GHUTV LIVE! When to Pick Up Heavier Weights and How To Do It
Chris FreytagDescription
[NEW CHALLENGE!] Sign up for the Get Healthy U TV 100-Mile Walking Challenge and create a new walking habit with us starting June 1st! Click here to learn more.
[GHUTV Fitness Weekend] Join the amazing GHUTV community this October for the 2024 Fitness Weekend in Minneapolis and participate in exciting workouts, health and nutrition seminars, and tons of fun with our trainers and members like you! Click here to learn more.
All right. Hello everybody. Welcome into the monthly Get Healthy U TV, Q and A. It's May, it is May 2024. I'm Chris Fry Tag.
This is the lovely Sam Kim. Hey, how are you? How are you? I'm good, good. You look so pretty today.
Your hair is all curled. It was a hair washing day. We women can relate to how we play on those hair washing days. Um So we're so excited to be here. We come every month and we just cover different topics, things that you guys are asking in the private Facebook group.
If you are a good healthy U TV member, we encourage you to join that group. It's such a fun group that you can pop into when you want and discuss workouts. Get motivation from the girl. Uh other ladies, all kinds of fun stuff. So it's totally worth it.
If you're not a good healthy U TV member, we're glad you're here too because we're just gonna answer questions. We try to pick a topic every time and since you know, our, our app and our website are full of workouts, workouts, workouts. We often take this time to discuss things like nutrition, like hormones, like mindset, like things that are on your mind. That's what I meant by mindset. So, um, today, one of the topics we did wanna cover was a question that we've been getting quite often, which was how heavy of weights should I be using when I work out at what age is there?
You know? Does it have, is it age related? Is it, uh, fitness level related? How do I know I'm doing enough? Am I gonna make a difference?
Can I build muscle? All those good things? So we're gonna cover that quickly. I do wanna mention that we are having a get healthy U TV, fitness weekend in person. It's 2024.
We meet people in person and we are so excited. This is the second annual we did it last year. It was so much fun. So freaking fun, wasn't it so much fun? We had 100 women come from all over the United States.
I think we said like 25 states were represented. Uh I think we had six people from Canada. Yay Canadians. Um, lots of people came alone. They would just get healthy U TV members who are enthusiasts and thought I wanna, you know, do something for me.
It's really like a self care weekend. So if you were in 2024 gonna do something for you where you're like, I wanna fill my bucket. I wanna get reenergized. I wanna get remotivated. Um This is a weekend for you.
It's two days. We're here in Minneapolis. We're at the mall of America in this unbelievably beautiful space where we work out. We have workshops, we talk, we share meals. Um It's two full days.
So it's Saturday and Sunday. Most people come in on Friday. A lot of people, even in the Facebook group, we chit chatting and made some um groups they met up on Friday night. Yeah, we even Sam and I ran into FIFA on Friday night. We did, we were setting up and there are people trying to peek in.
So um and it was just it like fills your soul when you do things in person and if you need that reenergizing feeling like I am not too old, I am capable. I want to do this. We had some really aha moments um check out the link that we're giving you, watch the video from last year, see some of the testimonials and what people had to say, watch us in action doing our workouts. And if you have any questions, let us know, but please sign up um because well, we're actually doing quite well with sign ups. We've had a lot of people who are really excited about it.
So October 18th and 19th 2024 we can't wait to meet you if you have any questions, let us know. Ok. Who let's dive in Sam. Do you want to dive right into our topic. Let's dive into our topic.
Um I said, you know, it is such a, it's such a good question. When do I know it's time to go up and wait and you guys are so diligent when I say you guys, I mean, you get healthy U TV members. You're always letting us know. I tried this workout. I tried that I'm getting stronger.
Or some of you beginners come into the group and you say I've never lifted a weight in my life. Where do I start? So here's the thing. There's no shame. And where you start, always think of this like wherever you start, the, what you're caring about is your progress like where you're going.
So if you are brand new to strength training, three and £5 weights are going to feel heavy. It's shocking. I mean, when you tell someone £3 weights are gonna feel heavy, they're like, yeah. Right. And then you do a workout with £3 weights and you're like, oh my gosh, because most of our daily tasks, we're not picking up anything that weighs £3.
I mean, it can be stressed to the joints and the muscles. If you've been working out for a while, you might be at £5.08 pound, £10.12 15. Some of you do 20. Ok. So how do you know when it's time there's a couple of different telltale signs.
We actually wrote a whole article about it, which we can put a link, um, in so that you can actually read the article and go back and revisit it. But one of the first telltale signs is just easy. It gets easy. You have to put your brain into your strength training workouts. And if you're going like this and you just are conveniently easy, you're thinking about your grocery list, you're just doing your bicep curls.
There is no muscle fatigue that is too light. It's time to go up to something more. If you, uh uh on the same lines, if you can increase your repetitions, if you're doing 50 bicep curls with zero, um, muscle fatigue, it's time to go heavier. Now, I wanna preface two things. Some of the uh formats of classes and workouts that you do may require lightweights, bar class, yoga, sculp.
Those are gonna be three and £5 weights traditionally. Um flo Pilates. And so, is it worth it? Yes, it is. Because what you're training in those situations is what we call muscle endurance.
Muscle fibers have two properties, endurance and strength. So muscle endurance is ok. How, how many times can I do something with repetition? See, high repetition, slow weight, think of daily activities that require that raking your lawn gardening. Unfortunately, snow shoveling.
Um Maybe it's, you know, moving, you're moving and you're picking this up and you're moving it here. Maybe it's shoveling mulch, maybe it's picking up a toddler 300 times a day. I mean, all those things require muscle endurance to keep doing that same motion over and a painting a room, muscle endurance. Now, muscle strength on the other side is. How strong are you?
How much can you lift? Can you pick a £50 box off the ground and put it onto a shelf? Can you pick up that £35 to toddler or can you pick up? My dog weighs £45? I pick her up because she's such a baby.
She won't climb in the car. I have to pick her up and put her in the car. So that requires there's my strength. So then you wanna start going up in your weight. So if it's too easy, if you can do really high repetitions, if there's no muscle fatigue, that's when you go for a higher weight.
