GHUTV LIVE! The 4 C’s of Fitness
Chris FreytagDescription
To help you achieve the 4 C’s of fitness, GHUTV has you covered! Instead of searching and wondering what workout you are going to do, we put together our favorite 30-minute workouts we enjoy doing ourselves when we only have 30 minutes to exercise.
Sweat in 30 Premium Calendar
Sweat in 30 GOLD Calendar (Includes GOLD Workouts)
Get your questions ready and join us!
Well, hello, Get Healthy U TV friends and squad members. I am Chris Freytag and this is the wonderful Sam Cameranesi. Hi Sam. Hi, how are you? And we are 20 minutes late today, and we are 20 minutes late because of me.
I will admit it wholeheartedly. I'm so sorry everybody. I'm human and I screwed up my calendar and so here we are. So thank you for being patient and understanding that we all make mistakes. This is just like the fifth one I've made today, so.
It's okay. It's okay, we're human. We move on. But we are so happy to be here with you. We love our monthly Q and A's.
For those of you who are joining us maybe for the first time we do this every month. So we come live, Get Healthy U TV, Q & A. Sam who's our digital content manager, she's always our moderator, she keeps me in line. We do bring on different trainers that help answer questions with me sometimes. I love listening to what you guys have to say.
We love your feedback. We have a couple of things we wanna highlight today. Some downloads from new calendars that we have on Get Healthy U TV for you members. I might even throw in some insider information about an event we have coming up at the end of January to get you on track. So let's just get right into the question, Sam 'cause there are quite a few pre-asked and then we take them here too, right?
Let them know how it works. We'll try and get to as many as we can. So we had a little over 20 questions pre-asked, so we'll just hop right in. Yeah, what's that, girls and guys, I love it. We did put a preface out of the four C's of fitness, so if you wanna touch on that, but we did have a question.
Do you wanna touch on those four first? Let me just talk about really quickly. We call the four C or at least I do and I've kind of imposed it upon everybody, the four C's of fitness meaning first thing is commitment. You have to commit to yourself and say, this matters. My health matters.
I think in 2020, we can all agree that our health matters. Your immunity, your sanity, all that stuff. So that's the first thing, commitment. Then it's convenience, finding something you like to do that's convenient. When people say I'm joining this program it's about a 30 minute drive.
Yeah, no, it's not convenient. You're not gonna stay with it. So find something that you like to do that's convenient. The third C is consistency. That is the key word to health, consistency.
It's not what you do once, it's what you do every day over the course of a week, a month, a year. So it's finding things that you can stay consistent with 'cause that's how you'll see results. Results don't happen because of one workout or one piece of fruit and vegetables. You know what I mean? You get it.
And the last one is community. We love community, it keeps us sane. We as humans are hardwired to connect. We love to connect with others. We try to make Get Healthy U TV, a really inviting community of people, virtual as it may be.
But so that you have somewhere to feel belonging. So those are the four C's of fitness. And so somebody said, 'I love working out with Get Healthy U TV' 'cause she can do it anytime at home in whatever clothes that she has on. But she said the C that she is not getting is correction to anything that she might be doing wrong especially in yoga poses. So any suggestions?
Okay, well correction. Yeah, we do the best we can to try to give some form tips during our workouts. Typically, I'd say our trainers, I'm gonna give them a 9/10 'cause I've taken a lot of fitness classes from a lot of trainers and my pet peeve and my thing that I instill and I think our team does well, is give you corrections. Talk to you about what does lunge look like? What does a squat look like?
What are some modifications? So that being said, when it comes to yoga too, often you can feel, especially yoga, because the poses can be a little complicated. First thing to remember is the pose is the wrapper, okay? It's what's inside, what's happening inside that matters. Everybody's bodies are a little different.
Some people have longer legs, shorter legs, longer arms, shorter arms. Some people have a shoulder injury and they have to turn this hand to the side. I have a hip injury from when I was super young and my right foot always just tilts a little out. And if I turn it in to try to look like everybody else it gives me a ton of pain in my hip. My body just bio-mechanically is like that.
So you work with your own biomechanics that everything's not gonna be perfect. That being said, we do have a tutorial on Get Healthy U TV. It is under "Yoga Flowetry", that's the name of the program. It is led by Jennifer Galardi, who is truly a Yogi expert's maybe not the right word because I keep saying that nobody is perfect, or... But she is just a fabulous yoga instructor.
And it's about a 20 minute tutorial on how to get into get started with yoga and get into the poses. So you should definitely check that out. Absolutely. Okay. Holidays are coming up, we had Thanksgiving a few weeks ago.
Now other holidays are coming up. How do you celebrate the holidays and not sabotage your health goals? So, you need balance but how do you keep balanced during the holidays? Well, this year 2020, it's almost hard to even compare it to any other year because celebrations are smaller. I mean, I typically get together with a 30 people group.
That's my family, it's tradition. We haven't broke tradition in, I don't know, decades and now this is gonna be the first year where everybody's in their own little pods, kind of sad. You can look at it that way, but at the same time you need find new ways to celebrate. So I'm not quite as tempted this year as I am by holiday parties and holiday treats. But let's just say it is the time of year normally where you're probably out, more you're at more places where there's food you wouldn't normally eat and you maybe tempted by a lot of sweets.
So one thing I always do is never go... I feel funny saying this, never go to a party, you're not gonna a party this year. But never go hungry, because when you are starving and you get somewhere and then there's all this ooey-gooey food you tend to overeat and just let your eyes overtake your stomach. So I never go to a party hungry. I always eat some veggies before or fruit or something that's gonna give me less..
You know, you never wanna drink on an empty stomach either, that causes problems. When it comes to sweets, holiday cookies are a tradition in my house. Like I even asked my daughter what's her favorite tradition and she said, 'Making sugar cookies'. That is her favorite Christmas tradition and decorating them with frosting and all the ooey-gooeys. But I tend to always make two kinds of cookies that are my type of cookie that are healthy.
A healthy gingerbread or something with less sugar. So that when it's time to indulge I'm not only eating all these indulgent things. I find something that I like too. Drink a lot of water during the holidays 'cause water curbs appetite and give yourself grace. Realize, 'cause what I just said before, it's consistency, right?
