GHUTV LIVE! June 2017
Chris FreytagAll right, everybody, good evening. I think we are live. My name is Chris Freytag, I'm the founder of and And I think everything's going okay. I'm gonna check it on my phone.
I used this platform yesterday, and I am just not trusting that it, that it completely goes live, so, yep, it is going live. Okay, I need to start trusting it. The name of the platform is BeLive TV. I'm thrilled with it. It's a really cool platform.
Hopefully our logo is appearing over there. Can you see our logo out there? And then we can use our own company colors, so that's pretty cool. But anyway, so I'm Chris Freytag and I come live once a month and have for, gosh, the last year or so at least one evening a month to answer your fitness questions. So we're getting a few people to join us here, hi, everybody!
I've got Vilma here, how are you? Angela, so nice to, Angelina, so good to hear from you. Lydia is here! We've got Patsy here. Oh, let's see, we have over 400 plus people already joining us.
We've got Gina here, thanks Gina! Gina is already firing off the questions, I love it! What's your best exercise to tone your underarms? Okay, hold on, Gina, I'm gonna come to your question. So here's what I wanted to tell you guys.
I'm here for a full hour. So sit back, take a deep breath. I'm gonna do the best I can to answer all the questions but if they're firing and really quick, and you know me, you guys know me, I speak, I talk a lot. So I'm gonna do the best that I can to get to all of them. So hold tight for a minute.
Hi, from Orlando, Maria! Hi, Laura, hi, Jean! It's so good to see all of you joining me. Gosh, so many people, Kentucky, Lisa, Stephanie, this is awesome. Okay, so I'll get started.
I'm gonna start answering questions, I've got my coworker Molly who's gonna put up links. If you guys ask any questions, where we already have information up on Get Healthy U, or Get Healthy U TV, we're gonna put those links up for you. And like I said, we have a full hour so everybody just sit tight. Now I know you guys are busy. Patty, hello, girlfriend, what are you doing joining us?
Hi, honey, right there! Okay, I've got a glass of water here so I take a few drinks, between questions and let's get started. Okay, so I'm gonna go back, to the question that was right here from Gina. And by the way, you guys, many of you are Get Healthy U TV members and I thank you so much. A lot of you are part of our hashtag, Get Healthy U TV squad.
And I love you and you guys know all about how Get Healthy U TV works, and you know all about the gold membership, and all of our live workouts every Monday morning. But if you are not a Get Healthy U TV member, and you would like to be, we're going to put a link up for a 14 day trial. So if you wanna try just the basic premium membership where you get to see, we have over a hundred videos in the premium membership, which is the regular streaming membership, and then the gold membership, includes all the live workouts, that are every Monday morning but they go into your account, you don't have to watch them live. So if you would like to try Get Healthy U TV, check out our 14 day trial. The code is gonna be up here on the screen in a moment.
Okay, well, thank you guys, all these people telling me, I love your videos, I love your videos! Okay, we're starting with Gina's question, so what's the best exercise to tone your underarms. I'm assuming you're talking about these, your bat wings, your triceps. Well, okay, the standing joke is gonna be I have an article for that, 'cause we write an article about everything. But when you wanna tone your, as we call them bat wings, you also have to tone your biceps.
So opposing muscle groups always like chest and back, bicep and tricep, your core muscles attached to your back muscles, your hamstrings and quads they're all attached. So always train opposing muscle groups, but you wanna do tricep exercises, so overhead tricep, this is the long head of the tricep here. Tricep kickbacks right here, that's getting the short head of the tricep. And by the way, tricep stands for three, there's three heads to the tricep. You can do tricep push-ups where your elbows are in nice and tight.
You can do tricep dips off of a chair. We have so many workouts that are all about the underarm. So Molly, my lovely coworker I love you, just put up any links that you can see. Okay, hi, Gigi. Gigi is a GHUTV squad member, love you!
Maggie, okay, Maggie, hi honey, how are you? Okay, Maggie told a success story, I'm not gonna spill your beans 'cause it's your personal information, but in our private Facebook group yesterday, she was talking about putting on either a dress or a pair of pants that she hasn't worn in a while, way to go girlfriend. Okay, I'm scrolling through there are so many his. Oh my gosh, I love all of you! But I can't put them all up on the screen or it's going to take all night and we wanna get to the question.
Hi, Kelly from Eden Prairie! Okay, let's see, Maggie who I was just talking about has done such a good job. She says I've been night snacking, I know that's wrong. Instead of crackers what do you recommend for a late night snack? Okay, Maggie, here's what you gotta do, You gotta get in touch with yourself.
So much of fitness, and by the way, so much of aging, so much of like overall health is getting to know you on the inside. And it takes a long time, I mean, it takes decades before you maybe feel a hundred percent, comfortable with it. But here's what I would say, Maggie, is get to know you, what are your trigger foods? You said you eat crackers, like a lot of people are that savory crunchy type of a person. I'm a sweet tooth, so like, if I'm gonna do nighttime munching, it's gonna be sweets.
I would grab cookies and ice cream any day over crackers. So you have to get to know yourself, and then you have to come up with I eat this not that food. So if crackers are your thing and you like that savory, maybe you could do some sort of a like a hummus, or like almond butter dipped with fruit, like I love apples, and pears with almond butter on them, or you can even do veggies, I don't know if you'll eat veggies late at night. For me, I love Greek yogurt, because it's creamy it reminds me of ice cream, and I'll put some pistachios or some almonds and some cacao chips in them. And there and then I'm satisfied.
So you have to find that substitute. And then the other thing I do is I have that snack and I walk out of the kitchen. You gotta get out of the kitchen, don't bring the food with you in the other room. Chew some bubblegum, do anything you can to get your mind off of it. The other thing I do is I drink tea at night.
Tea kind of calms me down. Okay, thanks, Maggie! Tricia, just, my sister just joined Get Healthy U TV. I'm so happy! John says, what a surprise for a Tuesday night talk.
Yeah, I'm so glad that you guys are joining us. Okay, let's go to Beth, Beth says is it better to drink meal replacement shakes or protein shakes after working out? Well, okay, let's help everybody understand the difference. A meal replacement shake, is something that contains like already added proteins, fats, sugars, carbs, whatever, and you stir it up with water, you shake it up and you drink it. And so a lot of companies make these meal replacement shakes that already have everything in them.
I'm not a huge fan of those because for me personally, now let me preface that, like it depends on what situation you're in. If that's the only thing you have to eat or drink, then go for it. But most of those companies are adding different kinds of additives or something into it. I often feel bloated or gassy after that. I prefer a protein shake that I make.
So I either mix my BiPro protein in a shaker, so that I with almond milk or water, or if I have time, I used the blender and then I add fruits and I add chia seeds and I add frozen avocado, and I make it a little more fulfilling. So, a meal replacement shake and a protein shake, can often be called the same thing. But to me, the meal replacement shake is something that's already pre-made, and the protein shake is something you make yourself, and I like to do that. And by the way, protein after a workout is what you want, right? So you wanna feed your muscles protein after you work out, because the concept is that you break those muscle fibers down as you're working out.