Now, also when you plateau in progress. So you might, we have people who are like, ok, I graduated at £10 but you're like, well, I still feel like it's a little hard, but I don't feel like I'm making progress. Try something a little heavy. Also as you get stronger and more capable, you're gonna need a couple sets of weights because some muscle groups are more capable than others. So for instance, your back, your chest and your biceps can usually take more than your shoulders and your triceps in the upper body, they're just a bigger muscle group.
So you can row with something heavier, you can push with something heavier but a tricep muscle, you might have to go down and wait. So again, you have to pay attention to what muscle group you are working also. So typically you wanna go for somewhere between 10 to 15 repetitions with fatigue. If you get to that 1011, 1213, 1415 petition and you're like, oh, I can barely do another one. Then you're reaching fatigue.
Yay. You, you're going heavy enough, you take a breath and then you do another set. You wanna go for 2 to 3 sets. If you can do that with zero fatigue, it was simple, simple, go heavier and weight. Now, one last thing do not be afraid of bulking up women.
We are not gonna bulk up unless perhaps, I don't know if you're taking any sort of enhancement supplement, but for most of us bulking up and I mean, like really bulking up is not gonna happen. Um And then also don't be afraid of, you know, people like I'm gonna get too big, I'm gonna get too big. Not true because muscle actually takes less space than body fat. So if you have a pound of muscle and a pound of body fat, the body fat looks like a piece of meat. It's really like dense.
A pound of body fat looks like cotton candy. It takes up a lot of space. So somebody who weighs the same, 100 and £40 woman can be much smaller, the muscular one than the woman who has body fat because it takes more space. So hopefully that makes sense. It's also healthier for you.
As we get older, muscle protects your bones, muscle protects your joints. Muscle keeps you capable and independent and moving. So, don't be afraid my friends also, the other thing is don't go up in weights if your form is bad, technique is important sometimes Sam and I will see people who are lifting too heavy of weights and their form is suffering. You can see them arching their low back. You can see them not quite squatting low enough, like they pick up 20 £30 and then they only do a half squat.
No, I'd rather you have £10 in your hands and go for a full squat. And once you can master that with the full range of motion, then go up in weight. Absolutely. And I think a lot of people too, like they are, you know, taking into consideration like what us trainers have on set. But like also talk about kind of like why we kind of stick to the same weights and we're not cranking out twenties, right.
We have timers going on. We have, we're trying to motivate all those same, uh all those things at the same time. Um So we always give you options and we always have a modifier too to kind of give you a reference but know that that's very different for every single individual. That's a really good point. When you lead a workout, you're expending more than half of your energy in your brain, thinking in your motivation, skills and my ability to talk and count and keep everybody on task.
And I don't pick up £20 weights very often when I'm doing that because I am already exhausted from all of the energy. I am exuding. But when I'm at home doing a good healthy U TV, workout, I might go slower then the trainers on the TV. But I might pick up twenties from my back rows or for my chess flies. I did twenties yesterday for my chess flies.
So like I will go a little heavier in those situations. Now, do you need to back squat 100 and £50 to say that you're strong. My personal opinion after, you know, 30 plus 40 years of experience is no, you don't. It depends on what your goals are if you are training for some sort of uh event or something that you need that. But no, uh in my opinion, like once you're doing 15, £20 weights and you're really engaging those muscles and you feel, you know, the muscle in your body and you feel strong.
It, it then starts to say, make sure you're managing your joints because our joints are getting older as we get older. And you wanna make sure that you aren't straining your joints. Your joints are where two bones come together. Here's a joint, here's a joint, ball and socket. This is a very complicated joint.
So you got hinge joints and ball and socket joints. So it just requires a lot of thinking. Like I always wanna say, sim fitness is simple, but it can be a tad complicated that way also. And you build muscle slowly. You build like £1 a month, maybe two.
You know, when people go, oh, I put £5 of muscle on last week. I'm like, mm, no, you didn't. That's impossible. But you can gain muscle while you're losing body fat. So you can be, you know, losing body fat, which is awesome and gaining muscle and the scale might not be changing, but your shape might be change and how those clothes fit, right?
Um, all right. So we have somebody saying, I see the instructor is using 10 or £15 weights and saying £5 is light. I'm using 2 to £5 at best. Should I be doing heavier? You do you?
I don't know anything about you. How old are you? How long have you been working out? What is your normal body type? Are you really long?
Lean and skinny? Have you never been somebody who picked up a lot of weights? What kind of work? What are you doing? Are you doing yoga and bar or?
Are you doing? Like our cardio strength workouts? It all depends. There is no shame in whatever you're using. Like I said, it's not where you start.
It's where you go and watching your own progress and feeling strong and seeing yourself, you know, make progress and feeling muscles get sore. I will never forget this. And this was at least now when I think about it was about 15 years ago, but a woman came into one of my classes. She walked in at the time, if it was 15 years ago, I was in my forties and she was quite a bit older than me. So I think at the time she had, have been in her sixties and she walked over and she said, excuse me, do you have any £1 weights?
And she said it was such confidence and I was like £1 weights. Hm. I don't think we do. Um, anyway, we mustered up, we found some £1 weights and she goes great. That's where I'm gonna start.
I've never lifted weights in my life, but I'm just getting started. I'm like, oh my God, girl, she had all the confidence in the world. She started with £1 weights. I'm telling you now, I haven't seen her in 15 years but when she kept progressing, who knows people move, you know, they change gyms or whatever. She was lifting £8 weights.
This woman went from £1 to £8 weights. So, it all depends on the type of workouts. Who you are, your fitness level. All that good stuff. Absolutely.
Um, what do you do when your heavy weights are £15? But you're ready for a little bit more, um, twenties are just a little bit too heavy but there's nothing in between. You know, what is so crazy? Is that exact fact? You just said, you know, when I tell people, like the difference between 12 and £15 you think?
Oh, big deal. It's just £3. It's enough. Oh my gosh, there's, it's so different. Like I was using £12 dumbbells the other day and I was like, woo, woo woo.
