GHUTV LIVE! Strength Training Over 50
Chris FreytagDescription
Join Chris Freytag and Sam Cameranesi as they discuss all things related to strength training and nutrition for women over 50. They cover topics from reducing pain, using proper form, and dealing with osteoporosis for women going through menopause or after menopause.
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Hey, hey, happy new Year to everybody out there. Get healthy U TV squad and anyone else who might tune in, um, on purpose or by accident? You never know. Hi, Sam. Cam.
Hi, how are you? Good. How are you? It's a new year. Same us.
Yeah, it's, it's been a while I think we, uh, yeah, took a month off. Yeah, if you are new to this, uh, at Get Healthy U TV, we do a live Q and A almost every month, I think in 2023 it was 10 months. We did about 10. Sometimes there's a month or two that we do miss in the holidays. Of course, in December we skipped, um, but we love to talk about different topics, all health and wellness and nutrition related.
Um, we take the cue from you guys. We ask you in the private Facebook group for those of you who are good healthy U TV members about what you want to talk about. Tell us what's on your mind. And this month we're talking a lot and, and it makes sense because it's January, it's 2024 people are setting new goals thinking about what they need to do. Um And we're talking a lot about strength training, over 50 talking about that midlife metabolism, um muscle, all the M words.
And then of course, um osteoporosis came up and bone mass building because that is a big deal. And I do want to talk about that today. So we take questions on the fly and, and pre ask questions. So you have a bunch of prees ones that you've got ready to go. And if you um put it in the chat, then we'll take some of those first just because you're watching and we wanna make sure that those are hit up.
OK. So Sam's in charge of all of that. We're on three different platforms. So we have questions coming in from everywhere. So let's hit a team.
We are so excited to chit chat. By the way, I do. One thing I just wanted to mention, one of the things that we wanted to hit up in 2024 was the idea of meditation. Everyone's always asking us, you know, do you have yoga? Do you have stretching?
Do you have mobility? We have ton of new mobility workouts, which mobility is all about joint health, moving of the joints. Yoga is more about stretching the muscles. But we also have a 14 day meditation video series and I really love this series. Well, because it's my daughter, it is my daughter.
So she is a meditation specialist. She has her own yoga studio in Miami. She's a professional ballet dancer and I have to say that I have to really enunciate because sometimes people think I say belly dancer, ballet, like point shoes. Um And she really does a nice job with meditation. It's a really big part of who she is.
And so it's a really fun challenge. All the meditations are kind of a progression and they start with like about five minutes and the longest one is 15 plus minutes. It's not a big commitment. So, uh, getting your mind right? Another M word, uh, mind and meditation in 2024.
So, check that out. Um, do you wanna hop into, let's hop in what's going on? Well, I mean, I think, um, let's just start with the first one that just came through. Um, so what about osteoarthritis in the hands and specifically in the thumbs? Oh, ok.
Well, I am not a doctor so funny that you would say that though. I've just been talking to people about this and actually I have a friend whose sister is having surgery tomorrow on a joint that is just so messed up. There was no way for them that the hand specialist said I have to do surgery. But you know, the thing about your fingers and your toes is that there's so many little bones and joints in there. I can't exactly tell you what to do, but obviously the cure for osteoporosis.
Or arthritis, osteoarthritis. And by the way, osteoarthritis is basically arthritis of aging and, and, and overuse or use, I should say, as we age, you just get a little bit of wear and tear on that body and on those joints and you develop osteoarthritis. So it's nothing to really freak out about it. It's pretty, it's very common. But when it comes to the little ones, I would go to a hand specialist, I would go to a doctor and find out what's going on.
Sometimes. Obviously, good diet is important, what you're eating. We were just talking about things to eat to help to build bone mass and reduce um osteo uh arthro osteoporosis. But when it comes to arthritis, which has to do with the joints, I couldn't really tell you what to do with your fingers and hands. I mean, you definitely, uh well, I will say this red light therapy has become very, very popular.
My husband has some neuropathy in his feet and he uses red light therapy and it's been helpful for sure. Red light therapy goes deeper than the, just the skin. So it goes into the tissue and it's a way to reduce inflammation. And I have seen actually, Sam, we've been working with Led Technologies. It's a, it's a website, Led and their product is DPL and they do have, I believe some like hand mittens and feet mittens that you can put your hands and feet in So red light therapy would probably be the first thing I'd say.
But then I would also consult a doctor and of course, good diet. But when it comes down to those little joints, that's tough. Um, so speaking of osteoporosis, like, how would you recommend, um, like weight bearing exercises? Are there, um, weight bearing exercises that you should avoid? Um, just kind of going into strength training in osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a really big deal for those of us as we're aging and the definition of osteoporosis, I wrote it down because I wanted to be able to just spit it straight out bone. It's a bone disease that develops when the bone mineral density and the bone mass decrease. Ok. So the structure of the bones are changing and when that happens, it can lead to fractures, you know, thinning of the bones. So you're more at risk even when you're just doing everyday activities.
Most of the osteoporosis problems occur in the wrist, the hip and the spine. Those are like the three areas that cons that thin the most. Um And so you can find out about whether you have osteoporosis with a bone density scan, which if you talk to your doctor about that or a dexa scan. Um But sarcopenia is the onset of osteoporosis. So before you have a full blown osteoporosis, thin thinning bones or bones that are too thin, meaning and by the way, bone is our live tissue.
So they are constantly remodeling. But if you are doing nothing to weight, bear any weight bearing, exercising or strength training or you're not eating healthy, then the related bone loss is more than what you're doing to rebuild it. And so you have the negative effect. Um but sarcopenia is age related muscle loss and that be it, it's different than bone loss. So, osteoporosis, bone loss, sarcopenia, muscle loss, but it's the same principle, you start to lose muscle, starting about the age of 30 five, if you are not actively replacing it.
So, if you have both sarcopenia and osteoporosis, you got yourself a problem. So that's why we are so passionate about weight bearing exercise. It helps both issues, sarcopenia, which typically happens before the osteoporosis, but they're all age related and then osteoporosis. So hopefully that makes sense. Yeah, absolutely.
Um And so I guess one of the questions would be, how do you like weight bearing exercise? What do you do to avoid osteoporosis? So, if you are in the beginning process of say they are saying, oh, you're preosteoporosis, like you're on your way to having some problems, what they're really saying is you're losing bone mass faster than you're putting it back on and you've got to change your diet. So things like leafy greens, dairy, if you will eat dairy, um things like oranges actually are very high in calcium. Um eating foods like omega threes, um eating just eating healthier avoiding heavy drinking, eating more protein, all that kind of stuff is gonna make a difference and then weight bearing exercise, anything that causes stress to the bones.
So weight bearing strength training, you are causing stress to the muscles and the bones any little bit of jumping. Um And when I say jumping, I'm not talking about jumping on a 36 inch high box, I'm just talking about bouncing on your feet a couple of jumping jacks that is pushing force through your bones, but any kind of weight bearing exercise. And when we're younger ladies in particular, we're picking up toddlers, we're moving things around, we're doing all this stuff as we get older. Part of the thing about aging is that you are just less active by nature. You don't have to do as much lifting in your daily life and you lose some of that bone mass and muscle mass.