It's not what you do once, it's what you do every day. So if you have a couple of weeks where you only work out twice a week because, holidays, or you eat a couple extra sweets because, holidays. Have the confidence in yourself and I think this comes with consistency to say as soon as the holidays are over, I'm back in the saddle. I don't feel worried about my behavior. I know that that's where I'm going back and that's really a comfortable place.
Going off of that, then how do you maintain a workout routine? Like if you're super busy is 10 minutes enough? Maybe we talk about those calendars? Yes. Because people always ask us if 10 minutes is enough.
And I always say, 'Have you tried a 10 minute workout yet?' Because I think we're all flabbergasted at what a 10 minute workout actually does. When we're filming 10 minute workouts, I'm always blown away. I'm dying at the end. Yeah, we're sweating. I'm just remembering this 10 minute hit workout that I did and I was like, oh my gosh, I'd burned over 100 calories.
I was dripping in sweat. That 10 minute jump rope- I would say my first one was a jump rope and after 10 minutes, I couldn't talk. Yeah, you were like, 'Wow'. And then we have some easier or I should say lower impact, 10 minute workouts, but 10 minutes absolutely works. If you only have 10 minutes, get your body moving.
Something is better than nothing. The thing is we've adapted this thing in health where it's like all or nothing, it's black or white. It's either you are healthy or screw it, just do what you feel like. Or work out for an hour or just don't do anything. And just getting out there, taking a 10 minute walk, even during the holidays, taking a 20 minute walk gives you fresh air, moves things through your body.
Helps boost your immunity, clears your head. There's just so many reasons to move. So don't discount 10 minute workouts. And if you're that person, like I'm an hour workout kind of gal, I really love an hour but as of late, I've been doing more 45 minutes, just in these last few weeks. And it's fine, I still work really hard and what I noticed is the after burn.
Like if I leave my watch on those next 15 minutes, I get a really nice after burn. So get started with anything, everything matters. Let's see here. Somebody is asking, 'You look like you've lost 20 pounds in the last nine years, what are you doing differently?' Me? Yeah.
I had to bring it up because there's multiple people that said that. I'm gonna go with age. As you get older, I have not lost 20 pounds, I'll tell you that much. I don't weigh myself every day, but I mean, the scale has not changed. With age, your skin, everything just kind of gets and shrinks.
I don't know. I always feel like when people get older their face gets longer because you lose all the fat in your face. I don't know, I do think I've changed a little bit in terms of my training 'cause I used to go hard, hard 'cause I'm an adrenaline junkie, but in the last five years I've realized I can't do that anymore. I can't get my heart rate up that high. Now, just to give reference I'm 55 so when I was 45, I was still like, 'Kill it.' And I remember thinking I'll never lose that.
And I still go hard, but I feel like I curtail it back a little bit more and I'm doing steady cardio and a lot of strength training. And maybe that's it. She can still kick your butt, so. Yeah Not quite like the way I used to, but it's all good. It's all called age.
Change happens. Yeah. Going off of that, people would like to know what you eat in a day. I know, you and I were talking about that. Okay, so it depends.
I mean, yes, I am probably more healthy than the general public, right? And my kids, like my son was home from LA over Thanksgiving. He's like, 'Mom, can you get food in this refrigerator?' And I'm like, 'It's filled to the brim with fruits and vegetables and eggs and healthy proteins and yada yada.' But you know, he's looking for something different. So I guess I am a little bit more on the healthy scale but I also am a sweet freak, I love sweets. So typically in the morning I wake up, I go to do my workout early, I like to work out early.
So the first thing I'm gonna do is drink 1/2 a cup of coffee 'cause coffee is my life, coffee and wine. So I have that 1/2 cup of coffee. Sometimes I'll even have like a half a banana just if I want a little bit of energy but I typically don't eat before the workout. And then I put a Nuun tablet in my water which is sodium, potassium and magnesium a little electrolytes, drink it down while I'm working out. So I get in my workout.
After my workout, I have a protein shake. 90% of the time, that's my breakfast. It is a scoop of biPro whey protein, some fruits and I like to change it up. Mangoes, blueberries, raspberries, pineapple. I like to change it up.
Half a banana, sometimes I throw chia seeds in, I'll throw some avocado in there if I have it, sometimes some greens. It just depends on what I have in my fridge, little almond milk. And I usually put pumpkin seeds on the top. Pumpkin seeds and pistachios. If you really wanna get down to the nitty gritty, I'm obsessed with pistachios.
So that'll give me a little crunch, a little healthy fat and some good magnesium and protein. That's my breakfast. I typically am so busy in the morning working right, Sam? Yes. That I don't eat between breakfast and lunch, typically.
But I'll then have lunch and typically for me, it's vegetables, sweet potato, protein, a salad, hummus, guacamole. I always throw a healthy fat in there. In the summer I tend to eat more cold foods. Yeah, I do to. In the winter, right now I'm obsessed with everything roasted.
Roasted veggies, roasted sweet potatoes, roasted chicken, all that kind of stuff. So I have a healthy portion of that. I'll typically have yogurt or some sort of a treat in the afternoon. Fruit, an almond butter, something, in the afternoon. And then in the evening for dinner it's kind of similar to lunch.
I mean, when my kids were younger, I used to make more recipes, should I say. Like my boys in particular would be like, 'Mom, make something different'. So I'd make, gosh, there were a ton of... I have so many lasagna recipes that are so healthy that have veggies and chicken and a lot of beef. We did tacos all the time 'cause tacos, you can turn into anything, from super healthy to super unhealthy.
We do a lot of grains and greens bowls like Buddha bowls where I make quinoa or farrow and then we put in some wilted spinach and some veggies and some proteins and some, you know, I like a Thai peanut sauce or something. So typically dinner is a combo of veggies, proteins, healthy fats like that. And then I always have a sweet at night. I can't go to bed without a dark chocolate or a little bit of, I always talk about Halo Tops. She doesn't believe me, but I eat Halo Top.
It's like a protein ice cream, I love it. Or a little yogurt. I always drink hot tea, something like that. Now that is my normal day. Now on a weekend, I'm gonna go out to dinner maybe.