You know, because they feel so light compared to my 15 yet they're only £3. So I hear what you're saying. They do make £18 dumbbells. You can get them on Maybe not a target.
I know Target is like 15 and then goes right to But look for £18. The other thing that I love to do is I take my fifteens and I take little £2 weights that you can get skinny, little two pounders and you can still put those in your hands and you know, I can't fit a 15 and a five, like it's just too big for my grip. But I can fit a 15 and a two or a three and then I can do my chest flies with my eighteens. I can do my chest presses so you can also use that little cheat code too. That is a good cheat code.
Um, how can I progress progress safely if I have joint issues? Is it better to focus on lifting heavier weights or doing more repetitions? It depends on what your joint problem is. I don't know what it is. Do you have rheumatoid arthritis?
That's way different than just saying my joints are a little sore. Do you have menopause related joints? Uh Jo joint pain? Are you at that age where all of a sudden you're like, oh my gosh, my estrogen is depleting and now I'm having some joint pain, which is extremely common. We were just talking about that.
So it depends on where your joint pain is coming from. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, that's a whole different story. You need to talk to your doctor um because you have to really work with those joints, but joint health is a really big deal. So one thing that we recommend all the time is mobility, you have to do some mobility training, mobility training is focused on joints, strength training is focused on muscles. So if you start differentiating it, mobility is working those joints range of motion.
So it's bending, it's moving, it's you know, making circular rotations, it's twisting in your back. We do a mobility warm up pretty much for every workout that we provide you. We do like 5 to 10 minutes. But Sam has a couple of really good 10 minute, 20 minute and 30 minute mobility programs right now. Don't compare yourself to Sam.
She's a dancer so she can wrap her legs around her head. But I love Sam's mobility workouts because she really, really gives you good queuing and I don't look like her, but I try it and I really, really like it. So work on that. You have, you do have to be careful though. If you are new to exercise.
It's a dance you do with your joints and your muscles because you have to let your joints acclimate before you over lift or you'll end up with joint and issues and tendon issues, tendonitis and stuff like that. Yeah. And I think the one thing too that you talked about is like, you might not look like what the, the instructor looks like doing mobility. Everyone has very different mobility, but you'll notice the more you start doing it and you do it over time, like you'll start feeling a little bit looser, like you're gonna notice that things feel a little bit better. Um, because you're, you're moving around that fluid and it's just a little bit, you know, it's not as like tight in there anymore.
Right. Right. And if you're somebody who's been training your joints since youth, like Sam, that's such a beautiful gift because you're gonna be able to, you know, move like that. Probably your whole life. My daughter is a dancer too and she just can like literally she's Gumby, but I love watching her do yoga because it's inspiring to me.
I don't expect my body can do it. But I'm like, oh, look at how those joints actually can move. Um We have Nicole asking we still get the same benefits regardless of how much weight we lift. Is that a correct statement? Well, yes, I mean, so it depends on what benefits you're looking for.
So, the benefit of muscle building, um bone mass building, um uh you know, maintaining muscle, mental health, um mobility. Yes, all those things can be maintained with lighter weights if your goal is not to like sculpt muscles or be like, no, you don't have to use those heavier weights. But what I would say is as you are approaching those menopausal years, perimenopause are the years before you hit menopause, menopause, by the way, is one day of your life, it's like a freaking birthday. It's one day people don't realize it. It's the day that you determine that you've gone an entire year without a period, that's menopause.
And then from that point on you're postmenopause. So in those years, it does get harder to maintain the muscle because estrogen helps with uh reducing inflammation. It also helps with uh maintaining the health of, of muscle. So as your estrogen is going down, it's like, ok, you wanna maintain those muscles, but depending on what your goals are. Maybe the lighter weights are good enough.
Um, I just, I really hate absolutes in fitness when people go. No, you're not lifting heavy weights. That's not benefiting you. It's like, are you kidding me? The fact that you're lifting weights is better than 80% of the people in America.
So, heck, yeah, Nicole. Keep doing what you're doing and listen to your body. Yeah. Um, Chris, you've been kind of lifting, lifting for a long time when you were going through menopause? Did you notice that you, like, had to either drop down, like you could lift heavier weights?
Like, was there a difference or is it all kind of the same? Yeah, I noticed that. I felt like I was gonna die. Yeah, I did notice that. I noticed it.
Um, yeah, you know what? I just, ok, so I'm 58 and it was about, I'm gonna be 59. It was about eight years ago. I wish I would have written it down. I didn't even write a book.
I know. Well, I don't know about writing a book but I, I didn't write down the day. Like I remember, I feel like I was like 50 or It was kind of early and everybody's different. Like my older sister went through menopause much later than me. So I went through it before she did.
So, you know, everybody's body is different, but I did have a point in my late forties where I thought, I mean, back then, 10 plus years ago, there was not the education that there is. I mean, menopause is having a moment right now and people are talking about it and people are like, tell me more, which I love. But 10 years ago I was like, what's menopause? I mean, I was approaching it and I'm like, I don't even really know what's gonna happen to my body. And I was dragging, like, I felt like every morning I got out of bed and I was like, oh my God, like, what's wrong with me?
Little, I would talk to myself and be like, what's wrong with me? But I had developed such a fierce habit of working out. Plus I was teaching the class Sam and I teach classes in the mornings and I was like, I have to show up. So I kept showing up. But in hindsight, I'm like, God, the value of a habit is huge because if I had no habit, I for sure would have stopped working out because I felt miserable.
I felt tired, my joints hurt. I was not to answer your question. I was not lifting as much. I could barely do full squats. I, I would do a full squat and I'd be like, I felt kind of gross.
I just felt kind of gross. And I'd be like, ok, ok, you can get through this and then I don't know just like, in six months every, like the light lifted. It was like, when I passed menopause it was like, oh, holy crap. I feel like me again. You know.
So, but now, should I have had to suffer through all that? No, I didn't know anything about hormone replacement therapy at the time. I didn't know enough to make changes for myself. Now I do. Um, and so, like, I have sisters who are going through menopause right now.