So you're doing a lot of strength training. Those muscle fibers are getting torn up and they're like open, like just think of them as like splinters in the wood, and they're ready to accept the amino acids from the protein which is gonna help them to build muscle, It's gonna help to build muscle. Protein doesn't just make muscle, but it helps after you've used your muscles to help build the muscle, it helps to repair the muscle, it helps you feel better for the next workout, et cetera. So you wanna get that protein in after workout. You guys have heard me talk about this, the window of opportunity.
They usually say it's about up to 45 minutes after workout that you wanna get that protein source in. So if you aren't gonna be eating a meal, and really 45 minutes up to two hours. So if you aren't gonna be eating a meal within that one to two hour timeframe, then definitely get protein in through a protein shake or something. And you guys have been hearing me talk about BiPro Protein Water. I don't have one with me in the office right now because they're all at home truth be told, but I love BiPro Protein Water because it's got 20 grams of protein in it.
So if I am in a mode where I just finished a workout, and I'm not gonna have a meal for a little while, I will suck that down on the fly. Okay, Beth thanks for that! And by the way, you guys look because we're putting all these links up for you. Kimberly says, how can you find out portion size especially if a recipe doesn't list it? That's an interesting concept.
Most recipes should tell you like this is for four people, this is for two people. But of course you can always Google portion sizes, and it's gonna tell you like a piece of meat should be like a deck of cards, a serving of carbs like potatoes or rice should be like you're cupping it in your hand, or like about a half a cup to a cup. Vegetables, knock yourself out! You can just eat raw veggies all day long and nothing is gonna happen to you. But when it comes to a recipe like you're making a lasagna or you're making a meatloaf, you kind of have to eyeball it if they're not telling you.
They should tell you is my personal opinion. Okay, Kate says, what an inspiration you are. You have such confidence and a positive attitude. When you have a day that you're feeling moody what is the exercise you do to lift your spirits? Okay, Kate, that is by the way, I love your avatar, that is really awesome.
So I am, I was just having this conversation with a really good friend of mine today, we were texting back and forth. And I am a really positive person, I am, I mean, it was like a gift that God gave me. Seriously, my mom has always said, I come from a family of five, and she says that I was always the one that was finding like the silver lining in everything when we were little. I was always one like, oh, this is not so bad. But here's the deal, I do have bad days.
And I do have issues going on in my family. And I do have times when I wish things were going differently with my family or my kids or whatever it is. But I typically, a couple of things, first of all, I don't share all that on social media because my kids are grown, so it's not really my business to share my family life on social media. But I do a couple of things, whenever I'm feeling really negative or I'm going down into that hole where I'm spiraling, I try to say three positive things to me, to myself. The other thing I do is that I'm a huge fan of people like Brene Brown if you've read any of her books, The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, all three of those books have been hugely helpful to me, to realize that I don't have to be perfect, because I was somebody who wanted to always be perfect.
I don't have to impress anybody. I have to believe in myself and love myself and love my family, I don't have to be, my family doesn't have to be perfect. We can have our ups and downs as everybody does. So I'm probably getting a little deeper than you expected Kate. And do I have lipstick, every time I come live I get lipstick on my teeth.
You guys, I never have lipstick on my teeth during the day. And whenever I, maybe I put too much lipstick on before I come live. It's lip loss, actually truth be told. But anyway, exercise to lift my mood, walking or running or weightlifting, you know what? I'm just gonna be honest I love exercise.
And not every workout feels great, like this morning I seriously thought I was gonna die, in my 5:30 class. I was looking around the room, I'm like, I am having a moment here, like, I feel like crap. But I kept going and by the end I felt great. So, but if I'm really low I'm gonna go out on a walk, I'm gonna go out on a run, turn on some really great tunes. So I hope that helped.
Okay, Gina says, thank you, Molly, and Chris, you are so sweet! Maggie, thank you for the kindness! Liz, okay, is it okay to wear running sneakers during strength training or plyo workouts? Yes, it is okay! Okay, gotta take a drink!
Oh, I always, my throat gets dry. You can wear running sneakers, absolutely, I mean, a lot of running sneakers are very flexible nowadays, and they work. But here's the thing, for me, a lot of running shoes are not made for side to side lateral motion, so the toe, like your foot kind of slides off the foot bed and that's dangerous on your ankles. Or if you feel like it doesn't have enough cushioning, and when you jump and apply or workout and you don't feel like it's giving you enough cushioning, then I suggest a studio shoe. Now Nike's running shoes, really to me half of them look like studio shoes, they don't even have that big tread on the bottom anymore and they're very cushy.
I'm a big fan of Nike running shoes, and I wear a lot of them for studio classes. Ryka is a really great brand for women, they make a great studio shoe that's very affordable. For me I look for the fact that my toe bed, though my foot doesn't slide off the foot bed, and I look for a stability in the ankle and a little bit of cushion. So I hope that answers your questions Liz. Lisa says, I'm very new to working out.
I get in a lot of physical activity at work, but I'd like to strength train to tone and sculpt my abs and to strengthen my back. We recently got an ab bench, how often should I use it and how many steps should I do? Okay, well, here's the thing, Lisa, there's no exact amount of sit-ups that you should do. I can't tell if I'm being covered by Lisa's little question. There we go!
I recommend that you do sit ups, so you feel it, okay? So till failure, like typically, maybe three sets of 15, but the most important thing is form trumps everything, so if you're using poor form poor results. So you wanna make sure you're pulling your belly to your spine and you're really engaging those low abs like you're zipping up a pair of jeans that just came out of the dryer, that's gonna really matter. So I've told you guys all the time, cardio helps you to shed the extra fat, the upholstery as I call it. Okay, so you use, you eat healthy, you take in less calories than you're expending, you're getting that cardio and you're sweating and it's gonna shed some of the fat and then strength training will sculpt the muscles.
And like my friend has always said since she cracks me up, she says, well, I like to just hide my six pack in the back of the fridge instead of the front of the fridge, get it? But if you wanna move that six pack to the front of the fridge you're gonna have to remove that layer of fat and then yes, sit ups are great, if your back will allow it but other things to strengthen your back, Pilates. So if you are a GHUTV member, and you are a gold member, we have three now, three really good Pilates workouts. We have mat Pilates, Pilates on the ball and Palates with weights. So check those out 'cause those are super awesome for toning and strengthening abs and back.
Planks, I already mentioned, side planks, full body roll-ups, leg lowers. There's so many different ones. So again, we'll go Molly, you're working hard tonight girlfriend Molly! We have a couple of different articles, I'm thinking of lose the love handles, lose the belly pooch, those are some good ones with some new ideas for exercises for you. And by the way, you guys, if you're not a Get Healthy U TV member, how come you aren't?
