GOLD Cardio Mix 1
Melissa VillagomezDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Mini band, mat
Instructor: Melissa Villagomez
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Hey, hey, get healthy, you TV. Spot. My name is Melissa and I'm here today with a beautiful ta. We are going to take you through cardio mix. Number one.
This is the first time we've done this. We're gonna do three different formats. So we'll just walk you through as we go, it's gonna be all body weight, lots of cardio. We're gonna get a good sweat today. So we're gonna get started.
That sounds great. I'm so excited. 45 minutes, right? This is a for thank you, 45 minute workout. We are gonna warm up really good today.
So we're nice and ready to go because there will be a lot going on. So we're gonna warm up and then we'll get going. All right. So we're gonna start with shoulder rolls back, open up that chest good. So nothing too crazy and special.
Other than like you said, a bunch of a few blocks. Yep. So it'll be Tabata, which I'll walk you through and then we're gonna do, let's bring those for uh shoulders forward. Then we're gonna be doing 45 2nd drills. You will get breaks in between everything.
I promise you That's so nice. I know. And then we're gonna do some kickbox today. So we're gonna do Tabata 45 2nd drills and kickboxing. Let's open up that chest and give ourselves a hug.
Yeah. Really? Open up that chest. We are gonna be doing a full body workout. We're working everything today.
Nothing gets left behind. I will have some modifications for a few things that we have modifications. Thank you, Tara. She will be doing our modifications. All right, we're gonna walk out.
So if you have a map, we're gonna walk out into a plank cold. So we'll just walk on out into a good plank cold here. Let's bring our right leg forward into a runner's lunge and we're just gonna rock back and forth on that toe. That back toe. Nice.
Oh, doesn't it keep going? Just rocking back and forth? Like I said, we're gonna do a good warm up because we're gonna need it. All right. We're gonna take that right arm and I'm just gonna bring it up to the ceiling.
We're gonna roll that wrist in both directions. Nice. All right. We're gonna thread the needle four times through. So here's one to us.
Three and four. Just hold it up. We're gonna hold it here one more time. Little, hold nice work. Just pushing up, pushing into those hips, bring that arm back down to that plank, bring that foot back.
We're gonna do a little rock on the toes. Back and forth, back and forth. Nice. Amazing how much your heart rate just gets up in a plank. Right, right shoulders are already in the, we're in the warm up.
All right, let's bring that opposite leg forward into that runner's lunge and again, now we're just gonna kind of rock back and forth just pushing through that hip flexor. Oh Feeling that even that front leg, inner thigh, that feels so good. That's literally the best way to start a workout is because we need it. All right, we're just gonna hold steady center, bringing that opposite arm to the ceiling, doing those rolls in that wrist, which will help opposite direction. Nice.
Let's thread that needle four times. Here we go. One, two, three and four. We're gonna hold to the center or up to the sky, I should say, bring in that arm back. Now, let's just hold you for a hot second.
Bring that leg back, little rocks one more time. Nice work. We're gonna come into a down dog. So we're just gonna bring our hands back, push those hips back to that back wall, peddling out those feet, pushing those palms into the floor. Keep those shoulders away from your ears.
Good. Stretching out those calves. We will use them. We're gonna be on our toes doing some fast feet. A little bit of jumping.
Not too bad. No. All right. We're gonna walk it in nice and slow. All right.
Stand up. And roll those shoulders back. Oh, yep. We're gonna move that mat out of our way here. All right, we're gonna start with right left knees just to get that heart rate up a little bit before we go into a first round.
So we're just gonna go here right and left. Good. Good. Still in our warm up, but just kind of warming up getting that heart rate up before we start jumping out of our shoes here. Good pores, nice and tight.
Chest, high shoulders, low, good. Ok, I'm breathing. We're almost done here. Yep. Four, three, two and one.
And that's our warm up. Woo hoo. All right. All right. Here we go.
We're gonna jump right into it. Ok. So our first move is gonna be jump squat you come center touchdown and jump up. Tara's gonna modify. Yep.
All right. So we're gonna start 20 seconds on. Ok, here we go. We got 10 seconds rest, right. 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds on eight rounds ready.
Set and go. Let's go for 20 seconds. So come on time. Do you get to move at your pace? Yep.