And I'm like, OK, let's talk about it. Let's get you guys situated here. Yeah. And, but everyone has to make their own choice. Some people have health limitations and restrictions from things that have happened in the past.
Some people just feel great and don't need it. Some people, um Everybody makes a choice. There's no right choice so, but yes, I felt literally horrible for six months. Sounds fun. Um You would be proud of me the other, the other day I started a podcast about menopause and I was gonna pass it on.
I did because I was like, you know what I work in this industry. And so I was like, Chris would be really proud of me. I'm only like 20 minutes in. So I'll let you know if I find it, you know, good that maybe you should listen to it. Well, you know what you and I can walk and talk and I could probably just fill your ears.
I mean, I'm learning about it. So at least, hopefully I'll know what to do in the future. Right. Um, ok, if lifting heavier hurts your joints, is there any reason you can't continue with lighter weights? If you're still mixing up your workouts and getting good results?
No reason why you can't, no reason at all why you can't. Um, there is so much emphasis right now on you have to build muscle, you have to build muscle. Yes, you do need to build muscle. But how much muscle is an individual thing? So, joint health is one subject.
Muscles are another subject. You have to, they kind of dance together. So why do your joints hurt? Hurt? Do you have arthritis?
Are you like a lot of people are like, oh my gosh, my knee, by this point in my life, it's bone on bone. I don't have any cartilage. Left squats hurt. Ok, I get that. So am I gonna tell you to do 50 deep squats a day?
Heck no, it's gonna hurt you. You have to come up with what works for your joints and your muscles. So, if maintaining muscle now, if you have zero muscle on your body, there are a lot. So think about this. There are a lot of women that I know that I call them um you know, skinny with muscle, body fat.
So they're skinny. I mean, and I, I hate that word skinny but um they're thin, they look great in clothes, but they have zero muscle. Like they're over 30% body fat, even though they're a size four, they're over 30% body fat, which is dangerous for cardiovascular disease. And they think, well, I'm, you know, I'm not heavy. I fit in all my clothes.
So, what's wrong with me? Nothing's wrong with you but you wanna add some muscle to your body. It's gonna help you in the decades to come. That being said, if you're somebody who's like, I have good muscle on my body, I do feel good. I feel accomplished.
I'm doing my strength and cardio workouts. But every time I go too heavy, my joints hurt, then listen to your body. It's a dance between your joints and your muscles. You want muscle though, you gotta have muscle, any of you who are not strength trained at all. And you're listening to this and you're making excuses every day.
Why you don't have to do it today? You'll do it tomorrow. Start today, start today. You're never, you're never too old. There are women building muscle in their sixties and seventies and eighties.
I mean, Chris has touched on it. We teach live classes and we both have women that are well into their seventies. 18 eighties maybe. Yeah. And I look at them and I'm so inspired like they come in and they grab the weights that they, they know that they can, you is what's good and heavy for them.
And depending on what you're doing. If you're doing a time interval, you're, you know, like, it, it all kind of depends, but it's like, so inspiring to see them, like, show up every single day because they know it's good for them. It's probably their, like relief of the day. But it, I'm like, I hope that I'm doing that when I'm 80 years old. And I'm telling you, like, at the live gym.
So we obviously love, get healthy U TV. We love at home workouts. But at a live gym, these women are making an appointment on their phone. The one woman I'm thinking in particular, she's She makes an appointment on her phone. She shows up every day.
She works out, you know, with her ability. She, I, I'm so proud of her. She, you know, does everything by herself. She drives, she walks around, she takes care of herself. She grocery shops like that's what I'm, that's what I'm going for now.
I, if you would have asked me when I was 33 what I was trying to do? I was trying to look good. I mean, and we had a lot less education then, but I was like, I just wanna look good. I want my muscles to be sculpted. I wanna look at now if you ask me what I'm doing, I'm like, I just wanna be moving when I'm 80.
I wanna be playing with my grandkids. I want, I don't wanna have disease. I wanna feel good. I wanna travel the world with my husband. Like I wanna do those kinds of things.
I don't even think about like I wanna look good. Um We have somebody just asking um how can I get more motivated when I'm by myself? I suddenly lose all of my gung ho when I'm trying to start a routine. That's really common. I mean, and we talk about this a lot.
We posted this on um Instagram today. Action comes before motivation. People are always waiting for their motivation. They're like, oh, I have to get motivated. I'm like, I'm just telling you right now, you're not gonna get motivated like motivation comes after action.
So it is forcing yourself to do something like you've got to load the dishwasher or your dirty dishes will pile up and you're screwed. I mean, what are you gonna do? You gotta take action, right? So you've got to wash your clothes or you're gonna have no clean clothes like you gotta exercise your body. Now, once you push yourself to do it, you get motivated because you start to notice the difference in your sleep in the way you feel in your energy, in your muscles, in the way you move in, you know, doing things that maybe weren't doing before accomplishing goals.
Like a lot of people now when you get older, like my age, people are traveled because they now have more time and money on their hands. And so it's like, well, if you wanna go hiking the Grand Canyon or something like that, you gotta be, you gotta be capable of doing that. So now you're getting motivated to do things, but action comes first. So make an appointment with yourself. Pick the workout out the night before, know what time you're gonna do it, put it in your calendar like this is my workout time, set up your workout area, turn the TV on.
Give yourself every possible success. Get started if you're 10 minutes into it and you absolutely can't do it. Ok. But I bet if you get 10 minutes into it, you'd stick with it. We see in the Get Health U TV group, sometimes people go today was not my day.
So I just decided to turn on an indoor walking workout. You know, one of our just, it's basically marching. It's really fun. And like once I did the walking, I was like, I'm good, I can keep going. Yep.
Um We have somebody, one of our memories must be saying, jumping into the Get healthy U TV, Facebook page motivates her. So that is a great way to get motivated as well. Great way to get motivated. I said that in the very beginning and by the way, if you need a little push, we have a really fun challenge for June. We do, we are doing something fun for June.
It's a little different. So it's what we're calling our 100 mile walking challenge. We are challenging you to walk 100 miles in the month of June. That doesn't mean stop your strength training or stop your yoga. It means count your steps and your miles and get to 100 miles.