Of course not in 2020, and maybe I'm gonna have some chips and guac' or some French fries or I'm going to have some dinner that's a little more decadent, that's fine. I never feel bad about it because I always know back to the word consistency, that I feel confident in my own habits. So it's not gonna be my go-to and I don't really drink alcohol during the week 'cause I just don't have time and I'm too tired. Yeah, you get up too early, I think. Yeah, it just doesn't work for me.
But during the weekend, couple of glasses of wine, for sure. We have somebody asking if there's a difference between gold and premium. There's a big difference and we're actually working on... We love your feedback, you guys. You give us so much help because we're actually changing up some of our marketing pages for you guys 'cause we think that sometimes you're confused.
So premium is our base level. We have, I'm gonna say, I haven't counted them but close to 200 workouts in the premium level. We add new workouts every quarter for premiums. So every quarter you're gonna get what we call a new program. And each program is made up of three to four workouts.
So you're getting somewhere between 10-15 workouts per year if you are a premium member. And when you go on the website you can sort by programs and see them grouped by a format type or you can go to workout. So when you go to workouts, you can sort by length or type. So you can say I just wanna see all the 20 minute workouts or I wanna see all of the hit workouts or all of the low impact workouts. We have lots of different categories for you to sort from.
Or you go to a calendar, pick a calendar. So those are the premiums. Now the gold level is one step up. You get access to all of the premium videos but you also get a gold video, live, every Monday morning at 9:00 AM, Central time, that is. So we find that, we've surveyed you guys again and again and it always comes back morning workouts.
And I know some of you would love a 5:00 AM workout but the problem is the production crew will not come here at 5:00 AM. So we go with a 9:00 AM. Now, if you missed a live, no problem it just goes into your account. So a lot of the gold members just really look forward to that new workout every Monday. They talk about it in the Facebook group and they're like, 'Okay, Tuesday morning who's doing the new gold live?' You know, they do the workout from the day before.
So in essence, the gold people are getting another... We typically don't get all 52 weeks in but let's just say we get about 45 to 48 new workouts in every year for you gold members, so it's fun. We also have a little more banter in those workouts. They're a little more free flowing. Like yesterday, I screwed up something in a workout.
It just is what it is because it's live so there's a little more authenticity to them. We do more variety in the gold. We add in other equipment, medicine balls, steps, resistance bands, stuff like that that might be a little more specialty items that a gold member might be interested in purchasing. So that's really the difference. Then of course everyone gets access to the Q & A's and some of the other things we do, but the gold members I can honestly say when we survey them they're always like, once you go gold you never go back 'cause you really love the variety and the authenticity of all of the trainers, I think.
Yeah, absolutely. And we might make some changes to things too in the future like more lives or different things going on. We are moving to a new studio that's bigger. We're gonna have a really beautiful studio. Yes.
So we're excited. Somebody is asking, 'Can the gold workouts be sorted by type and length?' And the answer to that is, yes. Exactly. I know. Sam is our stickler for all that.
Yeah, just like the premium workouts you go to go live and then you go to sort by either type or by length. When you sort by length, you'll get 30 and 45. And they're typically, like the 30 minute workouts are usually gonna be between 30 and 35, 38 minutes. The 45 minute workouts are gonna be between 45 and 55. Sometimes we just go a little longer because they are live.
Yes. It just depends. So you can sort that way or sort by type. So a lot of people go in and they want just all the hit workouts or cardio strength only where it's combo workouts, or just straight up cardio or just straight up kickboxing or just straight up step. I mean, you can sort by all that.
Lots of questions rolling in here. Somebody has been sneaking in 10-20 minute workouts during the day and she's loving it, adding some extra steps throughout the day as well. But when she's sneaking in these 10-20 minute workouts how do you incorporate a warm-up, cool-down? Yeah, well it depends. Are you doing a Get Healthy U TV workout?
Because we always do include the warm-up and the cool-down, we do. And you can always do more, but if you're doing the workouts where there is no warm-up or cool-down included, here's my advice to you. Look at your warm-up as the dress rehearsal. So like for instance, if you're going out for a walk wake up your hips with some hip circles and then just start your walk at a little slower pace and then ramp it up slowly. The other thing I want you to think of the warm-up as mobility.
So your joints are where the two bones come together, and often they can get stiff and sore if you haven't used them for a while so start to mobilize joints. Shoulder circles, hip circles or ball and joint. Wrist circles, even if you're about to do pushups and weights and planks. Squats, and lunges to bend the knees and bend the hips, cow in your back. You're just trying to get mobility in those joints.
Then maybe start with some jumping jacks or some easy walking to get the heart rate started and then boom, go in your workup. And then afterwards, take 10 or 20, five or 10 minutes to stretch out the muscle. That's where you hold the stretches and just let those muscles lengthen. I swear I have to trademark this. I call it the wake-up, that's your joints, then the warm-up, that's your heart rate, then the workout, that's the meat of it and then the wind down.
I love it. She's got everything in there. Call my lawyer, I'm trademarking. Let's see, do you have any good suggestions to strengthen your ankles and our balance? Oh, gosh.
Funny, we've been talking about that because Sam and I have been doing this promotion with one of our partners, SPRI products, S-P-R-I. You see all of our equipment in the studio always says, S-P-R-I on it, thank you SPRI. But we've been talking about balance tools on Instagram and Facebook 'cause we've been doing this 12 Days Of Fitness promotion. So today I actually demonstrated a balance board and the other day I did a Bosu ball. So they're unstable surfaces.
So when you stand on something that's unstable, even if you roll up a yoga mat and then stand on it kind of flatten it out like it's thick, you get instability in the joints. So that's gonna help to strengthen ankles, hips, knees, core, 'cause you got to grip your core. When you go through physical therapy, Sam, you're going through physical therapy with your foot. Are they doing some stability work? Yup, they recommend it a lot especially...
'Cause mine's the toe, but it's the ankle stability that we were working on. Is really important. Yeah. Yeah. So just work on stepping on things that are in stable but then being aware of your body and space and really working on it.
And then of course moving the joints, motion is lotion. Move your ankles, move your knees, move your hips. You've got to move them to improve stability. Absolutely. We have Teresa asking would intermittent fasting affect muscle strength?