I wanna be your workout partner, come on! Okay, well, this goes to the next question, Vilma asks, what's the best way to get rid of belly and back fat, I just answered that. So get that cardio in, expend those calories, and then you need to strength train, to show that lovely sculpting underneath. Laura, what do I think about pork? Well, Laura, each their own, I have never been a big red meat eater, I just have not, I've never liked it.
Now, pork, the other white meat, my husband loves it, my kids, my boys like it. I don't, like I always make a pork tenderloin in Christmas, and for some reason I love that. But I'm not against pork, I just don't cook a lot of it. Although I do have an amazing spicy pork tenderloin recipe at GetHealthyUcom. You need to go do it.
It's a family recipe that comes from my lovely sister-in-law and it is seriously, maybe that's why, like I said, I make it on Christmas. It is my favorite pork tenderloin recipe in the world. For me, all meat it's all about responsibly farms, so when I shop for meat, I look for grass fed, I look for responsibly farmed, that's what's most important to me. Okay, do I exercise every day, Tricia asks? No, no, I do not!
As a matter of fact, my life can get really effed up. I used to travel so much. You guys this is the first year that I'm not traveling as much, but I would travel so much that my head would explode. I became a diamond on Delta without going on an international flight. So you can, any of you who fly you know that that's like ridiculous.
And so my whole thing was two day rule, I use a two day rule. So what I say to myself as if I've gone two full days without exercise, that third day I don't care what it is, I will not miss something. I will run up and downstairs in a hotel room. I will do jumping jacks or a video, God forbid, a video of myself in my hotel room. I will do whatever it takes.
Now, most days like I teach class, live on Mondays often for you guys here at Get Healthy U TV, and then I teach at lifetime fitness Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for me are not intense crazy workouts, I work out with girlfriends, I go walking, I take Roxy for a walk, you guys know that sometimes I run, I don't run as much as I used to but I do enjoy it by myself every so often. And I have no problem taking a day off. And it actually, if I don't take a day off, I don't feel as great, like when I've had workout after workout after workout, and you get to be my age, I'm 51, I'm gonna be 52 in a couple months, holy crap! Your body feels it and everybody's different too like I think my genetics are such that if I don't give myself a rest day or two, my body kind of screams at me and I don't have a great workout. The other thing I'm trying to do is add more yoga too.
And I count yoga for my workout, by the way, like on a day that I'm doing yoga I'll take a walk. But I do count yoga's workout because I do vinyasa yoga, and that is, that's a lot of work. Okay, Maria says, any tips for losing fat but no weight? Well, Maria, what you I need to do is if you've got, I mean, fat doesn't turn to muscle, so you have to lose the fat, which is losing weight, but then you can put on the muscle. So again, it goes back to that whole concept of cardiovascular exercise.
Not only to exercise the heart because we all need to take care of our heart, but then it's also about burning calories, in order to lose weight or fat as you're putting it. You have to burn off more than you take in, period. But then you can add on a muscle. So if you don't wanna just lose weight and get skinnier if you will, while you are taking off the fat, you need to build muscle through And one of the things I love about group fitness, I've been a group fitness junkie since 1980, when did I start? 1985, maybe in college.
And I literally was in the fat of the butt thong leotard, wearing the belt, side pony, permed hair, bar bangs, do you guys remember bar bangs? Reef high tops with the strap. And I just became euphoric with the whole concept of exercising with the group. Prior to that in the early eighties, there were no health clubs, people didn't exercise in groups, until Jane Fonda came along and Jane Fonda, I love you, I love you! She's awesome, she started me in fitness.
But I never had felt that feeling of exercising with the group and the first time I did I was in college, University of Wisconsin Madison at the surf, which is, was our rec facility. It was like, I was hooked from that moment on. I was like, are you kidding? This is what I love. And consistency is gonna be the key to losing fat, consistency is gonna be the key to building muscles.
So when you can work out with other people, like Get Healthy U TV, where we're there for you and you've got a private Facebook group to converse with people, that is gonna give you success. Okay, Laura says, is there one particular brand of shoes that would work well for walking, aerobics and yoga, or do they all deserve their own shoe? Okay, so for walking and aerobics, I feel like you could use the same shoe, I really do. And again, I go back to the fact that I do use my Nike lunar glides, happen to be my favorite, but Nike makes a couple of soft running shoes that I use for walking and for studio classes. Although I have bad, low back that I've taken good care of in the last four years, and it's actually gotten better not worse.
The disc between my L four and L five is virtually gone. And so, but through physical therapy, through stretching every morning, through heat, and through just being really careful with my form, I've been able to really eliminate that back pain about 80%. But when I walk I've noticed that my shoes make a difference. Now I tested some shoes from the walking store. They gave me a pair of their Abeo shoes, and I love them, they're really, really nice, they're really soft.
And the other shoe I used as a Hoka, H-O-K-A, but I wouldn't use those for aerobics 'cause they're kind of thick salt. Now, when it comes to yoga, you're supposed to do yoga barefoot unless you're worried about it, if you have any feet issues, but I recommend bare feet, or you can use what they call yogi toe socks that have like grip and the bottom. Okay, let's keep it going here you guys. Okay, so, thank you! Did you live cardio kickboxing this morning?
Awesome, I, kickboxing you guys is probably my favorite cardio workout because I am not the most coordinated dancer. I always wanted to be a dancer, I did, but I didn't take dance lessons when I was younger, I just didn't have the opportunity, and my family, we just didn't have the opportunity for me to take dance lessons. I always wanted to, but like if I could do dance workouts, you guys, I would do them for you, but I suck at it. But one of our trainers, Leah, one of our gold trainers, she's an amazing dancer, she's actually, and off she likes says off Broadway. I call her on Broadway actress, but she's in a lot of musicals.
So she's gonna be doing a dance workout for us. But that being said cardio kickboxing is my favorite form of cardio, so I'm glad you tried it out. All right, here's a, yeah, we're getting some links up for you, I'll just keep moving along here. Oh, and thank you, you guys you don't know how much it means to me for you to say nice things to me 'cause you know how social media is, people will make the meanest comments on social media, and I just disregard them 'cause I know better. Okay, Tricia, do you do some, oh, we already answered this, so am I going backwards?
Angela or Angie, I've been a personal trainer for seven years now and I love it. There are times that I feel a little burned out. How do you stay so focused and avoid burnout? It's a really good question, Angie. So I did personal training nonstop for a decade, where I would teach maybe one group fitness class and I would personal train all day, whether it was singles doubles, I did a lot of triple groups like three people at a time, four people.
And by the end of the day, I didn't wanna talk to anybody, like literally my husband, my kids, I was like, nobody talk to me, nobody answer the phone, I am, I'm so done because I've just spent my whole day giving my energy to people. And there are ways to get burned out. Here's what's kept me going, number one, I love variety. Those of you who do my Get Healthy U TV workouts, those of you who have ever come to my live classes, I never do the same thing twice in a row, I can't stand it. So for me to keep guessing like today I taught pyramid power, tomorrow I'm teaching a circuit class, the next day I'm teaching a bootcamp, the next day I'm teaching kickboxing.