So you've got to actively be replacing both and it is a big deal. I heard, I told you, I heard some statin don't quote me on it because I don't know it for a fact, but something like one in two women will fracture a bone after the age of 65. A big bone like a or AAA important bone like a wrist, a hip, um a, a femur or something like that. And I'm like, are you kidding me like that just seems really high in terms of a stat. It does.
Um I do know this stat that if you break your hip over the age of like 70 the chance of you ever walking without, um, any kind of help assistance if you were not active prior. Um, and you, you suffer from osteoporosis is pretty, it's pretty tough to play catch up in your seventies and eighties. You can do it, but you gotta start now, like, and you're not too late, you're not too late in your fifties and sixties. You, you're not at all. And even in your seventies, you can, I have seen it.
I have seen studies that say you can build bone mass surprisingly, even in your seventies. Um So you had talked a little bit about sarcopenia. Somebody is asking what are your thoughts on using creatine to prevent sarcopenia in women? Over 50. I don't know that creatine would prevent sarcopenia.
I mean, sarcopenia is the, the uh loss of muscle and here's the thing, muscle is the only thing that there is no pill to take to build it. You can take weight loss pills, you can take thyroid pills, you can take, you know, everybody takes all these different pills for mental health and this and that there is no pill that builds muscle. None. You can only do it through actually doing the work and that's why it's so hard. That's why we're so proud of those of you who actually do the work and you have to allow yourself to be a beginner.
You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to be doing what, you know, like we've been lifting weights, I've been lifting weights my whole adult life. So, yeah, I might be able to lift more than you, who cares? Um, maybe you can lift more than me. The point is that we're doing it.
So you have to do the work. Creatine is just something that gives people like an extra pump in their muscles, gives them more energy, that kind of thing. Great. But it's not going to like be the thing that fixes sarcopenia. Does that make sense?
And by the way, if you are full-fledged osteoporosis, there are some things you shouldn't do and people have been asking us to make some workouts for people who are full-fledged osteoporosis. So you shouldn't do any massive, high impact. If you're already suffering from low, low bone mass, you've got to build that bone mass up before you start doing those jumping, jogging, running all that kind of stuff, um, bending and twisting, hip, hinging, massive twisting exercises. So even for some people who have really thinning bones in the, in the spine rolling up and down. So there are some things you have to be very careful with if you've been diagnosed already with full-fledged us process.
Um, this kind of goes into the next question that somebody just asked, um, what can you do if you have sciatica and arthritis in your lower back and any exercise or walking over 15 minutes causes severe pain in the lower back and the lower legs, she says she needs to lose about £80. She usually doesn't overeat but she's stuck los losing the same £5 over and over again. Ok. So that extra £80 is putting so much stress on your hips, your knees, your ankles and your back. So hopefully that is the motivation to say you gotta change your diet.
You gotta move a little more. Now, I hear, I hear what you're saying. You're saying it hurts to walk over how many 15 minutes, but do those little 10 minute spurts of walking. So walk for 10 minutes in the morning or maybe once every two hours, you walk for 10 minutes by the end of the day, you've got a couple of miles, um, do some jumping jacks or just if you can't do jumping jacks, just lift your arms up overhead 15 times, touch your toes 15 times throughout the day. Um, eat differently in order to lose weight.
It's a calorie deficit. You gotta eat healthy, avoid processed food. I gotta just, this is a sidebar, but I was going to the grocery store and I picked up a box of pop tarts. I hate to say it. I just picked him.
I wanted to see, no, I just saw them on the shelf. I wanna see if they still have food color in them just because we're all so smart. We know that food coloring is the nemesis for little kids and a DH D and all these problems. So I picked it up and sure enough, there was like six different, there was like red dye, whatever blue lake, this blue, this yellow, that and I was like, you're kidding me? Like, they haven't figured that out yet.
It just blows my mind. So that was a sidebar to say if you have 80 puns lose, get rid of food coloring, get rid of artificial flavors, get rid of all the gums and all the weird stuff in your food, eat real food deficit, your calories, it will make a difference. I promise, you know, drink water. Ok? And then to combat that you're sciatica.
So I just spoke about red light therapy. I'm such a believer in red light therapy because I have my own story. I've been talking about it nonstop on Instagram because we, um, have been working with this, uh Red Light therapy company. I've been using Red Light Red Light Therapy. It's probably been over 10 years now.
I had such bad back pain that I couldn't even pick a laundry basket up off the ground and it was all inflammatory and my disc was so inflamed that it was like herniated. But it like, uh my spine doctor said you don't need surgery. You need to just eliminate all that inflammation. So I started wearing a red light therapy, uh back belt every single day and it started to reduce the inflammation. I then started my own therapy with a massage ball and doing, you know, uh on all forest cat cow and bird dog.
And we have a whole uh we can send you a link to a couple of videos where we talk just about back pain and some stretches you can do daily. And by doing that over time, I eliminated all my back pain. Now, I wear my infrared back pad every single day. 365 days a year. I have no back pain.
I do it all as preventative and that getting into the tissue makes a difference. So Sciatica starts in that sacrum and works its way down the back of your leg. Um My oldest son is suffering from sciatica. I sent him the back pad and I'm not kidding. Even this morning you could, you could peek on my phone.
What is the first thing I do? I text him. I know that's maybe a little bit of a hover parent, but I'm like, are you wearing your back pad? And he's like, yes mom, I'm wearing it every day because that makes the difference that infrared light can help you. So try that, try stretches, try massage ball, change your diet, put little tiny um bits of exercise into your day and you can do it.
I promise. Um, what about osteoarthritis in the hand, specifically the thumb. So, like gripping onto things, um, specifically weights probably are a little bit difficult. It is difficult. And again, like, that's where you have to go to a doctor because when you're getting osteoarthritis in those little tiny joints in your feet and your hand, a quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet.
Like it's crazy. Feet are so complicated and same with fingers. There's so many joints and tendons and ligaments. You wanna go to your doctor and make sure that there's nothing wrong. Um, this friend that's having surgery, not only does she have the bad uh arthritis thing happening, but she found out that she has a bone chip that there was a little bone chip, which is what's causing most of the pain in her finger, which is why she's going for the surgery.
So like you just don't know what's going on, go to your doctor and make sure things, you know, look, ok, anti-inflammatory diet, like I said, red light therapy, there is red light therapy, uh where you can just put your hands in these little mittens and do the red light therapy on a daily basis for like 1020 minutes. Um Those are gonna be your options. You're just gonna have to do what you can. There are some topical creams that your doctor might recommend that help to reduce inflammation internally. So, yeah, um my dad has rheumatoid arthritis and he's got like a very rare form of it.
And my dad's very, um, he doesn't like to make changes. So I wish I could tell him to do all the things. I'm like, just do it. He's like, I hurt so bad. I'm like, just start moving well, a little bit and he's been taking the dog out for two walks a day.