So if you join this challenge, you don't have to be a good healthy U TV member, but you can be, you sign up, you download, we give you this like blank calendar where every day you're gonna write down your, um, steps or your mileage. Now, it's approximately 2000 steps per mile. And if you take 100 miles divided by 30 days of June, you're gonna get a little like 3.3 miles a day would be if you wanted to divide it evenly. But maybe you have some sedentary days and then on the weekend you do five miles or you do seven miles or whatever it might be. So you can divide it however you want, but you're gonna get to 100 miles.
No, we've had some people go. Well, should I count steps or should I count miles? I'm like, just don't overcomplicate it. Like if you got an Apple watch or Fitbit, it gives you both steps and miles. So, like when I look today, I can see how many steps and how many miles I have taken 5.36 miles today.
10.6000 steps. How about you look at me, I'm putting her on this. I know I gotta get there. Uh, 11,000 steps, 5.91 miles. I went for a short little run this morning.
So I'm sorry, let's see. I was like, so proud of myself that I would be more than her. No, today was a, was a little more cardio day for her. But anyway, that being said, we both passed a 10,000 mark today. So if you say you're gonna go three miles a day, approximately three miles, that's approximately 6000 steps a day and everything counts your daily chores.
You're going to the grocery store, you're walking, you know, if you live in a big city, maybe you walk a mile to work and you walk a mile back, whatever it is, get your mileage in every day, pay attention to it and let's go for 100 miles, sign up and then we're gonna talk about it in the Facebook group. Um, we're gonna stay motivated now, if it's raining outside, that's when you wanna use our indoor walking workout because we have a 1000, 2000, 3000, 9000 step workout that you can just do right in your living room and plenty of other options. Like we have power walking, boosted walking. We have so much fun stuff. Um Well, speaking of walking workouts, um, we do have a, somebody asking walking videos.
They are for cardio and getting your steps in. But what about toning is that also like a toning body weight? Like, can you talk about kind of the body weight workouts and the, the walking ones? Yeah. I mean, walking isn't gonna, like, fiercely tone your body because it is fairly low impact and it's not i intensely muscle straining, you know, in order to build muscle, you have to break down the muscle fibers, think about, like taking a piece of wood and hammering it.
And then you see all the little splinters come and then they need to re format and they kind of model and maybe even look a little sculpted, right? Your quad looks a little better or whatever it might be. So walking does use your muscles, it keeps them healthy, but it's not gonna like sculpt your quad. You can't expect like, oh, I walk five miles a day. So look at my quad.
It's just, you know, plus as we're getting older and we know our skin is singing a little bit and blah, blah, blah, blah. So here's the thing you wanna be strong. So walking does make you strong, but it doesn't, you know, engage your upper body or your core intensely. So you do wanna add some strength training in there if you can. Um we do have a walk in, what do we call, walk and sculpt workouts in the gold workouts.
We have a lot of walk and sculpt where you walk for five minutes, sculpt for five minutes, walk for five minutes, sculpt for five minutes. They're really fun. I love those workouts. Me too. As a matter of fact, when I'm on vacation, those are what I gravitate to because sometimes I'm just not motivated.
Well, see, not motivated. Like I'm not like, sometimes when on vacation I just want to get a break from my really intense workout. And so to me, I'm like a walking sculp. Sounds like a cup of coffee. It sounds pleasant but you get into it and it's not as easy as you think.
It's pleasant, but it's not that pleasant. Um, we have somebody saying she is 70 years old and she's been using 10 to £12 weights and she follows the calendars. She works hard but she's unable to go heavier. She says she does eat protein and wonders why going up to about 15 after two years is just not possible. I mean, I don't, I can't say exactly right.
But 70 I mean, heck, you're doing really well, like 70 using £12 weights at some point our joints, it's just, it, aging is a process like you can't deny it. You know, everyone say, oh, age is just a number and like, I'm a positive person. I say stuff like that all the time. However, as we age our entire body, all of ourselves, everything is aging. So you have to allow yourself to become who you are.
So, you know, I see a lot of 70 year olds using £8.10 pounds. And honestly, I think that that's amazing if you can do 10 and £12 weights. Wow. Now, why can't you get to 15? I don't know anything about your joint health.
I don't know anything about your past if you started working out just like in the last few years, or have you been active since you were a kid? Um Do you have any joint issues? You could progress but you're probably going to have to really, really slow things down, move really intentionally and try to, you know, get to those real fatigue places where you're like, oh my gosh, I can barely do another one and I'm gonna drop it. You have to decide if that's uh, of motivation to you. But if you are consistent with 10 and £12 weights, I think that's amazing.
Yeah, absolutely. Um Let's see here. We have a lot of people giving us calendar advice or like calendar suggestions. I love it. What are they saying?
Somebody said they did the yoga float tree workout. Um and kicked my butt. It was awesome. This is a workout. Um Can we get more yoga flow a tree?
So yoga flow Ary was Jennifer, wasn't it Jennifer? Yeah. Um Yeah, Jennifer Gardi, I love her. That's a fun workout. We should look at that one and just see because we could emulate it.
Jennifer also did a stress relief workout, which I'm gonna say it's one of our oldest yoga workouts, but it is one of my favorites. Um Another one. Can we get a newer version of the walk slash strength calendar and have it be a little bit more um, intermediate to advanced? Ok. I would like whoever wrote that, give us a little bit more about what do you mean intermediate to advanced?
Like I'm hoping you're not gonna say walk faster because we're already walking pretty fast. But do you mean more intense uh strength training? Um And I might give a little push back and say, I think if you pick up £15 weights with those strength training workouts, they're hard. This is the calendar, the walking, but I'd have to look at the calendar. I don't remember that one, but yeah, for sure we can make some more because walking is not necessarily just a beginner exercise.
It's a good entry for people, but like as an intermediate I or an advance, I enjoy them when I give it my effort. Do you? I mean, you, well, I mean, you laugh at all of us like, so Chris has been the walking fanatic for forever in our walking, um, and tried to get all of us and we're all like we're not doing that, we're not doing that. And every single one of us trainers who has slowly been introduced to it has gotten hooked to them. Um, I was like, Chris, I'm never leading one of those and then you got me to do it.