Like I love that 'cause it's constantly different, and challenging my mind and my body. The other thing with personal training is I love to get continuing education. So I go, I used to teach at a ton of conferences, I haven't been doing that anymore. But then I would go to other people's classes and get new ideas, and collaborate with other trainers, and share concepts and ideas, and that really helps you with the burnout. And makes sure you're doing stuff for yourself, Angie.
It's so easy to be like the shoemaker whose kids have no shoes. It's so easy to train non-stop, and be, and never get exercise yourself. That happened to me with Pilates, where I was training so many people with Pilates and I wasn't doing Pilates and bummed me out. And so I had to change that. So hopefully that gives you some advice.
Carla loves the BiPro water, I do too, Carla, I'm pretty obsessed with it. How can I increase iron naturally, Robin, good question, we have whole blog about are you iron deficient? But there are a lot of foods, beans, meat, different foods that have iron and I'm always a believer of food first supplements second. I do take some supplements, for various reasons but always try to get your micronutrients through food. You guys have heard me talk about macros and micros.
We did a whole lunch and learn on it. And actually I have an e-course coming out where I'm going to talk all about macros in that e-course, that should be out, fingers crossed by September. Oh, it's taking me forever because I'm so passionate about it, I wanna make it just absolutely everything, that I hope that you guys would be looking for. And by the way, someone just said on my Instagram story today, I did, if you guys go to my Instagram story right now I have a whole like story about my pyramid power class this morning. But anyway, back to food first, so try out, check out some of those foods in the blog, Robin, and that would be my best advice.
Okay, video cutting out! This video is cutting out, I'm so sorry! Carol, I hope it's not happening anymore. All right, love the BiPro Protein Water, that, oh, you were the winner, Jill nice to meet you. She was the winner at the BiPro, of the BiPro package from the pushup challenge because she sent us some really awesome pictures of herself doing pushups.
Way to go Jill, I'm glad you enjoy it. Do you know anything about idealfit protein powder? I know nothing about idea idealfit protein powder, I've seen them advertise it, but I know nothing about it, I apologize. BCAAs by the way everybody, our branch chain amino acids. Those are, so there are nine essential amino acids that your body doesn't make.
Theirs, I think it's exactly 20, I mean, most, many of which the body makes itself but nine of them, you cannot make, you need to get through food every single day. And four those are, three of them are the BCAAs, leucine, isoleucine and valine. So those three need to get especially through food and leucine is the number one amino acid for helping build muscles, one of the BCAAs, and BiPro is very high in leucine. You can read all about it on their website. So I'm a big fan of BiPro but I don't know about idealfit and I like idea, so I would imagine that they have good quality products.
Okay, shout out to Brent Brown, nice job! I love your outlook on life. Thank you, Lisa! I do my best and I, like I said, I was saying a little earlier, listen, I have my down days and ask my husband who I have been married to for 20, coming up on 20 years, we're actually opposites like he is, we joke each other all the time, 'cause he's like, why the hell are you always in a hurry? And I'm always like, why the hell are you never in a hurry?
So opposites attract, I guess, but I have my ups and my downs. I have my moments where I drive my husband crazy. So anyway, okay, Michelle, you are so sweet. Oh, Erica, you had us all fooled this morning. Erica was in my class this morning.
I seriously was, like when I told you guys to do the single leg, burpees, I seriously, I was like what is wrong with me? Why did I, why did I put that in the workout today? Okay, Gigi, let's see! What's your opinion on being a cardio junkie? Is it true that if you do too much cardio, you have to continue that in order to maintain your weight, less is better.
No, no, I love cardio! I am so sick of hearing people say, oh, you don't need cardio, if you're not overweight you don't need cardio. Are you freaking kidding me? And I'm keeping it clean tonight. I'm not using any bad naughty words.
So I'll use the word freaking. If you have a heart in your body you need cardio, okay? 150 minutes of heart pumping cardio, a week is what the American Heart Association recommends for a healthy heart. Not because you're trying to lose weight, not because of anything else besides heart health, those arteries, those veins, everything you need to get the blood and the oxygen moving. And yes, yes, yes, so if you're a cardio junky, good!
Now, here's the thing, if you do too much cardio on an empty stomach, you could be hurting yourself, because if you are on an empty tank, here's how it works, if you guys wanna hear this. When you're exercising you have two fuels that you can use, converted sugars, converted carbs, which is your glycogen, and then you have your body fat. And they're like this, they're like dual jet engines. And the only way you can burn the body fat is if you have glucose, glycogen, converted sugars, whatever you wanna call it in your system. If you run out of the glucose, the converted sugars, the glycogen, you cannot burn body fat.
This is the pilot light. So once you're out of the converted glycogen, you cannot burn body fat and you end up burning muscle. So the key is Gigi, just to make sure that you've got some carbs in your system, if you're doing a ton of cardio. But sweat it out girlfriend, burn out those calories. You are in our Get Healthy U TV group, I have seen your before and after, you're doing something right, honey.
She looks amazing, she's, what have you lost Gigi, like 40 pounds? So I would not stop the cardio. However, make sure you're maintaining your strength training and I know from all of your posts, that you are. Okay, Ruth says, are you going to have an app? Ruth at this point, an app is super expensive and a lot of apps don't work.
You get the app, and then there's so many malfunctions. And one of the things about Get Healthy U TV, is it's really complicated. Just to let you guys know like the back end of Get Healthy U TV is super sophisticated, there's so much techie stuff. By the way, Gigi just confirmed she has lost 40 pounds. Shout out to Gigi, you are awesome!
So we, right now we're, we just wanna make sure all of our videos stay stable, that we've got the most up-to-date players that we work with, all the different devices out there that we maintain credit card security, that we're able to deliver the live events effectively. So there's a lot going on and our website works really well on your phone, so hopefully you guys are not having any trouble logging in. So, and by the way, if you're just joining us we're about halfway through this hour long. If you are not a Get Healthy U TV member, I would love you to be one. And we're giving you a deal tonight, so if you wanna try it out for 14 days, we're giving a 14 day trial.
Molly, girlfriend, would you mind putting another link up halfway through all these comments, so people can see, and then I'll put it up on the screen, so that you guys can see what, the URL to join. And if you wanna join and check it out then do some workouts with me, with the other trainers. You guys, our trainers are so awesome, they're so awesome. So we have Lindsay, you guys all know Lindsey, cutest thing in the freaking world. She's like the age of my kids, so I adore her.
She is educated, smart, sassy, good at what she does. She just had a baby. Jodi is a friend of mine. Jodi is super educated, great trainer, she's been the head of Pilates for, I'm trying to remember which company was like balanced body or something, for many years she did that. She is, she trains kids, she trains adults, she's super awesome.