Your tempo. Yep. That's the awesome thing. You get to do your own speed anytime. And really we are just gonna go here.
So here's our break. 10 seconds off. That's it. All right. Round two, here we go.
Round two. Ok, round two of eight, I'll count everything down for us. Make it simple for you all. They have to do is follow along. Right.
Good luck to them. We have a hard job here. Nice work. Come on. You've got this and really?
Oh, what a step. It side to side. Yep. Good. Oh, nice work.
Yep. Just 10 seconds. Yeah. All right. Round three.
Ready. Let's go. Round three. You got this. Yep.
Heart rates are gonna be up. It's gonna start to feel a little bit more difficult. Right. As you continue through the CTA for sure. And take breaks whenever you need to.
Yep. Really side to side. It doesn't really matter what side we're on another option. Could be a squat hole. Right.
Yep. I'll show you that one next. Ok. All right. Round four.
Let's go halfway. Come on. Come on, come on. Who we got it. I guess you can get low.
No squats. Hello? Little legs. Come on and released. So if you want to hold a squat on your 12th break, here's an option.
Ok. Get low. Come on, team. Come on. I'm not sure which one's better.
Ready. Go round five. They're both brutal. Yeah. I don't know if it's much of a break.
Come on. You got this, we got it. Let's go breathing. Working. Let's go, gentleman.
You got it. You ready? Come on. Really? I'll hold again.
I'll step out of the hold. Yep. I like right here. Let's go. Hang on.
Round six. Ready. Let's go round six. Who? And I promise you.
I'm watching a clock and not cheating you. I'm not, we're really doing 20 seconds. You got this team. Come on push. Let's go.
Get low on those legs and hold or release. Come on. Hang on. Where are we at? Almost there?
Round seven. Ok. Ready and go. Round seven. Let's go.
Come on push. You got it. Make sure you're breathing. Let's go. Let's go.
Oh, we said cardio didn't we, we did say cardio. Cardio. Cardio. Yep, and hold the release. Oh, now you have us.
We have this final ready round. Let's do this. Let's close it out. Save the best for last. How much?
Let's go. Keep breathing. You got it. Come on almost there and release. Woo.
All right. Nice work. Wow. That gets the heart rate up. Team.
What a way to start. All right, we're gonna use our mats for this next one and then we'll get rid of them. All right. So 45 seconds on 20 off, we're going to walk out like bear crawl out into a plank crawl back in stand and jump or stand on your toe and reach. Ok.
So round 1, 45 seconds on 20 off. Here we go. Ready. Let's go walking out and that bear crawl into the plank back in standard jump. Nice work.
Come on and again, I promise I'm watching the clock. We will do 45 seconds. Nothing more. Nothing less. So lucky you all, you gotta do is think about your form.
Absolute. Once you have that down, do you move a little slower? Mm I love it. You move a little quicker option. Dropping those knees to the ground, walking it back.
So true. So if you want a little bit more modification knees to the ground, one more, one more nice work. Really? OK. Just take a break, catch your breath, move those feet around a little bit.
We're here for 20 seconds. Our next ones, we'll move this man out of the way. We're gonna be going fast feet. I'll let you know when to add in our hands because our hands are gonna be moving up and down and we're gonna go in a 360 circle. Oh, I know.
All right. Round two are set to, let's go. We're gonna go right here to start fast feet. So that's why I said we're using our calves today on those toes and you can move your hands here or if you wanna hold them here, you certainly can do that. Let's bring those arms up and down, up and down.
I wanna get some shoulder work. That's why we're bringing these arms in. Come on, let's move over that shoulder right side here. We're gonna go around the room a nice 360. 0, come on, let's turn it again.
Facing the back of the room. All right. Come on. Come on. Push, push, turn it over that other shoulder again.
Yep. Perfect. All right. All right. Let's go.
We're getting there. Turn it to the front. We made that nice 360. Let's go. Let's go.
Yep. Buron almost there. 32 and one. There's that card go. Yeah, that got the heart up too.
All right. Our next drill. So we have three in this section is gonna be small, narrow jump squats like they're all together. Squeezing. Ok.