Well, it depends, I mean, I'm not sure what you mean affect muscle strength. It's not gonna deteriorate your muscle strength but, do you mean, are you gonna feel weak during a workout 'cause you're hungry? Perhaps. If you have gone a long time without eating and then you do a workout, you could be void of glucose which is what fuels your tank for getting that heart rate up and having energy. So like for me, I just said, I get up in the morning and I guess you would say I'm in a fasted state 'cause I've been in bed for eight hours so I haven't probably eaten in 10 hours.
That's typically why sometimes I even eat just a small 1/2 a banana 'cause why, it's a simple sugar. It's gonna go into my system and up my glucose tank. When you are exercising you're burning a combination of fat and converted sugars which is your glucose or glycogen. And when you run out of the converted sugars, the glycogen, your fat turns off too, and then you start to burn muscle. So that could be an issue too, if you're super fasted you haven't eaten in a really, really long time and you're trying to exercise.
If you don't have any glucose to convert you you're not gonna burn any body fat either. You're just gonna burn muscle. So that could be a situation. But most of these intermittent fasting programs are either eight hours, 12 hours. And so even if you have the slightest bit of something that is a simple carbohydrate, it should help.
Okay, this one is a long one but I think we were just talking about this the other day so I think this will be a good one. Okay. Belly fat. She is two years into menopause and even though she's never really had defined ABs, she now has several inches around that area that she can't seem to budge. She knows that she needs to get her diet in but her question is, 'Should I cut calories and do heavy lifting or can I do a shred it type calender where you just do your own routine to lose that belly fat?' Very frustrated and there's a lot of info on the internet.
There's so much info. When it comes to workouts, okay, you still wanna pick up heavier weights. That's relative, what is heavier to you? If you're a beginner, 8 lbs is gonna feel heavy to you. For me, 15's are heavy.
So for other people it could be... You know, my husband might say, 'Well, I wanna pick up 30's' or something. But you wanna push yourself to the limit where you feel those muscles breaking down, where you're reaching fatigue. It's really important to build muscle in your menopausal years to improve your metabolism and then also for so many other reasons too. But a shred type workout where you're doing cardio and strength and you're getting that heart rate up, that's what you and I do four to five days a week and that works really well too.
But here's the thing I'm gonna back up. The meno-pot as it's affectionately called, your hormones are changing. Your estrogen, progesterone are playing games with you. Everything's flattening out and food, food, food is the number one thing. As much as I love exercise, I'm here to tell you that you cannot get rid of a meno-pot without a healthy diet, period.
You can't out-train it. So the question is, are you eating things that are processed, processed food? Things that comes in packaging all the time, like a bag, a box, a frozen food? Are there chemical names on the ingredients? Are there lots of different...
You know, sugar has 60 alias names. Are there a lot of added sugars? Most labels now are saying 'added sugar' on them. So you can tell the difference between natural and added. Added sugars are the culprit.
Are there food dyes in there? Food dye, yellow, red, blue. Are there artificial chemicals that keep the shelf life? I mean, those things totally are hormone disruptors and when they screw with your hormones and now you're already having all that hormonal stuff. Insulin and estrogen are the two fat storing hormones.
So as you're going through menopause your estrogen you think, well, my estrogen is going down, but honestly if you're doing a lot of weird things with bad food and putting on a lot of things on your skin that have a lot of weird chemicals, you could be disrupting that estrogen. You could be actually dominant in your estrogen because your progesterone's also going down too. I know I'm getting a little complicated. But if you're playing around with that estrogen and then if you're eating too many added sugars or too many chemicals that is spiking your insulin, those two hormones do a number on your waistline. So get your diet, honestly like from the bottom of my heart and that doesn't mean you have to become the most boring human in the world that eats a stalk of broccoli every day.
You can get so creative but get away from the processed food. And then for your workouts do what you will stay consistent with. Absolutely. And tear it up. Work hard, challenge yourself.
You do you, whatever that means to you. We have a member saying that she lifts 12's and 15 lbs when she goes heavy. She just got a 30 lbs kettlebell and now that she's received it she's feeling a little bit intimidated. Any advice or thoughts? Okay, 30 lbs kettlebell.
I like it, I like it. I do too. That's heavy. But it's good. When I do swings though, I like a 25 or 30 for swings.
And I'm like you 12's and 15's for my workout. Now a swing is different 'cause it's hip power and you're not bending your knees. And I don't know if you know your proper form on your kettlebell swing but your knees do not push forward. Your shin stays perpendicular to the floor and you thrust the power from your hips. So if you can pick up 15 lb weights I think you can do a kettlebell swing with a 30 lbs.
Keep your abs tight, make sure you're protecting your back. But I think it's a good choice for you. Also if you normally do squat, curl, press with two 15's, how about hold that one 30 and lift that up? Don't let it intimidate you. You are strong.
I love it. I love it. We do have somebody asking and then maybe we'll chime this in here, but virtual fitness weekend is still happening? Okay, so that was the little insider info. Yes, we are having a virtual fitness weekend.
We are so excited about it. We tried for an in-person. Well, we tried in April of 2020 and epic fail, right? Everything, we refunded everyone's money. We're so thankful to those of you who were going to come and we were so disappointed too.
So then we set our sights on Fall 2020, that didn't happen. Then we were thinking SPRIng 2021, probably not gonna happen in person. So we decided, you know what, we're not waiting any longer. We're doing a virtual fitness weekend. So get ready, you're gonna hear more about it in December.
It is going to be the last weekend of January. It's gonna be a Saturday and Sunday morning, so hold tight. We're actually gonna kick it off on Friday night with a little wine and wisdom. So you could join in there if you want. But then it'll be a solid morning on Saturday and a solid morning on Sunday of education and workouts.
It's gonna be super fun, so stay tuned. It's gonna be super affordable because it's virtual. So we have more information coming for you. Which workouts are best for the side body obliques? Obliques?
We'll see, here's the thing. This is why we love our strength and cardio combo workouts because when you're working multi muscle groups at the same time, like let's say we're doing a pyramid power, okay? So we're doing seven exercises up the pyramid, seven down. Typically when I create a pyramid power workout I'm gonna do multi muscle group exercises all the way up that pyramid. So I'm not gonna just do a squat.
I'm gonna do a squat, curl, press. I'm not just going to mid back rows standing there. I'm gonna get down on the ground and do a Renegade row and then I'm gonna walk side to side which is working those core muscles. I'm gonna do burpees, I'm gonna do side lunges. I'm gonna twist my body with that weight.