Kate is a Pilates instructor, she's been teaching Pilates for 10 years. She's hilarious if you've done any workouts with her. Who am I leaving out? Leah is an actress, a dancer, a singer, who also is a personal trainer on the side. And let me tell you that girl's got spunk, and she's got funk.
So get ready for her dance workouts. Who am I leaving out? Oh my gosh! We've got Amy Dickson who's been known in the industry forever, she's fabulous. We've got Jennifer Galardi, who I met probably, oh, my gosh, 15 years ago on a video shoot.
She's a dancer, she is amazing. So I hope you will check out all of our trainers. That was a really long-winded answer. You guys know that I'm long-winded by now, right? Okay, you keep me lifted up.
Thank you, I'm so happy! Okay, Leigh Ann says I'm over 50 and I find it hard to lose weight, what are you suggestions? More cardio or strength, I'm stuck. Okay, cardio and strength, you needed them both. If you're menopausal, you guys, there are, we have an article called balances for hormones.
If you're menopausal, so Molly, will find that one and put it up for you. It's your insulin, it's your cortisol. Those are the two fat storing hormones, if your insulin and cortisol all are out of whack, you're gonna have some issues with fat storing especially in the belly. You wanna manage your leptin which is your hunger hormone, and if you're lacking sleep that's gonna be a problem. And you wanna manage your estrogen as we, and even though in menopausal estrogen goes down, like my estrogen is super low, according to my doctor, but here's what else is happening, your progesterone is going down.
So you still could have estrogen dominance because the progesterone is so low. So check your numbers if you need to but clean, clean, clean, clean eating, that is the number one thing if you are trying to lose weight in your menopausal years. Cleaning, get rid of every preservative food coloring, food additive, weird free processed crap that goes in the microwave. And believe me, I use my microwave all the time like to microwave a sweet potato or something like that, like I'm not, I know some of you might not like microwaves, I get it. But that's, I don't wanna get in that argument now.
However, all those prepackaged meals that come in plastic and you buy them in the frozen section, forget it. I know you need them every so often if you're like in a hurry, but seriously, I never need one of those meals. So hope, I mean, I always find a way to just get vegetables or fruit or meat or eggs or something that, that's easy. So Leigh Ann make sure your diet is clean, I would definitely say that. Okay, oh, so many of you are just being really nice and making a nice comments, thank you, Patricia.
Let's see, Nicole says, on the beginners program, on GHUTV would be grate for Lisa. You're right, thank you, Nicole! Another one of GHUTV squad members. Thank you so much for reminding us. We have two beginner's programs, where we have a beginner's calendar, but we have moved to lose and walk in tone.
And by the way, you guys were thinking about adding a third beginner program. Because they are so important and I'm such a believer in baby steps. And I'm such a believer that any of you who are sitting on the couch right now going, I haven't done crap for 20 years, like I have been taking care of my kids, I work full time, I have not been taking care of myself, I'm not happy about the way I feel or look, listen, you're never too late and you're never too old to get started. Just take the bull by the horns and say, I'm gonna start with baby steps and go for it. Okay, so let's see Casey!
So far she's lost 20 pounds, working out to my videos. All right, I've changed my eating habits, started drinking more water, my question is, how can I get my daughter onboard? That is tough because you know what? To make it fun for a teen, that is really tough Casey. First of all, doing it with you maybe it depends on what age they are.
When you, like when my kids were younger, like 10, 11, 12, they wanted to work out with me, then they got in that stage where they were like, no, thank you, mom! And now that they're adults, they like to work out with me. So you go in stages, but maybe it's definitely not about telling her that she needs to lose weight, it's about helping her figure out that movement makes her feel good. So if anything, I would start by having her do stuff with you that that's active, sweat with you, do some Get Healthy U TV videos with you, go on a walk together, do a bike ride together, go out to healthy restaurants together, start to make it feel fun and compliment her for how smart she is, how incredibly brilliant her mind is, how strong her body or capable her body is, how she is independent, like all those good things to start building her confidence. Okay, Gerri, all right, here's my question!
Hi, Gerri, I try to keep to 1500 calories and work out for 30 to 45 minutes with me. If I add a 30 mile bike ride that day, how much should I increase my calories? Well, a 30 mile bike ride depending on how fast you're riding, if you, it's just like a leisurely bike ride, your burning a couple hundred calories, so you could add more calories to your diet, but at the same time you don't wanna become a slave to, I worked out for 500, I did this. It kind of has to be like a little bit more of easy flow, but 1500 calories is pretty low, so good for you that you're able to, that you're doing okay with that. I always tell people if their weight, if they're not losing weight, that they might be on to low calories at 1500, but 14 to 1600 is a good, is typically a good number, depending on how tall you are and your age and all that good stuff.
So I guess, definitely like you go on a 30 mile bike ride, you could add a treat in there or add 300 calories, but I wouldn't say, what a lot of people do is say, oh, I did a big bike ride so how many thousand calories worth of pizza, that's gonna be where the problems lie. So, but putting in a couple extra a hundred calories is not a big deal. Okay, if following your workout calendars, sorry about that! Jane says, Jane, yeah, Jane, if following your workout calendars, are there multiples that go together? Wait, are there multiples that go together best?
I'm not sure what you mean by that. Well, sometimes on workout calendars, we put two workouts on one day because maybe the workout was only 20 minutes and so we're trying to give you 40 minutes of suggestion. And some people only do the 20 minutes, 'cause that's all they have and other people end up doing both. So you can, and when we post, if you're talking about the Facebook group, we always post two calendars to give you guys variety. You can pick, it's kind of like a mixed match, you pick whichever workout from whichever calendar you want for that day.
I hope that made sense. Times is so flying! I'm battling plantar fasciitis for months, and really need to work out to lose this menopause belly. Okay, so she's limited. All right, Molly, could you put up that blog, about plantar fasciitis?
It's one of our top ranking blogs on Google. We cover how to get rid of it, what to do about it. But here's the question, Jennifer, it is a bear to have plantar fasciitis. It really limits you as to what you can do. Are you rolling out your foot every single morning, are you stretching it?
Are you wearing a boot at all? Are you taping your foot? Every client that I've worked with, including myself, when I had plantar fasciitis, after running a marathon, the few things that made the big difference for me is every morning I would get up and take my foot with athletic tape. And basically what I do is if this, if this was my foot, I would tape it down and around and down and around, like I'd make a crisscross over the top, and then I even came up around my ankle. So a little bit with the tape here.
And what you're doing is you're taking that tendon, like if that was your tendon and you're adhering it to the bottom of your foot, so that it's not constantly pulling away all day, that's where that plantar fasciitis begins. So I would definitely use the tape, and then the other thing, the only way I got rid of it and most of my clients, I've made them wear a boot to bed. You can buy a boot on And that was the difference, because if you sleep with your foot flex like this, when you go like this at night, which we all relax, that tendon that is getting, is getting irritated. So if you sleep like this it stays adhered and can start to heal, so I really recommend the boot.