Chest high, shoulders, low. And we're just coming up and down. Ok. And I'm coming to my Yep, tippy toes. Yep.
Perfect and squatting. Yep. Perfect. Using the legs. That's right.
All right. Here we go. 45 seconds on ready set and go. Here we go. Good.
Whether you're ready or not. Right. That's right. So with this one again, you go to your own speed and tempo. You don't have to be flying through this.
Take your time. We're looking for that good form, please. Chest high shoulders low, squeezing those legs together, sitting back in those heels like you're gonna go sit down on a chair. Come on. Come on.
Holy legs. Oh, and really? 0, 45 seconds. She means business people. That's right.
So now the fun thing, we get to go through that one more time. One more time. Lucky. Hit the kickboxing. All right.
We'll move our, our ma for the walkout planks. Yeah. All right. 45 seconds on walk out, walk in jumper, stand here we go. Ready and go.
All right. So good. So it really hold in that core. Nice and tight on that plank. Bring in those hands underneath your shoulders.
Like Tara was talking about it's really working that form. Nice. I'm on team. We got it. Hang on, hang on 15 seconds to all we can do this.
Get up our body right here. That is all we got his body weight. People saying we going to do our whole body. Nothing getting left out today. Five seconds.
Let's go. Oh, really? W we nice job. Now we're gonna move this out of the way for a while here. If not forever, we'll see.
All right, next drill, fast feet, then we'll add our arms and this time we'll go the opposite direction. You're turning that way. It's getting fancy. I am. All right.
You guys here we go fast feet. Oh, come on on those toes. Push, push, push, quick turnover, quick turnover. Let's add those arms up and down. Good more shoulder work.
Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Let's turn over that left shoulder. Ok.
Good. Come on. Come on. Good looking good. Let's go.
Texas. High shoulders are low and to the back of the room making our way around in that 360. Let's go play on those feet. Yep. And turn again.
Come on, we have this, let's go. Push, push and forward. Hang on 43, two and one. Yeah. Yep.
All right. Small narrow jump squad. Yes. Yes. All right.
You know, modifications. We've done this one. All right. Take it to your own speed and tempo. All right.
Legs together. Here we go. Ready and go. Nice work again. Chest is high shoulders.
Low. Squeeze those legs. Come on. You have this really trying to think about keeping the, your knees, your inner thighs together. Right.
You're trying to act on a narrow spot. Absolutely. So, it's squeezing, squeezing. That's why I don't worry about going so fast. We want that form.
Come on. We're almost there, almost there and release. W oh, nice work. 45 seconds of work. Yeah.
Straight, straight cardio. It's a lot right there. Yep. All right. Grab water when you need to towel off when you need to take breaks when you need to.
We're gonna start. Our next section is kickboxing. Not super choreographed. Easy to follow along. So we're just gonna start with jabs forward.
Right leads, which just looks like this here. Good. So this one lifting your heels off the ground. Yep. Or a full step.
Even it gives you just that better range of motion. Ok. Good. Chest, high shoulders, low, long arms, keeping those elbows nice and tight to your core. Good.
Come on. Come on, push and push. Oh Yeah. Use your back. Come on.
Yep. That punch comes from your back, not your elbows or your wrist. That's right. Come on. Nice work.
We're gonna get ready to make these upper cuts right lead and we'll stick with this tempo in 432 and go, you're here up up good. And this one, I kind of just lift the heel up. It gives me that range of motion. Elbows t tight, good. Come on.
It's a little move but a powerful move. Good. That's right. Come for it. Tight.
Rotation through your core. Shoulders are coming down, down, down down. Let's go show off those beautiful biceps. That's right. We're gonna get ready to put this together.
So we're gonna do two jabs front two upper cut. OK. Keep repeating that. OK. 432 and go.
It goes jab jab up up, jab jab up up. Good. Now, if you wanna get a little fancy, you can stand tall on those jabs. The level change low on the upper cuts good. So you're kind of seeing and feeling that level change in your legs.
Good. Push, push, calm on, make sure you're breathing. Yep. Looking good. Let's go.
Let's hold the uppercuts, hold the uppercuts good. Come on. Come on. Push, push, getting ready to jump rope so that we can transition into our next move. All right.