So you are always engaging those internal and external obliques. When you lay on your back and you do overhead pulls or chest flies, you're also getting into those serratus anterior and side muscles. When you are kickboxing. I always tell my kickboxing class, when you're punching or let's say we're punching here, put your hand here. You can feel these muscles contracting in your core.
So bottom line is when you're doing multi muscle group workouts, you are gonna get those muscles. Now you can isolate them with side bends, Russian twists, stuff like that and that's great too. But these multi muscle group moves that are combo moves that we come up with, engage everything. Absolutely. Yeah.
I always find that my core is more sore when I'm not just doing crunches or abs. When I'm doing multiple muscle groups. Right, and hey, this is just making me think about all of you working out at home. I mean, this is 2020, again, this is a trend. We know that dumbbells sold out like toilet paper back in May and people are still trying to get them and SPRI has restocked several times.
We just checked, they still have some 15's. Yeah. And then they have a couple of 12's. Yes. So if you are in need of some heavier weights they are on the website right now with a 15% discount if you go on.
And we also have a download for you on the 5 Do's And Don'ts Of Working Out At Home. A lot of you are just getting started with that habit. Some people say, 'Okay, I quit the gym, I'm not going back, I'm just done with all of this worry and commute.' Some of you are just getting started. You've never taken care of yourself and you're like, 'You know what, with all this sickness going on, maybe it's time for me to boost my immune system to improve my mental health and my strength', so check out the 5 Do's And Don'ts Of Working Out At Home. You can download it.
It's just a cute little two page download giving you some ideas of, like look for the right space in your house, pick what you like to do. Like, make sure you don't skip the warm-up, cool-down. All that fun stuff, so download that. That's fun. Absolutely.
Yeah. We have quite a few questions about calendars but we have Debbie, she says, 'Do you have a calendar for people with hip issues, less squats, lunges but still gives a full body workout?' She is unfortunately having hip surgery but she doesn't wanna stop working out beforehand. Okay, good for you, Debbie. I like that energy and that commitment. Try some of our walking workouts.
Okay, I'm gonna tell you guys something. Walking indoors is another word for marching. I know, but it works. I was introduced to walking about, I don't know, 20 years ago. I met my friend Leslie Sandstone who is the queen of indoor walking.
She's amazing. Stay a Get Healthy U TV member but I'm just gonna tell you, she is an amazing human. And she taught me the value of indoor walking. And I started realizing that it was so good for those of us, maybe 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s even my mom in her 80s can do some of it. Our walking workouts are gonna be easy on the hips.
We're not gonna do as many squats and as many lunges but we're gonna get the body moving. We're gonna do some easier hip lifts and stuff. We're gonna do side to side movements. We're gonna do some strength training. We have some that are walks, sweat, sculpt.
We have some that are intervals. We have some that are just a 1 mile walk or a 2 mile walk but they're all incorporating some sort of hip movement. So I think those would be awesome. Our chair workouts are really great. Honestly, when you and I filmed those chair workouts my hips were so sore the next day.
So sore the next day. And I think one of the things in these chair workouts is you're seated and then you're lifting your legs up. I know you can't see my legs underneath here but you're lifting them up and that is constantly engaging those hips. So it's a good way just to keep those hips in shape but it's not high impact. And then we have a lot of beginner workouts.
So if you are a gold member, I encourage you to go to sort by type and go to the word beginner on gold. We have them for premium too but our beginner gold workouts are stellar. We have a trainer, Kate Lang. She is awesome. She's awesome.
She's adorable. And she's a true hardcore Pilates instructor. She's taken so much training and she has some of the best beginner strength training which again is gonna be easier squats, less lunges not up and down off the floor stuff. She has a beginner Pilates. She has beginner stability workouts.
It's totally worth checking out. And Pilates I feel like is so good for if you're having some of those lunging issues. I feel like it's just slower pace but really gets deep into total body exercise. I agree. We have somebody saying that she can only manage to do 2-3 workouts in a calendar because of soreness and tiredness.
Is this still effective? So 2-3 workouts a week in the calendar? Okay, that's fine. We put together those calendars. So, you know, it's hard to please everybody.
When you've got tens of thousands of members, there's no way that we can make calendars that meet everybody's needs. So typically on a 20 day calendar, what Sam and I do is we take into consideration the theme of the calendar. Then we take into consideration like what would the... Probably some people are only gonna wanna work out three times a week, and some people are definitely gonna work one workout five or six times a week. How can we make it work for everybody?
So our goal is for you to pick and choose. So if you say, 'I'm gonna follow such and such calendar but I'm only gonna work out three days a week', pick the three from that week that you like best 'cause remember what I said about consistency. It's gonna happen from picking things that you like to do. So pick a calendar that works for you and just do three workouts a week, that's absolutely fine. As a matter of fact, our newest calendars that we just put together are 30 minute calendars.
So we just put together two 30 minute calendars meaning 30 minute workouts every day. And we have a premium 30 minute sweat it out in 30. What do we call them? Sweat in 30. Sweat in 30.
And a gold Sweat in 30. Because members were asking, there were a lot of members who were saying, 'Listen I'd like to do the 28 day calendar, but I never have more than 30 minutes.' So we put those together. We're actually in the process of putting together another 20 minutes. Sweat in 20. Sweat in 20, because some of you are asking for that.
And then we've always had some of you who say, 'We like 40-50 minutes.' 'We like that amount of time to really...' So we do our best to cater to all of you guys but please modify, no shame in the modify game. No, and I think we've also had people ask. We have a day, I think one day almost every week for an active day of rest. So you're not doing a hit workout or anything. If that day doesn't work for you do it on a different day.
Switch them. Switch it up. And yeah, A-D-O-R stands for active day of rest. And our whole idea behind that was we didn't wanna just say day of rest 'cause we don't mean sit on the couch. Like on my day of rest, I walk the dog.
I'm still walking several miles but I'm just not doing anything that's super hardcore or over raising my heart rate. And then Sam and I have a mutual friend who loves days of rest and she texts me all the time. She goes, 'Today's not an A-D-O-R, it's a D-O-R.' And I'm like, go girl, you're allowed to have a D-O-R. if you want it Absolutely. You know who you are, Joy.