Okay, I'm I gonna get to all these questions? There's so many of them! Angela says she's been working out with my videos. You're 56, way to go Angela, thank you for being my workout partner. Is it better to do weights before cardio or cardio before weights?
The answer to that is it does not matter, what floats your boat for me, I like to do my cardio first, I just, I got the energy, I'm pumped and then I get all sweaty and then I'm ready to pump iron. Other people will tell you to do it the opposite way, but my personal opinion is do whatever works for you. Don't get so caught up on the rules that you decide not to do it because you didn't, you couldn't follow the rules. I have a broken foot, says Megan, what type of workouts can I do for my lower body? Lindsay is your sister-in-law, she was telling me you broke your foot, I'm so sorry, Megan, what a bummer!
She told me you were doing so well with the workouts journey! That's a tough one 'cause while you got a boot on your foot, you don't wanna get a ton of blood flow going there. And from what I know about you, you're in good shape. So you might need to take a little break for a little bit of time and while you're taking that break, I would just start building those freaking awesome beautiful upper body muscles. I would get on the floor and I would do my chest presses and my chest flies.
And I would do my overhead poles, and I would do bridges, if you can do glute bridges, and I would do bicep curls and triceps, and back renegade rows and anything I can do with my upper body. Once you get the clearance to maybe put a little weight on your feet, a rowing machine would be good. That, I would suggest that for cardio. And then once you can put a little bit more pressure on it, get on the bike, I'd get on the bike and the elliptical, and then you will be healed. From what I know from your family genes, even though you're a sister-in-law, you're gonna heal quickly.
Okay, Kimberly, how much protein is too much protein? Also, is it true that you should only have two servings of fruit a day? I've never heard that about two servings of fruit a day. Listen, who do you know that told you? I gained 20 pounds from eating apples and bananas.
Nobody, nobody I know in this entire world is fat because they ate fruit. If you look at the societies that are the thinnest in the world, like if you Google, like the people who live the longest are the people who are the healthiest. They all eat fruits, vegetables, rice and beans. They, that's what they eat a lot of. They're all carbs.
They say some of the healthiest people in the world eat 80% carbs, good carbs. The problem in America is we associate the word carbs with junk food. Protein, vegetables, fruits, rice and beans, all those things are healthy carbs. I tend to go for brown rice. Remember I told you white rice is not necessarily your best choice, but it's not your worst either, they're way worse foods than white rice.
Okay, so that being said, I would not be afraid of fruit. For me, fruit satisfies my sweet tooth, it comes with its own little container of fiber, okay? So it's natural sugar mixed with fiber. When you mix sugar with fiber, your insulin does not spike, like it does with regular sugar. So it's a really good thing, plus it's full of micro-nutrients, which are good for you.
How much protein is too much protein, Kimberly was asking? So here's the thing, everybody's different you need about a half a pound to a pound of protein, I'm sorry, half a gram to a gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. So if you weigh 140 pounds, you wanna eat somewhere between 70 to maybe 140, that would really be pushing it in terms of how many protein grams. I probably eat about 70 grams of protein a day. And I tend to get about 20 grams at each meal, and then I, at least 20 grams of each meal on the night, and get protein in my snacks.
So I hope that help. Okay, is it okay to exercise when you have DOMS? Hi, from Australia, Amanda! I love it that the internet has made us international. I think that is so cool.
I think back to the days where like all you could do is communicate with people in your little area and you didn't even wanna call long distance 'cause it costs a lot of money. And now here we are on the internet sharing workouts. I love it! So DOMS, everybody, stands for delayed onset muscle soreness, okay? So delayed onset muscle soreness.
So that's what you have typically 24 or 48 hours after a workout, where you wake up in the morning, go, oh boy, I cannot sit down on the toilet, my butt is killing me. So when you have DOMS then you should take a rest day. It's totally good to take a rest day, and just let those muscles repair. However, like let's say your glutes are really sore from the workout the day before, that doesn't mean you couldn't do light squats, and then work the upper body, go for the upper body that day instead of the lower body or vice versa, like if your triceps or your biceps are super sore then do something that's cardio related, or that's lower body related and give your arms the chance to recoup. So I hope that made sense.
Kickboxing Sandra says is her favorite one? Let's see Cynthia, I am a senior, yes, awesome! Water aerobics are amazing, they're very low impact to the joints, they're super fun. A lot of people think, well, water aerobics is for the seniors doing their slow exercises. That is so not true.
You can like pump it out in the water. You can run through the water, which is low impact to the joints. You can do jumping jacks. You can get the styrofoam dumbbells. You can go in the deep end and tread water which is crazy good exercise, so that's awesome.
Angelina says, don't listen to those trolls. Thank you, that was from our conversation earlier, thank you. We're putting up some links for you guys, I'm going through all these questions. Tricia, okay, here we go! I've heard to build muscle that you should do the same, you should do a six to eight week program that is the same thing weekly, what's your thoughts on this?
My thought on that is, yuck! Who wants to do the same thing for six to eight weeks? Not me! Here's the thing, muscles are about breaking down muscle fibers. Now, you don't have to do like, for triceps, as a matter of fact, if this is the only tricep exercise you do for, or a different muscle groups, and, but work to fatigue, the key is as you're going through that six to eight weeks, work to fatigue.
And if you reach fatigue faster, you might need to up your amount of weight you're using. You may have to change the exercises you're doing, maybe you go from pushups on the knees to the toes, but variety is the spice of life, and the one thing I know being a trainer for 25 years, is if people get bored, they stop, they stop when they're bored. So, avoid boredom, and for me, I'll tell you one thing that the decade of the fifties has done for me is, I'm not gonna do anything I don't like to do anymore. Or at least I don't do a lot of the things I don't like to do anymore. And so I wanna have fun, I wanna have fun, and I think exercise is fun, but I love variety.
Okay, let's see Gerri! Love your videos and all your advice. How many calories do I need to increase my daily calorie from a long bike ride? Oh, Gerri, well, that was the question I answered earlier. Okay, so I hope you heard that earlier.
How much protein after a workout? About 20 grams is what they say, give or take, that's what you're kind of going for. If you need, Kim says, if you need to complete two strength training sessions a week, can you count cardio sculpt sessions, or do you need separate strength sessions? Cardio sculpt sessions, absolutely count, I am the believer in multi-tasker. Cardio and sculpt together in the same workout is my jam.
So I have no problem with that. It's all about using your muscles. What do I think about low carb diets? Well, okay, Beth, it depends on why you're doing it, and what, your results you're getting. I don't do a lot of low carb diets because for me personally, I work out a lot, so you need carbs for exercise.
It is your brain food, it's your power, like I said, that glycogen if you were listening earlier. And I just get tired and ornery and hungry. But that being said, I'm picking the right carbs. I'm going for fruits and vegetables and beans and legumes, and healthy grains. And so if your diet consists of junk food and chips and crackers and cookies and all that stuff, then yes, get away from that.