So that's a start. That's a huge start. And then we always tell him, you know, they, they do tell him no red meat for him. Um And to try and do like blueberries, he's like, they don't taste like anything. I'm like, yeah, eat them.
They're good for you. Yeah, your dad, I love it. But here's the thing. Um When you were just talking about it, say what you were talking about again. He was uh he has rheumatoid, rheumatoid.
Yeah, motion is lotion. My favorite s saying is motion is lotion. So now I can't necessarily say that's gonna fix the arthritis in your thumb. But think about joints that get stiff and sore. They need motion and then your body's natural lotion.
It's called synovial fluid starts to flow between the joints, kind of acts as a lubricant. So you've got to move. Don't just when your back hurts, the worst thing you can do is be like, oh God, I can't move. I can't move. I can't move unless it's a medical situation.
Then you need to talk to your doctor. Um So two questions regarding the infrared back pad. Can you rename the, the um, back pad that you've been using? People have been asking and then, um, somebody has purchased it from us and wants to know how many times a day you can wear it. Can you do it more than once?
You can do it more than once you can wear it as much as you want? I mean, they say up to three times a day or more, if you look at the website, it says you can do it as much as you want. I wear mine like I go in spurts. So I always have it on for 20 minutes. I think when you turn it on, it goes, goes for 20 minutes and then stops and the battery lasts for like 4, 20 minute charges.
So I always do 20 minutes depending on what my morning's like. Like if I'm on my way to a workout at 530 in the morning, I'm gonna go teach a class, then I put it on when I'm getting dressed and I get that 20 minutes in before. Um on a weekend, I might turn it on two or three times in a row just because it's comfy too because that little bit of heat feels really nice, especially at this time of year. The name of the company is Led The name of the brand is D like dog, P like Paul, L um DPL and it's called the Flex pad.
And it's about this, I usually have it in my bag. I'm not kidding. You have one too. It's about this big, it's like a rectangle and it comes with two different pieces of velcro. So, you know, you can put it all the way around you.
If you're bigger, you can tighten it here and then I just like tuck it inside my pants. You can't even see that. I have it on. I even have worn it with my winter coat when I'm outside because it warms you up. Um, but it's really, really a game changer and actually, I don't know if any of you follow Doctor Andrew Huberman.
He's like a neuroscientist of some sort. He's like, I just love him. Doctor Andrew Huberman. He does podcasts that are like three hours long. That's the only problem.
They're way too long. So I like to just get like sound bites from him. And today on his Instagram, he's talking about red light therapy and why? Because it goes deeper than skin, it goes all the way into the tissue that it can have some wound healing properties. It can have some anti inflammatory properties.
So, um I'm a big fan of it. Now, I do have to tell you though because we work with DPL. We just came off a 20%. This is in information on sale that we just had like last week. Was it?
Ok. They just sent me a message and in March, so that is a little ways away I think. Did it say we're gonna have 30% off? You don't have to look, it's gonna be a good savings. So if you do wanna wait um, a month, we can save you some money if you're like, I just want this thing now, go get it, go get it.
It's definitely worth it. I, you had suggested it to me when I threw out my back and I swear in just a couple of days, like the, the inflammation went down and again, I still move my body, but it was, it was a game changer. I gave it to everybody for Christmas and there's a joint wrap too. So my sister actually, I don't think she's watching, but um, one of my younger sisters has uh my joint wrap because her shoulder is bugging her so much and it actually just wraps around the joint. It can wrap around the elbow or the knee or the ankle.
So, um it's, it's worth it. Um, modified movements for a fused large toe and you cannot bend the toe for things like lunges, modification. So lunges probably aren't going to be your friend. Then um you could go into like a yoga warrior pose where in yoga you don't bend your toe, you turn your foot to the side and you do more of a warrior one or a warrior two type of a thing. Um, you had a toe that you can bend for a long time still is not fully back.
I don't think I'll ever get full range of motion back. But, um, for me, when I couldn't bend my toe, it was a lot of squats because your feet stay obviously s instead of a lung. No big deal. Um, I did a lot of, um, like loop bridges because again, your feet are on the floor. They worked same muscle groups and then using like the band around my legs doing like fire hydrants or things on my knees.
If you can stand being on your knees. Um, some of that, like banded work really helped. The booty band is awesome for people who are avoiding lunges. And so, you know, like everything's not perfect. Like if lunges aren't in your wheelhouse, you skip them and you do something else.
I always try to tell people like, when they're like, well, I, I'm not supposed to do this motion. I'm like, don't do it. There's about 30 other motions you could do that are all useful. It's sad when you have to take one tool out of your toolbox, but then use the other tools. Um, so, yeah, sorry about that.
But there are other things you can do. I love the glue bridges. I love the fire hydrants. I love all the lower body banded work. And we actually have, uh, even though you're saying you have a fused toes.
So it's like permanent. Uh, we have a workout code called lower body. Her low impact, low impact lower body that Sam did with a boot on her foot and all the, all of it was without bending your foot. Um, speaking of get healthy U TV workouts, um, we have somebody asking any plans for more chair exercise workouts. They have been a life saver for her waiting on a knee replacement surgery and she's currently worn out.
The ones that we currently have on the site, we have about seven chair workouts and then we have Pain relief series. Those are all in a chair, hip pain back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain. So, yeah, we'll put that on the list. Sam. Um I know we just, we have so many things to film but the chair, we really do get a lot of uh, feedback on the chair workouts.
Thank you. So we'll for sure, film some more. Uh, this year in 2024. Um I just a kind of general comment or question, how often a week should I strength train? Is it best to do a full body in one day or alternate, upper and lower body?
Um And how do you fit core into this? So, uh, there's no rules. So it's what you like to do. I was just telling, um, I was at this event on Monday night and I was telling everyone that back in the day before there were, uh, group fitness type classes like we do on get healthy U TV, where we lift weights while getting our heart rate up. You could only lift weights if you went out into the floor of the gym or if you had a set of dumbbells or something at home and I was taught to do body parts.
So one day would be chest back and arms, the next day would be shoulders and whatever. Then I do legs, then I do core something like that. I would divide up my body during the week now as I've gotten stronger and that was when I was like, getting started with weights 35 years ago. So I was, you know, wanting to give body parts a rest for a couple of days, it's a really good way to do it. But then I went into total body workouts because I'm like, they're fun.
They are a little bit more like of that group dynamic. I like the multi muscle group, um, exercises, meaning more than one muscle group at once. So squat curled and a press that's hitting your legs, your booty, your biceps and your shoulders. So we do a lot of multi muscle group exercises and those are fine too. There is no right way.
It's what you like to do and how it fits into your week. You wanna get total body strength training in at least two times a week. So, you know, whether you're gonna divide up body parts for five different days. You're gonna do two strength training days or three strength training days or whatever it is. If you are sore, probably it's either you used more weight than you're used to.
So, yay, you or you did something different that you're not used to doing. So you're sore. So give yourself a day or two off. It's called, um, rest. It's called recovery, letting those muscles repair.