She is watching. Is she watching Yeah, she commented. She said, '30 minutes of workouts is perfect.' Okay, Joy. She is one of our best Get Healthy U TV members. She is.
Yeah. Let's see. Okay. Somebody said that she was told that in order to do a squat correctly, you have to break the plane, which she had said, her form was so low to the ground. She's wondering if that's accurate, below 90 degrees.
Is that actually how you should do a squat or can you- Well, okay. So it depends on the health of your knees. A lot of times when I'm teaching I always say, 'If your knees are healthy goes as low as you can in your squat.' But a lot of people have limitations based on their bodies. I'm attached to a microphone but I'm gonna stand up carefully, okay? So everybody hold tight.
I got my microphone right here. So when you squat, I know I'm behind a desk. When you squat, the most important thing is to keep your head above your heart, your heart, above your hips. Okay, so that when you squat down you are using your quads, hamstrings and glutes. So you don't want to tip forward like you're bending something off your head and drop your head.
You wanna squat down. Now how low you go is going to be based on the health of your knee and who you are. Going below 90 degrees? So, you can't see my knees but you can see I'm way below 90 degrees here. I'm way down here.
It feels good to me. So I might do that when I'm doing a body weight squat. When I put 30 lbs in my hands, I'm probably not gonna go quite that low. I'm gonna go right about here. So if you go a little bit low, 90 degrees it's not harmful to your body.
That's what Yogi squats are in yoga all the time. But it's about your knees and your body. The most important thing in a squat is head above the heart, heart above the hips. So that you've got that same angle from your head to hip, as you do from your knee to ankle. Awesome.
The trickery of having a table in front of you. Yeah, right? We might have to do one of those form ones. I know, what month did we do that, Sam? May?
February? No. Was it before it was quarantine? Yes, 'cause we were at our houses. Okay, go back to our January or February Q & A, they're all on the website.
You go over to free videos, right? And then you go to Q & A's. We did an entire hour with no tables in front of us, of good form on squats, lunges, pushups, planks. Anything. We covered everything.
Anything you guys were asking, we talked about form. Somebody is saying that she doesn't feel sore after her workouts. Is that a sign that she's staying hydrated? Is it a sign you're not lifting heavier weights? It depends.
If you're a newbie, I always say, push a little bit so you do get to that soreness. Nobody loves that soreness where you can barely stand up. It's just so debilitating and it happens every so often, but it's not fun, right? But when you're like, oh, my biceps today are sore. Ooh, I really worked my back.
I mean, that's a good feeling. And if you're a beginner you're working to that point but if you're an avid fitness person and you are used to doing hit workouts all the time, you are not necessarily gonna get sore every day. I don't get sore every day, do you? No. But there are certain things that if I do squats differently than I normally do, I'll suddenly be, Ooh, that got my booty today or that got my triceps today.
The thing about fitness is, like I said, it's not all black or white. Actually, my pet peeve is when trainers come on and they're like, 'You must do a squat like this, if you don't, you're a horrible person.' No, everybody's body mechanics are different. Or, 'You must feel sore or you're wasting your time.' No, I mean, it's a little bit of a gray... It's hard for us control freaks 'cause we like preciseness but you're not always gonna be sore. That being said, you know when you're pushing your limits.
You know when your heart rate's really high. You know when you feel like you've really worked out hard and if you are constantly like hum-dee-dum, this is easy. Go up in weights. That's just a good sign. Yeah, I always feel like, we do lunges and squats almost every day but the day you add dead lifts that's the day that I'm like, 'Ooh, I'm sore', 'cause that's not a move we do everyday.
We don't always do dead lifts, yeah. So let's see, we have Sandra asking. She can never get her feet flat on the ground when she does a downward dog. Any tips on how she can achieve that? Well, again, there's no perfection with a downward dog.
So for instance, if you're really in a tight V it's gonna be very hard. If you move it back a little bit, you might be able to get those heels down, but then you're changing the stretch that you're getting on your back. So move around a little bit in the pose but you probably have tight calves. I do, and I know that I don't get my feet entirely flat. I don't know many people that honestly do.
If you're a true Yogi that you're doing yoga every day or you're a dancer, 'cause can you get your heels all the way down? Yeah, she's a dancer. So, they have long calves and hamstrings from training. But maybe just work on stretching your hamstrings or your calves to up your step. Step on your step and then let your heels drape down and feel that big stretch up the back of your calf.
But again, don't beat yourself up. My heels don't touch in a down dog. And it's not something... So I have to do calf braces for my ankle stability in my foot right now and the first day I did it I was so sore throughout my calves 'cause, well, I don't do these every day. And so it's definitely a movement that you might feel sore but keep working through it because that'll just lengthen through the calves.
Sandra also said she saw on Instagram that you can do a headstand where you lift and lower your legs. How do you build up to that? We did that, when did we do that? That was an outdoor workout. In Summer.
How do you build up to that? It's core strength. I mean, I can't do a handstand, I can do a headstand. And then when you pull your knees in and pull them back, it's just core strength. But again, even trying some of those Russian, what do you call those again, in the Roman chair?
Well, are we ever going in a gym that has a Roman chair again? It's one of those chairs, do you know what I'm talking about? Your back is against it. Oh, yeah. And then you lift and lower your legs, leg lifts.
I don't know if you even have anything in your home where you've got like here, I'm pulling my butt out of the chair and then I'm tucking my knees in. That really gives you a really good AB workout. Do more V sits, more V ups, that kind of thing to gain that kind of strength. And then of course there's a little balance involved there too. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I can't do headstands.
She doesn't and she's super fit, so. I can't do them but it's just something that you have to work on. Yeah. Let's see. We have somebody saying when she does our workouts, she said she's almost never out of breath.
Is that good or bad? She said she does sweat and she drinks water. And she knows that her heart rate increases but she's not breathless. Have you done Lindsey's workouts? If you're not breathless I wanna know who you are and what you eat, 'cause oh, my Lord.
Okay, so not every workout you have to be breathless. I mean, and you could go up in weight if this is not challenging enough, go heavier. Go faster than we are. I always say that every time I teach, I say, 'If you wanna go faster than I'm going, please do, if you wanna go heavier than I am, please do.' 'Cause you know when you're gonna reach that breathless point. But try some of Lindsey's circuit workouts, try some of Shelly's that are just cuckoo banana fast and intense.