But low carb is not the only way to lose weight. Okay, I just saw a note from my lovely friend Devlin Hi girlfriend, I'm so happy you're on here right now. Okay, Lisa says I have anxiety and doing cardio makes my heart feel the way it does when I'm having a panic attack. Okay, so in turn I start feeling just how do I get past this? Lisa, I suggest you wear some sort of a heart rate monitor.
Okay, so I wear my Apple watch and quite frankly, I love my Apple watch for a lot of reasons, but it's not the best heart rate monitor out there. It's inaccurate a lot, because it has no chest strap. So if you want something that's really accurate, I love the polar heart rate monitors, polar, but you can get different brands. Garmin makes a nice heart rate monitor also. But what it comes with is the watch and then the chest strap and you put that chest strap on.
And maybe one of the things that would help you, Lisa, is to monitor your heart rate so that you know you're not in the danger zone. So that you don't have to worry like, oh, I'm panicking, is something gonna happen to me? You can watch your heart rate and say, okay, I'm at about 130, that's a good place for me to be, I can be confident that I'm not overdoing it. And by watching and paying attention to your different heart rate zones, I think you'd feel a little more comfortable. The other thing is make sure you're breathing deep, because anytime you start to, get that anxiety type of breathing, you'll feel lightheaded and you'll get more anxious.
So really work on deep breathing. That would be my advice. Thank you, Gigi! Gigi is confirming her 40 pounds down. Go girlfriend, I am so proud of you!
Amanda says, I've taken your sessions at Mania for the last few years. Sad to see that you're not there this year, but I will be seeing you in Vegas next month. Amanda, I hope that you're coming to, Brian and my class, we have two classes, I'm co-teaching with my good friend trainer, Brian Nunez. He owns a gym out in Santa Clara area. If you ever go out to that area, you need to go to his gym, because his gym, talk about community with a capital C, that guy knows how to make people engage and feel confident about what they're doing.
So I can't wait to see you out there Amanda! Okay, Lisa, oh, thank you Lisa, you work out with me five times a week! I love it! Let's see, Carolyn, Vegas next month, girlfriend, yes! So Vegas is the idea of convention, the national idea convention.
I'm gonna be there on Thursday and Friday, I have to leave Friday, I'm so bummed, I have to be to an event. But anybody who's gonna be out there, I would love to meet you. Thank you Ruth for your kind words. You guys remember, we've got a 14 day free trial for you, so if you are not a member of Get Healthy U TV, and let me give you a quick little plug here, a shameless plug, because this is what I do for a living, I mean, this is what I'm passionate about. I started making fitness videos back in the day, when fitness videos were VHS tapes.
And I will never forget, we do these huge productions out in LA. And I will never forget, the first time everyone said, well, we need to start making DVDs. I was like, oh my gosh, DVDs, who has a DVD player? And it was really risky to start stamping DVDs instead of VHS tapes, if that can make you giggle or what. And then about two years ago, I just kind of, people were writing to me all the time, and saying, Chris when's your next DVD?
When's your next DVD? And I just started kind of losing interest in DVDs because I have these grown kids who were telling me mom, DVDs, nobody watches DVD, and this was two years ago. So I got into the streaming business because I knew that's where fitness was going. And many of you even 16 months ago when I would tell you that I started a membership site, people would say to me, wait, what are you talking about, like, what do you mean streaming? Like what the heck is that?
And now when people ask me, what are you doing and I say I run a streaming service for workout videos, people say to me, oh, okay, I get that! People understand what it is. So if you're not a member, please give it a try it's a 14 day free trial. We have over a hundred videos. We offer workout calendars, and the workout calendars are kind of the GHUTV signature, because being a trainer and a group fitness junkie, I know that calendars are what people love to follow, because it's accountability every day.
So we are different than a lot of services, not only do we offer the programs but we put together all kinds of calendars, and then we have that private Facebook group that you can join once you're a member, and we follow calendars together, and it's kind of fun. And then of course we have the gold membership, and if you become a gold member, you get a new live workout in your account every single month, you don't have, I'm sorry, week. You don't have to watch it live, but you get it in your account and it's super fun. And I did see somebody who just put a comment up about when is the next step video? It is scheduled for the middle of July, and it's gonna be like butt blasting cardio or something, Jody is teaching it.
It's gonna be super fun. And then we're gonna do cardio step in August. We are gonna do one step workout a month, to make it fun because what's not to love. Okay, all the trainers, thank you, Jo Ann! She loves all the trainers and girls at GHUTV!
I'm telling you, we have an amazing team of girls, and we are, secret adding a guy we think. We're gonna add his series of workouts, because he's got, he's the cutest thing in the world. Okay, Sandra says, when strength training is it okay to go up in weights or should you just do more reps? Go up in weights girl, beast mode. That's what we call it a beast mode.
Do not be afraid of heavy weights ladies. Like, I mean, okay, and heavyweights is relative, like I use 15 pound weights on my hand arms, I use 10, 12 and 15 on my arms most times, and I use, but like on a bench press, I can do 45, 55, 65, 75, I can do about 75 or 80. I do pushups, I'm working on pull-ups, I'm not, I can do a couple pull-ups but not a lot. I have a shoulder injury though. But don't be afraid of heavier weights, 'cause heavyweights are gonna sculpt you.
And something that you need to understand, is that muscle and fat, so if you were to see a pound of muscle and a pound of fat, a pound of muscles, nice and compact and dense, think like a piece of steak, and a pound of fat is fluffy like cotton candy, it's got a lot of air in it. It takes a lot of space, so if you've got a lot of fat on your body, you could weigh the same. You could be a size 12, and the person next to you could be a six, and you could weigh the same because of your body composition. So do not be afraid of strength training. Okay, Ania is one of my team members.
I love it! And you guys have seen Ania in our Facebook group, she is so motivating herself because she physically does all the workouts. All right, Tricia says, have you ever thought of doing a conference? Thanks for asking Tricia, my friend I was talking about Brian Nunez. He and I have worked for SPRI together for many years, and we've built a friendship.
He's a great guy. He is as strong as an American Ninja warrior, like I'm not kidding, so when we work out together, we joke, 'cause I'm like, okay, you're 30 something, I'm 50 something. He is so strong and I'm always just, I'm like gasping for air when we do workouts together. And he's really nice to me, he never ever makes me feel like I am any less. But the reason I tell you this is he and I have been talking about doing a conference out in California.
And just not a conference, not like a huge, but like a three-day retreat or a two day retreat. So stay tuned Tricia, perhaps in 2000, early 2018 that's going to be our goal. I appreciate your asking that. Okay, can we order BiPro water from you? Yes, you can Angie, but we haven't put it on the website yet.
And if you want to go, since the BiPro water is new, I'm gonna be super honest with you guys, 'cause I always want you to get the best deal. They do a lot of deals on BiPro water on So check it out! You're always gonna get a better deal, if you do the case. And I would always buy the case, not the individual ones, 'cause just like anything like you go to Costco, you can get a better deal on a case.