And I was like, all right now I'm gonna do a ton of them. They were, um, in the beginning I was like, ok, you guys indoor walking is my jam. I literally have been doing it for 15 years. Um, I have followed a lot of people who got started in the indoor walking. I used to do them online and I just, I love it and they would all be like, oh my, oh, that's like for old people.
Ok. Well, I'm never doing that. And to your point, all of the trainers now like beg for a walking workout. Yeah, even and Shelly was watching early. So I'm not sure if she's still on here, but um she did a great she, yes, she's like, I'm hooked.
So um we do have somebody asking how about a walking workout with lightweights in your hands. We could do that for sure. Put it on, we're adding them. Let's do it. Waited, walking, we'll call it, wait, look at you with the, with the names, waited.
Walking. See, we take your suggestions. You guys, we love it. When you guys ask like someone just asked for uh a third jump rope. We have two jump rope workouts and Sam and I are like, OK, put the jump rope uh workout in gold.
See, gold is very flexible. If you're a gold member. We are about a month or two out in workouts. So we plan them. We've already planned June, but we literally listen to your suggestions when you guys are like we need to yet another yoga sculpt.
We want another pyramid. We want another jump rope. We take that into consideration and we add those. So Shelly is here. Hi, Shelly.
Um She said I love the walking workouts. Can I lead one soon, Shelly come to Minneapolis and, and we'll have her lead one. She did. She loves those and her, of course, her spunk is just unmatchable. Too cute.
Um, we have some one asking, I have knee and joint issues. What type of exercises are safe for slimming the thighs if she cannot do lunges or squats? Well, asking you shall receive. We just recorded a no lunge leg day. We've had a knee friendly no lunge leg day.
We also have a workout called Knee friendly leg workout. Um, you guys have been asking about this. We also have strength and, um, strength and stretch, knee workout. So we do have a whole bunch of stuff that is no lunge for those of you who can't lunge and have some knee issues. We could definitely do another no lunge day because people like that, it's a brand new work Shannon did it.
And then I have my old one. Yeah, low impact lower body and it's all done on the floor because I had a broken foot on that one. So check out those four and then we will put it on our list to do another knee friendly. Yeah, because that's knees, um, are jeez, knees and shoulders. The most common.
Yeah. Um, let's see. Ok, we do have somebody asking. Um, it's been asked a couple of times is the weekend definitely on. Sorry to keep asking, but they don't want to buy air airfare, um, that they would be stuck with.
Yes, it's on. So get your moody signed up, please. We need you. We've crossed the threshold where we're confident that we have enough people and that more people are gonna sign up. I hope.
Are we like 75? Ok, so that's awesome. We need at least 20 more of you to sign up. So come on, sign up. But yes, it's on and we're already planning and we're getting everything organized and doing some prep work and um if you were there last year, you know what the venue looks like.
It's fantastic. Um So yeah, get ready. Um We have Laurie asking and Laurie, we might have to ask you some questions, but how long does it take for your newly recorded to show up? We're gonna need a little bit more information. So I'm not quite sure that's all that's our newly recorded if you're talking about our gold workout or premium.
So we drop them every Monday and Friday. You get a new gold workout every Monday and Friday unless it's a holiday. And if it's a holiday, we'll remind you in the Facebook group like Memorial Day that weekend, we're not dropping Friday or Monday. We get that little so out of 52 weeks a year, we probably drop 47 of them, 4847 weeks. We put a new Monday Friday up.
Um So typically they drop around 9 a.m. Sometimes they're more like five or 6 a.m. but we always try to guarantee around 910 central time. So you're gonna get that every Monday and Friday premium workouts. You're gonna get one in like the beginning of the month and one at the end of the month, you get two a month.
We don't have an exact date ever. It just depends on what's happening. And then once it drops, we tell you, hey, new premium workout. So if you are a gold member, you're always gonna get those. They simultaneously go from the website to the Roku and Fire TV and to the app.
So they should show up on all platforms on Monday and Friday mornings. Yes, absolutely. And she said thank you. So I think we answered her question. Ok.
Yay, yay. Um Let's see. I lost here we are. Are you good, good. I was just thinking about like, what did we just film on Monday?
I don't remember what we filmed. I did one on Unilateral. Oh, I did the Unilateral. Ok. And we do it.
So when we said people are dropping, there's more comments coming through about other workouts. Um bou balance, so unilateral are great because it does require a lot of balance. Like you do a really good job. I love unilateral training. It's so challenging.
OK? We're gonna put a comment in the Facebook group about bosu. We need to know how many people really have a bosu. Here's the thing you guys, we have like two or three Bosu workouts and they're never viewed. We, I mean, obviously we take data, right?
We look and see who's looking at what workouts, how many because if a workout never gets any views, we're not gonna record a second version of it because no one's using it. Well, no one does the bosu workouts. We do get people asking a lot, but like they don't get viewed very often. So we need to know how many of you actually have a bou because we have people asking for new bar workouts. Ok.
New bar. We will, we do have so many for a while. We took a little bit of a break, but we have one coming up. I'll be, I'll be Miss Sam Can on it. Um So yes, we do have, uh I know that we have bar on the schedule for June.
Um Let's see if I work out five days a week for about 50 minutes of workout. What should I do on active days of rest on the weekends. Um, well, what I do is I walk. That's all I do. So, Chris says I walk.
Um, I have, as I've gotten older, I just know that my joints need two days of rest, whether I'm sore or not. I just take those two days of rest. I just, oh, my body needs it. Now. Active rest, walking all year round walking, walking, walking, walking, walking, literally lengthens your life.
People do not discount walking, but like summer's coming. So now I'm playing pickleball too, so I might play pickleball for an hour and then take a walk because I try to get my dog out as often, try to every day. So, um that's what I do on active days of rest. Some people I know kind of use yoga as their active days of rest. Although yoga can be a really hard workout depends on what kind of yoga you're doing.