So you can go at it again. If you're not sore, it doesn't mean you didn't have a good workout, just do it again the next day. So you have to have divided up how you want. Now, where does core in? If you are doing multiple muscle groups, you're using your core at all times.
Look at get healthy U TV. When we're squatting, curling, pressing you're using your abs. We have unilateral strength where we're pulling one weight at a time and your core has to fire kick boxing, your core is firing like almost everything we do fires your core at the same time with all the multi muscle group things. And even when you're weightlifting, you should be uh like a single muscle group, you should be using your core. And then, um the other thing I would say is, um, we have core workouts.
So throw a 10 minute core on or a 20 minute core. I just filmed cardio core number six. There's six of them. And, um, that release is when does it release? Do you remember?
I think it's, I think it's tomorrow. I'm like, I think it's tomorrow. It's a really fun um workout. Oh my gosh. Can I just tell you guys something?
Do not wear cashmere when you're gonna have lights on and be taught? Because I get so excited. I get like all sweaty. Like I'm doing a workout because I'm so excited right now. Oh my God.
And I was so cold when I walked in here because Minnesota and now I'm literally like, sweat is dripping down my back. Um, you would touch on it a little bit. But I do think people have a question about the importance of rest days. Like, can you talk about how to fit that in or what that kind of looks like? Yeah.
So rest days are so important and a lot of it is fitness level, age related, um, lifestyle related. Like, it just depends. So I take more rest days now than I used to. Ok. So that's just the truth about aging.
I didn't used to, you know, I would talk about, oh, I need a day off but I, I never took a day off. I was like, go, go, go six days a week and then maybe on the seventh day I did relax, you know, especially when I had little kids. I was running around or whatever. Now I take two full rest days a week. Um, and I, I love it like I love it.
My body needs it. I do not pick up weights for three days a week, at least. And I do two rest days for me a rest day. Now, if you're a get healthy U TV member, you know, we call them ad ors which is active day of rest. Our idea is don't just sit on the couch, be a little active so, on an ad or I walk and I might walk anywhere from 2 to 6 miles.
So I do, you know, I, I do a lot of walking. It's just not super stressful to my body. So rest days, they're so important. They help your muscles recover, they help your whole body recover if you are over training, you know it because your heart rate doesn't get up, you can't sleep well, you feel inflamed, you feel irritable and then it's time for rest. And it's just a principle of aging that you might need a little more recovery as we get older, our ability like when we were talking about sarcopenia and losing muscle.
So you start to lose the fast twitch muscle fiber faster than the slow twitch. So that's why I'm always saying to say I like and I work out a lot and I know I'm working hard, but I can tell that my fast twitch muscle fiber just is slowing down and I just don't move as fast as I used to now I could change that if I really put an effort into it. But like I have no, I'm not doing anything in my life that says, gee, I really need to train my fast twitch muscle fiber. But I'm just, you know, noticing a little bit of a slow down, I still work hard, but it's just age related if you will. Absolutely.
So, that kind of into a couple of questions that people had. So I'm gonna put it all in one. they would like to hear how one goes from being able to do workouts every single day, keeping up with some of our challenging trainers um, to all of a sudden not being able to do that. How do you know if it's like kind of laziness or age related? And you kind of just have to slow down?
Like, how do you, so they're saying they were motivated now they're not kind of, or it's just like you realize, like you were, you were able to keep up, you know, with the faster movements and all of a sudden you're like, I, I can't anymore. Um, is it a sign of laziness or is there such a thing as like slowing down as you age? There's such a thing as slowing down. It can be laziness. It can be, I mean, I talk to people all the time where they're like, I was on a roll and then, you know, I'll just use an example, like my mom got hurt.
And so I stopped my workouts for like two weeks because I was taking care of it. And then I just never got back into it. That's a motivation thing. And I always say action comes before motivation because motivation doesn't just come out of blue and hit you in the face. Like you have to take action and be really uh consistent.
And then all of a sudden you get this thing of motivation like, oh, I'm doing this regularly and I feel good and I'm proud so now I'm motivated to continue it. But slowing down is literally normal. And I'm not trying to be like, hey, everybody, you're gonna slow down and your life's gonna suck and you're gonna get all old and blah, blah. I'm not saying that I'm just saying you do slow down like it's just normal. I'm approaching 60.
I can't do the things that Sam can at 32. You know, it's just I can, but I do it differently. I do it differently. And so it, it is, it can be hard on your psyche. I will say that I've said that before.
It can be very hard on your psyche to accept like, wow, I mean, the old me could do whatever but it, it's glass, half full or glass, half empty. I'm looking at it like glass. I feel proud that I can still do this. I'm determined to still do it when I read about osteoporosis and sarcopenia. I'm like, uh, uh, I wanna make sure that if I trip and fall when I'm 80 that I don't break my hip, uh, you know, and of course, nothing is a guarantee.
Right. Nothing is guaranteed but doing the things to prevent it but don't feel bad about aging it, but it is normal. It just is normal. I think that's like my favorite part of, like, watching you the last couple of years watching me slow down. No, it's, it's that you are just kind of like, I know that I'm slowing down and I'm ok with it.
Like you're like, yeah, I look at you and I'm like, I don't wanna do that. Right. And there's, and there's even times me at 32 that look back when I was 26 and what I was doing to not what I'm doing now. And I'm like, I, there's certain times where I don't even want to do some of it because it just doesn't feel good, doesn't. And I will say so the big hormone shift too.
That's a really weird time of life because when I was in my thirties, you know, I just felt like I could do anything. Even in my forties, I hit 40 I'm like, 40. Who cares? I'm running marathons. I'm doing this, I'm doing that.
50 approached and I was like, huh? Because at 50 I was like, in the throes of menopause I was like, I went through full menopause. I wish I would have written it down because of course, I can't remember. It was either 51 or 52. I cannot remember.
Gosh, why didn't I write it down? But, you know, at that time your hormones are fluctuating. You go through bouts of really feeling tired, really feeling low, really feeling anti everything, hot flashes, night sweats, everything's fluctuating. You're trying to equalize your hormones. I mean, that is just, it, just a crazy time of life.
So, hold on for the ride. People you can do it and stick together. That's why we talk about these things because every woman should have the opportunity to talk about this in 2024. It's no longer. I mean, my mother never talked to me about menopause.
I didn't even know what it was. I was in my forties and I'm like, I'm in the fitness industry. I should probably find out what menopause is, you know. Yeah. Well, you've taught me a lot.
Yeah. Um, we have a member. Um, she said she's 67 and is it a problem to have a heart rate of 167 after doing a step workout? No un unless you feel bad, unless you feel sick or lightheaded or vertigo or something like that. But no, that means that you're just working hard and if you at age 67 can push your heart rate that high.
Yay for you now my heart rate never goes to 167. But I do think some of that is just genetically who I am. I mean, even when I was younger, like teaching a spinning class and I was kicking, but my heart rate would like getting away 67 would have been a max limit for me. So that's me. But everybody's different.