432 and go jump rope. Nice. Good. Yep. And you can go side to side if you want taking and pedaling my feet.
So you want to right now, a little tiny bounce. Not even really a bounce or a hop just. Yep. And this is just a transition move. So it doesn't have to be anything crazy.
We're gonna get ready for right lead. Jabs to the side. It's just gonna be a regular tempo. Jab like this Jab and Jab and Jab. Good.
Yep. Good. Now I think of the motion of push, pull, push, pull, you're pushing into that Jab, but then you're pulling away from that target. You go get it, you go after it and then you come back good elbows in, tight to that core using those legs as you kind of bounce in and out. So it's a full body workout.
Come on. Nice work. Let's go. So we're getting ready to make this a jab cross. It'll be right left.
All right. 432 and go. It goes jab cross. Yep. Perfect.
Now, Tara's taking her knee with, on that cross, I'm gonna do an option where you keep Sumo squat legs and you're just kind of going back and forth on those legs. It protects your knee a little bit if you have any knee issues. Ok. Good push. Oh, come on.
Yep. You got this team. Let's go. All right. We're gonna get ready for that repeater knee.
That knee is gonna come in that right knee. We're gonna face the wall there. 432 and go. It goes knee. There you go.
Come on. Yeah. All right. Driving that knee up to your chest, chest is high, shoulders are low back is flat. All that weeds on that foot in front.
Yep. Feeling those legs. Yep. Quad hand me b big time. Let's go.
Come on. You got it, Chris work. Push and push. Be on that core. I love this because this is even a core workout and all standing too.
I love it. Getting ready for a fast fee to the front of the room. Just to transition. 432 and go. You're here.
Transition. Yep. And hands can be here. They can be here however you wanna do it. We're getting ready to do that other side.
Now, same drills starting out with this tempo. Jab ready. Let's go. You're here, Jeff and Jab push and pull is how I figure these legs push into it, pull back, push and pull. Come on.
Nice strong jab out. Push, push, elbows are in tight. Nice work. Oh Come on team. Let's go feel that bad.
Push. Yep. Push and push. We're getting ready to make this a Jab cross 432 and go with Jab cross again. Tara is gonna take that cross with her niece.
I'm gonna say Sumo giving you an option to not take your knee with you. OK? Come on. Push. Push.
Hello back. Hello, core. Hello legs. Yep. Let's go.
Push, push. We're getting there. Let's go. Let's go work in those legs. Work those arms.
We're getting ready for that repeater knee again. It's four, three, two and one right here. Push and one. Come on. Who?
Working hard? You got a team. Yep. Chest t shoulders, low, back, flat, elbows in tight. Come on.
Anchor that heel into the ground. Yep. That's it. Push, push, push, push almost there. Hang on.
I wanna just work through this endurance. How long can we last? Oh, boy. Yeah, that's a scary thought. I know.
4321. Fast feet to the front. Oh, nice work. Come on. Nice work.
Four, three, two and one release. Nice work. That was a great. Here we go. Hey, yeah.
All right. We're moving on to a new round of Tabata. This one will be simple. Eight rounds of jumping jacks 20 seconds on 10 off. Love it.
Simple. Ok. Ready set and go round 10, no rest for the weary. No. All we moving.
Oh, come on team. I got your low impact options. Yep. Hip to head. Let's go.
Let's go. Those hands working hard. Really? You're just moving your feet at this point. That's a lot of jumping.
So you just kind of wanna move those feet just to keep that heart rate. It's coming down a little bit. All right. Round two. Ready.
Let's go. It's here. Let's go. Come on, we got it. Put a smile on that face.
That's right. We're having fun now. Right. Come on, we can do this. Let's go.
I keep release and release those 20 seconds will go by pretty quickly. Next I think. Hang tight, hang tight. All right. Moving into round three already 432 and go.
Let's go. Come on, I three, we got it. Come on keeping that chest high, shoulders low. Of course, tight. We got.
It is right. Make sure you're breathing and release. Come on almost halfway there. Yep, almost halfway there. We got this.
Yes, we do. Simple move. So that really, you don't have to think too hard about what you're doing, you want, but all you can think about then is your breath. Yep. That's gonna help you.