Yeah, they get your heart rate up. But again, I'd say there's three ways to get your heart rate up. Arms above the heart, that gets your heart rate up. Speed, go faster, bigger range of motion and more weight. I guess that's four.
Oh, people are saying, yup, Lindsey will kick your butt. She will kick your butt and make you cry Yes. No, I'm kidding. When doing kettlebell swings, should your feet stay flat or is it okay to raise your heels during a kettlebell swing? I would not raise my heels during a kettlebell swing.
You are anchored down through the back kinetic chain. As a matter of fact your shin should stay fairly perpendicular to the floor. So in a squat, your knees come... Like here's your foot, your knees come over your top of your foot. In a kettlebell swing and in a deadlift your bottom leg stays fairly perpendicular and you are getting that hip thruster going and you wanna anchor those heels.
Gosh, there are so many questions today, it's awesome. We're getting flustered. I know. Okay, so we have somebody asking, 'When are we getting new Yin yoga as you hinted about that a while back?' You guys like Yin yoga? Okay, so our Yin and Flow yoga is very much like...
So, Yin yoga is holding poses, it's so hard. So typically is it Flowing Yin, what's what you call it, Flowing Yin. Yeah. So we flow in the beginning 'cause it just feels good to warm up the joints. So the first half of the class is Flow, the second half is Yin.
I taught both of them and honestly I was so sore. The next day, I was like, are you kidding? I am so sore 'cause I don't do a lot of yin, I do more flow. So I love them. We'll add more, I think we could probably get Sheila.
Yeah, absolutely. Have you guys tried Sheila's workouts yet? Sheila is our newest trainer as of last January, maybe, before pandemic. And I've known Sheila for literally 15 years. We did our Pilates training together and she is just a master of Pilates and yoga among other things, but she has amazing Zen.
I love her yoga. So let's put that on our list, Sam. We actually did one yesterday and she just gets you in that mindset and- Well that was Hatha yesterday. That was, yeah, a little different. But any of her yoga, she just has great instructions in you're supposed to be doing.
She's really mindful, so we'll put it on- And gives you modifications, if you can't do. She has a lot of different progressions, which I think is great. So, our Flow plus Yin 3 coming your way in 2021. We do also have somebody asking if Chloe can do some more so maybe we'll add that too, You guys, that's so nice. So my daughter, she is a great Vinyasa teacher.
She is a ballet dancer professionally. So I do love her Vinyasa. She also teaches Kundalini, not for me. Some people like it though. It's just not my jam, but we could even add some Kundalini 'cause Kundalini is breath work.
It's not as stressful on your body I mean, you are just moving your arms and breathing and it's pretty intense. Maybe we should take a little survey on that because she's not in Minnesota, but if there was a way for us to get her to record more of them, that could be really fun. Absolutely. We have Jan, she says, 'I am a new Get Healthy U TV member' and she loves everything about it. Yay.
She loves the variety. And she says that it's obvious that we correct form, which is super nice. She said, 'I feel like we're in the same room., so air high fives to all of you.' Thank you, that's so nice. Yay, and nice comment, I love it. You guys are so nice.
We have people asking you, you always have the cutest fitted tank tops of various colors in all the videos. What brands do you wear and how can we get your working clothes? So funny. Okay, so, you know, trends change. So I've been wearing a lot of Athleta and Lulu for years.
Mainly Athleta. And anytime they come out with a bright color, I just buy it because bright colors look really good on camera. I was just telling her if I see a tank that I like, I'm like I'll buy all four of those bright colors right there to use on camera. In real life, I tend to go black. I do when I'm out and about, but we were talking today how the bright colors just cheer you up.
They really do. And Lululemon is a hit or miss for me with tops. I'll be honest, they're not my favorite tops. This is Lululemon, but I mean, tank tops. Tank tops, workout.
We've been having luck with Amazon. Yes. You and I. You guys have to follow Chris on... Instagram.
Instagram. We've been doing Friday finds on Amazon because so many of you were asking, 'Okay, Chris I don't wanna spend $50 on a tank because I'm working out my basement.' 'I don't wanna go to Athleta and waste all that money.' So we started buying Amazon stuff and testing it and actually this morning I was wearing a tank on my Instagram live and someone said, 'Where'd you get that?' I'm like $16 on Amazon. So we have been finding... I just got a new pair of leggings yesterday that I tried on last night and I really love them. So follow me on Instagram 'cause on Fridays we list Amazon deals that are active wear.
And I tried them first. I ordered them all because literally they're like 15 bucks. Yeah, they're awesome. You have that one top in a few different colors, right? A few colors, and you know, we live in the land of Target.
I mean, I love Target. I haven't bought much athletic clothes from Target lately but I do hear people that say they like the, is it called the JoyLab? The JoyLab. And I'm telling you, Target is good quality. Absolutely.
We have just a few minutes left before we wrap up but a few more that we'll get into. During this crazy season she finds herself getting overwhelmed mentally. We were just talking about this yesterday too. What would you recommend? Cardio, weightlifting something to calm her mind and get her focused in that moment.
For me, cardio releases my mind. I mean, you release those endorphins they're a natural happy drug. I go into a different place. I listen to the instructor or to the music and it just puts me in a happier mood. Music is my jam.
Now I have said to you guys here, we have to use royalty free, license free music when we record videos so we can't just play Bruno Mars in the background or we'll get sued. I wish we could, because it would be super fun but feel free to even put some music on in the background and have it jamming if you want. But just even hearing a beat for me is like, boom, diddy, boom, I love kickboxing and for some reason it just takes me to that place. Our treadmill workouts. I love the instructed treadmill workouts and you just start sweating then you get a couple of miles in, I love that.
Yeah, I love them. And I've been doing Get Healthy U TV in my basement too. And I'm somebody who loves music but I don't find it being an issue when I'm doing it. Again, it's like a beat if I have it in the background but I'm that member that was like, 'I feel like I'm in the basement with you.' When I hear the corrections and I wanna know what the instructor is talking about. Yeah, I like to hear them.
And if you're a dancer and you just wanna let loose, try Leah in gold, we have four gold dance videos. I really like the two that you were in. Were those dance, cardio dance? They were dance jam. Or dance jam?