Um My friend that I was walking with this morning, her heart rate always goes to like 180 like she says it all to me. She, because my heart rate was 180. She's in her fifties and I'm like, if my heart rate has never been at 180 in my whole life, but she's got a, probably a smaller heart that beats faster and is different. So everybody has to kind of own their numbers. It's totally fine unless you don't feel ok.
But that to me kind of says that maybe you're in good shape and you're pushing yourself. That's incredible actually. And you're doing step aerobics. I love that even more. Right?
Um, we have, um, another member, she's 7072 years old and she does strength training with get healthy U TV. Um, can she lift between five and £8 weights as maximum or does she need to keep increasing her weight? She wants to maintain her muscle strength and not feeling like she, um, wants to increase, right? You don't want to injure your joints too. She's in her 7072.
So. Oh, my gosh. Good for you. Um, you're doing weight bearing exercise. You are doing weight bearing exercise and you're bone mass building and you're using weights, that's more than what 98% of America are doing.
I might even say 99% of people in their seventies. So, you're in the 1% club. Heck, yeah, girlfriend. You're amazing. Stay with those weights now.
Joint health is, you know, you, you are exercising your joints though and stuff. So if you wanted to increase, if your goal was to like, change your physique or something, you could. But if you're just feeling like, ok, I don't have osteoporosis, I'm maintaining my bone mass. I'm eating healthy, I'm feeling good then. Fantastic.
Stick with it. And um I think, you know, so just everyone knows that get healthy U TV. We have a variety of uh workout levels. So I love to do Sam's workouts. I love to do Tara's workouts.
Um, but they're so much younger than me. They're harder, but I just modify them. I just make them work for me. So, and we always have a modifier in the workouts. So always know that you can go with the modifier.
Don't, if, if you're 70 don't think that you're supposed to do what she's doing at 32 but she's an amazing leader. So follow her lead, do the workout, modify it the way you want to enjoy yourself. And go from there. We also have beginner workouts that just are and we call them beginner workouts because they're slower. But I like them personally because they're slower and I can use your weights.
And really, and even after we filmed the beginner workouts, we were so we were very sore. So, I mean, enjoy and we have trainers of all levels. So Patty does not mind me saying that she's in her sixties. I'm 58. Uh, Shelley's in her fifties.
We've got girls in her forties, two in their forties. 30. You're the baby, the baby. So we, we, we run the whole scope and I think the cool part about that too is all of us at some point like modify and we give variations. So I think that's also the cool part of like us backing each other up and doing some of the modifications is because you might get a different modification from a different trainer.
Um, so that you have a lot of, you know, um, movements in your arsenal if something doesn't work for you, I mean, Shannon might suggest something because it doesn't feel good in her body or, you know, I might do something different that something else. And my youngest sister who's 11 years younger than me and I know she's not watching either, but she, I talked to her this morning and she's like I did your kickboxing. I worked out with you and, um, I think it was Tara maybe or I can't remember who was backing me up. She goes, it was so fun and blah, blah. But she goes, I couldn't do all of it because she's just kind of getting back into the routine.
She goes, but I did what I couldn't, it felt really good and I'm like, that's exactly what we want to hear. Um, so we have a member, she increased weights to 10 and fif, uh, sorry, 12 and £15 and she thinks it's kind of caused a little bit of low back pain. Is that normal? Should she decrease her weights again? Um, she does like our low back pain exercises and says that they really help.
But what should you do in this situation? So, look at your form so low back pain can come from arching your back when you're lifting weights, especially overhead. So I, I in particular, but I know all the trainers we talk about lightly tucking your p like bending your knees, lowering your center of gravity and slightly tucking your pelvis under so that you aren't arching that low back when you're pushing weights overhead, you have it all tucked in. So you've got to really pay attention to your core. Do our matte Pilates workouts.
Matte Pilates is not super sweaty. So you're not gonna be like, oh, I burn 400 calories and I feel amazing, but it is therapeutic. So it is all about using those back extensors and training your abs and we talk about all of the mythology, um or the methodology that goes with, um, Pilates. So that's really important. Stagger your stance.
Don't stand with a wide stance, but stagger your feet, bend your knees, tuck your pelvis under. So you are not arching your back when you've got those £15 weights in your hands. When you're in plank position, pay attention to your back position, all those things come into play. But if it is causing you some trouble, sometimes what I do is like, I'll use the £15 for my dead lifts and my rows and my lunges when my weights are down here. But if my shoulders are really getting tired, I'll switch to the twelves when I start doing the compound stuff because I just wanna make sure I'm protecting my back and my shoulder, et cetera.
That's why it's nice to have a couple sets of weights. Um, this is, uh, just kind of a fun comment. Um, Patty is in her sixties. Everyone thought she was in her forties. Um, so she would love to hear that one is gonna love that Patty.
A little grandchildren. They're so, they're so adorable. Yes. You gotta keep moving for them though. I saw a video of her and her husband trying to keep up with those four and it's just like you gotta keep moving so you can keep up with them.
Um, ok. Do you think you have to calorie count or keep track of macros in order to lose weight, it depends on your personality and what you like to do. So, you know, to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit. You have to burn off more calories than you take in period. There's, unless you're doing some sort of, like I said, a pill or whatever you're doing.
But, um, I'm a big fan of just, you know, watch your calories and deficit your calories. Now, that being said, what type of calories you put in your body really does matter if you decide that you're gonna deficit your calories. But all you eat is crap. You're going to feel like crap even though you're, you know, doing the right equation. So it's important that you get the right nutrients.
Macros are nutrients, macro nutrients. So those are your carbs fats and proteins. So you can figure it out where you say, ok, today I want to eat 1600 calories. Let's just say if you're on, you know, a, a massive weight loss thing and you're gonna say, ok, I'm gonna have 50% of those calories come from protein. Let's just say.
So take that 1600 divide it in half, 800 calories are gonna come from protein, then divide that by the number of grams, uh, calories in each gram and then you'll come down to how many grams of protein you want a day or how many carbohydrates you want a day. Um, I kind of tend to think that I eat probably about 60% carbs and then 30 protein, 30 fat that works for me. I love carbs and fruits, vegetables, you know, healthy grains, uh, sweet potatoes, like all that stuff. And it gives me the energy I need to keep up with an active lifestyle. So for me that works, other people will be like, oh, no, I am high protein fat, very low carb.
Ok. Whatever works for you. So you can do it either way, counting macros, counting calories, whatever fits in your lifestyle and that you feel better about. They still involve math equations. They still, and I tell people when they're first starting this kind of journey, it's a, it's good to track.
So my fitness pal is a really good app that it does have a free component to it. So you can track and just be a little more realistic. People are. It's eye opening sometimes to say, oh my gosh. I guess I do eat more calories than I thought I did when you start to add in every little thing and when you eat at a restaurant, that's the problem is you don't know how it's prepared.
So you might say in yourself, oh, a chicken breast is about 100 and 40 calories. We don't know what they did to the chicken. Did they douse it in oil? Did they double pan pan fry it? Did they put a pat of butter on it before they brought out.