How challenge you are. Come on here's another option. If jacks are hard, you can do a jack with your legs totally together and just bounce. Ok? If jacks just don't work, you can go here, you can go here.
You can jog. I just want you to know some like good cardio, lots of options and release. So those are options that are still cardio, still not a modified and get your heart rate up if jacks are just too hard. All right, we are round six, round six. Yep.
Ready set and go round six. We need friends to work out with. We're gonna hold you accountable. We have to be uh huh. That's good.
You're here. Well, we all need, I feel like the oxygen lack of oxygen speaking and working out is hard to do and release two more rounds. You got this, we can do this ready set and go who? And I'm just gonna keep flowing through these different options so you can see them as we go. Choose what you like.
Good, good push and push. Come on one more, one more. One more. I'm telling you they get you. All right.
Last one there were 45 seconds or 20. I know. Ready. Let's go. Last one.
Here we go. Push and push again. I'll run through the options here. Come on. Come on.
It's only 20 seconds. Almost there, almost there. 4321 release. We made it through the last round of Tabata. Wait to go.
Here we go. I'm sweating. I know you're sweating. All right on to that next set of 45 2nd drills. 45 seconds on 20 off.
We're gonna use our mat for this one. If we want to, don't have to, if you need to do something for risk, grab it, we're gonna go into Plank Jacks. Ok? So playing Jack one round 45 seconds on. I promise I'll watch the time.
All right. So if you should work here, if you need a mat, grab me, I know I am gonna see on my toes and I'm gonna tap my feet side to side. Ok. Ready and go in and out. So hands are over or under the shoulders.
Pet is in line with your spine. Ok. Buns out of the air core is nice and tight. We got it. Come on, come on one option to neutralize those wrists.
You could have them on top of a weight. I like that. Even though I know we don't have weights. Yep. In this workout.
But if that's something you have at home. Yeah, because this is too much on your wrist. Yep. Love that. 12th option.
10 seconds. Love it. You can even go down to your elbows if needed. Yeah. 4321 release.
Nice and easy. Standing up. Nice and easy. So you don't get dizzy. All right, this one is gonna be stepping out coming center jump.
So let's step here together. Step here together, reaching in the middle. Yep. Yep. In the middle.
All right. Here we go. 45 seconds on starting on our right. Ready and go. So let's step out here and jump good again.
45 seconds on moving at your speed and temple. OK. Always remember that. Super important. Hello legs?
Oh That big muscle group. Yeah, it's gonna raise that heart rate whether you're jumping or not. So true. So true. Come on.
Who they're burning almost there. Five seconds. Come on. I'm lifting those arms above my head to help with the right. We're done.
Sorry. OK. Well, I was saying I'm lifting my arms above my head since I'm not jumping to help keep that uh heart rate elevated. Yeah, and that works very much. So.
Um next drill, la lunge, the lateral lunge here. Center jump here. Center jump. OK. Taking it to your own speed and tempo.
Yep. Modifying in the will be reaching in the middle on my toes again. Perfect. Here we go. Ready and go lat lunge and center good flat lunge.
Good. Come on. Really? Getting nice and low. Right.
If you wanna reach, go for it, you can come all the way down. If that's hard, go here kind of elbow to knee almost. Yep. Yep. You choose how you want that or you could reach the floor.
Yep. Since I am taking the jump out and going on my toes to get really big range of motion. I love that big flexibility. It looks great. Hang on.
Hang on. You got this. Who and release? Oh Wow. Nice work.
We are, we are working hard. Team. We have to do that one more time. We have that lucky us. Yep.
I made this work out all fun. We're having fun. It's true. We're working hard and burn a lot of calories. Yes, we are.
So, that's great. Yep. All right. So back to that point, Jack, knowing your options, Sarah has them. Yep.
All right. We're ready to go. All right. Go. Team.
Let's go. Let's go and time starts. Now. Who come on. Come on chorus tight.
Squeeze your glutes. Love it. Pull up on those quads. Yep. Hands under shoulders.
Yes. Yes. Bones out of the air. Oh Yeah. Buns out of the air for sure.
No. Buns in the air today. Team. No. Come on, push and push.
Come on. Head in line with your spine. Don't drop the head. Let's go. Let's go.
