a couple of the newer ones that have all the newer gold workouts. So Olivia put that question in private Facebook group and we'll get back to you. There you go. Someone saying happy hour was really fun last year. Oh good, it's gonna be even more fun this year.
Chris there's a question, a quick one from Stacy. What are each of your favorite cardio workouts to do and why? Okay, good question. Quick before we close out. Yeah.
So everybody, I think if you're a Get Healthy U TV member, you know my favorite cardio is kickboxing. Yes. It's something I can do, I feel really powerful. It fills my need personally as a dancer. So I'm not a dancer.
I wanted to be a dancer growing up my whole life, I wanted to take dance lessons and my mom was like, like I said, I'm one of five, and my mom's like, yeah, no we can't afford that. We're not, no, you're not dancing. There you go. So I never took a dance lesson and it's just, I love music, it's always been my thing. I love like movement and dance and stuff, but I'm not great at a dance class.
I try to do it. I'm just not that great. No, I think it's in your mind. No but my back, like even my daughter says your back does not move mom, you're like a board. And so kickboxing fills that for me, because it's beat driven.
Yes. And it's like pattern driven. Yeah. It's choreographed. It's easy on my knees because I can't run anymore, it's hard on my body.
So that's my favorite. What's your favorite? I would think that one of the hits, the dumbbell hit, that kind of thing 'cause I get the cardio and the strength. I love to lift weight. But if it's just cardio?
She's saying what's just your favorite cardio? Oh, just cardio. Ooh, that's hard. Dancing. Yeah you do love to dance.
I love to dance. Whether it's with Sam, whether it's at another class somewhere, I just like to shake my booty because I felt it really builds or burns calories and I'm not thinking about it. So dance classes for me, I'm very particular if I'm gonna do one at home, 'cause I'll do that at home when no one's watching. The one that you and Sam did? Yes.
What was that Dance Jam Like Three? Yeah, I think so. That was a really fun one. Sam was leading. I loved that.
Sam is really, really good at choreography. And we practice two weeks. It was so cool. You two did great. But then Sam and Tara.
Yes, that was funky. I loved that. Just did low impact dance it off. Seriously the best choreography. I told Sam Camp, I said that was simply amazing.
Yes. And Tara is also a-- She's a dancer. She's a trained dancer. Yeah. She and Sam both danced for the University of Minnesota on the dance team.
They were, yeah. I've got a lot to step into, they're that kinda dancer. Check that out because that was our really fun and we have another low impact dance off coming in January. Okay good. Yeah.
I hope I get to dance too. Yeah and you, we'll get you in. She loves it. We're gonna, wait, we gotta get you in a treadmill, a chair. Oh my gosh.
I better start eating a lot more because I'm gonna be working out a lot more. Well unfortunately or fortunately for some of you it's an hour, it's been an hour. Oh, okay. This has been really fun. I'm so glad, we miss you Sam Camp, we love you.
But-- We do miss you Sammy. I was so glad to have, I feel like kind of like Hoda and you know Jenna. Oh yes. Like when they're like, oh we have a guest host today. This is my Shelley.
So it was really fun to have you We're famous like that, aren't we? Thank you so much for having me and dear GHVTV squad, I love you desperately, you know that. It's awesome. Thank you Chris. So look out for Shelley's workout on Friday.
I'm gonna be backing you out. Yes, yes. And it's a wild one. I promise you. Lots of sweat.
Guaranteed. It will be sweaty. So we'll see you then. Thanks for joining us. You guys as always, we appreciate you.
As Shelley said, you can always go back and watch any old Q&As they are on the website, go to free videos and then go to live Q&As. There have been some very good subjects today. We are a little all over the board, but we have really tackled some, some good subjects for you guys. All right, as always, we'll see you in Jan-- Can you believe that in January. We'll see you next year.
A new year-- That's crazy. And we'll be ready to start new habits in January. Get through the holidays, do the best you can and we'll see you in January. Bye guys.
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