You don't know. So, like that chicken breast could be 400 calories, but I'm exaggerating. But you know, so uh eating at home is really helpful when you're um on that weight loss journey when you can, but don't deprive yourself of your lifestyle. See, that's the thing when you get older, it's like you don't have to live like crazy restricted, like, enjoy your life, but just do it in moderation and um it's good, but I do whatever you want. Calorie counting or macros.
I think they're both good. Absolutely. Um So kind of going off of that um protein recommendations for women. Does that change as you get older? What is kind of the recommendation for that protein?
Um depends on your activity level. Um But protein is so important for muscle, um muscle mass to feed your muscle to help your muscle recover. And that whole thing about sarcopenia, we don't want that muscle loss happening. So if you are actively strength training, you should feed your body protein years and years ago. It was said that you should eat about a half a gram of protein per pound of body weight.
So if you weigh 100 and 40 that would be 70 g of protein in a day. Pretty easy to figure out. Ok, scoop of protein powder, a chicken breast nuts and seeds, some dairy, maybe cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, whatever it is today, they're starting to move that mark up and I hear a lot of nutritionists talking about 1 g of protein per pound of body weight. So, if you weigh 100 and 40 that means 100 and 40 g. Now, you're gonna have to work a little harder to get to 100 and 40 g.
You're gonna have to plan those meals, maybe a little, a little bit, but I kind of fall somewhere in between there. So I kind of go like higher than the half gram, but I don't always make it all the way to the full gram. Um but it is important as you age and to feed those muscles. So it's, it's good to find protein sources that you like and, and that you'll take in daily. Um So along the lines of protein, can you have um say kind of recommendations on protein shakes.
We obviously used to work with, bro and people some recommendations on protein. I know we were so sad about, bro because honestly, bro was just clean, good tasting uh easy on the stomach. We worked with them for like a decade. They have folded as a company. They sold to a large food corporation.
Agro Pure. Who often this happens, they eat, you know, they buy the little guys and then they decide to change their business model and they just let the whole brand go. Therefore, we have been trying new protein powders like crazy and I've settled in on a couple now. So um from a plant based standpoint because we do get a lot of questions about plant based. I like Trevan.
It's um her, the person who owns Trevan is the food babe. Her name is Vani Hari. Um and she is just a bad ass in the nutrition world and she is amazing and she is so passionate about food laws and rules and what's in your food and what you're feeding your family and your kids. And her plant-based protein is delicious and it's like five ingredients. It's like five ingredients and you can literally shake it in a shaker bottle with water.
I never used to do that till I started using Trevan and it tastes like a milkshake. So she sweetens with Stevia so awesome. From the way I have been trying a whole bunch of different protein powders. But I think I've settled in a naked way. It's called Naked Way.
It is on Amazon. The reason it took me so long to settle in is naked. Whey was sold out in the vanilla flavor for like six months. And so I started just trying all these other ones and my husband too. We'd be like, yeah, this one's OK and this one bothers my stomach and this one, I mean there are a ton of different ones and do whatever works for you.
You can go to the grocery store and you'll find some good ones. I would say check the ingredients. You don't want any extra added weird stuff. Do not do aspartame or sucrose as the uh sugar. Do not do not.
Um you know, look at whether you want uh if there's, you know, some of them are like meal replacements. So they have a whole bunch of stuff added to them. I just like the plain old whey powder but naked whey is now they had something going on with their supply chain. They're now back in stock. The vanilla is delicious.
So Sam and I can give you guys the links to both Trevan and um Naked Way, they're both really good. Um We do have a question coming in. Can you eat too much protein? Is that such a thing? I suppose?
I mean, it would be really hard, I mean, because protein based foods like it's very easy to overeat carbs, right? Because they're sweet. They're salty. Most carbs, lots of carbs are processed. That's where they got their bad name, right?
Um Because fruits and vegetables and all that is so good for you. But you know, if you're eating a bag of chips every day, I eat a lot of chips. I'm not gonna lie, but we talk about that all the time. Healthy chips. Um or if you're overeating cookies or sweets or whatever, it might be processed, bars, all that kind of stuff, protein.
I mean, it would be a lot to overeat protein to eat too many chicken breasts or too many burgers or too much cottage cheese in a day. I don't know. That would just be a lot. I feel like most people struggle to get enough in. So, I mean, you definitely could, but I feel like it would be and, and athletes like pro ale, like they're eating 2 g of protein per pound of body weight or so, like, they're, you know, pounding the protein, but I'd be interested to find out what your diet would be like to overeat protein.
Um, how can someone tell when a sore muscle is simply the result of exercise and when it's ok to do more workouts versus like an overstrained, um, it needs to take a couple of days off to further a, to not aggravate it. So muscle pain is like, ouch, that hurts. Like I've just been talking about this week. I kind of overused my shoulder at the top and I was sleeping on it funny and I'm like, I just feel pain. I can tell it's not muscle soreness, it's just like a pain and that means rest, let it go.
Don't work through muscle pain. It just needs to settle down. Um, infrared light will be good on my shoulder. I gotta get that joint pad back from my sister. Um, and so that there's a difference between muscle pain is like ouch that hurts.
I did something weird. It doesn't feel right. Muscle soreness is like, oh, I can just tell I overuse my muscles, I can barely sit down on the toilet. My arm is so sore from lifting that weight. Muscle soreness is like, I need to just let it recover and it should repair in a day or two.
muscle pain is like, something doesn't feel quite right or it's tender to the touch or, you know, it's not. And then perhaps you need to back off for a while, see what it is, what it is. Um Should a person be taking collagen on a daily basis? Yes, I finally am regular with my collagen. So I started with um taking collagen pills back in the day because this was like 10 years ago when that was how most collagen was supplied.
And I, I really did that for a very long time and then collagen powder came out and I don't like anything in my coffee. So I would not put the collagen powder in my coffee like my friends would and then I didn't like it mixed with water. So I was very inconsistent, but now I use my collagen powder in my A G one greens. So it's flavorless. I just pour it in with my greens, shake it up and I take my collagen every day and I've been really like bent on taking collagen because supposedly it helps with hair growth, nails.
We all want that skin. So I've been hoping that it's gonna help me with that. Um Because, you know, as you get older, like your hair, like the front hair, this is for everybody just cracks off. It doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't get long anymore like yours. Um And so I, I love collagen for a whole lot of reasons.
Now, collagen is made of amino acids. Whey protein is made of amino acids. They're different amino acids. So they're different profiles of what's in them. So they both kind of serve a different pur purpose.
They're both protein, they're both good for you. You can use Whey and Collagen every day. What collagen? I am currently using Primal Kitchen. I love that brand.
I love what they stand for. I kind of buy a lot of brands where I like the company and what they stand for. And so Primal Kitchen is my fave. Again, we can give you a link on Amazon. Um and also um vital proteins is probably the most popular and vital proteins is also a really good one and Trevan has a good collagen peptides also.