So if you wanna order from BiPro, look and even write to them, ask them when they're gonna have an offer, but we haven't put the water up yet because we're really contemplating like whether we can handle the shipping on those orders. I sell the, I should've prefaced that, I sell the BiPro water locally, to, like a lot of friends come to our office and pick it up. But we haven't decided if we can to handle the shipping, we have to deal with how much the shipping is going to be. Okay, I hope that was a really roundabout way of answering that question. Nicole, hello, I'm used to tougher programs.
Okay, Nicole, you go for it! I've seen you in our Facebook group and I know you've got some serious motivations, so I love it. Melissa says, do you have to eat before your workout? That's a really good question. We have an article about it.
Oh, what is the name of that article? Molly, if you can find it on, please do. You don't have to eat before workout but you don't want your tank to be empty. So if you're like, when I work out at 5:30 in the morning, I am, I have nothing in my system, I've been sleeping for six to eight hours, hopefully eight hours, but a lot of times it's six. So what I do is I get up in the morning, I know my glucose is, tank is like 70% depleted.
I'll just eat like a small banana, or I'll eat like an orange, like, and sometimes even have those oranges, just something to get a little natural sugar into my system, it makes me feel or I will drink half of a BiPro Protein Water before the workout, half after or I will drink, I'm a huge fan of Aspire Beverages, but I've been having trouble finding them. They're a local Minnesota company that is basically what we call healthy Gatorade, no artificial flavors or colors but tons of electrolytes, sodium, potassium and magnesium. And they're not on the shelf at Costco right now, I'm super upset. But that's what I do. Okay, let me see you guys, we're running out of time.
I am so honored and all of you being here, the hundreds of you being here with us, and all of the questions. So Gigi said, do you lift heavy? Gigi, what did I mean by lifting heavy is I'll do like 15 pound weights on my biceps and triceps. I will do 12 pound weights on my shoulders like this. I will do 15 on my chest and on my back.
So that will be like what I'm doing teaching a live class, that's typically what I use. Okay, Beverly from Savannah, hello girlfriend! Laurie, any suggestions for those of us with long limbs that have a difficult time gaining muscle, even though we eat a sufficient amount of quality protein. Well, Laura, you are one of those few people that you should feel very lucky. People would trade anything for your long limb muscles.
But I understand what you're saying, I do have friends who have said, I can't gain muscle to save my soul. It is partially your body type, so I would try to eat like some of maybe some higher fat content. And I would try to go for have your weights. because you're gonna really need to kind of hit a little harder heavier weights to get that, the muscle fibers, to kind of sculpt to break down in the skull. So it can be hard though, but your body type is coveted, I will tell you that.
Water you lose 85 pounds! Nice job Nicole, these kinds of stories warm my heart, because I believe in all of you. You guys you are never too late to lose weight, or to feel good about yourself. And I will say one thing, 'cause we've run out of time here. I, at this point of my life, I mean yes, I want to look good.
Yes, I want to feel good about myself. Yes, I put makeup on before I come on TV, or yes I work hard to sculpt my body, but I have just come to understand that beauty comes from within, and it isn't all about the way you look on the outside. All right, ladies, dress for success. Okay, wear clothes that work well for your body. I've got a very like athletic build, I don't have a small waist, I never wear clothes that come in at the waist.
I have so many friends that have these tiny waists, not me and so I dress differently for that. My legs are not my favorite feature, so I tend to wear things to cover my legs more than cover my arms or my abs, my abs are my best feature. Too damn bad that we don't walk around in half tops when we're 50, 'cause that's what I would do. But the bottom line is, it's all about how you feel in your mind. It's all about how you feel about yourself, your confidence.
It's all about how you treat others. Those are the things that matter in life, not what you look like. And my girlfriends are all beautiful, and they're all beautiful, not because of what they look like on the outside, but because of what they look like on the inside. So I hope you guys all remember that. I have run out of time, it's 8:00 PM.
Okay, let's see, I'm just seeing a lot of things to say more step class. Holy cow, a lot of comments that are saying more step class! So you guys stay tuned, we're gonna do one live step class, a month with our Get Healthy U TV, and of course, those are always in your archives, if you're a gold member. Let's see, just another more step, please, I love it! Julia, I'm sorry I didn't get to your question about, I'm just getting back into it.
I think cortisol is playing a big part of my problem. Julia, go to that article about the four hormones you need to get in check. Yes, you need to reduce stress, and so diet to lower cortisol, get rid of all preservatives, that's what I would say. Alice is loving our calendars. All right, you guys, I'm just scrolling through to see how many questions did I miss?
Oh my gosh, you guys, there's so many questions here. How do you handle all the energy that comes in from us? Is that, you guys are full of energy, I love you guys. Do I count calories? I'm gonna answer this one last question you guys.
I don't count calories, but here's the thing, I have to take a drink, hold on! I have been doing this for so long, I just kind of know calories, like seriously, like you could show me a piece of food and I go, okay that has about a hundred calories, like I know it just from being in the industry. So in a strange way, I kind of know like for breakfast I eat this protein shake, that's somewhere between about 400 plus calories. At lunch I eat about another 400 plus calories, that's mostly vegetables and either Hummus and Guac, some sort of a protein source. I'll usually have like a yogurt for a snack and some nuts, and some cacao chips, I'll have a kombucha, I'll have dinner which is mostly veggies or salad, sweet potatoes, meat, whatever it might be.
And then I'll have like a snack at night. So I'm always at about around 2000 calories around give or take. I'm actually more concerned about my macronutrients, like my combination of carbs fats and proteins. I tend to eat at least 50% carbs, and in our e-course, so we have an e-course, like I said coming out September timeframe, hold on people, it's a seven week course, that you will sign up for and we'll follow along, like a school class for seven weeks, learning all about our mind, our body and our movement, our mind, our meals and our movement. And I'll talk all about macros there.
Okay, you guys have completely run out of time, so thank you, I love all the thank yous. I'm sorry if I missed your questions. I love you guys. I am so happy that you're my workout partner, and please, there are no excuses you guys, you have to move your body. There is no substitute, there's no magic pill for exercise.
There is not or for good food. So here's the thing you have got to exercise. If you don't have time to exercise, start working out with my team in your home. You will, I mean, like everyone's been saying, we have the greatest trainers, so don't discount that you deserve it. 14 day trial for you guys, we put up that link.
Tricia, thank you, e-course! All right, you guys, I gotta go. I left Roxy at home because I thought she would probably be in here knocking over lights and barking and who knows what? So I gotta go home and get her outside. So you guys have a great rest of your night.
We come live one evening a month and I always try to tell you guys about it a couple of weeks in advance so that you know when we're coming live. So I'll see what the end of July, okay? Otherwise, I'll see you at lunchtimes on Monday, and that's all. So have a great night, you guys, thanks so much for joining us and always remember our tagline, yes, you can!
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