I'm gonna give one more option if you want. You could take it standing. Love it right here. Love it. Is that too much on the wrist and the shoulders?
Yep. And release. Nice and easy. Standing up. So you don't get dizzy.
It nice and easy. Oh, nice work. Come on. Moving on. Stepping out center, we'll go to the same side again.
OK. Step out, center, out, center, your speed and tempo. 45 seconds on. Ready. Let's go down center and up.
Come on. You got this. Come on, good second to last exercise in this 45 2nd block. Come on. Use those legs like Tara said, just using those big muscles.
Gets that heart rate pumping. You don't even have to jump. No, I can feel mine rising. Yep. And I'm only coming to my toes.
I know it's awesome. I am reaching those arms above my head though to help drive that heart rate. Come on and release. W Oh nice. Yeah, that was a good push.
All right. Let me go into that little bit of kickbox and we're done. OK. Flat lunge. Same side.
Lunge. Jump me flat, lunge, jump me. OK. Ready set. Go here and jump and again, you can come to your knee with that elbow totally up to you.
Come on, push push. We got this. You got this final final 45 seconds. Yep. We go to kick boxing.
Let's go. Come on, come on, let's go. Let's go. Everyone loves a little good, a little good, little good cardio. Oh, my gosh.
Wow. What is she trying to say, folks? Some good cardio. Oh, nice. Oh, yes.
Yeah. All right. Breather for a hot second. We'll start with that little bit our last bit. Yep.
They kick box and then we'll stretch it out. Call it a day. Fantastic. All right. So we'll start on our opposite lead this time.
Might do similar stuff. Ok. Um, we'll start on that opposite lead. Left lead. Jabs for just to get this going.
Ok. We'll go on from there. So we'll start here jab jab good chest, high, shoulders, low. Come on, take this time to catch your breath if it's still really high. My heart rate is definitely high still.
This is like your active recovery, right? It does feel like that. It feels good. So you're still moving. Yeah, but you're not jumping.
Yep. Come on. We're gonna take the angle of these arms more diagonal. So it's gonna be kind of side to side work in that right lead. Ok.
And go, you're here. Sorry, I got us up on the leads here rotating through that core. Yep. So shoulders, low, chest high, feel that core twist. Come on.
Come on corner to corner. Yep. So you're thinking diagonal. Yep. Shoulders, diagonal, soft knees.
Yep. So you're still even working those legs a little bit. Push and push. Come on, push. Let's bring this back to the front.
So we're just gonna come back front. So we'll go on our right lead. Ok, we double right, double left, ready and go. You're here. Double, yep.
Now let's move our legs. Come on side to side, side to side. You got it. Come on side to side. Come on team.
Yep. Let's go. We did a lot of legs. We'll stick to kind of some upper body here. A lot of jumping and a lot of legs in our other drills.
Come on. Single this out singles. That's perfect. Perfect. Good.
Oh You got this team. Come on, this is an arm workout right here using that back. Who needs a wave? It's just moving my microphone here. Come on.
Come on. We're gonna go into hook arms ready. Let's go. Right. Lead, hook, hook tempo.
Yep. Tempo. Yeah. Shoulders. Stay low.
Elbows are below your shoulders. OK? So when you come up in that hook, it's a small move but a powerful move. Keeping those elbows below your shoulder. Come on, push and push.
We got it. Let's go. Let's go. Getting ready to jump rope here. Ready.
Jump roll. Good. So you can take this jump rope down to just like a toe. Touch you on your toes. Yep.
Just pedaling my feet. Yep. Still turning that rope. Love it. Feeling those biceps.
That's right. Come on doing awesome. We're getting ready for right left knees ready. Let's go. You're here.
Come on. Nice work. Chest, high shoulders, low, driving that knee up. Come home. Of course.
Yes, you can. Yep. So good. Come on, drive that and you squeeze that core looking good. We're getting ready to double these knees.
So we'll double right, double left ready. Let's go. Double and double. Nice work. So good.
Your core. Come on here comes those legs again. We gave him a little break just to tell you what. Now this is big time, hip flexor, inner thigh growing. Come on back to singles.
Single, single, good. We're gonna turn these into kicks just single kicks, alternating legs. Come on ready. Let's go kick it. I'm keeping my kick a little lower.