She does, but she, it's double the calories and double the amount of protein of um primal kitchen and vital proteins. And I'm like, well, do I need that much? So, I've just been using the others. But um let's see, what is it? What if you're just in the osteopenia stage?
What strength training exercises would benefit from turning it into like a full blown osteoporosis um, weight bearing exercise. So it depends on what that means, um, for you and your, whatever your fitness level is. So, um, weight bearing exercise, weight bearing exercise is so great. And when I say weight bearing strength training, push ups, pull ups, squats lunges, you're pushing force through your muscles and your bones. So you're taking care of like osteoporosis and sarcopenia, um, both at the same time.
But if you are not full blown osteoporosis, you can do little like I talk about in kickbox. You know, we just bounce on our toes a little bit but little bo bone mass building, uh jumping jacks, squats lunges, anything. It's all good until you've passed that point. If you had a Dexa scan and they said you're, you know, you are full blown osteoporosis, you've gotta be careful. Then those, you know, uh individuals are probably instructed by their doctor not to do extensive twisting, hinging, um jarring uh jumping, et cetera.
There have been a lot of people asking, do you think a Dexa scan is worth it? If I don't know about the Dexa scan? I don't know about how insurance works with all of that. I don't like you should be able to get a bone density scan. I wanna say after 50 I gotta believe that your insurance would cover that.
Now, if you go through the full blown Dexa, I don't know that I've never done it because I just know that I don't have a bone density problem, but I should do a bone. I'm gonna do a bone density test just to check it out. But I, I did never been motivated to because I'm like, there's no possible way I have osteopor. You're like, she's still kicking over here. Um, should you always have muscle soreness to know you worked the muscle hard enough.
She's been working out with, get healthy U TV for a while and always reaches muscle fatigue, using her heavy weights, but she's not always sore. The next day. Is she doing enough? Yeah, you're doing enough. You do not have to be sore or feel like you got beat up to make a workout good.
So I am not sore every day. Are you sore every day? I am not. We're used to it. Our muscles are used to it.
Now, if I do something different, like when I go out to Arizona in my first few big hikes, I haven't done it for a couple of months, my legs are so sore because it's different than what I'm used to. But can I go into the studio over here and do 100 squats in a row and not be sore for sure because muscle has memory. So you're still working hard. Um And for me, a lot of people ask about how much weight. So I see some people are like, I'm using twenties, 20 fives, blah, blah, blah.
I mean, kudos to you, there are some situations where I would really like to have twenties or 20 fives, like chest presses on the floor. I know. I know I can do it and I like that but in our classes, like picking those heavy ones off the floor and lifting them overhead and moving. So, you know, at a rhythm through my joints, I just feel like it's too much strain on my joints. So I've found that happy medium with my 12 and my fifteens, but nothing wrong with going heavier.
Um, but did I answer the question? Yeah, I don't even remember what the question is asking about if you have to be sore. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I would say the majority of us trainers aren't sore like we are maybe once or twice, you know, a week or not even that, not even for me.
But if I take a week off, let's just say, take a week off from weightlifting and then I go back to my classes, I'm like, oh, I'm a little sore just, you know, as you get back into it, that's normal. Um All right. There have been a lot of people asking, um they would love to hear about the different trainers eating plans. Are you Keto vegan? Um Mediterranean diet, dairy or grain free kind of what your day would look like?
Ok, I cannot speak for the other trainers, you can speak for you. I'll speak for me. What does my day. Look like I get up in the morning. I work out first.
So I guess you could kind of say it's a fasted state that I'm working out in. Um, I do use electrolytes in my water and I sometimes will eat like a half a banana. I al people always go, why? A half, I don't know, because I don't want the whole banana, but that's really, so I would do my workout then after my workout, first thing I personally do is my athletic greens. So I take those right away and then I have my coffee and my protein shake.
I like a protein shake for breakfast. That's my go to. I like something that's sweet. I'm not really a savory person as much. So, whether you were to choose egg or some other sort form of protein or whatever.
But I like to get protein in, in the morning, especially after you've worked your muscles. My typical protein shake is like frozen fruit. So I'll put the other half a banana in there. It is. And then I do blueberries and I'll do some like, no, I usually use powdered peanut butter because it's lower in calories and I, it tt M I, but like regular peanut butter makes me break out for some reason.
This doesn't. So I, and I love peanut butter so much. Um, and then I'll throw in some chia seeds, some almond milk, whatever, blend it up. I'll put some crunchy pistachios in there or whatever. So, that's like my breakfast.
Lunch is usually veggies of some sort. I usually eat a sweet potato, uh, every day at some point during the day. I just love sweet potatoes, so I'll mix them with my veggies. I'll add some sort of protein to that. Um, I usually have like a yogurt in the afternoon with blueberries or something on it for dinner.
Same thing. My husband and I, we do a lot of like bowls and like we air fry something veggies, roasted grill meats. We tend to grill a lot. Um, love salmon, love those kinds of things. Like when I go out to eat, I'm always ordering seafood.
Uh and then I love to have something sweet at night. So sometimes I have a little treats, like sometimes I'll buy some little frozen treats and we have that. I make homemade muffins all the time. So I'll have a muffin. Sometimes I have like a yogurt at night or always have like chocolate chips.
I have my nighttime tea. I love my organ, I gold tea. It's a turmeric tea that tastes like chai. It's so delicious. So that's kind of my regular day.
But then if I go out to eat, then I might have some, you know, appetizers that are more caloric. I don't care. Uh Might I have some wine. Absolutely. You know, it's just, just depends, but that's my normal day.
How about you? Um, so I'm the same way as far as waking up early in the morning and doing my workout. So, right after that I do my, a g greens after I can't, ok. I feel like sometimes you do it in the morning, like beforehand. Oh, only if I'm working out, like, ok.
Um, yeah, I have to do it after. I just don't have enough time in the mornings. Um, so I do that and then kind of wait like an hour or two after that to eat breakfast, which is typically, um, some sort of either smoothie or like a bowl of fruit, um, with a little bit of granola. Um, after that, it's kind of lunchtime depending on the day. Um, a lot of salads with a lot of vegetables for me for, um, lunchtime and then at night.
Um, so my fiance used to be, um, vegan and we are now incorporating more meat back in. I was never vegan. Um, I tried because I did not like making multiple meals just for the two of us. Um, but a lot of, uh, fish in the summer. Not so much right now.
We're doing a lot of, um, you know, grain bowls in the winter. Um, I'm also the same way we air fry sweet potatoes, I think every single day, every day. So, um, and then chocolate has been banned from our household for right now. Um, because I just go a little crazy and since I hit 32. Um, I am getting acne like, it is my job when I have peanut butter, not peanut butter chocolate.
So it is banned and we're, we're going to take a break from it. What's your main protein source? Because you're allergic to nuts and seeds and you're allergic to, uh, I am also dairy, dairy free and gluten free. Um, because my skin just doesn't do well with dairy. Like, once I took that out my, like, acne when I hit 2730 like, kind of went away.
So I've stayed away from that. Um, I do a lot of chicken. Um, and then again, beef and stuff in like both of my bowls during, um, lunchtime and, um, dinner. Yeah. And then protein shakes in the morning.