Um And so yeah, don't, don't feel guilty about five days a week is again that puts you in like the top 10% of every female in America. Um So you're doing great, listen to your body and just don't sit on your butt all day. Yeah, housework, any of that stuff or housework, gardening, yard work like 10 minutes of mobility even is just great to like move the body. So if you're working on mobility, just try doing that too. Um Is it ok that sometimes during get healthy U TV, workouts.
I need to press pause to catch my breath and drink some water. Of course. Oh, my gosh. I mean, first of all realize that we are trainers and we've been doing this for years and years and years. People always say to me, how do you talk while your heart rate's up?
I'm like, exactly, that's why we're not picking up £20 weights because we have to still be able to talk. But you get used to it because this is what we do. Um I will say that when I do Sam's workouts or I do Tara's workouts, I push pause all the time. I do. She's like, she's like, uh she's calling us out on live TV, because nothing wrong with it.
Like they're 33. I'm 58. That is a whole different age group and I just can't keep up with the pace. So I have no shame in stopping it, taking a pause and then joining back in. I, I don't even, I love it like I don't even care.
I love the energy. I love the whole thing. Like I was saying a lot of people like who are more flexible than me, I'm motivated them. Not, not because I think I'm gonna get that flexible because I think it is just inspiring to see that your body can do that. So there no problem at all.
Take and, and sometimes you just have to stop because you have to go to the bathroom or your phone rings or your doorbell rings. You hope you don't have to deal with those. I remember when my kids were little though and I'd be working at home and I'd be like, if somebody calls mom and needs, like, I'll just freak out. You know, this is my time for me. Um, do you have a favorite fitness app or any app to track different workouts that you do?
Um. Hm. No, I use Get Healthy TV. I don't know what that means. I don't like, write down my workouts.
Like, if I teach a live class, I don't write that down. No. And I keep track of like, my daily movement on my watch. But I used to be really hyper about my daily movement on my watch and now I've been like, you know what I'm gonna use it. Like, I used to use my heart rate monitor.
I wanna know what my heart rate is while I'm doing my workout. I wanna know my steps. But if I take it off and I, I'm not using it, I'm not gonna freak out about it. Look at you. Um, can you, this is not on the topic of strength, uh, training, but can you recommend any good protein bars?
Are there any out there? I'm not a big bar person because I'm not either. They're very full of like, weird slimy ingredients. I don't know. I hate the bars that melt because, like, if you put one in your purse and it's hot, like, if you've ever taken a bar on a airplane and you open it up.
Uh, um, granola bars are typically full of sugar. Um, and so the bars aren't my forte. I'm trying to think. I know the food, babe, she has a bar and quite honestly, it tastes good, but I don't, I don't like it because it's kind of mushy. Um, do you know of a good bar?
No, because a lot of them are made with nuts and I can't do nuts. So I stay away from all of them. Honestly. I, um, there is a granola bar that I bought at, uh, Costco. It's called and I don't even know if you can get it though on Amazon.
It's Autumn gold. I think it's like called Autumn's Gold is like the brand or something, but it is a granola bar made only from nuts and seeds. There's not sugar. It's got like 4 g of sugar in the whole thing. And it's not filled with like oats and fillers and nothing wrong with oats, but it's not like full of carbs and it's hard.
So it's not gonna melt. And I love those. I have, I'm going to Costco this weekend. I'm gonna look and see if they have them because I do like those. I'm not a big bar person.
I make homemade muffins all the time. And so like if I'm going on to travel on an airplane, I'll just put like a couple of muffins in a baggie. Uh Do the trainers have a default setting in their Apple watches when it is a combined cardio and strength but not hit? Um, we use hit. I would say I always use when in doubt use hit and remember, don't take this as the gospel like I have before done no workout and by accident hit the button and then all of a sudden says Chris, you just finished a swimming workout and you burn 500 and I'm like, wasn't swimming, was sitting on my couch.
I don't know how I burned 500. So when you tell it that you're actually moving it, it takes an account that you're moving even though I wasn't even moving. So just take it with a grain of salt. Like you might get a few extra calories, then you would, you know, if you pushed a different button like strength only or something or cross training, I've, I have done cross training for some of you. I have not or like you finally got me on to do it.
I used to do a hit for kickboxing and you're like, you know, there's a kickboxing, you know, button, there's a kick which again, I don't know how much different it really is. You know what I mean? Like if I did hit versus kickboxing, I think we should, we should we should try. Yeah, and just compare it. Um, can you talk about the, uh, best red light therapy, um, for like an arthritic right shoulder?
Well, infrared light in general is just really anti-inflammatory. It's kind of, you know, again, infrared lights having its day. I've been using it for 8 to 10 years on my back. It was something I learned about way back then and I realized that it penetrates deeper than a heating pad. So like a heating pad, which feels good.
There's nothing wrong with heating pads, but it just is like skin deep. Whereas infrared is a light wave that goes penetrates deep into the muscle tissue and can reduce inflammation. I started using it from my back long ago and it was like a massive help for me. And so I've been using it ever since as preventative every single day of my life. 365 days a year, I might miss two days a year.
I put that thing on my back for 20 minutes in the morning, every morning just as preventative, so far, so good. Um Now they make a lot of different like flexible pads, one that fits on the joints, slippers for the feet. We happen to work with a company called Led Technologies. Um And I often on Instagram, if you follow me on Instagram, we I will show you different Led products and there's typically a sale every like two months. I feel like, it's like every two months, they'll give us a coupon code where you guys can get like 20% off.
So we just finished a coupon code and we have a new coupon code. Is it starting on June 6th? I don't know. I think it starts on June 6th. So if you're interested in purchasing there is what they call a joint wrap and you can put it right on your shoulder and it's hands free.
You can walk around so you can literally like be doing housework, you can drive in your car, but you can put it on, the light stays on for 20 minutes, which they say is just like one rotation, but you could do it once a day, but there's no fault in doing it 234 times a day like there, you can do it as much as you want. Um And so it's very, I think it's very, very helpful. People sit in infrared saunas, people put infrared blankets on them. There's a lot of research showing the value of it. So if you are interested in that DM us, let us know and we'll get you the coupon code that begins on 66 and it is, it literally fits nicely on your shoulder.