I love that. We are at the very end of our workout. Your hamstring should be a little bit, um, more warmed up than they would be if we did this at the beginning. True. Come on.
Come on, we're almost there. We're on the home stretch. It. Here's where I said those legs get kicked back in. Come hang on, hang on, getting ready for a boxer shuffle.
Speed. Big arm, 432. Go, you're here just side to side. Good boxer shuffle feet. Speed, big arm, chest, high shoulders, low elbows out, nice work.
Push, push. Oh, you got this. Yep. He shoulders so true. Hey, I right.
Come on. Hang on. Yeah, you can be a little shoulder hang on. We're gonna come back out in those jabs in a second. Right left.
Ready. Let's go. You are. Here's where that heart rate's gonna come down a little bit. Come on, we're almost done.
Oh Breathe. Yep. Bring that heart rate down. Come on. Four, three to and one hands are gonna come in.
We're gonna go here around the core. Bringing that heart rate down. Good Pelvis is tucked under your kind in that P A squat chest, high shoulders, low, wrapping around that core. I like the standing core. Yep.
Oh And it brings our heart rate down. OK. So that's the good thing. We wanna kind of get to that next phase, which will be our cool down. So we're just bringing that heart rate down.
Nice and easy. Four three, two, one hands are gonna go behind our head. We're not lacing our fingers, but just here right left with a single side to side. Good. The goal here is to keep your back straight.
So we're not forward doing this. Everything's in line. Pelvis is tucked under could reach that took a little pressure off your back. Yep. That's a good option.
Love it. Good. Oh Decide. Decide you're gonna feel this all back in here too big time. You gotta get on the right.
I'm gonna follow you. I take a break and then I need to look back where you are. Hang on four. Hello? Oblique two and 10 my goodness.
Bring those legs in. Cool down. Oh, yes. Nice work. We are gonna cool down.
All right, you guys bring that one arm across. What was that? I shake my legs out. I know that squad was so true. No joke.
Pushing that shoulder down. Just bring it all the way across. Nice work. Open up that chest. Really big, really big.
Pull those shoulders back. Actually, we're gonna grab our hands. Let's stretch through that chest. Oh, may work. All right.
Let's bring our arms back out. Other arms gonna come across shoulder stays low. Palm is up and you're just pulling that arm across. Big stretch. Nice work.
Come on. Oh, great work today. That was so fun. Thanks, Melissa. You're welcome.
Thanks for doing it with me. My accountability partner on my rounds here. Well, sometimes I'm not the best at that though. I need a partner myself. Yes.
It's good to have people around you and with you for sure, we're gonna bring our arms in front and we're gonna just open up those shoulder blades. We're rounding out our back shoulders low and think about separating those shoulder blades. You're pulling on those wrists, rounding out that back. Nice and round separating those shoulder blades from here. We're just gonna take it down in the center lead with your head.
So leading with your head, we're just gonna rock those hips kind of back and forth. Kind of sitting into them, stretching them out. Hang on, hang on. We're gonna slowly walk our feet together as we hang. Ok.
Now we're gonna go like half circle around those feet feeling that stretching those hamstrings lower back calves. A little. Some of that whole backside it band. Maybe we're gonna stop. Center hang for a hot second.
Slowly roll up, roll those shoulders back. We're gonna do one more stretch on each side, one arm comes up, quad stretch. Now, if you need to grab hold of something at home for balance, please do. Oh, boy. I know.
And then there are days I'm not. It just depends. All right. Other arm or leg. Oh, yeah.
Fine. And that balance again. If you need to grab a wall or a chair, please do. Nice work. Come on, hang on here.
Just stretching that quad out hip flexor bringing it down. We're gonna stretch through that waist and then we're done for the day. We're almost here for three, two and one. We are all done. Nice way to go.
Way to go. Great work today. Have an awesome day. We'll see you next time.
This was great!! I liked the variety of intervals with some kick boxing. This was definitely challenging!
The description mentions a mini band so I had mine ready. It wasn't used. Great workout.
....also, sweat is ROLLING!!!!
Great work out Melissa and Tara!!! Very different for cardio, not just walking or jumping. Loved the kickboxing segments!!!