Dance jam. Dance jam 1 and 2. So those are really fun. And then we have a dance program from a guy named Ben Allen. He is a dancer out in LA.
I've met him and knew him from my years of teaching at conferences and it is so fun. That video, I would never do it in front of somebody 'cause I'm not a good dancer but he breaks it down into four sections, and then he puts the whole dance together. And it's the closest I've gotten to dancing We're gonna get you on camera doing it one day. No. One day.
Let's see. Somebody is having a knee problem with squats and lunges that are just killing her. Can't get to a gym to ride a bike or do elliptical. What is a good substitute for working the lower body? And we also have a member with similar but is having hip issues.
So lower body exercises to help. Well, make sure you're rolling out, form rolling, doing hip mobility exercises, stretching your back, stretching out, doing your wake up of your joints before your workout and doing your wind down of your muscles after. That's super important for the health of your joints. But if you're having a knee issue what is that knee issue? Is it top of the knee, inside of the knee, back of the knee, I mean, knees are complicated.
Hips, knees, shoulders are very complicated joints. And so you have to be aware of what you're doing. I love the booty bands, we love the mini band, it's a 9 inch round loop that you put. Typically people are gonna put them just above the kneecap on the thigh, but you can also put them down at the ankle and you can walk side to side. And you're really using those adductors outside hip as you walk side to side, that's really good therapy.
Good for the knees. You can also do put that booty band on and do glute bridges and then open and close your legs almost like the Suzanne Somers ThighMaster but you're getting those adductors to get stronger for your knees. So the question is, why is your knee hurting you? Is it an injury from youth or are your knees weak and you need to strengthen them? The mini band is a great tool for strengthening knees.
Absolutely. Let's see. How long do you exercise each day and how long should you be exercising each day? Typically, if I'm teaching a live class at a gym which I am not because we are not at gyms I typically do an hour. I just like an hour long workout.
If I'm on my own, 45 minutes is my timeframe but I gotta tell you, 30 minutes works when I'm traveling. Again, everything I keep saying makes me laugh 'cause I'm like, well, we didn't do that in 2020. But in my life normally I do travel a lot. We're empty nesters. 30 minutes for me is just perfect in a hotel room.
And then I usually do an extra little bit of Pilates or stretching or something. So it's all about what you do but I am not that person who works out four hours a day. I think people wanted to hear that. People will say, 'Oh, as a trainer, are you teaching back to back classes and blah, blah?' 15 years ago, yes. Now, no, because my goal is not to be injured.
You know, my body is my instrument for my career, right, so if I hurt myself, I will be bummed out. And I might, I mean it happens but whenever I feel something happening like my back is tweaked, my inside knee was bugging me just recently. I start to tailor back. I start to do a little more physical therapy on my own. I start to really pay attention.
But I'm not ever more than an hour. Now, I do walk the dog five days a week because, well, she's got to get out and I don't count that as my workout typically, except on weekends, it is my only workout. She does take active day of rest, I do know that. All right, we have time for about one- Are we running out of time? Okay.
One minute. Struggling with short days and so much screen time, any tips to stay positive and motivated? I know, it's hard. It's hard. Listen, we're all in this together.
I don't know if that's motivating or not. And everybody is struggling in a different way and has different challenges to meet. And I just keep saying to myself, this too shall pass and life will get back to normal. I love sports so I think about sporting events that have happened for the last 100 years and all of a sudden they're not happening. Absolutely.
This is not happening for the first time and we skipped the Olympics, we skipped this, we skipped that. I mean, it's like, Oh my gosh, this is a crazy world we're living in right now. So we all have to hold tight. I think doing things to help your mind clear like eating healthy and exercising, it makes a difference. Even deep breathing, doing deep breathing exercises.
There are so many apps out there with breathing exercises that help. I don't know, have you heard of the Wim Hof method? I have only because I think you told me about it. Okay, it's Wim Hof, W-I-M Hof and it's this guy, I think his name is Wim Hof. And he's got an app and it's pretty incredible and I've seen all these videos of him on YouTube.
It looks like he's an Iceland really. And he does these polar plunges and all this crazy stuff but he has this breathing method where you take 30 deep breaths in a row. So you go in out and you breathe in for four, out for four. In for four, out for four, for 30 times. And then after the 30th time, you hold your breath for two minutes and you think there's no way.
When my girlfriend introduced me to this awhile ago, I'm like there's no way, I can't hold my breath for two minutes. You can. You can, it's not that hard. The first time I did it, I couldn't hold my breath. I made it to 1:30 and then I...
And on his app, he does it four times in a row. By the next two times, I did it. I had no problem holding my breath for two minutes. And he has all the science behind the deep breathing, changing your mental and your physical health. So that's an idea.
And just seek out positive messaging right now, connect with other people. Don't let yourself get too isolated, it's so easy. It's very easy. I think that's one of the things that I've been. Just reach out to people and see how they're doing.
People will listen to you. I think that's really helpful. And I'm so sick of my screen, like when you were saying extra screen time. Today, honestly, I was driving and one of my best friends is in Florida now for six months, she went just before. I'm like, I need to call her on the phone.
'Cause we send a text here and there, but it's like, no, you need that human connection. So pick up the phone and call somebody. Absolutely. I think we're out of time. We're out of time.
This was fun. You guys, I thought in December, okay, we won't get as many people but, lots of you. Yeah, and we didn't get to everyone so we'll try and either answer your questions, if you have more questions, let us know, we'll send you a message. We'll be back in January so get ready, you guys. First of all we're following the 2:30 minute calendars in Get Healthy U TV, Facebook group right now.
So if you wanna join us, you're always welcome. In January, we'll start advertising for the virtual weekend which is going to be that last week on January, 30th and 31st. Hold your time open for those mornings and sign up all the trainers. Yes, all. Yeah.
So it is going to be quite fun and we have some new surprises for you up our sleeves for 2021. Look, it can only get better my friends, so- Get ready. Hang in there, move your body, drink your water, feel good and we can't wait to see you again soon. Yeah. All right, everyone.
See you later.
How do I plan my workout? 3 days cardio and 2 days strenghth? Can you please suggest. Thank you! 🥰🥰