Um Is there a difference between cross training and mixed cardio? Well, mixed cardio means you're doing different forms of cardio. Whereas cross training means you're doing strength training and cardio. So cross training is more of like strength meets cardio. Whereas mixed cardio means I'm doing a little dance.
I'm doing a little step in, I'm doing a little walk in. You're like mixing up your cardio. Um That is what that typically means. I, I mean, if you want to get literal about it, um Do you have any workout suggestions to target diastasis, recti? Um Pilates, Pilates, Pilates, Pilates, Pilates, you have to learn how to pull in your rectus abdominus and your transverse abdominus.
Your transverse abdominus is a muscle that wraps around your body horizontally like a belt. Your rectus abdominus goes vertically. It's this like six pack muscle, but your transverse is that lower belly pooch. And it's where, where when you gave birth, there's that separation in that diastasis recti where you can like place a deck of cards in between your, I say a deck of cards because I literally can place a deck of cards between my abs when I lay down. Um after three kids, but I learned how to, my muscles weren't ripped.
So I learned how to work those muscles and keep them nice and strong so that I don't have the diastasis recti or a hernia or anything like that. In Pilates, you learn how to properly breathe. We have a bunch of mat Pilates workouts. I really love our old mat Pilates workouts. If you go back and just put Pilates in our search bar, you can find a ton of them.
Um, and that's really, really important. We also have a 10 minute diastasis recti workout that Kate did one of our old trainers who still, she's a Pilates expert. She actually has her own Pilates business here in the twin cities. And, um, she has some, uh, a really good 10 minute diastasis recti and you'll also learn some of the things that you can't do. Certain roll ups don't work for, uh, people with diastasis recti certain planking.
It depends on the degree of it. Um We are slowly and Kegel and Kegels and Kegels and Kegels. I think you did, didn't we do like a whole video on Kegels? I don't remember doing it but I, I could have, she's like, I don't remember anymore after like 700 videos, I, I don't remember. Um Let's see here.
Let's take one or two because I have to go early today, go figure. And honestly, we've touched everyone. So I don't know if you want to touch on like our challenge that we, if you joined the late, like what our challenge is in June. And I think we're nobody even asked a lot of um nutrition question. They didn't, honestly, everyone stuck to like the, the you guys this time, I do wanna push the protein thing.
It's just, we're getting D MS about it. It's just again, like people are talking about protein, protein, protein on social media right now. Protein is important. Protein is the key to building muscle. So it doesn't or to repairing muscle and feeding muscle.
I should say you can't build muscle. You don't make muscle because you ate a hamburger every day. Like you're not gonna get strong from eating a hamburger. But the hamburger will fuel your muscle. It will give you uh strength, it will give you the repair, the amino acids that you need to repair it.
So protein is made of amino acids you have, oh my gosh, I'm drawing a blanket and I think it's 20 amino acids uh uh make up proteins and nine of them you cannot make in your own body. The other is the 11 you can make in your body. So those are called non-essential meaning um your body's gonna make some of them, the essential amino acids you need to take in through food and they're the most important ones for building muscle. So if you are not eating protein, you're gonna see very little progress in building or maintaining mus and again, as the quality of our muscle is changing with the lack of estrogen protein becomes a highlight like you need to make sure you're getting protein at every meal. And so keep that in mind.
Now, do you need to like overeat protein or only eat protein? Like all these crazy diets? The not the keto. But what's the one where you carnivore diet? All you eat is meat, meat and that's it.
Meat and oil or something. I don't, it's crazy. And like, maybe there's something else you eat, maybe it's nuts and seeds. You need a little fat. Um, but like, I'm not suggesting that at all, I'm just suggesting you get sources of protein in your diet throughout the day.
And animal protein in particular, the one thing about animal protein that's so special is that it has all nine of the essential amino acids in it. Plant foods will have like three of them and then another one might have four of them. So if you're eating a mix of plants, I personally think you're doing a good job of getting all your amino acids. There are people who are hardcore like you have to eat animal protein. Um I don't, you know, I've seen plenty of vegetarians who are building muscle, but you have to be diligent about getting that protein in.
I like animal product. I use whey protein because uh it, you know, it helps it uh with all those nine essential amino acids. So just make sure you're getting that protein in. Ok. We do have 100 mile challenge for June.
So join that. It's gonna be super fun all miles count. Whether you're gardening, walking outside, walking indoors, whatever you're doing, we're gonna get to 100 miles at the end of June and we're just gonna give ourselves a little accolades and also do your strength training during the month of June. But that's what we're gonna do instead of a calendar, we're just gonna say walk, walk, walk, walk, walk. And then we're also gonna encourage that you continue with your strength.
Um So sign up for that, we've got the link for you and then if you're interested in the get healthy U TV, uh weekend, go into the group. There are so many testimonials from the people who came last year. We want to see you. We're so excited to meet you in person. It is a game changer.
It's kind of like, you know, sometimes girls are like, let's go do a spa weekend, let's do something for us. This is for you. So gather another friend, you can even bring a friend with you that isn't a get healthy U TV member, you know, bring somebody with you or just come and meet new friends and get healthy, you know, that are get healthy U TV members that there have been so many friendships formed and like when people are traveling to other States and they're like, oh, I'm gonna go meet up with this person and they've only met virtually via, you know, our group, um our group page and then they'll go to that state and they're like, well, I'm gonna meet up with that person, which is just like, so cool to see. It's so cool. Like who knew that the internet could like, connect people, connect people in that way.
Those are the helpful things. OK? You guys. It's been so fun to chit chat with you again. We'll see you back here next month.
Like I said, we try to come live most months. I bet we come live 10 months, a year, nine months, a year. Um, and we're game for any question and any information this is your place to ask. So, um, we also take suggestions for topics if there's or anything that we're getting a lot of questions about. Like, how do I know when I should use heavier weights?
That's why we decided on that today. So, all right, you guys hang in there. Life is good. Summer is coming. We love summer.
We're so excited. We're summer FIFA even though we live in Minnesota. Um All right. Take care. Have a great day.
Thanks for joining us.
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