So that's kind of where I get it. I, I probably don't eat enough honestly, but it's hard with, without nuts and it's never hard for me to eat enough. I like to think about my meal. Like, hm, what am I going to have for this meal or that meal? I love popcorn too.
I forgot about that. That's my dumb, I think I got that. My mom's the same way though. My mom and I are very similar where she's like, I just, if I didn't have to eat food, like I wouldn't, and I'm like, food is my joy. There's just two types of people in the world.
Right. Um, let's see, we have a couple of people, um, asking. So we have a woman, she is 66 and she's just trying to get into shape. Um, a lot of the videos, a lot of our instructors are using like 12 or £15 weights. She uses £2 and while some things are easy, um, others, she feels like she should go up to heavier weights.
What's kind of the, if you're starting with £2 weights, you'd be surprised £3 weights like it sounds like, oh, no big deal. One extra pound, but one extra pound is surprisingly heavier. You might want to try three or go up to 55 is probably going to be quite a challenge. Um, but just do the best you can and own it. So usually our modifiers are using £10 or less 10, 8 or five in all of our videos and our lead is probably using 12 or 15.
That's how we kind of do it, but just own it like there's nothing wrong. I, I love it when I see some of the, um, seniors come to our live classes that we teach and they just pick up their 2 £3 weights and they go for it and the key there is that they're consistent, they do it every day. So they're doing weight bearing something every day. And that is truly amazing. Um What Strength Weight, strength Program at?
Get Healthy U TV? Would you recommend to begin with when starting over with strength training. She's 56 and she's trying to fit in more strength training. We love our new, has our new, um, fat boarding beginner calendar gotten on there yet. Uh, that's, it's in the process.
So, no, but it's getting up there. So we have a new calendar going up. Is it called Fat Burning Beginner? I'm really, she's throwing me for a loop because I'm also working on other ones. So I've kind of forgotten that we have so many calendars that we're updating and that we're um but it is a fat burning beginner workout one.
So that's coming in. It'll be up in the next few weeks, don't you think I would say? Yeah, honestly, by February 1st, it should be up there. So that one's coming up and that has a lot of really good, just slow controlled beginner workouts. Plus indoor walking, which is our number one format at Get Healthy U TV.
You guys love walking. The walking videos are viewed 20 times more than any other videos. So we will continue to do walking content because we personally all of the trainers, we fight over it. Everyone's like, I love walking. I love walking.
I don't fight over it at first at first. Everyone's like, I don't wanna do a walking video. Chris that's too easy and then they're like, oh my gosh, I love walking videos now everybody wants it. Um But we also have a fat burn. Uh, we have a beginner 2.0.
Right. Would that be a good 11.0 and 2.0. And then I would also say, um, and I know like our menopause muscle builder 2.0 and one point. Oh, honestly, um, are really good because we, we do three days of strength training one day of cardio typically walking. Um, and then like a yoga to kind of cool.
Like, so that's a good, that's a little bit of a step up from the big one. The calendars that are marked beginner, go to the calendar for like muscle building, like muscle lifting too. Right. Right. Right.
But the beginners do have more beginner, muscle lifting, menopause. Muscle builder has like a little more beginner to intermediate muscle building. And then I would also say depending on your personality if you like that bar kind of a feeling because bar is good muscle building. The 328 calendar is a, a favorite. So you do three days of strength training, two days of either like Bar Pilates and then you walk eight thous, you take 8000 steps a day, you just keep track like 8000 steps a day, three days of strength training, two days of Bar Pilates.
So that's kind of a fun calendar too. Lots of calendars to choose from. I think we have about 50 on there now and we have a new one going up active aging. We have some re we, we always redo them like we'll up them if they're old calendars and we have so many new workouts. So, and I encourage you guys if it's a possibility for you to become a gold member because we do two new workouts a week for the gold members.
We have such a library of gold workouts. It's crazy like we could make go gold calendars till our, you know, the cows come home, right? Like we have so many workouts premium. We add two new ones a month, which is great. I mean, you guys are getting a really beautiful library and there's some of my favorite workouts are premium.
But when you're a gold member, you get all of them and there's just so much variety. It's, it's just so fun. All right. So we've got about a minute left and let's, it's January, right? So like how do you stay motivated at the beginning of the year?
Ok. Remember motivation is not the first thing people like go, I'm not motivated. Well, of course, you're not motivated. Motivation doesn't hit you like a bolt of lightning. Motivation comes after action.
You have to take action, you have to be disciplined. You have to say to yourself this matters to me today. We're talking about osteoporosis, bone loss, sarcopenia, muscle loss. Like when you get older, all of a sudden stuff really changes your hormones, your life, your metabolism, you need to move your body. So take action, draw the line in the sand.
That's what I've been talking to my sister about like draw the line in the sand. I'm gonna do and start small. I'm gonna do a couple days a week and see how it works. And then if two days a week works, I'm gonna go to three days a week and then I'm gonna try to keep track of my steps and move a little more and I'm gonna eliminate some of the processed food and eat a little healthier and all that kind of stuff. And then comes the motivation when you start to see results.
And you're like, I've been doing this for three weeks and also I'm losing a little weight or I'm sleeping better or I feel just happier inside. Now you're motivated. Now you're ready and then comes habit. So action, then motivation then have it. That's how it works.
So 2024 baby, I, I do like the beginning of a new year because I feel like when you turn the page it feels it feels good and it's just another clean slate for you to say, OK, you know, let's do this. So just remember we have a lot of opportunities for you on get healthy U TV, for us, for you to con uh connect with us, Pinterest Instagram, Facebook where we are active every day on Facebook, on Instagram. So if you and every by the way, on Instagram, we preview the gold workouts every Monday and Friday, every Monday and Friday. So you know what's coming at you? So every Monday morning or Friday morning you can wake up and see what's new at gold.
Although most of the members know because they look, they see the online. We also share all of our Amazon links on Instagram, like all week, every week, all your favorite proteins, all the fun stuff, all the fun stuff, all the affordable athletic clothes, all the good stuff that us girls like. So thanks for joining us, you guys for another Q and A. So fun. We'll be back.
Um Next month we have so many fun workouts coming up. Um By the way, if you are a gold member, we post the gold schedule a month in advance. So you know it's coming so like you can go and look and go. Oh, I know it's coming for the next two, you know, or the last week so you can plan it and check out our calendars too. Thanks for joining Sam.
Thanks for having me. All right, you guys. Great to talk to you. Um Thank you to all of our get healthy U TV members. We appreciate you guys so much.
We'll see you next time.
I had a Dexascan last fall and I increased my bone mass by 11% and the nurse said you must do strength/ weight workout. Yes! 3 a week. And yes insurance pays for it… I am in my 70’s thanks GHUTV
I’m 56 and walk approx 2.5 miles (fast!) five days a week. I have osteopenia (pre-cursor to osteoporosis) and know I need to work in more weight bearing exercise. Is 10 mins of hand weight or band exercise a few days a week enough?